Islamic Beliefs

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  • Words: 2,227
  • Pages: 79
Definition of Islamic terms

Belief & Action

Seven Fundamental Beliefs in Islam

Who is Allah?

The names Allah and God

How to benefit from Allah’s Attributes?  Attributes of Allah are not just for

    

us to know them or understand them. But for us to ponder on them and connect with them. Example: Allah is All-Seeing What does this attributes of Allah mean to us? How should we live our life knowing

Allah is the sole Creator (Al – Khaliq)

Allah doesn’t rest nor need to get refreshed  “Allah! There is no God but He. the Ever

Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.  Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter . And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills.  His throne extends over the heavens and the

Allah alone is worthy of worship

Allah Begets not, nor is begotten

None is equal to Allah

Allah is All-Knowing (AlKhabir)

Allah is the Sustainer (ArRazzaq)

Allah is the giver and taker of life

Allah – The Judge on the Day of Judgment

Allah is The First & The Last

Allah is The Most Loving

Names of Allah 1-10 Allah

  The Greatest Name The AllCompassionate




2 The All-Merciful


3 The Absolute Ruler


4 The Pure One




The Source of Peace The Inspirer of 6 Faith


7 The Guardian


8 The Victorious


9 The Compeller

Al-Mutakabbir 10 The Greatest

Names of Allah 11-20 Al-Khaliq

11 The Creator The Maker of Al-Bari' 12 Order The Shaper of Al-Musawwir 13 Beauty Al-Ghaffar 14 The Forgiving Al-Qahhar

15 The Subduer


16 The Giver of All


17 The Sustainer


18 The Opener The Knower of 19 All 20 The Constrictor

Al-'Alim Al-Qabid

Names of Allah 21-30 Al-Basit

21 The Reliever


22 The Abaser


23 The Exalter


The Bestower of 24 Honors


25 The Humiliator


26 The Hearer of All


27 The Seer of All


28 The Judge


29 The Just


30 The Subtle One

Names of Allah 31-40 Al-Khabir Al-Halim Al-'Azim

31 The All-Aware 32 The Forebearing 33 The Magnificent The Forgiver Al-Ghafur 34 and Hider of Faults The Rewarder of Ash-Shakur 35 Thankfulness Al-'Ali 36 The Highest Al-Kabir 37 The Greatest Al-Hafiz 38 The Preserver Al-Muqit 39 The Nourisher Al-Hasib 40 The Accounter

Names of Allah 41-50 Al-Jalil Al-Karim Ar-Raqib

41 The Mighty 42 The Generous The Watchful 43 One The Responder to Al-Mujib 44 Prayer The AllAl-Wasi' 45 Comprehending The Perfectly Al-Hakim 46 Wise Al-Wadud 47 The Loving One Al-Majíd 48 The Majestic One Al-Ba'ith 49 The Resurrector Ash-Shahid 50 The Witness

Names of Allah 51-60 Al- Haqq

51 The Truth


52 The Trustee


The Possessor of 53 All Strength


54 The Forceful One


55 The Governor


56 The Praised One


57 The Appraiser


58 The Originator


59 The Restorer


60 The Giver of Life

Names of Allah 61-70 Al-Mumit




Al-Qayyum 63 Al-Wajid Al-Májid Al-Wahid Al-Ahad

64 65 66 67






The Taker of Life The Ever Living One The SelfExisting One The Finder The Glorious The Only One The One The Satisfier of All Needs The All Powerful The Creator of All Power

Names of Allah 71-80 Al-Muqaddim 71 Al-Mu'akhkhir72 Al-Awwal 73 Al-Akhir 74 Az-Zahir 75 Al-Batin 76 Al-Walí


Al-Muta'ali Al-Barr

78 79



The Expediter The Delayer The First The Last The Manifest One The Hidden One The Protecting Friend The Supreme One The Doer of Good The Guide to Repentance

Names of Allah 81-90 Al-Muntaqim 81 Al-Afu 82 Ar-Ra'uf 83 Malik al-Mulk 84

The Avenger The Forgiver The Clement The Owner of All The Lord of Dhul-JalaliWal-Ikram 85 Majesty and Bounty The Equitable Al-Muqsit 86 One Al-Jami 87 The Gatherer Al-Ghani 88 The Rich One Al-Mughni 89 The Enricher The Preventer of Al-Mani' 90 Harm

Names of Allah 91-99 Ad-Darr




An-Nur Al-Hadi Al-Badi

93 94 95









The Creator of The Harmful The Creator of Good The Light The Guide The Originator The Everlasting One The Inheritor of All The Righteous Teacher The Patient One

The World of

What are Angels created from?

Who are Jinns?

Angels are always obedient to Allah

World of angels

Angels bowed down to Adam

Was satan a fallen angel?

Why did Allah make angels to worship Adam?  Allah commanded angels (and    

satan) to prostrate to Adam. Allah wanted to honor Adam (humans) as the best of HIS creation. The arabic word used is ‘Sujood’ = Prostrate Allah did not used the word ‘Abudoo’ = worship In many cultures, people bow down to each other for respect. Are they worshipping each other?

Some prominent Angels

Allah – The Best Guide  Human beings, by nature are

fallible, short-sighted and frail.  Human beings needs guidance.  Allah is the Creator, Infallible, AllKnowing, All-Wise & Perfect.

Why need revelation when we have human reasoning?  Fact of life: Human knowledge is limited and fallible.  Thus, infallible guidance is needed.  Human reasoning sometimes cannot figure out the far

reaching negative consequence of their actions (tobacco smoking, ozone layer depletions due to pollution, global warming)  Thus need guidance from an All-knowing entity to

provide perfect guidance.

 Revelation provides objective common moral values

(objective).  Without objective moral values each group will claim

they are right and will try to impose it as correct thus causing chaos. Gays will say homosexuality is Ok, and non-gays will say it is forbidden…who is to decide etc. Likewise there will always be a dividing line between people regarding abortion….who is to decide….leads to chaos on the society.

Science cannot provide all answers  Science cannot predicts the long term

consequences of an action.  Science can change when new data is discovered  Science cannot satisfy spiritual and emotional hunger.  Science cannot provide answer to the purpose of our existence.

Muslims are required to believe in all the Books And who believe in that which has been revealed to you (Muhammed) and that which was revealed before you and they are sure of the hereafter. (Quran 2.4)

The Messenger (Muhammad ) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. They say, "We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers" - and they say, "We hear, and we obey. (Quran 2.285)

Some Books sent by Allah  Tawrat – To Prophet Moses (Musa)  Zabur – To Prophet David (Dawud)  Injil – To Prophet Jesus (Isa)  Quran – To Prophet Muhammed (s)  Quran also mentions the Sahifa

(scrolls) of Ibrahim (Abraham)

Status of Books besides the Quran

What about the Bible? Injeel, Taurat, Zabur etc. given to

Prophets Jesus, Moses and David were pure words of Allah.  Bible (Old Testament and New Testaments) contains words of historians, words of Prophets, words of eyewitnesses and may contain words of God.given to Moses, as mentioned in the Taurat Quran, is NOT synonymous with the first five books of the Old Testament or the Old Testament. Injeel given to Jesus is NOT synonymous with the New Testament or the four Gospels.

Allah appoints Prophets  According to Islam, Allah appointed

124,000 Prophets for nations of the past.  Names of 25 Prophets are mentioned in the Quran (Peace and blessings of Allah on them)  First Prophet – Adam (s)  Last Prophet – Muhammed (s)

What was the religion of all the Prophets?

Ibrahim (Abraham) was not a Jew nor a Christian but he was (an) upright (man), a Muslim, and he was not one of the polytheists. (Quran 3:67)

Do Prophets commit sins?  ‘No Prophet could (ever) be false to his trust…’(Quran       

3.161) Prophets are infallible in the sense that they don’t commit any sin deliberately But as humans they can make innocent errors of judgment. Prophet Adam ‘forgot’ Allah’s warning against shaitan (20:115) and so slipped into disobedience (2:36). Prophet Muhammad (s) made an error of judgment concerning the blind man (80:1-10). If our role models are angels, then our complain will be, ‘well they are angels, they don’t commit sin…we can never be like them’. If our role models are human beings committing major sins, then our excuse will be…’why follow another human being who is as bad as we are’. Thus, a prophet in Islam is a human being who refrains from any major or deliberate sins, and also is a human being prone to errors of judgment and then asking for Allah’s forgiveness. Therefore prophets in Islam retain

Role of the Prophets

Last Prophet = Prophet Muhammed (s)

Important to follow the ‘Sunnah’ of Prophet Muhammed (s)  ‘Sunnah’ = Example of Prophet Muhammed

(s), his actions, his words, how he lived, his approvals etc.  Life history of none of the previous prophets were preserved except that of Prophet Muhammed.  Every detail of his life is preserved  Explanation of the Quran and how to implement it in our life and society is preserved.

Life is not fair!

Why believe in the Afterlife?  Credible Book (Quran) mentioned

it  All the prophecies of the Quran came true

as mentioned:  Victory of Romans over Persians – Prophesied in 614 CE, fulfilled in 623 cE (Quran 30: 2-4)  Body of Pharaoh will be preserved (10.92)  Muslims will enter Makkah (Mecca) victoriously (48.28-28)  Humans will travel to space (55.33)

Logical Belief in the Hereafter -1

Logical Belief in the Hereafter -2

Why believe in the Afterlife?  Credible Person - Prophet

Muhammed -mentioned it  He never lied in his life  He was the most honest, just, sincere, best

person in the society  Prophecies mentioned by him all came true  Martyrdom of Caliph Umar and Caliph Uthman (Bukhari)  Victory over Byzantine, Persia, Syria, Yemen, Egypt (Muslims)  Muslims will conquer Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)  Growth of Islam (Bukhari)

Why believe in the Afterlife?

Quranic Verses on the Hereafter More than One third of the Quran deals with life in the Hereafter!

 What! did you then think that

We(Allah – Plural of Authority) had created you in vain and that you shall not be returned to Us? (Quran 23.115)  "And march forth in the way (to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who have Taqwa (God-Consciousness)." (3:133)

Journey of a soul - Believer 1. Angle of death, Izraeel, extracts the soul 2. Pleasant Angels wraps up the soul, ascends 3. 4. 5.

• • •

with it to seventh heaven. Soul deeds will be registered in the book of registry Soul brought back to earth and returned to body Two angels will visit the grave and ask the dead • Who is your Lord, What is your religion, Who is this man sent among you (Muhammed)? Grave will widen and window to paradise open in the grave Time of Barzak – state between death and resurrection Day of Resurrection

Journey of a soul - disbeliever •

Angle of death, Izraeel, extracts the soul – Painful extraction • Fierce Angels wraps up the soul, ascends with it to seventh heaven. • Soul deeds will be registered in the book of registry • Soul thrown back to earth and returned to body • Two angels will visit the grave and ask the dead Who is your Lord, What is your religion, Who is this man sent among you (Muhammed)? 6. Grave will shrink and window to hell open in the grave 7. Time of Barzak – state between death and resurrection 8. Day of Resurrection

Without a Hereafter & Accountability…

Firm belief in Hereafter & Accountability will bring…

Definition: Qadar = Due Measure

Belief in Qadar

Free choice  “And shown him (humans) the two

ways (good and evil)?” (Quran 90.10)  “And say: “The truth is from your Lord.” Then whosoever wills, let him believe; and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve” (18.29)  Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never

Things in which we DON’T have a choice     

Our place of birth born Who we are born to Our time of birth Our gender Our skin color

Allah is All-Just (Al-‘Adl) and the Best Judge

Things where we DO have a choice  Acceptance or rejection of 

 

monotheism Acceptance or rejection of all Prophets including Prophet Muhammed (s) Acceptance or rejection of the guidance, the Dos and Don’ts Our Actions Our Intentions

Quran – Guidance for Humanity

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