Islam 101

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Bismilläh Ar-Rahmän Ar-Rahīm In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

GREETINGS IN ISLÄM  Greetings when you meet or address someone AsSalämu Alaikum (short form) (Peace be upon you)  Return greetings WaAlaikum Saläm (short form) (Peace be upon you, too)


Isläm 101 Saeed Shaikh North Stonington, CT

PRAYER Chapter 1, “Al-’Fatihäh” (The Opening), The Qur’än 2. In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. 3. All praise belongs to God. 4. Lord of all Worlds. 5. The Compassionate, the Merciful. 6. Ruler of the Day of Judgment. 7. It is You that we worship, and to You we appeal for help. 8. Show us the straight path, the path of those You have graced, not of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who wander astray.

If it starts well, it ends well.


INVITATION “ Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knows the best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. ” (The Qur’an: Chapter 16 (An-Nahl), Verse 125).

Invitation to all in humanity 4

PURPOSE  Information  What

does Isläm mean?  What does Isläm stand for?  Why do you want to learn about Isläm?  What’s the structure of Isläm?  How could we help you more?

How about being Muslim for this hour? 5


religion?  What are the major religions? ♥ Judaism, Christianity, Isläm ♥ Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism ♥ Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism  Where does Isläm fit?

Major Religions 6

RELIGION  Dictionary

Meaning of Religion: Belief in God or gods to be worshipped, usually expressed in conduct and ritual.  Islämic Understanding of Religion: Religion is called Dīn in Isläm and the word Dīn is employed to mean the religion together with its practices.  Dīn ≡ Religion + Practices ≡ Milläh ≡ Way of Life.

What’s religion?


World Population

Growth based on Last 50 Years*

(in millions) Years Chan 20 20 20 Item ge* 02 102 15 21 Christian 1.00% 00 274 23 90 2.90 17 21 24 Muslim % 00 37 65 -0.10 Jew 15 15 15 % 10 Hindu 2.10% 82 968 0 74 37 43 Buddhist 1.20% 407 0 2 Sikh 2.00% 25 29 32 Confucia -0.25 32 314 31 nist % 0 0 Shintoist 2.10% 70 83 92 10 Others** 2.10% 80 945 0 71 78 48 2.30 62 World % 20 71 **African, Communist, non-58 religious, etc (c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas

Comparative Chart (Based on Last 50

Years) Musli Y Christ ear ian m 1 27% 12% 900 2 30% 19% 000 2 29% 21% 005 2 28% 23% 010 2 26% 26% 015 2 26% 27% 020 2 25% 30% 025

Major Religions 8

Where does Isläm fit?

Descendents of Abraham (P) A dam N oah Abrah am Isaac Ishma el Hindui Tora sm h M Judais oses m Buddhi Bibl sm e Jesus Christia Christ nity Qur’ änMuham Islä mad m

1900 BC 1500 BC 1300 BC 525 BC 4 BC 610 AD 2008 AD

ISLÄM As a noun, "ISLÄM" means:

As a verb, "ISLÄM" means: 

Surrender to Almighty Alläh

6 Articles of Belief

Submission to His Will

5 Pillars of Action

Obey His Commandments

Complete Way of Life

Sincere Worship Only For Him

Rights & Limitations

Peace in Mind, Heart & Soul

Moderation in All Things

What does Isläm mean?


MUSLIM Verb Verb

+ “er” = Noun

Talk Talk

+ er = Talker Walk + er = Walker Isläm + er = Islämer Mu + Isläm = Muslim ≡ Islämer One who does the “Isläm” thing

Who is Muslim?

ISLÄM & MUSLIMS The name of this religion is Isläm. The root of the word is Silm and Saläm, which means peace. Saläm also means: Submission to the One God, and to live in peace with the Creator, within one’s self, with other people and with the environment. Thus, Isläm is a total system of living. A Muslim is to live in peace and harmony with all. A Muslim is someone living anywhere in the world whose obedience, allegiance, and loyalty are to the One and Only God, the Lord of the Universe. Muslims could be from anywhere; Arabs could be Muslims, Christians, Jews or Atheists.

WHAT DOES ISLÄM STAND FOR? Worship of One and Only God • Equality and brotherhood for all • No compulsion in religion • Love for all His creatures • Righteousness (Taqwä) and faith in One God • Simplicity, dignity and respect for all • Peace and justice for all •

Essence: Peace and Justice

WHY LEARN ABOUT ISLÄM? An informed citizen is an educated citizen • It’s a major world religion • It’s the fastest growing religion in the world • Every 4th person on the earth is a Muslim • Populations in the West are on increase • Your neighbor could be a Muslim • The 9/11 brought spotlight to Isläm & Muslims •

Learning removes bias and arrogance


Isläm is the universal religion for all mankind. 'Isläm' means submission to the will and law of God. The other meaning of the word is peace (through God). A Muslim willingly submits to the will and laws of God. 5 Pillars of Isläm

Faith Pray Fasti Poor Pilgrima ge Due ng Shahä er Hajj Salä Zakäh dä (c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas


The Five Pillars Of Action and Six Pillars of Faith 

Faith: in the existence of the One & Only God: Sole Creator of the universe. He is Everlasting, All-Powerful, All-Knowing, Self-Sufficient, & Self-Sustaining.

Faith in all the Prophets of the past, and acceptance that Muhammad is the last Prophet. Faith in all the Revealed, Unaltered, Holy Books of God. Faith in the Angels of God. Faith in life after death and the Day of Judgment. Faith in Divine Decree (fate).

    

Prayer: During prayer, one seeks forgiveness, help, and guidance from God directly. (c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas


The Five Pillars of Action (cont’d) 3. Fasting: Ramadän fasting is obligatory…..refrain from food, drink, and sex from dawn to sunset. 4. Poor Dues: Pay annually 2½% of his cash savings and liquid assets (such as gold, silver etc.) to his less fortunate fellow human beings.  Pilgrimage: Travel to Mecca to worship God at the Kä’bah & Arafat to mark the occasion when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son (Ishmael) (Genesis 22:2).  This is an obligation at least once in a lifetime, if financially and physically able to do so.  Every male wears two pieces of white unstitched cloth to cover the body and perform all the rituals. (Women wear their usual attire). (c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas


QUR’ÄN Qur’än ≡ Koran  It’s the Holy Book of Muslims  Literal Word of Alläh (The Most Exalted)  Not a word has changed in 1400 years  Primary Source of Islämic Knowledge  Two original copies still exist  More than 10 M have memorized it  114 Chapters, over 6600 verses  Other Names: Kitäb, Furqän, Hudä, etc.  Subject Matter: Man and his relationship with God and His creation 

All praise belong to God, the Lord of the Worlds. (1:1)

HADITH, SUNNÄH Hadith ≡ Narration of a saying, tradition, etc.  Sunnäh ≡ Practice of the Qur’än by the Prophet (P)  Second Primary Source of Knowledge  Two Parts: Sanad(Narration) + Matn (Text)  Sahih (Correct) ≡ Most Authentic  Two most famous collections among many: Bukhari, Muslim  Verification ~ Credit Card verification 

What is it? Prophetic Traditions?


Messenger of Alläh till the Day of Judgment.  He is not Alläh, has no divinity whatsoever. Muslims do not worship him.  Muslims are not Mohammedans.  The Qur’än is the literal Message of Alläh came to Muhammad (pbuh) through Angel Gabriel. “It’s God’s words in his mouth.”  The Message was received over 23 years. the Qurän was revealed for mankind.

The Prophet of Islam, The Best of Humanity 20

MUHAMMAD (PBUH), Cont’d  Bernard

Shaw: “…the Savior of Humanity…if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems…” (The Genuine Isläm)  Gandhi: “…it was not the sword that won a place for Isläm…It was the rigid simplicity…his absolute trust in God and in his own mission…” (Young India)  Michael Hart: “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons…he was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.” (The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History)

What did they say about him? 21

MUHAMMAD (PBUH), Cont’d  He

was famous for his trustworthiness, truthfulness, generosity and sincerity even before prophethood.  Alläh chose him to be His last prophet when he was 40 years old.  He was born in the year 570 AD in Meccä, Säudi Arabiä and died in the year 632 AD in Madinä, Säudi Arabiä.  According to Islämic traditions, he was the best of creation and best of moral character.

Perfection in Creation and Morality 22


proper name of the God in Arabic and even among Christian Arabs  Only singular, no plural; no gender  It’s “Al + Elah (Eloh)” ≡ Alläh ≡ The God  The One and Only; The Eternal, Absolute  No qualities of “created”; no family  None like unto Him  99 other beautiful names (attributes)

The Touchstone of Theology 23

WORSHIP (‘IBÄDÄH)  Anything

that you intend, do, or say that is pleasing to Alläh, the Most High, is called the worship in Isläm.  It includes ritual worship (five pillars of Islam), and every act of your life, at all the times , as long they are pleasing to Him.  All activities, everywhere, not just in the Houses of Worship, involve worship.  No difference between secular and sacred.  How can you, then, separate the State and Mosque?

“Pray without ceasing”1 Thessalonians 5:17 24

What Does Islam Say About… 

Human Rights: Privacy, freedom, dignity, & equality are guaranteed in Isläm. God says: "There is no compulsion in religion." (Qur'än 2:256).

Universality of Isläm: God says: “We have sent you (Muhammad) as a mercy for all nations” (Qur’än 21:107). "Whoever oppresses any non-Muslim, I shall be his prosecutor on the Day of Judgment." (Muhammad).

Jihäd means any effort in the path of God. Constant struggle against the evil desires within oneself is Jihad.

 If

an Islämic state is attacked, it is the duty of all Muslims to defend themselves from the attack. This is Jihäd.

 Jihäd

is never meant to force anybody to choose a particular religion. An unjust effort or war cannot be called Jihäd. (c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas


Status & Responsibility of Women in Islam

Isläm enjoins morality in behavior and appearance. Fashions that reduce women to sex objects are not acceptable.  Isläm gave women the right of inheritance and independent ownership.  Women can seek employment. Muhammad’s first wife was a successful business woman.  Protection of Women's Honor: “…who launch a charge against women...produce four witnesses…" (Qur’än 24:4).  Muhammad said: “…treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers".  “The best of you are those who are kindest with your wives"  “….generous who are good to women, and…wicked who insults them". 

(c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas


Status and Responsibility of Women in Isläm, cont’d 

Status of Mother:“A man asked Muhammad: 'Whom should I honor most?' The Prophet replied: 'Your mother'. 'And who comes next?' asked the man. The Prophet replied: 'Your mother'. 'And who comes next?' asked the man. The Prophet replied: 'Your mother!’ 'And who comes next?' asked the man. The Prophet replied: 'Your father’” Marriage: “…He created for you mates from among yourselves… dwell in tranquility with them and He has put love and mercy between your hearts…" (Qur’än 30:21). Independent Identity: A married woman in Isläm retains her independent legal personality and her family name. She is not the property of her husband in any way! (c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas


Status and Responsibility of Women in Isläm, cont’d Wife’s Property: From the 7th century, a woman does not need to present gifts (dowry) to attract potential husband.  The groom must present the bride with a marriage gift. The bride retains her marriage gift even if she is later divorced.  She is never obliged to act as a co-provider for the family unless she herself voluntarily chooses to do so. Divorce: Isläm discourages divorce, yet recognizes the rights of both partners to end their matrimonial relationship.  "Live with them on a footing of kindness and equity…" (Qur’än 4:19).  "A believing man must not hate a believing woman. If he dislikes one of her traits he will be pleased with another". (Muhammad). (c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas 28

Status and Responsibility of Women in Isläm, cont’d

The Veil: "O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over their bodies so that they should be known and not molested" (Qur’än 33:59). 

Islämic veil is a means of protection from unwanted attention.

(c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas



Polygamy in the West: Serial polygamy: marriage, divorce, marriage, divorce, etc; a married man with one or more girlfriends; an unmarried man with a number of girlfriends. Polygamy addresses orphans and widows in society. Billy Graham, the Evangelist said: “Isläm has permitted polygamy as a solution to social ills… Christian countries make a great show of monogamy, but actually they practice polygamy.… Isläm is a fundamentally honest religion…” Many non-Muslim and Muslim countries have outlawed polygamy. Cheating on the wife or using women without taking responsibility are common. Is the law designed to reward deception and punish honesty? Nearly 4 out of 5 who come to Islam in the USA are Women.. (c) Madina Masjid, Houston, Texas



religions  Common ancestry: Abraham, Noah, Adam (peace be upon them)  Belief in all the prophets including, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them)  Belief in Mary (peace be upon her). She is one of the four most admired women in Islam  Belief in the miraculous birth of Jesus (peace be upon him), and his miracles. Many of them are confirmed in the Qur’än  Belief in the return of Jesus (peace be upon him)

Aren’t We the Part of the Same Family? 31

THINGS THAT UNITE US, cont’d  Regard

Prophet Moses (peace be upon him), as one of the great prophets of Alläh, the Most Exalted.  Thank Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) for us having only 5 daily prayers and not 50.  In addition to our Prophet Muhammad, the most referred to Prophet in the Qur’än is the Prophet Moses (peace be upon them).  List goes on…  Parts of the same family…  Branches of the same tree (of life)…

Aren’t We the Part of the Same Family? 32


Beliefs Call of the Heart

Manners and Behavior Call of the Limbs

Hudood (Rights and Limits) Call of the Mind

What is it? Major Components?


?  ??  ???

Questions and Answers 34


Isläm? Isläm is a total peaceful system of living.  Who is Muslim? A person who completely obeys and submits to the Will of the God; who is sincere in his worship to God, and who is at peace within himself, with his God and with His creation is a Muslim.  Who is Alläh? The One and Only Singular God (Creator) worthy to be worshipped. Has no partner, no parents, no family. Has no gender and no plurals. He is Absolute and Eternal. There is nothing like Him.




is Muhammad? Muhammad is the last prophet of God to the mankind. He brought the Message of peace for all called Isläm.  What is Qur’än? The Qur’än is the exact Word of God. Its authenticity, originality and totality are in tact. It’s the primary source of information in Isläm. Its knowledge is beyond senses and reason. It’s the highest form of knowledge.  What’s Sunnah? The Prophet’s sayings, deeds, instructions, advice and traditions are called the Sunnah.




are the five pillars of Isläm? They are: Faith, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Pilgrimage  What is faith? It’s something that takes root at the heart and immediately followed up by the limbs. For Muslims, it’s: “There is no god worthy to be worshipped but God (Alläh), and Muhammad is His Messenger.”  How many times Muslims pray to the God in a day? Five times: At dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and at night before bedtime.  How much Muslims have to give in charity? Muslims have to give 2½% of the savings in charity.




pilgrimage? Muslims go to Meccä in Saudi Arabia to visit the Holy Mosque for pilgrimage called Hajj. Muslims believe that that was the first House of Worship built on the earth by Prophet Adam (P). It was later rebuilt by Prophet Abraham (P) and his son Ishmael (P). The Hajj ceremony commemorates traditions that are related in all three monotheistic religions.  What are the six pillars of Imän (faith) in Isläm? They are: Belief in God, His Angels, His Books, His Prophets, the Last Day and the Hereafter, and the destiny.




are some of the principles of Isläm? Oneness of God (Tauhid): He is One and Only God. It’s dogmatic in Isläm. There is no compromise on this issue. Oneness of Mankind: All are created equal in front of the Law of God. There is no superiority by anyone. Only discriminator used by Him to judge people among them is piety (Taqwä). Oneness of Messengers and the Message: Muslims believe that all Messengers came with the same message and the same teachings; that He is the One and Only. Muslims believe in all the prophets and make no distinction between them.




are some of the principles of Isläm? Angels and the Day of Judgment (DoJ): Angels are His creatures who perform His special missions. The DoJ is the day accounting, reward and punishment. Innocence of Man at Birth: Muslims believe that the people are born free of sin. No one is responsible for or can assume the responsibility of the sins of others. However, the door of forgiveness is always open through supplication and repentance. State and Religion: It’s a total way of life. Every second of life should be spent in seeking His pleasure. You cannot separate the two.



 What


are some other aspects of Isläm? Calendar: Based on lunar calendar. 12 months. Hijri (migration) year is 1429 AH. Celebrations: Muslims have two celebrations called Eid, namely Eid of Sacrifice and Eid of Fast-Breaking. Diets: No pork and its by products, alcohol, narcotic or addictive drugs. Place of Worship: It’s called Masjid or Mosque. Three most important are: Al-Masjid Al-Haräm @ Makkah, Al- Masjid Al Nabwi @ Madinä,and Al-Aqsä @ Jerusalem.




are some of the misconceptions about Isläm? Muslims are violent, terrorists and/or extremists: The biggest and the most untrue misconception mainly due to stereotyping. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Isläm oppresses the women: Wrong. Veil is not oppression; it’s a religious requirement. Cultural practices of some Muslim majority countries have no basis in Isläm. Divorce is very uncommon in Isläm. Unlike in many other religions, in Islam, women had rights to own the property, inherit property, etc. some 1400 years ago. Muslims worship a different God: Allah is simply the Arabic word for God, the One and Only, for all.




are some of the misconceptions about Isläm? Isläm was spread by the sword and intolerance: Wrong again. Read comments of some of the great scholars, historians and politicians including Gandhi. All Muslims are Arabs. No, only about 18% are Arabs. The Nation of Isläm is a Muslim Group: No, it’s more like a cult and not a religion. All Muslim men marry four wives: Polygamy is simply permitted, not the norm nor encouraged.




are some of the misconceptions about Isläm? Muslims don’t believe in Jesus and any other prophets. Wrong. Muslims believe in all the Prophets, including Jesus (A). Muhammad was the founder of Isläm, and Muslims worship him: Muhammad (P) established the Islämic community when he migrated to Madinä. Muslims do not worship Muhammad (P). Muslims are barbaric, backward people: Simply a stereotyping, and not true.



PRAYER Chapter 103, “Al-’Asr” (The Time), The Qur’än l By Al-’Asr (the time). l Verily! Man is in loss. l Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience.

Essence: Correct Faith & Righteous Deeds 45

GREETINGS IN ISLÄM Greetings when you meet or address someone AsSalämu Alaikum (short form) (Peace be upon you)  Return greetings WaAlaikum Saläm (short form) (Peace be upon you, too) 


FOR MORE INFORMATION… Islamic Center of New London 16 Fort Street, Groton, CT 06340 860 405-8006 or or Saeed Shaikh, 860 535-4079 47

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