Is It Not Because You Are Yourself Awareness, That You

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,210
  • Pages: 4
Is it not because you are yourself Awareness, that you now perceive This universe? If you observe awareness steadily, this awareness itself as Teacher will reveal the Truth. If instead of looking outward at objects, you observe that looking, all things now shine as I, the seer. Perception of objects is mere illusion. In the Self, he stands firm fixed who dwells and truly meditates on himself as pure awareness. Not like other things unreal, but always by its Being real, the Self as permanent Awareness, has no other dwelling place, than in its own radiant Awareness. Losing the false ego in awareness, and firm abidance as awareness, is true clarity. In that flawless state of Being, the Self, without a sense of “I” or “mine”, the still abidance in and as pure Awareness, this is the noblest victory worth winning. Awareness is not a quality of the Self. The Self is without qualities. Awareness is not an action of the Self. The Self does nothing. The Self, our Being, IS Awareness. The ego image moves reflected in the mind's waves. How to stop this movement, how to regain the state of stillness? Don't observe these movements, seek the Self, instead. It is wisdom to gain and abide in silence. The seers declare that pure silence is firm abidance in egoless, true Awareness. For such thought free silence, the means is clinging to the Self within the Heart. If you refrain from looking at this, that or any other object, then by that overpowering look into absolute Being, you become yourself the boundless space of pure Awareness, which alone is real Being. When one refrains from looking out and noting outward objects, and abides within the heart in Self-Awareness , the ego disappears. The silence pure, that then shines forth, is the goal of Knowledge. It is folly to waste one's life running in all directions searching different goals. Learn to practice firm abidance, at the feet of the Self supreme, the eternal and auspicious silence, which alone can still the ego's restlessness. Not knowing the value of this treasure, their own birthright, people perish through mere laziness. The great ones who have found the clue and traced and gained it, they enjoy eternal bliss. Undeluded by whatever else may come and go, unwinking watch the Self, because the little fault

of forgetting for one moment ones true Being as Pure Awareness, brings tremendous loss. The method of Self-inquiry is: to turn the outward-going mind back to its source, the Heart, the Self-Awareness, and fix it forever there, preventing the rising of the empty “I”. Only the mind deluded by illusion’s might, and looking outward, sees the body. The true Self knows no body. To call the Self of pure Awareness, the body’s owner or indweller, is an error. Worship of the Formless is for him alone who has left behind the notion “I am this form, this body.” One who is still identified mentally with his body-form, worships only form, though he may think he is worshipping the Formless. What is conquest of the elements? Destroying the ego, the attachment to the body, made up of the five elements, and scorning with contempt the flaws of the flesh, which have nothing to do with the true Self-Awareness, but are only based on the five elements. Not seeing one’s self as the One Self-Awareness, one always suffers fear and aguish. Destroy the “I am the body” thought, and in Self-Awareness firmly fixed, abide in real non-dual Being. The darkness of illusion never touches the seer who knows his true identity as pure Awareness. Those who, diving deep within, have found the Self-Awareness, have nothing else to know. And why? Because they have gone beyond all forms, and are Awareness without form. All The The are

other kinds of knowledge are base, trivial. only true and perfect knowledge, is the stillness of pure Awareness. many differences perceived in the Self, whose nature is Awareness, wrong attributions, and not real.

What sort of knowledge, is this wretched bodily-mental knowledge, of objects? Would those who long for pure Awareness, hanker after this? To know pure Awareness is true wisdom. All other knowledge, is mere foolishness. Awareness is not a quality of the Self. The Self is without qualities. Awareness is not an action of the Self. The Self does nothing. The Self, our Being, IS Awareness. The only true and full awareness is awareness of awareness. Till awareness is awareness of itself, it knows no peace at all.

True natural Awareness, which does not go after alien objects, is the Heart. Since actionless Awareness shines as real Being, its joy consists in concentration on itself. If without wasting time, one starts and keeps up steady self-inquiry, one’s life becomes at once ennobled, one is no more this wretched body, and there wells up within one’s heart, a sea of supreme bliss. The one true light there is, is pure Awareness. Other kinds of knowledge clinging to it, and claiming to be real, are ego-born conceptual clouds. To trust them is sheer foolishness. What we incessantly think of, that we become. Hence, if we keenly seek the Self-Awareness, and think of nothing else, the malady of birth will cease, and all thoughts will end. The universe out there appears when scanned. When not scanned, the universe disappears. Turning away from this, search keenly for the Self-Awareness within the Heart, and think no more of birth. Non-dual infinite Awareness, where the error of seeing, hearing, and knowing various objects has been destroyed, this is the purest bliss supreme. The the The The

“I” is false; “this world is false”; seeing of “this world” by “I” is false. primal ignorance of illusion is also false. sole reality is the bright, marvelous inner space, Being-Awareness.

Poor seer who suffers endlessly, because you still perceive the object, not the subject, please look inward, not without, and taste the bliss of non-duality. Know that these countless things are pictures in a dream, and none is real, apart from the beholder. Shun this phantom world of names and forms, and dwell in the pure, blissful being of Awareness. Seeing this mind-projected world is sheer delusion, then taking it as real, and swerving from the sublime truth of one’s own Being as pure Awareness, one but proves oneself insane. Renouncing this phenomenal world, which seems to, but does not, exist, we gain (the great Ones say) the Self, the shining, unseen, Awareness.

Destroying through discrimination, the basic error that I am the body, an object, and rejecting it, and the world as mere false mirages, the surviving Awareness that shines alone as Being, That I am. While in truth you are that Awareness, you do not abide as such, but suffer, since you only recognize this worldly life alone, which rises from yourself, this sole Awareness. How shall I describe this foolishness? Since every vice springs from the false pleasures of swerving from the Self-Awareness, the completion of virtue, is the perfect peace of pure Awareness, following the end of the ego, which is fed by such false pleasures. Since it was one's own past effort that has now ripened into fate, one can with greater present effort change one's fate.

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