Not Because Of You

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 15,866
  • Pages: 44
Part 1

The spring sun reached its highest point in the clear blue sky. Its bright light burned the earth. The swallows sang and danced with the song of warm breeze from the ocean. Veronica stirred her ice tea. The bumping voice of the ice on it broke the silent on her long waiting. She had already been in this coffee shop for around 15 minutes. She and her fiancé had a date this Saturday morning at 10 AM. It was almost 10:20 AM and he still didn’t show up. Evans always made her waiting. He was always busy with his club activity, his student council works, his study, and also his parent high expectations. She was also a member of their student council but she was not as busy as him. Well, Evans was too kind. He was always wiling to help anyone. Veronica smiled. Yes, that is her fiancé, her nice and gentle fiancé. As Veronica stared at her engagement ring, she counted for how many years they had been engaged. Evans had asked for her hand when she had still been in 5th grade Elementary School and he had been in the 1st grade of Junior High School. Now they were in their High School. After Evans finished his bachelor, they would marry and lived happily ever after. Veronica smiled in happiness. “Hi, Daydreamer Princess,” someone put his hand on Veronica’s shoulder. Veronica grabbed her bag to slap that person. Evans caught Veronica’s bag. “You are late,” Veronica complained as Evans sat in front of her. “Sorry, I overslept,” Evans apologized. He raised his hand to call a servant to make his order. “Don’t tell me you played computer games until morning.” Evans gave Veronica his innocent smile. “I can’t imagine what will your parent said about their beloved nice son,” Veronica wasn’t happy about Evans’s frankness. “You won’t tell them,” Evans was happy with the fact, “I know you.” A servant came to take Evans’s order. “One cup of hot cappuccino, please,” Evans made his order. “Yes, sir,” the servant wrote Evans’s order and left. “You should treat me as your punishment!” Veronica decided. “Yes, Your Highness,” Evans smiled as he watched Veronica’s satisfied face. “Then, we will start from the park and then to the movie theater.” Evans listened to Veronica’s plan.

“Look, that’s Evans Kopf!” Maribel looked at the direction her friend pointed at. A tall boy came out from the coffee shop in the other side of the road. For a moment, their eyes met. Maribel’s heart was pounding fast. Maribel watched that boy stepped away to make a way for someone. “What are you happy for?” asked the other girl, “He must not be alone.” And when a girl came out, she proudly proclaimed, “See!” Maribel stared at the girl to whom Evans happily talked to. She was eager to know who were that Evans boy and the girl who hided her right cheek with her brownish long hair. “Who is Evans?” Maribel couldn’t move her eyes from that couple. “Maribel, don’t you know him!?” her friend asked in unbelief, “He is very famous at our school.” “Maribel has just been transferred to our school for a week,” the other girl made an excuse for Maribel, “How would you suppose her to know him?” “I knew everything about Evans in my first day.” “That because you are in the same class as Veronica Suffolk!” “Who is Veronica?” “Do you see the girl on Evans’s side?” the girl pointed at the couple which had already been far, “She is Veronica.” “Don’t just look at her cute face. In fact, she is a monster! Her face was burned when she was 3 years old. I heard Evans caused that terrible accident but I believe it’s just Veronica’s excuse to impose Evans.” “Yes, that’s right. Veronica’s parent is very rich. It’s just a piece of cake for them to find a plastic surgery specialist.” “Poor Evans… Veronica and her family must have force him to take the responsibility of Veronica’s face. They forced him to marry Veronica. I heard they will marry after Evans graduates this year.” “Why don’t any of you stop her?” asked Maribel. “How do you suppose us to stop her!? She is a terrible monster! Just because her parent is very rich and Evans is her fiancé, she becomes arrogant.” “Believe me, she is not the kind of girl you want to make a friend with,” the other girl agreed. Maribel looked the couple turned to the city park, “I’ll talk to her,” she made up her mind. Veronica walked through the sport field with a high pile of papers her Math teacher asked her to hand it out to her classmate. She had just met the student council advisor discussing their school trip next month. It was when she had been going to leave the teacher office when her Math teacher had called her. A group of Veronica’s girl classmates walked toward her.

Veronica stopped – waited for them and as they approached, she asked, “Would you mind to give…” Those girls stared at Veronica and walked away as if she wasn’t there. Veronica stood in silence. The Math teacher asked her. It was her duty; she told herself and continued walking to her classroom. Just like those girls, no one helped her when she opened the door with difficulties. No one took over those heavy piles of papers. No one paid attention when she said, “This is Math handout. It contains the summary next test and homework to be submitted on the test date. I put it here. Please take it by yourself.” Veronica took one sheet for herself and returned to her desk. As she realized no one moved to take those handouts, she made a decision. Veronica went to the blackboard and wrote what she had just said in a big and clear letters. Then she took the pile again and handed it out to each desk – cared nothing what would they do with the paper the monster girl they feared had just touched. Just as Veronica handed the last sheet, someone approached her. “I need to talk to you!” that stranger girl said with a glowering look. Veronica wondered. Did she know this girl? Did she ever hurt this girl? Why was this girl angry? “I am terribly sorry. Did we ever meet before?” Veronica asked politely. “Stop it!” that girl yelled. “I beg you pardon,” Veronica puzzled, “I am just doing my duty handing these handouts out to each student.” “Stop pretending! You know what I mean!” Veronica could not remember any of her attitudes that have already crossed this girl. Veronica looked at some girls at the entrance. Could it be one of those girls? “I am terribly sorry,” Veronica apologized, “I can’t recall I ever hurt neither you nor you friends. If I did, I deeply apologize. I never hurt the others intentionally.” “You did! You used your monster face to impose Evans!” Veronica shocked. She covered his right face firmly. “Don’t you think we don’t know!” that girl kept yelling at Veronica, “You used Evans’s guilt to control him. You are not better than a monster!” ‘Monster!’ ‘Monster!’ A group of boys had teased her. In the other side a group of girls had been frightened into crying. “Don’t you think I’ll let you keep taking advantages from Evans, you halffaced monster!” “Stop,” Veronica whispered painfully, “Stop it…” Those painful memories flew like a river.

‘Monster! Monster! Monster!’ The shrill voice of school bell woke Veronica from her bad dream. This girl must be one of Evans’s fans. She wasn’t the 1st girl felt in love with Evans. However, she was the first to haul her over the coals. In a calm voice, Veronica said, “I beg your pardon. I don’t understand what you are talking about. I had never controlled Evans or forced him into something he doesn’t willing to,” in the same politeness she continued, “The bell has just rang. I suggest you to return to you classroom otherwise you will be punished.” The girl went through the roof. “I won’t let you go. Remember, I will take Evans away!” she warned before leaved. “What are you doing here!?” a teacher showed up in the entrance, “Didn’t you hear the bell? Go back to you class,” he yelled that stranger girl, “Quickly!” “Yes, sir,” she ran away with her friends. Mr. Pierot walked in. He looked at the blackboard. Veronica came forward. “I am terribly sorry, Mr. Pierot. I have just used the blackboard to make an important announcement. I will clean it now.” “No. No. Don’t worry, Veronica. I can clean it by myself,” Mr. Pierot refused, “You can return to your desk.” “Yes, Mr. Pierot.” Veronica could feel pairs of suspicious eyes burned her back. She didn’t care. She used to it. She was ok with it. She was not alone anymore. She had Veronica. That girl was only bragging. She didn’t know them. She didn’t understand Evans. Evans had never been forced into this engagement. It was Evans who had suggested this engagement. It was true her burned face had been caused by Evans. Nevertheless, Veronica knew it was not the reason Evans purposed her. They had been together since they had been child. They loved each other. It was normal if they wanted to stay together, wasn’t it? ‘I object!’ Veronica remembered her mother anger when they had decided to marry. ‘Look at what he did to you! I will never agree!’ ‘You, bitch, how dare you forced my son!’ Evans’s mother had cried, ‘You have the damn money to do the damn operation. If you don’t have, I will give it to you!’ ‘I don’t need your damn money!’ Mrs. Suffolk had cried back, ‘Just keep your evil son away from my girl!’ ‘You are still young. You have a bright future,’ Mr. Kopf had told his son, ‘Don’t waste your future for nonsense.’ ‘That evil boy had burned your face. You don’t know what he will burn next time,’ Mr. Suffolk had warned Veronica. ‘He doesn’t love you!’ Mrs. Suffolk had warned her only child, ‘He only

wants to tease you!’ No, it was not true. Their parents objected their engagement. Although no one supported them, Evans still took her hand. How could one say it was not love? “Veronica, are you okay?” Evans concerned. Veronica surprised. “You don’t look well. You don’t even pay attention to the meeting,” Evans worried. He stretched his hand to touch Veronica’s forehead. “Are you sick?” How could this caring was not love? Veronica smiled. How could she questioned Evans’s love? “Don’t worry. I am okay,” Veronica tried to forget her silly worries. “Don’t force yourself,” Evans advised. “I won’t,” Veronica promised. Evans looked at his watch. “It’s almost the time,” he puzzled Veronica, “Sorry, Veronica. I can’t go home with you. I have an appointment.” “I understand,” Veronica smiled. She grabbed her papers and followed Evans. For Veronica surprise, the girl showed up in her classroom this noon, stood in the entrance of Student Council Meeting Room. “Hi, Evans. I am waiting for you,” she called Evans. “Why are you here? Didn’t we agree to meet at the library after my meeting?” “Aren’t you happy?” the girl held Evans’s arm friendly, “I am afraid you forget you promise.” Veronica looked at them in wonder. Did they know each other? “Sorry, Veronica. I have to leave now.” “Ok,” Veronica forced herself not to be jealous. This girl was not the first girl acted like this. She was not the first ignoring her. “Let’s go, Maribel.” That Maribel girl gave Veronica her victory smile and followed Evans. Veronica tried her best not to doubt Evans. She had decided to believe Evans. She won’t question their appointment. Maribel must have a problem. Veronica stopped herself questioning Evans and Maribel’s relationship hardly as she walked to the Teacher Office. She forcefully changed her though to what should she say to Mr. Pam, the advisor of Student Council, about the result of their meeting. “Excuse me,” Veronica knocked the door and opened it quietly. Mr. Pam wasn’t there. Veronica turned her back. “Veronica, you come in the right time.” Veronica surprised. “Is there anything I could do for you, Mr. Pierot?” she asked politely.

“This girl needs a miracle.” Veronica looked at the girl stood in front of Mr. Pierot. She looked so pale as if she had just seen a ghost. Veronica approached them. “Take a look at this!” Mr. Pierot pointed the empty test answer in his table, “This is not the fist time! She never submits her homework. She also never does her test. I never see such a useless student. What the hell she did during my classes? How could this school accept such a stupid student? Did you use your body instead of your lame brain to get in!?” The girl was ready to burst into tears. “Mr. Pierot,” Veronica calmed that Physics teacher, “If you don’t mind, let me handle this for you.” Mr. Pierot was happy for that offering. “I know I can trust you.” “Thank you, Mr. Pierot,” Veronica smiled, “If you excuse us, I would like to take her to the library.” “Go ahead. Take her to the library, to the hell, to everywhere you like. Just make sure I won’t see this again.” “I promised,” and Veronica held that girl’s hand. “Let’s go.” Once Veronica closed the door, that girl slapped Veronica’s hand. “I don’t need your pity!” she said angrily. “Let’s talk in the other place,” Veronica walked away. “Don’t you think because you have Evans and rich parent, you can do anything you like!” Veronica stopped. She squeezed her hand tightly, tried not to let her pain torn herself. “You may hate me. However, you must remember Mr. Pierot won’t let you go that easily.” “Do you think I care?” she said sarcastically, “You are not the one can help me!” Veronica heard the girl’s step. “What an arrogant girl,” she grumbled as she walked away. “Again,” Veronica whispered painfully. The girl’s step was fading away. “You made the choice,” Veronica leaved. That was Veronica had said few minutes ago. However, now she sat in front of Student Council’s computer – checking for that girl’s personal information. Veronica looked at herself helplessly. She couldn’t be cured. She had been infected by Evans’s kindness and it was getting worse. She couldn’t keep her nose away from one’s business once she learnt one’s problem. No matter what happened, she always did her best to help. If only she was Evans… Evans was kind. Everyone liked him. Everyone wanted to be his friend. He never refused one’s begging.

The cried of swallows alarmed Veronica of the time. Veronica printed the girl’s data, turned off the computer, grabbed her bag, locked the Student Council Room, and went home hurriedly. As she passed the library, Veronica saw Evans was still talking to Maribel. She walked away in disappointment. She had chosen this High School just to be with Evans. However they almost never had a chance to be together. Their buildings were separated by the 2nd year’s building and sport fields. Besides, Evans was always busy even after school and Veronica couldn’t wait for him. It was impossible, too, for them to walk side by side to school, a dream that Veronica always had secretly. Their only date was on every Saturday morning. Veronica hoped they could be like the normal couple. “Where have you been!?” Mrs. Suffolk barked as Veronica opened the door. “Did you go out with that damn boy!?” “No, Mom,” Veronica looked at her mother’s angry face. It was impossible, wasn’t it? “Don’t you ever dare to go with him!” she kept barking at Veronica. “You are lucky. That High School has a better rank than your old college. If you dare to meet him, I will force you to study abroad. I will do anything, if necessary.” “Mom,” Veronica begged, “I am tired. Could I return to my room? I need some rest before start studying.” “That’s why I don’t like you hanging around after school. After you finish your Student Council duty, go home directly! Remember you shall keep your performance. Your father won’t be happy if you lost your first rank.” “My dear Mother,” Veronica smiled, “I understand. I won’t disappoint you. Now, may I leave?” “Go take a rest,” at least she let Veronica go, “Don’t wait for us. I have an appointment tonight and your father has a meeting in Europe. I will tell a servant to deliver you dinner to your room. Just concentrate on your study.” “Yes, Mom,” Veronica said before leaving. She would not wait for her mother speech. There was no end once she was talking. Veronica locked herself on her room. There was no picture of Evans in her room or in her purse just like the normal couple. Her parent didn’t like him just like Evans’s parent hated her. They had used to be family friends. Both of the family business had used to be collaborating. Now they were neither friend nor enemy. ‘It’s you son’s fault!’ Mrs. Suffolk had blamed. ‘NO! NO! NO! It was not Evans’s fault. It was not anyone’s fault. It was an accident – only AN ACCIDENT!!!’ Veronica’s heart cried. She didn’t want to remember that horrific day. Since the horrible day, their parents never let them meet each other. They had ever planned to espouse them now they tried to separate them.

Veronica’s parent had put her in an all-girl college since elementary school. They wanted her to finish her High School there then study abroad. They controlled her life. However they couldn’t stop her meeting Evans. They might control Veronica’s call but they couldn’t control Veronica’s internet access. Thanks to the internet, now Veronica could go to Evans’s high school. Veronica had registered herself to the high school. Veronica had checked the school’s rank on net to persuade her parents. Her parent loved her so much that they were afraid to lose her. She had ever run away in the first year after the horrific accident. Her parent had forced her to take the plastic surgery but Veronica had not want to. She had keen to meet Evans but her parent had assigned some bodyguard to protect her. It was during her runaway that she had been kidnapped. It was because of the runaway that her parents closed one of their eyes. They never forced her to take the surgery. They pretended they didn’t know her relationship with Evans. As for Evans’s family, Veronica realized they wouldn’t harm her to prevent her meeting Evans. Their business had a long collaboration business. They would not do anything stupid just to stop her. The prize was too high. Veronica took her Physics notebook and a pile of empty papers. “Maybe I shall visit a physiologist,” she told herself and started writing. “Evans, I saw you walked side by side with Evans yesterday.” “Is that true?” the other girl interested. “Yes,” Maribel proclaimed proudly, “I asked Evans to tell me anything about this school. We talked until late so that Evans offered to take me home.” “WOW!” they amazed. “So, what’s your relationship?” “We are still friend. Believe me, he will be my boyfriend in no time.” “Aren’t you afraid of Veronica’s bodyguards? My cousins have ever been hurt by her bodyguards when he was small. He got five stitches on his forehead.” Maribel saw Veronica was walking toward with a bundle of papers. “Why should I am afraid of her? She is nothing but a monster,” Maribel approached Veronica, “Watch!” Veronica realized Maribel walked toward. Something in her smile face warned Veronica. Maribel intentionally hit Veronica. The papers on Veronica’s arm felt. “Where is the hell you put your eyes!” Maribel yelled angrily. Everyone in the corridor looked at them. “Oh, I am sorry,” Maribel apologized, “You have only one eye.” They laughed. Veronica held her cheek.

“WHAT!? Do you want to show us your monster face?” Maribel challenged Veronica, “SHOW IT! C’mon show it! I’m not afraid of your monster face. C’mon! Call you bodyguard if you want to. I’m no afraid.” Veronica felt her burned cheek beating. The pain tremble her body. “Oh, you are afraid. You are afraid to show us your monster face.” The old memories played back. Tear drops burnt Veronica’s eyes. “Go away!” a boy stood on their side, “You stand in front of my classroom.” Maribel just walked away. “Evans is mine,” she warned as she passed Veronica, “Don’t forget it!” Veronica stunned. What had happened between them yesterday? Evans hadn’t call her last night. He hadn’t replied her message, too. “Are you okay?” Veronica surprised. “Your note,” the boy handed the Physics summary she had written for Jane, the girl Mr. Pierot barked at yesterday. “I-I am fine,” Veronica took the papers, “Thank you.” She leaved. The boy walked into his class. “Dan, why do you help her? She is a monster.” “I don’t care,” replied Dan, “I can’t stand watching someone bullying the others.” Veronica grabbed her Physics summary tightly. She must forget what Maribel had said. She must believe Evans. Yes, they had faced many difficulties. This was nothing compared to what they had passed. Evans must be very tired yesterday. He would explain it to her. He would chat again with her tonight. While Veronica was comforting herself, Maribel told her friends proudly, “See, she is nothing. She is just a monster.” “Maribel, I believe you can get Evans.” “Of course, I am!” “Who needs your help!?” Jane throw Veronica’s Physics summary away. Veronica knew this would happen. “I have already promised Mr. Pierot.” “I didn’t ask you!” Veronica picked her note. “I’ll leave it here,” Veronica put it on Jane’s table. “You’ll need it. Just tell me if you need my assistance.” “Who do you think you are!?” Jane yelled as Veronica leaved. “Nice! This summary is neat. She hints what kind of problems that killer Mr. Pierot liked,” Jane‘s classmate opened the summary, “No wonder an A-Student. If you don’t want it, I will take it.” “Who said I don’t want it!?”!?” Jane took it back. “It must take a long time to write it,” another girl said. “Who cares?” Jane said, “I didn’t ask her to write this.”

“It seems she is not as bad as the gossip. Do you think so?” “No,” the other girl didn’t believe, “She forced Evans into marriage. She bribed Mr. Pierot so she always gets A+ on Physics. She bribed the Headmaster to be in Student Council.” “Yes, it must be her parents influence.” “Wasn’t she being pointed to replace the previous secretary?” “Yes, she was. Don’t you think it’s suspicious? No first grade student ever be pointed to held an important position in Student council.” “Maybe, it is because she is smart,” Jane commented. “Nonsense! Who can guarantee she didn’t bribe all the teachers?” “Yeah. Yeah,” the other agreed. Jane listened as her classmates were talking about Veronica. She looked at Veronica’s neat handwriting. She wondered what kind of girl Veronica was. She had never talked to Veronica until yesterday. She had only heard about her – the famous, smart, and ugly Student council Secretary.

Part 2

“I have to leave now.” “Now?” Veronica asked. “It is still one o’clock.” “Sorry, Veronica. I have an appointment.” “Appointment?” Veronica repeated. “Yes, the main team of the next school trip has a meeting this noon.” “Oh, I don’t know about it. Shall I attend it?” “No… no, you may not,” Evans replied, “We are only going to discuss all the preparation we made. You know in the next two weeks we are leaving.” “Oh,” Veronica disappointed. It’s Saturday. Couldn’t they date like the other couples? “I’m terrible sorry, Veronica. I promise I will be on time next Saturday.” Veronica watched Evans. “Will you?” “Yes, I will,” Evans promised. “If you don’t keep your promise, I will not accompany you to the game center again. I won’t let you!” “You can keep my words,” Evans smiled. “Deal,” Veronica was satisfied. Veronica mustn’t let her self-willed troubled Evans. It’s his last activity during High School. As the head of this activity, Evans must hadn’t want to disappointed anyone’s expectation. Every February their school held this school trip. After the trip, the third grade student must quit from any extra curricular activity including Student Council. They must concentrate on their graduating test and university entrance test. Veronica had promised Evans to give him a charm. Veronica wished Evans could pass the entrance test of the favorite university his father pointed. Veronica didn’t want Evans continue his study abroad. Veronica couldn’t imagine days without Evans. Lately they hadn’t chat on the net. They had almost never talked to each other these few days. Evans was always busy with the school-trip and she was busy with the preparation of Student Council election besides her duty as the advisor secretary of the school-trip. Veronica had been lonely these days. The only thing that kept her moving on was the chance to see Evans, to hear Evans’s voice during their meeting that was getting intense and more intense. Veronica won’t be able to bare the pain, the loneliness, the emptiness of her life if Evans completely gone. She could pass these painful years because of Evans. Evans was the only person to whom she could share with.

“Maribel, I saw you and Evans in the park Saturday.” Veronica stopped. She stood silently in the corner – listening to the shocking news. “Are you guys dating?” “Did Evans invite you?” “No, I invited Evans. He is a real gentleman. He always keeps his promise. He never lets me waiting for him.” “Never…,” Veronica held her chest. “I often saw both of you after school. How do you do it?” Veronica leaved in hurry. She couldn’t bare the pain of her heart. It wasn’t her hobby to hear others conversation. It wasn’t her habit to think negatively. Yes, she must trust Evans. He must be so tired that he hadn’t chat with her. He still cared of her. He always replied her message in the next day. Evans was the third year student. He needed more study time. He must have the same hope as her. He wanted to fulfill his parents’ expectation. That must be the same reason why yesterday he hadn’t asked her to go with him to the Game Center. Evans had a meeting yesterday, not a date with Maribel in the amusement park. Veronica kept repeating it to calm herself. She didn’t want to suspect Evans. “Please wait!” Veronica called the secretary of school-trip team after their routine meeting. “Could you give me the result of school-trip meeting yesterday?” “What are you talking about!?” she showed her dislike. “It has never been any meeting on weekends. Besides, you aren’t the secretary!” “But Evans said…,” Veronica shocked. “He must have found someone suitable for him,” she left, “Thanks God.” There had never been a meeting on Saturday. Veronica looked at Evans painfully. Evans leaved the meeting room with his inner team. “What the hell are you doing!?” the Student Council President yelled at Veronica. “We have lots to do. If you want to sit all the day, just go home! I don’t need a lazy bone here!” “I’m sorry,” Veronica collected her papers. “That’s why I didn’t agree they choose the first year,” the President grumbled, “Tell me, what did you use to get into the Student Council? Do they will just point you as the new Student Council President?” Veronica ignored him. She had already been passing this hatred since the very first time she had stepped in Student Council Room. She got use to it. She had already refused when Mr. Pam had asked her to take this position. She hadn’t wanted to replace the previous sick secretary. When the previous secretary had started his medical treatment for his tumor, the President had

pointed the other member to take over his job. Then when the doctor had said the previous secretary needed a long recovering time, this decision had been made. No one had listened to Veronica. Veronica’s mother had accepted this offering regardless to Veronica’s objection. Mr. Pam had placed her regardless to the President’s legality. Veronica didn’t know whose fault it was. Veronica locked herself in the Student Council Room typing the result of their meeting today and preparing the formal documents they needed. “Evans, I have a problem on my history homework. Will you help me?” the cute voice of Maribel was heard in the other side of the door. Veronica stunned. “Yes, I will,” Evans replied. “Then, let’s meet at the library tomorrow after school,” Maribel said happily, “Now you must keep your promise. You should take me to the downtown.” “No problem.” Evans, he… ‘I don’t like the downtown. It’s too crowded,’ Evans ever told her. ‘We always go home together after school,’ Maribel had told her friends this noon. NO! Veronica did want to trust Evans. He would never betray her. He would postpone their promise. Veronica had gained her trust to Evans again that evening only to find it was tattering again. The next day Evans didn’t show up at their daily meeting! It was something Evans would never do! Before going home, Veronica went to the library. She saw both of them sat side by side. She didn’t call Evans. She just walked away silently in pain. Evans always lectured her whenever she wanted to escape any meeting. He didn’t like she escaped from the reality. He always encouraged her. There was nothing to be worried. Don’t forget Evans never refused any call for help. Veronica told herself. Veronica turned on her PC. She would ask Evans. She needed an answer before all of her trust tattered for something nonsense. “Unbelievable!” the girls yelled in astonishment. Jane stared at her Physics test. Her eyes got wide at the 67 mark written at the upper right in disbelief. “It’s impossible!” “What did you do?” “Did you cheat?” “Do you think it’s possible?!” Jane got angry, “That killer kept monitoring

me till I got sick!” “That was right. It is the first time Jane did her test.” “Well, I don’t want he failed me.” “I still don’t get it. How did you do this?” “I don’t know.” “I can’t accept this! You should treat us!” “No, I won’t. I don’t have money.” “Yes, you should.” “Why?” “You got the highest mark among us.” “But…” “Do you want to share your secret?” “OK!” Jane stood, “I’ll treat you girls drinks.” “That’s cheap!” “Better than none!” Jane leaved her classroom. They mustn’t hope she would tell them the secret of her Physics mark. They won’t believe it. Even she couldn’t admit Veronica was behind this miracle. The Physics summary had been in rubbish unless Jane felt helpless preparing the Physics test. The time she had read it, she found it was so structured that she had almost found no difficulties in learning Physics. It was Veronica’s contribute. However she didn’t want to admit it. She was still the one helped herself! “So, the reservation problem has already been settled,” Jane heard Veronica’s calm voice approaching; “Now you must have more free time.” ‘I’m sorry,” the other voice Jane had never heard, replied, “I couldn’t speak to you these few days. I’m afraid I will have no time to chat until the end of my tests.” “I understand,” Veronica smiled, “You shouldn’t upset your parents, should you? Besides, if you pass the entrance test, you may not study abroad and we can always be together.” “Veronica, I…,” Evans couldn’t say it. “Don’t worry. I can accompany you studying at the library.” “No, you may not. I’m afraid I will study until night.” “I’ll talk about it with Mom. I believe she will understand. I want to spend my time with you.” “Veronica,” Evans knew he should say it. “Let’s stop meeting.” Veronica shocked. “We can still meet every Saturday,” Evans added in hurry. “Do you prefer Maribel accompany you?” she asked jealously. “What are you talking about? She just asked me teaching some subjects.” “But you always are seen with her not only here but… but also downtown.” “She is a new student. She has never been in this city. I just want to help

her.” “Oh,” I ashamed of herself. She had let her jealous took her sense, “She must be lonely. I will befriend with her.” “I know you are such a nice girl,” Evans smiled as he petted Veronica’s head. “Don’t treat me like a child!” Evans just laughed. Jane watched that couple walked away. None of them seems to be forced into this relation. They enjoyed their position. Who cares? It’s not her business. Jane stared the happy face of Veronica. She wanted to know who she was. “Why don’t you stop them!?” Maribel yelled angrily. “Don’t you think we want to!?” Evans just came to her when the monster was here.” “I’ll make her stop seeing Evans. Evans is mine!” “Don’t be so arrogant! Evans isn’t yours,” warned the girls on Evans’s class. “He is ours!” “If you do like him, snatch him!” Maribel barked back, “You are just a coward!” and she left. “You are not better than the monster!!” they yelled too. “Useless!” Maribel had to talk to that girl! She should clarify who was the match girl for Evans! She couldn’t let anyone stay in her way. She would do anything necessary to get Evans! With it in her mind, she waited Veronica in her classroom. The anger on her hearth exploded as she saw Evans escorted Veronica. “Come with me!” Maribel dragged Veronica once Evans left. Veronica puzzled. She let herself being dragged to the yard. “I warned you,” Maribel shouted, “Don’t you dare to ever meet Evans again! He is mine!” “What are you talking about? He is my fiancé?” “You forced him to this fuck engagement!” “No,” Veronica murmured, “I never…” “Stop dreaming! Evans never loves you! He cares of you because he feels guilty!” “That’s… that’s… not right…” “Have you ever heard he said it?” Maribel argued, “He always says it to me.” Veronica’s eyes widened.

“He chooses me! He prefers to be with me than chatting with you!” Veronica’s eyes got wider. They promised not to tell anyone. It’s the only communication outside school they had. “It’s time for you to realize you are nothing! Evans couldn’t stop blaming himself for everything happened. He agreed to marry you just because he wanted to repay his fault!” ‘Run! Run!’ the kid had run away. ‘The monster is here!’ Veronica didn’t want to recall it. ‘Die!’ some kids had kicked Evans. ‘Go to hell, coward!’ ‘You do have the right to protect her. You’ve burned her face!’ They had kicked and hit Evans who fought for her. ‘Go to hell!’ ‘ARRRGHH!’ Veronica cried in pain as her face had been burned. “No…,” Veronica whispered painfully. ‘Veronica, from now on I’ll protect you,’ Evans had promised her in their childhood; ‘I won’t let anyone harm you.’ “Evans just pities you!” Maribel pronounced, “So, stop relying on him!” “NO…,” Veronica whispered painfully. The tears burned her eyes. “So what!?” Both of them surprised. Jane couldn’t stand of it anymore. She didn’t want to hear their conversation but Maribel’s voice was so loud that it attracted her. Jane didn’t know what happened between them. However the situation had told her their positions. Jane grabbed Veronica’s hand. “Let’s go,” she dragged her to a quiet place – far enough from Maribel’s reach. Veronica wiped her watery eyes. “Thank you.” “Why did you keep silent? You should have yelled back at the bitch!” “Why should I?” Veronica asked. “Don’t you get it?” Jane asked impatiently, “She wants to rob Evans from your side!” “NO, she won’t. She is just lonely. She had just been transferred here,” Veronica argued. “You…,” Jane got angry. Why should she get angry of Veronica’s reaction? Why should she put her nose on the other’s business? “I trust Evans. Besides…,” Veronica’s eyes were empty, “Maybe she is right,” she said in a low voice. “Whatever,” Jane couldn’t stop herself thinking how stupid Veronica was. “Now we are deal.” Veronica surprised. “Is that true?” Veronica was happy for Jane. “Congratulation!” There was no sadness in her face. “I always ready to help you.”

“No, thanks,” Jane turned her back and leaved. “She is a damn good person,” she told herself as she saw Veronica waving hand to her, “And stupid.” Stupid… Maybe that’s true. These days Veronica couldn’t stop feeling stupid. Evans never went online. He never replied her. Nevertheless, Veronica kept writing to him. She shared everything to Evans like crazy. She chatted with him as if he was there. There was no single time Veronica stopped telling herself it was exactly what happened when Evans had had to prepare his High School entrance test. Veronica had ever passed time without Evans for months until Evans had finished his tests. She couldn’t be selfish. Evans made this decision for their future. This condition was better was better than three years ago.. They couldn’t chat but they could still meet each other, talk to each other during Student Council meeting. Veronica must always remind herself. However, whenever she watched Maribel walked side by side with Evans, all of her confidence was tattered. She was cute. She was beautiful. She matched Evans. And… Evans never refused her. In fact, Evans always refused to tell her the truth behind their relation. The Student Council room was opened. Veronica turned her eyes from the monitor. Evans surprised to see her in the Student Council. “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you have to be in the meeting?” “Where have you been?” Veronica asked. “I have just studied in the library.” That’s lie! Veronica had just gone to the library to find him but he hadn’t been there. “We have already late,” Evans searched for his school trip files, “We must e hurry.” “What’s your relation with Maribel?” Evans numbed. There was a painful silence until he said, “We have no time to discuss this. They must have waiting for us.” Veronica watched Evans took the wrong folder from the shelf. She just kept silent when Evans leaved the room awkwardly without realizing she didn’t follow him. The tears held for days, dropped along Veronica’s cheek. Maribel was right. It’s the time for the beast to wake up. These lonely days Veronica couldn’t stop recalling her painful past. Her friends had been afraid of her half-burned face and the boys had always teased her. Evans had always protected her. He had always fought them for her. He

had been in quarrels and hatred with the boys. When their parents had learnt it, Evans’s parents had decided to transfer him to a school far from their previous elementary school and Veronica’s parents had also decided to transfer her to an all-girl school Besides, they had assigned some bodyguards to make sure no one could harm her, they had also assigned a private servant and driver to serve her. The overprotective decision Veronica’s parents had made, had isolated her from her circumstance. Her new classmates had been afraid of her overprotective bodyguards. Her old friends had been jealous of her servants. The teachers in her new school treated her as a super-rich girl. If there had been something make them respect her, it had been her parents money. They had used their influenced to let Veronica’s bodyguards guard her everywhere around the school. They bribed anyone for the damage her bodyguards had made in order to protect her. Evans was the only person who always encouraged her. There were times Veronica felt helpless. There were moments Veronica broken apart. There were occasions Veronica lost all her hopes. It was Evans who comforted her. It was him who secretly kept a contact with her. Evans had taught her to use computer. He had suggested them to chat on the net wince it had been very difficult for them to meet each other even to talk in the phone. In the other side, Veronica had studied hard to make her parents proud. She had worked hard to reach the first position each term. It was the only thing she could do to prove to anyone she wasn’t the lazy super rich girl they thought. But, recently Veronica felt it was useless. Everyone was still afraid of her, no matter how often she smiled. Everyone was jealous of her even though she had successfully persuaded her parents to dismiss the bodyguards, servants, and the driver provided only for her. Everyone still suspected her using her wealth to get the answer of the tests, no matter how hard she studied. Veronica glazed the opened door. Evans had already disappeared. At the end she was always alone. “Oh, shit!” Evans sprang from his bed, “I’m late!” It was almost 10:30 AM. He had a date with Veronica at 9 AM. Yesterday Veronica hadn’t show up in the meeting. He would haven’t notice it if the Student Council President hadn’t grumbled about Veronica’s absence. When he had arrived to his home, Evans had turned his computer on. He had wanted to ask Veronica what’s wrong with her. It had been the first time she didn’t come to the daily meeting. Instead of Veronica, he had only received the girls’ short message. “Tomorrow let’s meet an hour earlier,” she had said, “Don’t forget your

promise.” He had waited for Veronica however she had never gone online again. She didn’t write anything more as she had used to be these days. She didn’t share anything with him. Evans believed there must be something wrong with Veronica. He had told himself no to be late today. “Where are you going?” Mrs. Kopf asked when she saw her son clothed in hurry. “Why don’t you wake me up, Mom?” Evans buttoned his shirt, “You know I have an appointment with Veronica every Saturday.” “Veronica, Veronica, and Veronica! Why do you care of that selfish girl!? She doesn’t match to you!” “I’m leaving,” Evans leaved without hearing his mother’s lecture. His mother was the wrong person to discuss with whenever it’s related to Veronica. His father wasn’t the good choice, too. His parents disliked his relation with Veronica. They never blessed their engagement. The only thing kept their hand off of this subject was the historical business cooperation between their families. It was too risk touching Veronica. In the next 30 minutes, Evans arrived at Veronica’s favorite coffee shop. Veronica was still waiting for him. “In the end, you are late,” she welcomed him sadly. “I’m sorry,” Evans felt guilty. “I won’t ask to go to the Game Center. I’ll do anything you want.” Veronica had the right to be angry. He had promised her last week. Still, he was late. Instead of angry, Veronica said in a low voice. “Take your seat, I’ll order another coffee for you.” She stood up. Evans looked at the cold coffee in front of Veronica. “Don’t bother yourself. I’ll have it.” Veronica didn’t hear it. She went to the cashier and returned with a cup of hot cappuccino. “Why do you bother yourself?” Evans asked as Veronica put the coffee in front of him. “They can serve us.” “I just want to serve you,” Veronica smiled, “Can’t I?” Evans couldn’t say anything but, “Yes, you can.” Evans took his hot coffee while looking at Veronica glazing the ocean from the window. It was unusual for that girl to be so quiet. She wasn’t the happy girl he knew. Veronica always argued him whenever he was late. She had never kept silent like this. “Evans,” at least Veronica turned her head. “Do you love me?” Veronica choked. “Silly question!” he avoided Veronica’s eyes. “Tell me,” Veronica asked seriously. Evans took a sugar package and opened it awkwardly.

Veronica watched as Evans poured a great amount of sugar into his coffee. Painfully, she realized how stupid she was. Her brain had already made the decision. However her heart was still stubborn. “Yes, what a silly question,” Veronica agreed, “We are engaged, aren’t we?” “Y-yes,” Evans drank his coffee. He took a peek at Veronica’s right face. “Run! Run!” for the first time after these years, Veronica didn’t stop those memories flowing back. “Run! The hero is here!” the boys teased Evans. “Stop it!” Evans had yelled angrily. “Hero! Hero!” “The white horsed Prince!” those boys hadn’t stopped teasing Evans. “The handsome and the beast!” Those boys had laughed as Veronica had started crying. Her small hand had covered her right face that still hadn’t be covered by her short hair. ‘STOP IT!!’ Evans had hit one of those boys. Since the moment, Evans was always be her side protecting her from anyone who wanted to tease her. Since the moment, too, Evans often saw her face sadly. Veronica wouldn’t lie to herself the reason Evans had proposed her. Veronica wouldn’t run from the reality anymore. Veronica had gone to Evans’s Junior High School after her school. She had lied to her Mother. She had told her she had had an extra class that day. She had escaped from her bodyguards who had been waiting for her in her school entrance. Veronica hadn’t met Evans for more than two weeks. She had desperately wanted to meet him. She had only known Evans’s grade and school. Everything had gone smoothly until a sudden strong wind had revealed her burned face. Everyone had been shocked. No one hadn’t been terrified. “Look at her.” “Poor girl… What a terrible face! Veronica had heard they had talked. She had covered her face with her palm and had run from those voices. Veronica had bumped into someone so hard that she felt with thud. “Are you ARRGHHH! M-mo…monster!!” Veronica had realized what the boy had cried for. She had horridly covered her face. The tears had watered her eyes. “Evans, look that girls’ terrible face. It’s very disgusting!” Veronica eyes had met with Evans’s shocked face. “What the hell had happened to you?” the other friend of Evans had asked Veronica. The tears had started flowing down along Veronica’s cheek.

“Veronica,” Evans had helped Veronica, “Let’s go.” He had taken Veronica to a quiet place for Veronica to cry loudly. “I’m a monster. I’m terrible. I’m ugly.” “No, Veronica, that’s not true. You are beautiful.” “What will you say about this!?” Veronica had shown her face. Evans had turned his head to the other side. He couldn’t bear the guilt looking at that burned face. “You’re a liar! No one likes me. No one will ever love a monster like me.” Evans had watcher Veronica crying desperately. “Veronica,” he said after a quiet long pause, “Let’s gets engaged.” That words had stopped Veronica’s cried. Now, recalling that moment, Veronica realized how sad Evans’s expression that moment. He hadn’t looked happy like a lover should be. He hadn’t been nervous like a lover should be when proposing. He… had been so sad, so helpless. The coughing of Evans called Veronica back to present. “You still haven’t use to sugar, have you?” she surprised on how natural her smile was. “I don’t like sweat,” Evans declared. “Finish your drink quickly. We don’t have enough time.” “Why are you hurrying? We still have plenty time.” Veronica smiled. “Today I’m the boss.” “Ok,” Evans smiled too. Few minutes later they leaved the coffee shop. Veronica held Evans’s hand. Evans surprised. They had never walked hand b hand like this. For Veronica smiley face, Evans kept silent. “Evans, do you know what day is it?” Veronica suddenly stopped. “What?” Veronica smiled so sweetly. She picked a lily in the bucket in front of a flower shop. “Why does the lily is so pure so beautiful?” she asked Evans, “I wish I could be like her.” Evans wanted to say something but Veronica continued, “You have never given me a present not even a flower.” “Veronica…,” Evans had never heard her so sad like this – not even when she had been teased for her face. “Well, it can’t be helped,” she looked at him, “I don’t know what our parents will do if they find it. We knew how their reaction was when we were engaged,” then she stared at her engaged rig, “This ring, you gave me this in front of our parents to prove we were not joking. This is the only thing kept them away from us.” Evans couldn’t stand for those watery eyes. He picked a lily and walked to the counter.

“Evans,” Veronica stopped him, “I’m the boss today,” she reminded him. “I’ll pay for everything today.” “I’m late today,” Veronica always punished him to treat her whenever he was late. “Today is valentine.” Then Evans realize today was February 14. “It’s the first time we celebrate Valentine. Since you don’t like sweet, it is the only thing I can give you. Please…,” she begged, “I don’t know when we can have it again.” Veronica was right. They won’t be able dating on valentine if it wasn’t Saturday. “Ok,” Evans put the lily back, “I’ll buy it for you next time.” “Next time…,” Veronica repeated in a low voice, “Yes, next time.” “Did you say something?” Veronica kept silent. Her eyes didn’t move from the lilies. “Veronica,” Evans put his hand on Veronica’s shoulder, “If you really want it, I will buy it now.” “No… no…,” Veronica refused, “Let’s go,” she pulled Evans’s hand. “Let’s go to the Game Center.” Evans’s eyes widened. “It is Valentine,” Veronica reminded. “Ok,” Evans followed her. For an unknown reason, he felt Veronica wasn’t as enthusiast as usual. As long as she was happy, Evans would do whatever needed. As Veronica’s will, he should play with her in the Game Center this noon. Unlike usual, Veronica asked him to teach her the games she had never liked. She enjoyed learning how to play the racing game. She cried angrily when Evans defeated her in her just-learning fighting game. Evans smiled happily as he saw Veronica’s happy face for the rest of the day. “Evans, I wish we can be together forever,” Veronica said as Evans took her to the parking lot where her drive had already waited for her. “Stop saying silly thing!” Veronica smiled. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed Evans’s cheek. Evans surprised. “Thank you for everything,” she whispered at his ear. “Goodbye,” she walked to her family private car. The driver closed the door for Veronica and moved to his seat. Evans was still surprised as the car moved away. Somehow he felt so empty and lonely. “What’s the meaning of this!?” Evans stared at the engagement ring on the small red box on his hand. It was Veronica’s. He had given it to her as their

engagement symbol. “It’s clear,” Mrs. Kopf was angry, “That’s monster came here to cancel your silly engagement! It’s her who asked me to return it to you.” “But… but…,” Evans could accept the fact, “There is no reason… We’ aren’t quarrelling. We have never quarreled. There is no reason to cancel it.” “That selfish girl must be realized her selfishness.” “She said she wants us to be together forever.” Veronica was happy today. She smiled all the time. He would never do anything made her sad. Veronica knew it. Veronica knew he would always protect her. There was no signal Veronica wasn’t happy with him. “I’ll ask for her,” Evans decided. “Enough!” Mrs. Kopf shouted angrily, “This silly engagement is over! That is!” she stressed. “Don’t you ever think I won’t do anything to stop you! I will kill her if she dares to meet you again. I don’t care about the business whatever. I’m getting tired of it. Your father is a coward. He is afraid to put his firm in a risk but I’m not. I will do anything to stop that crazy monster.” Evans kept silent. “Evans,” Mrs. Kopf said softly, “I heard there is a girl named Maribel loves you.” Evans watched his monitor helplessly. He couldn’t reach Veronica since last Saturday. He hadn’t talk to her since their last date. She had never gone online. She had never replied his message. She avoided him in school. She had come to Student Council meeting just in time before the meeting had started and had leaved right after the end of the meeting. He couldn’t call her. Her family controlled every single of her calling in and out and she had no cell phone. He couldn’t even write a letter for her. Her family also controlled her in-out letter. His mother, in the other side, had self-assertively arranged a date between him and Maribel. She, without his knowing, had befriended with Maribel. Maribel hadn’t let him go, too. She had always met him in his classroom each rest time. She had always followed him to the Student council meeting. She had always waited for him until the end of the intense meeting for the final preparation of their school trip. If he had gone without waiting for her coming, Maribel would have it reported to his mother. If he had tried to make a contact to Veronica, Evans would have it reported to his anti-Veronica mother. Never in his life, had Evans ever felt so helpless like this. Why had Veronica canceled their five-years-long-engagement? Could it be because she was upset for his decision not to meet her? Could it be because she was angry he had made her waiting for almost two hours? No! No! That’s impossible! Veronica wasn’t that kind of girl. Then why? There was no reason for Veronica to cancel their engagement. He hadn’t clarified his problem with Veronica when her mother started

planning his engagement to Maribel. He hadn’t had a chance talking to Veronica when he was forced to be engaged with Maribel. Now he was here, stood elegantly in his tuxedo, welcomed every guest on his engagement party. Maribel stood beautifully in his side. His parents talked proudly to their business partners. Evans glazed every single inch of the restaurant. His eyes were looking for the figure of Veronica hopelessly. It was Saturday. How could Veronica be here? Even though Veronica’s family was invited, it didn’t mean she must be here. “KISS! KISS! KISS!” Evans surprised. “Kiss Maribel!” their friends asked. Evans looked at Maribel then at this parents who wanted his cooperation. Helplessly, Evans bended. Suddenly he felt sad eyesight. There across the room, stood Veronica. He had never seen her so beautiful, so elegant, and charming. Her beautiful pair of eyes looked at him sadly. Maribel had never seen those painful eyes. Not even when everyone had teased her face. “Kiss me,” Maribel ordered him. Evans looked at the girl in front of him and then back across the room. Veronica wasn’t there. There was even no sign at all she had been there. Evans bended again until their mouth almost touched then he whispered. “Sorry,” Evans left Maribel to find Veronica. He couldn’t find Veronica anywhere. He couldn’t find anyone seeing Veronica left. The only thing made him believe it hadn’t been an illusion was the rumor spreading the next Sunday after his engagement party. Everyone gossiped Veronica coming to his engagement party. But it didn’t help at all! When the rumor of his decision to study abroad, was spreading, Evans though could this be the reason? No, it was impossible. Veronica knew he would do anything for her sake. Evans didn’t understand Veronica anymore. They had passed many things. How such a thing could tatter her mind? Maribel had told him Veronica was always alone. She had never had a friend because she thought Evans was enough. Veronica didn’t want to rely on the others but him. Maribel had made him realize all these times Veronica had always talked about general topic. She had never mentioned a girl’s name. He had known Veronica had done anything to be with him including forcing her parents to let her study in his High School. It was a difficult choice. Evans couldn’t tell Veronica about this decision. Instead, he had asked her to stop meeting. Still, the disappointment in Veronica’s face had excused him not to be so strict. Now Veronica did it very well. Until they leaved for their two days school trip, they hadn’t talk to each other. Until their busses moved, Evans could only

watched Veronica.

Part 3

Veronica walked along the beach. Tonight was full moon. Tonight, at least, she could feel the ocean breeze she could never feel. Tonight she could enjoy the beauty of ocean she had never seen. Tonight was the only chance she had. Veronica had planned to walk with Evans, holding his hands firmly and walking along this beach. She had planned to spend as much time as she could with Evans on their only trip. She had planned… The persistent tears run down again. Veronica had told herself not to cry when she had made this hard decision. She had told herself to stop longing for Evans when she told Mrs. Kopf about Maribel. Still… Veronica wiped her tears. Maybe she should drown herself on the ocean just like what Evans had said when she had told him her wish. “Do you want to die!?” Evans had argued her, “No one swim in the ocean at night!” Evans looked at the calm ocean again. Maribel was right. Veronica couldn’t be there although he had agreed to accompany her. Veronica mustn’t be. “Let’s go!” Maribel pulled Evans, “My friends have already waited for us.” “She starts it again,” the boys were grumbling. “Since she was engaged to Evans, she always boasts her fiancé,” the others agreed. “Maribel really makes me angry. Evans isn’t the only best man in the world. Don’t you think so, Dan?” The boys be asked to had walked away. “Dan!?” he called, “Where are you going?” “Take al walk,” he replied as he was walking to the beach. He had growing tired of the latest gossip. They always and always talked about Evans and his new fiancée. He didn’t care whoever that rich boy engaged to. He didn’t interested! Dan watched the scenery in front of him. Tonight was a beautiful nigh. The breeze was warm. The clear sky revealed its beautiful stars and round moon. The ocean was shining under the full moon. It was beautiful scenery. A figure sprang from the ocean. Dan hid behind a rock. A girl walked toward. Her wet hair shined under the beautiful moonlight.

Dan gasped as the moonlight revealed her beautiful side-face. The girl looked at his direction. Dan hid again. His heart was beating fast. “Who?” she asked with her sweet voice. “Who is there?” Dan prayed won’t be found. There were neither steps nor sounds. When Dan took a peek again, the girl was gone – leaving only her small footsteps on the dark beach. That night Dan couldn’t forget the beautiful shape of the girl’s side-face. When he had told his friend, they had only laughed at him. They had said she maybe was a ghost. Dan believed she wasn’t a ghost. She was real. He had followed her foot prints until the ladder to their hotel. Dan believed the girl stayed in the same hotel as them. Therefore he watched each girl he met this morning carefully. “So, have you found your beautiful ghost?” “Nope,” Dan replied tiredly. They had kept repeating that question this morning. “Maybe you should wait her at that rock until night.” Dan looked at the rock he had hided behind last night. A girl stood on the top of the rock. A scarf covered her head and a hat prevented the sun burning her face. Dan gasped as he realized who the girl was. “That’s the girl.” “Where? Where?” “There… on the rock,” Dan told them. “SHE!?” “Don’t kidding me! You may love any girl but her!” “What’s wrong with her?” “Don’t you know her? She is a monster!” “She is Evans’s ex-fiancée,” the other told Dan. “She forced Evans,” the other corrected him, “Evans had accidentally burnt her right face and she blamed Evans for it.” Dan watched the girl tried to cover her right face as the wind blew. Some girls looked at her while giggling. She seemed to feel it. For a second she looked so sad and she turned her back – moving away. “At least she didn’t boast Evans,” Dan leaved his friends. “Dan! Dan, where are you going?” Evans watched the boy who wanted to pursuit Veronica. his eyes followed the boy walked toward Veronica. Evans couldn’t let it happened. “Evans!” Maribel pulled his arm. “This is yours.” “What, Veronica?” Maribel stared at him angrily. Evans realized his fault.

Maribel threw the ice creams into Evans’s face and walked away in rage. The shopkeeper and the other guests stunned. Evans cleaned his face then asked the seller with his calmness. “How much?” A strong wind blew Veronica’s hat. Veronica stretched her hand to catch it. “Aaargh!” Veronica surprised. Some kids run away in horror. Veronica covered her face with her scarf. Evans was right. It was a wrong decision to come to the beach at noon. “I believe this is your hat” someone handed Veronica’s hat. Again a strong wind blew. Veronica tried her best to over her right face. The boy pulled Veronica’s scarf. “Stop…” He put Veronica’s hat on her head and used her scarf to fasten it into her head. “This is better.” Then while knotting the ends of her scarf under her chin, he said, “Now the wind won’t blow it away.” For Veronica amazement, the boy smiled. “Why?” she asked, “Why aren’t you afraid?” “What should I am afraid of?” he asked, “You are a beautiful girl.” The praise colored Veronica’s cheek. “I think we ever met before.” “Are we?” Veronica asked. “Whatever,” he said, “I am Dan,” he stretched his hand, “What’s your name?” “I… my…,” Veronica looked at the hand nervously, “I’m Veronica Suffolk.” She shake the hand. “You have never talked to boys before, haven’t you?” The gentle smile in Dan’s face reminded Veronica of Evans. “No, I have,” she replied sadly. “Ah, yes,” Dan corrected his own word, “You are Evans’s ex-fiancée.” For Dan’s surprise, tear felt down from Veronica’s eyes. Veronica turned her body. “I’m sorry,” Dan followed Veronica in puzzle. “Veronica!” the call stopped Veronica. Maribel stopped Veronica. Veronica just looked at the girl. “What…” “Stop it! Stop bothering Evans! He is mine!” she raised her hand again. “Stop it!” Dan held Maribel.

“You, monster! You always ruin others life. Why don’t you go to hell!?” Veronica turned away and run. “Veronica!” Dan followed her. Veronica cried bitterly under a big coral. Dan sat beside her silently. Now he remembered where they had met. They had ever met when Maribel had got angry to Veronica in front of his classroom. Veronica had still been Evans’s fiancée at that time and now she was his exfiancée. The only thing that didn’t change was Maribel’s rude attitude and Veronica’s silence. “Dan,” Veronica wiped her tears, “Don’t tell anyone.” Dan didn’t understand. “Please…,” Veronica begged. Dan had never cared of the relation between Evans, Veronica and Maribel. Now he keen to know. Veronica’s watery eyes looked at Dan hopefully. “Ok,” he agreed, “But…” Evans stepped into Veronica’s favorite coffee shop. He hadn’t talked to Veronica for more than one month. Since their school trip, he had to retire from Student Council and club’s activity. He was busy with his exams preparations and Veronica was busy with next Student Council activity, Student Council President Election. He didn’t have other opportunity to meet her either. Maribel never gave him any chance to meet Veronica in school. His mother forbade him meeting Veronica on Saturday. Today was his only chance. His parents went abroad. They were invited by their business partner to a social party. He had successfully lied to Maribel. He told her that he had to study for next test. Now Evans just hoped Veronica will be there. They had been visiting this coffee shop for more than four years. Veronica had felt in love to this coffee shop since Evans refused to take her walked along the beach. There in the corner, in Veronica’s favorite corner, sat a girl. She glazed the ocean from the big glass window. “Hi, Daydreamer Princess,” Evans put his hand on Veronica’s shoulder with his typical caress and prepared for Veronica’s counter. Veronica didn’t slap Evans with her bag like usual. She didn’t even move. Evans sat in front of Veronica and made his order. “Why are you here?” she asked without turning her head. “There is no warning I can’t come.” “Maribel won’t be happy to see you here,” Veronica took her glass, “With me.” Evans watcher Veronica drank her tea. “You are avoiding me.” This wasn’t

the topic he wanted! “I must,” at least Veronica faced him, “Maribel is madly in love with you. She is always jealous to any girls around you,” she put her empty cup on the table and looked at Evans seriously, “Especially me.” Veronica took her bag and stood. “Veronica,” Evans grabbed her hand, “Why did you cancel our engagement?” Veronica didn’t say a word. “Tell me, why? Are you angry to me? Are you angry because I am always late? Did I do something that disappointed you?” Evans said everything he had in his head the last one month, “Tell me, Veronica. Tell me why?” Veronica avoiding Evans’ eye sight again and whispered, “That’s not important.” “Do you love me?” She had ever asked the same question to him. “There is a girl you choose on your side,” she replied, “Don’t you bother yourself,” she tried her best to stay calm, “Let me go. I have an appointment.” “What appointment?” Evans didn’t want to let Veronica go. He came to clarify everything. He wanted to know Veronica’s reason behind all of her actions. He demanded to know why Veronica avoiding him and acting as if they were strangers. He had the right to know everything! “My driver is waiting.” He saw Veronica’s private driver was waiting for that girl in the entrance. Willing less, Evans let Veronica go. “Is the rumor true?” he asked. Evans referred to the rumor of Veronica’s arranged marriage. Evans watched Veronica turned away. She didn’t say anything. She kept walking away just like she walked away from his life silently. Again that emptiness he had felt that evening squished his heart. “What did you want!?” yelled Mrs. Suffolk, “I seek a fiancée for you and you scared them away. I arranged a plastic surgery and you refused. What do you want!?” “Mom…” “Do you want to be a nun!?” A nun… yeah that could be a good idea. God never judged someone from her appearance. “Mom, I know what I do. I will accept the consequences.” “Don’t find me if you brokenhearted again!” Veronica just kept quiet – not knowing whether she could fall in love again. Her parent was the happiest person to learn the cancellation of her

engagement. They had held a feast for it and they had planned marriage arrangement for her. Fortunately for them, her suitors were increasing after she had represented her unwillingly-coming-parents Evans’s engagement party. However, none of them truly loved her. They screamed in horror seeing her right face and never met her again. “Good morning, Veronica.” Veronica looked at Dan who was always waiting for her in entrance every morning. Maybe Dan was the only man in the world who truly loved her. He had seen Veronica’s burned face and he had known her past with Evans. he knew she would never forget Evans. Still, he didn’t stop loving her. “I will make you fall in love with me,” he said it every time. If only she could… “Yesterday I saw your car in the French restaurant. Did you have another marriage arrangement?” Veronica chose not to say any word. “Did you scare them away?” She just wanted them to know every single truth. “I promise you. I will work hard to be a millionaire then I’ll purpose you and I will pay for you face operation.” Veronica didn’t say a word. He didn’t know why she always refused to take the operation. “Veronica.” Veronica shocked seeing Evans stood in her class-doorway. He had never done this before. He wasn’t the type of man who would wait for a girl. He wasn’t that type! “Good morning,” Veronica surprised of her own calm voice. “I need to talk with you,” he took Veronica’s hand. What did he want? She had already clarified everything yesterday. “Evans!” Maribel jumped on Evans, “I’m looking for you everywhere. What are you doing here? Don’t we have an appointment?” and she dragged Evans away. Dan watched Veronica’s sad eyes following them. “When will Evans graduate?” she asked in a low voice. “When will you graduate, too?” Dan asked her knowing the answer was never. Although Veronica never answered his question, Dan knew she loved Evans. “Are you crazy, Dan? Why are you pursuing that monster?” “She must have put a spell on you.” “Stop it!” Dan yelled. “Don’t you learn your situation!? Everyone says it. Veronica use you to take

Evans back.” “Shut up!” Dan could hear those irresponsible gossips no more. “You don’t understand Veronica. She isn’t that kind of girl! She doesn’t like me following her but I do! I don’t care what the others saying. I love her!” “You must be crazy. Her face is badly burned!” “SO WHAT!? She is better than Maribel. Besides, when she becomes my girlfriend, I can persuade her to take the plastic surgery.” Evans stopped. Dan and his friends passed Evans. “Veronica is an angel. If you watch her carefully, you can see her beauty,” Dan praised Veronica, “She likes a moon. When the sun is away, the moon shines charmingly. Her gentle beauty will attract you to look only to her.” They laughed. “You really mad.” Evans stared at the boy. He had seen the boy with Veronica in their schooltrip. Since that moment, they had often been seen together. Did he understand what he had done to Veronica? It’s not the time to bother himself with Dan. He should find Veronica before Maribel showed up. He had no chance talking to her this morning. Maribel had also followed him during resting hour. His only hope was library – where Veronica used to spend her time before Student Council meeting. Veronica sat alone in the corner. She was too busy studying to pay attention to how the others looked at her. Evans was sad. Why hadn’t he realized this before? Why had he believe in Maribel? Evans must have known what kind of girl Veronica is. She did rely on him every time. She did spend her time only with him. However, she had never refused to befriend with the others. It was the irresponsible gossips. It was Veronica’s trauma that kept her away from the others. Evans had ever witnessed how Veronica’s bodyguards had scared away her friends. Evans had ever overheard Veronica being laughed, being teased… for her face. “DAMN! Where is the book? If I couldn’t find it, I will die. That killer Pierot often uses that book’s exercises.” “Look. The monster has the book.” “Damn! That monster always troubles the others.” Evans stared at the girls angrily and sadly, he saw Veronica who didn’t realize anything. “Veronica!” a girl suddenly hug Veronica. Veronica surprised. “Teach me! Teach me this Physics,” Jane begged, “That killer warned me to

pass the coming test.” Veronica looked at the girl. She hadn’t talk to her again since their last short talking. “Don’t misunderstanding me,” Jane warned. Her eyes glanced at the girls who had just cursed Veronica. “I just want to pass my Physics exam.” “Yes, of course,” Veronica smiled. The girls stunned. “Veronica…,” some girls approached. With all their courage, they said in low voice, “Could you teach us, too?” “Go away!” Jane expelled rid their classmates off, “You said you don’t want the monster help you.” The girls were panic. Veronica just smiled. “Of course, I will.” Jane watched Veronica happily taught them. “You are really a damn good person.” “Excuse me?” Veronica puzzled. “Nothing,” Jane said, “Don’t forget to write my Physics summary.” “Jane, you are cheap!” her friend protested, “You already have one.” Every single eye stared at them – made them silent. “Don’t quarrel,” Veronica calmed them, “I can make a copy for all of you.” “REALLY!??” Again those eyes stared at them unpleasantly. “Please be quiet,” Veronica asked. They were giggling happily. Evans smiled. Veronica needed times. Yes, he could talk to her tomorrow. Few meters behind, Maribel stood in rage. Evans had never given her that gentle smile. He had not study at home yesterday. She had seen them in the coffee shop. That girl! That monster always troubled her. That monster always haunted their relationship. If only she was never here, Evans would be hers. If only she died…

Part 4

“Thank you, Veronica. You helped me understand that killing Physics.” “Don’t mention it.” “Who said doesn’t want the monster help,” Jane interrupted. They were nervous. Veronica smiled happily. They had just finished their small study group and now they were walking together. “Veronica, we are sorry. We never mean it.” “Don’t worry. I never take account on it.” They relieved. “Veronica!” Maribel run toward them, “DIE!!” Veronica surprised. Her books felt on the floor. The girls screamed seeing blood running down from Veronica’s arm. “Go to hell!!” Maribel attacked Veronica again. “Stop!” Dan held Maribel’s hand in time. Dan had felt something wasn’t right when he was Maribel walked around with a cutter in her hand. The girls watched Maribel in shock. “Let me go!” Maribel broke loose. “What are you waiting for!? Take Veronica to the infirmary!” Dan ordered. “You don’t look like a careless girl,” the infirmary doctor commented. Veronica gave her innocent smile. “Next time be careful when you are holding a cutter,” she fixed Veronica’s bandage. “Yes, I will,” Veronica promised. Someone opened the door. “Veronica!” Dan showed up, “Are you ok?” “I’m fine,” Veronica stood, “Thank you, Doctor,” and to her new friends, she apologized, “Sorry to make you worry. I’ve a Student Council meeting now. See you tomorrow.” Veronica hurriedly leaved the room. “She is really a damn good person,” Jane commented. Everyone in the room looked at her. Dan decided to stop this. He couldn’t be an audience anymore. Maribel had ever tried to kill Veronica before and now she did it again. Dan must stop the source of this. Evans’s eyes widened.

“Don’t get closer to Veronica if you don’t want to be jailed!” Dan warned them. “Is she ok?” Evans worried. “It’s not your business! Just take care of your crazy wife. Veronica isn’t your fiancée anymore. She is your past!” “Veronica never blamed you for her scar. She said it was an accident. Just an accident! She also told me you shall graduate from your guilty. You shouldn’t waste your future for your silly engagement.” “Silly engagement…?” Evans gasped, “Did she… say it?” “Yes, she did. She told me everything.” Even something that she had never told him, Evans realized painfully. “It’s too late to regret anything Veronica has made a wise decision by canceling your silly engagement.” “You!” This guy could be the culprit. He loved Veronica. “You must have forced her to cancel our engagement.” “Don’t accuse others without proof! I didn’t know Veronica until the school trip.” He didn’t lie, Evans realized the truth again with pain. “Now you have your self-choose fiancée. Don’t disturb Veronica. your silly engagement is over!” ‘You have the girl whom you chose on your side,’ Veronica had said. Was that what Veronica thought about him? Was that Veronica felt about their engagement? “Evans!” Dan saw Maribel approaching. “Remember what I said,” he left the numbed Evans. Maribel stared at Dan with unpleasant look. “What’s his business with you?” Maribel asked. This was the girl they said he had chosen. “Evans!” Maribel called him again. “Maribel,” he whispered, “We shall cancel this engagement.” Maribel stunned. “Let’s cancel this stupid engagement,” he repeated seriously. “What did you say?” Maribel couldn’t believe his ear. “We have no reason to keep this engagement.” Maribel slapped Evans. “Why!?” she shouted, “Tell me why!?” Evans kept quiet. His lost mind had hurt another girl. “That monster! That monster must have told you so,” Maribel grabbed Evans’s arm, “Evans, don’t listen to her. Don’t believe what the monster said. She wants to control you. She only wants to manipulate you.” “Stop it!” Evans shouted. He couldn’t stand on it anymore. He couldn’t let anyone say anything bad about Veronica. “She has never tied me with our

engagement. It’s me who purposed it. She refused my proposal. She didn’t want me to take a careless decision only cause of my guilty but I forced her. I want to marry her not because of my guilt but because I love her!” Evans surprised himself with his own words. Now he understood why he had been in maze since Veronica walked away from his life. He did had purposed Veronica because of his responsible. Bye the passed time, his guilty was fading away. He didn’t date Veronica with that feeling anymore. He weren’t longing for their Saturday with his responsible any longer. He met Veronica with his longing. He talked to Veronica with his trust. With Veronica, he could relax. With Veronica he could do anything he liked. Veronica had never given him any expectations. Veronica had never wanted him to do something special. Veronica just wanted him to be always be her side. “I’ll kill her! I’ll kill that bitch!” Maribel cursed, “If she dies, you will always be mine!” “I warned you, Maribel,” Evans warned her seriously, “Don’t touch Veronica otherwise you can never step in this city.” With his dangerous voice, he added, “You have hurt Veronica once. Remember I haven’t taken an account on it. Now, give me back your ring.” “I’m sorry,” Veronica apologized. “Don’t say it again. You didn’t ask me to take you home. I made this decision!” Veronica felt sorry. Dan had waited for her until the end of her meeting. He had also insisted to walk her home. He had reasoned their home were in the same direction. However, Veronica knew it was a lie. Veronica looked at her image on the glass-door of shops along the street. Her waiving hair gave little clue on what was hidden on her right cheek. Right cheek… her right face. Dan stopped to Veronica’s sad eyes as she saw her own image on the glass-window. “Veronica,” he asked, “Why don’t you operate your face? You are a beautiful girl. You will look even more beautiful without your scar.” Veronica placed her sad eyes on Dan. “That’s not true, isn’t it? You are keeping your scar not to manipulate Veronica, aren’t you?” Veronica smiled. She would not blame Dan. He just thought like the others. He didn’t understand anything. “Dan, you may leave now. My house is just few blocks away.” “No, Veronica. I will take you to your doorway. Besides, I want to talk to your parents.” Veronica alarmed. “Don’t say anything to them,” she warned, “Don’t tell

them anything about Maribel.” Dan couldn’t say anything. “Promise me,” Veronica begged. “I promise,” Dan said. Veronica won’t know anything. He had responsible to protect her. The next morning Dan waited for Veronica happily in their school entrance. Yesterday he had told Veronica’s mother everything about Maribel and Veronica’s school-life. As his reward, Mrs. Suffolk had praised him. Veronica had ever told him how strict she was. Nevertheless, yesterday she welcomed him with open arms. Dan smiled. He believed now e got an extra point from both Veronica and Mrs. Suffolk. A black car stopped at the gateway. The black window prevented anyone to see what was inside. Those amazed pupils started whispering to each other as a man in black suit and black sunglasses came out fro the front seat. He opened the passenger seat and bended, “We have already arrived, Miss.” For Dan astonishment, Veronica sprang out. Another black-suited man came out from the other side. Then both of them followed Veronica. Veronica looked Dan sadly as she passed them. Dan didn’t understand. What did this mean? Why were there bodyguards? Why was Veronica sad? “Veronica,” Evans stood in their way. Veronica looked at him helplessly. “How are you, Mr. Kopf?” one of Veronica’s bodyguard greeted, “It’s been a long time since our last meeting.” “Yes, it’s been a long time,” Evans looked at Veronica. “We are being ordered to protect Miss Veronica from anyone including you, Mr. Kopf,” the other man said coldly. “Let’s go, Miss Veronica.” Veronica followed her bodyguards without question. Dan stood still in his place. “You told her, didn’t you!?” Evans interrogated Dan, “Did you know what have you did!? You have ruined Veronica’s hard work! You ruined her life!” “I… I…,” Dan’s face was completely white. “Follow my suggestion; keep your nose away from Veronica!” Evans warned before he leaved. He got plenty to do rather than got angry to Dan. Jane looked at Veronica and her bodyguards quizzically. “What does this mean?”

“After all, she is a typical rich girl.” Veronica didn’t seem to enjoy her guidance. “I’ll find him,” Jane decided. “Him?” “He, who knows everything. The only person understands Veronica.” Jane answered, “Evans Kopf!” “I want it! I want it!” Veronica had pulled the sparkles at Evans’s hand. “No, Veronica. it’s dangerous!” “I want to play it, too!” Veronica had pulled hardly. Evans had held his fireworks firmly. “No!” he had pushed Veronica away. “It’s dangerous.” At the same time, Veronica had grabbed the sparkles. With no one could have stopped it, the burning fireworks burned Veronica’s face. “Look what your child has done to my sweetheart!” Mrs. Suffolk had berated Kopf family. “How dare you blame my child?” Mrs. Kopf had argued. “I won’t let you meet Evans start from this very moment!” Mr. Suffolk had commanded. Tears dropped on Veronica’s book. “Are you okay, Miss Veronica?” “Who made you cry?” then he looked at Veronica’s frightened classmates. “Is that one of them?” “Stop it!” Veronica wiped her tears, “It’s just dust. Dust gets into my eyes.” Veronica saw Jane stood in her classroom doorway looking right into her eyes. “Jane, are you serious?” her friend asked, “Don’t you see her bodyguards?” Jane abandoned their warning and walked straight into Veronica. “What do you want?” Veronica’s overprotective bodyguards stopped her. “Don’t our dare to get closer to our mistress!” “Veronica, do you like to be like this forever?” Jane asked. “Tell me the truth! Do you like to be isolated?” Veronica turned away her head. “Answer me, Veronica!” “Go away!” they drove her away. “Veronica, if you want to change this situation, you should stop thinking you are a monster.” Those words got right into Veronica’s heart. “I believe you are not a monster! No monster will help me with my Physics.” Veronica couldn’t hold back her tears. “Shut up! Go away!” Veronica’s bodyguards pushed Jane so hard until that

girl felt down. “S.” “Maribel Stone, please report to Headmaster Office immediately,” the voice from the loudspeaker took away everyone’s attention, “Once more, Maribel Stone, please report to Headmaster Office now.” The announcement aroused topics among the student. “Is that true?” “The head of Suffolk family is here to see the Headmaster.” “They must have come to take account with Maribel.” “I saw their car in front of the school gate.” Veronica ran away to hear it followed by her worried bodyguards. “Their?” “Kopf family car is also here.” Jane and her friend looked each other quizzically. “Where is your responsibility!?” barked Mrs. Suffolk, “How do you teach your student!? How do you guarantee the safety of each student?” “I demand this crazy girl to be expelled right now!” Mr. Suffolk barked, too. “B-but she is…” “She has contempt to kill my sweetheart. Do you need another reason to expel her!?” “I demand you to expel Veronica Suffolk!” Mrs. Kopf suddenly came in, “That selfish girl has ruined my son’s life!” “SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” Mrs. Suffolk shouted, “Your evil son had ruined my sweetie future!” “She had forced my son into that silly engagement and now she made him cancel his engagement!” “Nonsense! My sweetie has nothing to do with your evil son!” “Your selfish daughter had manipulated my son with her terrible face!” “SHUT UP!” Mrs. Kopf had touched the most sensitive topic, “You evil son had burned my sweetie’s face.” You have the money to get a plastic surgery expert. If you don’t have it, I can pay it for you.” “I don’t need your damn money!” Some students gathered in front of the Headmaster Office. They talked to each other in puzzle. “What does this mean?” they asked, “Veronica and her family had controlled Evans, hadn’t they?” “Haven’t they cancelled that engagement and later Evans engaged to Maribel?” “Maribel tried to kill Veronica? Is that right?” They stopped talking as Maribel arrived and move away to give her a way.

Every eye followed her steps to the door. With her calmness, Maribel knocked the door. “Mommy, stop it!” opened the door harshly. “So, the monster is also here,” Mrs. Kopf said sarcastically. “She is not a monster!” Mrs. Suffolk shouted, “She is much better than your evil son.” “My son isn’t an evil!” Mrs. Kopf shouted, too, “He is a genius.” “My sweetie ranks the first every year!” “She must have been cheating,” Mrs. Kopf disliked the fact, “Like parents like child.” “Nonsense!” at least Mr. Suffolk got himself involved, “You cheated me on the project.” “I didn’t!” Mr. Kopf followed, too, “It’s our useless managerial problem.” “I have the most effective management in the world! It’s our lazy developer team fault!” “My developer team is better than your brain.” “You brought the idea!” “You accepted the idea!” Everyone stunned to see the uncontrollable argue. The headmaster was speechless. Veronica saw them sadly. They had used to be good friend. They were if only… “STOP IT RIGHT NOW!” They looked at Evans who stood at the door. “Nice,” Mrs. Suffolk said sarcastically, “Everyone is here.” Evans ignored that comment. “Why are you here?” Evans asked his parents, “Don’t you promise me to leave Veronica alone?” “She promised me not to meet you again, but see what she has done to you?” Mrs. Kopf argued, “She said she will support you and Maribel but she made you cancel your engagement.” Evans couldn’t believe it. “Veronica, you…” Veronica avoided Evans’s eyes. “She ruins your life!” Mrs. Kopf reminded. “He ruins my sweetie future!” Mrs. Suffolk declared. “Stop it!” Veronica cried, “It’s just an accident. Why don’t you understand!? Why do you keep blaming Evans?” “If it’s just an accident, why don’t you let Evans alone?” Maribel interrupted, “You had forced him to engage with you. You had played with his heart. You have pushed him to cancel our engagement.” “Maribel, shut up!” “I have no wrong!” Maribel protested, “She did ruin your life,” Maribel grabbed Evans’s arms, “Evans, don’t listen to her. Consider your decision. She

only wants to manipulate you.” “Do you think I am the kind of person who will do something I don’t like?” Evans asked in a warning voice. Maribel stared at Veronica. “You bitch! You must have put a spell on Evans!” she said in rage, “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!” Veronica’s bodyguards protected her. Evans held Maribel tightly. “Are you sane!?” “Do you need another proof!?” Mr. Suffolk asked the Headmaster. “Take her to the police station!” Mrs. Suffolk ordered Veronica’s bodyguards, “She deserves it.” “Yes, Ma’am,” they took over Maribel. “Let me go! I shall kill that monster! She has cursed Evans!” “Take her away!” Mr. Suffolk commanded, too. “Maribel… she…,” Mrs. Kopf said to her husband terrified, “I never think…” “Stop it!” Veronica blocked them. “Veronica, go away!” said Mr. Kopf, “She is not worth for you to protect. She tries to kill you!” “No, I won’t move unless you promise me to let her go,” Veronica said stubbornly. “What do you want?” Mrs. Suffolk asked Veronica impatiently, “You refused to take the surgery. You made us let you come here. You kept going out every Saturday even though your stupid engagement has been over. You scared all of your suitors and now you protect a killer, a killer who wants to kill you!” “Tell us what you want,” demanded Mr. Suffolk. Veronica looked at Maribel and then her parents. “I want you to let her go.” “We will if you do whatever we tell you,” said Mrs. Suffolk. “You will be guarded start from now on. You will take the surgery without any complains and you shall not refuse your arranged marriage,” Mr. Suffolk told her. Evans looked at Veronica. She won’t, would she? She won’t take it. “Promise?” “You got our words,” Mr. and Mrs. Suffolk assured her. She would, Evans realized. After all, she was a kind girl. “That’s a…” “NOO!!” They looked at Evans. “No, Veronica. Don’t do that. Promise me, you won’t do that! You don’t need your bodyguards. I will protect you!” Evans didn’t care. “You may not take the operation. You may refuse the arranged marriage. I will always be with you.” Veronica’s eyes burnt with tears. “Evans,” her voice was so low that it’s barely heard. “I’m no longer afraid of hospital,” and with all the courage she

had, she looked into Evans’ eyes. It’s time to end this. “They are right. I have been manipulating you with my burnt face.” “See, what I said,” Mrs. Kopf claimed proudly. “I don’t dare!” Evans said stubbornly, “I love you. I want to be with you forever.” She had waited for those words for a long time. But… “Evans, don’t you think it’s the time for us to graduate from this silly relation?” Veronica asked in her calm voice, “You mustn’t waste your time with a monster like me. Don’t let your guilt play with your heart.” “Look at me, Veronica, and told me if I’m lying.” Veronica refused to look at him. Evans took the flower vase on nearby table and threw it to the floor. Veronica surprised. Evans took a piece of the broken vase. Veronica’s eyes widened. Evans stabbed his eye with the sharp pointed edge of the broken vase. “NOOO!!” Veronica knocked Evans down. Everyone was speechless to see they felt on the floor while fresh blood running down from Evans’s left eyes. “No, Evans, no!” Veronica grabbed his hands, “Don’t do this!” Tears were falling down from her broken heart. “It’s the only way to make you believe me,” Evans took another piece. “I believe you! I trust you!” Veronica cried, “I love you, too.” “I make you crying,” Evans said sadly. “Hull,” Mr. Kopf looked at Mr. Suffolk, “We should over this unreasonable quarrel. What do you think?” “You are right,” Mr. Suffolk agreed. “WHAT!?” Mrs. Suffolk and Mrs. Kopf protested. “Veronica will be ok,” Mr. Suffolk told his wife, “Look at them.” Evans wiped Veronica tears while Veronica cared for Evans bleeding eyes. Jane and her friends, who had been watching everything from the opened door, decided not just to be an audience anymore. She helped Veronica while the others called for the doctor. “Veronica is much fair than Maribel, isn’t she?” Mr. Kopf smiled to her speechless wife. Two years later… “Unbelievable!” Jane cried, “Your Mom really is an overprotective mother! You are no longer a child. Why she doesn’t let you go overnight with us?” “Yes. Next week is our graduation ceremony. After that we won’t have any chance to meet.” Veronica smiled.

“Now your guardian has already been waiting for you,” Jane moaned. They looked at the tall figure in the school-gate. “Go!” they pushed Veronica, “Don’t let him think we kidnap you.” “Cya tomorrow,” Veronica leaved them for the man waiting for her. “He is coming again,” Veronica could hear the girls gossiping, “Who is he? Why he always pick the monster up everyday?” “It’s a pity. She is cute. She will be even prettier without that burned face.” “I took pity on him. He is too handsome for her.” “Why he covers his left face with hair?” Veronica smiled. She was ok with those gossips. Let them say whatever they want. She didn’t care at all. She accepted the fact with all of her heart now. It was because of him – the one that truly loved her. “Do I make you waiting?” Veronica gave him her sweatiest smile. “It’s my pleasure, my lovely Princess,” Evans stretched a lily out. “Can’t you have other variances?’ Veronica jokingly grumbled. “I bring different colors of lily everyday,” Evans made excuse. “You are really…,” Veronica speechless. Strong winds suddenly blew – revealing their hidden face. Veronica could feel the surprise of people around them but she didn’t care. So did Evans who had already taken her bag over. Veronica let Evans opened the car door for her and waited silently for Evans to seat in the driver seat. Veronica watched silently as Evans checked his car before turned the engine on. She could see scar running down from his forehead to his blinded left eye. “Evans, why don’t you operate your eye?” Evans looked at her and smiled mysteriously. “I have the same reason as you,” he moved his chest forward. With one hand, Evans parted Veronica’s hair – revealing her burned right face and his other hand held Veronica’s chin. “That is to manipulate you,” Evans kissed that burned face. “You are cheap!” Veronica gloomed. Evans laughed. “Call your Mom,” Evans turned the engine on, “Tell her you will be late today.” “That’s useless,” Veronica told him, “You know her new quarrel with your Mom.” Veronica sighed. “I hope they can stop this nonsense quarrel. I’m tired of hearing them comparing us.” “I think they only thing can stop them is our child.” Veronica’s eyes opened wide. “You are eighteen now. It means we can marry.” “Are… you serious?” Veronica couldn’t believe it. “Oh, man,” Evans was disappointed, “You are really good at running everything. I have already planned this for a long time. I want to propose you in a cruise I prepared tonight not inside a car.”

“You haven’t proposed me formally.” Evans sighed. “And you are an expert at cheering me up.” “You, too,” Veronica smiled happily.

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