Invitation For Bids Nlcp-uit

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Government of Rajasthan Office of Project Director Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project AVS Building, Jawahar Circle, JLN Marg, Jaipur - 302017 Tel No.: 0141-2721966, Fax No.: 0141-2721919, email : [email protected], web site :

F3 (67) /RUIDP/PMU/NLCP-UIT/01/inv. bids./2008/10143-243

Dated: - 01



For the integrated development of Towns under the NLCP-UIT; the Project Director, RUIDP invites sealed bids on behalf of Governor of Rajasthan under Two envelope post-qualification criteria (Envelop A-Technical Bid, Envelop B-financial Bid) from experienced, technically and financially sound reputed bidders fulfilling eligibility criteria as described in the bid document for the following packages for the Sewage Treatment Plant and Sewerage work for the Udaipur town:-. S.No. Contract Name of Contract Package and Bid Estimate Package No. Brief Description of Work Security d Cost 1 NLCP-UIT/ Lot-1 UDA/WW/01 Providing, Laying, Jointing, Testing and Commissioning of Lateral, Branch, Trunk, Outfall sewers, associated Pumping Stations with rising Rs. 89.86 Rs. 4493 Lacs mains and O&M of Pumping Station for 5 years Lacs and all ancillary works including construction of Manholes and restoration of roads etc. and works in various areas of Udaipur Town (under percentage rate basis) with time of completion is 3 years.






Lot-2 Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing & Rs. 38.00 Rs. 1900 Lacs Commissioning of Civil, Mechanical and Lacs Electrical works and Operation & Maintenance for 5 years of 20 MLD Sewage Treatment Plants based on Activated sludge Process at Manwa Kheda at Udaipur (under Turnkey basis) with time of time of completion is 2 years. The Bidders can bid for package no. NLCP-UIT/ UDA/WW/01 for one lot or two lots separately and can also give combination discount for lots, in case he wishes to take over work of more than one lot. Interested bidders may obtain further information regarding bidding documents, from office of Project Director, Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project, AVS Building, Jawahar Circle, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur -302017. A complete set of bidding document for the package (in duplicate) may be purchased by interested eligible bidders on submission of a written application to the above office, and on payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs.5000/= (Indian Rupees Five Thousand only), in the form of Bank Draft in favour of the Project Director, RUIDP, Jaipur, during normal office hours on all working days starting from 24.10.2008 to 10.12.2008. Those bidders who desire to receive the bid documents by post shall have to pay Rs. 500/= per document (in duplicate) extra. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security, as mentioned above and sealed bids must be delivered to Office of the Project Director on any working day but up to 15:00 hours on 15.12.2008. Bid securities shall be in the form of Bank Draft, Pay Order or Unconditional Bank Guarantee from any Scheduled Bank in India in favour of the Project Director, Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project, Jaipur. Technical proposal shall be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 15:30 hrs on 15.12.2008, and at the same place. At the end of evaluation of Technical proposals, RUIDP will invite bidders, who have submitted substantively


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responsive Technical proposals and who have been determined as being qualified for award, to attend the opening of the price proposals on 24.12.2008 at 15:00 hrs. In the event of the specified dates being declared a holiday for the RUIDP, the bids shall be received and opened at the same time and place on the next working day. The Project Director will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidders in connection with preparation or delivery of Bids, or loss of any documents during transit. Bids delivered after the time and date noted above will be declared "LATE", and will not be accepted. Project Director reserves the right to accept any bid, or reject any or all bids, without assigning any reason thereof and without incurring any liability, whatsoever in favour of the Bidder or Bidders. Pre Bid Meeting shall be held in the Office of Project Director, RUIDP, Jaipur, on 24.11.2008 at 3.00 PM. All Bidders are encouraged to participate in this meeting and it is desirable that work sites are visited and bid documents are studied thoroughly before this meeting. Visit us on Sd/(Karni Singh Rathore) Project Director


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