Introduction Of Industrial Relation

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  • Words: 11,199
  • Pages: 78
CONTENTS CHAPTER – 1 • • • • • • • • •

Introduction of IR Definition Objectives of IR Components of IR Aspects of IR Features of IR Factors influencing IR Methodology Importance of the study

CHAPTER – 2 • • • • • • • • • •

Company profile of SAIL Major units of SAIL SAIL Today Rourkela Steel Plant Stages of development of RSP Special features of RSP Major units of RSP Product mix of RSP Products and its applications Organization chart of RSP

CHAPTER – 3 • • • •

Industrial Relation in RSP Workers participation in Management Grievance Machinery Settlement Machineries • Conciliation • Arbitration

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• Adjudication

• Joint Committees in RSP • Central Safety Committee • Central Consultative • Canteen Managing Committee • Works Standing Order • Suggestion Scheme • Awards for Long Term Services • Trade Unions • Industrial Discipline • New Trends of Industrial Relation • Mass contact exercise • Employee relation and employee services at SAIL, RSP • Manpower summary of RSP CHAPTER – 4 • Questionnaires for Workers and Management • Data Analysis and Interpretation CHAPTER – 5 • • • •

Effects of poor Industrial Relation Problems of Industrial Relation A view from Workers and Management Suggestions

CHAPTER – 6 • Conclusion Dayananda Sagar Business Academy

• Bibliography

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The relationship between Employer and employee or trade unions is called Industrial Relation. Harmonious relationship is necessary for both employers and employees to safeguard the interests of the both the parties of the production. In order to maintain good relationship with the employees, the main functions of every organization should avoid any dispute with them or settle it as early as possible so as to ensure industrial peace and higher productivity. Personnel management is mainly concerned with the human relation in industry because the main theme of personnel management is to get the work done by the human power and it fails in its objectives if good industrial relation is maintained. In other words good Industrial Relation means industrial peace which is necessary for better and higher productions. A man working in a healthy atmosphere can produce more. Within an industry there is a hierarchy among the people. From the very beginning there is always a gap between have and have-nots. In order to bring harmonious relation between the management, workers and unions for the sake of industry as well as for the nation, positive relation within an industry is expected. Therefore the term "INDUSTRIAL RELATION” came into limelight. Industrial Relation is a major force which influences the social, political and economic development of a country .Managing industrial relations is a challenging task because it deals with a highly complex, fast developing, ever changing and expanding field. There are certain factors such as composition of working class, work environment, socioeconomic status of the workers and their attitude to work, management's ideology, role of the state, thinking of the community etc which have a considerable bearing on the state of relationship between labour and management. Different labour enactments and judicial decisions playa major role in regulating the employer -employee relationship. It creates an atmosphere in which the human system will operate harmoniously in a coordinated way.

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Keeping in view the different aspects of industrial relations, an attempt has been made in this project to provide a multi dimensional approach to the subject.


According to TEAD and METCALFE:-

"Industrial Relation are the composite result of the attitudes approaches of employers and employees towards each other with regard to planning, supervision, direction and coordination of the activities of an organization with a minimum of human efforts and frictions with an animating spirit of cooperation and with proper regard for the genuine well being of all members of the organization. •

According to DALE YODER:-

"Industrial Relation is a whole field of relationship that exists because of the necessary collaboration of employees in the employment process of an industry ." •

According to ALLAN FLANDER:-

"The subject of industrial relations deals with certain regulated or institutionalized relationships in industry ." •

According to Professor CLEGG:-

"Industrial Relations are the rules governing employment together with the ways in which the rules are made and changed and their interpretation and administration." From the above definitions we find Industrial Relations as:i)

The term stood for manpower of the enterprise i.e. the employee – employer relationship in an industry .

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Later on the relations get created at different levels of the organization by the diverse, complex composite needs, aspirations, attitudes and approaches among the participants.


The parties actively associated with any industrial relation are the workers, the management, the organizations of workers and managements, and the State.


It denotes all types of inter - group and intra -group relations within industry, both formal as well as informal.

OBJECTIVES OF INDUSTRIAL RELATION :Apart from the primary objective of bringing about sound and healthy relations between employers and employees, Industrial Relation aims at:A.

To safeguard the interest of labor and management by securing the highest level of mutual understanding and good-will among all those sections in the industry which participate in the process of production.


To avoid industrial conflict or strife and develop harmonious relations, which are an essential factor in the productivity of workers and the industrial progress of a country.


To raise productivity to a higher level in an era of full employment by lessening the tendency to high turnover and frequency absenteeism.


To establish and nurse the growth of an Industrial Democracy based on labor partnership in the sharing of profits and of managerial decisions, so that ban individuals personality may grow its full stature for the benefit of the industry and of the country as well.


To eliminate, as far as is possible and practicable, strikes, lockouts and gheraos by providing reasonable wages, improved living and working conditions, said fringe benefits.

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To establish government control of such plants and units as are running at a loss or in which productions has to be regulated in the public interest.


Improvements in the economic conditions of workers in the existing state of industrial managements and political government.


Control exercised by the state over industrial undertaking with a view to regulating production and promoting harmonious industrial relations.


Socializations or rationalization of industries by making he state itself a major employer


Vesting of a proprietary interest of the workers in the industries in which they are employed.


PARTICIPANTS: The participants in the industrial relations sphere are composed of duly recognized representatives of the parties interacting in several roles within the system. It includes a.

Employee Relation - It includes the complex relationship among the employees.


Labour Relation - It includes the relationship between management and Trade Union.


Public Relation - It includes the relationship of industry with the entire community as a whole.


ISSUES: The power interactions of the participants in a workplace create industrial relation issues. These issues and the consequences of power interactions find their expression in a web of rules governing the behaviour of the parties at a workplace. :

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STRUCTURE: The structure consists of all forms of institutionalised behaviour in a system. The structure may include collective procedures, grievance settlement practices etc. legal enactments relevant to power interactions may also be considered to be a part of the structure.


BOUNDARIES: In systems analysis, it is possible to find an issue which one participant is totally indifferent to resolving while, at the same time, the other participant is highly concerned about resolution of the same. These issues may serve to delimit systems boundaries.

ASPECTS OF INDUSTRIAL RELATION The main aspects of Industrial Relations are:i.

Labor Relations, i.e. relations between union and management.


Employer-employees relations, i.e. relations between management and employees.


Group relations, i.e. relations between various groups of workmen.


Community or Public relations, i.e. relations between industry and society.


Promotions and development of healthy labor-managements relations.


Maintenance of industrial peace and avoidance of industrial strife


Development of true industrial democracy.

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FEATURES OF INDUSTRIAL RELATION A few notable features pertaining to Industrial Relations are as under: 1.

Industrial Relation do not emerge in vacuum they are born of employment relationship in an industrial setting. Without the existence of the two parties, i.e. labor and management, this relationship cannot exist. It is the industry, which provides the environment for industrial relations.


Industrial Relation are characterized by both conflict and co-operations. This is the basis of adverse relationship. So the focus of Industrial Relations in on the study of the attitudes, relationships, practices and procedure developed by the contending parties to resolve or at least minimize conflicts.


As the labor and management do not operate in isolations but are parts of large system, so the study of Industrial Relation also includes vital environment issues like technology of the workplace, country's socio-economic and political environment, nation's labor policy, attitude of trade unions workers and employers.


Industrial Relation also involve the study of conditions conductive to the labor, managements co-operations as well as the practices and procedures required to elicit the desired co-operation from both the parties.


Industrial Relations also study the laws, rules regulations agreements, awards of courts, customs and traditions, as well as policy framework laid down by the governments for eliciting co-operations between labor and management. Besides this, it makes an in-depth analysis of the interference patterns of the executive and judiciary in the regulations of labor-managements relations.

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FACTORS INFLUENCING INDUSTRIAL RELATION : The concepts of Industrial Relations are very broad-based, drawing heavily from a variety of discipline like social sciences, humanities, behavioral sciences, laws etc. In fact, Industrial Relation encompasses all such factors that influence behavior of people at work. A few such important factors are details below: 1.

Institution: It includes government, employers, trade unions, unions federations or associations, government bodies, labor courts, tribunals and other organizations which have direct or indirect impact on the industrial relations systems.


Characters: It aims to study the role of workers unions and employers' federations officials, shop stewards, industrial relations officers / manager, mediator / conciliators / arbitrator, judges of labor court, tribunal etc.


Methods: Focus on collective bargaining, workers' participation in the Industrial Relation schemes, discipline procedure, grievance re-dressal machinery, dispute settlements machinery working of

closed shops,

union reorganization,

organizations of protests through methods like revisions of existing rules, regulations, policies, procedures, hearing of labor courts, tribunals etc. 4.

Contents: Includes matter pertaining to employment conditions like pay, hours of works, leave with wages, health, and safety disciplinary actions, lay-off, dismissals retirements etc., laws relating to such activities, regulations governing labor welfare, social security, industrial relations, issues concerning with workers' participation in management, collective bargaining, etc.


History of industrial relations: No enterprise can escape its good and bad history of industrial relations. A good history is marked by harmonious relationship between management and workers. A bad history by contrast is characterized by militant strikes and lockouts. Both types of history have a tendency to perpetuate themselves. Once militancy is established as a mode of operations there is a

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tendency for militancy to continue. Or once harmonious relationship is established there is a tendency for harmony to continue. 6.

Economic satisfaction of workers: Psychologists recognize that human needs have a certain priority. Need number one is the basic survival need. Much of men conducted are dominated by this need. Man works because he wants to survive. This is all the more for underdeveloped countries where workers are still living under subsistence conditions. Hence economic satisfaction of workers is another important prerequisite for good industrial relations.


Social and Psychological satisfaction: Identifying the social and psychological urges of workers is a very important steps in the direction of building good industrial relations. A man does not live by bread alone. He h61s several other needs besides his physical needs which should also be given due attention by the employer. An organization is a joint venture involving a climate of human and social relationships wherein each participant feels that he is fulfilling his needs and contributing to the needs of other. This supportive climate requires economic rewards as well as social and psychological rewards such as workers' participation in management, job enrichment, suggestion schemes, re-dressal of grievances etc.


Off-the-Job Conditions: An employer employs a whole person rather than certain separate characteristics. A person's traits are all part of one system making up a whole man. His home life is not separable from his work life and his emotional condition is not separate from his physical condition. Hence for good industrial relations it is not enough that the worker's factory life alone should be taken care of his off-the-job conditions should also be improved to make the industrial relations better .


Enlightened Trade Unions: The most important condition necessary for good industrial relations is a strong and enlightened labor movement which may help to promote the status of labor without harming the interests of management, Unions should talk of employee contribution and responsibility. Unions should exhort

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workers to produce more, persuade management to pay more, mobilize public opinion on vital labor issues and help Government to enact progressive labor laws. 10.

Negotiating skills and attitudes of management and workers: Both management and workers' representation in the area of industrial relations come from a great variety of backgrounds in terms of training, education, experience and attitudes. These varying backgrounds playa major role in shaping the character of industrial relations. Generally speaking, well-trained and experienced negotiators who are motivated by a desire for industrial peace create a bargaining atmosphere conducive to the writing of a just and equitable collective agreement. On the other hand, ignorant, inexperienced and ill-trained persons fail because they do not recognize that collective bargaining is a difficult human activity which deals as much in the emotions of people as in their economic interests. It requires careful preparation and top -notch executive competence. It is not usually accomplished by some easy trick or gimmick. Parties must have trust and confidence in .each other. They must possess empathy, i.e. they should be able to perceive a problem from the opposite angle with an open mind. They should put themselves in the shoes of the other party and then diagnose the problem. Other factors which help to create mutual trust are respect for the law and breadth of the vision. Both parties should show full respect for legal and voluntary obligations and should avoid the tendency to make a mountain of a mole hill.


Public policy and legislation: When Government, regulates employee relations, it becomes a third major force determining industrial relations the first two being the employer and the union. Human behavior is then further complicated as all three forces interact in a single employee relation situation. Nonetheless, government in all countries intervenes in management -union relationship by enforcing labor laws and by insisting that the goals of whole society shall take precedence over those of either of the parties. Government intervention helps in three different ways 1) it helps in catching and solving problems before they become serious. Almost every one agrees that it is better to prevent fires them to try stopping them after they

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start; 2) It provides a formalized means to the workers and employers to give emotional release to their dissatisfaction; and 3) It acts as a check and balance upon arbitrary and capricious management action. 12.

Better education: With rising skills and education workers' expectations in respect of rewards increase. It is a common knowledge that the industrial worker in India is generally illiterate and is misled by outside trade union leaders who have their own axe to grind. Better workers' education can be a solution to this problem. This alone can provide worker with a proper sense of responsibility, which they owe to the organization in particular, and to the community in general.


Nature of industry: In those industries where the costs constitute a major proportion of the total cast, lowering down the labor costs become important when the product is not a necessity and therefore, there is a little possibility to pass additional costs on to consumer. Such periods, level of employment and wages rise in decline in employment and wages. This makes workers unhappy and destroys good industrial relations.

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METHODOLOGY: There are various methodologies in order to complete this project. The methodology which has been adopted in this subject works are as follows: a)

Questionnaire :

To know the opinion about the Industrial Relation system in Rourkela Steel Plant (SAIL), questionnaires has been made for executives, unions -representative and workers separately. This was supplied to 50 executives, union representatives and 200 workers. b)

Records :

The secondary source of getting facts related to project work has been collected from the following: o Statistical statement o Journals o Internet o RSP Panorama o Personnel working within the premises of RSP


Observations :

The investigator observed the mental and physical involved of both the management and worker in connection of industrial relation with various departments of the plant. d)

Interviews :

The investigator took interviews of the executives, union representatives and workers based upon Industrial Relations of R.S.P.

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IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY: The importance of this study is:i)

To find out the internal industrial relation system between the management, the worker and union.


To find out the causes which makes industrial relations positive or negative.


To find out the industrial peace and harmony that is going on within the premises of R.S.P.


To find out the facilities given to the worker which motivate the workers to sacrifice their blood and sweat for increasing the productivity.


To find out the ways to help in building the positive industrial relations for workers and management for development of the interest of R.S.P. as well as the interest of nation.

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COMPANY PROFILE Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is the leading steel-making company in India. SAIL traces its origin to the formative years of an emerging nation, India. After independence the builders of modern India worked with a vision -to lay the infrastructure for rapid industrialization of the country .It is a fully integrated iron and steel maker, producing both basic and special steels for domestic construction, engineering, power, railway, automotive and defence industries and for sale in export markets. Ranked amongst the top ten public sector companies in India in terms of turnover, SAIL manufactures and sells abroad range of steel products, including hot and cold rolled sheets and coils, galvanized sheets, electrical sheets, structural, railway products, plates, bars and rods, stainless steel and other alloy steels. SAIL produces iron and steel at five integrated plants and three special steel plants, located principally in the eastern and central regions of India and situated close to domestic sources of raw materials, including the Company's iron ore, limestone and dolomite mines. The company has the distinction of being India's largest producer of iron ore and of having the country's second largest mines network. This gives SAIL a competitive edge in terms of captive availability of iron ore, limestone, and dolomite which are inputs for steel making. SAIL's wide ranges of long and flat steel products are much in demand in the domestic as well as the international market. This vital responsibility is carried out by SAIL's own Central Marketing Organisation (CMO) and the International Trade Division. CMO encompasses a wide network of 34 branch offices and 54 stockyards located in major cities and towns throughout India. With technical and managerial expertise and know-how in steel making gained over four decades, SAIL's Consultancy Division (SAILCON) at New Delhi offers services and consultancy to clients world-wide. SAIL has a well-equipped Research and Development Centre for Iron and Steel (RDCIS) at Ranchi which helps to produce quality steel and develop new technologies for the steel industry .Besides, SAIL has its own in-house Centre for Engineering and Technology.

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(CET), Management Training Institute (MTI) and Safety Organisation at Ranchi. Our captive mines are under the control of the Raw Materials Division in Kolkata. The Environment Management Division and Growth Division of SAIL operate from their headquarters in Kolkata. Almost all our plants and major units are ISO Certified.




Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) in Chhattisgarh


Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) in West Bengal


Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) in Orissa


Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) in Jharkhand


IISCO Steel Plant (ISP) in West Bengal


Alloy Steels Plants (ASP) in West..J3engal


Salem Steel Plant (SSP) in Tamil Nadu


Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Plant (VISL) in Karnataka

SAIL TODAY SAIL today is one of the largest industrial entities in India. Its strength has been the diversified range of quality steel products catering to the domestic, as well as the export markets and a large pool of technical and professional expertise. Today, the accent in SAIL is to continuously adapt to the competitive business environment and excel as a business Organisation, both within and outside India.

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ROURKELA STEEL PLANT Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), the first integrated steel plant in the Public Sector in India, was set up with German collaboration with an installed capacity of 1 million tonnes. Subsequently, the capacity was enhanced to 1.9 million tonnes. The plant was modernized in the mid 1990s with a number of new units with state-of -the-art facilities. Most of the old units have also been revamped for effecting substantial improvement in the quality of products, reducing the cost and ensuring cleaner environment. The govt. of India under the able leadership of the then Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, decided to set up large steel plants by the government itself after the general election of 1952. Rourkela and its adjacent areas are rich in iron ores, manganese, dolomite and lime stones, the basic materials required for production of steel and iron. Considering Rourkela to be the best place for a steel plant, the survey work was completed in the year 1954. The infrastructure work of the plant was accomplished in between 1955 and 1960. The Republic of Germany extended technical know how for the construction of the steel plant and the plant was considered a joint venture of the govt. of India and Germany. The initial production limit of one million tonnes steel per annum was raised to 1.8 million tonnes in the subsequent years. The internationally reputed firms like the Krrups, Dimag, G.H.H. Sag, Scholomen, Cemens and Voist Eipine etc supplied different machines and machinery parts to the plant at the beginning stage. The Rourkela Steel Plant took the part of leadership in the process of steel production under L.D. techniques. It could also establish itself as one of the premier industries of the world under the system of basic oxygen converter. The extension work of the plant was over by the year 1968. A circular welding pipe plant and special plate plant were set up in the decade of seventies for production of different ready -made materials. To avoid scarcity of power supply, power plant was set up with a capacity of 120 M. W at the plant. The power plant is able to cater the requirement of power supply from the year 1986.

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Agreement signed with KRUPP -DEMAG for Rourkela


First Coke Oven Battery lit at Rourkela


First Blast Furnace inaugurated Blooming and Slabbing Mill commissioned First L.D. Converter commissioned


Plate Mill commissioned ERW Pipe Plant commissioned


Hot Strip Mill Commissioned


Fertilizer Plant commissioned


Sintering Plant Commissioned


Expansion of L.D. Converter commissioned


Expansion of Blast Furnace commissioned


Tandem Mill Electrolytic Timing Line Electric Mill commissioned


Galvanizing Sheet Mill commissioned


Foundation laid for the first slab cement plant SAIL


Inauguration of latest energy efficient KOREX process


Inauguration of 2nd phase of RSP Modernization


Inauguration of biological oxidation dephenolisation plant

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Inauguration of new dividing line, new BOF shop and new Sinter Plant


It is the first plant in Asia to adopt LD process of steel making.

It is the only plant producing large diameter ERW I SW Pipes conforming to most rigid standards of API.

It is the first steel plant in India to adopt external desulphurization of hot metal be calcium carbide injection process.

It is the only plant in SAIL producing Cold Rolled Non Oriented (CRNO) sheets for use in the electric industries with installed capacities of 73,000 ton per year.

It is the first plant to adopt vacuum degassing metallurgy, primarily for production of silicon steel for the CRNO sheets.

It is the first integrated steel plant in SAIL family to produce 100% of steel through the cost effective and quality centered continuous casting route.

All the major production departments and some service departments certified with ISO 9001 :2000 QMS.

Silicon Steel Mill, Environmental Engineering Department and Sinter Plant -II, Hot Strip Mill and Plate Mill certified with ISO 14001 :2004 EMS.

MAJOR UNITS OF RSP Raw Materials play the most vital role in RSP's production of 1.9 million tonnes (MT) of steel per annum. Each year, 2.3 MT of Coking Coal, 1.5 MT of Boiler Coal, 1.8 MT of

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Iron Ore Lumps, 1.5 MT of Iron Ore Fines, 1.6 MT of fluxes and other materials viz. Tin, Zinc, Aluminium and Ferroalloys constitute RSP's input requirements. A)

Ore Bedding and Blending Plant

The Ore Bedding and Blending Plant has a base mix preparation system with on-ground bedding, blending and conveying facilities. Set up under the modernization programme to provide pre-mix feedstock to Sinter Plant -1 & Sinter Plant -II, the plant has a dispatch capacity of 5,00,000T of material per annum. The facilities includes major installations like Wagon unloading (tipplers & track hoppers), Iron Ore Crushing and Screening System, raw material storage yard, rod mills and roll crushers for flux and coke crushing, proportioning bins and elaborate conveying systems. B)

Coke Oven

The 4.5-meter tall coke oven batteries produce coke as the input for Blast Furnaces. The coke ovens are equipped with wagon tipplers, automatic handling and conveying facilities, coal blending provisions, coke wharf age crushing together with screening and conveying systems. C)

Sintering Plant

RSP'S two sinter plants feed sinter to the blast furnaces with a combined capacity of 3.07 million tonnes per annum. Set up as part of the modernization drive, Sintering Plant -II is operating at more than its rated capacity since the year 2000. This has facilitated the increased usage of sinter bin blast furnace burden. D)

Blast furnaces

The four Blast Furnaces of RSP, with a...combined capacity of 2 MT, produce hot molten metal for steel production.

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Steel Melting Shops .

SMS-I Apart from a computerized LD process, which has enhanced shop capability, the LA Vacuum Metallurgy Technique, has been also adopted for secondary refining of steel. This facilitates production of special steels for application in electrical machines, pipe making, tinplate, boilers and auto chassis members. The shop was originally designed to produce ingots for conversion to slabs through the Slabbing Mill route. However, after


discontinuation of the ingot route, the SMS-I produces slabs through casting machine. SMS-II The Shop is provided with the latest steel making, secondary refining (ladle furnace and argon rinsing) facilities and two single strand slab casters to produce 1,355,000 tonnes of steel slabs annually. This is the biggest unit set up under the modernization programme. The shop is provided with automation through three levels of computerised control, LD gas cleaning and recovery , power distribution system, water and utility services. F)

Plate Mill

This 3.1 MT wide, 4 high reversing mills is equipped with on-line thickness measurement facilities. Facilities for inspection by customer's nominees, on-line ultrasonic testing and checking ensure the quality of plates dispatched to the customers. A new walking beam type furnace with a capacity of 100 Tonnes/hour was installed during the modernization programme for slab heating. The mill has a production capacity of 2,99,000 Tonnes per annum . G)

Hot Strip Mill

The facilities of the 1.440 Million Ton per annum mill were augmented during modernization with the installation of : •

Two new walking beam type reheating furnace (225 TPH)

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Roughing/sizing stand ROVO a with automation

Automated coil box

Quick roll change system in Roughing Stand-I and finishing mills.

Coil marking, sampling and conveying systems.


Cold Rolling Mill

This features a modern 5-stand tandem mill and a 4-high 1700-mm reversing mill. The tandem mill is equipped with automatic gauge control, x-ray gauge, data logging and thyristorisation. It produces about 6,78,000 tonne per annum of cold rolled sheet . I)

Electrolytic Tinning Line

The continuous electrolytic tinning line produces a shining tin-coated surface in a variety of coating thickness. The tinplate shearing lines are equipped with sensitive pinhole detectors and an automatic sorting system. J)

Galvanising Lines

Two continuous hot-dip galvanizing lines are equipped with jet-coating facilities. There are 2 multi-roller-corrugating machines, which produce corrugated sheets. K)

Silicon Steel Mills

This unit produces steel for the electrical industry through various operations carried out in sophisticated, continuous/semi-continuous processing lines and a 4-high reduction mill. Advanced process control and product testing facilities ensure product quality. L)

Pipe Plants

A highly sophisticated Spiral Welded Pipe Plant (SWPP) is equipped with submerged arc welding process and produces large diameter pipes. Hydrostatic pressure testing, ultrasonic testing and eddy current testing are some of the features, which ensure quality control. The Electric Resistance Weld Pipe Plant (ER WPP) caters to the smaller diameter

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pipe consumers. This plant has been recently upgraded to enable it to produce API grade pipes. M)

Traffic & Raw Material

The Traffic and Raw Material department deals with procurement and supply of raw materials to various user departments, internal movement of in-process and other material from one unit to another and dispatch of finished products to outside parties or SAIL stock yards in railway wagons. The department maintains 350 wagons, 40 locomotives and a network of 240 kilometers rail tracks all over the plant. N)

Environment Management

IRSP has invested about Rs. 340 crores on environment protection measures in 95 schemes, since 1990-91.By formulating and implementing a strategy of3-R's namely, Reuse, Recycle and Reduce, RSP is now able to achieve the twin objectives of generating resources as well as controlling pollution. Since its inception, RSP has so far planted 37 lakh saplings in and around the steel city and in 2005 RSP has planted 70,000 saplings in and around Rourkela. O)


Rourkela Steel Plant has introduced an on-line system named as Production Planning and Control System (PPCS), which connects various functional departments of RSP into a single network system. Developed and executed in-house by a team of dedicated professionals of the Information Technology and Production Planning and Control Department with the support of the Works and Projects units. P)

Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC)

The Human Resources Development Centre of Rourkela Steel Plant was set up in the late 1950s and it consists of the Management Development Programme wing, auditoriums, well equipped workshops, skill up gradation shops, lecture halls for act apprentices and a well-equipped library on a plethora of Technical and Managerial subjects.

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Central Power Training Institute (CPTI)

The Central Power Training Institute (CPTI) has facilities to impart training in operation and maintenance of power plants and power distribution systems. The Institute conducts training largely for operation and maintenance personnel of SAIL captive power plants and Power Distribution Network departments. PRODUCT MIX OF RSP (IN TONNES PER ANNUM) PRODUCT-MIX Plate Mill Plates

TONNES / ANNUM 2,99,000

HR Plates


HR Coils


ERW Pipes


SW Pipes


CR Sheets & Coils


Galvanized Sheets (GP& GC)


Electrolytic Tin-Plates


Silicon Steel Sheets


Total Saleable Steel


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Applications Coils LPG Cylinders, automobile, railway wagon chasis and all types of high strength needs.


Pressure vessels, ship building and engineering structures

Chequered Plates

Flooring & staircases in the industrial sectors and railway platforms etc.

CR Sheets & Coils

Steel furniture, white goods like refrigerators, washing machines, automobile bodies, railway coach paneling, drums, barrels, deep drawing and extra deep drawing etc.

Galvanised Sheets

Roofing, paneling, industrial sheeting, air conditioner ducting and structural

Electrolytic Tin

Containers for packaging of various products including edible oils,


vegetables and confectionary items.

Silicon Steel sheets

Small generators, stators for high efficiency rotating equipment and


relays etc.

Spiral Weld Pipes

High pressure transportation of crude oil, natural gas and slurry transportation, water supply, sewage disposals, grain silos, civil engineering pilings etc.

Spiral Weld Pipes

High pressure transportation of oil and water, sewage disposal, tube wells etc.

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Managing Director

Executive Director Personnel & Admn

General Manager Finance accounting

Executive Director I/C Mat mgr & proj

General Manager

General Manager

Personnel & Admn


Dy General

Manager Marketing

Executive Director Works

General Manager Material Mgt Dy General Manager Material Mgt

Executive Director Mgt serv.& business planning

Executive Director Medical & health service

General manager CO.CC&FP

Dy General Manager C & IT

General manager

Total Quality Mgt

Sintering Plants General manager

Iron General manager Steel

Dy General Manager SQC Dy General Manager IED

General manager Hot Strip Mill General manager Cold Rolling Mill General manager Mechanical General manager Electrical General manager Services

DGM Safety

DGM Fire Services

General manager Research & Control lab

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INDUSTRIAL RELATION IN RSP Before 2004 working environment at RSP was taken up by Discipline Department which was one of the reasons for RSP's huge loss continuously. After the year 2004, both the workers and management realized that if they work united then only productivity and profit of RSP is possible. The positive approach started from 2004 and the relationship continues to improve future management and workers. So, we can blindly express that in this 21 st century there is a good and co -ordinal relation between worker and management. They together share both the bad and good times of RSP. RSP is professionally managed through their IR System. RSP has positive industrial relations with better understanding, better co-operation between management and worker with greater emphasizing, grievance handling procedure, safety and various facilities provided to the workers which motivates them to do their work hard. Positive industrial relations include many more things as it is discussed here. The indicators of positive industrial relation within the premises of RSP are explained below:(A)

WPM :-

Workers participation in Management

Workers participation in management is a method through which workers are able to express their view collectively for the smooth functioning of the industrial enterprise. In the words of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, "The wealth of the country is not its gold and silver, but the goods manufactured by the hard labour of her people." Keeping this national objective in view, the Rourkela Steel Plant with the active participation of various functioning trade unions and recognized union has involved various participative forms from 1969 onwards. Various tripartite agreements were signed between the management of RSP and the Rourkela Majdoor Sabha and then the recognized union to involve workers in various participative activities such as grievance,

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production, safety, and welfare amenities etc. Thus RSP with the active participation of Rourkela Majdoor Sabha became the pioneer in the field of participative culture in general and in the steel industry in particular. (B)

Grievance Machinery

According to the code of discipline there should be grievance machinery every industrial establishment for the sake of workers grievances. In the certified standing orders of the company, it is mentioned that all grievances of the employees shall be dealt with by the grievance Machinery which is to be set up as far as possible on the lines of the model grievance procedure involved by the Indian labour conference in 1958. The Grievance Machinery is now operating in RSP at the Department / Unit level. The concerned personnel executives hears and records the grievances of individual employees and takes up the grievance with authorities concerned to settle the matter. In order to supplement the above method of grievance redressal, a 2 tier formal grievance form is being put up in place. The 1st tier is known as Grievance Redressal Committee for employees and the apex committee as Grievance Redressal Apex Committee for employees at the higher level. The committees are competent to involve their procedure to settle grievances as and when referred to for a solution. (C)

Settlement Machineries

In Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 there are some machinery for the investigation and settlement of industrial disputes. They are as follows:a)

Conciliation :

It is a peace making process in RSP. A conciliator contacts both the parties by separate meetings and jointly through joint conference. The parties mayor may not accept his suggestions.

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Arbitration :

If the parties are not satisfied with the decision of the conciliation machinery then a third party interference known as "Arbitrator" is introduced. There are two types of Arbitrations in RSP. They are: •

Voluntary Arbitration

Compulsory Arbitration



It is the last remedial step for the settlement of Industrial Disputes. In RSP the disputes are sent to the adjudicative authorities by the appropriate govt. after proper examination and verification such as: •

Labour courts call the cases mentioned in the 2nd schedule of Industrial Dispute Act.

Industrial Tribunals call the cases mentioned in II and III schedule of Industrial Dispute Act.

National Tribunal call the cases which involve questions of national importance or are of such a nature that Industrial establishment situated in more than one state are likely to be interested in or affected by such disputes.

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Joint Committees in RSP  Central Safety Committee – The Central Safety Committee (CSC) is a statutory requirement under Orissa Factories Act is functioning at Rourkela Steel Plant comprising Management's representatives and employees representatives who are basically members of the recognized union as prescribed under the factory rules. Orissa Factory rules, 1950 stipulates that the safety committee shall consist of equal number of representatives of the management and the employees and the minimum number of representatives shall be 6. In order to comply the observation of the Inspector of Factories and Boilers, Rourkela zone -I, Rourkela, there was no scope to include any person who is not an employee of RSP. Accordingly, the CSC was reconstituted on 2003 and 2004. To improve safety consciousness and make the movement broad based, 9 "Safety committees of Departments" zone wise, have been constituted covering all the areas of the Integrated Steel Plant as well as Township.  Central Consultative Committees (CCC) In addition to the measures taken for implementation of various activities concerning welfare, cleanliness, punctuality, system improvement etc. further steps were taken to have broad based discussion on consultations on the aforesaid aspects and other allied issues by involving other employees forms and important groups to improve production and productivity. All registered trade unions who had participated in the verification of membership through secret ballot in RSP were called upon to participate in discussions at routine intervals with a Central Consultative Committee constituted by the management representing various departments to improve welfare, safety and other amenities concerning employees.

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 Canteen Managing Committee (CMC) Under secretary of govt. of Orissa Labour and employment dept. vide his letter dated 03.12.1998 intimated that the members of the canteen managing committee are decided to be nominated from amongst the workers of the factory belonging to the recognized union instead of conducting election through secret ballot system. Reconstitution / change of members has been done on several occasions from time to time and the committee is functioning smoothly. The manager of the factory has the right to nominate the members from among the workers of the factory belonging to the recognized union to the CMC. The CMC was last reconstituted on 16.02.2004 and the melting of the CMC is held from time to time and functioning smoothly. (E)

Works Standing: Order

Works Sanding Order provides the frame work to an organisation. This is a booklet containing company's rules, regulations, procedures in accordance with section 7 of the industrial employment (Standing Order Act, 1946). Works Standing Order of RSP contains certain provisions, rules and regulations regarding leave, misconduct, strike, lockout, holdings, discharge, dismissal, deductions, fines, complaints, overtime, resignation, P .F ., stoppages etc which provides a systematic procedure to maintain industrial relations. In other words we can say that Works Standing Order is basically needed to secure and promote better industrial relations. (F)

Suggestion Scheme

Motivation and Moral is also helped through an appropriate suggestion scheme. For example the suggestion scheme is described as partnership for progress scheme at RSP. According to the company, it has helped in boosting the employee's moral under this scheme. Some cash awards are offered to employees who come up with practical ideas to: Dayananda Sagar Business Academy


Increase in production, higher productivity, improvement in production.


Improvement in methods machinery, equipment or tools process layout, practices and procedure.


Reduction in cost wastage or spoilage.


Reduction in frequency of idle time or repair and maintenance of machinery, equipment tools etc, removal of hazards to health and possibility of accident.


Increase in utility, equality, yield or output of products.


Conservation of materials energy, times in process or their utilization for better purpose.



The company has a provision to make an award to the person for long service sometimes in money, a deal or in kind. If an employee has completed 25 years of continuous services he becomes eligible for long service award of 25 years service. It is a silver medal and a dinner set or a specific amount.

TRADE UNION: According to Data Yoder, "A Trade Union is a continuous association of Wage - learners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their work life." The recognition of Trade Union in Rourkela Steel Plant is conducted by rules for verification of membership and recognition of Trade Union's through secret ballot in industry .The Rourkela Sramika Sangha (RSS) affiliated to Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) has been recognized as the sole bargaining agent for all RSP employees at Rourkela falling in the union spheres and the union existing in RSP. The other trade unions other than RSS are:

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RMS -Rourkela Majdoor Sangha






RWU -Rourkela Workers Union




ILU - Ispat Labour Union


HSWA -Hindustan Steel Workers Association


KISS -Kalinga Ispat Sramika Sangha


JMS -Jharkhand Majdoor Sangha


RSP -Rourkela Sramika Panchayat

The recognized union in RSP is given the following facilities: •

An office outside the premises of the industry with minimum fittings and fixtures, electricity and water supply, free of cost

Adequate number of office furniture one for all for office purpose.

Wherever possible, one internal telephone connection to the union office and at least two connections to the office bearers who are employee of industry or establishment and reside in the country's township.

To provide transport for the office bearers of the union then called for discussion by the employer at places other than in the industry an allow TA/DA to such personnel as per their entitlement treating the day shift discussion as on duty.

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To allow minimum of two representations to at least conciliation, arbitration and adjudication cases in their cost.

All Registered Trade Unions who had participated in the verification of membership through secret ballot in RSP were called upon to participate in the discussion at routine intervals with a central consultative committee constituted by the management representing various departments to improve welfare safety and other amenities concerning employees.

INDUSTRIAL DISCIPLINE: The word 'DISCIPLINE' connotes that the number of a group should reasonably conformed. Webster's dictionary gives three meanings of the word discipline. First it is the training that corrects moulds, strength or profit. Secondly it is the control gained by enforcing obedience. Thirdly it is essential for the smooth running of industrial peace which is the very foundation of industrial democracy. In RSP all the settlement machineries are there to deal with causes of misconduct. With impartiality and fairness has been introduced in the works standing order which as a whole provides abetter discipline in the company.

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NEW TRENDS OF INDUSTRIAL RELATION :The march of RSP towards profit after sustaining loss for last several years is now noticeable from its result oriented performance, during 2003 -2004. The combined efforts of all its employees and officers under the leadership of the managing director have made the turnaround of RSP a successful phenomenon. This is now being sustained and improving continuously. Mass Contact Exercise This meeting is popularly known as MCE in RSP. It is a unique procedure prevailing in RSP conducted by the MD itself. In this meeting the MD interacts with merely 1500 workers every week (Wednesday, for 2 hours ). In this interaction nearly 50 different employees from all the departments of RSP priorities before the organisation are spilt out and factors that can pull back the plant from profitability are discussed. In all such interaction safety of human lives and maintenance of plant machinery and equipment are focused, the workers also give their suggestion, discuss about their grievances along with the company's profitability. Very encouraging results have been achieved from a large number of workshops, interaction sessions, information sharing meetings and mass contact exercises on the survival and future of RSP. Workers have started thinking for further improvement of the plant and have come out with various suggestion many of which have been implemented such as workers participation in the plant under the aforesaid process has reached its zenith and all the employees both executives and non executives have thus directly participated in the decision making process of the management. All this has resulted in improved work life culture, transparency in administration and an understanding of the need of hour to make the plants new found profitability a sustainable proposition. All the above activities are driven by the MD itself under a movement called "SAMSKAR" which is by itself unique in Indian Corporate history. The SAMSKAR movement states that: -

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"We have to create and sustain a peaceful work environment where every employee can contribute to the plant in assigned area of work with full freedom and dignity and without fear." In addition to the measures taken for implementation of various activities concerning welfare, cleanliness, punctuality, system improvement etc steps have been taken to have broad base discussion and considerations on the aforesaid aspects and other allied issues by involving other employees and other important groups to improve production and productivity.

Employee Relations and Employee Services at SAIL, RSP In SAIL employee relations and employee services go hand in hand. Personalised services to employees improve the employee – employer industrial relationships. The IR scenario in SAIL has been fairly satisfactory. The concern for human beings transforms itself into SAIL. Lookiong after the human resource is the main concern, which brings about credibility and image in the organization. Employee services in SAIL: To look after the human resources in i.

Proper recruitment


Efficient training


Looking after promotions, transfers and leaves.


Redressed of grievances


Housing and medical facilities.


Recreational facilities.


Other services.

The need is to provide these personalized services with efficiency, speed and dedication. It is the responsibility of the organization to ensure that individuals get a proper induction to the organization are trained periodically to do their job. In SAIL employee relations are improved by: i.

Adopting preventative rather than reactive strategies.

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Time bound implementation of unanimous recommendations of Bipartite forums.


Monitoring of unproductive work practices.


Better administration of welfare facilities.

MANPOWER SUMMARY OF RSP: It is no wonder that today the total workforces of RSP i.e. about 22000 employees are committed like never before to profitability and prosperity, meaning thereby the profitability for the steel plant and prosperity for the employees as well as those who depend on it for a livelihood. YEAR




2004 - 2005




2005 - 2006




2006 - 2007




2007 - 2008




2008 - 2009




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2004 - 2005




2005 - 2006




2006 - 2007




2007 - 2008




2008 - 2009








2004 - 2005




2005 - 2006




2006 - 2007




2007 - 2008




2008 - 2009




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How is your relation with the management? Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 1

70 60 50 40

Number of Respondents Percentage

30 20 10 0



Interpretation From the above chart it is clear that 70 percent of the workers have good relations with the management where as rest 30 percent of the employees do not have such good relation.

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Are you satisfied with your salary? Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 2

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Number of Respondents Percentage



Interpretation Most of the workers are well satisfied with the salary being provided to them but rest 16 percent are not satisfied.

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Are you satisfied with the mass contact programme held in RSP? Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 3

70 60 50 40

Number of Respondents Percentage

30 20 10 0



Interpretation Most of the workers are of the opinion that they are well satisfied with the interaction programme held between the MD and the workers and rest 30 percent are not satisfied with the mass contact exercise being conducted at RSP.

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How are the services provided towards medical and health facilities? Question





Number of Respondents










Chart – 4

Very Good Good Average Bad

Interpretation This chart clearly shows that most percentages of workers are satisfied with the services provided by RSP but only a little percentage of workers are not satisfied.

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Are you satisfied with training provided by the safety departments Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 5

80 70 60 50 Number of Respondents Percentage

40 30 20 10 0



Interpretation About 78 percent of the workers believe that they are satisfied with the training provided by the safety departments and rest 22 percent are not satisfied.

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Do you feel workers participation in management is a healthy provision for bringing harmonious relationship in the industry? Question

To Great Extent

To some Extent

Not at all

Number of Respondents








Chart – 6

To Great Extent To some extent Not at all

Interpretation Most of the workers feel their participation in management develop healthier relation with the management and a small percentage doesn’t think so.

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Do you feel having good relationship with the management the efficiency of worker is increased Question

To Great Extent

To some Extent

Not at all

Number of Respondents








Chart – 7

To Great Extent To some extent Not at all

Interpretation About 68 percent of workers believe that their efficiency is increased by having good relationship with the management

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Are you satisfied with your salary? Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 8

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Number of Respondents Percentage



Interpretation 90 percent of the workers believe that they are satisfied with the salary provided to them by RSP.

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How is the incentive bonus scheme working in the plant? Question

Very Good




Number of Respondents










Chart – 9

Very good Good Average Poor

Interpretation About 66 percent of workers are in the opinion that the incentive bonus scheme working in the plant is good.

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How do you feel about the existing grievance handling system? Question

Very Good




Number of Respondents










Chart – 10

Very good Good Average Poor

Interpretation About only 60 percent of the workers feel that the existing grievance handling system in RSP is good.

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Do you feel good relationship amongst the employees in RSP? Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 1

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Number of Respondents Percentage



Interpretation About 86 percentage of management believe that good relationship exist among the employees of RSP

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Does good relations affect achievement in your organization Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 2

Always Sometimes never

Interpretation Most of the workers are well satisfied with the salary being provided to them but rest 16 percent are not satisfied.

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Do you feel by good relationship the efficiency of worker is increased? Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 3

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Number of Respondents Percentage



Interpretation About 86 percent of employees are of the opinion that by creating good relationship the efficiency of worker is increased.

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According to you, how is the relationship between union and management in RSP? Question




Number of Respondents








Chart – 4

Very Good Good Average Bad

Interpretation It is clear from the above chart that about 66 percent of employees believe that the relationship between union and management is good.

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How is the relationship between management and workers Question




Number of Respondents








Chart – 5

Good Average Poor

Interpretation From the above it is clear that 50 percent of employees feel that the relationship between management and workers is good. Another 40 percent of employees feel that the relationship is average.

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Is the management able to satisfy the workers in RSP? Question


To some Extent

Not at all

Number of Respondents








Chart – 6

Almost To some extent Not at all

Interpretation From the above chart it is justified that most of the workers are well satisfied with the management in RSP.

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Are you getting satisfaction out of your job? Question

To Great Extent

To some Extent

Not at all

Number of Respondents








Chart – 7

To Great Extent To some extent Not at all

Interpretation About 74 percent of employees are satisfied with their job to a great extent and 22 percent of employees are satisfied with their job to small extent.

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Do you think there is over employment in RSP? Question

To Great Extent

To some Extent

Not at all

Number of Respondents








Chart – 8

To Great Extent To some extent Not at all

Interpretation About 80 percent of employees are of opinion that there is no over employment.

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Do you feel workers participation in management is a healthy provision for bringing harmonious relationship within Industry? Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 9

100 80 60

Number of Respondents Percentage

40 20 0



Interpretation It is clear from above that about 92 percent of employees believe that worker participation in management is a healthy provision for bringing harmonious relationship within an industry.

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Do you discuss with the workers and take their suggestions to solve the problems and other matters? Question




Number of Respondents








Chart – 10

Yes Sometimes No

Interpretation Out of 50 respondents about 34 respondent have discussion with the workers related any problem or their suggestion, rest 14 sometimes have discussion at the time of their need.

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Do you think that workers of RSP are getting great benefits in relation to management? Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 11

80 70 60 50 Number of Respondents Percentage

40 30 20 10 0



Interpretation About 78 percent of employees of RSP believe that they are getting benefits in relation to the management

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Do you have a good understanding of this organization’s goals and objectives Question



Number of Respondents






Chart – 12

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Number of Respondents Percentage



Interpretation About 86 percent of the employees feel that they have a good understanding of this organization’s goals and objectives.

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EEFFCTS OF POOR INDSTRIAL RELATIONS Poor Industrial Relation produces highly disquieting effects on the economic life of the country. We may enumerate the ill-effects of poor Industrial Relations as under: 1.

Multiplier effects: Modern industry and for that matter modern economy are interdependent. Hence although the direct loss caused due to industrial conflict in any one plant may not be very great, the total loss caused due to its multipliers effect on the total economy is always very great.


Fall in normal tempo: poor Industrial Relations adversely affect the normal tempo of work so that work far below the optimum level. Costs build up. Absenteeism and labor turnover increase. Plants discipline breaks down and both the quality and quality of production suffer .


Resistance of change: Dynamic industrial situation calls for change more or less continuously. Methods have to be improved. Economics have to be introduced. New products have to be designed, produced and put in the market. Each of these tasks involves a whole chain of changes and this is resisted bitterly if these are industrial conflict.


Frustration and social cost: every man comes to the work place not only to earn a living. He wants to satisfy his social and egoistic needs also. When he finds difficulty in satisfying these needs he feels frustrated. Poor Industrial Relations take a heavy toll in terms of human frustration. They reduce cordiality and aggravate social tension.

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PROBLEMS OF INDUSTRIAL RELATION:  Due to surplus of manpower in Rourkela Steel Plant labour productivity could not be achieved at the desired level which creates some problems in Industrial Relation situation of RSP.  A good number of employees had been recruited earlier are not fit for that posts in which they are in now so they are unable to understand the practical scenario, which become an obstacle in Industrial Relation of RSP .  Multiplicity of trade unions also poses a problem.  Sometimes terrible situations create due to some misunderstanding between management and worker by Trade Union.  Rigid labour legislation delay in disposal of grievances causes harassment for the workers. A VIEW FROM WORKERS AND MANAGEMENT We have conducted an interview through questionnaire method and collected some information regarding suggestions to improve healthier Industrial Relation in RSP from worker management and union as well. Workers suggest that: There should be awareness programmes to be organized by he management in respect of the benefits of good relationship and better future. Union Representatives suggest that: Vandalism in name of trade unions should not be tolerated within the working premises of Rourkela Steel Plant.

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Management suggests that: There should be proper co-operation between management and workers. Workers should help the management in decision making process so that the Industrial Relation situation and productivity of Rourkela Steel Plant is better possible.

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SUGGESTIONS  Both management and unions should develop constructive attitudes towards each other .  All basic policies and procedures relating to Industrial Relation should be clear to everybody in the organization and to the union leader. The personnel manager must make certain that line people will understand and agree with these policies.  The personnel manager should remove any distrust by convincing the union of the company's integrity and his own sincerity and honesty. Suspicious, rumors and doubts should all be put to rest.  The personnel manager should not vie with the union to gain workers' loyal to both the organization. Several research studies also confirm the idea of dual allegiance. There is strong evidence to discard the belief that one can owe allegiance to one group only.  Management should encourage right kind of union leadership. While it is not for the management to interfere with union activities, or choose the union leadership, its action and attitude will go a long way towards developing the right kind of union leadership. "Management gets the union it deserves" is not just an empty phrase.  Some awareness programmes should be arranged so as to avoid the ignorance of illiterate workers.  Both the management and workers should shoulder their responsibilities properly in order to minimize burden over a few mass.  The grievances of workers should be taken into consideration individually to free them from mental anguish and allow them to work without any hesitation.

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 Workers should be given chances to show their creativity and talent before management and must be rewarded for that.  The union for their interest workers often shows that the management is superior and there is a large gap between them so this type of wrong notion should be confirmed to them.  The management should give fair and prompt decision to the workers so that they don't favour to knock the doors of court of law.  The workers must also be co-operative to their management and help them in achieving the profit of the company.

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CONCLUSION The study that has been conducted has resulted in justifying a wide scope for further research and analysis in this field within the organization. It has been witnessed that RSP, has grown by leap and bounds and its facilities and policies are world class in comparison to other steel company in India. Before the year 2002, Rourkela Steel Plant suffered continuously from huge loss and was unable to provide maximum benefits to its workers. There by increasing the quality and quantity of production this organisation tried to create its existence in this competitive steel world. After this the management and worker both sweat for the sake of Industry as well as for themselves. From last 3 years RSP is gaining profit and is doing well for the betterment of the employees like extending its welfare and health facilities to a greater extent. A very healthy and friendly atmosphere is developed within its premises. The workers directly interact with the management for their grievances and other matters through Mass Contact Exercise. Even the management is looking forward with some proactive actions in order to avoid strikes, lock-out or any type of other violent situation. Due to this the interference of unions are gradually loosing their value. RSP is always trying to facilitate the self respect and dignity of its employees. Both the executives and non executives are cent percent efficient. RSP take a lot of care not only of it employees but also their families. Nowadays it has become a proud for the whole democratic nation and each one of them wants to be a proud member of it. It has also been seen that there has been a sincere effort on the part of RSP to provide the best possible solutions for their growth and development, both personally and professionally. There is a clear understanding of the way each individual's contribution is related in regarding the achievements of the organizational goals. The researcher has provided a glimpse of the RSP industrial relation in the study and through a few humble suggestions hope to provide a few possible solution in order to enhance the work experience and employee's morale in RSP .

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RSP is considered to be the turning point in the history of Indian Steel Company. In the major leap forward, RSP has not adhered the need for self sufficiency in steel but also given the country a technological edge in producing this strategic metal as per the world standard. With consistent track record in capacity utilization, technology absorption, quality assurance, export performance and posting of profits, RSP is a bright example of India's industrial capacity. And keeping the present scenario in the view it can be concluded that RSP is the torch bearer among all sections in the never ending path of success.

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During my summer training period I have collected the required information’s from the following books and journals: 1.

Industrial Relation (A.M. Sharma)


Industrial Relation (C.S.D. Venkat Ratnam)


Industrial and Labour Laws (P.L. Mallick)


Rourkela Steel Plant Panoroma


Personnel Manual of RSP, Vol. – 1 & Vol. – 2


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