Internship Special Project Outline

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 8
Internship Special Project Outline 1. Emergency Contacts  The Fillmore – 215.309.0150  The Fillmore Security – (Add)  Police/Fire Department - 911  Police Non-emergency – 215-686-3260  Fire Non-emergency – 215-685-4357  Closest Pharmacy: Nova Star Pharmacy – 215.739.3900 2. Public Safety Overview?  Live Nation Entertainment (LNE) and its subsidiaries worldwide, is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its guests, artists, and employees.  The Fillmore Philadelphia has staff on duty during all operating hours that are capable of responding to emergencies.  Police and Paramedics are scheduled on-site in contingency with occupancy levels.  Extensive emergency and first aid supplies are maintained on-site at all times.  There is a dedicated first aid room located on the left side of the Main Hall next to the elevators. When Paramedics are not on-site, our trained staff will act as primary responders to any first aid incidents. 3. Building Information  Address: 29 E Allen St, Philadelphia, PA 19123  Specifications: 4. Medical Emergency  In the event of minor or serious injury, notify Fillmore Operations/Security immediately via radio channel 4.  If the emergency is life threatening please dial 911 from your cell phone of nearest landline, then notify Operations/Security immediately. 5. Power Failure  The Fillmore has a substantial emergency generator and backup power infrastructure. The generator provides adequate power to continue supporting all regular activities and vital components of the facility. 6. Fire 

Prevent Fires:

o It is the responsibility of all employees to immediately report all potential fire hazards to Security/Operations at radio channel 4. Evacuation: o Always familiarize yourself with evacuation routes. (See “Evacuation Maps” tab) o Take note of emergency exits and posted signs. In the Event of a Fire o Remain Calm o Do NOT attempt to fight a fire unless trained to do so. o Immediately report fire to Security/Operations. o Leave the area by using the designated emergency exit routes. o Warn others in immediate area and on entire floor. o Do NOT use elevators. o Close doors behind you. o Fire Extinguishers are located in all parts of the building. (See "Fire Extinguisher Map” on next page) o (Attach picture of “How to Use a Fire Extinguisher”)

7. Fire Extinguisher Map  (Locate all fire extinguishers in Fillmore and create a brief description) 8. Crime/Crime Reporting  If you observe a criminal act or one is reported to you, immediately call the Security/Operations department and request that the local police department be dispatched. 9. Shelter-In-Place  Purpose of Plan o The Philadelphia Fire Code requires various buildings to develop a plan to shelter occupants inside the building in the event of a hazardous material, biological or other emergency outside the building. The purpose of the shelter-in-place plan is to safeguard

 

occupants during an emergency outside the building by preventing or limiting the infiltration of hazardous materials into the building by closing windows and doors and shutting off air handling/HVAC systems, and by moving occupants away from perimeter windows and doors to safer locations in the building. Where possible these locations will be near restrooms. Once each year a shelter-in-place drill will be conducted to ensure occupants know what to do and where to go during an emergency. Persons responsible for performing duties during the emergency will be provided with training. Procedures o General Manager will announce when a shelter-in-place emergency is occurring. If General Manager is not present it will be the Assistant General Manger or Operations Manager responsibility. When an emergency is announced all occupants should immediately go to the designated shelter location. All staff members with hand held radios should get to designated shelter location and wait for further instructions. GM, AGM, Ops Manager, Ops Supervisor, Production Manager and all Supervisors should switch hand held radios to Channel 1 to keep in constant communication. o The following people are responsible at the onset of an emergency to ensure that exterior doors and windows are closed and air handling systems are shut down:  Front of House Exterior Doors - Operations Manager, Operations Supervisor, Security Supervisor  Back of House Exterior Doors - Production Manager, Stage Manager  HVAC System - Assistant General Manager, Operations Manager  Administration Offices - Assistant to the General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Operations Manager, Operations Supervisor Shelter Locations o First Floor - Ajax Hall, Fillmore Bar #2 and Fillmore Bar #4 o Backstage - Dressing Rooms o Mezzanine - Bar #5 and Foundry o Admin Offices - Bullpen area, all offices cleared. Handicapped Persons o Operations Supervisor and/or Security Supervisor will handle all handicapped persons. All Clear o When notified that the emergency is over, Assistant General Manager, Operations Manager, Operations Supervisor, Security

Supervisor will direct occupants outdoors until building airhandling systems are operated to remove and contaminates. 10. Active Shooter  An active shooter is a person who appears to be actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area; in most cases active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. o RUN, HIDE, FIGHT! o (More info on sheet) 11. Riot or Disturbance  (Procedures info on sheet) 12. Suspicious Object/Package  Notify the Security team immediately. Security will  Do not open, move, cover, or touch the suspicious item.  Evacuate the area if possible and do not allow anyone other than first responders to enter the area.  Limit the use of two-way radios and cell phones when in close proximity of the suspicious package.  If the package leaves a substance or powder that you came in contact with, keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, mouth, and face. Do not touch others and do not allow others to touch you.  Follow the instructions of the first responders on site. 13. Bomb Threat  Remain Calm.  Do NOT transfer phone call.  If time allows, try to be friendly and congenial with the caller. Do not attempt to be insulting, angry, or argumentative.  If the telephone you are using is equipped with caller ID, note the displayed number.  Encourage conversation in order to keep the caller talking as long as possible and ascertain as much information as possible. Ask him/her to repeat the message to confirm it. Record every word spoken by the caller.  If the caller does not indicate the location of the bomb or the time of possible detonation, ask him/her for this information.  Pay particular attention to background noises, which may give a clue as to the location of the caller.  Listen closely to the voice (male, female), voice quality (calm, excited, etc.), accents, and speech impediments.  Questions to ask:

o When is the bomb going to explode? o Where is it right now? o What does it look like? o What kind of bomb is it? o What will cause it to explode? o Did you place the bomb? o Why? o What is your address? o What is your name? For more information, ask your supervisor for the “Bomb Threat Checklist”. (Bottom of page)

14. Missing Person/Child  Obtain and provide all biological and description information of the missing person/child from the reporting party: Name, age, race, sex, height/weight, description of clothing worn as well as the time and location the missing party was last seen.  Locate the nearest radio and contact Security/Operations at channel 4.  Security/Operations will direct staff members to monitor all exit points.  Security/Operations will also conduct a search of the building.  If you find the missing person/child, do not move them and immediately contact Security/Operations. 15. Building Evacuation  STAY CALM, DO NOT PANIC, DO NOT RUN  Your professionalism will instill calm in the patrons and will mean the difference between orderly evacuation and induced panic.  Be aware of all emergency exit doors. Use your closest emergency exit door to move patrons out of the building in a quick and orderly fashion (see “Evacuation Maps” tab).  Assist disabled patrons out of the facility.  Keep all fire and emergency lanes clear.  KEEP THE CROWD MOVING! 

Emergency Meeting Spaces (if safety permits): o Both Fillmore parking lots (Allen St & Richmond St) will be emergency meeting spaces for all staff members and patrons.

Duties of Security/Ushers/Ticket Takers: o Move patrons out of the building in your assigned area. Any staff members outside of the venue are to assist in sending patrons to the parking lots – emergency meeting space.

16. Customer Service/Lost & Found

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The Fillmore operates a Lost & Found Service through the Box Office. All lost items should be reported and all found items should be returned to the Box Office where they will be recorded and stored for a maximum of 90 days after which items become property of the Fillmore. Lost & Found items can be picked up during Box Office hours. If an item is lost and found and the Box Office is closed, you may give the item to a Supervisor or Coat Check.

17. Intruder/Suspicious Person  Obtain all biological and description information of intruder/suspicious person: age, race, sex, height/weight, and description of clothing worn.  Notify security immediately via internal phones or cellular phone of the intruder/suspicious person, including their description information as well as their location.  (Include Anomalous Behavior Detection Form) 18. Search Policy  All persons seeking to enter a venue, excluding Artist, are subject to Live Nation Entertainment search requirements before entering.  For specific guest and employee screening requirements see LNE Bag Inspection and Size Restriction and LNE Magnetometer Screening policies.  Searches shall constitute a search of the person and any items the person seeks to bring into the venue.  All persons, except as provided in this policy, are prohibited from bringing weapons into any venue.  All persons, except as provided in this policy, are prohibited from bringing in any items on The Fillmore Prohibited Items List. (Prohibited Items List) 19. Report Writing Tips/Incident Report  (Attach) 20. Codes (Penal/Radio)  (Attach) 21. Access Card Policy  (Attach) 22. Building Maps  (Attach) 23. Evacuation Maps (place this tab following “Building Evacuation” tab)




1. When is the bomb going to explode?

______Calm ______Angry ______Excited ______Slow ______Rapid ______Soft ______Loud ______Laughter ______Crying ______Normal ______Distinct ______Slurred

2. Where is it right now?

3. What does it look like?

4. What kind of bomb is it?

5. What will cause it to explode?

______Nasal ______Stutter ______Lisp ______Raspy ______Deep ______Ragged ______Clearing Throat ______Deep Breathing ______Cracked Voice ______Disguised ______Accent ______Familiar

If voice is familiar, whom did it sound like? ___________________________________________

6. Did you place the bomb?


9. What is your name?

______Street Noises ______Restaurant or Kitchen Noises ______P.A. system ______Music ______House Noises ______Motor ______Office machinery ______Other:



____________________________________________ ____________________________________________


7. Why?

8. What is your address?

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Sex of caller: ______ Race:_______________________

______Factory Machinery ______Animal noises ______Clear ______Static ______Local ______Long Distance ______Booth ______Voices

_____Well spoken (educated) ______Foul ______Irrational

_______Incoherent _______Taped _______Message read by threat maker

REMARKS: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Age:______ Length of call:_______________________

Report Call Immediately to General Manager, A, or your supervisor

Number at which call is received:

Date ________________________________________

_____________________________________________ Time: ________________ Date:____________________

Name _______________________________________ Position _________________________________ Phone Number __________________

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