Internet Usage

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 729
  • Pages: 14
International Institute of Professional Studies Research Project on Internet Usage Submitted by : Sawan Laddha MMS V Sem

[email protected]

Introduction This Marketing Research Project was done for INTERNET USAGE. It was done at Sunrise Tower, M.G. Road, Indore. It was targeted and segmented on the corporate which have high usage of Internet. The survey covered following points :“How do people log on to net ????” “For How much time they use net???” “How much amount(in monetary terms) they spend on net???”

“Are they satisfied with the present infrastructure and speed???” “Times when they generally surf ?? “ After getting the feedback from the corporates we had planned a solution which is the best alternative for all the problems which people are facing at present, and we are trying to implement the solution as soon as possible. We had conducted the whole survey with the help of a Questionnaire. In that we asked around 15 questions, with the help of which we could get all required information.

Points kept in mind while doing the survey:-( Survey tools ) i) The questionnaire has less questions but were reformed in such a way that it can get all the required information, To remove the ambiguity and boredom of the people to whom we ask to fill the questionnaire. ii)

Seriousness and potential of the people were observed while doing the survey.


For proper feedback we made the survey very Interactive,so as to get best results. iv) The way we approached people was very different, by giving a proper reference to them & knowing them & there profession. v)

The Seriousness & Dignity was made by us to get proper

response. vi) A Bi-sexual pair was used to conduct survey ,so as to get proper attention. vii) We had a experienced team to conduct the survey,to get the best Results.

The Questionnaire Used was as follows :


Name of the Company


Concern person



:__________________________________ __________________________________


: _____________________ Fax


: ___________________________

Do you use Internet? If yes, Which ISP




: ________________

NO q


Are you satisfied with the speed?


NO q

How much time you spend on net ? Daily : _______ Weekly : _______ Monthly : _______ Which time do you surf in day? ___________________ Average expenditure on net/month (including telephone @ 24 / hr)

Rs _________

How much you can pay for unlimited usage per month? Rs _________ (including telephone @ 64kps) Signature

The Feedback we Received was as follows :

100 % of the people we met were using internet as we have targeeted the resarch on corporates & to the net users only. 98 % were having there own computers & internet conncetions. Regarding ISP Share (from a sample of 10) Vsnl 35 % Satyam 20 % Dishnet 40 % Leased Line 10% Mantra/Mantra freenet 20 % The results were like this due to many peoples were having multiple connections. The avg usage we recvd & found in the overall say was around 2hrs/day/office.

60% were satisifed with the speed. regarding time of surfing , no body was specific we couldn't get the exact answer for this question. average expendture on net we found was from Rs 7002500 including telephone. & for our last question how much you can pay for unlimited usage including telephone@64 kbps we found that people were willing to pay Rs 800-2500 & avg of all we got Rs 1200

Options available for good speed are :Leased Lines : very costly Cable Modem : intial setup cost is around 15000 ISDN : intial cost is around 13000 but a recurring bill of telephone accoring to usage A Launch of a product according to these findings was proposed by us : which is in process of implementation in which customer would get 24 hrs uninteruppted service at the speed of 64 kbps elminating telephone line & it's present ISP. He has to spend around Rs 1200 as a installion charges & Rs 990 Per month as subscription charge for unltd use. Here all the problems which customer is facing would be elimnated.

Research Process Introduction Formulating the Research Problem Research Design Determining Sources of Data Designing Data Collection Forms Determining Sampling Design and Sampling Size Organizing And Conducting The Field Survey Processing And Analyzing The Collected Data

Preparing the Research Report

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