International Green Summit Sponsorship Packages

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Download & View International Green Summit Sponsorship Packages as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 10
November 9- 14, 2009

Register now to attend the International Green Summit 2009 . Mauro, Portugal November 9th through the 14th, 2009 The conference program will feature keynote sessions with prominent industry and government figures and parallel sessions focusing on global environmental issues.

International Green Summit 2009

“Awareness creates Knowledge , Knowledge creates Change”

Changing the World One Person at a Time

Become a Corporate sponsor of this groundbreaking event the “International Green Summit”, and make a statement that your company is an organization committed to the principles, ideals of “Green” and demonstrate your leadership to the next generation preserving our planet by working today to have a better tomorrow. IGS Sponsors are at the forefront of companies that are driving innovation in “Going Green”. Premium sponsorships and networking events offer high level opportunities to demonstrate thought leadership and strategic interaction with the key press and delegates. The IGS sponsorship packages are designed with maximum ROI in mind. The end-to-end packages include pre-event, onsite and post-event marketing. Become a sponsor and secure your place in front of the industry’s most influential leaders. Corporate contributions help offset the Summit costs in exchange for your company promotion. Sponsorships will be offered at five levels from $2.5M to $50,000.00 with commensurate benefits in each category. Event Sponsorships include “ownership” of a segment of the program or of a food function. This may include: keynote presentations, breakout sessions, panel discussions, breakfasts, breaks, lunches and cocktail receptions. These are available on a first-come-first-serve basis, with cosponsors receiving preference. If you are interested in committing to one of these packages, please complete the form on the last page and return it to us as soon as possible. We recommend committing before June 15 of 2009, so that you are included on the promotional materials and the brochure mailed to over 20,000 firm leaders.

If you have questions, please contact: Michael Padurano CEO, Founder of the International Green Summit, Inc. [email protected] Cell: 561-856-5005 EFax: 866-422-2929

International Green Summit Sponsorship Packages 2009 Sponsorship Levels and Benefits Diamond Sponsor - $2,500,000 USD Benefits: Summit Title Sponsorship throughout the Summit grounds, promotional & marketing materials Company name, logo mentioned as “Sponsored by (logo)” to be at 33% of the size type face of International Green Summit name, logo on all print and electronic promotion. Name recognition as “Sponsored by” on every collateral advertising, marketing piece including tickets, T-shirts, posters, lanyards, water bottles, Media and stage references Opportunity to introduce a featured Speaker during the General opening session or give 5 minute talk if no speaker 1 Full 48 minute episode on “On The Edge” TV show, Plus 24 minutes of commercial time Company name and/or logo listed or placed in the following. Website link prominently displayed on the conference home page Emails sent to our database Advance mailers, print campaigns and brochures PR releases through International media, including the one page pre-event coverage from all major media. TV & Radio ads, campaigns, broadcast worldwide, with International reach on Satellite radio Conference signage all week Six 20 x 8 ft. signs at entry. Fifteen 10 X 5 ft. signs at various locations throughout the Conference. 120 flags circumscribing areas Insert into delegate binder (Full page) One full-page advertisement in conference program Reserved Two VIP tables daily for lunch for networking List of all delegates post Summit Name Recognition at least 48 times on the stage by the moderator Exhibit booth space: Premium Space 20’w x 10’d Booth Space Five conference registrations (full package)

International Green Summit Sponsorship Packages 2009 Sponsorship Levels and Benefits Emerald Sponsor - $1,500,000.00 Benefits: Stages Naming Rights (4 stages: Consumer Goods, Energy, Technology, Transportation Innovation) Company name and/or logo listed or placed in the following. “Category Exclusivity” (Summit-wide) website link prominently displayed on the conference home page offer printed on the back of the tickets Emails sent to our database PR releases (Faxed or Emailed) through International media, including the one page pre-event coverage from all major media. TV & Radio ads/ campaigns/ broadcast worldwide, with International reach on Satellite radio prominently listed on conference signage all week Two 20 x 8 ft. signs adjacent to stage. 50 flags circumscribing areas Insert into delegate binder (Half Page) List of all delegates post Summit 24 minutes segment on “On The Edge” TV show, Plus 12 minutes of commercial time Opportunity to introduce a featured Speaker during the General opening session or give 5 minute talk if no speaker One half-page advertisement in conference program (provide designs according to identified specifications) Reserved One VIP tables daily for lunch (with your logo) for networking Name Recognition at least 24 times on the stage by the moderator Exhibit booth space: 20’w x 10’d Booth Space in high traffic areas Three conference registrations (full package)

International Green Summit Sponsorship Packages 2009 Sponsorship Levels and Benefits Sapphire Sponsor - $750,000 USD Benefits: 3 opportunities: Opening & Closing Breakfasts, Gala Dinner) Company name and/or logo listed or placed in the following. “Category Exclusivity” (Summit-wide) Website link prominently displayed on the conference home page Emails sent to our database Advance mailers, print campaigns and brochures PR releases through International media, including the one page pre-event coverage from all major media. TV & Radio ads, campaigns, broadcast worldwide, with International reach on Satellite radio Conference signage all week Two 20 x 8 ft. signs adjacent to stage. 36 flags circumscribing areas 16 minutes segment on “On The Edge” TV show, Plus 6 minutes of commercial time Sampling and/or Information Distribution in Arena Insert into delegate binder (Quarter of a page) List of all delegates post Summit Opportunity to introduce a Speaker during the General opening session One Quarter-page advertisement in conference program (provide designs according to identified specifications) Name Recognition at least 24 times on the stage by the moderator Exhibit booth space: 20’w x 10’d Booth Space in high traffic areas Two conference registrations (full package)

International Green Summit Sponsorship Packages 2009 Sponsorship Levels and Benefits Ruby Sponsor - $375,000.00 Benefits: All Food Functions’ sponsorship as breakout sessions, panel discussions, breakfasts, breaks, lunches and cocktail receptions, except: Opening& Closing Breakfasts, Gala Dinner. Total of 10 opportunities Company name and/or logo listed or placed in the following. “Category Exclusivity” (Summit-wide) Website link prominently displayed on the conference home page Emails sent to our database PR releases through International media, including the one page pre-event coverage from all major media. TV & Radio ads/ campaigns/ broadcast worldwide, with International reach on Satellite radio Prominently listed on conference signage all week Insert into delegate binder (1/3 of a page) 8 minutes segment on “On The Edge” TV show, Plus 2 minutes of commercial time List of all delegates post Summit 50% discount on ad cost in conference program (Provide designs according to identified specifications) Three 8’ x 4’ sign by the entrance Exhibit booth space: Booth space at an exit for sampling or distribution

International Green Summit Sponsorship Packages 2009 Sponsorship Levels and Benefits Opal Sponsor - $50,000.00 Benefits: Keynote Presentations: 150 Opportunities Company name and/or logo listed or placed in the following. “Category Exclusivity” (Summit-wide) Website link prominently displayed on the conference home page Emails sent to our database PR releases through International media, including the one page pre-event coverage from all major media. TV & Radio ads/ campaigns/ broadcast worldwide, with International reach on Satellite radio Prominently listed on conference signage all week 2 minutes commercial time on “On The Edge” TV show Insert into delegate binder (Logo on introduction section) List of all delegates post Summit 25% discount on ad cost in conference program (Provide designs according to identified specifications Five 8X 4 ft. sign at the Summit Exhibit booth space: 10’w x 10’d Booth Space in high traffic areas

For Sponsorship Applications and or information: Please contact: [email protected]

APPENDIX A EXHIBITOR/SPONSOR AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on the Exhibitor registration date by and between “INTERNATIONAL GREEN SUMMIT, INC. hereby and under mentioned as (IGS) & Its affiliates, and the Exhibiting/Sponsoring Company hereby and under mentioned as (ESC), is made with the following terms and conditions, mutually agreed upon by both parties: 1. ESC will be responsible for reviewing Exhibitors/Sponsors Information listed on the conference website regarding set up and breakdown schedules, schedule of events, federal, city and state policies, CONVENTION CENTER facility policies, fire department regulations, health department requirements, greening policies (zero waste), and biodegradable disposable policies. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF ESC TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THIS INFORMATION. 2. IGS shall not be liable or responsible for any injury to ESC employees, guests or visitors while within the space or spaces contracted for by the ESC. ESC shall be solely responsible for insuring that all display devices within or leading into their exhibit space shall be of a type normally suited for such purposes and shall comply with all applicable building codes and safety standards. 3. If liability or property damage insurance is desired, it is to be obtained by ESC. IGS is not responsible for lost or stolen goods. Security will be provided at the event, but ESC is responsible for obtaining its own general liability insurance for the show dates, including move-in and move-out, to cover any event of loss. It is recommended that in addition, ESC obtain public liability insurance to protect against possible claims arising from the exhibit or the event. 4. ESC shall comply with all applicable electrical, fire and health department rules and regulations and all city, state and federal laws. 5. ESC shall not deface the building or booth, and is financially responsible for any damage caused to booths, decorations or to any CONVENTION CENTER property. No nails, screws, staples, pins, tacks, tapes, etc... are to be used to attach any materials directly to the fabric, walls or columns. 6. ESC shall keep aisles and exits, as designated on approved show plans, clean and clear and free of obstacles. No maintenance or electrical room doors or panels may be blocked in any way. Easels, signs, etc.., shall not be placed beyond the booth area into the aisle or lobby areas or on ceiling. Distribution of samples and literature is strictly limited to the area of the ESC’s booth. All voice and/or music must be kept to a sufficiently low volume so as not to disturb other exhibitors or attendees.

7. No fire arms or weapons of any type are permitted in the CONVENTION CENTER facility. 8. ESC may not sublease, assign or apportion their space. Booth space can be shared only if approved in writing by IGS. 9. ESC booth shall be staffed during all EXHIBIT HALL event hours. Staff at all time will be dressed professionally, no eating or drinking in the booth will be allowed. 10. ESC shall be required to keep their space neat and attractive. Display may not create a visual block that will distract from adjoining displays, taking every precaution against injury to visitors, guests, or employees. 11. LEAVE NO TRACE POLICY. ESC are responsible for leaving their booth space clean and free of trash or other materials. Booths will be inspected after move out is complete. If booth is not clean and free of materials, with the exception of freight packaged and labeled for shipment, the ESC credit card will be charged $900 to cover the cost of resource recovery in space. No animals or pets allowed on the premises unless pre-authorized in writing by IGS . 12. Smoking is permitted in designated areas only and drugs of any kind are prohibited at the Summit. This is a drug-free event and the CONVENTION CENTER is a drug-free zone. 13. The IGS STAFF and its officers are not responsible for the safety of exhibitor property from theft or damage by fire, water, storm, vandalism or other causes. IGS staff will, however, take responsible precautions to protect exhibitors from such loss. 14. IGS reserves the right to relocate exhibitors in comparable spaces other than those shown on the executed ESC contract if it is deemed advisable or necessary or in the best interest of the show. 15. The IGS reserves the right to refuse exhibits, which would in any way detract from the purpose, dignity and intent of the event. IGS reserves the right to deny exhibit space to any business, organization or individual deemed unsuitable by event managers. 16. Force Majeure: ACTS OF GOD, FIRES, STRIKES, ETC. In the event that any outside cause, such as war, fire, strike or other emergency, prevent the IGS from being held, ESC payments may be retained for expense compensation. 17. REFUND POLICY: 50% booth cancellation refund if notice is received in writing by June 15, 2009. No refunds are made after July 15, 2009.

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