International Business Culture.docx

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  • Pages: 6
1. Gretting Hello everyone 2. Introduce yourself, what do you study and topic My name is Melisa Pabon, im student of international business administration and for that reazon i decited to present you the international business culture 3. Give a online, what are you talk about My presentations will be divided in three topics, I would like to start talking about Whats culture and discuss Why is important the culture in the área of internacional business and finally i will give you some examples where the culture influences the negotiation processes 4. Who long will the presentation take My talk will take about ............................................

5. Question at the end or during My objective with the presentation is to make a conversatory If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time, it doesnt matter if they are vocabulary or questions of the topic, you can also do comments or contributions to the presentation

6. Presentation Okay, so lets start with the meanning of culture? For you, what is culture?

The Culture are the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.

Now, let me ask you, would you consider taht the culture is important? Why? Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their views, their values, their humor, their hopes, their loyalties, and their worries and fears. For example, lets speak about the colors to get an idea of the importance to know the culture, then i will focus the topic in the área of internacional businesses

If i ask you, what means the yellow color? What will you tell me? (it could mean happines, fun and caution) In egypt means mourning IN Greece means Sadness In france means jealousy

Now, if i ask you about the White color, what would you tell me? (weddings, hospitals, doctot,peace, angels)

In china, it means mourning. In india means unhappiness In Corea means purity and innocence So when you are working with people and building relationships with them, it helps to have some perspective and understanding of their cultures. Now, lets focus what we saw in the context of international businesses, i seleted some countries that are important for the international economy and also them have interesting characteristics.

AMERICAS – United states The negotiation can be described as aggressive, later we will see why Greeting It is very important to maintain the formality, call the Counterpart with prefixes like doctor, sir and lady. Followed by a handshake, it is recommended to exchange cards or presentations in the English language. Meeting North American businessmen are not interested in generating a friendship when talking about business, so meetings Usually are made in installations of the company of one of the negotiators, they are very punctual and strict because for them time means money. The American is characterized by taking the biggest advantage possible, their main focus is profitability, with them you must use short and direct language, otherwise, it will be interpreted as lack of sincerity.

Women play an active role in business in the United States and they have done it for many years. Treat a woman as a man in all commercial factors: any perceived of stereotype is a danger for negotiation It is expected that the emails be short and direct, often omitting the greeting line as the closing line. Do not Misunderstand this communication brief or short as rudeness or annoyance, just see it as a quick and efficient approach.

GIFTS North American businessmen do not go with the goal of creating a friendship, For that reason it is not considered pertinent to give a gift on the first appointment, you can consider giving the gift if the business has been successful. Okay, so that was the north amenrican business culture, now, let's move to another part of the world EUROPE-GERMANY Germany is one of the most important markets in the European Union so it has become a strategic commercial ally for several countries around the world GREETING In German business environments se saluda with a handshake, it must be extended first to the person with the highest rank in the company, as well as to the most adult persons. The Germans give much importance to the professional titles of the people. So you should say first by saying "Mr. / Herr", then the person's title and then the last name. Meeting The Germans are known for them puntuality, so it's very important that you also be punctual, It is well seen that you get to business appointments about fifteen minutes before. As much as possible, avoid canceling appointments and meetings unless you have a very important reason.

Business meals between the Germans are not very common, they occur only when there is already a highest level of confidence. You can invite your future business associate to visit your company and your country, this will generate a more reliable environment for the negotiations. Although more women are achieving higher positions in German companies, the truth is that Germany is not progressing like other European countries in this item GIFTS Germans prefer to concentrate more in business than on these formalities. however, if you take them it is advisable that they are not so expensive, the gesture is more appreciated than the price; If you are invited to a business lunch, it is a good idea to bring a gift to the host.

That was Germany, now, im goint to talk abaout a plae in which you have take a flight of 16 hurs, to get there

MIDDLE eAST AND AFRICA- Saudi Arabia GREETING The greeting is usually a short and soft handshake, they usually greet to their friends passing the arm by the shoulders or with two kisses on the cheeks To address them you must use the title of the person, followed by the first name. Meeting The business card must be translated in two languages, one of them must be the Arabic but this exchange is not necessary to do it on the first appointment, it is recommended to wait for them to do it first. It is expected that the foreigner be punctual, although it is usual that the appointments be delayed, changed for another day or even canceled, as a demonstration of power. The development of the business is slow because it is necessary to establish relationships before generate business, they want confidence.To start, it is good to talk about topics of interest such as history, art, economic progress, sports or family (but you must ask about the family in general but this will be taken as an offense) Never talk about religious issues, conflicts with countries or the role of women in society If they invite you to their house, you should never deny

They consider impure the left hand so you should always use your right hand, even if it is to give a pen, your business card, etc. The left hand is the one that helps personal cleanliness Even if your right hand is injured, it is preferable to apologize for not being able to give your hand to have to give your left hand

When sitting, is prohibited to show the sole of the shoes BECAUSE IT IS CONSIDERED A RUDE way TO BE PRESENTED GIFTS The gifts should be given between companies, not between people and they open the gifts in front of who gave them to show respect Now, the last exaple, but not less important, is on the other side of the world, it is……… ASIA AND AUSTRALASIA- CHINA GREETING Out of respect, make a small inclination but the level of inclination will be higher by addressing a person with high rank or adult person. Hugs, kisses, or slaps on the back are not accepted because it is considered disrespect and invasion of personal space. It is a good option to learn Chinese expressions because they will see interest and this will give you extra points. Meeting Before starting a business relationship, they will look for a personal relationship, it is a good idea to start talking about general topics or personal topics, be humble and do not interrupt while talking because it is considered disrespectful. At the first business appointment, presentation cards are always exchanged, translat it into mandarin, they must be taken from the corners making a small reverence and before keep them in the jacket or shirt (never in the pants because this shows disinterest) take a look. As in Chinese culture, They like to create businesses with trusted people. It's probably that you be invited to eat, where you will eat at least 12 dishes and it is recommended to try all even if you do not like it, this is a good way to gain their trust, let them pay the bill if you try to pay, they will see it as an offense GIFTS

Giving and receiving gifts is part of the ritual of developing business relationships but they should not appear in early meetings neither they must be expensive because it can be confused with bribery (for them the bribe is a Serious felony). Be careful with colors (white means death) but red and gold are successful colors. The gifts are often reject two/twice or three times before being accepted and, if they are wrapped, rarely will be open in front of the donor.

So, to summarise,

7. Conclude 8. Ask for and respond questins So, that concludes my talk. Do you have any questions or comments? Thats a intersting question Good question Good point

Are you asking about….? Sorry, i didnt catch that. Could you say ir agian? please 9. Thanks Well, if there are nor more questions, thatnk you very much for your attention Well, thank you very much for listening

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