Interaction Fy09 302b Sign-on Letter Byrd

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  • Pages: 12
President and CEO Samuel A. Worthington Chair Charles MacCormack, Save the Children Vice Chair Ritu Sharma Fox, Women Thrive Worldwide Treasurer Amy Coen, Population Action International

Board of Directors Nancy A. Aossey, International Medical Corps Kenneth Bacon, Refugees International David Beckmann, Bread for the World Carol Bellamy, World Learning Sekyu Chang, Korean American Sharing Movement Julius Coles, Africare Helene D. Gayle, CARE USA Anne Lynam Goddard, Christian Children’s Fund Lee H. Hamilton, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Neal Keny-Guyer, Mercy Corps Elizabeth Lathem, US Committee for UNDP Lelei Lelaulu, Counterpart International Jo Luck, Heifer International John McCullough, Church World Service Stephen F. Moseley, Academy for Educational Development Daniel E. Pellegrom, Pathfinder International Linda Pfeiffer, INMED Robert Radtke, Episcopal Relief and Development Yolonda C. Richardson, Centre for Development and Population Activities George Rupp, International Rescue Committee Zainab Salbi, Women for Women International Ron Sconyers, Physicians for Peace Kathy Spahn, Helen Keller International Richard Stearns, World Vision Tsehaye Teferra, Ethiopian Community Development Council Sam Worthington (Ex-Officio)

1400 16th St., NW Suite 210 Washington, DC 20036 PHONE: (202) 667-8227 FAX: (202) 667-8236 E-MAIL: [email protected]

April 21, 2008 Dear Chairman Byrd: As you complete work on your 302(b) allocations for fiscal year 2009, we, the undersigned members of InterAction, an alliance of 165 U.S.-based international development and humanitarian non-governmental organizations, urge you to provide at least the full administration request of $39.8 billion for the International Affairs budget - including $38.2 billion for the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs subcommittee. While the need far exceeds this amount, these essential resources will help the United States respond to growing humanitarian and development needs worldwide at a time of increasing global challenges. A large bipartisan majority is increasingly recognizing the need for stronger humanitarian and development funding. As you know, an amendment to the Senate budget resolution to increase the International Affairs account by $4.1 billion passed 73-23, demonstrating strong and broad agreement on the high priority this funding should receive. Also, General Anthony Zinni, Admiral Leighton Smith Jr., and 51 of their fellow retired military commanders recently called for dramatic increases in investment in the civilian instruments of national security, including diplomacy and development assistance. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has echoed this call for new commitments to promote stability and expand opportunities for millions living in poverty. While InterAction remains deeply concerned about the proposed reductions to specific accounts within the President’s budget, especially to humanitarian assistance, basic education, conservation, and child and maternal health and other non-HIV/AIDS related funding, $39.8 billion will go a long way toward helping the global poor access clean water, grow their own food, and build healthy, sustainable communities. Congress has commendably increased our nation’s efforts to fight global poverty over the past few years, yet the challenges we face require us to do more. Over one billion people currently lack access to clean water and sanitation. Every day, nearly 27,000 children die from highly preventable causes. Seventy-two million children, mostly girls, do not have the opportunity to attend primary school. Fortunately, we know how to beat these challenges. Affordable solutions exist that have been proven effective. Thank you for your attention to these concerns and for your ongoing commitment to the millions of poor and displaced around the world who benefit from foreign assistance programs. Sincerely,

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1. World Wildlife Fund

2. World Vision

3. World Learning

4. World Hope International


World Concern

6. Women's Commission for Refugee Women & Children

7. Women Thrive Worldwide

8. Winrock International

9. United Methodist Committee on Relief

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10. U.S. Fund for UNICEF

11. U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

12. The Hunger Project

13. Solar Cookers International


14. SHARE Foundation

15. SEVA Foundation

16. Save the Children

17. Salvation Army World Service Office

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19. Refugees International

20. ProLiteracy Worldwide

21. Population Communication

22. Population Action International

23. Plan USA

24. Physicians for Peace

25. Physicians for Human Rights

26. Pathfinder International

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27. PATH

28. Pact

29. Oxfam America

30. ONE Campaign

31. National Peace Corps Association

32. National Association of Social Workers

33. Mercy Corps

34. Mental Disability Rights International

35. Medical Teams International

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36. Medical Care Development, Inc.

37. MAP International

38. Management Sciences for Health

39. Lutheran World Relief

40. Life for Relief and Development

41. Jesuit Refugee Service USA

42. International Youth Foundation

43. International Rescue Committee

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44. International Relief Teams

45. International Relief and Development, Inc.

46. International Reading Association

47. International Medical Corps

48. International Crisis Group

49. International Center for Research on Women

50. Institute for Sustainable Communities

51. INMED Partnerships for Children

52. Helen Keller International

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53. Heifer International

54. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

55. Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights

56. Heart to Heart International

57. Habitat for Humanity

58. Global Links

59. Global Health Council

60. Friends of the World Food Program

61. Freedom from Hunger

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62. Food for the Hungry

63. Ethiopian Community Development Council

64. Episcopal Relief and Development

65. Counterpart International

66. Congressional Hunger Center

67. Concern Worldwide US

68. Concern America

69. Church World Service

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70. Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC-US)

71. Christian Children's Fund (CCF)

72. Children International

73. Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA)

74. Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)

75. Catholic Relief Services

76. CARE

77. Bread for the World

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78. Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team

79. American Refugee Committee

80. American Red Cross International Services


American Jewish World Service

82. American Friends Service Committee

83. America’s Development Foundation

84. AirServ

85. Aid to Artisans

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86. Africare

87. African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) USA

88. Adventist Development and Relief Agency International

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