Interact Officer Responsibilities

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 492
  • Pages: 2
Roles and Responsibilities for Interact Officers President • Submit agendas for board and club • •

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meetings at least one day before meetings. Run meetings with enthusiasm. Provide ideas for service projects and special events. Delegate responsibilities, but retain ultimate responsibility to see that jobs are completed. If number of volunteers is insufficient for an Interact project, recruit other members for service. Update display case in hallway

Secretary • Maintain minutes for all meetings. If • •

unable to attend, arrange for another officer to take the minutes. Maintain spreadsheet to record participation of members in projects and attendance at meetings. Organize minutes, attendance sheets and agendas in a binder.

Membership Chairperson • Welcome new members. Design •

logos/ t-shirts for club Write thank you notes to members who participate in projects. Refer constantly to attendance spreadsheet. Determine how best to encourage absent members to return to meetings. This may require sending out reminders and organizing events at meetings to spark interest (i.e. raffles, Brown Baggin’, games, pizza, etc.)

Vice-President • Preside, in the absence of •

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president, at all meetings of the board and club. Succeed to office of president in the event of removal. Accept responsibilities from the president as needed. Provide ideas for service projects and special events. Contact volunteers prior to projects. If number of volunteers is insufficient for an Interact project, recruit other members for service.

Director •

Provide leadership as needed to make Interact projects successful. In the event of the absence of another officer at a meeting or event fill in for their position

Treasurer •

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Write receipts for dues, shirts and other money collected from membership. Count and deposit money collected from fund-raisers. Maintain account record and report club’s financial status at meetings. Disburse funds as directed by the vote of the membership. Maintain spreadsheet of payment of dues.

Historian • •

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Organize Interact pictures and other items in an album. Create graphic displays for Club Day and Parent Nights. Photograph events and members Appropriately label photographs with activity, date and names of members in photographs.

Publicist •

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Advertise meetings by placing announcements in the bulletin before 2:00 pm on Friday before meetings. Advertise meetings by placing posters in hallways on Monday before the meeting. Advertise drives and other projects as needed to promote Interact projects.

Duties for All Officers • Welcome all members. Avoid creating a “leadership clique”. • Participate in phone tree. • Perform individual jobs with enthusiasm and initiative. •


 Give to club with your time and dedication. Attend weekly meetings and participate in outside projects  Be prompt. Stay after meetings for at least 10 minutes to tie up loose ends.

 Make Interact a priority. Try to schedule around it. Tell advisor at least one day ahead of any conflict.  Come prepared and give Interact your full attention.

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