Integrated Test 3

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  • June 2020
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1 Pressure Ulcers „ Risk Factors

Integrated Test 3




Inadequate nutrition



Fecal & urinary incontinence


Diminished sensation


Excessive body heat


Advanced age


Chronic medical conditions

Decreased mental status


6. Isolation Precautions Tier 1: Standard Precautions Tier 2: Transmission-based Precautions

Standard Precautions „ Designed for all clients in hospital „

Apply to… „ „ „ „





Gloves, Goggles, Gown


Handle soiled equipment & linen carefully


Sharps precautions

except sweat

Designed to reduce risk of transmission of microorganisms from recognized & unrecognized sources

6 Standard Precautions

Blood All body fluids, secretions, excretions Non-intact (broken) skin Mucous membranes

7 „

Care of client with a sealed radiation source „

Private room with a private bath


Place caution sign on client’s door


Organize nursing tasks to minimize exposure


Rotate nursing assignments to client


A nurse should never care for more than one client with a radiation implant at one time


7. „

Care of client with a sealed radiation source (cont.) „

Limit time to ½ hour per care provider per shift


Wear a lead shield


Do not allow a pregnant nurse to care for client


Do not allow visitors who are pregnant or <16yo


Limit visitors to ½ hour per day; visitors should be a least 6 feet from source


Save bed linens & dressings until the source is removed

8 „

Skin Traction „

8 „

Pelvic halter/ traction „


Pelvic girdle with extension straps attached to ropes and weights Used for low back pain to reduce muscle spasm and maintain alignment


Usually intermittent traction


Client on semi-Fowler’s position with knee bent


Secure pelvic girdle around iliac crests

Play allows for therapeutic release of tension & stress; manipulation of syringe & other equipment allows control over threatening events


Buck’s traction


Russell traction


Cervical traction


Pelvic traction

11 b. Chronic alcoholism leads to enzyme induction, thus the need for increased dosage of analgesics c. Individualized pain thresholds d. Dependency behavior is reinforced more if there’s immediate, unpredictable gratification

12 „

Weights are attached to a moleskin or adhesive strip secured by elastic bandage (or foam rubber boot) used to cover the affected limb

16 S/Sx of intestinal obstruction in an infant 1. 2. 3. 4.

Absence of stools (esp. newborn) Weak, thready pulse Cyanosis Weak, grunting respirations from abdominal distention, causing diaphragm to compress lungs


21. Concept of Death Infant/toddler

24 „

no concept of death


death as temporary sleep

School age

death as irreversible

Stages of Dying „ „ „ „ „


“No, not me…” “Why me?” “If only….” (Silence) “Yes, it’s me.”

Stages of Grieving Shock, numbness, disbelief „ Yearning & protest „ Identification stage „ Reorganization/ restitution „

Late school age death as final Adolescence

understands the concept of death



(Source: Belizario & de Leon. Philippine Textbook of Medical Parasitology 2nd ed.)


Incubation period


8-15 days


12-20 days


11-16 days


18-40 days



HTLV I causes adult T cell leukemia and tropical spastic disease HTLV II causes T-hairy cell leukemia


45 „


Hypersensitivity to iodine dye following IVP „









Hives, skin rashes, nausea, swelling of parotid glands Anaphylactic (shock, dyspnea, decreased BP, convulsions)


88 „




Echolalia – stereotyped repetition of another person’s words or phrases Clang association – flow of thoughts are based on similar sounding words Neologism – making up new words Word salad – stringing together of words that seem to have no logical association


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