This is an inclinometer. It is used to measure the angle from one point of the river to another point. In order to do so the length in between each point of the river must be measured. A pole is inserted at each end of the measurement, both poles being the same length. The inclinometer is placed at on end of the measurement and aimed at the other pole. The inclinometer must be set to 0 degrees, then the trigger is held and then when it stops moving the trigger must be released and the then you are given the angle
This is a Flow meter. A Flow meter is used to measure the velocity of the river. To measure this the impellor must be adjusted on the height shaft The depth of the river must be calculated and then the propeller must be place at either 60% up from the bed of the river or 40% down from the surface of the river. The flowmeter must be facing the current and must be held upright, we then timed how long the propeller and how long it took to reach the other end of the threaded pole then to get the velocity we had to use the formula (y)=(0.277)+(3.2805/x) x 100 Y = velocity x= time reading of impellor