Installation Ceremony That Will Take Place November

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  • Words: 1,422
  • Pages: 5
Volume VIII, Issue 4


October, 2008

Jerseyville, Illinois



This month the JILG Illinois Career Association officers attended the Leadership Development Conference (LDC) in Flora, Illinois. We all had a Super Wonderful time. Upon arriving at the camp we discovered there were several schools involved in the conference. After a brief opening speech we split into groups and each group went through a variety of team building activities. Some of the activities included climbing a wall without ropes, getting over the “meat grinder”, completing the “stump fall”, the “lava river” and the “trust catch”. After our rigorous outdoor activities, each the officers attended workshops to learn the duties of our individual offices. Later, we met up with members from our own school to listen to Ted Wiese, play “pass the golf ball” and a fun game we’ll just call “Egg-to-Chicken-to-Dinosaur”. The next morning, we attended the closing ceremony. There were some very enthusiastic speeches from the presidents, JAWS posters created by the vice-presidents and the service learning coordinators presented their idea for an ALL JILG service learning project. Too soon we had to say our good byes to our new friends and head home. IT WAS A BLAST!!!

Historian, Jessica Modene as a Dinosaur

Vice President, Chelsea Long going up and over THE WALL

Reporter, Jordan Crump, making it over “The Meat Grinder”

Ellen Murphy, Secretary, screaming as she jumps rope!!!!

President, Jared Breitweiser taking the TRUST FALL Our Service Learning Coordinator, Leah Sherman learning to trust her new friends

OCTOBER’s GUEST SPEAKERS Wes Spindola, U.S. Army Recruiter, and Mr. Derek Lawson, former JILG student came to the Career Development classes to discuss the opportunities available in the U.S. Army. Mr. Lawson spoke to the students about being a JILG student and his life since graduation from high school. Derek has made the decision to join the U.S. Army because he wants a career as he is no longer satisfied just having a job. Derek was leaving for Ft. Leonard Wood the next day. He plans to return to discuss his life in basic training upon his graduation. Ms. Nikki Feilder, a model from the Barbizon School of Modeling, spoke to the students about the rewards of attending Barbizon, not just to become a model, but the classes also teach you how to present yourself in the manner you, how to walk and talk with confidence, and how to make an excellent first impression. Ms. Feilder took the students through several facial warm-up exercises to practice to relax before a job interview. Ms. Lisa Masters, Hickey College, spoke to the students about time management, college financing and college enrollment, as well as the opportunities offered at Hickey. In keeping with our joint service learning project, Leah Sherman, our service learning coordinator, requested a visit from our local Red Cross representative. Two volunteers spoke to the students. The volunteers, Bob and Brenda Prestonbock, recently returned from spending time in Texas helping residents recover from the devastations of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.

Mr. Wes Spindola, U.S. Army Recruiter and Derek Lawson, PVT, U.S. Army and former JILGster

Nikki Feilder, Barbizon School of Modeling teaching Matt Kettenbach how to warm up for an interview

Lisa Masters, Hickey College, taking the student through time management exercises

Mr. Bob PRestonbock, American Red Cross, demonstrating the Emergency Relief Vehicle and speaking about his experience in Texas after Hurricanes Gustav and Ike

Sgt. Jered Carlen, Illinois Army National Guard, visited our class to speak and teach about team building. Sgt. Carlen took the students through a variety of team building activities. One in particular was “Combat Dodgeball”. The students had to have a medic on each team who could revive the players that were down, but if the medic became wounded no one could revive the medic. The object was to eliminate players and take the opponents flag. The JILGsters would love to have Sgt. Carlen back – they want some rematches.

Paige Radcliff flinging a combat ball, Emily Godar taking aim, Jon Logan has the enemy in sites and Rebecca Ryan and Cynthia Blackwell looking to see which person to take out.

Illinois Career Association This month the ICA has been very busy. First the officers attended the Leadership Development Conference. Upon their return, Leah Sherman, Service Learning Coordinator began working to set up a visit from the American Red Cross and visited with Principal, Mrs. Schuenke to get approval to have a Pennies War Contest and a Hat Day in November in order to raise donations for the ALL JILG Service Learning Project. The officers also met to discuss possible fund-raisers for other JILG projects. Mrs. Springman went before the Jersey Community School District School Board requesting permission to sell Interior Design candles as one of the fund raisers. The ICA will also be running the sports concession stand one day in December and one day in January as a way to make money for field trips and shirts. The members are still selling fresh home-made donuts to faculty and staff as a fund raiser as well. The members have divided up into committees and are preparing for their Initiation and Installation Ceremony that will take place November 17, 2008. Food seems to be a big topic.

Danny Rogers selling donuts on the left and Cynthia Mueller, Kevin Hans and Doris West selling donuts on the right

FIELD TRIP On October 30, the Career Development classes visited the Lewis & Clark Community College (LCCC) campus. The visit was coordinated by Mr. Stu Trask, LCCC’s High School Partnership Coordinator. The students met with Mr. Trask who explained the LCCC catalog, enrollment and financial assistance. Mr. Booden, LCCC instructor, spoke to the students about the Pre-Engineering program and the Trebuchet contest LCCC holds each year. The classes were then treated to a tour of the School of Nursing and the Dental Assistant and Hygienist Program. The students then broke up into various groups and LCCC instructors in the areas of Auto Technology, Computer Programming, Education, Drafting-CAD, Criminal Justice, and Music treated the students to tours of their programs. All of the mini-tours allowed for hands on investigation. The students that toured the Criminal Justice school now have a copy of their own fingerprints.

CLASS WORK The month of October has been dedicated to completing the Career Development “A” competencies. The students were introduced to their Strong Interest Inventory results and taught how to read the interpretive reports. The students then completed career exploration research on three different possible careers that interested them. From that research the students had to choose one career to further research and create a power point presentation providing the class with information about their future career. The students presented the reports utilizing one of our smart boards.

Danny Rogers, Future Physical Therapist.

Matt Kettenbach, Future Law Enforcement Officer

SERVICE LEARNING On October 8, 2008, the JILG students presented the Humane Society No Kill Shelter with a check for $200.00 from their September bake sale funds. This month the students have been preparing for the JILG Hurricane Relief Service Learning Project.

UPCOMING EVENTS Nov. 4 – Karen Lutz, Ranken Tech Nov. 5-6 – Parent-Teacher Conferences Nov. 7 – No School Nov. 11 – Veterans’ Day Nov. 17 – Initiation & Installation Ceremony Nov. 20 – Chef Gabe DeFransico Nov. 26 – Blood Drive Nov. 27-28 – Thanksgiving Break

Samy Compton, Liz Retzer & Isaac Francis (left) Leah Hagen, Ashley Fraser ,Amber Abbot, Jordan Crump, & Chelsea Long (center)

OCTOBER FOLLOW UP October ended with 23 of last year’s 33 graduates working full time, part time or serving in the military service. Twenty-one students are attending post-secondary education institutions and four are unemployed. Of the seven students that did not graduate last year, one is currently attending JCHS and is on target to graduate, and two others are returning to JCHS second semester. Mrs. Springman is working to get the others to attend GED classes. The follow up participants are currently employed at: Subway, Pizza Hut, Dairy Queen, McDonald’s, Quick Shop-Route 16 West, Pepperidge Farms, McCarry’s Dairyland, The Loading Dock, E.F. Carpenters, IMO’s Pizza, St. Francis/Holy Ghost Latchkey Program, Hollister’s, Monsanto, The Discount House, Jimbo’s General Store, Bath & Body Works, WalMart, U.S. Air Force, and the Illinois Army National Guard.

Will Christy, Megan Mouser, Bekka Ryan, Liz Retzer & Samantha Thornton

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