ٕاَاخٛإعرزاس نهس Apology to Animals ..ِٕٓ انشَٕٙاٛدش٘ خهف شٕٓاذّ تاَّ زٚ ٍغانثا يا َقٕل عٍ ي Often we say those who run after their lust are animalistic ..عح انغاب أ انغاتحٚش عهٗ َٓح ششُٚرٓك انسقٕق تاَّ عاٚٔ ٍٚظهى االخشٚ ٍَٔقٕل عٍ ي and we say those who hurt others and break the law are people who are living in a lawless jungle نًارا؟... َّٕاَاخ عٍ ذهك االْاٛنزنك اعرزس انٗ كم انس I, therefore, apologize to all animals for this offense. Why? ،ُّ انسٍٙ انٗ سد يشاخ فٛ يٕسى انرضأج يٍ يشذٙا اال فٛثاس خُسٚ ٕاٌ الٛفانس Because an animal doesn’t get sexual except during its mating (from twice to six times a year) .صًٍٛ فرساخ اصساس انقٛا الْرضاص انهسى يٍ ذسد انعثاءِ أ يٍ ذسد ذُٕسِ أ يٍ تٕٛيٚ ثاسٚ ًٌُا االَساٛت While a human gets sexual every time he sees flesh showing out of an Abaya, a mini skirt or the holes between the buttons of a shirt. ..ثاس تٓذف انركاثش ايا االَساٌ فاخش اْذافّ انركاثش ٔانساللٚ ٌٕاٛانس Sexual excitement for an animal is about reproduction. For a human it is about anything but reproduction .ًُا سًعُا عٍ اَساٌ اغرصة تشاءج طفهحٛ ت, ٕاٌ اخش اصغش يُّ سُإٛاٌ اعرذٖ عهٗ زٕٛيا عٍ زٚ نى َسًع We’ve never heard of an animal raping a younger animal, but we have heard of a human raping a young girl. ..ىٛرٛش اكم يال انٚنى َسًع عٍ خُض We’ve never heard of a pig that steals orphan’s money ًٕخ تدشعحٚٔ ّع كشايرٛرعاطٗ انًخذساخ ٔذضٚ ٔعًم زادز اٚ ًٔح اٚشذكة خشٚ ٔصثر يسخشج اٛششب انخًش فٚ نى َسًع عٍ ذًساذ ..ِصائذ We’ve never heard of a crocodile who drinks and then becomes a joke, commits a crime or an accident, or who does drugs, loses his dignity, and dies from an over dose.
..ٓا يٍ فشط انشٕٓجٛم نعاب ركٕس انقشٔد عهٛسٚٔ يثرزلٙة غُائٛ كهٙنى َسًع عٍ عُضِ اظٓشخ يفاذُٓا ف We’ve never heard of a goat who showed her body in a dirty music video, while the male monkeys are watching and feeling sexual… ٙنى َسًع عٍ سُداب اسْات We’ve never heard of a terrorist squirrel ..اد٘ ٔذسكى تًصائش انعثادٛنى َسًع عٍ زًاس يسك يُصة ق We’ve never heard of a donkey who rules a country and controls the destiny of thousands, leading them to hell ..ّسرغهٚٔ ّخشتٚ ةٚذِ نهغشٛنى َسًع عٍ يهك انغاتح االسذ ٔقذ خاٌ يٕطُّ ٔسهًّ ت We’ve never heard of a lion (the king of the forest) that betrayed his country and gave it peacefully to the strangers to ruin it and exploit it… ..عحٛخشق قإٌَ انطثٚ ًهك عقال ٔيع رنك نىٚ ٕاٌ انز٘ الٛكم االزرشاو نهس All respect to animals that don’t have brains, yet never break the rules of nature… حٚٔش ٔانفطشِ انسًاًٛخشق تّ قإٌَ انضٚٔ ٍٚسرغهّ اال تظهى َفسّ ٔاالخشٚ ًهك عقال الٚ ٌٔكم انشفقح عهٗ اَسا And all pity to humans who do have brains, but only use them to hurt others and themselves, and to break the laws of nature سٓإٛاَاخ انرٗ ذسثر هلل ٔنكُُا ال َفقّ ذسثٛكم االزرشاو نهس All respect to animals that worship God, but we rarely do
Source: Unknown th
April 16 2009