Inspiring Stories

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  • Pages: 21
FLIGHT OF SWANS Whenever you see the group of swans flying in the sky in “V” shape, you might think why they fly in a particular shape? Earlier no body knew the reason for this shape. Now the science has solved this mystery. Whenever any swan open and moves his wings to take a fly, this helps the other swan to take up the flight. Like this when the entire group fly in a “V” shape the efficiency of the speed goes up by 71% as compare to the speed of one single swan. This is why the intelligent swans fly in “V” shape. If any swan tries to get away from that shape, he starts feeling the stress and resistance, so he don’t fly alone. Hence, this swan set back to his own group to take the benefit of group synergy. When the leader of the group gets tried, he comes back by folding his wings and another swan takes the place of the leader. They also make a particular sound while flying as to motivate the swans flying in the front. When some one gets hurt or not well, he start to fall out from the group, to help him immediately other two swans also leaves the group and come down with him. They stay with him till he recovers back or he dies. Then, go back to their group or join some other group in the sky.


THE REAL TEST One day a known person approached Chankya and enthusiastically started saying, “Do you know, just a while ago, I heard few things from you friend about you?” Chankya was famous for his wisdom, knowledge and good behavior. He said to his known person, “Before I listen to what you have to say, I would like to test it through my three step testing.” “What is this three step test?”, the person asked. Chankya made him understand, “ Before you tell me about what my friend has said, let us test it. I call this testing – a three step test. The first test is of truth-ness. Is it sure that whatever you are going to say is a truth?” “No”, the person dais, “ I have heard it from somewhere.” “Okay”, Chankaya analyzed. “If you don’t know whether this is truth or not, we will do another test. The second test is for goodness. Are you going to tell me some good thing about my friend?” “No, it’s opposite to it…..” “Then”, Chankya asked further. “Whatever you are going to say, is not the truth, is not positive about my friend then lets do the third test. The third test is of usefulness. Whatever you are going to tell me, is that useful to me?” “No, it’s not like that.” Chankya then said the last thing. “Whatever you are suppose to tell me, it is not true, its not positive and its not useful also, then why you want to tell me?”


THE TARGET There is martial art in Japan. We call it “ZEN”. In the ZEN Literature the teacher is known as “ZEN Master”. This story is also linked to the same. A very young student of martial art approached his ZEN Master. He had an eagerness know how soon he will be an expert of this martial art. He asked his master, “If I will work with full concentration how fast can I also become ZEN Master?” The ZEN Master thought for a moment as to why this boy is asking such a question and soon he understood the motive behind. He answered after a well thought, “Ten years.” The boy thought this period is too long. There should be solution to reduce this time period. So he again asked, “ If I work very hard and try to learn very fast, then how much time will it take?” ZEN Master smiled. “Twenty years”. The boy was surprised to see the increasing period. He posed the question again with more force, “ If I really work hard, day and night, then how much time will it take?” ZEN Master became little serious and replied, “Thirty years”. “Thirty years”. The boy got disappointed after listening to it. He asked ZEN Master, “ But sir, I fail to understand, why the time period is increasing even if I am ready to put in more hard work and effort?” Then ZEN Master replied with a smile, “ Son, your one eye is still on the achievement of the target. And you will be only working with your one eye.


I KNOW AND MY GOD KNOWS Once upon a time there was very intelligent and religious person. For the people of his town he was getting a temple built on his own land. He use to visit the place of construction regularly and observe the people doing their respective jobs. Once he saw that an artist was carving a sculpture of the GOD. Suddenly he saw that at some distance a similar sculpture was lying on the floor. He wondered and asked the artist “Do you need two sculptures of the same GOD?” The artist replied, “No, I need only one sculpture, but the first one got damaged in its last finish, so I am making the other one.” The wise man went near to that damaged sculptor and tried to find out what might have wrong with it. After a very long observation he saw a small scratch, almost negligible, near the nose of the sculpture. He asked the artist, “Where will you keep this sculpture?” The artist answered, “ On a 20 feet high pillar.” “No body would be able to make out this scratch from such a height” the wise man said. The artist looked at the wise man with a smile and said, “I know and my GOD knows that.”

MORALE: The inner consciousness knows the right thing and always wants to achieve it.

FREEDOM FROM HATERED Once a Junior School teacher asked her students to bring some potatoes in a plastic bag to school. Each potato will be given a name of the person whom that child hates. Like this the number of potatoes will be equal to the number of persons they hate. On a decided day the children brought their potatoes well addressed. Some had two, some had three and some had even five potatoes. The teacher said they have to carry these potatoes with them everywhere they go for a week. As the days passed the children started to complain about the spoiled smell that started coming from these potatoes. Also some students who had many potatoes complained that it was very heavy to carry them all around. The children got rid of this assignment after a week when it got over. The teacher asked, “How did you felt in this one week?” The children discussed their problems about the smell and weight. Then the teacher said, “This situation is very similar to what you carry in your heart when you don’t like some people. This hatred makes your heart unhealthy and you carry that hatred in your heart everywhere you go. If you can not bear the smell of spoiled potatoes for a week, imagine the impact of this hatred that you carry through out your life, on your heart?”


CHOICE OF LIFE There lived an old wise man in the heights if Himalayas. Time to time he use to travel down to a village and use to entertain the people with his talent. Out of many talents he had one amazing power to tell anything that a person may be carrying in his pocket, bag, box and hearts. Once, few young boys planned to make fun of this elderly gentleman by proving his amazing power not true. One boy caught hold of a bird in his hands. He new that the old wise man will definitely tell what he is holding in his hands. He thought of a plan. Since the boy new that the old man will tell what he has in his hands, he will ask whether the bird is alive or dead. If the old man will say it’s alive, the boy will kill the bird in his hand so that on opening his hands the bird is found dead. If the old man will say that the bird the dead, the boy will open his hands and let the bird fly. In this way, the boy will prove him wrong. Next time when the old man came down to the town, the boy caught hold of a bird and hide in his hands at the back. He went the old man and asked, “Tell me what I hold in my hands?” The old man said, “ You have a bird”. He was right. Then boy asked, “Tell me whether its alive or dead?’ The old wise man looked at the boy and said, “ The bird is in same state the way you want”. The old man further said while the boy looked at him in amazement, “The same thing apply in your life too”.

MORALE: We ourselves decide the direction of our life.

ONE CUP TEA Once upon a time there was a bright student of Indian Scriptures. He wanted to become more and more learned. One day he came to know about the great Buddh Guru. He went to him. He introduced him and told the purpose of his visit. Buddh Guru smiled and welcomed the student. He asked about his wellness. Then Buddh Guru started asking him about his past knowledge. The student described all what he has learned and told that he has acquired knowledge about almost everything. Little later the Guru asked one of his helper to bring some tea. He got tea in a big pot and two cup-plates. The boy started to make the tea but the Guru stopped him. The Guru asked the student to hold a cup plate so that he can pour tea into it. The student did the same. The Guru started to pour tea in his cup. The cup got filled with tea but the Guru continued to pour tea in it. The tea started to fell in the plate. The guru still continued to pour the tea. The student wondered, “What is happening?” When the tea started coming out from the plate also then the student told his Guru that the cup is full. It cannot hold more tea now. The Guru stopped pouring the tea and told his student with a smile, “ Son, your case is also similar to this. We need an empty cup to pour the tea similarly the mind has to be open to accept the knowledge. You should be free from all pre-notions about the knowledge acquired and pride. If you are already filled with what you have learned where will my teachings be accepted. It will flow out of your mind like the tea and it will go waste.”


THE PROMISE OF AN OX There lived a very poor Brahmin. He got one calf in gift. After few years it grew up to in a strong ox. The Brahmin had no family. He was also very old now and he use to think that he will die in this poor state only. One day this ox said to his owner, “Sir! You have brought me up like your own son. I have not done anything for you. Now, I would like to do something for you that bring you some money. The Brahmin wondered, still he asked, “ How it is possible?” The ox said, “ Sir! You tell all the villagers that I can drag a Bullock Cart loaded with 100 bags of 40 Kgs each. You bet with them. Put a bet of Rs 10 against Rs1. Tell them that they if get 10 rupees against each one rupees if I could not drag the bullock cart. Nobody will believe you. But I promise that you will win the bet and become rich”. Brahmin became very happy and he announced at all places. The villagers could not believe that an ox can pull such a weight. So, the villagers agreed to bet immediately. The day of bet arrived. 100 bags of loaded rice were stocked in the Bullock Cart. The poor ox kept trying and trying but the bullock cart did not move an inch. The Brahmin started to curse and abuse the ox. The ox became sad. Brahmin lost the bet and he has to give away all possessions he had. Looking at the condition of his master ox had tears in his eyes. The Brahmin shouted at ox, “Why are you crying now. Its me who should cry.” The ox said, “ Sir! You did not behaved well with me. You shouted at me. I was about to pull the bullock cart but you started to abuse me. That’s why I am crying. After listening to your harsh words I lost my courage and we lost the bet.” Brahmin immediately realized his mistake. Then the ox said, “ Believe me sir. This time I will pull the Bullock Cart loaded with 200 bags of 40 Kgs each. You bet with the villagers. Put a bet of Rs 20 against Rs1. After lots of thought, the Brahmin agreed to take the biggest risk in his life to bet. Villagers thought that this Brahmin has gone mad and yet they agreed to bet again. Next Sunday the crowd gathered. 200 bags of loaded rice were stocked in the Bullock Cart. The ox tried hard to pull the bullock cart. Even after 5 minutes of try he could not move the bullock cart. Villagers thought that again this Brahmin would loose the bet. Now the Brahmin went near to his ox and said, “ Son! This is a tuff job, but I have full faith on you that you can do it. Try once more.” After listening to such words of praise and faith the ox tried once more with all his energy and the much-awaited amazement happened, the bullock cart started to move. Everybody was surprised. Brahmin won the bet and became very rich in few moments.



GIFT OF TIME One day when a businessman came back to his home from the office, his five-year-old son was waiting for him at the door. The father went inside, relaxed and had a cup of tea. The son then asked his father, “ Father, I would like to ask one question to you?” Father : Yes son, you can ask. Son: Father, Can you tell me how much you one hour cost? Father : How is it concerned to you. Why are you asking for these details? Son: I had a feeling to know that. Please father, tell me how much you earn in an hour? Father : If you so eager to know then let me tell you that I earn 200 rupees per hour. Son: Oh! That’s great father. Can you give me 100 rupees? Father did not like this and refused the money. He got angry on this behavior of his son. He did not wanted to waste his hard earned money like this. The boy went to his room. The father went ahead and rested for some time, had dinner and watched television. When his anger vanished, he thought about his son and his dialogue that they had today. He wondered that my son don’t ever ask for any money, it might be something very important. So he went to his son’s room. His son was reading a book in his bed. The father sat beside him and gave 100 rupees that he demanded. The son thanked him and took out few notes under his pillow. He counted the money and gave it to his father. He said, “ Father, here are 200 rupees for you, now can I take you one hour. The father was amazed with this and realized his duties towards his family.



MARKS OF FOOT STEPS One person died. He went to heaven and met God. God showed him his entire life and the incidents happened at various stages in his life. The man observed everything very carefully and said, “ GOD! You promised to stay with me in my materialistic life at world. But I have observed that there are two pair of foot marks at all places and times I have been through whereas there is only one pair of foot marks in most difficult times, when I needed you the most. Why did you left me alone in that difficult period? God smiled and answered, “ Son! How could you even think that I can leave you alone in the most difficult times? That one pair of footmark is because I held you in my arms, close to my heart.”


THE VICTORY Once upon a time, a very old and poor man approached the eldest Pandava- Yudhistir. The poor man’s name was also “Dharmaraj” because he also followed the path of truth and right. This man asks for some help from Yudhistir. Yudhistir said, “Come tomorrow. I will give you whatever you need. Bhim, he brother of Yudhistir heard the entire conversation. He immediately called up an emergency meeting of important peoples. He announced that the next day would be celebrated as the victory day. Due to a sudden announcement there was a curiosity among the people to know why is it so and who has won what. The message also reached the Yudhidtir. He asked for an answer from Bhim. Bhim said, “ For next twenty four hours we have got the victory on our death. Our great Dharmraj has asked a person to come tomorrow to avail the help that mean out Dharmraj has complete faith that next twenty four hours he will be alive. Is this not a time to celebrate? Yudhistir realized his mistake and he called that poor person and helped him with required resources.


ATTIDUE TOWARDS LIFE A professor started to address the class by holding a glass of water in his hand. He showed that glass to all students and asked, “ What could be the weight of this glass in your observation?” “50 grams,.100 grams…….125 grams………” students replied differently. “Till I don’t measure it I can not tell you the exact weight”, professor replied. “ But my question is, if I keep holding this for some minutes then what will happen?” “Nothing”, the students said. “Okay! If I hold it for an hour”, professor asked. One student said, “ Your hand will start paining”. “Very true, if I hold it for a day, then?” “ Your hand will get jammed, muscles will get strained and it may also become functionless for some time. You may also need to consult the doctor”, one student replied. “Very good, but tell me whether the weight of glass change during all this period?” The professor asked. “No”, students replied. “Then why the muscles will feel the strain and hand will have the pain? What could be solution to it?” Students began to think seriously and one of them replied, “ Put the glass down”. “Correct” the professor replied. The problems in life are also similar. If you hold them for some time, it’s okay. If you will think about them for a long time, you may feel the headache. If you hold them further then it may make you so dependant that you may not be able to do anything else. “Its important to think about the problem that you face in your life but it’s more important to have faith in God and leave your tensions before going to bed. Sleep peacefully and you will feel very fresh next day. You will be stronger to face any problem and challenge in your life.



HARD EARNED MONEY There use to live a well off businessman- “Dhanraj” in a small town. He had a son named Chander. Because he was the only son his all demands and wishes were fulfilled without any thought and as a result he became very insensitive towards the money and efforts put in by his parents. When he grew up as a youth, he used to waste lots of money and roam around with his friends. Dhanraj was getting old day by day and he wanted that his son should learn about his business and take care of his hard earned money. But Chander was spoiled so much that he could close his entire business and waste the entire money. With all these thoughts Dhanraj became very worried. He wanted to teach a lesson to his son. So he called his son and said, “ You must earn some money today. Go any where, do anything, but earn some money otherwise you will not get your food today. Chander was very lazy. He did not even tried to find a job. He went to his mother and requested for a rupee so that he can show it as an hard earned money. But his mother refused to give. He insisted again and again then she finally gave him a rupee. In the evening Chander’s father asked him,” Did you earn anything?” Chander showed him a rupees coin. Dhanraj told him to drop that coin in the well. HE did so immediately without any hesitation. However, Chander’s mother has told his father about that coin. Dhanraj ask his wife to go and live with her parents for few days. And he ordered Chander again to earn some money. This time he approached her sister for the same thing and in the evening showed that money to his father. Father this time again asks him to drop that coin in the well. He did without a thought. Dhanraj checked with his daughter regarding the money, she told him that Chander has taken one rupee coin from her. Dhanraj also request his daughter to go to her in laws for some time. And again ordered Chander again to earn some money otherwise he will not be allowed to have the food. This time Chander was in real trouble to approach whom. He kept sitting in his home and thought about how to get the money. As the evening approached he got more worried and moves out from home to railway station to find some job.

He found a very old man who was waiting to a Kuli to pick his luggage. Immediately Chader went to him and asked him to give some money against the help. Chander picked up the entire luggage and kept it inside the train. He did not have experience of holding and carrying the luggage so he felt the pain in doing that but he managed it somehow. The old man gave him a rupee coin. He took that money and reached his home. His father was waiting for him. He asked Chander, “ have you earned something today?” Chander showed the coin to him. Again his father asked him to throw the coin in the well. This time Chander resisted doing so. He said, “ Do you know with so much of effort I have earned this money. And you are asking me to throw it in a well. Why should I throw my hard earned money in the well? Dhanraj said, “ Son, I just wanted to make you realize that money is earned with hard work and the person who has done so can understand the value of that money. Now I have no problem in handing over my entire business to you.


DON’T CRY OVER THE SPILT MILK An old farmer was walking along the road with a stick across his shoulder. Hanging from the stick was a pot filled with milk. He stumbled and the pot fell off and broke into pieces. The old farmer kept going unperturbed. A man rushed up to him and said excitedly, “Don’t you know that your pot broke and all the soup spilled out on the road?” “Yes” answered the farmer, “I know. I heard it fall. The pot is broken; the soup is gone-what can I do about it?”



An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career. When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you." What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.



Once upon a time, there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day, as he was walking along the shore, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was that of a young man. The young man was reaching down to the shore, picking up small objects, and throwing them into the ocean. He came closer still and called out 'Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?' The young man paused, looked up, and replied 'Throwing starfish into the ocean.' 'I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?‘ Asked the somewhat startled wise man. He answered. “Because if I don’t, they’re going to die.” “But there are thousands of starfish. You’re not going to make much of a difference to all these starfish..” The Writer said. The young man looked up at him, stooped down again to pick up another starfish and, gently but quickly, flung it back into the ocean. “It’s going to make a big difference to that one!” he replied.



There was one man in this world, who believed in all that has been said above, and who became a “lighthouse” for millions of stressful people who followed him. His name was Abraham Lincoln. His resumes is as follows: Age.22, Age.23, Age 24, Age.25, Age 26, Age 27, Age 29, Age 31, Age 34, Age 37, Age 39, Age 46, Age 47, Age 49, Age 51,

failed in business. ran for legislature and was defeated failed again in business. elected to legislature sweetheart died. had a nervous breakdown. defeated for speaker defeated for elector defeated for Congress. elected to Congress defeated for Congress defeated for Senate defeated for Vice president defeated for Senate elected President of the United States of America

Abraham Lincoln did not bother what people said about him when he failed. Even when he became the President, people still criticized him but instead of becoming stressful, he expressed this deathless line: “No man is good enough to be President but someone has to be.”



Two frogs fell into a shallow well. And their friends started shouting instructions. Do this and do that. After a while the frogs outside the well realized that it was a hopeless case. And they suggested them to await their death! One frog accepted the faith and did nothing. And the other frog kept on jumping. The frogs outside the well started shouting again and again and gestured to the second frog to give up. After a while the second frog gave himself a big push and he was finally out of the well. There was a lot of excitement and happiness. And the frogs asked the second frog why he kept jumping when they were shouting instructions to give up! And the second frog proudly replied , “I am deaf! I did not hear you but saw you as if you were encouraging me”.

MORALE: Friends, listen to many people and every opinion but do what you think you can do! Become a CAN person.

WOODCUTTER… SHARPEN YOUR AXE TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE! Once Upon a time a very strong woodcutter asked for a job from a timber merchant, and he got it. The pay was really good and so were

the working conditions. For determined to do his best.






His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he was supposed to work. The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees. “Congratulations,” the boss said. “Go on that way!” Very motivated for the boss’ words, the woodcutter tried her harder next day, but he could bring 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder, but only could bring 10 trees. Day after day he was brining less and less trees. “I must be losing my strength”, the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on. “When was the last time you sharpened you axe? The boss asked. “Sharpen ? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees…”


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