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  • Words: 1,792
  • Pages: 3
Hi, everybody who may get interested in my stuff. I have survived the trip, have arrived in the USA. I did not close my previous pdfcoke account, illmrpinheiro, someone has done it for me. Can only hope, actually for very long, that this person plays with me, for me, not against, now horrified with what human kind actually is, in direct opposition to what I always took for granted they were before this all started over me (end of 2001, really thought the vast majority of human kind was honest, loyal, righteous, or at least believed to their maximum in the premise that everyone has got human rights, sufficing being alive, and would never ever attack other people in their freedom if born in a democratic Country, imagine slaving a perfect woman, even in her own brains, before revealing their true face to her, and attack her with the most harmful and atrocious crimes on Earth, after, and only after, making sure she is absolutely defenseless before them...). All I hold, now for very long, is obviously hope. What keeps me going is definitely the breath of God, and it cannot be because God liked me this much, it is more because I made of myself His instrument, and He has obviously decided to use me. By end of 2001, I was pretty much convinced Australia was my Country and I had finally found my home, that probably in the next, at most, two boyfriends, I would find a true partner, looking for one since I was fifteen. Always thought partnership, which would be my pagan equivalent to the Catholic marriage, would definitely include top sincerity and loyalty to your partner, of the opposite gender, the person having sex with you, never less sincerity or loyalty than what you would have with anyone else, and always generosity also to your best, that nobody could ever propose to another person unless they were sure they were willing to give them lifetime loyalty, respect, satisfaction of basic needs in sexual partnership, etc. I am sorry to have reached obvious conclusion about the entire human kind, apart from sexual partnership, in my terms, by end of 2001: that no relative, no person on Earth, was worth much effort, they all were selfish, never able to return minimum loyalty or investment, or generosity, and if there was any hope in those regards, it would have to be where the strongest bonds are formed, and that would have to be in bed. With the last line reached by end of 2001, in the last chance of males with me to make me believe their possibility of really loving us back, with me already in a new relationship in which I really saw good chance of having it all working in the terms of marriage I believe in, Bradley N. stalked me with his acquaintances, controlled my moves with the other person, called me when we were obviously trying to start something, forced me into meeting him, making me believe he would be confessing his previous crimes against me in detail, my next possible partner showed weakness, not only telling me to answer the phone, but not going with me to meet Bradley, as he was asked to do, and Bradley ended up, after offering a ring kneeling down at me, before everyone else in St. Kilda, proposing, getting me to agree with at least giving him an observation time, to see if he could change radically from water to wine, as he said he would be able to, that was after hours and hours of forced conversation with me, where the only person really conversing was me, and I arrived late, never having been late before to meet him, in my worst outfit ever, already to show I was there only for the truth. That day, I did not kiss Bradley, did not hug, or anything involving physical contact, on the wait for the possible next boyfriend to help me decide on that. I did call him, and he rejected the idea of keeping on going based on me having accepted the ring, according to himself, reason enough to do it that way. Bradley never changed, as it was my expectation, 99% of belief, so that I did split from him again. However, infinitely worse crime followed and Bradley used another man to stalk and control me while he was with other people planning how to force me to be with him once more, and never be with another boyfriend before him, finally reaching the conclusion that only killing me, with me having so much desire for others, and opportunities, for that to happen, he also would be accepting impairment, partial or total, to make sure I would be with him somehow, or he would be my last partner. Of course the generalized support of the entire human society only happened due to the ability of human kind of being infinitely coward towards a woman, denying all rules and laws they have forced that woman to obey her entire life, once her mind always went for what is logical and chosen by the vast majority of people, or declared to be this way, if ever interested in living at their expense. Such cowardice amount was definitely born by time of the Romans. I could even take that as generalized reaction towards Mary's attitude, Mary who made her only son lose life not to have to tell the truth before her society, assume intercourse with a male without marriage, and end up stonned. But then, it would have been 2001 years of punishment over every woman on Earth, who, more than likely like me, would never hesitate in stonning Mary for what she did

instead of killing Jesus in her place and invent all those absurdities which would allow the Roman Empire to pervert each one of God's teachings and allow homosexual males to even marry (nowadays), as well as people to repent, sin again, and not get killed for that, far more than the three maximum allowed times by the original God's instructions. The Roman Empire was mostly homosexual, mostly males, and therefore they would all be stonned with Mary if the laws of God were ever taken seriously. Now, it is 2009 years not only I know of every atrocity human kind has committed against every single woman of talent, virtue, value, especially superior to men, but also my own criminally imposed martyrdom, clearly so that I would not be the first woman to put things in place and make women have a fair go on Earth, even by my own example: I was always better than males in my professions, at least equal, also since time of studies. It might be that I could not compete with Harvard people or machine-people (those who have everything by heart) in terms of theories I would be able to repeat, but was certainly superior in my sum IQ and EQ to almost entire human kind, and there is nothing I have invested at, which I knew I was tailored to, in which I was not amongst the best in the World doing, until the atrocities started and my entire World, finally even my body, has been illegally and criminally manipulated by worst losers of human kind so that they could all steal my ideas, my knowledge, my information, the results of each one of my personal fights, sole fights, enjoying only the loins of my extraordinary efforts, without ever having contributed to a single mm of them... Anyway, I am still standing, not sure for how long, now with even criminal fractures to my facial bones, made via device allowances. How many coward people are necessary to bash up a defenseless woman from inside of her body? You would not believe... really would not. Counted, the other day, 20 homicide attempts over me, both from inside and outside of my body, 2 only preceeding the massacre (starting with bradley's call, end of 2001), these are sure homicide attempts, serious ones, since the massacre has started, it all disguised as suicide or disease of some sort, as for what would be declared if I died or got impaired that way. Victims of device by now are never ending. Unfortunately, as they say, nobody can change the rules of a soccer game in the middle of it, but with women, myself included, apparently the entire human kind does not hesitate: they all have changed the rules of the World in what would usually be the middle of my normal existence (30yo). Why? Because I was winning, but was born in the wrong Country, and, more than likely, worse than the Country of origin, was my gender. Since the Romans, Christ's death, that is precisely the moment in which the entire human kind started using religion and other psychopathic reasons, all manufactured, to steal the life, assets, achievements, and rights of women, in a generalized way. When men kill other men, even for internationally declared wars they hold rules, such as nobody can attack a defenseless soldier...When they kill women, women who, by the way, they perhaps, like Bradley, declared publicly to love for lifetime, they slice their bodies, hit them on the head, slave them, torture, brain wash, etc. When is it true that a man does mean he loves a woman when he declares? NEVER! Men are definitely the ones who have never loved for real since Romans, all induced to be homosexuals, starting from outside of their bodies to inside. OF course the only ones tailored to prostitution would have to be men, and no better way to restore order than putting the right people in the right places. If they cannot refuse a woman who is beautiful, or who rubs herself over them, and would find it absurd denounce sexual assault if they do instead, if they cannot resist having sex with an attractive woman at work being married, or having another woman in their lives, it is just natural extending that to prostitution, for female prostitutes also can choose who they go with... SAd as it may be, I am not woman number one to die like this, it is just that it was never this cruel or this long before, nobody has ever suffered all these crimes from inside of their brains or bodies, and obviously nobody before me had my amount of talent, especially for original ideas... IN INquisition, the same crimes were practiced against women, and INquisition did last for quite a few years, so that a woman could easily have spent life in underground, if strong enough to survive those things: wet and dirty environments, not enough food, torture, rape, slavery, etc.

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