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X-rays: How to detect the `ultimate slavery device’ I. M. R. Pinheiro

ABSTRACT Two cases of skull implants are mentioned: One leaves external signs of its existence and is easily acknowledged by medical practitioners. The other does not leave any external sign of its existence and demands the police to take over the role of the doctors, given it is being used EVEN, and mostly, for illegal medical research at the expense of the rights of other human beings. Criminalization of medical mistakes is an issue which is also dealt with in this piece. Keywords: X-ray,




1. Introduction: 1



X-rays: How to detect the `ultimate slavery device’ I. M. R. Pinheiro

In this paper, we refer to the case of I. M. R. Pinheiro, whose CT scans slices are here copied, as well as to the reported cases, as for literature, of people who claimed to hold slavery devices installed illegally and criminally in their heads, but the claimed condition was never believed by the press, or the dominant scientific media, probably because of the absence of convincement on them as to the reports being accurate, rather than delusional, or consequence of some other type of mental hysteria. Basically, the history of medical mistakes on Earth probably dates back to the invention of the drug industry. Apparently, when people started to become interested in `how much money they could make at the expense of other people's manufactured interest in whatever they had to offer', rather than interested in `producing meaningful creations to the Universe and then getting appreciated for the real gain achieved, as for society as a whole', Medicine seems to have deviated from its ethical guidelines in a progressive way, matching the voracity of the drug industry as to make profit which should be seen as illegitimate, or undeserved. The same process also took place in several other enterprises, such as TV screenings (advertisements). At the beginning, everything had a nice basic intent, which has been, with time, deviated to profit for profit, with people ending up subjecting themselves to `subliminal messages' and brain washing, via TV images or posters images, each time their eyes, even slightly, crossed over them. Some experts in Marketing claim that even a 180 degree sight of certain billboards will induce the person to buy the product in the next stop on the road, for instance. It is obviously the case that not every human being's mind is vulnerable to such `subliminal Marketing strategy', and those with more philosophical formation, meaning deeper reasoning, used to perform logical analysis over everything they do on Earth, taking every small action 2

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of theirs as having a World impact, are far less likely to ever be induced to purchase a single product in the supermarket that they did not intentionally, and rationally, wish to purchase before arriving there, or seeing the billboard, etc. Nonwithstanding, they will still be getting brain washed by the same billboard or TV commercial, what might then be seen as inconvenient to the least. The problem with `profit for profit' reasoning is that the human being is not the centre of everything anymore, and what becomes the centre is the money or the possessions. Possessions which are deserved, holding merit, such as due to those who produced significant contribution to the REAL improvement of society, are not to be criticized. However, possessions arising from what should be seen as `illegal or criminal mental manipulation of others' are definitely to be criticized and never to be endorsed by rational people. What happens then is that if every professional is worried about how much money they will make in their lives, rather than how important and meaningful their contribution to this World and society is, they will be willing to sell anything to the unwarned client coming to their doors for help. This thought will undermine any mental trial of being ethical. Drug industries put their sales professionals absolutely everywhere, and boundaries, or humanitarian concern, is lost from the moment competition is established. Nobody would need more than one brand of medicine if the medicine contains the same elements as the others, or it is the best found. Why competition in the drug industry, or profit, is something to be thought of in a far better way. Unless each industry were competing for top personalized services, as to good treatment of the client, with personal ingredients added to each mix of medicine as to satisfy the full physical needs of the patient, their competition may easily be seen as criminal, and against 3

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the public interest, or against society as a whole. Once the thought of `profit for profit' is inserted in society, however, there is no sector which is not passive of ethical loss, what means more injury than welfare to society members. People then start getting degrees for the sake of earning more money, getting better jobs, rather than for the sake of having talent for the area or being tailored for that sort of profession. Easily, that deviates people to cheating in exams, assignments, even purchasing full assignments to only sign their names on the `work' they have never performed, with sole intentions of social ascendance, one way or another (via money or entitlements of the title, perhaps even to being called `doctor' or `professor'). The passion for the `title', or gains with it, rather than for the duties and ethics involved, will make several general practitioners kill and harm instead of healing and saving. Frey ([Frey 2004]) brings the thesis that 40 thousand people die in the UK because of medical mistakes each year. They say Australia does not hold figures on that, still working on it, and such is quite possible; given not even information on how many cases a specific solicitor actually wins for their clients one has been able to locate in Australia so far. The problem with the medical `mistake', or the medical `negligence', as people who obviously do not care decided to name such atrocities, or crimes against human kind, quite gratuitous ones, is that it will obviously bring consequences to at least one party involved, which will last for lifetime, and the party involved is not prepared to take, as well as not warned enough that this is what they are at the medical practitioner’s office for. The thin line splitting patients from victims of crimes is obviously something which should not exist at all, as well as the victims of crimes in Medicine, for the principle of Medicine, as 4

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stated by its father, Hippocrates, is basically mentioned in the Oath, pronounced by every graduate in Medicine all over the World, as a condition for possible employment in the area:

“Classic Version of the Hippocratic Oath I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this covenant: To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art - if they desire to learn it - without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else. I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice. I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work. Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and, in particular, of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves. What I may see, or hear, in the course of the treatment, or even outside of the treatment in regards to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about. If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.” [Edelstein 1943], as mentioned in [Medicine 1996].

Of course there is no point in considering free work in a World moved by money and the more essential a service is, the better paid its provision should be, trivially, adopting the best 5

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Marxist principles we have read about, which are obviously, and trivially, just logical and sensical. And those principles also match the economical principles for sales of goods. At the same time, service provision should always imply excellence, or work to the best of one’s ability. However, what needs not to be lost, and should definitely `enter’ the head of medical practitioners, with allowed subliminal work for that end, is the ethos, the `why’ of the profession in the World: The welfare, or improvement, of the quality of living of any person subjected to a medical practitioner’s attention/care. Therefore, if any, no matter how small, harm/injury derives from either action, or omission of such, by the practitioner, then punishment equal to damage, immediate, should take place, with exclusion from profession after at most three of those (obviously proved cases, even if by means of a liar detector). The intentions of this paper are then criminalizing medical mistakes and providing reasons, via real-life examples, for such. We follow this sequence of presentation: 1. First case; 1. Second case; 1. Difference between crimes and medical negligence; 1. The ultimate slavery device; 1. Conclusions; 1. Illustrations; 1. References.

1. First case

Our first example comes from a boy with X-ray exposed at [The Age 2008]: The X-ray refers 6

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to an implant of a piece of metal in a boy’s head. This implant does leave external signs as to its insertion, and its nature is easily identified and confirmed by the medical practitioners. As it is easy to notice, the fact that we know a knife was sunk in the boy’s head makes us sure that the metal appears as white in the black and white X-ray. Therefore, it is definitely sound to assert that if a white area is found in someone’s CT scan, not being the area present in a known-to-be-normal CT, there is a probability x that that area will correspond to some alien piece of metal. In case the person reports awareness of metal in their heads, there should not be, obviously, any doubts left about it. One should definitely consider a 99% certainty on the existence of the metal in the patient’s head/victim’s head in case that victim/patient asserts the metal existence, before the X-ray is made, to any other person in the World. However,








at and also a few in [Mediaeko 1996] has been that there is no metal in the head of the patients or that the doctor, as well as any other professional, include the police, would be `playing insane’ if ever agreeing with the patient’s statements on that. Such a position not only opposes the ethos of Medicine, as put forth by its father, but it also goes against all possible logic on Earth. Basically, opening the head of such a patient, or performing investigations following their reports and finding nothing, is still better than ignoring or not trying, also far more coherent with both the ethos and the sense of Medicine/Justice. The likelihood that there is nothing there, not even an `odd’ presence, or occurrence, is almost zero, once the departure point has been the comparison between the victim’s/patient’s CT and one considered `normal’ by Medicine (we could even refine to 7

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same age and gender as the person under discussion, if willing to be extremely `boring’ about it). These people, however, all died with what should be considered the most basic right to life in society being violated: The right to a fair go. Basically, the police, justice, and doctors, are all providing services to the community in general. Therefore, they are all obliged to the American golden rules for customer’s service, perhaps









The customer is always right, by default, until we have exhausted pursuing their assertions and proved, with 100% proof, that they are equivocated. Doing anything different from that ought to be considered a crime against human kind as a whole. Several electronic documents testify on the wrong doings of people in general, but in particular of governmental entities and Psychiatry over defenseless victims. One must notice that there is no worse victimization than that imposed by Psychiatry over people: Whoever had an incompetent teacher who, instead of `teaching’ them something, `untaught’ what others had taught, knows very well what the feeling of being found outrageously defenseless before an authority is. Damages to those in that situation last for lifetime. It is here that one wonders, as well, why cases of abuse of authority are not listed as police crimes. Abuse happens all over the World and does generate lifetime damage for its victims. Sometimes criminally, or unethically and unprofessionally seduced by a male lecturer, a female student even has kids and there stops her career forever. Basically, pedophilia is considered a police crime, but not unethical and unprofessional actions, deviating in most basic principles to precisely the opposite of the institutional intent with the student. However, whilst a victim of a pedophile may have been victim only once and not only overcome all that, get happily 8

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married, but get immediate justice, or justice in time to save their brains, like the real-life case we have witnessed ourselves, as from direct report of the victim, case of Rhonda N., whose surname we omit for not having her authorization to use her case, but we also make it clear that we are able to prove her case, trusting her report and arrest of her father, a victim of an educational crime will absolutely never recover, or rarely. At UNESA, Rio de Janeiro, a lecturer, married, named C. (same case as Rhonda`s), oppressed students his entire life, never taught what he should in the program of his discipline, astonishingly one of the most important ones for the integral formation of the students, Brazilian Problems, gave marks in super-criminally elaborated exams (no criteria whatsoever which were educational) at random, or according to his targeted possible victims, and got at least one female student pregnant, therefore with lifetime damage to her career and life, on top of them both having injured the reputation of his wife for lifetime as well in top public manner, with the whole university environment knowing about it. The female student may, at that stage, as it is far more common, abandon studies there, and even if finishing the course, never work, or never elaborate her potential for life and production in society. If this crime is not worse than pedophilia, or equal, then the amount of evidence available for that reasoning can only be false. The point was about authority and the power of decision over the life and future of others: The educational example is to illustrate what people do even in what appears to be lighter decisions, in terms of impact on the individual’s life; how unfair, unjust, selfish, partial, biased, and criminal, people may get over others if ever given power over the life and affairs of someone else. Of course any superficial investigation over animals’ rights, for instance, would reveal figures that would shock any person of sense, and animals, just like people, are not alive to be badly treated, sodomized, injured, especially cowardly, by other 9

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beings on Earth. Notice the figures regarding pets, as most shocking situation of all: People who actually freely chose those animals to be slaved by them are, even so, negligent and tend to abuse their ‘possible rights’ to the management of that life. A psychiatrist cannot choose their patients, in principle. If it is in the nature of human beings injure to maximum even animals they freely chose to slave, and slave does include a conscious choice over providing that animal with all their possible needs, imagine what human beings cannot do against medical patients left there, alone, with them, in a room, most of the time, or even with a group of them, but with one determining the fortune of the subject…Therefore, rules such as the above proposed rule, on taking for granted it is true that the patient holds an electronic equipment in their heads if they declare they do and the X-ray shows 99% of probability they do, and immediately ordering exploratory surgery, should be in place to make it more likely that the individual holds some chance in the fight for minimum rights to life. `Prof.’ `Dr.’ X, from Australia, 2000, caused to MRP lifetime damage, and not stopping by the career and life, he still has been directly responsible, with his public affair, unfortunately employed at the university at his suggestion, for the device creation and usage against MRP. He did it because MRP never accepted his advances, what is ALSO very usual in Academia. The doctor criminally denying the device existence is then promoted to collaborator in the crimes of X against MRP. Of course, if all the crimes which are this serious, as to the damage to women, more especially (and one must notice here sexism is a World decision since the Romans, there to artificially and criminally guarantee that males would overcome women in their performance both in life and at work, at their own slaved expense (slavery, in modern times, may be seen as paid positions, such as secretary, house wife, etc.)), become police case, of most basic and 10

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immediate order as possible, given the amount of extra damage for lifetime induced upon their victims each and every extra second they last for, at least potentially affecting the welfare of the whole World, as for what that woman could represent to society otherwise, their victims will finally have some chance. Cases of slavery which is unauthorized, highly criminal, and have happened via devices illegally implanted in people, are found reported everywhere in the World, some having ended up placed along with those groups which claim to be fans of extra-terrestrial stories seen, by vast majority of society, as at least borderline groups of people. Sad enough! One report on a few of those cases is found at [Mediaeko 1996] also brings a few. In fact, it is not that hard to locate them on the Internet. Cases with X-rays clearly showing abnormalities and exposed on the Net, however, are not that easy to be found. The case of Robert Naeslund is found in the public domain (Picture 12), even his picture is found in the open, so that we may mention his full name here. Why is his case different? Because he apparently found a doctor, Mrs. Kilde, who not only agreed with the obvious, as for his X-ray, but has also performed due surgery and finally removed the intrusive object from his head. His case does not bring an X-ray as we hoped for (similar to MRP or the other cases here mentioned), it is infinitely worse, once the color of the object seems to blend, even, with the color of his skull in the X-ray. Obviously the case that Mrs. Kilde was demanded infinitely more skills to identify the object and do something about it than the doctor in the case of M. R. Pinheiro, or any of those missed cases appearing in even electronic documents available on the Internet, where the victim testifies, in direct report, on the insertion: The X-rays show precisely something like the metal in the knife, as for contrast 11

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in them, and the doctors had the courage of denying the victims minimum ethics in their performance as their `doctors’. Of course, the veracity of an X-ray may be doubted if it does not come with the details of those belonging to M. R. Pinheiro, here exposed. There are a few ways of getting images of skulls, one of them being using dead people and their skeletons, for instance. However, Mr. Naeslund is apparently a solid personality, appears with traces of surgery, and testifies on his X-rays online being accurate. Notice that the object, of the size of a string of hair, appearing in Picture 13, may look like even a hair to someone else. However, the fact that it should not be there would have to oblige any ethical general practitioner (even!) to order immediate surgery (at least exploratory). The fact that Medicine cannot tell what it is for sure makes surgery even more urgent. If there is no report, as from the patient’s share, on anything strange happening to their skulls, things are even worse, for that may be anything at all, including a new disease being formed which nobody knows how long it will take to kill the person or impair them. The more time goes by, the more permanent damage, of now intentional nature, by the doctor towards the patient having X-rays with them, will take place in the absolutely defenseless poor patient’s body. Therefore, the longer it takes for any doctor on Earth to accept the need of surgery and the existence of an at least severely atypical object in the head of the patient, the more years all previous and current doctors of the person should spend in jail paying for what they had the courage of doing to them, opposing their Oath, stated with, more than likely, so much proud, by time they accept their titles. To summarize on the case involving the boy, the boy suffered an external illegal implant, easily identifiable by any doctor, and even amateur in Medicine, which must have been also 12

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easily removed by the doctor in due time. We call this sort of implant, which is easily seen from outside of the victim’s body, implant of type 1.

1. Second case

Our second example is about M. R. Pinheiro’s implant: She has been a victim of a criminal implant, which leaves no external signs of its insertion or existence. We compare her CT scans with that of a `taken-to-be-normal’ person (or simply not slaved). Upon comparison, we notice several oddities: 1. Blown-up right ear region; 1. `Eaten-away’ white material (as for CT presentation color); 1. Symmetric holes on back of brains. Besides, in comparing CT scan I with II, we also notice formation of synapses by the back of brains, phenomenon never reported before in the medical literature. When we match these facts with the early reports of M. R. Pinheiro, long before she had her first CT scan, of any sort, we realize there is no room for doubts. In 2004, before having the CT, the female victim had reported moves of another female, of advanced age, as to imply picking an object from her right pocket, something which hid perfectly in her fist, and the feeling that the lady had then inserted the object in her head in angle, dropping it inside of her right ear with her experiencing a rush of (less than one second lasting) cold in the `ear corridor’. Considering her history on Earth and the fact that she had been born via surgery in the belly region (only procedure which guarantees perfection of the head, provided no problems have 13

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naturally occurred in the fetus formation/development), the likelihood that her ear was already `blown up’ would be close to zero percent. Besides, she had had ‘OPGs’ taken throughout her life that far and the simple superficial analysis of the `OPGs’ (panoramic dental image) reveals perfection and balance of structures, as well as equal distribution, in what regards ear regions. Also, her first CT scan, with copy not accessible to us, clearly brought an `odd’ ball resting by the ear bag (right ear again) in 2004. M. R. Pinheiro did insist, with strength, that the ball was an exotic presence in her ear region. Of course, it was on the duty of the doctor recommending surgery to at least fully investigate the ball, if nothing else. However, what the female practitioner does (G. P.) is stating that the occurrence was trivial because not only she had thought it to be normal, but the laboratory (these days they print diagnosis in the own CT results) also had. It is not easy at all to accept human incompetence, especially in such crucial sectors of human production, where their critical/unprofessional action/omission may dictate whether a patient will get `saved’ or `condemned’, in terms of at least future pain or injury. One may wonder why the laboratory would assert normality in the results... There is a high chance the laboratory worries solely about the specific query of the patient, either relying on computer limitations of screening of head or concentrating on specific parts of the head themselves. However, the doctor is far more than any machine and obviously has better, or more comprehensive formation, than the laboratory personnel. Therefore, a doctor with ethics cannot, ever, use the laboratory diagnosis as excuse, or basis, for justification of their professional public statements. This initial ball happened to actually be `the ultimate slavery device’, created some when in time between end of 2001 and middle of 2003. Its creation relates directly to the 14

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Biotechnology Industry, which we know means mixing the human body elements with technology, or so we wish for its full meaning to be (some people consider it to be more than that and to include artificial and scientific manipulation of that all, not necessarily mixing technology with body materials for longer than a surgery duration, for instance). One may not realize, but the `cyborg’ era has started long ago, with the creation of the first machine to `aid the human body’ via connection to it. This specific monstrosity, the ultimate, however, has been created with criminal objectives, therefore never part of any authorized research project on Earth, and not funded by any ethical company. Unfortunately, lots of people might have become the victims of such a monstrosity, going on since at least 2003 in the World: All because both doctors and justice makers took precisely the opposite to the logical choice and hang on to the one percent of chance that both the report of M. R. Pinheiro and the images here reproduced were not accurate. Trivially, symmetric holes do not appear in human brains via disease of any sort, especially more than one. Worse, there is also no disease which `makes bridges’ between selected pieces of the brains. The fact that a clear track had been noticed in 2004 in the X ray, as originating by the ear corridor, going up the drums and ending at the back of the ear, makes of both laboratory and G. P. real life criminals/assassins. To summarize, M. R. Pinheiro’s case would be a case of an internal illegal implant, impossible to be noticed by any person without having CT scans to read from, should be easily detectable and acknowledged by doctors, but has proved itself to be the hardest event ever in terms of being confirmed by a doctor, with not only M. R. Pinheiro dying with no justice, obliged to watch her entire body resources used by atrocious violators, instead of herself, but with several other cases of victims, who could easily have saved themselves from 15

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the device if ever warned, being observed in the World without a single ethical medical report ever (Feb. 2009), some actually dying from its insertion and presence in their bodies, even hours after the illegal implantation took place. Her type of implant will be classified by us as Type 2.

3. Difference between crimes and medical negligence

It is obviously the case that the only difference between the crimes listed in the criminal codes and the so called medical negligence is the size of the punishment. As for the damage, both are equal: No doubts there. The problem, obviously, is that several professionals think of themselves as superior to a normal person or are seen, by the vast majority of people, as superior to them. However, if people are seen as bearing the same nature before the laws, and any person may end up being a victim of either situation (crime or medical negligence) then the punishment should be of same nature for both cases. What counts the most is not the intention of actually damaging the patient during a procedure or a consultation, but the fact that the doctor had the courage of, when aware of their incompetence to judge the case, even if partial, not declare, in the open, to the patient, that they were aware of it. Basically, the principle of freedom and that of equality of all, before any service provision and the law, does imply the person being aware, fully aware, of both the laws in place and the standards of the service being received. Of course the patient cannot be regarded as someone who may judge, by default, whether a doctor, or any other professional, from any other field, is competent to do what they claim they are competent to do in a public way. Obviously the case that all the control, as well as inspection processes, 16

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has to be external to both the patient and the professional, and the government is even more accountable for a medical mistake than the doctor, whenever the concern and authorities for immediate action are not present there, in the relationship formed between them, even if with frugal intentions, by the time it is established. We do not hold one or two patients who lose their lives in unnecessary operations claimed to be urgently needed by doctors in a certain Country per year; figures are incredibly high, instead, as well as unbelievable. If ever every Country were obliged to list, sincerely, their cases of medical negligence, nobody would stop self-instructing themselves in every piece of Medicine and holding severe disrespect for the profession. Easy mechanisms of punishment may be put in place such as under paying the category in general until all practitioners present mistake zero, or progressively increase, from top diminishment in pay, as the figures decrease, as for medical mistakes. An informed patient will have a free choice, basic condition for human rights, and that is the only way to be fair. The problem with the usual criminal is obviously the disloyalty of the attack and the impossibility of the victim of escaping gratuitous and unprovoked aggression or violence. That is why they are so well punished, even though some disagree and think they are under-punished for what they do. Once the patients receive sincere information from the doctor, as to their competence to judge certain disease presence, and etc., they are finally in a loyal relationship and the doctor leaves the position of equality to any usual criminal. Whilst such does not happen and the patient is left with no choice, even in terms of showing their CTs to other doctors (carrying them, or a copy), as it has happened to MRP in 2004, the police should be the adequate authority for denouncement by the patient/victim of any 17

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medical mistakes and all of them should be regarded as ordinary crimes which generate same loss to victims (one arm, one leg, one ear, one year of life, etc.) as the usual crimes.

4. The ultimate slavery device and how such a criminal tool, of Dantesque proportions, has not been brought to the open yet, but has been used against human beings for at least five years so far, considering the date of this paper writing as a basis.

The reasons would be:

1. Chance that quite a few medical professionals have graduated showing clear impossibility of ever respecting the Oath, especially in its main underlying reason; some revealing themselves psychopaths by the undergraduate course, with the entire body of students, as well as concerned staff, available to testify on all the signs of psychopathy in their minds already back then; 1. Chance that quite a few practitioners ARE actually out there, right now, performing worst World atrocities, mostly against women, and nobody is there to stop them in time, that is, before the next patient becomes their victim (please consider [Kristen 2008] as proof here); 1. Existence of implants which do not display any external sign of their insertion, and existence of own implants, in general, with insertion still experiencing generalized denial by all scientific and medical media, such implants being passive of varied criminal usage, but representing special extraordinary danger to most violated class of people in the World: The women; 18

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1. Easy proof that the theory taught in Medicine implies surgery recommendation as soon as oddity is found in any X-ray of any patient, an oddity being an image which is definitely not usually present in all other people in the Universe who have not had either personal reports or findings relating abnormalities, but also easy proof of rejection of most basic ethical recommendation for this sort of case by the medical practitioners; 1. Permissive character of the Australian society, as to human rights breach, not only with clear generalized allowance for it to happen, but also with generalized absence of punishment for those making the breach possible, or even making the breach themselves; 1. Brazilian decision, as a Country, of obstructing and hiding any possible achievement of highest order, by Brazilian females, at any expense, and also of criminally attacking easiest victims of all, honest women; 1. Generalized chauvinistic attitude, involving crimes of highest order, of the entire World towards every woman who is perceived, by vast majority of it, as better than a male, in any regards; 1. Proof of generalized incompetence, supported by society in general, of all medical practitioners for very long (so, doctors would be taking more over themselves than they can actually take, perhaps not having conscious understanding that it is more than what they are capable of actually coping with). Astonishing enough, we realized that all the above points could not be easier to be proven correct with minimum effort. Proofs:

1. Existence of implants (c): 19

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It is obviously the case that nobody doubts their existence, for even implants for hearing exist and are advertised all over the World. See, then, in what regards LEGAL implants, the following sources, as example: [Joe 2008] and [Surf 2008]. If legal implants do exist for sure, and we take breast and ear as examples, of course implants DO EXIST in general. Once research is always ahead of whatever is advertised, for only solidified research may be allowed to be advertised, it is then quite possible that several variations of implants exist. Besides, given the development noticed in the movies material and in the Telecommunication in general, as well as computers, it is easy to infer that everything progresses to miniaturization and long-lasting devices of broadest range of action. Given we now use solar energy to feed our electrical equipment, that resource being always available and the equipment being always fed of electricity, obviously the case that it is simply natural to infer Biotechnology either evolves to fully autonomous electronic gadgets, feeding from body energy, somehow, or is already there. Given the robots technology development, with robots which may fully imitate a human in a few situations nowadays, and the movies dream, always preceding the idea of the researchers, of having cyborgs in place of people, it is also expected that either right now researchers are witnessing real cyborgs, made of previous human beings, or such a thing is under development, what makes the misuse of such a technology possible in real life for beings of any nature. Towards that direction, one must remember, for instance, how they now are able to create full human organs in laboratory and, therefore, implant hands, for instance, in people who lost them, which will look almost equal to the natural ones. 20

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That the technology to create an implant which enters the human head with no surgery is there, no doubts. On its possible autonomy, as for energy feeding, also no doubts should exist. On what people would like to do with them, when perverts, or escaping God’s rules, or escaping what is implied by respect to human kind, this World’s welfare, etc., one may read [Naqvi 2008] or [Weinberger 2007], as examples. The pervert’s will is obviously infracting the laws and getting what they cannot usually get from others via its infraction, still succeeding in not getting due punishment for all, that is, both psychopaths and perverts look for gains which are unusual (usually people look for money or assets, only, something logical, once modern society does favor better those with them) for corrupt members. Those gains usually involve `copying’ someone else, plagiarizing whatever they can, sometimes even thoughts, exerting sodomy over those who are not masochists and never wished being in such a position not even for a second, injure others to top possible injury, hopefully lasting for lifetime in the extension of its damages, etc. Whilst perverts usually want to control others, and having a device inside of their bodies telling them what the other thinks, does, etc., would be `desirable’, with them also being able to `pretend’ the other likes it, psychopaths usually want pain, fear, incredible damage inflicted in top disloyal way as possible to their victims, that is, they wish for the victim not being able to `foresee’ the damage, and the more surprised the victim is on the attack, the better they enjoy it. Usual criminals, like A. R. T., who has inserted the device in the head of M. R. Pinheiro, look for either killing their victims, or impairing, or producing temporary inability of reaction so that they may steal something from them. A. R. T. intended stealing a scientific monetary prize from M. R. Pinheiro via blood attachments and criminal allowances 21

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of the Brazilian law, in principle (supporting mandatory donation of assets of a relative to other relatives and also containing items which allow for even nullification of the Will of a dead person via Court case). The problem, of course, is the possibility, clearly allowed by the systems currently in place all over the World, that a pervert, or a psychopath, gets hold of such a technology, which allows either control or modification of a person’s most private and protected assets, as for the laws (brains, body, etc.). It is obviously the case that death, simply, cannot be as bad as having your only gains, with your life efforts, stolen or usurped by others, even for a second. Devices allowing both voice and image transmissions, in a non-stopping basis, that is, voice to skull devices allowing torture, brain-washing, etc., are ALSO very easy to be imagined as possible, given that it is already the case that a mobile telephone, for instance, communicates even in adverse environments by means of satellite power of transmission of waves. Nonstopping energy feeding in a device, via biological parasitism, is also very easy to imagine, for they already exist and are advertised in a broad manner, such as the solar watch, which would need the person to go out with the watch on the wrist for solar feeding, or [Zarlink 2008], or [Than 2006]. Of course, in what regards Biology, it is all very obvious: If the body manufactures energy to feed all its parts from the heart and its movement, anything which is of mechanic nature could also be moved by at least the heart palpitation, if right elements of integration are considered. Basically, Biotechnology is not a new discipline; it has been around since the first manipulation of biological organisms took place, once it simply means technology applied to biological elements. If Biotechnology then is accepted as to label ONLY that manipulation referring to technological elements mixed with natural organisms, it would date from the time the first 22

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machine was attached physically to a human body, or animal body, in order to remain there not only for emergency procedures, such as the heart-pace-maker (See, for instance, [Innerbody 1999]). Pacemakers work with batteries, apparently, so far. That means that technology for the heart is still well behind the technology for watches, for instance, as for what is found advertised (for it is years and years of research and experimentation until the general public has got access to a single piece of news on the item under development. For instance, Andrew Wiles, who is told to have solved Fermat’s conjecture proof problem, only succeeding after finding a collaborator, a Japanese associate, had been working on the problem for at least 22 years (1971-1993) (see [JOC/EFR 1997], for instance). Only after his first public presentation of his solution he would have been noticed by the general public, what means 22 years of research, in what could easily be the atomic bomb, or the ultimate slavery device, during which anything may happen, including unauthorized, criminal, experimentation programs, even via theft of samples, probes, and etc.). This is to prove to the reader how viable any device of the sort described by Mrs. M. R. Pinheiro is, or by Mr. Naeslund. Basically, to doubt the allowances of Science, one must be infinitely crazier than those researching in it. Obviously the case that ANY general practitioner who denies the existence of ANY sort of device, specially when X-rays are there to tell there is no doubt about the odd occurrence in the particular spot of the body, with early report of the patient as to what it is, should definitely attend some number of psychiatric sessions before returning to work. It is obviously the case that patients of general practitioners are not there to be laughed at, or scoffed at, and if denying the problem is part of the proposed solution by a physician, then that physician cannot be part of their own claimed profession, for the Oath lets it clear the reason for their existence in society is `helping’, 23

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`improving’, the chances and situation of the social members, not the opposite and, even from a psychiatric point of view, there is easy worsening of the situation for the patient looking for help, with a clear problematic X-ray, at least showing a clear oddity, about which no doubts may be raised whatsoever (early report of patient on how the device had been inserted, preceding first X-ray momentum, as in the case of M. R. Pinheiro, path of entrance clear in X-ray and confirmed via oddities plus ball to that region). Basically, the maximum a physician acting in the negative direction could possibly do is stating that `yes, there is an oddity there’, `yes, your report coincides’, `but I am not willing to provide any help whatsoever to you in those regards’, or `I am not prepared to deal with that’, `therefore, please look for someone else’, or something of the kind. Of course, the denial of an expert over a clearly existing problem may mean the patient will never get treatment for the problem, and that may determine, as in the case of M. R. Pinheiro, that a patient will lose their lives without a chance or a choice. If physicians do not do the basics, as to their Oaths implications, better they do not exist at all, so that people will not run the risk of having others, who are seen as `experts’, making public declarations as to harm, or worsen, their situations instead of improving them. On doubt, no assertion should ever be made as well, so that it is definitely worst crime of all that of the X-ray laboratory and the physician who declare, in writing, no problems exist for that particular patient’s head, whilst there is clearly no allowance for doubts, by all Logic on Earth, as to the problem being there. Of course there is the need of creation of several bodies to inspect professionals, especially nowadays, where only 10% of the workforce, at most, actually does what they should, theoretically, do, or intend, in the provision of their services to others. Without those bodies of inspection and control, containing professionals beyond any doubts, 24

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as to their competence and alignment with the moral values of the profession, or ethos, nobody in society can be safe from crimes as violent as those suffered by M. R. Pinheiro and those crimes may, definitely, take away all chances that a human being may have to a fair go in life, that is, all chances of fairness to their unique chance of leaving their mark, their signature, in the World history. In what regards unauthorized, or illegal, insertion of implants, as for the victims of them, nobody should have doubts either, one famous case being this, of Mr. Naeslund and Mr. Wronge (see [Alex 1995]). On whether the Medicine `professionals’ are able to commit crimes instead of doing what they should, it is obviously the case, with excess of evidence, that they not only are able to diametrically oppose their Oath, from time of graduation, but they are able to keep on opposing for very long until someone bothers, as it has been the case, for instance, of the `genital mutilator’, recent public case exposed by all media in the World (see [Kristen 2008], for example), the doctor who spent 15 years doing gratuitous harm to his patients, having had at least 35 who dared complaining officially and denouncing, before ever being caught. On whether the Medicine students are able to commit atrocities, against all human and animal rights, only for fun, publicly displaying insanity and tendency to psychopathy even before graduating, even so being not only allowed to graduate, but also to `work’ (one wonders how this can be…), it is easily the case that the answer is `yes’. For instance, the most notorious case of all happened exactly in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, where M. R. Pinheiro has been criminally violated in her head, internally to her body, in 2003: It was about a UFRJ student of Medicine who simply thought `it was fun’ to implant human ears, from corpses in the laboratory, on the back of abandoned dogs he used to see around his laboratory, in order to `practice’ operation techniques. After performing his highly illegal and 25

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criminal experimentation over the poor animals, not discussing whether they should have been killed or not in order to cause them less pain and suffering, even before the atrocities, simply for being with no proper care in an urban environment, he would then release the dogs in far worse situation than that they were originally found at: homeless, probably starving, with diseases, etc., and still with a human ear attached to their backs. Besides, there is also the case of the humble male who has been kidnapped from the streets in order to have one of `his eyes’ subtracted criminally from him so that a lady who `needed an eye via transplant’ could have it…After the illegal surgery, the humble male has been, once more, like the poor dogs, left without an eye on the streets, believe it or not. All that has been well advertised in the local media by the time it happened, quick research on the Brazilian newspapers should easily return details. On whether a `researcher’, or `professor’, is able to kill for precursor results, so that their names appear in them instead of anyone else’s, when they have not earned rights to them, it is obviously the case that the answer is `yes’ and these character faults start with exam cheating and getting marks they ALSO never earned rights to, or deserved. M. R. Pinheiro, in the same Rio de Janeiro, by year 1985, testifies on about 30 high school fellows willing to even bash her up in order to steal her answers in exams. Along with her, E. A. A. A., her fellow from back then, full name passive of being disclosed upon private request, has also been a witness of such occurrence. Basically, whatever a person `gets used to do’ becomes their rule for life. Authorship disputes are incredibly high in numbers at the courts. It is obviously the case, however, that the vast majority of the people never get to a Court with a dispute like that, so that the actual figures of theft of authorship must be at least twice as large. 26

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[Lazy 2001] also brings some history of several projects of devices which would allow most complete range of damage and infiltration in the brains of the victim as possible. The ultimate could, easily, have derived from a `picking’ on these databases of projects and reasonable amount of money in the hands of an unscrupulous person…

1. Permissive character of the Australian society, as for human rights breach (e)

In [Flood 1998], we get an idea about the Australian society in general. There, we find out that at least 6%, of a sample of about six thousand women in Australia, would have experienced violence against them in the last one year by 1996. Having into sight that Education systems and punishment systems only degenerate with time everywhere on Earth, it is obvious that these figures tend to grow, rather than decrease. These results, they claim to have originated from surveys, so that they must be accurate, for Australia holds the most unreliable systems on Earth regarding records of denouncements. Basically, by the year of 2008, still, year of this paper, the Australian police could simply deny registering a denouncement in their stations, what obviously undermines any true statistics on crime, or even victims of them. They also held parallel annotation system using personal notebooks for the cops, what, once more, allows that figures are never officially registered. The victim never gets a number for their denouncement, not even feedback, unless insisting and coming back to the police station, obviously if still alive and in conditions of trying, or willing. On top, gratuitous aggression, by the part of the own staff of the police station towards 27

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customers, was seen at large at least until the year of 2004. They do have cameras in a few stations, so that some of the episodes would possibly be registered in them, but then there would be issues with access and interest of the government of Australia in this sort of problem. Between 2001 and 2003, Australia practically sank themselves a boat full of refugees from Afghanistan who would like to migrate to it, escaping from the war; at least 200 people have been reported officially, by the Australian TV, to have died in the incident, kids included. That is obviously against the principles of human rights and implies intentional murder of all the families in that boat. It is obviously the case that Australia cannot cope with the `invasion’, or immigration, of refugees if it cannot even cope with its own poverty, problem common to all countries where these refugees try to go. However, they are also not allowed to simply kill them. The inhumanity in their actions is what makes all the difference. Basically, a nation does have the rights of choosing who there migrates/enters or not, but they can only do it via official rules and systems. It is simply absurd to establish a parallel system to the internationally declared one: That is disloyal with the entire World and creates allowance for cruelties well beyond anything which could be tagged as `human’. Basically, a person can only play via declared rules and a Country cannot simply take whatever they want from a person trying to migrate, or succeeding there, and then drop them, or not take anything but kill them. The human rights principles were created to guarantee a fair society, therefore a society where the rules are explicitly declared. There is only civilization where there are clear rules of interaction between people: That is simply trivial. And if there is no civilization, people must be warned before they try to go there. A Country which allows a person to migrate officially but does not guarantee top equality of them to any native person is simply insane, or `sodomite’, what is perversion or madness, therefore unacceptable as attitude of 28

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any possible government. Also a Country which thinks that the way to stop migrants is murdering is obviously not human and therefore cannot be told to be part of human kind, for desperation moments do exist, as in war, in the case of Afghanistan, and people are obviously doing the only thing they could possibly do to save their lives, or try to their best, when escaping like that. In [Santana 2008], we find out, on page 28, that less than fifty percent of the complaints lodged with the EOC-VIC go to what should be the end of all denouncements, which is a session of agreement. However, it should be a session of arbitration by a third party which is independent, so that the victim would have a fair chance. In the EOC-VIC, all they get, at most, is a conciliation session. That means it is an absolutely ineffective organ, there only for make-up purposes, or marketing. Obviously the case that human rights breach is breach of rights of highest and most urgent order and must be dealt with with full power and arbitration, with the weight always much heavier to the side of those being complained about, once nobody would lodge a complaint with a Commission like that, or at most one percent of people would, if not having a legitimate reason. The use of liar detectors in those investigations would make justice finally effective and fair, but nothing like that has happened so far. Not only there would be immediate proof of lie by the person denouncing, or proof of the opposite, but also there would be immediate proof of breach by the authority, which could not be more reliable than it is. The investigative powers of the police of Australia are as good as to allow a father of a murdered model to prove ([Marks 2008]), after 13 years, that a person was a murderer in that case, whilst the police had previously stated they were innocent, and this father could only do 29

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that because he made use of all best American police procedures to prove all. Just like the Xray case, this is a public, and international, statement of incompetence. Unfortunately, in justice cases, until they employ the liar detector and accept it as almost sure proof, we will all be left wondering. Scientific criminal testing should be 100% safe as to its results, but the Australian press ALSO is as bad as their justice systems and traditionally does not write about what is really meaningful, or contains essential information for an informed decision on whether justice has happened or not. Basically, if the press does not advertise things in full detail, an opinion maker cannot, possibly, determine how right something is. It might be the case, just like Wiles’ first trial of proof, that there is some fallacy in the father’s proof. However, the simple fact that the judge has been convinced of their points determines incompetence by the police force. If the male is innocent, they are absolutely incompetent, given they did not have evidence enough to convince the Court of such; if he is guilty, they are absolutely incompetent, given they do not know how to investigate things properly. In any hypothesis, what has been proved at the Court was the incompetence of the Australian police. Besides, in a culture where justice only exists theoretically, unfortunately the case for two of the countries involved, Australia and Brazil, every honest person is doomed to either have acquaintances in the organized crime or lose their lives as M. R. Pinheiro did, even in full slavery. Obviously the case, however, that people must be warned about what a Country is, in terms of justice and crimes, far before they start living in it, if they are not nationals, having at least the official organs, such as the Embassy of their original Country in the chosen foreign Country, telling in writing the conditions for a honest person to establish themselves well in the area, the dangers involved, etc. Sodomy and gratuitous aggression/violence are trivial part of cultures with no real justice, 30

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only theoretical, so that every mechanism of protection to the honest person should definitely be in place for alert and warning before arrival. In a culture of injustice, obviously the case that very few citizens are naturally just, fair, and honest themselves, otherwise justice would come naturally. Basically, nobody will ever denounce or tell the truth spontaneously, not even if interviewed by the police, so that the liar detector use is definitely a must, even if used by the police force in full secrecy so that they know where to go in order to reach the truth, or actual justice.

1. Internationally confirmed medical incompetence for very long (h)

In Brazil, year of 1983, M. C., fellow of M. R. Pinheiro, was still found doing `dot, comma’ with his legs. By 1984, he confessed having been to several doctors (far more than 10) for about 10 years that far, with same X-rays, and being prescribed Aspirin, finally finding the ONLY person who would look at the same original X-rays of his leg, knee, and tell him he had a `tumor’. Were the tumor an evil one, he would obviously be dead, or at least without a leg. That has happened with the Brazilian Medicine. In [Mercola 2008], one finds out that the top developed society in the World, as for 2001, the American one, loses at least 100,000 people per year for medical mistakes. In [AU 1998], one finds out that in 1995 only, from the reported cases, or passive of detection by their studies, 68,000 Australians were either injured or killed by medical/hospital mistakes. Of course, if such a phenomenon happens with so clear-cut things like cancer (a so well studied disease) and AIDS, imagine with the diseases of most difficult diagnosis ever: the 31

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psychiatric, those involving the mind. Basically, it is obvious that if even with diseases fully passive of detection and of accurate diagnosis via X-ray, doctors still commit atrocious mistakes, or hold what we here classify as criminal actions towards the patients, leading to worsening of situation or death; imagine with those in which images are not yet used for diagnosis, such as schizophrenia. Obviously the case that Psychiatry is a joke as an area of practice: Could definitely be an area of human study, but obviously not practice, not the way it is found. Basically, no doctor could, possibly, even dream of being competent enough to tell mentally ill patients from those who are not. Obviously the case that every patient should hold access to at least a book of self-diagnosis. In the case of X-rays, it suffices a book with every part of the body, when normal, in an X-ray slide, so that the patient may detect problems themselves. Also that the government obliged doctors to provide the patients with free copies of their scans and X-rays, and ability of reproducing those exam results as many times as they wanted (no copyright in exams, this is absurd: Human beings are not merchandise, so are not their bodies!).

1. Brazilian evil character, always targeting competent women (f)

In [BR 2004], we find another reference to the scandal, which has generated the exit of the female Minister of Brazil, first one ever until back then, Zélia Cardoso de Mello, in Economy. She is responsible for the only time in human history Brazilian Economy started resurrecting, or equating that of the most advanced countries in the World. The Brazilian press is responsible for the destruction of the public image of the Minister: She has been set up with another minister of the government overseas and it all got advertised in the media. 32

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Whilst in other countries, far more important and relevant than Brazil, with males playing all repulsive share of the story, such as the US with Clinton, the episode would be discussed, analysed, dealt with, swallowed, and the person would still remain in power, not losing their professional value, in the case of the female Minister, so absolutely relevant for the future and present of Brazil back then, in the most important asset of a Country, its Economy, she simply got replaced by a male who would then take away from her all her historical meaning. Whilst all her coordination and ideas lead to the only time of the Brazilian Economy in history in which Brazil was either winning or equating itself to the greatest economies on Earth, all the merit of the achievements would be stolen by the next Minister, a male, trivially arranged to replace her in case it worked. Basically, all ideas, knowledge, information, obviously either belonged to her or were `fished’ by her when putting together the right team of people, part of the allowances of the ministers in Brazil. However, all the loins of such extraordinary and `Herculean’ work were enjoyed by the male Minister who has never contributed to a line of its results. Could also be a World phenomenon; once the same has been done to M. R. Pinheiro, but she was not located in Brazil when it all started and the major responsible for all atrocities M. R. Pinheiro suffers is definitely Australia. Another case, well advertised all over the World back then, is the ultra-famous singer, Carmen Miranda, born in Brazil: she got to be thrown vegetables over her whilst in visit to Rio de Janeiro and presenting her show there. She was then a solidified international icon. Such international fame, as for Brazilian women, is obviously rarest phenomenon ever, and the fact that what she gets is top aggression, violence, all gratuitous, and people pay a ticket to do it against her - just a woman, like M. R. Pinheiro - only testifies on the enviousness, jealousy, disloyal competition, of the locals of Rio de Janeiro, at least, with a successful 33

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female, not mattering her area of expertise. So far, real life famous examples from Economy and Music, as well as Science, Translation, Interpretation, writing, and etc. (M. R. Pinheiro). It is obviously the case that Brazilians `compete’ with their female nationals who become success overseas, and could not be more disloyal in their competition than they are. Obviously the case that throwing things over someone else is as much crime as slaving a person, so that Brazil DOES commit crimes against successful women if they become, or are about to become, international icons, in any area of human life. Carmen died by 1955, Zélia Cardoso de Mello is still alive, and M. R. Pinheiro is almost dying. Brazil definitely does not have that many females who get to either become a female international icon or are about to become, so that three examples should suffice to prove their evil character over women who do succeed internationally, or could, like Zélia and M. R. Pinheiro (Zélia did succeed, but did not `appear’; M. R. Pinheiro is the `life which could never be, not even at the age of 30 years old, obviously with the entire Country not measuring efforts to make sure it would not be the case that a woman would do/make it`). A clear case to prove sexism in the Brazilian culture in highest degree, far more disrespectful treatment of a female than a male, when they belong to the same métier, etc., is Rita Lee and Cazuza, for instance: Whilst Cazuza has written far less songs than Rita, and lived less as well, only Cazuza has been honored with a movie on his life, for instance. Rita Lee is still alive. In [Midia 2006], one reads that only in Salvador, capital of Bahia, 800 denouncements of violence against women were being made at the special police stations created for cases of violence against women (trivially due to their relevance, in terms of statistics) each month, as for 2006. In [IBGE 2008], one learns that women earn far less for performing the same work 34

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functions than the men (the Statistics Official Organ of Brazil actually states they receive 60% less than the income of the males if they have tertiary formation in Brazil). Basically, this is economical violence, financial violence, against women. This sort of violence, and crime against human rights (principle of Equality, agreement signed by Brazil long time ago), is obviously not declared or advertised: It is one more silent crime against women at the workforce. Therefore, Brazil is definitely one of the top violators of the human right to Equal Treatment that women have. 800 denouncements per month at the police counter for one of the capitals, not even the most important one (several cases will never be denounced by the victims), and 60% less than the wages paid to males in the same conditions, ought to mean outrageous breach of human rights everywhere there. This all obviously implies highest World rates of oppression to women and, therefore, criminally manufactured inability of the vast majority of the talented women to explore their talents, `show off’, or become successful.

1. Generalized World chauvinistic attitude towards women who are better than males (g)

The best example is trivially Lady Di. Lady Di was definitely more famous and more tailored for conquering people than Prince Charles. She was definitely almost becoming the next Queen, not even needing any sort of formal procedures made, already considered by many, all over the World, as the only royal representative of the Palace who mattered. Brazil is one of the countries holding less similarity with England in the World, and after the princess was 35

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killed, she started getting flowers in the Country, as well as prayers, all also sent to her birth Country, from nationals of Brazil, still getting them by 2008, by anniversary of her death. For instance, [Blog 2008] brings another person from Brazil making updated remarks on her death in a public and notorious way. The Princess has obviously been murdered precisely because of her increasing fame all over the World and the fact that nobody knew about England, or thought they were relevant politically to themselves, or socially, before Lady Di started associating the power figure of England with her, even with her being `just’ a Princess. There is no need of much elaboration to be sure it has been assassination, but a reporter from BBC did make enough research to find out her driver received a visit from an Intelligence person one day before the accident: Very exotic visit, never happened before. Even so, the press and the systems, in general, will never declare clearly she has been murdered not to be `the power figure of England’. Unfortunately, one more of the so few women who could make an extraordinary difference for the situation of every woman on Earth regarding injustice and inequalities. [eNews 2007] brings a few details on the discussions. There has been at least a TV documentary, however, screened in Brazil, with a British reporter, from BBC, who had identified the visit of an Intelligence member of England to the residence of the Princess one day before and the visit would have been directed to the driver. Obviously the case that, with that evidence, there are no doubts left. Apparently, as other sources declare, she was pregnant and did not want to marry the father of the baby, as it is read from the source mentioned in this paragraph. Scandals in Royalty are plenty, but any reason is reason for old people, or marketing-made people, to kill when they have power. The day people in the government become totally transparent and human will be the day they do not have competent press 36

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assistants or marketers. If they ever became, the value of the so few like own Diana would be even enlarged, for honesty and integrity, sincerity and transparency, would finally pay. Such is, however, a decent woman’s World: A World with no lies, and yet no indecent or criminal actions, or unethical. And this is obviously what would make every person on Earth finally have a true fair go: Transparency, actual freedom of choice. The freedom one holds these days is definitely highly limited by what the press wants to convey, or the Marketing people. Therefore, there is actually no freedom and what commands the World is money, rather than values: Something like `follow what I state but never what I really do’. Basically, `play idiot so that I can live at your `slaved expense, even’ with you powerless and made unable to react, relying on my theory, which I will never let happen in practice for you if I am the one interested in using you’. Several females, by Inquisition times, and that has happened all over the World, were arrested, kept in underground cells, for purposes of torture and slave use, after all their books of healing, knowledge, etc., were stolen from them and studied by the priests, stolen along with their assets, usually inherited from husbands killed in wars. The figures are quite high. Nobody has cared, in the entire World, not even to give them post-mortem deserved, and earned, status, telling the truth about who had exotic and non-trivial knowledge, desired by every male from Inquisition. It is highly usual, in modern times, that women occupy, at most, the position of vicesomething important. The reason for that is so that the males on top get their ideas, but sign their names under them, with women not getting noticed, not getting acknowledged, and getting far less pay for their services, as well as less social importance and less political 37

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importance, therefore historical. It is also highly usual that males even have affairs with secretaries, which is realistically a reminiscence of slavery, simply to be able to consult them in their decisions at work, once more giving them no credit, acknowledgement, or at least equal pay, or equal work conditions. Of course there are women who join these males to victimize and exploit the own women, and that is the only reason why women cannot win so far. The Bible actually has told us, via its stories of the `chosen ones’, to kill those who were not righteous and respectful, obviously to keep the vast majority of society supporting only right things and equal treatment, fair go of everyone who plays God’s rules on Earth. These `lesser women’ are obviously the only truly responsible for events like the death of Lady Di. Women raise the men, usually insert moral values in them, and are usually consulted in all their decisions when males are connected to their mothers at least via respect bonds. What obviously leads to the current outrageous number of criminal events against women is the own `lesser women’s attitude’. Instead of supporting a female who is, for instance, complaining of an unfaithful husband, several are able to go there and have sex with the husband themselves after listening to the story of the female who is a victim. Women of no honor and no value are obviously vast majority of the female population, whose prostitution figures never stopped growing… The enviousness and the disloyal competition with their own gender, the only ones who could possibly support them in case of victimization, is quite common, so that a honest woman never finds any chance for a fair go. For instance, there is a piece of news on the Internet describing a female reporter being offered a fortune not to reveal the scandal over Zélia Cardoso de Mello in Brazil. The woman did not accept money to be silent and preferred to 38

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simply `destroy’ a female icon publicly and notoriously. Did she need to write that piece of news? Was she really doing human kind a great favor? The thing is about not depreciating the image of women if you are a woman, of course, letting males do it, if anyone: A matter of simple ethics and fair chance in the battle, once males never protect any woman, only males, so that women will have no chance otherwise, once they will never do any different (males). Obviously the case that non-trivial women are rarest thing on Earth and whilst the World would protect a male who does not have half of the woman’s value from public depreciation, there is no way the World would protect the woman from it. When Charles betrayed Diana with Camilla, only notes were put in papers, not pictures. However, when Diana was going out with Fayed, plenty of pictures were all over the place, with intimacy clear cut scenes. When Clinton had oral sex with the secretary, no pictures of them together were published either. However, when Zélia Cardoso had something with the fellow Minister, even pictures of them dancing have been published. There is obviously super-protection of ` possible male-icons’ and `super exposure, immediate, of `true female icons’’. Whilst the destruction of the female is painful, leads to total dishonor, and it is immediate after the unethical act, or unprofessional, like in the case with Zélia, the destruction of the male is nothing, with Clinton still appearing as power figure of the United States, with no stains whatsoever, and after that still with a chance of keeping on being in power via his wife, also with no stains to their marriage. It is all realistically unfair, unjust, and absurd, in every possible sense.

1. Medical duty of exploring the region where any abnormality is found via X-ray or other 39

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sorts of examinations (X-rays being one1 of the most complete sorts of explorations of specific regions of the body which may take place) (d)

There is no more basic knowledge and understanding in Medicine than that of mandatory full exploration of any body area displaying any abnormality via any sort of examination. Everyone knows that an X-ray may detect abnormalities, but will never tell precisely what they are. A CT scan is an improved X-ray, and will produce more details. An MRI may go further than a CT scan but cannot ever be made if there is any chance a metal lies in the head or in the region to be explored by the doctor ([Net 1996]), for it is based on `magnetic resonance’. As sources of medical theory to confirm the obvious, that the abnormality present in the head of M. R. Pinheiro by 2004 demanded urgent surgery, at least to explore the area in full, we find, for instance: [April 2008], [Lightsey 2008], and [Adva 2007]. Even with tumors, only via what is called Exploratory Surgery may one find out whether they are good or evil, that is: Cancer or simple excess of tissue somewhere. [Gyn 2008] emphasizes the need of surgery even for benign tumors. One must understand that ANY abnormal shape found in the region of the head would entail either surgery or further exploration via exams which go into more detail in that particular region of the body. Obviously the case that the negligence is an unavoidable tag, but it is far less meaningful expression than what it should be: Deliberate homicide trial against the patient, or at least intentional lifetime damage to their brains. Suppose that M. R. Pinheiro is a `blind complier’ and simply accepts the verdict given by any person claiming to be an expert in something. Then, from that ball, or abnormal mass inside 1 nowadays we also hold intrusive walking objects which exploit parts of the human body from inside of it, they actually exist for very long. 40

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of her right ear region, a cancer may develop, and she may either lose substantial part of her brains, bringing lifetime injury to her mental abilities, or die from it. Once it is all possible, and doctors are there to prevent any possible further worsening to the patient’s initial situation of loss, surgery has to be the immediate recommendation, or at least deeper exploration of the region via another tool. In the case of M. R. Pinheiro, due to her early report, preceding first CT scan of her life, MRI should never be tried, so that one would definitely be left with obvious surgery and her entire brains, body, and almost entire life saved still in time, by at most 2004, if the female doctor had EVER being ethical. Instead of that, her brains were `eaten away’ from inside, as the images here show, and a number of worst World atrocities have been performed 24 hours a day against it using the incredible evil creation of human kind. The proof of usual rejection of obvious mandatory procedure has already been provided, suffices the data on medical mistakes, mentioned earlier on in this very paper.

1. Shameful graduates of Medicine (a)

[Rosa 2008] brings witnessing on the intentions of fraud against the National Entrance Exam in Brazil of future Medicine students. The fact that those were caught does not mean several do not get away with it, what means that quite a few will not have deserved a single mark from their exams by the end of their undergraduate course. [Pro 2008] brings a report on someone who had their renal organs stolen from him after being drugged via alcoholic beverage in a pub. This is quite usual: People need organs, there are not enough donors to satisfy the demand, and some unscrupulous monsters go and simply steal 41

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organs from unwarned people. Fact is that they would need at least a Medicine student in order to remove and keep the organs alive, or in good state for the transplant. Therefore, in each one of those crimes, and the figures are incredible, there has been at least one marginal from the own official Medicine métier. It is as shameful as it could be, once it all contradicts their Oath in largest way as possible. The fact that people really do not test suitability, moral values, adequacy, and talent for a profession, excluding via exam those who do not have it, make it incredibly dangerous for any person to be around them. This remark obviously applies to all professions. [Letra 2007] brings reports on the teaching of Medicine and how animals are even murdered, quite gratuitously, with own student not seeing any value whatsoever in those horrible crimes, under the claim that they are teaching better with something alive being used rather than observation over real cases or corpses. It is obviously the case that if even the lecturers do not have minimum sensitivity, then there is no hope for those learning from them. Animals are alive beings and if some think we originate from them, then the association and the extension to human beings is quite subconscious and automatic, so that killing a human being is also nothing major, once killing a cat, a dog, to perform studies also was not, taught to them in class not to be a big deal. Of course it is important to defend animals, just not more important than defending human beings. The defense of the life and rights of the animals, as well as those of all alive creatures, will definitely imply subconscious respect for life in general, as long as it comes associated with ethical and moral values regarding respect for the laws and other human beings and their entitlements simply for being born in an unwanted, or with no choice, in 42

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principle, manner.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we believe to have proved that medical mistakes are actual constitutional crimes and should be passive of denouncement and directing to punishment via police stations. We also believe to have proven that criminal head implants are a reality and any person is found vulnerable to them, and their lifetime criminal damages, until the police gets to control all aspects and stages of those crimes regarding implants. Besides all of the above, we also believe to have proved that M. R. Pinheiro has been implanted a criminal mind exploratory (at least) device in 2003. As a generalized conclusion, there cannot be anything more urgent for any country in the World, or profession, than stopping gadgets like the ultimate slavery device from existing, being distributed, or criminally inserted in human beings.

6. Illustrations


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Picture 0 ([The Age 2008])


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Pictures 1-5 (M. R. Pinheiro’s scans slices)


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Pictures 6-8 (Head scans considered normal by Medicine which are, indeed, normal, that is, with no presence of strange elements – ([Internet 2008], [Head Wikimedia 2008], and [Johnson 1997]))

Pictures 9-11 (Part of the synapse phenomenon)


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Picture 12 (Mr. Naeslund’s case [Naeslund 1995])

Picture 13 ([Mediaeko 1996])


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