Inglish Gramar

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 8,416
  • Pages: 69
The English Alphabet DAUÀèªÀtðªÀiÁ¯É 26 There are twenty six letters in English Language EAVèõÀ ¨sÁóµÉAiÀÄ ªÀtðªÀiÁ¯ÉAiÀÄ°è 26 CPÀëgÀUÀ½ªÉ.  Capital Letters[zÉÆqÀØ CPÀëgÀUÀ¼ÀÄ] J © ¹ r E J¥sï f JZï DAiÀiï eÉ PÉ J¯ï JªÀiï J£ï M A B C DE F G H I J K L M N O ¦ PÀÆå Dgï J¸ï n AiÀÄÄ «í qÀ§Æè JPÀì ªÁAiÀiï P Q R S T U V W X Y gÉhÄqï Z  Small Letters[¸ÀtÚ CPÀëgÀUÀ¼ÀÄ] J © ¹ r E J¥sï f Jºï DAiÀiï eÉ PÉ J¯ï JªÀiï a b c d e f g h i j k l m J£ï M ¦ PÀÆå Dgï J¸ï n AiÀÄÄ «í qÀ§Æè JPÀì ªÁAiÀiï N o p q r s t u v w x y gÉhÄqï z  Pronunciation of the letters[CPÀëgÀUÀ¼À GZÁÒgÀuÉ] Letters pronunciation CPÀëgÀUÀ¼ÀÄ GZÁÒgÀuÉ A C, B ¨ï C Pï,¸ï D zï,qï E E,F,J 1

¥sï Uï,eï ºï E eï Pï ¯ï ªÀiï £ï C,G,N ¥ï Pï gï eï,¸ï mï,vï G,C ªï ªï,G Pïì,gÀhiï AiÀiï gÀhiï


 Vowels[¸ÀégÀUÀ¼ÀÄ] There are five vowels in English Language. They are; a, e, i, o, u  Consonants[ªÀåAd£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ] There are twenty one consonants in English Language

They are; b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z

 EAVèõÀ §½îUÀ¼ÀÄ 2

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* ±À§ÝzÀ PÉÆ£ÉAiÀÄ°è `C’ PÁgÀzÀAvÉ GZÁÒgÀªÁzÁUÀ ±À§ÝzÀ gÀZÀ£ÉAiÀÄ°è PÉÆ£ÉUÉ ` £ÀÄß §¼À¸À¨ÁgÀzÀÄ. GzÁ: Word E°è Worda JAzÀÄ §gÉAiÀĨÁgÀzÀÄ, PÉÆ£ÉAiÀÄ°è §gÀĪÀ `C’ PÁgÀ vÉUÉzÀÄ ºÁPÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. 2.Word [±À§Ý] A word is a group of letters that makes some meaning or a complete meaning ¸ÀA¥ÀÆtð CxÀðPÉÆqÀĪÀ CPÀëgÀUÀ¼À UÀÄA¥Éà ±À§Ý. Ex: Mother, teacher, God, school, book, friend etc. 3. The Sentence: ªÁPÀå A sentence is a group of words which makes a complete meaning or sense ¸ÀA¥ÀÆtð CxÀðPÉÆqÀĪÀ ±À§ÝUÀ¼À UÀÄA¥Éà ªÁPÀå.” Ex: 1. May I come in? £Á£ÀÄ M¼ÀUÉ §gÀ§ºÀÄzÉÃ? 2. He is my friend. CªÀ£ÀÄ £À£Àß UɼÉAiÀÄ/UɼÀw 3. What is your school name? ¤£Àß ±Á¯ÉAiÀÄ ºÉ¸ÀgÉãÀÄ? 4. My village is Bekkeri £À£Àß HgÀÄ ¨ÉPÉÌÃj {ªÉÄð£À J®è GzÁºÀgÀuÉUÀ¼À°è ºÀ®ªÀÅ ±À§ÝUÀ¼À UÀÄA¥ÀÄ ¸ÉÃj CzÀÄ MAzÀÄ ¸ÀA¥ÀÆtð CxÀðªÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉ, CzÉà ªÁPÀå}


 The kinds of sentence: ªÁPÀåzÀ ¥ÀæPÁgÀUÀ¼ÀÄ [4] There are four kinds of sentences. They are: 1. Assertive sentence or declarative sentence[¸¸ÁzÁ ªÁPÀå] 2. Interrogative sentence[¥Àæ±ÁßxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀå] 3. Imperative sentence[DeÁÕxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀå] 4. Exclamatory sentence[¨sÁªÀ¨ÉÆÃzÀPÀ ªÁPÀå] 1. Assertive Sentence:¸ÁzÁ ªÁPÀå A sentence which makes a statement or declares is called an assertive sentence. AiÀiÁªÀ ªÁPÀåªÀÅ ºÉýPÉ CxÀªÁ C©ü¥ÁæAiÀĪÀ£ÀÄßAlÄ ªÀiÁqÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀÄ ¸ÁzÁ ªÁPÀå. Ex: 1. Sandesh is my friend ¸ÀazÉñÀ£ÀÄ £À£Àß UɼÉaiÀÄ 2. Sunil is my brother ¸ÀĤî£ÀÄ £À£Àß ¸ÀºÉÆÃzÀgÀ 3. He is singing CªÀ£ÀÄ ºÁqÀÄwÛzÁÝ£É. 4. They are playing CªÀgÀÄ DqÀÄwÛzÁÝgÉ 2. Interrogative Sentence:¥Àæ±ÁßxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀå A sentence which asks a question is called an interrogative sentence AiÀiÁªÀ ªÁPÀåªÀÅ ¥Àæ±ÉßAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÉüÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀÄ ¥Àæ±ÁßxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀå

Ex: 1. What is your state name? ¤£Àß ±Á¯ÉaiÀÄ ºÉ¸ÀgÉãÀÄ? 2. What are you doing? 10

¤Ã£ÀÄ K£ÀÄ ªÀiÁqÀÄwÛgÀÄ«? 3. Where is your book? ¤£Àß ¥ÀĸÀÛPÀ J°èzÉ? 4. When did you born? ¤Ã£ÀÄ AiÀiÁªÁUÀ d¤¹gÀÄ«? 3. Imperative Sentence:DeÁÕxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀå A sentence which gives a command or an order, advice or request is called an imperative sentence AiÀiÁªÀ ªÁPÀåªÀÅ DeÉÕ, G¥ÀzÉñÀ, «£ÀawAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÉÆqÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀ£ÀÄß DeÁÕxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀå J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. Ex: Command1.

Shut thedoor. ¨ÁV®£ÀÄß ªÀÄÄZÀÄÑ 2. Stand up on the bench ¨ÉÃAZÀ ªÉÄÃ¯É JzÀÄÝ ¤®Äè Advice: 1. Help the poor §qÀªÀjUÉ ¸ÀºÁaiÀÄ ªÀiÁqÀÄ 2. Wish you all the best ¤£ÀUÉ J¯Áè M¼ÉîAiÀÄzÁUÀ° 3. Be a good student M¼ÉîAiÀÄ «zÁåyð/¤AiÀiÁUÀÄ

Request: 1. Please give me a pen zÀAiÀÄ«lÄÖ £À£ÀUÉÆAzÀÄ ¥É£ÀÄß PÉÆqÀÄ 2. Please take it zÀAiÀÄ«lÄÖ CzÀ£ÀÄß vÉUÉzÀÄPÉƽî 3. Please sit down zÀAiÀÄ«lÄÖ PÀĽvÀÄPÉƽî 4. Exclamatory ªÁPÀå]

Sentence:[GzÁÎgÀªÁZÀPÀ 11

A sentence which expresses or shows sudden feelings is called an exclamatory sentence [feelings like-sad,pleasure, anger , surprise etc] AiÀiÁªÀ ªÁPÀåªÀÅ vÀPÀët GAmÁUÀĪÀ ¨sÁªÀ£ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀ£ÀÄß GzÁÎgÀªÁZÀPÀ ªÁPÀå J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. [¨sÁªÀ£ÉUÀ¼ÉAzÀgÉzÀÄ:R,D£ÀAzÀ,¹lÄÖ,D±ÀÑAiÀÄð EvÁå¢UÀ¼ÀÄ] Ex: Sad1. Alas! Rama is dead CAiÉÆåÃ! gÁªÀÄ£ÀÄ wÃjPÉÆAqÀ£ÀÄ. 2. Oh my God! he lost everything N zÉêÀgÉÃ! CªÀ£ÀÄ J¯Áè PÀ¼ÉzÀÄPÉÆAqÀ Pleasure: 1. What a lovely animal! D£ÀAzÀ: JAvÀºÀ ªÀÄÄzÁÝzÀ ¥ÁætÂ! 2. What a beautiful place! JAxÁ ¸ÀÄAzÀgÀ ¸ÀܼÀ! Anger: 1. What a shame? ¹lÄÖ: JAxÁ £ÁaPÉUÉrvÀ£À? 2. How foolish he is? CªÀ£ÀÄ JµÀÄÖ ªÀÄÆRð£ÀÄ? Surprise: 1. How beautiful flower the rose is! D±ÀÑAiÀÄð: JAxÁ ¸ÀÄAzÀgÀ UÀįÁ© ºÀƪÀÅ! 2. Hurrah! We have won the kabaddi match. ºÉÆAiÀiï!£ÁªÀÅ PÀ§rØ ¥ÀAzÀåªÀ£ÀÄß UÉzÉݪÀÅ.  Parts of speech:±À§ÝzÀ

«¨sÁUÀUÀ¼ÀÄ 12

There are eight different parts of speech in English language EAVèõÀ ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ°è ±À§ÝªÀ£ÀÄß 8 «¨sÁUÀUÀ¼À°è «AUÀr¸À¯ÁVzÉ. They are: 1. Noun[£ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ] 2. Pronoun[¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀÄ] 3. Adjective[£ÁªÀÄ «±ÉõÀt] 4. Verb[QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ] 5. Adverb[QæAiÀiÁ«±ÉõÀt] 6. Preposition[G¥À¸ÀUÁðªÀåAiÀÄ/¸ÀA§AzsÀ ¸ÀÆZÀPÁªÀåAiÀÄ] 7. Conjunction[¸ÀªÀÄÄZÀÒAiÀÄ] 8. Interjection[¨sÁªÀ¸ÀÆZÀPÀ] 1. Noun:£ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ A noun is a name of person, place, bird, tree, flower, animal or thing. ªÀåQÛ,¸ÀܼÀ,¥ÀQë,VqÀ,ºÀÆ,¥Áæt CxÀªÁ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛUÀ¼À ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄUÀ¼Éà £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ. Ex: Person: Chinnu, Vijay, Manjunath, Sulochana, Savitri, Manjula etc. Place: Raibag, Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bijapur etc. Bird: Peacock, Parrot, Crow etc Tree: Coconut, Neem etc, Flower: Rose, lotus, jasmine etc Animal: Cat, dog, ox, horse etc Thing: Chair, table, brick etc

2. Pronoun: ¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀÄ A pronoun is a word which is used instead of a noun. 13


§zÀ¯ÁV ±À§ÝªÀ£ÀÄß

Ex: I That This Which It He What My Who

£Á£ÀÄ, We CzÀÄ, EzÀÄ, AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ, CzÀÄ, She CªÀ£ÀÄ, K£ÀÄ, Mine £À£Àß, AiÀiÁgÀÄ etc.

£ÁªÀÅ, These EªÀÅ, Those CªÀÅ, Your ¤ªÀÄä, CªÀ¼ÀÄ, Us £ÀªÀÄUÉ, £À£ÀßzÀÄ, Our £ÀªÀÄä,

F ªÉÄð£À J®èªÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼À §zÀ¯ÁV §¼À¸À¯ÁUÀÄvÀÛzÉ. For ex: 1. Darwin lost his mobile He lost his mobile 2. Sangappa is a good boy He is a good boy F ªÉÄð£À GzÁºÀgÀuÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß UÀªÀĤ¹,`qÁ«ð£ï’ JA§ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀzÀ §zÀ¯ÁV CªÀ£ÀÄ [he]JA§ ¥ÀzÀªÀ£ÀÄß §¼À¹zÉÝêÉ.E°è CªÀ£ÀÄ [he] JA§ÄzÀÄ ¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀÄ. 3. Adjective: £ÁªÀÄ«±ÉõÀt An adjective is a word it describes a noun or pronoun. £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ CxÀªÁ ¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀĪÀ£ÀÄß ªÀtÂð¸ÀĪÀ ¥ÀzÀªÉà £ÁªÀÄ«±ÉõÀt. • Describing words are –quality, number etc. ªÀtÂð¸ÀĪÀ ±À§ÝUÀ¼ÉAzÀgÉ-UÀÄt, UÁvÀæ, ¸ÀASÉå EvÁå¢. Ex: 14

1. A good boy. M¼ÉîAiÀÄ ºÀÄqÀÄUÀ 2. A simple man M§â ¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå ªÀÄ£ÀĵÀå. 3. A rich man M§â ²æêÀÄAvÀ ªÀÄ£ÀĵÀå. 4. A tall man M§â JvÀÛgÀzÀ ªÀÄ£ÀĵÀå ªÉÄð£À MAzÀ£É GzÁºÀgÀuÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß UÀªÀĤ¹: “A boy; J£ÀÄߪÀ §zÀ¯ÁV “A good boy; J£À߯ÁVzÉ. E°è ¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀĪÁzÀ ‘boy’±À§ÝPÉÌ «±ÉõÀvÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÉÆnÖzÀÄÝ ‘good’JA§ ±À§Ý.EzÉà «±ÉõÀt,ªÀtð£É CxÀªÁ ºÉÆUÀ½PÉ.ªÉÄð£À J®è GzÁºÀgÀuÉUÀ¼ÀÄ ºÁUÉAiÉÄà EªÉ. E°è PɼÀV£ÀªÀÅUÀ¼É®èªÀÇ £ÁªÀÄ«±ÉõÀtUÀ¼ÀÄ: Angry Weak Small Kind Nice White great Beautiful Brilliant etc 4. Verb: QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ A verb is a word it describes an action or state of anything AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ«£À QæAiÉÄ CxÀªÁ ¹ÜwAiÀÄ£ÀÄß w½¸ÀĪÀÅzÉà QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ. Ex; Write-§gÉ Read-NzÀÄ Come-¨Á Ask-PÉüÀÄ Sing-ºÁqÀÄ Cut-PÀvÀÛj¸ÀÄ Eat-w£ÀÄß Go-ºÉÆÃUÀÄ Is –EgÀÄvÀÛzÉ Jump-fV 15

Laugh-£ÀUÀÄ Fall-©Ã¼ÀÄ

Put-EqÀÄ Drink-PÀÄr

5. Adverb: QæAiÀiÁ«±ÉõÀt An adverb is a word which describes a verb an adjective or another adverb. AiÀiÁªÀ ±À§ÝªÀÅ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ, £ÁªÀÄ«±ÉõÀt CxÀªÁ ¨ÉÃgÉÆAzÀÄ QæAiÀiÁ«±ÉõÀtªÀ£ÀÄß ªÀtÂð¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀĪÉà QæAiÀiÁ«±ÉõÀt. Ex: 1. Our Taibai School is very beautiful £ÀªÀÄä vÁ¬Ä¨Á¬Ä ±Á¯É §ºÀ¼À ¸ÀÄAzÀgÀªÁVzÉ. 2. Pooja wrote well. ¥ÀÆeÁ ZÉ£ÁßV §gÉzÀ¼ÀÄ. F ªÉÄð£À JgÀqÀÆ GzÁºÀgÀuÉUÀ¼À°è ‘very’ªÀÄvÀÄÛ well EªÀÅ QæAiÉÄUÉ «±ÉõÀvÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÉÆqÀÄvÀÛªÉ,CªÉà QæAiÀiÁ«±ÉõÀtUÀ¼ÀÄ. • Other examples of an adverb: Slowly Quite Happy Bravely Loudly No Yes Usually EvÁå¢UÀ¼ÀÄ QæAiÀiÁ «±ÉõÀtUÀ¼ÀÄ. 6. Preposition: G¥À¸ÀUÁðªÀåAiÀÄ/¸ÀA§AzsÀ ¸ÀÆZÀPÁªÀåAiÀÄ Preposition is a word it gives the relation between noun and pronoun. £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀÄUÀ¼À £ÀqÀÄ«£À ¸ÀA§AzsÀªÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀĪÀ ±À§ÝªÉà ¸ÀA§AzsÀ ¸ÀÆZÀPÁªÀåAiÀÄ. 16

And preposition stands before the noun or pronoun, also after the verb. ¸ÀA§AzsÀ ¸ÀÆZÀPÁªÀåAiÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ CxÀªÁ ¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀÄUÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAavÀªÁV §¼À¸À®àqÀÄvÀÛªÉ,ºÁUÀÆ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼À £ÀAvÀgÀªÀÇ §¼ÀPÉAiÀiÁUÀÄvÀÛªÉ. Ex: 1. Raghavendra went to a town. gÁWÀªÉÃAzÀæ£ÀÄ MAzÀÄ £ÀUÀgÀPÉÌ ºÉÆÃzÀ. 2. The cat is below the table. ¨ÉPÀÄÌ ªÉÄÃf£À PɼÀUÉ EzÉ. ªÉÄð£À GzÁºÀgÀuÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß UÀªÀĤ¹. GzÁºÀgÀuÉ 1 gÀ°è ‘A town’EzÀÄ ¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀÄ. EzÀgÀ ªÀÄÄAavÀªÁV ‘to’ G¥À¸ÀUÁðªÀåAiÀÄ EzÉ. GzÁºÀgÀuÉ 2 gÀ°è’The table’EzÀÄ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ. EzÀgÀ ªÀÄÄAavÀªÁV ‘beolw’ G¥À¸ÀUÁðªÀåAiÀÄ EzÉ. ºÁUÉAiÉÄà ‘is’JA§ÄzÀÄ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ, CzÀgÀ £ÀAvÀgÀ G¥À¸ÀUÁðªÀåAiÀÄ §A¢zÉ. Examples of prepositions: In On With Of For To Unto Above Below Over Beside By At Along Up Into Among Around etc. (¦æÃAiÀÄ «zÁåyðUÀ¼ÉÃ, ²PÀëPÀgÀ ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄ¢AzÀ ªÉÄð£ÀªÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ªÁPÀåUÀ¼À°è ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃV¹) 7. Conjunction [¸ÀªÀÄÄZÀÒAiÀiÁªÀåAiÀÄ] 17

A word which joins two words or two sentences are called conjunction. AiÀiÁªÀ ±À§ÝªÀÅ JgÀqÀÄ ±À§ÝUÀ¼À£ÀÄß CxÀªÁ JgÀqÀÄ ªÁPÀåUÀ¼À£ÀÄß eÉÆÃr¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀĪÉà ¸ÀªÀÄÄZÀÒAiÀiÁªÀåAiÀÄ. Examples: And Or But Otherwise Either Since Till Because etc. These are conjunctions. Examples of joining two words: 1) Boy and girl 2) Boy or girl 3) Read and write 4) Read or write ªÉÄð£ÀªÀÅUÀ¼À°è ‘And’ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ‘or’ UÀ¼ÀÄ JgÀqÀÄ ±À§ÝUÀ¼À£ÀÄß eÉÆÃr¹ ºÉüÀÄvÀÛªÉ. Examples of joining two sentences: 1. Prakash run fast but he missed the bus. ¥ÀæPÁ±À£ÀÄ eÉÆÃgÁV NrzÀ DzÀgÉ CªÀ£ÀÄ §¸Àì£ÀÄß vÀ¦à¹PÉÆAqÀ. 2. Joy went to the shop because to bring a pen. eÁAiÀiï CAUÀrUÉ ºÉÆÃzÀ£ÀÄ KPÉAzÀgÉ CªÀ£ÀÄ MAzÀÄ ¥É£ÀߣÀÄß vÀgÀ¨ÉÃPÁVvÀÄÛ. ☻ ªÉÄð£À GzÁºÀgÀuÉUÀ¼À°è ‘but’ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ‘because’ ±À§ÝUÀ¼ÀÄ JgÀqÀÄ ªÁPÀåUÀ¼À£ÀÄß eÉÆÃr¹ ºÉüÀÄvÀÛªÉ.EªÀÅUÀ¼Éà ¸ÀªÀÄÄZÀÒAiÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ. 8. Interjection:¨sÁªÀ¸ÀÆZÀPÁªÀåAiÀÄ An interjection is a word which expresses quick feelings. 18

[Quick feelings like-joy, sorrow, wonder etc] AiÀiÁªÀ ±À§ÝªÀÅ vÀPÀëtzÀ°è GAmÁzÀ ¨sÁªÀ£ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀ£ÀÄß ¨sÁªÀ¸ÀÆZÀPÁªÀåAiÀÄ J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. [vÀPÀëtzÀ ¨sÁªÀ§£ÉUÀ¼ÉAzÀgÉ -¸ÀÄR, zÀÄ: R, D±ÀÑAiÀÄð EvÁå¢UÀ¼ÀÄ] Examples: 1. Hurrah! [ ºÉÆÃAiÀiï!] 2. Alas! [CAiÉÆåÃ!] 3. Hush! [ºÀĵÁgÀÄ] Oh my God! [CAiÉÆåà zÉêÀgÉÃ! EvÁå¢UÀ¼ÀÄ. Examples are used in sentences: 1. Hurrah! India won the 20-twenty world cup cricket match. ºÉÆÃAiÀiï! ¨sÁgÀvÀªÀÅ «±Àé 20-mÉÆAn ªÀ®ØðPÀ¥ï QæPÉmï ¥ÀAzÀåªÀ£ÀÄß UÉ¢ÝvÀÄ. 2. Alas! The bird sank. CAiÉÆåÃ! ¥ÀQë ªÀÄļÀÄVvÀÄ. 3. Hush! The tiger is coming. ºÀĵÁj ! ºÀÄ°AiÀÄÄ §gÀÄwÛzÉ.

6. The Kinds of Noun: £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀzÀ «zsÀUÀ¼ÀÄ There are five kinds of nouns in English language. EAVèõÀ ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ°è £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß 5 «zsÀUÀ¼ÁV ªÀiÁqÀ¯ÁVzÉ. 1. Proper Noun:CAQvÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ 2. Common Noun:¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ 3. Collective Noun:¸ÀªÀÄƺÀªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ 4. Abstract Noun:UÀÄtªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ 19

5. Material Noun: ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ /¥ÀzÁxÀðªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ 1. Proper Noun: CAQvÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ/ElÖ ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄ A proper noun is a name of the particular person, place or thing. ¤¢ðµÀܪÁzÀ ªÀåQÛ,¸ÀܼÀ CxÀªÁ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ«£À ºÉ¸ÀgÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀĪÀÅzÉà CAQvÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ. • A proper noun always starts with a capital letter. CAQvÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀªÀÅ AiÀiÁªÁUÀ®Æ zÉÆqÀØ CPÀëgÀ[capital letter]¢AzÀ ¥ÁægÀA¨sÀªÁUÀÄvÀÛzÉ. Ex: Persons:

Shankar Babasaheb Janaki Roopa Shilpa Geeta Bhagirathi Rajlaxmi Chinnu Shoba etc. Places: Raibag Bangalore Mysore Mumbai etc. Things: Table Chair Pen Book etc. ☻¸ÀÆZÀ£É: PÉ®ªÀÅ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛUÀ¼À ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ªÁPÀåzÀ ¥ÁægÀA¨sÀzÀ°è ªÀiÁvÀæ Capital letter ¢AzÀ ¥ÁægÀA©ü¸À¯ÁUÀÄvÀÛzÉ. DzÀgÉ ¸ÀܼÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ªÀåQÛUÀ¼À ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄUÀ¼À£ÀÄß J¯ÉèAzÀgÀ°è Capital letter ¢AzÀ ¥ÁægÀA¨sÀ ªÀiÁqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. 20

2. Common Noun: ¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ It is a name given in general to every person, place or thing. M§â ªÀåQÛAiÀÄ, ¸ÀܼÀzÀ CxÀªÁ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ«£À ºÉ¸ÀgÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÁªÀiÁ£ÀåªÁV ºÉüÀĪÀÅzÉà ¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ. Ex: He She They Them It Girl Boy Woman Man Bird Doll Tree Daughter Father Mother Son Village Town Country Book etc. 3. Collective Noun:¸ÀªÀÄƺÀªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ It is a name of a group of persons, places, animals, birds or things. ªÀåQÛUÀ¼À, ¸ÀܼÀUÀ¼À, ¥ÁætÂUÀ¼À, ¥ÀQëUÀ¼À, CxÀªÁ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛUÀ¼À ºÉ¸ÀgÀ£ÀÄß UÀÄA¥ÁV ºÉüÀĪÀÅ £ÁªÀÄPÉÌ ¸ÀªÀÄƺÀªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. Examples of a group of persons: ªÀåQÛUÀ¼À UÀÄA¦UÉ GzÁºÀgÀuÉ 1. Father, mother, son, daughter E°è J®èªÀÇ MAzÉà ªÀÄ£ÉAiÀÄ°è£À ªÀåQÛUÀ¼À UÀÄA¥ÀÄ. EzÀ£ÀÄß £ÁªÀÅ ¸ÀªÀÄƺÀªÁZÀPÀªÁV PÀgÉAiÀÄĪÁUÀ Family [PÀÄlÄA§] J£ÀÄßvÉÛêÉ. Examples of a group of birds: Peacock, hen, crow, duck, EªÉ®èªÀÇ ¥ÀQëUÀ¼À ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ. EªÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸ÁªÀiÁ£ÀåªÁV UÀÄA¥ÁV 21

PÀgÉAiÀÄĪÁUÀ ‘birds’ [¥ÀQëUÀ¼ÀÄ] J£ÀÄßvÉÛêÉ. ªÉÄð£À GzÁºÀgÀuÉUÀ¼ÀAvÉ E£ÀÆß C£ÉÃPÀ collective noun [¸ÀªÀÄƺÀªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ] PÉÌ GzÁºÀgÀuÉ PÉÆqÀ¯ÁVzÉ UÀªÀĤ¹. Ex: Family, birds, animals, army, committee, crow, cattle, class, bunch EvÁå¢UÀ¼ÀÄ ¸ÀªÀÄƺÀªÁZÀPÀUÀ¼ÁVªÉ. 4. Abstract Noun: UÀÄtªÁZÀPÀ/ ¨sÁªÀªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ An abstract noun is a noun which shows quality, feelings or an action. AiÀiÁªÀ £ÁªÀĪÀÅ UÀÄt, ¨sÁªÀ£É, QæAiÉÄAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀĪÉà UÀÄtªÁZÀPÀ CxÀªÁ ¨sÁªÀªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ. Examples: Action - Theft Choice Judgement etc. Quality - Length Hardness Darkness Wisdom Kindness Goodness Braver etc. Feeling - Joy Sorrow Happiness Poverty Sickness Death Boyhood etc. 5. Material Noun: ªÀ¸ÀÄÛªÁZÀ CxÀªÁ ¥ÀzÁxÀðªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ A noun which tells us the name of the materials is called material noun. AiÀiÁªÀ £ÁªÀĪÀÅ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ«£À ºÉ¸ÀgÀ£ÀÄ ºÉüÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀĪÉà ªÀ¸ÀÄÛªÁZÀPÀ £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ.

Ex: bread, rice, gold, soap, iron, cloth etc. 22

7. Noun Numbers: £ÁªÀÄ ªÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ There are two kinds of noun numbers. They are 1. Singular Number:KPÀªÀZÀ£À 2. Plurar Number:§ºÀĪÀZÀ£À 1. Singural Number: A noun which refers to only one thing is called singular number. AiÀiÁªÀ £ÁªÀÄ£ÀÄß PÉêÀ® MAzÉà MAzÀÄ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ«zÉAiÉÄAzÀÄ ¸ÀÆa¸À®Ä §¼À¸ÀÄvÉÛÃAiÉÆà CzÀĪÉà KPÀªÀZÀ£À. Ex: Car Book Pen Chair Bench Child Hand Class etc. 2. Plural Number: §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À A noun which refers to more than one things are called plural number. AiÀiÁªÀ £ÁªÀĪÀ£ÀÄß MAzÀQÌAvÀ ºÉZÀÄÑ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛUÀ½ªÉ JA§ÄzÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸À®Ä §¼À¸ÀÄvÉÛêÉAiÉÆà CzÀĪÉà §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À. Ex: Cars Books Pens Chairs Hands Classes etc.


Forming Plural Numbers:§ºÀĪÀZÀ£À ªÀiÁqÀĪÀ §UÉ 1. As general the singular is changed into plural form by adding ‘s’to the singular. ¸ÀªÉÃð¸ÁªÀiÁ£ÀåªÁV KPÀªÀZÀ£ÀUÀ½UÉ ‘s’¥ÀævÀåAiÀĪÀ£ÀÄß ºÀZÀÄѪÀÅzÀjAzÀ CªÀÅ §ºÀĪÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÁUÀÄvÀÛªÉ. Singular Plural Car Cars Boy Boys Pen Pens Gift Gifts Flag Flags Flower Flowers Animal Animals Ship Ships Ant Ants Lock Locks Nail Nails Game Games Lamp Lamps Star Stars Zebra Zebras Stand Stands Bird Birds Hill Hills Monkey Monkeys Nut Nuts Shoe Shoes Unit Units Paper Papers Umbrella umbrellas


1) If a noun ending in ‘s’ ‘ch’ ‘ sh’ ‘o’ ‘x’ , we add ‘es’ to the singular , then singular is changed into plural form. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É KPÀªÀZÀ£ÀzÀ PÉÆ£ÉAiÀÄ CPÀëgÀªÀÅ ‘s’ ‘ch’ ‘sh’ ‘o’ ‘x’UÀ½AzÀ PÉÆ£ÉUÉÆArzÀÝgÉ CªÀÅUÀ½UÉ ‘’es’¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀaÑzÀgÉ CªÀÅ §ºÀĪÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÁUÀÄvÀÛªÉ. Singular Plural Bus Buses Bush Bushes Class Classes Kiss Kisses Ass Asses Bench Benches Mathc Matches Brush Brushes Catch Catches Hero Heroes Mango Mangoes Potato Potatoes Mosquito Mosquitoes Box Boxes Wax Waxes 2) If a noun ending in ‘y’ with a consonant before it, we add ‘ies’ instead of ‘y’ . MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É £ÁªÀÄzÀ PÉÆ£ÉAiÀÄ CPÀëgÀªÀÅ ‘y’¢AzÀ PÉÆ£ÉUÉÆArzÀÄÝ, CzÀgÀ »A¢£À CPÀëgÀªÀÅ ªÀåAd£À [consonant]ªÁVzÀÝgÉ ‘y’§zÀ¯ÁV ‘’ies’ ¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. Singular Plural Baby Babies 25

Colony Body City Story Lady Enemy Army

Colonies Bodies Cities Stories Ladies Enemies Armies

4. But noun ending in ‘y’ with a vowel before it,we add ‘s’ only. DzÀgÉ £ÁªÀĪÀÅ ‘y’¢AzÀ PÉÆ£ÉUÉÆArzÀÄÝ, CzÀgÀ »A¢£À CPÀëgÀªÀÅ ¸ÀégÀªÁVzÀÝgÉ ,PÉêÀ® ‘s’¥ÀævÀåAiÀĪÀ£ÀÄß ºÀaÑzÀgÉ CªÀÅ §ºÀĪÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÁUÀÄvÀÛªÉ. Singular Plural Boy Boys Essay Essays Way Ways Key Keys Day Days Monkey Monkeys Play Plays Ray Rays 3) If a noun ending in ‘f’, ‘ef’ , ‘fe’ , we chage the ‘f’ ‘ef’, ‘fe’ to “ves”. MAzÀÄ ªÉÃ¼É £ÁªÀÄ ±À§ÝªÀÅ ‘f’, ‘ ef’, ‘fe’ UÀ½AzÀ PÉÆ£ÉUÉÆArzÀÝgÉ CªÀÅUÀ¼À §zÀ¯ÁV ‘ves’¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. Singular Plural Half Halves Wife Wives 26

Thief Knife Self Leaf Hoof Shelf Calf

Thieves Knives Selves Leaves Hooves Shelves Calves

4) Some nouns have the singular and plural like same. PÉ®ªÀÅ £ÁªÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ KPÀªÀZÀ£À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ §ºÀĪÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ MAzÉà DVgÀÄvÀÛªÉ. Singular Plural Sheep Sheep Deer Deer Cattle Cattle Score Score Fish Fish People People Pair Pair 7.

Some nouns have irregular plurals Singular Mouse Ox Foot Child Goose Tooth Man Louse

Plural Mice Oxen Feet Children Geese Teeth Men Lice 27

8. The Noun Genders:£ÁªÀÄ°AUÀUÀ¼ÀÄ There are four types of noun genders in englisn language. They are: 1. Masculine Gender: ¥ÀÄ°èAUÀ 2. Feminine Gender:s ¹ÛçðAUÀ 3. Neuter Gender:£À¥ÀÄ:¸ÀPÀ °AUÀ 4. Common Gender:¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå °AUÀ 1. Masculine Gender: ¥ÀÄ°èAUÀ A word which denotes male beings is said to be the masculine gender. AiÀiÁªÀ ±À§ÝªÀÅ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ CxÀªÁ UÀAqÀÄ eÁwAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CAvÀºÀ ±À§ÝPÉÌ ¥ÀÄ°èAUÀ J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. Ex: Boy Father King Son Man Ox Actor Hero Tiger Lion etc. Feminine Gender: ¹ÛçðAUÀ A word which denotes female beings is said to be the feminine ginder. AiÀiÁªÀ ±À§ÝªÀÅ ¹Ûçà CxÀªÁ ºÉtÄÚ eÁwAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CAvÀºÀ ±À§ÝPÉÌ ¹ÛçðAUÀ J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. Ex: Mother Girl Sister Queen Wife Cow Tigress Lioness Heroine etc. 3. Neuter Gender:£À¥ÀÄ:¸ÀPÀ °AUÀ 28 2.

A word which denotes neither male nor female gender is said to be the neuter gender. AiÀiÁªÀ ±À§ÝªÀÅ UÀAqÀÄ CxÀªÁ ºÉtÄÚ °AUÀªÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CAvÀºÀ ±À§ÝPÉÌ £À¥ÀÄ:¸ÀPÀ °AUÀ J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. Ex: House Pen Book Chair Table School Bag Water Shirt etc. Common Gender:¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå °AUÀ A word which denotes male or female gender is said to be the common gender. AiÀiÁªÀ ±À§ÝªÀÅ ¥ÀÄ°èAUÀ CxÀªÁ ¹ÛçðAUÀªÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CAvÀºÀ ±À§ÝPÉÌ ¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå °AUÀ J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. 4.

Ex: Child teacher Officer Doctor animal

baby parent minister friend guest

student clerk leader enemy person etc.

9. The Articles: G¥À¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ [a, an, the] There are two types of articles 1. Indefinite Article:C¤²ÑvÀ G¥À¥ÀzÀ 2. Definite Article:¤²ÑvÀ G¥À¥ÀzÀ 1) Indefinite G¥À¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ

Articles:C¤±ÀÑvÀ 29

An article which is used indefinite person, place, animal, bird or thing is called an indefinite article. AiÀiÁªÀ G¥À¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ ªÀåQÛAiÀÄ£ÁßUÀ°, ¸ÀܼÀªÀ£ÁßUÀ°, ¥ÁætÂ¥ÀQëUÀ¼À£Áß° CxÀªÁ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛªÀ£ÁßUÀ° ¤¢üðµÀܪÁV ¸ÀÆa¸ÀĪÀÅ¢®èªÉÇà CAvÀºÀÄUÀ½UÉ C¤²ÑvÀ G¥À¥ÀzÀUÀ¼É£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. Ex: “A” and “ An” are called indefinite articles, because they do not definitely refer to a person, place, animal, bird or thing. “A” ªÀÄvÀÄÛ “An” G¥À¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ ªÀåQÛ, ¸ÀܼÀ, ¥ÁætÂ-¥ÀQëUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ªÀ¸ÀÄÛUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¤¢ðµÀܪÁV ¸ÀÆa¸ÀĪÀÅ¢®è. DzÀÝjAzÀ EªÀÅ C¤¢ðµÀÜ G¥À¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ. Ex: 1. He is a boy 2. He ate an apple  Use of “A” article a)“A” article is used before the word which starts with a consonant. ªÀåAd£ÁPÀëgÀUÀ½AzÀ ¥ÁægÀA¨sÀªÁUÀĪÀ ±À§ÝUÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAavÀªÁV “A”G¥À¥ÀzÀªÀ£ÀÄß ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. OR “A” article is used before a noun or adjective which starts with a consonant. 30

“A”G¥À¥ÀzÀªÀ£ÀÄß £ÁªÀÄ¥ÀzÀ CxÀªÁ £ÁªÀÄ«±ÉõÀtUÀ¼ÀÄ ªÀåAd£À¢AzÀ ¥ÁægÀA¨sÀªÁVzÀÄÝ, CªÀÅUÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAavÀªÁV ‘A’ G¥À¥ÀzÀªÀ£ÀÄß §¼À¸À¯ÁUÀÄvÀÛzÉ. Ex: A boy Achair A school A car A pencil A teacher A door

A shop

A cow etc.


“A” article is used when a word starts with a vowel but sounds like consonant. ±À§ÝªÀÅ ¸ÀégÀ¢AzÀ ¥ÁægÀA¨sÀªÁVzÀÄÝ , DzÀgÉ CzÀÄ ªÀåAd£ÀzÀAvÉ GZÁÒgÀªÁzÀgÉ CzÀgÀ ªÀÄÄAavÀªÁV “A”G¥À¥ÀzÀ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ.

Ex: a univercity,

a union,

a own etc.

 Use of “ An” article It is used before the word starts with vowel and word starts with consonant but sounds like a vowel then we used “ An “ article. ¸ÀégÀ¢AzÀ ¥ÁægÀA¨sÀªÁUÀĪÀ ±À§ÝUÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAavÀªÁV ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ±À§ÝªÀÅ ªÀåAd£À¢AzÀ ¥ÁægÀA¨sÀªÁVzÀÄÝ, ¸ÀégÀzÀAvÉ GZÁÒgÀªÁzÀgÉ CªÀÅUÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAavÀªÁV “An” G¥À¥ÀzÀ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. Ex: a) words starts with vowel and sounds like vowel. An umbrella An apple An ass An idle 31

b) Words starts with consonant but sounds like vowel. An honest, an hotel , an hour, an humble etc. 2.

Definite Article “The” is called definite article because it refers to a particular person, place or thing. “The”G¥À¥ÀzÀªÀÅ ¤¢ðµÀܪÁV ªÀåQÛ , ¸ÀܼÀ CxÀªÁ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛªÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀĪÀÅzÀjAzÀ EzÀ£ÀÄß ¤²ÑvÀ G¥À¥ÀzÀ J£ÀÄßvÉÛêÉ.[MAzÀÄ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛªÀÅ RArvÀªÁVAiÀÄÆ CxÀªÁ ¤²ÑvÀªÁVAiÀÄÆ UÉÆwÛzÉ JAzÀÄ ºÉüÀĪÀÅzÉà “The”G¥À¥ÀzÀzÀ UÀÄt®PÀët] Ex: The Mysore The Moon The sky The Dharmastal The Gokarn The Himalaya The Ramayan The America The Udupi etc

10. Verbs: QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ gÀÆ¥ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CªÀÅUÀ¼À gÀÆ¥ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß w½zÀÄPÉƼÀÄîªÀÅzÀjAzÀ PÁ®UÀ¼À£ÀÄß [Tenses]CxÀðªÀiÁrPÉƼÀî®Ä ¸ÀA¥ÀÆtð ¸ÁzÀåªÁUÀÄvÀÛzÉ. DzÀÝjAzÀ PÁ®UÀ¼À£ÀÄß w½zÀÄPÉƼÀÄîªÀÅzÀgÀ ªÀÄÄAavÀªÁV EªÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß w½zÀÄPÉƼÀî¯Éà ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. Present Past Past Participle 32

Tense:ªÀvÀðªÀi Á£À PÁ® Ask Bend Bring Buy Catch Change Call Cut Are Am Do Have Drink Drive Dig Dream Eat Enlarge Fear Fall Fly Find Hide Need Pay Go Climb Dance Folw Lay Gain Feel

Tense:¨sÀÆ vÀ PÁ® Asked Bent Brought Bought Caught Changed Called Cut Were Was Did Had Drank Drove Dug Dreamed Ate Enlarged Feared Fell Flew Found Hid Needed Paid Went Climbed Danced Flowed Laid Gained Felt 33

Tense:¨sÀÆvÀPÀ ÈzÁéZÀPÀ Asked Bent Brought Bought Caught Changed Called Cut Been Been Done Had Drunk Driven Dug Dreamed Eaten Enlarged Feared Fallen Flown Found Hidden Needed Paid Gone Climbed Danced Flowed Laid Gained Felt

Keep Jump Kill Like Listen Love Wear Win Sit Read Set Hit Wet Cost Blame Deal Come Learn Meet Shut Stand Leave Take Use Throw Sell Begin Bite Have Help Laugh Look Put Write

Kept Jumped Killed Liked Listened Loved Wore Won Sat Read Set Hit Wet Cost Blamed Dealt Came Learnt Met Shut Stood Left Took Used Threw Sold Began Bit Had Helped Laughed Looked Put Wrote 34

Kept Jumped Killed Liked Listened Loved Worn Won Sat Read Set Hit Wet Cost Blamed Dealt Come Learnt Met Shut Stood Left Taken Used Thrown Sold Begun Bitten Had Helped Laughed Looked Put Written

Sing Grow

Sang Grew

Sung Grown

11. Tenses [PÁ®UÀ¼ÀÄ] There are three main tenses in English language. They are: 1. Present Tense:ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£À PÁ® 2. Past Tense:¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® 3. Future Tense:¨sÀ«µÀåvÁÌ® 1.

The Present Tense:ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£À PÁ® There are four types of present tenses.

a) Simple Present Tense:¸ÁzÁ ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£À PÁ® ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ ‘I’ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¢éwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ ‘you’ UÀ¼À KPÀªÀZÀ£À ºÁUÀÆ §ºÀĪÀZÀ£ÀzÀ PÀvÀÈð«£À ªÀÄÄAzÉ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ ªÀÄÆ® gÀÆ¥ÀªÀ¤ßqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. DzÀgÉ vÀÈwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ [he, she, it, they]UÀ¼À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£ÀzÀ PÀvÀÈð«£À ªÀÄÄAzÉ ªÀiÁvÀæ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ ªÀÄÆ®gÀÆ¥ÀªÀ¤ßlÖgÉ CzÀÄ ¸ÁzÁ ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£ÀPÁ®ªÁUÀÄvÀÛzÉ. vÀÈwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀzÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£ÀzÀ°è PÀvÀÈð«£À ªÀÄÄAzÉ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀPÉÌ ‘S’¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. Person Singula Plural ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À First person I ask We ask ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ £Á£ÀÄ £ÁªÀÅ 35

¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ “I” Second person ¢éwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ “II” Third person vÀÈwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ “III”

PÀÄrAiÀÄÄvÉÛ Ã£É. You ask ¤Ã£ÀÄ PÉüÀwÛ


He ask They ask CªÀ£ÀÄ CªÀgÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÁÛ£É PÉüÀÄvÁÛgÉ She ask They ask CªÀ¼ÀÄ CªÀgÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÁÛ¼ PÉüÀÄvÁÛgÉ É They ask CªÀÅ It ask CzÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÀÛªÉ PÉüÀÄvÀÛzÉ . ¸ÀÆZÀ£É: QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀªÀ£ÀÄß KPÀªÀZÀ£À¢AzÀ §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À gÀÆ¥ÀPÉÌ ¥ÀjªÀwð¸ÀĪÁUÀ ¤ÃªÀÅ FUÁUÀ¯Éà PÀ°wgÀĪÀ plural [§ºÀĪÀZÀ£À] ¤AiÀĪÀÄUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¥Á°¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ. For ex: Person Singular Plural ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À “I” I am student We are students ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ £Á£ÀÄ £ÁªÀÅ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ «zÁåyð «zÁåyðUÀ½zÉÝà EzÉÝãÉ. ªÉ. “II” You are a boy You are boys ¢éwÃAiÀÄ ¤Ã£ÀÄ ¤ÃªÀÅ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ ºÀÄqÀÄUÀ ºÀÄqÀÄUÀgÀÄ EgÀÄwÛ. EgÀÄwÛÃj. 36


He is an engineer CªÀ£ÀÄ EAf¤AiÀÄgÀ EgÀÄvÁÛ£É. She is a doctor CªÀ¼ÀÄ ªÉÊzÉå EgÀÄvÁÛ¼É It is a cat CzÀÄ ¨ÉPÀÄÌ EgÀÄvÀÛzÉ.

They are engineers CªÀgÀÄ EAf¤AiÀÄgÀgÀÄ EgÀÄvÁÛgÉ. They are doctors CªÀgÀÄ ªÉÊzÉåAiÀÄgÀÄ EgÀÄvÁÛgÉ. They are cats CªÀÅ ¨ÉPÀÄÌUÀ¼ÀÄ EgÀÄvÀÛªÉ.

2) Present Continuous Tense:C¥ÀÆtð ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£À PÁ® C¥ÀÆtð ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£À PÁ® ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀUÉ “am”, ¢éwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀUÉ “are” vÀÈwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀUÉ “ is”¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼À¤ßlÄÖ, QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ ªÀÄÆ®gÀÆ¥ÀPÉÌ “ing”¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. [am, is, are –are called helping verbs] Person Singular Plural ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À “I” I am singing We are singing ¥Àæ .¥ÀÄ £Á£ÀÄ £ÁªÀÅ ºÁqÀÄvÁÛ ºÁqÀÄvÁÛ EzÉÝÃ£É EzÉÝêÉ. “II’ You are singing You are singing ¢é. ¥ÀÄ ¤ÃªÀÅ ¤ÃªÀÅ ºÁqÀÄvÁÛ ºÁqÀÄvÁÛ EgÀÄwÛÃj EgÀÄwÛÃj 37

“ III” vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ

He is writing CªÀ£ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄvÁÛ EgÀÄvÁÛ£É She is writing CªÀ¼ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄvÁÛ EgÀÄvÁÛ¼É It is writing CzÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄvÁÛ EzÉ

They are writing CªÀgÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄvÁÛ EgÀÄvÁÛgÉ They are writing CªÀgÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄvÁÛ EgÀÄvÁÛgÉ They are writing CªÀÅ §gÉAiÀÄÄvÁÛ EªÉ

¦æÃAiÀÄ «zÁåyðUÀ¼Éà E£ÀÆß ºÀ®ªÀÅ GzÁºÀgÀuÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ²PÀëPÀgÀ ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄ¢AzÀ w½zÀÄPÉƽî , ¥Àj¥ÀÆtðgÁV. 3. Present Perfect Tense:¥ÀÆtð ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£À PÁ® A tense which is stated that “an action is just completed” is called P.P.Tense. AiÀiÁªÀ PÁ®ªÀÅ QæAiÉÄAiÀÄÄ E¢ÃUÀ [just] ªÀÄÄV¢zÉ JAzÀÄ ºÉüÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀĪÉà ¥ÀÆ.ªÀ.PÁ®. ¥ÀÆ.ªÀ.PÁ® ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¢éwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀUÀ¼À KPÀªÀZÀ£À, §ºÀĪÀZÀ£ÀzÀ PÀvÀÈð«£À ªÀÄÄAzÉ “have” ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ ºÀaÑ CzÀgÀ ªÀÄÄAzÉ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ ¨sÀÆvÀPÀÈzÁéZÀPÀ EqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. DzÀgÉ vÀÈwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£ÀzÀ°è “have”§zÀ¯ÁV “ has” §¼À¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ. 38

Person ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ “I” ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ “II” ¢é.¥ÀÄ

Singular KPÀªÀZÀ£À I have learnt £Á£ÀÄ PÀ°wzÉÝÃ£É You have learnt ¤Ã£ÀÄ PÀ°w¢Ý


Plural §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À We have learnt £ÁªÀÅ PÀ°wzÉÝÃªÉ You have learnt ¤ÃªÀÅ PÀ°w¢ÝÃj They have learnt CªÀgÀÄ PÀ°wzÁÝgÉ. They have leartn CªÀgÀÄ PÀ°wzÁÝgÉ They have learnt CªÀÅ PÀ°wªÉ Continuous ¥ÀÆtð

He has learnt CªÀ£ÀÄ §gÉ¢zÁÝ£É She has learnt CªÀ¼ÀÄ PÀ°wzÁÝ¼É It has learnt CzÀÄ PÀ°wzÉ 4)Present Perfect Tense:ªÀÄÄAzÀĪÀgÉzÀ ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£À PÁ®. ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ, ¢é.¥ÀÄ, UÀ¼À KPÀªÀZÀ£À ºÁUÀÆ §ºÀĪÀZÀ£ÀUÀ¼À°è ªÀÄvÀÄÛ vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ §ºÀĪÀZÀ£ÀzÀ°è PÀvÀÈ«£À ªÀÄÄAzÉ “have been” ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ, vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ KPÀªÀZÀ£ÀzÀ PÀvÀÈð«£À ªÀÄÄAzÉ “has been”¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ ElÄÖ, QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀPÉÌ “ing”¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. Person Singular Plural ¥ÀÄgÀµÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À “I” I have been We have been ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ reading reading £Á£ÀÄ £ÁªÀÅ NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà 39

“II” ¢é.¥ÀÄ


EzÉÝÃ£É You have been reading ¤Ã£ÀÄ NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄwÛ He has been reading CªÀ£ÀÄ NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄvÁÛ£É. She has been reading CªÀ¼ÀÄ NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄvÁÛ¼É. It has been reading CzÀÄ NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄvÀÛzÉ.

EzÉÝêÉ. You have been reading ¤ÃªÀÅ NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄwÛÃj They have been reading CªÀgÀÄ NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄvÁÛgÉ They have been reading CªÀgÀÄ NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄvÁÛgÉ. They have been reading. CªÀÅ NzÀÄvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄvÀÛªÉ.

2. Past Tense:¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® There are four types of past tenses. a) Simple Past Tense:¸ÁzÁ ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® ªÀÄÄVzÀÄ ºÉÆÃzÀ QæAiÉÄAiÀÄ£ÀÄß w½¸ÀĪÀÅzÉà ¸ÁzÁ ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® CxÀªÁ ¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ®. CAQvÀ£ÁªÀÄ [noun] CxÀªÁ ¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀÄ [Pronoun] UÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAzÉ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® gÀÆ¥ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß EmÁÖUÀ CªÀÅ ¸ÁzÁ ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® ªÁPÀåUÀ¼ÁUÀÄvÀÛªÉ. Person Singular Plural 40

¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ “I” ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ “II” ¢é.¥ÀÄ

KPÀªÀZÀ£À I came £Á£ÀÄ §AzÉ£ÀÄ You came ¤Ã£ÀÄ §A¢¢Ý


§ºÀĪÀZÀ£À We came £ÁªÀÅ §AzɪÀÅ you came ¤ÃªÀÅ §A¢¢ÝÃj

He came They came CªÀ£ÀÄ CªÀgÀÄ §AzÀ£ÀÄ §AzÀgÀÄ She came They came CªÀ¼ÀÄ CªÀgÀÄ §AzÀ¼ÀÄ §AzÀgÀÄ It came They came CzÀÄ §A¢vÀÄ CªÀÅ §A¢ªÉ b) Past Continuous Tense:C¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® MAzÀÄ QæAiÉÄAiÀÄÄ DgÀA¨sÀªÁV CzÀÄ ¸ÀA¥ÀÆtð ªÀÄÄVAiÀÄzÉà EzÁÝUÀ CzÀÄ C¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ®. While making past continuou tense , we keep the helping verb ‘was’ infront of the first person and third person and “were” keeps infront of the second person and add “ing” to the verb. C¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ ºÁUÀÆ vÀÈwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ PÀvÀÈð«£À ªÀÄÄAzÉ “ was” ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¢éwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ PÀvÀÈð«£À ªÀÄÄAzÉ “were” ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀªÀ¤ßlÄÖ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀPÉÌ “ing” ¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. Person Singular Plural ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À 41

“I” ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ “II” ¢é.¥ÀÄ “III” vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ

I was writing £Á£ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄwzÉÝ £ÀÄ You were writing ¤Ã£ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄwÛ¢Ý He was writing CªÀ£ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄwÛzÀ Ý She was writing CªÀ¼ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄwÛzÀ ݼÀÄ It was writing CzÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄwÛvÀ ÄÛ.

We were writing £ÁªÀÅ §gÉAiÀÄÄwzÉÝ ªÀÅ You were writing ¤ÃªÀÅ §gÉAiÀÄÄwÛ¢Ý j They were writing CªÀgÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄwÛzÀ ÝgÀÄ They were writing CªÀgÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄwÛzÀ ÝgÀÄ They were writing CªÀÅ §gÉAiÀÄÄwÛzÀ ݪÀÅ

c) Past Perfect tense:¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® A sentence which is stated that ‘an action is completed’ is called past perfect tense. QæAiÉÄAiÀÄÄ ¸ÀA¥ÀÆtð ªÀÄÄPÁÛAiÀĪÁVzÉ JAzÀÄ ºÉüÀĪÀ ªÁPÀåªÉà ¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ®. F PÁ® ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ PÀvÀÈðUÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAzÉ “had”¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀªÀ¤ßlÄÖ, QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ ¨sÀÆvÀPÀÈzÁéZÀPÀªÀ£ÀÄß EqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. 42

[have £À ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® gÀÆ¥À had] Person Singular Plural ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À “I” I had eaten We had eaten ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ £Á£ÀÄ £ÁªÀÅ wA¢zÀÝ£ÀÄ wA¢zÉÝêÀÅ “ II” You had eaten You had eaten ¢é.¥ÀÄ ¤Ã£ÀÄ wA¢¢Ý. ¤ÃªÀÅ wA¢¢ÝÃj “III” He had eaten They had eaten vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ CªÀ£ÀÄ CªÀgÀÄ wA¢zÀÝ£ÀÄ. wA¢zÀÝgÀÄ. She had eaten They had eaten CªÀ¼ÀÄ CªÀgÀÄ wA¢zÀݼÀÄ wA¢zÀÝgÀÄ It had eaten They had eaten. CzÀÄ CªÀÅ wA¢vÀÄÛ wA¢zÀݪÀÅ. d) Past Perfect Continuous Tense:ªÀÄÄAzÀĪÀgÉzÀ ¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® While making P.P.C.tense , we keep the helping verb “ had been” infront of the 1st , 2nd and 3rd person . And add “ ing” to the first form of the verb. ªÀÄÄAzÀĪÀgÉzÀ ¥ÀÆtð¨sÀÆvÀPÁ® ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀªÁV “had been” J®è ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀUÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAzÉ §¼À¹, ªÀÄÆ® QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀPÉÌ “ing”¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. Person Singular Plural ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À “I” I had been We had been 43


“II” ¢é.¥ÀÄ



asking £Á£ÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã EzÉÝÃ£É You had been asking ¤Ã£ÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã E¢Ý. He had been asking CªÀ£ÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã EzÁÝ£É. She had been asking. CªÀ¼ÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã EzÀݼÀÄ It had been asking. CzÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã EzÉ.

asking £ÁªÀÅ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã EzÉݪÀÅ. You had been asking ¤ÃªÀÅ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã E¢ÝÃj. They had been asking CªÀgÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã EzÁÝgÉ. They had been asking CªÀgÀÄ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã EzÁÝgÉ. They had been asking CªÀÅ PÉüÀÄvÀÛ¯É Ã EªÉ.

Future Tense: ¨sÀ«µÀåvï PÁ®

a)Simple Future Tense:¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå ¨sÀ«µÀvï PÁ®. AiÀiÁªÀ ªÁPÀåªÀÅ CxÀªÁ ±À§ÝªÀÅ ªÀÄÄAzÉ £ÀqÉAiÀħºÀÄzÁzÀ QæAiÉÄAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¸ÀÆa¸ÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀĪÉà ¸Á.¨sÀÆ.PÁ®. While making simple future tense “ shall” helping verv is used infront of 1st person and “ will” 44

helping verb is used infront of 2nd and 3rd person . And keep the first form of the verb. ¸Á.¨sÀÆ.PÁ® ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ PÀvÀÈð ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ«zÁÝUÀ CzÀgÀ ªÀÄÄAzÉ “shall” ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¢éwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ, vÀÈwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ«zÁÝUÀ “will” ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ ElÄÖ £ÀAvÀgÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ ªÀÄÆ®gÀÆ¥ÀªÀ£ÀÄß EqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. Person Singular Plural ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À “I” ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ “II” ¢é.¥ÀÄ “III” vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ

b) Future PÁ®.

I shall write £Á£ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄĪɣÀ Ä. You will write ¤Ã£ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄÄ« He will write CªÀ£ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄĪÀ£À Ä. She will write CªÀ¼ÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄĪÀ¼À Ä It will write CzÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄĪÀÅz ÀÄ. Continuous

We shall write £ÁªÀÅ §gÉAiÀÄĪɪÀ Å. You will write ¤ÃªÀÅ §gÉAiÀÄÄ«j They will write CªÀgÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄĪÀgÀ Ä. They will write CªÀgÀÄ §gÉAiÀÄĪÀgÀ Ä. They will write CªÀÅ §gÉAiÀÄĪÀªÀ Å.

Tense:C¥ÀÆtð 45


ªÀÄÄAzÉ £ÀqÉAiÀħºÀÄzÁzÀ QæAiÉÄUÀ¼À£ÀÄß C¥ÀÆtðªÁV ºÉüÀĪÀÅzÉà C¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀ«µÀvï PÁ®. ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ.«zÁÝUÀ “shall be” ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¢é.¥ÀÄ.«zÁÝUÀ “will be” ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ ElÄÖ, ªÀÄÆ® QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀPÉÌ “ing” ¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀaÑzÁUÀ CzÀÄ C¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀ«µÀvÁÌ®ªÁUÀÄvÀÛzÉ. Person Singular Plural ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À “I” I shall be We shall be ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ singing. singing. £Á£ÀÄ £ÁªÀÅ ºÁqÀÄvÀÛ ºÁqÀÄvÀÛ EgÀĪɣÀÄ. EgÀĪɪÀÅ. “II” You will be You will be ¢é.¥ÀÄ singing. singing. ¤Ã£ÀÄ ¤ÃªÀÅ ºÁqÀÄvÀÛ ºÁqÀÄvÀÛ EgÀÄ« EgÀÄ«j. “III” He will be They will be vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ singing. singing. CªÀ£ÀÄ CªÀgÀÄ ºÁqÀÄvÀÛ ºÁqÀÄvÀÛ EgÀĪÀ£ÀÄ. EgÀĪÀgÀÄ. She will be They will bi singing. singing. CªÀ¼ÀÄ CªÀgÀÄ ºÁqÀÄvÀÛ ºÁqÀÄvÀÛ EgÀĪÀ¼ÀÄ. EgÀĪÀgÀÄ. It will be singing. They wil be CzÀÄ singing. CªÀÅ ºÁqÀÄvÀÛ 46



c) Future Perfect Tense:¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀ«µÀvÁÌ® A sentence which is said that “ an action is complected in the furure tense” is said to be F.P.T. AiÀiÁªÀ ªÁPÀåªÀÅ ¨sÀ«µÀvÁÌ®zÀ°è QæAiÉÄAiÀÄÄ ¥ÀÆtðUÉƼÀÄîvÀÛzÉ JAzÀÄ ºÉüÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀĪÉà ¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀ«µÀvÁÌ®. ***While making F.P.T, in the 1st person “shall have” and in the 2nd and 3rd person “will have” helping verb is used and verb must be in the past participle form. ¥ÀÆ.¨sÀÆ.PÁ® ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀzÀ ªÀÄÄAzÉ “shall have” , ¢é.¥ÀÄ – vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ.UÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAzÉ “will have”¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ ElÄÖ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ ¨sÀÆvÀPÀÈzÁéZÀPÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß EqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. Person Singular Plural ¥ÀÄgÀĵÀ KPÀªÀZÀ£À §ºÀĪÀZÀ£À “ I” I shall have eaten We shall have ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ £Á£ÀÄ eaten. wA¢gÀĪɣÀÄ. £ÁªÀÅ wA¢gÀĪɪÀÅ. “ II” You will have You will have ¢é.¥ÀÄ eaten. eaten. ¤Ã£ÀÄ ¤ÃªÀÅ wA¢gÀÄ«. wA¢gÀÄ«j. “III” He will have They will have vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ eaten. eaten. CªÀ£ÀÄ CªÀgÀÄ wA¢gÀĪÀ£ÀÄ wA¢gÀĪÀgÀÄ . . 47

She will have eaten. CªÀ¼ÀÄ wA¢gÀĪÀ¼À Ä. It will have eaten. CzÀÄ wA¢gÀĪÀzÀÄ.

They will have eaten. CªÀgÀÄ wA¢gÀĪÀgÀÄ . They will have eaten. CªÀÅ wA¢gÀĪÀªÀÅ.

d) Future Perfect Continuous Tense:ªÀÄÄAzÀĪÀgÉzÀ ¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀ«µÀvÁÌ® AiÀiÁªÀ ªÁPÀåªÀÅ QæAiÉÄAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¥ÀÆtðªÁV ¨sÀ«µÀvÁÌ®zÀ°è ªÀiÁr¸ÀzÉà CzÀ£ÀÄß ªÀÄÄAzÀĪÀgɹPÉÆAqÀÄ ºÉÆÃUÀÄvÀÛzÉAiÉÆà CzÀ£ÀÄß ªÀÄÄAzÀĪÀgÉzÀ ¥ÀÆtð ¨sÀ«µÀvÁÌ® J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. In this tense “ shall have been” is used infront st of 1 person and “will have been” is used infront of 2 nd – 3rd person, and add “ ing” to the first form of the verb. ªÀÄÄA.¥ÀÆ.¨sÀ.PÁ®zÀ°è ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ«£À ªÀÄÄAzÉ “shall have been” ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¢é.¥ÀÄvÀÈ.¥ÀÄUÀ¼À ªÀÄÄAzÉ “will have been”¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀ ElÄÖ , ªÀÄÆ® QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀPÉÌ “ing” ¥ÀævÀåAiÀÄ ºÀZÀѨÉÃPÀÄ. “I” ¥Àæ.¥ÀÄ- I shall have been eating. £Á£ÀÄ w£ÀÄßvÁÛ EgÀĪɣÀÄ. We shall have been eating. £ÁªÀÅ w£ÀÄßvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀĪɪÀÅ. “II”¢é.¥ÀÄ-you will have been eating. 48

¤Ã£ÀÄ w£ÀÄßvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄ«. You will have been eating. ¤ÃªÀÅ w£ÀÄßvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀÄ«j. “III”vÀÈ.¥ÀÄ – He will have been eating. CªÀ£ÀÄ w£ÀÄßvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀĪÀ£ÀÄ. They will have been eating. CªÀgÀÄ w£ÀÄßvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀĪÀgÀÄ. She will have been eating. CªÀ¼ÀÄ w£ÀÄßvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀĪÀ¼ÀÄ. They will have beeneating. CªÀgÀÄ w£ÀÄßvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀĪÀgÀÄ. It will have been eating. CzÀÄ w£ÀÄßvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀĪÀÅzÀÄ. They will have been eating. CªÀÅ w£ÀÄßvÀÛ¯Éà EgÀĪÀªÀÅ. Active and Passive voice. PÀvÀðj ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃUÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ PÀªÀÄðt ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃUÀ PÀvÀðj ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃUÀªÀ£ÀÄß PÀªÀÄðt ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃUÀªÁV ¥ÀjªÀwð¸ÀĪÁUÀ UÀªÀÄ£ÀzÀ°èqÀ¨ÉÃPÁzÀ CA±ÀUÀ¼ÉAzÀgÉ :• PÀvÀðj [A.V] AiÀÄ°è PÀvÀÈð [subject]ªÉÆzÀ°UÉ §gÀÄvÀÛzÉ. £ÀAvÀgÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ [verb] ªÀÄÆ® gÀÆ¥À §gÉzÀÄ DªÉÄÃ¯É ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ [object] ªÀ£ÀÄß §gÉAiÀĨÉÃPÀÄ. • PÀªÀÄðt ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃUÀ [P.V] zÀ°è ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ [ object]ªÀ£ÀÄß ªÉÆzÀ°UÉ §gÉzÀÄ CzÀgÀ £ÀAvÀgÀ QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ ¨sÀÆvÀPÀÈzÁéZÀPÀ [past participle]§gÉzÀÄ PÉÆ£ÉAiÀÄ°è ‘by’¸ÀºÁAiÀÄzÉÆA¢UÉ PÀvÀÈð [subject]ªÀ£ÀÄß §gÉAiÀĨÉÃPÀÄ. 49

Ex: Active voice: Mary eats mango. [A.V] (s) (v) (o) ªÉÄÃj ªÀiÁ«£À ºÀtÚ£ÀÄß w£ÀÄßvÁÛ¼É. Passive voice: Mango is eaten by Mary. [P.V] (o) (v) (s) ªÀiÁ«£À ºÀtÄÚ gÁt¬ÄAzÀ w£Àß®ànÖvÀÄ. In active voice In passive voice Subject + verb + object+ Object + verb + subject ( S + V + O) ( O + V + S) Active voice ¤AzÀ passive voice DV ªÀiÁ¥Àðr¸ÀĪÁUÀ ¸ÀªÀð£ÁªÀÄUÀ¼À°è §zÀ¯ÁªÀuÉAiÀiÁUÀÄvÀÛªÉ. CªÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß E°è PÉÆqÀ¯ÁVzÉ. Active Voice Passive Voice PÀvÀðj ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃUÀ PÀªÀÄðt ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃUÀ I Me We Us You You She Her He Him It It They Them Who Whom Note: Active voice----- A.V Passive voice…> P.V Examples: Present Tense: 1. A.V: Roopa writes a letter. P.V : A letter is written by Roopa. 2. A.V: He writes a letter 50

P.V: A letter is written by him. 3. A.V: It eats a mango. P.V: A mango is eaten by it. 4. A.V: She brings a cycle. P.V: A cycle is bought by her. 5. A.V: We sings a song. P.V: A song is sung by us. 6. A.V: They writes a letter. 7. P.V: A letter is written by them. A.V: I ask a question. 8. P.V: A question is asked by me. Past Tense: Examples; 1. A.V: Dhuryodana wrote a letter. P.V: A letter was written by Dhuryodana. 2. A.V: It ate a mango. P.V: A mango was eaten by it. 3. A.V: She killed the bird. P.V: The bird was killed by her. 4. A.V: We sang a song. P.V: A song was sung by us. 5. A.V: I wrote a letter. P.V: A letter was written by me. 6. A.V: Suraj called a cat. P.V: A cat was called by Suraj. Future Tense: Examples; 1. A.V: He will write a letter. P.V: A letter will be written by him. 2. A .V:It will eat a fruit. P.V: A fruit will be eaten by it. 3. A.V: She will kill the bird. P.V: A bird will be killed by her. 51

4. A.V: We will sing a song. P.V: A song will be sung by us. 5. A.V: I shall write a letter. P.V: A letter shall be written by me.

Punctuation Marks[«gÁªÀÄ aºÉßUÀ¼ÀÄ] AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà ªÁPÀåªÀÅ PÀæªÀħzÀݪÁzÀ CxÀðPÉÆqÀ¨ÉÃPÁzÀgÉ punctuation marks vÀÄA¨Á ¸ÀºÀPÁj. 1. Full stop [.] ¥ÀÆtð«gÁªÀÄ. 2. Comma [,] C®à «gÁªÀÄ. 3. Semicolon[;]CzsÀð«gÁªÀÄ. 4. Colon [:] C¥ÀÆtð«gÁªÀÄ. 5. Question mark[?]¥Àæ±ÁßxÀðPÀ aºÉß. 6. Dash [……….]CqÀØUÉgÉ/C¥À¸ÁgÀt ZɺÉß 7. Hyphen[-] ¸ÀAAiÉÆÃUÀ aºÉß. 8. Exclamation mark[!] GzÁÎgÀªÁZÀPÀ aºÉß. 9. Single inverted comma[ ‘ ‘ ] Man G¯ÉèÃR aºÉß. 10. Double inverted comma[“ “] eÉÆÃr G¯ÉèÃR aºÉß. 11. Parentheses [ ( ) ] PÀA¸ÀUÀ¼ÀÄ. 12. Apostrophe [ k’, g’] CPÀëgÀ¯ÉÆÃ¥À aºÉß. 13. Capital letters [ A, B, C, D………] ¥ÀæªÀÄÄR CPÀëgÀUÀ¼ÀÄ.

Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.

[¥ÀævÀåPÀë ªÀiÁvÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ]




 Direct Speech ¤AzÀ Indirect Speech UÉ §zÀ°¸ÀĪÁUÀ ±À§ÝUÀ¼À£ÀÄß F jÃw §zÀ°¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ. Direct Speech Indirect Speech I I, he , she, it We We , they You He, she, it, they, we He, she, it He, she,it They They My, mine His, her,its Our, ours Their, theirs Your, yours Our, ours, their, theirs Am, is, are Was, were Have, has Had Can Could Shall Should Will Would, should May Might This That These Those ? Asked ! Exclaimed Here There Today That day Tonight That night Tomorrow The following day Yesterday The day before Ago Before Now Then Just Then Thus So, in that way Must Had to Please Requested 53

Last day Previous day The the before The other day Say to Told Said to Told Imperative Ordered , requested Simple present tense Simple past tense Present Cont. tense Past cont. tense Present P.tense Past.P.tense Simple past tense Past. P. tense Past cont. tense P.P.C.Tense • Rules for chaging direct speech to indirect speech. 1) Assertive Sentence:¸ÁzÁ ªÁPÀå If the ‘reforting’ verb is in the present tense or future tense, then the verb in the ‘reforted’ speech remains unchanged [‘Reforting verb’ ªÀÅ ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£À CxÀªÁ ¨sÀ«µÀvÁÌ®zÀ°èzÀÝgÉ indirect speech ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ ‘reforted speech’ £À°è QæAiÀiÁ¥ÀzÀzÀ PÁ®zÀ°è AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà §zÀ¯ÁªÀuÉAiÀiÁUÀĪÀÅ¢®è.] ¸ÀÆZÀ£É: 1. Inverted comma zÀ M¼ÀVgÀĪÀ ªÀiÁvÀÄUÀ½UÉ ‘reforted speech’ J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. 2. Inverted comma zÀ ºÉÆgÀVgÀĪÀ ªÀiÁvÀÄUÀ½UÉ ‘reforting speech’J£ÀÄߪÀgÀÄ. 3. Inverted comma vÉUÉzÀÄ ºÁQ ‘that’±À§Ý §¼À¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ. Examples: Direct: Laxmi says , “I am writing” Indirect: Laxmi says that she is writing. 54

Direct: Indirect: Direct: Indirect: Direct: Indirect: Direct : Indirect: Direct: Indirect:

Bhagirathi will say, “I am writing. Bhagirathi will say that she is writing. He says, “I was writing” He says that he was writing. He will say, “I was writing”. He will say that he was reading. Dhareppa said, “She is my sister”. Dhareppa said that she was his sister. Namadev said to Bhupal, “ I have ate an apple”. Namadev told Vijay that he had ate an apple.

2. Imperative Sentence: DeÁÕxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀå If the reforted speech is in imperative sentence then the ‘reforting’ verb ‘say’ should be changed into order, request, command, beg, prohibited etc. And instead of “ that” infinitive ‘to’ is used. DeÁÕxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀåªÀ£ÀÄß ¥ÀævÀåPÀë¢AzÀ ¥ÀgÉÆÃPÀë ªÁPÀåªÁV ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ reforted speech £À°èAiÀÄ reforting verb ‘say’ EzÀ£ÀÄß command, request, order,beg, prohibited EªÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß §¼À¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ. E°è ‘that’ §zÀ¯ÁV “to” §¼À¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ. Direct: Manju said “Please don’t trouble me” Indirect: Manju ordered not to trouble him. Direct: Student said to me, “Good morning sir” Indirect: Student wished me good morning respectfully. Direct: Krishna said “Keep your heart healthy”. Indirect: Krishna advised to keep our heart healthy. 55

3) Exclamatory Sentence:GzÁÎgÀªÁZÀPÀ ªÁPÀå If the ‘reforted’ speech in exclamatory sentence, the reforting verb is changed to ‘exclam’ and then conjunction ‘that’ is used. GzÁÎgÀªÁPÀåªÀ£ÀÄß ¥ÀgÉÆÃPÀëªÁPÀåªÁV ªÀiÁqÀĪÁUÀ ‘reforting verb’§zÀ¯ÁV exclam §¼À¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ. [EvÀgÉ reforted verbs-pray , wish] Examples: Direct: Roopa said “ What a beautiful flower it was!”. Indirect: Roopa exclaimed that it was a beautiful flower. Direct : Prakash said “ What a great book it was!”. Indirect: Prakash exclaimed that it was a great book. Direct: Hurrah! “We have won the match” said all the players. Indirect: All the players exclaimed with joy that they had won the match. 2) Interrogative Sentence: ¥Àæ±ÁßxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀå If the ‘reforted’ speech is in an interrogative then the question mark is removed , here conjunction ‘that’ is not used , if the question starts with an ‘auxiliary’ verb then the conjunction ‘if’ or ‘whether’ should be used. ‘Reforted speech’ ¥Àæ±ÁßxÀðPÀ ªÁPÀåzÀ°èzÀÝgÉ ¥ÀgÉÆÃPÀëªÁV¸ÀĪÁUÀ question mark vÉUÉzÀÄ ºÁPÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. E°è ‘that’JA§ conjunction §¼À¸À¨ÁgÀzÀÄ. DzÀgÉ 56

¸ÀAzÀ¨sÀðPÀÌ£ÀĸÁgÀªÁV ‘if’ or ‘whether’ §¼À¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ. Examples: Direct: Kamala said to me, “What are you doing?” Indirect: Kamala asked to me what I was doing. Direct: Teacher said,”Where are you looking at?” Indirect: Teacher questioned where you were looking at.

Opposite words «gÀÄzÁÝxÀðPÀ ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ[antonyms] All X none Arrive X depart Beautiful X ugly Brave X coward Appear X disappear Bright X dim Clean X dirty Cold X hot Dark X light Dry X wet Strong X weak Young X old Slowly X quickly Hard X soft Old X new Early X late Plenty X few,less Loud X soft Broad X narrow Humble X proud

accept X reject allow X forbid bless X curse bold X timid bottom X top black X white cruel X kind clever X dull deep X shallow close X open light X heavy worst X best far X near friend X enemy / foe unit X part agree X disagree great X low, mean strict X lenient popular X notorious short X long 57

Fast X slow careful X careless More X few refuse X receive Behind X infront,before full X empty Fat X lean tame X wild Healthy X unhealthy active X inactive Able X unable lucky X unlucky Happy X unhappy fit X unfit Regular X irregular equal X unequal Love X hate remember X forget Foolish X wise sweet X bitter/ sour Back X front difficulty X easy Intelligent X dull correct X wrong Win X lose begin X end Laugh X weep more X less Birth X death strange X familiar Like X dislike whole X part Fresh X stale rise X fall Idle X busy glad X sad Cheap X costly exit X enterence Various X few widi X narrow Warm X cool rural X urban Peace X war quiet X noisy Obey X command superior X inferior Tragedy X commedy true X false Public X private theory X practice Justice X injustice slim X stout Oral X written hallow X solid Guest X host belief X doubt Hide X seek honour X shame Many X few modern X ancient Rough X smooth success X failure Inner X outer minimum X maximum North X south often X seldom Profit X loss question X answer 58

Rigid X flexible Prove X disprove Hope X hopeless Content X discontent

paid X unpaid possible X impossible safe X unsafe

MY FAMiLY In my family we are six members . I, my mother father, brother and two sisters. I like them very much. I help them at home. My mummy cooks our food and looks after us. MY father brings toys for us to play. We all help each other and share the things.My parents love me and my sister very much. My family is a happy family. MY SCHOOL The name of my school is Shri Taibai Kannad Madyam Primary School Jalalpur. It is in Jalalpur. I am studying in 7th Standard. My teacher’s name is V.S. Hugar. Shri. S.P.Borganve is our headmaster .I go to school by walk. I study and play in the school . I have many friends in my school . I like my school very much. I learn many good things in my school. I go to school daily, and love my school. MY COUNTRY My country is India. The father of our country is Mahatma Gandhiji. Our national animal is tiger , national bird is peacock and national flower is lotus. In India there are twenty eight states. People speak different languages but all have a feeling that we belong to one country, that is India.We all stay like brothers and sisters here. We respect our country by singing national anthem daily in our school. I love my country very much. 59

TELEVISION [T.V] The full form of T.V is Television. It is very useful. Through T.V we can know the day –to –day news and get information. We can also see many animals, birds through T.V . There are many programmes like quiz, competitions through which we get more knowledge. But there are some programmes which are not good . So we should see only good programmes and make good use of T.V.

Write a letter to your father From, Chinnu.V. S 6th std shri.T.K.M.P.School. Jala lpur. To, Savant.K.H Sai Nagar, Raibag Pin: 591217 Sub: “For toure please send me Rs 1000/-“ Dear pappa, 60

How are you? I am fine here. And also I am studying well here. Our principal and teachers have decided to go for toure. Places are Hampi, Badami, Aihole, Pattadakallu, Kudalsangam.Even I want to go, so please pappa send me Rs 1000/-.Geve my love to mummy and Pallavi. Thanks Your loving:C.V.S Place: Jalalpur Date: 23/01/2009

Write a lette to your class teacher asking him to grant you leave for two days. From, Manju. S.K 7th std Shri T.K.m.p.School. Jalalpur. To, The class teacher, 7thstd Shri.T.K.M.P.School Jalalpur. Sub: “Reagarding two days leave” Respected Sir, 61

I ,Manu.S.K the student of your class, will not be able to attend your class on 27th and 28th January 2009.As I am not feeling well. So please sir I request you to grant me two days leave on 27-01-2009 to 28012009. Thanking you, Your obedient Manju.S. K Place:Jalalpur Date:26-01-2009

Writr a letter to your friend explaining your Dharmastal trip. From Ajay.S.Bekkeri. Chennamma Circle Hubli-24 My dear kiran, Here I am well, with my study and health. This letter is about my tour of Dharmastal. I had gone to Dharmstal in January with my friends. It is very attractive. Idagunji, Gokarna, Karawar and Udupi also attractive places. You have visit once to there places Rewrite a letter about your study and health. 62

Your loving friend Ajay.S.K

Figures 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four 5. Five 6. Six 7. Seven 8. Eight 9. Nine 10. Ten 11. Eleven 12. Twelve 13. Thirteen

31. Thirty one 32. Thirt two 33. Thirty three 34. Thirty four 35. Thirty five 36. Thiry six 37. Thirty seven 38. Thirty eight 39. Thirty nine 40. Forty 41. Forty one 42. Forty two 43. Forty three 63

14. Fourteen 15. Fifteen 16. Sixteen 17. Seventeen 18. Eighteen 19. Ninteen 20. Twenty 21. Twenty one 22. Twenty two 23. Twenty three 24. Twenty four 25. Twenty five 26. Twenty six 27. Twenty seven 28. Twenty eight 29. Twenty nine 30. Thirty

44. Forty four 45 .Forty five 46. Forty six 47. Froty seven 48. Forty eight 49. Forty nine 50. Fifty 51. Fifty one 52. Fifty two 53. Fifty three 54. Fifty four 55. Fifty five 56. Fifty six 57. Fifty seven 58. Fifty eight 59. Fifty nine 60. Sixty

61.Sixty one 62. Sixty two 63. Sixty three 64. Sixty four 65. Sixty five 67.Sixty Six 68. Sixty seven 69.Sixty eight 70.Seventy 71. Seventy one 72. Seventy two 73. Seventy three 74. Seventy four 75. Seventy five

81.Eighty one 82. Eighty two 83.Eighty three 84. Eighty four 85. Eighty five 86. Eighty six 87. Eighty seven 88. Eighty eight 89. Eighty nine 90. Ninty 91. Ninty one 92. Ninty two 93. Ninty three 94. Ninty four 64

76. Seventy six 77. Seventy seven 78. Seventy eight 79. Seventy nine 80.Eight

95. Ninty five 96. Ninty six 97. Ninty seven 98. Ninty eight 99. Ninty nive 100. Hundred

1000. One thousand 100000. One lakh 10000000. One crore.

Proverbs :UÁzÉUÀ¼ÀÄ 1. An empty vessel makes much noise. vÀÄA©zÀ PÉÆqÀ vÀļÀÄPÀĪÀÅ¢®è. 2. No pain, no gain 3. ¥Àj±ÀæªÀÄ«®èzÉ ¥sÀ®«®è. 4. Union is strength 5. MUÀÎnÖ£À°è §®«zÉ. 6. Barking dog seldom bite. 7. ¨ÉÆUÀ¼ÀĪÀ £Á¬Ä PÀZÀÄѪÀÅ¢®è. 8. penny wise pound foolish. 9. Cw D¸É UÀwUÉr¹vÀÄ. 10. Give a loan, an enemy own. 11.zÀÄqÀÄØ PÉÆlÄÖ ±ÀvÀÄæ PÀnÖPÉÆ. 12. Where there is will there is way. 65

13.ªÀÄ£À¹ìzÀÝ°è ªÀiÁUÀð«zÉ. 14. A man is a slave to his stomach. 15.ªÀÄ£ÀĵÀå vÀ£Àß ºÉÆmÉÖAiÀÄ UÀįÁªÀÄ. 16. It takes two to make a quarrel. 17. JgÀqÀÄ PÉÊ ¸ÉÃjzÀgÉ ZÀ¥Áà¼É. 18. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 19. D¥ÀwÛUÁzÀªÀ£Éà £ÉAl. 20. One nail dreves another. 21.ªÀÄĽî¤AzÀ ªÀÄļÀî£ÀÄß vÉUÉAiÀĨÉÃPÀÄ. 22. A dog is a lion in his lane. 23.ªÀÄ£ÉAiÀÄ°è ºÀÄ° ºÉÆgÀUÉ E°. 24. Silence is half consent. 25.ªÀiË£À CgɸÀªÀÄäw. 26. Fools praise fools. 27.ªÀÄÆRðzÉÆgÉUÉ ªÀÄÆRð ºÉÆUÀ¼ÀĨsÀlÖgÀÄ.


a)The inglish alphabets. b)Pronounciation of letters. c).Vowels d)Consonants.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Word. The sentence. The kinds of sentences. Parts of speech. 66

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14. 15 . 16. 17. 18. 19.

The kinds of nouns. Noun numbers. The noun genders. The articles. Verbs. Tenses. a) Present tense. b) Past tense. c) Future tense. Active and passive voice. Punctuation marks. Direct and indirect speech. Opposite words. Essays. Letter writing. Proverbs. Figures.

¯ÉÃRPÀgÀ ªÀiÁvÀÄ. £ÁªÀÅ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ªÀiÁvÀ£ÁqÀĪÀÅzÁUÀ°, §gÉAiÀÄĪÀÅzÁUÀ° ªÀiÁqÀ¨ÉÃPÁzÀgÉ, CxÀðªÀiÁrPÉƼÀî¨ÉÃPÁzÀgÉ D ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ ªÁåPÀgÀt eÁÕ£À £ÀªÉÄä®èjUÀÆ Cwà CªÀ±ÀåPÀ. ¸ÀPÁðgÀ £ÀªÀÄä ¥ÁæxÀ«ÄPÀ ±Á¯ÉUÀ¼À°è 1£Éà ªÀUÀð¢AzÀ EAVèõÀ PÀ°PÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¥ÁægÀA©ü¹zÉ. DzÀÝjAzÀ «zÁåyðUÀ½UÉ Cwà ¸ÀÄ®¨sÀªÁV, ¥ÀjuÁªÀÄPÁjAiÀiÁV w½zÀÄPÉƼÀî®Ä ¥Àæ¸ÀÄÛvÀ 67





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