Ingles Bach Nivel 3

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  • Words: 1,071
  • Pages: 11
Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009 PAPER I: READING ACTIVITY

A bad boy ? If you asked Simon Taylor what had made him a `bad boy ´, he would probably tell you that it all started when his father was unemployed. His father was at home all the time, Simon got on his nerves and they argued. Simon didn´t feel loved. Teenage criminal Schools couldn´t cope with Simon. He stole from cars and from shops. And then he stole from his parents. When he was twelve, a few weeks after his mother had given birth to his sister, he set fire to his bed and curtains and to two cars in the street. At that point, his parents couldn´t cope with him any more and he was taken into care. He went into children´s homes, then into an institution for young offenders and finally to a special school called Conway Place, which was run by a charity. Holidays aren´t always good for you In an attempt to help him, the staff at Conway Place sent Simon on an incredible series of exotic holidays. He went scuba diving in the Caribbean, cruised through the Florida Everglades, visited Disneyworld and Sea World, rode through the Mexican jungle, skied in Scotland and Norway, toured Italy, went horseriding in Denmark, camped in Spain and went on safari in Zimbabwe. The people who ran Conway Place thought the trips would do him good. According to Simon, they made him worse. A prison education When he left care at the age of eighteen, Simon was soon put in prison for robbery. In fact, he spent three of the next four hours in prison. `In prison I learned everything I needed to know for a life of crime´, he says. He describes lessons from other prisoners in how to steal cars and how to use credit cards illegally. A new outlook on life Now twenty-two, Simon is going out with a girl and says that he has given up crime. `Someone really cares for me for the first time in my life ... I just want to be boring and ordinary. I want to be normal´, he says. He wishes he had some qualifications. In his opinion, the school shouldn´t have sent him on expensive holidays; they should have educated him. If he had some qualifications, he might be able to get a job. If he had a job, he´d have some self respect, which is probably what he needs more than anything.

A-Read and answer . 1- When did Simon´s problems start? .................................................................................................................................. 2- What were the consequences of his sister´s birth? .................................................................................................................................. 3- What did his parents decide to do with him? .................................................................................................................................. 4- What did the people at the school think would happen with him after the holidays? .................................................................................................................................. 5- Why doesn´t he want to steal anymore at present time?

Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009 . ... ............................................................................................................................. PAPER II: USE OF ENGLISH C) Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense (Simple Present; Present Continuous; Simple Past; Past continuous; Present Perfect; Will; Going to). Dear Melanie, How are you? You know that every Wednesday I 1) …………….(go) to the cinema in town because it 2)……………………….(always/have) the latest movies. Well, you won’t believe what’s happened. I 3) ……………………….(walk) past the cinema on Thursday evening when I noticed someone 4)………………………….(put up) a poster. It said:”For Sale”. It’s outrageous! Well, a few of us decided to do something about it. I 5) ……………………..(ring) some people at the council and asked them when they were going to close it. They 6)…………………….(not/give) us a definite answer then, but yesterday I watched the news. They 7)…………………………… (close) next month. I’m so unhappy! I think I 8)………………………………. (miss) going to the cinema so much! Anyway, we 9)……………………………………… (just/start) a campaign. Tommy 10)……… …………(already/make) 30 posters, and tomorrow I 11)……………………….(visit) other people at the council. I hope all this works. Well, I hope things are going well with you. Write soon and tell me your news. I promise to keep you updated. Lots of Love Becky xxxx

Complete each sentence. Type the verb in parentheses in the passive voice

Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009

Van Gogh' s selfportr ait (paint ) in Franc e.

Cunni ngha m's photo graph s (take ) in the early twent ieth centu ry.

This vase (mad e) by hand in Japan .

Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009

My favori te Beatl es's song (reco rd) in 1968.

The costu mes in this movie (desi gn) by Edith Head.

La Strad a and 8 1/2 (direc t) by the Italia n film direct or Feder ico Fellini .

Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009

Those wood figure s (carv e) in Mexic o.

Mt. Evere st (clim b) by New Zeala nd explo rer Sir Edmu nd Hillar y.

The name "The Divin e Sarah " (give) to the famo us Frenc h actre ss Sarah Bernh ardt.

Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009

Peter Rabbi t and other popul ar childr en's storie s (writ e) by Beatr ix Potte r.

Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009 Match each pictur e with the corre ct comp uter comm and. Use the pulldown menu s.

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Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009

Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009 Match each pictur e with some thing to do on the Inter net. Use the pulldown menu s.

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Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009

Nombre:……………………… Curso: Bachiller Level 3 Libro: Top Notch 2B Docente: Adriana Lista Fecha de entrega:5th August 2009

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