Ingles Bach Nivel 2

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,016
  • Pages: 3
NAME: SURNAME: Teacher: Natalia L. Arias Modalidad:

Course: Bachiller

Nivel 2

Read the text about Tom Sawyer carefully! Tom Sawyer was a funny and athletic boy who lived in St. Petersburg, near the Mississippi River, in 1876. He liked playing outside with his friends. He lived in a house with his aunt Polly and his little brother Sid. His best friend was Huckleberry Finn. Aunt Polly was a very strict person, so every time Tom's behaviour was bad, she punished him. Sometimes she hit him with a cane, other times she slapped him with her hand. One particular time, she found he had eaten a whole jar of jam. So she decided to make him paint the house's fence. Tom thought that it was very unfair!. The fence was huge!. And he had to paint it twice!. Tom began painting the fence with a brush. While he was painting, a boy came down the street. It was Tom's friend, Jim. Jim laughed at Tom when he saw him working. But Tom was very clever and had an idea. He told Jim that painting was a very hard job, that he loved doing it, and that his aunt only trusted him to do it. Jim asked one more time, and when he was losing hope Tom agreed. But Jim had to pay him! Jim only had an apple, so he gave it to Tom. Tom was very happy!. He didn't have to work and was being paid. Other boys paid to paint too! And they were making a line to have the chance of painting. Tom was a very good actor!. In the of the afternoon Tom had got another apple, a horn, a piece of broken blue glass, a key, a tin soldier, a piece of chalk, a slingshot, and many other things!. And the fence was painted thrice! Tom felt very cheerful!. True or false. Read these sentences and mark T for TRUE and F for FALSE 1) Tom was a sad boy. 2) He lived with his parents. 3) He liked playing with his friends. 4) Aunt Polly found Tom eating candy. 5) Aunt Polly never hit Tom. 6) Tom had to paint a wall. 7) Tom accepted Jim's help the first time 8) Jim gave him a key. 9) Other boys painted too. 10) The fence was painted once. 11) Tom got a dead rat

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

II) Choose the correct options 1)My mother usually………………………………………….the house in the morning. a)is cleaning b) cleans c) has cleaned 2) I …………………………………………………………to England yet. a) didn’t go b)went c)haven’t been 3) Paul…………………………………………………….football at the moment. a) plays b) is playing c)played 4) My father and I………………………………………… Córdoba last year. a) Have been b) go c) went 5) I’ve got the tickets. I ………………………………………… the theatre tonight a) will go b) ‘m going c) Have gone 6) She………………………………………………for the exam a) already studied b) has already studied c) is already studying 7) Wait! I………………………………………………. you! a) ‘m going to help b) ‘ll help c) help 8) Be quiet ! Henry…………………………………………………. a) sleeps b) is sleeping c) is going to sleep 9) Look at those black clouds! It………………………………………rain. a) ‘s going to b) ‘ll rain c) has rained 10) We……………………………………………….Laura since she moved to Entre Rios. a) haven’t seen b) didn’t see c) aren’t seeing III) Complete the dialogue Susan: I can’t sleep late. ……….……………………………………………………………………….? Paul: I get up at 8:00 AM. But my sister always gets up at 11:00 AM. Susan: …………………………………………………………………………………………… Paul: No, she isn’t. She is cleaning the house. Susan: I phoned you yesterday. Nobody answered. ………………………..…………………………….? Paul : I was at the cinema. Then I went to a restaurant. Susan : …………………………………………………………………………………………? Paul: meat and salad. ……………………………………………………………………..? Susan: No, I didn’t stay at home. I met some friends. ……………………………………………………… ………………….. next weekend? Paul: I’m going to stay at home and relax. IV) Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1)The weather forecast is the (interesting) ………………………………………………… programme on TV. 2) Chess is (exciting) ………………………………………………………………… than cards. 3) The computer is (great) ……………………………………. invention of all time. 4) French cooking is (good) ……………………………………………… in the world.

5) Beef is (cheap) ………………………………………………………………than chicken. V) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1I _________ (to get) up at 6.30 every morning. 2How long _________ you __________ (to be) married? 3When __________ (to be) you born? 4)She __________ (to write) a text message when her boyfriend ___________ (to arrive). 5We ___________ (to buy) our first house last year. 6What ______ you __________ (to do) this summer? 7_________ you ever __________ (to be) to New Zealand? 8When ________ you _________ (start) learning English? 9How old _______ (be) your mother? 10What _____ your father ___________ (to do) now? 11What _______ (to be) the weather like yesterday? 12Look at those clouds. It _______________ (to rain). 13_______ you ________ (to like) learning languages? 14________ you __________ (to make) any plans for the weekend yet? 15I _____________________ (to surf) the net at 4 pm yesterday afternoon. 16Who do you think __________ (to be) your country’s next Prime Minister? 17We ____________ (watch) TV while it ____________ (to snow) outside. 18)When ________ (to be) the last time that you _______ (to go) skiing? 19Why ______ you _______ (not, to help) me with the English homework yesterday? 20I ____________ (to be) a member of this club since 2004. 21We sometimes _________ (to go) hiking at the weekend. 22He ______ recently ________ (to pass) the driving exam. 23How many countries ________ you ___________ (to visit) so far? 24They ____ probably _____ (to go) to Greece on their honeymoon. 25What _________ your sister ___________ (to do) at 7 pm yesterday evening? 26I _______ (to be) really busy. I never _________ (to have) time for anything. 27What ______ (to be) the name of the person you first ____ (fall) in love with? 28“I ______ (to be) so cold.” “I ________ (to close) the window.” 29)I _______ (to be) very happy now because I ____________ (to do) this grammar exercise. It ______ (to be) so much fun!

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