Ingles 1t Nivel 1 M

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 552
  • Pages: 4
NAME: SURNAME: Teacher: Natalia L. Arias Nivel Bajo Mañana

Course: 1 Tecnico

Tom’s Daily Routine a). Read the following passage carefully! Fill in the passage with the correct form of the verb. Every morning Tom ____________ (wake up) at quarter past seven. ___________ minutes.


(put) on his tack suit and ___________ (go) jogging for twenty

He ____________ (go) home and ___________ (have) breakfast.


__________ (take) a quick shower, ________________ (put) on his uniform and ____________ (leave) for school. He __________ (catch) the school bus at twenty past eight. School ______________ (start) at half past eight. When he ___________ (get) back home from school he ___________ (have) lunch and _____________

(do) his homework.

At four in the afternoon he

____________ (have) a short break. He ________________ (meet) his friends and they ___________ (play) football.

When it ____________ (rain) he

____________ (stay) at home and _____________ (listen) to music. At six o’clock he __________________ (go) back home. He ____________ (plays) some games on his computer before dinner. He ________________ (watch) TV until nine or ten o’clock. When he ____________ (feel) tired, he ________________ (go) to bed.

b) Rewrite the following sentences about Tom, first as negatives then as questions as in the example. REMEMBER TO USE THE VERB DO/DOES!!! Example: Tom wakes up at quarter past seven. Negative – Tom doesn’t wake up at quarter past seven. Question – Does Tom wake up at quarter past seven? 1.Tom goes jogging for twenty minutes. Negative - _______________________________ Question - _______________________________ 2.Tom has breakfast every morning. Negative - _______________________________ Question - _______________________________ 3.School starts at half past eight. Negative - _______________________________ Question - _______________________________ 4.Tom does his homework after school. Negative - ______________________________ Question - ______________________________ 5.Tom and his friends play football in the afternoon. Negative - ______________________________ Question - ______________________________ 6.Tom plays games on his computer. Negative - ______________________________ Question - ______________________________ 7.Tom watches TV in the evening. Negative - ______________________________ Question - ______________________________

c) Reading Comprehension Christmas in England In English speaking countries, children don’t get their presents on Christmas Eve (24 December). Santa comes at night when everyone is asleep. Santa’s reindeer can fly and take him from house to house. They land on the roofs of the houses and then Santa climbs down the chimney to leave the presents under the Christmas tree. In the morning of Christmas Day (25 December), children usually get up very early to unwrap their presents. Then they have plenty of time to play with their new toys. Christmas dinner is served in the early afternoon. Most people eat turkey and sprouts and a Christmas pudding. 26 December is called Boxing Day. It hasn’t always been a holiday. People used to go back to work on that day where their bosses gave them little Christmas presents in small boxes. That’s why the day is called Boxing Day. Questions on the text Answer the questions according to the text. 1. Santa’s sleigh lands … in front of the house in the sitting room on top of the house 2. Santa puts the presents … under the tree in the chimney in his bag 3. Why is 26 December called Boxing Day? People used to fight for their presents on that day.

People hang around all day watching TV. People received little gift boxes on that day.

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