Informe Del Proyecto Matriz De Leds+

  • June 2020
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QUITO, 06 noviembre de 2009 Página 1 de 173


Un indicador de mensajes, hoy en día es una herramienta sumamente importante, sus usos son diversos, pues el propósito de estos es el dar a conocer un mensaje utilizando como medio de atracción visual la iluminación, la gama de colores y la animación que sin duda atrae a los espectadores. La publicidad de marcas reconocidas, relojes digitales, entidades bancarias, medios de transporte etc. están haciendo uso de esta herramienta, al darnos cuenta de todos estos antecedentes, creemos que este proyecto llega a ser importante y muy útil para ampliar nuestros conocimientos como futuros “Ingenieros Electrónicos”, ya que la comercialización de un letrero luminoso se vuelve considerable en una sociedad que está creciendo y que lo que busca es agrandar el consumismo, una de las mejores maneras de hacerlo es atrayendo la atención de los consumidores en cualquier lugar que estos se encuentren y a cualquier hora del día.

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Análisis de la problemática a resolver................................................................................4 Planteamiento del problema a resolver.................................................................................4 Objetivos.............................................................................................................................4 Hipótesis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6 Justificación………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7 Metodología……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 Alcance y Limitaciones………………..……………………………………………………………………………9 Diseño del Indicador de Mensajes....................................................................................10 Diagrama de bloque.............................................................................................................11 Desarrollo de la etapa 1....................................................................................................12 Desarrollo de la etapa 2…………………………………………………………………………………………..13 Desarrollo de la etapa 3…………………………………………………………………………………………..14 Diagrama de bloques……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………15 Análisis de Costos……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………16 Pruebas realizadas……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..17 Conclusiones y recomendaciones…………………………………………………………..………………………...18 Bibliografía.............................................................................................................................19 Anexos…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….20 Diagramas de construcción de las placas……………………………………………………………..…………..21 Esquemáticos…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22 Fotos de construcción del equipo…………………………………………………………………………..……….23 Hojas de los Componentes………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….24 Material de Apoyo………………………………………………………………………………………………………...25 Código utilizado………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26 Página 3 de 173

ANALISIS DE LA PROBLEMÁTICA A RESOLVER PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA: Diseñar y construir un indicador de mensajes mediante diodos leds de alta luminosidad de 18 filas x 18 columnas en el que se deben observar lo siguiente: 1. Aparecen el nombre y apellido de cada integrante del grupo durante 5 segundos uno a continuación del otro. 2. Aparecen los nombres de los integrantes moviéndose de derecha a izquierda. 3. Aparecen los nombres de los integrantes moviéndose de derecha a izquierda. 4. Aparece una figura navideña (camello, árbol, papá Noel, etc.) moviéndose. Todas estas indicaciones graficas aparecen una a continuación de otra. El equipo debe tener la debida estética.

OBJETIVOS • Aplicar los conocimientos de microcontroladores. • Diseñar y construir una matriz de leds que permita mostrar mensajes e imágenes. • Usar el multiplexaje para la elaboración de nuestra matriz. • Aprender el lenguaje de programación para el microcontrolador a utilizar. • Investigar sobre la construcción y el diseño de letreros luminosos. • Adquirir los elementos necesarios y comprender su funcionamiento para la implementación en nuestra matriz. • Comprender la secuencia que necesitamos este grabada en el microcontrolador para su correcto funcionamiento. •

Aumentar nuestro conocimiento acerca de la multiplexación desplazamientos de cada una de las letras de los mensajes.



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Elaborar diagramas de bloques y diagramas de flujo para la comprensión del algoritmo a realizar.

• Capturar fotografías del trabajo realizado para constancia del mismo. • Realizar resúmenes de los documentos de apoyo para tener una idea clave del trabajo a realizar. • Enfocar nuestro indicador en las metas que deseamos se cumplan mediante su elaboración, como son el aprendizaje y la comprensión.

HIPÓTESIS Es posible construir una matriz de 324 diodos LEDs para mostrar texto e imágenes que se desplazaran en el indicador de mensajes, mediante el uso de multiplexores.

JUSTIFICACION La creación de un cartel formado por LEDs, es una excelente herramienta para el aprendizaje del funcionamiento básico de un indicador de mensajes ya que mediante esto podemos darnos cuenta como fueron las primeras aplicaciones que se dieron para mostrar símbolos y palabras en una pantalla. El diseño del indicador de mensajes nos sirve como motivación para poder conocer más acerca de cada uno de los elementos que lo conforman y de esa manera aprender cual es su funcionamiento y como en forma conjunta pueden llegar a mostrar diferentes mensajes.

METODOLOGIA Análisis de todos los pasos que seguimos para llevar a cabo nuestro proyecto. •

Recibimos instrucciones de nuestro ingeniero de cátedra acerca de los requisitos que debe cumplir nuestro proyecto y de los propósitos que el mismo tenía para nuestra formación académica.

• Consultamos en diferentes páginas de internet acerca de los letreros luminosos, sus características principales, funciones y aplicaciones en la realidad. • Encontramos un artículo en especial en el cual se mostraba como la implementación de una matriz de leds para mostrar mensajes se volvía fácil de construir y diseñar. Al Página 5 de 173

leer este artículo surgió la duda de que una matriz de leds podía ser implementada mediante la utilización de registros de desplazamiento. • Consultamos con nuestro catedrático sobre si existía la posibilidad de utilizar esta herramienta para el desarrollo del proyecto, pero se nos informo que no, que nuestra matriz debía ser diseñada y construida mediante multiplexores. • En páginas de internet, especificamos el uso de multiplexores para el proyecto, pero no se encontró información detallada que nos permitiera la elaboración de la matriz. • Consultamos por separado el funcionamiento de un multiplexor, sus características y aplicaciones, y hallamos cierta ayuda relevante para la elaboración de una matriz de leds. • Compramos los materiales necesarios para la elaboración de la placa que llevara el tanto el circuito de control como la matriz de leds. •

Una vez adquiridos los materiales entre ellos el microcontrolador AVR atmega16, empezamos a diseñar el programa que estará grabado en el microcontrolador y controlara el indicador de mensajes o matriz de leds (en nuestro blog se encuentra un archivo con el nombre “diseño del programa matriz de leds 18x18” en el cual se detalla la información necesaria para programar el AVR).

• Cuando la placa y el programa estuvo listo la presentación es un punto importante en nuestro proyecto así que diseñamos una caja que contendrá nuestra matriz indicadora de mensajes. • Iniciamos la presentación.

ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES ALCANCES: • El indicador de mensajes mostrara el nombre y apellido de los autores del proyecto. • Los nombres desplazándose de izquierda a derecha y de derecha a izquierda. • Aparece una figura navideña moviéndose. LIMITACIONES: • El indicador de mensajes no podrá realizar una secuencia diferente a la señalada anteriormente. • No podrá añadir matrices de leds para mostrar textos más extensos. Página 6 de 173

• No podrá cambiar la fuente, ni el tamaño de las letras a desplegarse.




Fuente de Alimentacion.La alimentación está basada en un regulador de voltaje LM7805, capaz de entregar desde 500mA y hasta 1A. Cada led consume unos 25 miliamperios aproximandamente, por lo que el consumo en corriente de la “pantalla” va a a ser proporcionado por los transistores. El transformador tiene una relación de espiras de 1:10, lo cual nos permite realizar los siguientes cálculos. V1 = V2 * (N1/N2) Página 7 de 173

Donde N1 y N2 son el número de espiras del primario y el del secundario respectivamente. Así por ejemplo podemos tener un transformador con una relación de transformación de 120V a 12V, no podemos saber cuantas espiras tiene el primario y cuantas el secundario pero si podemos conocer su relación de espiras: N1/N2 = V1/V2 N1/N2 = 120/12 = 10 Este dato es útil si queremos saber que tensión nos dará este mismo transformador si lo conectamos a 120V en lugar de 220V, la tensión V2 que dará a 120V será: 120 = V2 * 10 V2 = 120/10 = 12V El voltaje obtenido a la salida del transformador será a continuacion rectificado por el regulador de voltaje LM7805, y demás elementos pasivos que conforman el bloque de rectificación. Esto nos permite alimentar la totalidad de la placa. REGULADOR DE VOLTAJE (LM7805) Es un regulador de voltaje utilizado para proporcionar la alimentación de los circuitos integrados y led’s, usados en el proyecto; en este caso se usó reguladores que soporten 3 Amperios (Corriente nominal del transformador 110v a 12v/12v con tap central). • SEGUNDA ETAPA AVR (ATMEGA64) El micro-controlador usado en este proyecto, es el encargado de enviar a través de sus puertos la información necesaria para el despliegue de los mensajes e imágenes en la pantalla; más específicamente adquiere las letras e imágenes que se han almacenado dentro del mismo programa en forma de subrutinas, las cuales son llamadas para poder adquirir la codificación que encenderá los led’s necesarios para obtener el resultado deseado. Hemos decidido utilizar este elemento por la facilidad en lo que respecta la programación y sobre todo por su capacidad de soportar corrientes relativamente altas. DECODIFICADOR (74LS154) Son circuitos integrados que reciben información por cuatro líneas de entrada, esta señal se decodifica y se la transmite a través de una de las dieciséis salidas. El bloque de decodificación es el siguiente. A 0 0

B 0 0

C 0 0

D 0 1

Salida 0 1 Página 8 de 173

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Esto quiere decir que si enviamos el número cero (0,0,0,0)al decodificador se va encender la primera columna de la derecha, si enviamos el numero uno(0,0,0,1), esto quiere decir que la segunda columna de la derecha se va a encender, de esta manera lograremos que se desplacen las letras y figuras que se vayan a mostrar. • TERCERA ETAPA TRANSISTORES (2N3904, 2N3906) Son transistores de tipo PNP y NPN, usados para proporcionar la corriente necesaria para que el encendido y apagado de los led’s sea óptimo y obtener un brillo suficiente para que los mensajes sean claramente apreciados en la pantalla. ELEMENTOS PASIVOS Son utilizados para regular el funcionamiento de los distintos elementos activos del circuito; los valores de dichos elementos están en los diagramas anexos, pero deben ser calculados en función de las necesidades de alimentación del circuito. • CUARTA ETAPA La Parte más vistosa del proyecto esta contenida dentro de esta etapa. Esta conformada por los diodos led’s, que serán los encargados de mostrar el resultado de la programación realizada en el AVR.

ANALISIS DE COSTOS Página 9 de 173

CANTIDAD 1 324 36 56 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 1 1 4

DETALLES Atmega644 Leds rojos super luminosos transistores resistencias Regulador 7805 Capacitores 104 Demux 74154 Zócalo de 40 pines Capacitor 2200uF Led verde Hl switch bornera regleta Regleta simple H pulsador estaño Puente rectificador Placa de cobre 60x40 Fundas de acido

V. UNITARIO 10.90 0.12 0.08 0.02 0.52 0.08 1.19 0.39 0.43 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.75 0.35 0.17 2.00 0.38 6.00 0.50

V. TOTAL 10.90 38.88 2.88 1.12 0.52 0.16 1.19 0.39 0.43 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.75 0.35 0.17 2.00 0.38 6.00 2.00



CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES • Aprendimos a programar un AVR, mediante el software BASCOM. •

Investigamos sobre la construcción y el diseño de letreros luminosos.

Adquirimos los elementos necesarios y comprender su funcionamiento para la implementación en nuestra matriz.

Comprendimos la secuencia que necesitamos este grabada en el microcontrolador para su correcto funcionamiento.

Aumentamos nuestro conocimiento acerca de la multiplexación para los desplazamientos de cada una de las letras de los mensajes. Página 10 de 173

Elaboramos diagramas de bloques y diagramas de flujo para la comprensión del algoritmo a realizar.

Capturamos fotografías del trabajo realizado para constancia del mismo.

Realizamos resúmenes de los documentos de apoyo para tener una idea clave del trabajo a realizar.


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El microcontrolador atmega644 que fue el que utilizamos para nuestro proyecto consta de 376 hojas de componentes, por lo cual aquí presentamos únicamente la configuración de pines. La información completa de este elemento la pueden descargar directamente de nuestro blog ( en formato .pdf o en la página de Atmel. MATERIAL DE APOYO CODIGO UTILIZADO TAMBIEN SE ENCUENTRA EN FORMATO PDF EN EL BLOG CON EL NOMBRE “LETRERO LUMINOSO BASCOM” Y TAMBIEN EN FORMATO .HEX BAJO EL NOMBRE DE “LETRERO LUMINOSO 18X18 .HEX” $regfile = "m644def.dat" $crystal = 8000000 Config Porta = Output Config Portd = Output Config Portc = Output Dim X As Word Dim Y As Word Dim Col As Byte Página 16 de 173

Portd = 112 Ciclo: Gosub Encerar Gosub Remin Gosub Erika Gosub Vinicio Gosub Borrado1 Gosub Encerar Gosub Encerar Gosub Sremin Gosub Encerar Gosub Serika Gosub Encerar Gosub Svinicio Gosub Borrado1 Gosub Encerar Gosub Svinicio2 Gosub Encerar Gosub Serika2 Gosub Encerar Gosub Sremin2 Gosub Encerar Gosub Borrado1 Gosub Encerar Gosub Arbol Gosub Arbol Gosub Borrado1 Gosub Remin1 Gosub Erika1 Gosub Vini1 Gosub Borrado1 Gosub Encerar Gosub Arbol Gosub Arbol Gosub Borrado1 Gosub Encerar Goto Ciclo Encerar: Portb = 0 Porta = 0 Portc = 0 Return Página 17 de 173

Sremin: For X = 1 To 540 Col = 48 TIEMPO DE VEER Gosub R1 Gosub Veer WAITUS Next X For X = 1 To 108 Col = 52 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer Next X



For X = 1 To 60 Col = 56 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer Col = 55 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer Col = 54 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer Col = 53 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer Col = 52 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer Página 18 de 173

Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 60 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 LEDS Col = 59 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2


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Col = 51 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Next X


For X = 1 To 105 Col = 96 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Página 20 de 173

Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub E3 Página 21 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Página 22 de 173

Col = 96 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Página 23 de 173

Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Página 24 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 150 Col = 80 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Página 25 de 173

Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 250 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Página 26 de 173

Col = 60 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 5 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 350 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 450 Página 27 de 173

Col = 80 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X Return Sremin2: For X = 1 To 450 Col = 80 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 350 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Página 28 de 173

Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 250 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 5 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 150 Col = 80 Página 29 de 173

Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Página 30 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Página 31 de 173

Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Página 32 de 173

Col = 56 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub E2 Página 33 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 105 Col = 96 Página 34 de 173

Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub M3 Página 35 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 60 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 LEDS Col = 59 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2


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Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 60 Col = 56 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer Col = 55 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer Col = 54 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer Col = 53 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer Col = 52 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 108 Col = 52 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub R2



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Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 540 Col = 48 TIEMPO DE VEER Gosub R1 Gosub Veer WAITUS Next X



Remin: For X = 1 To 540 Col = 48 TIEMPO DE VEER Gosub R1 Gosub Veer WAITUS Next X For X = 1 To 108 Col = 52 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer Col = 50



Página 38 de 173

Gosub R3 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 60 Col = 56 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer Col = 55 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer Col = 54 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer Col = 53 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer Col = 52 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 60 Gosub R1 Página 39 de 173

Gosub Veer2 LEDS Col = 59 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Next X



For X = 1 To 105 Col = 96 Gosub R1 Página 40 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Página 41 de 173

Col = 49 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Página 42 de 173

Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub M4 Página 43 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Página 44 de 173

Col = 63 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Página 45 de 173

Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub N3 Página 46 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Z5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Z4 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Página 47 de 173

Col = 58 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Z1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub Z2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Z3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Z4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Z5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X

For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Página 48 de 173

Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Z1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub Z2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Z3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Z4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Z5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub A2 Página 49 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Z1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub Z2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Z3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub Z4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Z5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Página 50 de 173

Col = 54 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Z1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub Z2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Z3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Z4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Z5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Página 51 de 173

Col = 59 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Z5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Página 52 de 173

Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub B1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub B2 Página 53 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub B3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub B1 Gosub Veer2 Página 54 de 173

Col = 54 Gosub B2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub B3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub B5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub M1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub M2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub M3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub M4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub M5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Página 55 de 173

Gosub B1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub B2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub B3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub B5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub B1 Página 56 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub B2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub B3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub B5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Página 57 de 173

Col = 49 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub B5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Página 58 de 173

Col = 54 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Página 59 de 173

Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A1 Página 60 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Página 61 de 173

Col = 49 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 120 Col = 80 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Página 62 de 173

Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 150 Col = 80 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub O5 Página 63 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 200 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 400 Col = 80 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X Return Página 64 de 173

Serika: For X = 1 To 540 Col = 48 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 108 Col = 52 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 60 Col = 56 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Col = 55 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer Col = 54 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer Col = 53 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer Col = 52 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer Página 65 de 173

Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 60 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub R4 Página 66 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 105 Col = 96 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Página 67 de 173

Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Página 68 de 173

Col = 58 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub R4 Página 69 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Página 70 de 173

Col = 48 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Página 71 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 150 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Página 72 de 173

Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 250 Col = 80 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Página 73 de 173

Col = 58 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 350 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 450 Col = 80 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Página 74 de 173

Next X Return

Serika2: For X = 1 To 450 Col = 80 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 350 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X Página 75 de 173

For X = 1 To 250 Col = 80 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 150 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Página 76 de 173

Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Página 77 de 173

Col = 96 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Página 78 de 173

Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Página 79 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Página 80 de 173

Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 60 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Página 81 de 173

Col = 58 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 60 Col = 56 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Col = 55 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer Col = 54 Gosub E3 Página 82 de 173

Gosub Veer Col = 53 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer Col = 52 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 108 Col = 52 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 540 Col = 48 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Next X Página 83 de 173


Erika: For X = 1 To 540 Col = 48 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 108 Col = 52 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 60 Col = 56 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer Col = 55 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer Col = 54 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer Col = 53 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer Página 84 de 173

Col = 52 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 60 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub R3 Página 85 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 105 Col = 96 Gosub E1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub E2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub E3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Página 86 de 173

Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub E4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub E5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Página 87 de 173

Col = 59 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub R3 Página 88 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Página 89 de 173

Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub K5 Página 90 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub K1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Página 91 de 173

Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub K2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub K3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub K4 Gosub Veer2 Página 92 de 173

Col = 62 Gosub K5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Página 93 de 173

Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Página 94 de 173

Col = 52 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub B1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub B2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub B3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub A1 Página 95 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub B1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub B2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub B3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub B5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Página 96 de 173

Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub B1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub B2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub B3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub B5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Página 97 de 173

Col = 80 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub B1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub B2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub B3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub B5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Página 98 de 173

Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub B3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub B4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub B5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Página 99 de 173

Col = 55 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub L1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub L2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub R1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub R2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub R3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub R4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub Cero Página 100 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub L1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub L2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub L3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub L4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 80 Gosub R5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Página 101 de 173

Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub L1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub L2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub L3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub L4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 180 Col = 80 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Página 102 de 173

Col = 63 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub L1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub L2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub L3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub L4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 300 Col = 80 Gosub L1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub L2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub L3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub L4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub Cero Página 103 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 540 Col = 80 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer Next X Gosub Cero Return

Svinicio: For X = 1 To 540 Col = 48 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 108 Col = 52 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 60 Página 104 de 173

Col = 56 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer Col = 55 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer Col = 54 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer Col = 53 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer Col = 52 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 60 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub V5 Página 105 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 105 Col = 96 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Página 106 de 173

Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Página 107 de 173

Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Página 108 de 173

Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Página 109 de 173

Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Página 110 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Página 111 de 173

Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Página 112 de 173

Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Página 113 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Página 114 de 173

Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 200 Col = 80 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Página 115 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 250 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Página 116 de 173

Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 350 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Página 117 de 173

Col = 60 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 450 Col = 80 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X Return Svinicio2: For X = 1 To 450 Col = 80 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 350 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Página 118 de 173

Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 250 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Página 119 de 173

Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 200 Col = 80 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub O4 Página 120 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Página 121 de 173

Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Página 122 de 173

Col = 58 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Página 123 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Página 124 de 173

Col = 48 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Página 125 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Página 126 de 173

Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Página 127 de 173

Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Next X Página 128 de 173

For X = 1 To 105 Col = 96 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Página 129 de 173

Col = 50 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 60 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Página 130 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 60 Col = 56 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer Col = 55 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer Col = 54 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer Col = 53 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer Col = 52 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 108 Col = 52 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub V2 Página 131 de 173

Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 540 Col = 48 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer Next Return

Vinicio: For X = 1 To 540 Col = 48 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 108 Col = 52 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer Página 132 de 173

Col = 48 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 60 Col = 56 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer Col = 55 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer Col = 54 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer Col = 53 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer Col = 52 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer Col = 48 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer Next X For X = 1 To 138 Col = 60 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Página 133 de 173

Col = 57 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 105 Col = 96 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub V4 Página 134 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Página 135 de 173

Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Página 136 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Página 137 de 173

Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub N1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub N2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub N3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Página 138 de 173

Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub N4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Página 139 de 173

Gosub N5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I1 Página 140 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Página 141 de 173

Col = 54 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub C1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub C2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub C3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub C5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Página 142 de 173

Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub C4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub C5 Página 143 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub D1 Gosub Veer2 Página 144 de 173

Col = 49 Gosub D2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub D3 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Página 145 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub D1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub D2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub D3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub D4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub D5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub O1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub O2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub O3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Página 146 de 173

Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub D1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub D2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub D3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub D4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub D5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub O4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub O5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub Cero Página 147 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub D1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub D2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub D3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub D4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub D5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Página 148 de 173

Col = 48 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub D1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub D2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub D3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub D4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub D5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Página 149 de 173

Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub D5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Página 150 de 173

Col = 57 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Cero Página 151 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub L1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub L2 Gosub Veer2 Página 152 de 173

Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub V1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub V2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub V3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub V4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub L1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub L2 Página 153 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub L3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub L4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub V5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub I2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub L1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Página 154 de 173

Gosub L2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub L3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub L4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 100 Col = 80 Gosub I3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub I4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub I5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub L1 Gosub Veer2 Página 155 de 173

Col = 60 Gosub L2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub L3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub L4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 53 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 52 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 51 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 50 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 49 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 48 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 150 Col = 80 Gosub L1 Página 156 de 173

Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub L2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub L3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub L4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 58 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 57 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 56 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 55 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 54 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 257 Col = 80 Gosub L5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Página 157 de 173

Gosub A1 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub A2 Gosub Veer2 Col = 61 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 60 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 59 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Next X For X = 1 To 450 Col = 80 Gosub A3 Gosub Veer2 Col = 96 Gosub A4 Gosub Veer2 Col = 63 Gosub A5 Gosub Veer2 Col = 62 Gosub Cero Gosub Veer2 Next X Gosub Cero Portd = 112 Waitms 1000 Return Column: Portd = Col Return Veer: Gosub Column Waitus 500 Return Veer2: Página 158 de 173

Gosub Column Waitus 150 Return Cero: Portb = 0 Return A1: Portb = 126 Return A2: Portb = 9 Return A3: Portb = 9 Return A4: Portb = 9 Return A5: Portb = 126 Return B1: Portb = 127 Return B2: Portb = 73 Return B3: Portb = 73 Return B4: Portb = 73 Return B5: Portb = 54 Return C1: Portb = 62 Return C2: Portb = 65 Return Página 159 de 173

C3: Portb = 65 Return C4: Portb = 65 Return C5: Portb = 34 Return D1: Portb = 127 Return D2: Portb = 65 Return D3: Portb = 65 Return D4: Portb = 65 Return D5: Portb = 62 Return E1: Portb = 127 Return E2: Portb = 73 Return E3: Portb = 73 Return E4: Portb = 65 Return E5: Portb = 65 Return I1: Portb = 65 Return I2: Página 160 de 173

Portb = 65 Return I3: Portb = 127 Return I4: Portb = 65 Return I5: Portb = 65 Return K1: Portb = 127 Return K2: Portb = 8 Return K3: Portb = 20 Return K4: Portb = 34 Return K5: Portb = 65 Return L1: Portb = 127 Return L2: Portb = 64 Return L3: Portb = 64 Return L4: Portb = 64 Return L5: Portb = 64 Return M1: Portb = 127 Página 161 de 173

Return M2: Portb = 2 Return M3: Portb = 4 Return M4: Portb = 2 Return M5: Portb = 127 Return N1: Portb = 127 Return N2: Portb = 2 Return N3: Portb = 4 Return N4: Portb = 8 Return N5: Portb = 127 Return O1: Portb = 62 Return O2: Portb = 65 Return O3: Portb = 65 Return O4: Portb = 65 Return O5: Portb = 62 Return Página 162 de 173

R1: Portb = 126 Return R2: Portb = 9 Return R3: Portb = 25 Return R4: Portb = 41 Return R5: Portb = 70 Return V1: Portb = 31 Return V2: Portb = 32 Return V3: Portb = 64 Return V4: Portb = 32 Return V5: Portb = 31 Return Z1: Portb = 97 Return Z2: Portb = 81 Return Z3: Portb = 73 Return Z4: Portb = 69 Return Z5: Página 163 de 173

Portb = 67 Return End Arbol: Portb = 0 Portd = 112 Porta = 0 For Y = 1 To 3 Portd = 112 For X = 1 To 100 Portd = 48 Porta = 128 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 49 Porta = 200 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 50 Portb = 128 Porta = 172 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 51 Portb = 192 Porta = 154 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 52 Portb = 160 Porta = 129 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 53 Portb = 16 Porta = 128 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 54 Portb = 8 Porta = 164 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 55 Portb = 36 Porta = 128 Portc = 192 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 56 Portb = 2 Página 164 de 173

Porta = 128 Portc = 192 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 57 Portb = 2 Porta = 137 Portc = 192 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 58 Portb = 36 Porta = 128 Portc = 192 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 59 Portb = 8 Porta = 132 Portc = 0 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 60 Portb = 16 Porta = 160 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 61 Portb = 160 Porta = 129 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 62 Portb = 192 Porta = 154 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 63 Portb = 128 Porta = 172 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 96 Portb = 0 Porta = 200 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 80 Porta = 128 Gosub Veer3 Next X Portb = 0 Página 165 de 173

Portd = 0 Porta = 0 For X = 1 To 100 Portd = 48 Porta = 128 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 49 Porta = 200 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 50 Portb = 128 Porta = 172 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 51 Portb = 192 Porta = 154 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 52 Portb = 160 Porta = 129 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 53 Portb = 16 Porta = 160 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 54 Portb = 72 Porta = 129 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 55 Portb = 4 Porta = 144 Portc = 192 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 56 Portb = 2 Porta = 128 Portc = 192 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 57 Portb = 10 Porta = 130 Portc = 192 Página 166 de 173

Gosub Veer3 Portd = 58 Portb = 4 Porta = 128 Portc = 192 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 59 Portb = 72 Porta = 160 Portc = 0 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 60 Portb = 16 Porta = 128 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 61 Portb = 160 Porta = 129 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 62 Portb = 192 Porta = 154 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 63 Portb = 128 Porta = 172 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 96 Portb = 0 Porta = 200 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 80 Porta = 128 Gosub Veer3 Next X Next Y Return Borrado1: Portd = 48 Porta = 255 Portb = 255 Portc = 255 For X = 48 To 63 Página 167 de 173

Gosub Veer4 Portd = X Next X Portd = 96 Gosub Veer4 Portd = 80 Gosub Veer4 Portd = 96 Gosub Veer4 Portd = 80 Gosub Veer4 For X = 63 To 48 Step -1 Portd = X Gosub Veer4 Next X Return Remin1: Portb = 0 Portd = 0 Porta = 0 For X = 1 To 550 Portd = 50 Portb = 8 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 51 Portb = 12 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 52 Portb = 74 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 53 Portb = 169 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 54 Portb = 88 Porta = 1 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 55 Portb = 168 Porta = 0 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 56 Página 168 de 173

Portb = 80 Porta = 4 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 57 Portb = 224 Porta = 10 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 58 Portb = 128 Porta = 17 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 59 Portb = 128 Porta = 36 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 60 Portb = 0 Porta = 89 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 61 Porta = 74 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 62 Porta = 100 Portc = 64 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 63 Portc = 128 Porta = 144 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 96 Portc = 0 Porta = 144 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 80 Porta = 96 Gosub Veer3 Portb = 0 Portd = 0 Porta = 0 Next X Return Página 169 de 173

Vini1: Portb = 0 Portd = 0 Porta = 0 For X = 1 To 550 Portd = 52 Portb = 128 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 53 Portb = 64 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 54 Portb = 32 Porta = 2 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 55 Portb = 16 Porta = 1 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 56 Portb = 128 Porta = 9 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 57 Portb = 64 Porta = 5 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 58 Portb = 0 Porta = 35 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 59 Porta = 17 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 60 Porta = 8 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 61 Porta = 196 Portc = 128 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 62 Porta = 32 Página 170 de 173

Portc = 128 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 63 Portc = 128 Porta = 16 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 96 Portc = 0 Porta = 128 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 80 Porta = 64 Gosub Veer3 Portb = 0 Portd = 0 Porta = 0 Next X Return Erika1: Portb = 0 Portd = 0 Porta = 0 For X = 1 To 550 Portd = 50 Portb = 16 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 51 Portb = 8 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 52 Portb = 76 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 53 Portb = 178 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 54 Portb = 146 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 55 Portb = 140 Porta = 2 Gosub Veer3 Página 171 de 173

Portd = 56 Portb = 240 Porta = 5 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 57 Portb = 128 Porta = 10 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 58 Portb = 64 Porta = 9 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 59 Portb = 128 Porta = 76 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 60 Portb = 0 Porta = 178 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 61 Porta = 18 Portc = 128 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 62 Porta = 76 Portc = 64 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 63 Portc = 128 Porta = 144 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 96 Portc = 0 Porta = 160 Gosub Veer3 Portd = 80 Porta = 64 Gosub Veer3 Portb = 0 Portd = 0 Porta = 0 Next X Página 172 de 173

Return Veer3: Waitus 500 Return Veer4: Waitms 8 Return

Página 173 de 173

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