Informational Reports

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 544
  • Pages: 2
Totara Unit Plan: Informational Reports Curriculum Focus Curriculum Integration Unit Duration



Listening, Reading & Viewing Speaking, Writing & Presenting

Mathematics –Statistics Science – Planet Earth & Beyond - Material World Term 1 weeks 1-3 Level 2



Select and use sources of information, processes, and strategies with some confidence to identify, form, and express ideas. Show some understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences. Show some understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts. Show some understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts. Show some understanding of text structures. Show some understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences. Select, form, and express ideas on a range of topics. Achievement Objectives

Use language features appropriately, showing some understanding of their effects. Organise texts, using a range of structures. Level 3 Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies with developing confidence to identify, form, and express ideas. Show a developing understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences. Show a developing understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts. Show a developing understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts. Show a developing understanding of text structures. Select, form, and communicate ideas on a range of topics. Organise texts, using a range of appropriate structures.

Key Competencies

Thinking, Using language, symbols & texts, Managing Self, Participating & contributing

Learning Intentions We are learning to: 1. Identify the features of an informational report 2. Identify the main idea of a text. 3. Use evidence to identify the main idea.

Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we: 1. Can identify an informational report and tell someone the features of it. 2. Can say in one or two sentences what a text or paragraph was about.

4. Skim & scan to find information quickly. 5. Use our knowledge of how words work to help us figure out difficult words. 6. Identify keywords to help us find specific information. 7. Make notes to record facts and information. 8. Organise our ideas into paragraphs. 9. Structure a paragraph correctly. 10. Edit and proof read our work ourselves. 11. Use the language features and text structure to write and publish an informational report.

Related Learning Intention/s

3. Identify the keypoints made by the author that help us to summarize the main idea. 4. Use our eyes to quickly locate useful information. 5. Can use root words, prefixes and suffixes to work out difficult words 6. Can write a list of keywords that will help us to find the information we are looking for. 7. Use graphic organisers to record useful information in our own words. 8. Can write a paragraph that has a topic sentence, details and a closing sentence. 9. Group ideas about different topics into paragraphs. 10. Check our own writing for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors and fix them up ourselves/Use a spelling and grammar check in Word. 11. Can write an interesting informational report for other children in our class to read.

Learning Progressions/Activities Refer Literacy weekly plan for specific progressions of class & group learning activities


Unit Evaluation

Published Informational Reports Teacher observations of reading & writing skills

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