Infectious/non-infectious Disease

  • Uploaded by: Sayali Kunte
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 348
  • Pages: 10
Infectious/Non-Infectious Disease 

Non-Infectious Disease (Ch. 23) 

A non-communicable disease (NCD) Disease which is noninfections and non-transmissible among people. Not

transmitted by mean of a pathogen (disease causing agent). - NCD may be chronic disease of long duration and slow progression or may result in more rapid death. 

Ex. – Cancer, Heart Disease, Asthma, Diabetes, Stroke, etc.

3 Categories of Non-Infectious Diseases Genetic  Sex/Gender  Familial Disease Tendency

3 Categories of Non-Infectious Diseases Lifestyle 

High Fat Diet

Lack of Sleep

Smoking/Smokeless Tobacco


Exposure to Sun

Lack of Exercise

Poor Nutrition

3 Categories of Non-Infectious Diseases Environment 

Polluted Air and Water

Harmful Substances in Food

Exposure to Sun


Infectious Diseases 

Infectious Disease: A disease caused by organisms- such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasite. Many live in and on our bodies. They’re normally harmless or even helpful, but some organisms may cause disease.

Pathogens: microorganisms and viruses that cause diseases 

Enter your body and multiply making you sick

4 types: 





Bacterial 

Air, soil, food, in and on the bodies of plants and animals

Some give off toxins or a poison that could grow on the food (food poisoning)

Ex: strep throat

Viral 

100 times smaller than bacteria

A virus can multiply only after entering a living cell

Ex: common cold

Fungal 

Yeast, molds, and mushrooms are known as fungi

Grows in warm, dark, moist areas.

Ex: athletes foot

Protozoans 

Single-celled organisms that are much larger than bacteria

Can move through fluids to search for food

Ex: Malaria (infects red blood cells causing weakness and nausea)

How Pathogens Are Spread 

 

Infected people 

Shaking hands

Indirect contact like coughs or sneezing

Infected Animals Objects 

Doorknobs, eating utensils, towels, cups

Food, Soil, or Water 

Salmonella found in poultry and eggs

E. coli found in beef

Drinking water that is contaminated by sewage

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