Industrial Safety.pptx

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  • Pages: 74


CONTENTS • • • • •

Introduction Types of hazards Recommendations and Suggestions Industrial effluent testing and treatment Discussion on industrial accident case studies • Questions • References 2

INTRODUCTION Industrial hazards: It can be defined as any condition produced by industries that may cause injury or death to personal or loss of product or property.










Physical Hazards

24 August 2012

KLE College of Pharmacy, Nipani

Heat & Cold


Heat and Cold


Foot sore

Heat stroke

Immersion foot

Heat cramps

Preventive Measures

A reasonable temp. of 20-250C must be maintained 6

Heat and Cold

Physical Hazards



Noise have two type of effects    a. •

Auditory Non auditory effects Preventive measures At source: Source of noise can be enclosed with an insulation material or concrete wall. • Proper maintenance of machinery b. By distance c. Personal protection against noise. 8

Equipment noise sources ,level & potential control solutions


Sound level in dBA at 3 feet

Air coolers




Electric motors


Possible noise control treatments Aerodynamic fun blades,↓ revolutions/min ↑ pitch,↓ pressure drop Install mufflers on intake,& exhaust, enclosure the machine with casing, vibration isolation & lagging of piping system Acoustically lined fan covers, enclosure 9

Equipment noise sources ,level & potential control solutions

Heater & furnaces


Acoustic plenums, intake mufflers, lined & damped ducts



Avoid sonic velocities, limit pressure drop & mass flow, replace with special low noise valves



Inline silencers, vibration isolation


Heat & Cold

Physical hazards Radiation



Radiation Radiation are divided into two groups Natural

Man made

Cosmic rays

Medical /dental x-rays isotopes

Environmental (radioactive elements e.g. uranium)

Occupational exposure

Internal (potassium,)

Nuclear radioactive fallout

Approx 0.1 rad/yr

Miscellaneous Use of radio active substances by different industries 12

Effect of hazards   i. ii.

Somatic Genetic Preventive measures Radiation source should be housed in a building that shields any surrounding area. iii. Radiation badges should be worn. iv. Periodical medical examination. v. Proper use of lead shields & lead rubber aprons.


Heat & Cold

Fire & Explosion

Physical Hazards




Fire & explosion hazards Causes Smoking in the factory Defective heating equipment, electrical equipment & wiring. Explosive gas leakage. Inadequate protection of electric motors Sparking of electric wires & equipment Protection & prevention Types of fire


Fire & explosion hazards Preventive measures • Prohibition of smoking in manufacturing areas. • Oxygen present in the inflammable atmosphere may be ↓by dilution with gases such as nitrogen, co2,steam or combination of these. • Hazardous operation should be isolated • Eliminating the ignition sources • Using fire resistant material in construction • Suitable emergency exits • Adequate venting 16

Fire & explosion hazards • Automatic sprinklers • Equipment should design to meet the specifications & code of recognized authorities., such as ASME • The design & construction of pressure vessels & storage tanks should follow ASME codes. • Inspection



Local – Dermatitis

– Gas Poisoning

– Eczema

– Ulcers – Cancer

Chemical Hazards

Ingestion Living tissue may be destroyed by chemical reactions such as Dehydration Digestion Oxidation 18

Source, effect & precautions of chemical hazards Type/ source of chemical contaminant

Effect/ organ affected

Precautions to be taken

Acridines, phenothiazines


Cleanliness, removal of people from the areas as soon as first sign of skin reaction is observed.

Solvents like chloroform, benzene

Handle with care

Vegetable drugs like capsicum & podophyllum

Dust evolves, affects eye

Goggles are to be worn

Long term use of filter without cleaning

Dust explosion

Regular cleaning


Source, effect & precautions of chemical hazards Improper use of cleaning agents


Follow established cleaning procedures

Working with radio active pharmaceuticals

Hazards due to emitted radiation

Wearing lead coat, maintaining pressure of working area slightly less than atmospheric pressure

Underground tanks

Difficulty in Minimal use of monitoring underground tanks interior & exterior 20

PREVENTIVE MEASURES • Tolerance levels for toxic chemicals set by federal regulations have to be followed. • Strict observation of operations of all safety regulations


Biological hazards • Disease due to biological hazards  Brucellosis (dairy industry)  Byssinosis (textile industry)  Bagassosis (sugar-cane)  Loco motor disorder • Preventive measures Periodic health check up Personal protection The manufacturer should also provide First aid facilities Initial examination Facility for vaccination Routine sanitation programme 22

Mechanical hazards • Accidents usually take place by the combination of unsafe condition & carelessness. • Most of industrial accidents are due to  Faulty inspection  Inability of employee  Poor discipline  Lack of concentration  Unsafe practice  Mental & physical unfitness for job  Faulty equipment or improper working condition  Improper training regarding the safety aspects 23

Mechanical hazards •In order to prevent mechanical accidents factories act lays down certain requirements For cranes End buffers Indicating lamps Signals Proof loading upto20 tons 25% in excess 20 to 50 tons 5 tons in excess above 50 tons 10% in excess 24

Mechanical hazards

Preventive measures

Building planning


Building planning • Floors must be of unskid/non-slippery type. • Enough space for employees to work. • Passages between working places. • Proper arrangements of temperature control; like fans, A.C., heaters.


Building planning Building planning

Preventive measures

Safe material handling 27

Safe material handling • Careless handling of heavy materials and components should be avoided. • Full use of mechanical material handling equipment. • All material handling equipments should be repaired and maintained properly. • Containers employed to transport liquids should not be defective or leaking. 28

Personal protective devices • Protection of head by using hard hats/helmets. • Protection of ears by using earmufffs and plugs. • Protection of face by using face masks, face shields.


Electrical hazards • • • •

Shocks Sparking Fire Wiring faults

Preventive measures  Proper maintenance of wiring & equipment  High voltage equipment should be properly enclosed  Good house keeping  Water should not be used for dousing electric fire  Worker should avoid working in electric circuits or equipment in wet clothing or shoes. 30

Pollution hazards • a. b. c. d.

Types Air pollution Water pollution Thermal pollution Sound pollution

Air pollution • Sources  Automobiles  Industries  Domestic 31

Preventive measures i.

Those suitable for removing particulate matter a. Ventilation  Exhaust ventilation  Plenum ventilation b. Air purifying equipment ii. Those associated with removing gaseous pollutants Water pollution 1. Types of water pollutants  Physical  Chemical  Physiological  Biological 32

Preventive measures 2. 3. a. i.   ii. iii. b.

Problems of water pollution Preventive measure Control of water pollution Physical treatment Storage Filtration Chemical treatment Biological treatment Treatment of industrial waste Primary treatment Secondary treatment Tertiary treatment 33

Preventive measures c. •  

Thermal pollution Effects Damage to aquatic environment Reduction in assimilative capacity of organic waste

• i. ii. iii. iv.

Various off stream cooling systems Wet cooling towers Dry cooling towers Cooling ponds Spray ponds 34

Recommendations & suggestions Proper treatment & disposal methods for effluents should be adopted An awareness program should be organized Measures for increase efficiency of the water use


Classification of signs according to use –

(1) Danger signs.

The DANGER header is used when there is a hazardous situation which has a high probability of death or severe injury. It should not be considered for property damage unless personal injury risk is present.


2) Caution signs. (i)

The CAUTION header is used to indicate a hazardous situation which may result in minor or moderate injury. However, Caution should not be used when there is a possibility of death or serious injury.


(3) Safety instruction signs

General Safety Signs (SAFETY FIRST, BE CAREFUL, THINK) should indicate general instructions relative to safe work practices, reminders of proper safety procedures, and the location of safety equipment.


(4) Biological hazard signs.

The biological hazard warning shall be used to signify the actual or potential presence of a biohazard and to identify equipment, containers, rooms, materials, experimental animals, or combinations thereof, which contain, or are contaminated with, viable hazardous agents. 39


Pictograph means a pictorial representation used to identify a hazardous condition or to convey a safety instruction


Signal Word Signal word means that portion of a tag's inscription that contains the word or words that are intended to capture the employee's immediate attention.


Tag Tag means a device usually made of card, paper, pasteboard, plastic or other material used to identify a hazardous condition.


Danger Tags Danger tags shall be used in major hazard situations where an immediate hazard presents a threat of death or serious injury to employees. Danger tags shall be used only in these situations.


Caution Tags Caution tags shall be used in minor hazard situations where a non-immediate or potential hazard or unsafe practice presents a lesser threat of employee injury. Caution tags shall be used only in these situations.


Warning Tags Warning tags may be used to represent a hazard level between "Caution" and "Danger," instead of the required "Caution" tag, provided that they have a signal word of "Warning," an appropriate major message


Biological Hazard Tags The symbol or design for biological hazard tags shall conform to the design shown below:


Color Coding-Danger Tag "DANGER" -- Red, or predominantly red, with lettering or symbols in a contrasting color.


Color Coding-Warning Tag "WARNING" -- Orange, or predominantly orange, with lettering or symbols in a contrasting color.


Biological Hazard Tag BIOLOGICAL HAZARD -- Fluorescent orange or orange-red, or predominantly so, with lettering or symbols in a contrasting color.


Industrial effluent testing and treatment • Effluent is an out flowing of water from a natural body of water, or from a man-made structure. • Water pollution or waste water discharge from the industrial facilities. REASON For TESTING • To find out -Pollution level -Presence of toxic ingredients -Color, turbidity, odour and quality of water -pH and acidity / alkalinity -Suspended solids and dissolved solids -Phenolic compounds and oily materials 50


• • •

Samples may be collected at specific intervals and finally can be mixed before analysis. Containers made up of glass, polythene or any suitable plastic material may be used. Samples may also be refrigerated to avoid loss of volatile matter Samples could be preserved after adjusting the pH O2, CO2, CO may be estimated



• Effluents may be expressed as mg/ltr, ppm, %/ltr, and mcg/ltr • Acidity / Alkalinity / Oil / Grease / CN / Phenol / Dyes content should be reported



pH Acidic

Lime or NAOH


H2SO4 52



Oil and grease

-grease taps -skimming

Cyanide Chlorinated & complex with pyridine pyroxolene -Colourimetrically Phosphates -Convert to ammonium molybdatephosphates -extracted with benzene/ isobutyl alcohol mixture -organic phase treated with tin chloride (blue) Colourimetrically

-alkaline chlorination -oxidation with ozone -oxidation with H2O2 -ppt with chalk or lime -coagulation with alum


THE RESULTS OF TESTING ARE REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: Mercury -treated with nitric acid and potassium dichromate soln- treated with tin chloride Vapour determined by spectrophotometry

Phenolic compounds

Steam distillation-acidify (pH<4)- add CuSO4 soln-


-chelation with trimercaptotriazine

Removal by polymeric adsorbents

Add aminoantipyrine soln- extracted with chloroform

calorimetrically 54

BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN DEMAND • It is the amounts of oxygen required by micro organisms to bio chemically oxidize carbonaceous organic matter at 20 0C in 5 days. • 10 mg/litre or less • Excess makes water toxic

MEASUREMENT • Special designed bottle with flared cap • Incubated at 20 0C for 5 day measuring DO • Microorganism added if required


Dissol oxy in ppm (mg/ltr)


N(V) (8) (1000) V1 V = Volume of sodium thio sulphate required. N = Normality V 1= Volume of sample taken.

CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND • Oxygen equivalent of organic matter present in waste water that is susceptible to oxidation • Waste water sample is refluxed with a known excess of pot. dichromate in a 50% sulphuric acid solution in presence of silver sulphate and mercuric sulphate 56

CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND • The organic matter of the sample is oxidised to water, carbon dioxide and ammonia • The excess of dichromate remaining untreated in the solution is titrated against standard ferrous ammonium sulphate

• COD(mg/l) =

(V1-V2) x N x 8 x100

X Where, V1 = Volume of ferrous ammonium sulphate solution consumed in blank

V2 = Volume of ferrous ammonium sulphate solution consumed for test solution X= Volume of sample taken N= Normality of ferrous ammonium sulphate solution


Limit for Discharge into Systems Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 24 August 2012

Parameters pH Oil and grease Total suspended solid, mg/l BOD, mg/l COD, mg/l Mercury Arsenic, mg/l Cyanide, mg/l Sulphides, mg/l Phosphates, mg/l KLE College of Pharmacy, Nipani

Tolerance limits 5.5 – 9.0 10 100 30 50 0.01 0.20 0.10 2.00 5.00 58

Waste Water Treatment  Waste Water Pretreatment • Attempt to render the effluent suitable for further treatment • Equalization Concentrated waste is diluted if necessary -by mechanical mixing -by aeration mixing • Neutralization • Removal of Grease and Oils 59

Primary Treatment of Waste Water • Removal of large floating or suspended particle by physical and chemical treatment  Screening • Large particles are removed • Coarse screen of metal bars or heavy wires spaced 25-50 mm apart • Finer materials are separated by screening through 0.8-6 mm meshes  Grit Chambers • Removal of particles by centrifugal action and friction against tank walls • Diffused air used for mixing pattern 60

Primary Treatment of Waste Water

• It is used To prevent any damage to equipment To avoid settling in pipe bends 61

Primary Treatment of Waste Water

 Chemical Reaction •

Involves agglomeration of tiny particles into large particles  Flocculation -by mechanical stirring and by chemical flocculants  Precipitation -Large amount of suspended solid formed  Coagulation -Formation of large and quick settling flocs by a) Reduction of charges and repulsive force b) Adsorption on long chain molecular structure 62

Secondary Treatment of Waste Water • It is a biological process • C, H, and O sources are available • Nitrogen should be 5% of the BOD • Phosphorus should be 20% of mass of nitrogen • Environmental conditions are provided Advantages • Continuous waste treatment is favored • Low cost system Disadvantages • Prior prediction of biological degradability is not possible • Solubility limits biodegradability 63

Secondary Treatment of Waste Water Activated Sludge Process • • • •

Microbial Floc is suspended in tank Air is continuously supplied Biological degradation of waste into CO2 and H2O Bacterial flora grows and remains suspended in the form of floc called as “activated sludge” • 20% of sludge is recycled • 6 to 24 hours aeration is required


Secondary Treatment of Waste Water • Advantages -Removal of soluble organic substance, colloidal matter, particulate matter, inorganic substance -Produce high quality effluent • Disadvantage -Maintenance cost is high -Growth of anaerobic bacteria fungi etc


Activated Sludge Process


Trickling filtration process • • • • • • • •

Microorganisms are attached to fixed bed It acts as a filter Bed is maintained at height of 2.5 meter Gelatinous film is formed Effluent is sprayed over the surface Slots at the bottom for air inlet Aerobic metabolism occur on the surface Anaerobic metabolism occur at the bottom

24 August 2012

KLE College of Pharmacy, Nipani


Trickling Filtration Process


Trickling Filtration Process Advantages • Produce effluent of consistent quality • Aerobic and anaerobic digestion are achieved • More economical • Sludge can be removed quickly Disadvantage • Cost for ventilation duct for air supply is high • Efficiency decreases in the winter


Secondary Treatment of Waste Water Oxidation Ponds • Depth should be 1 to 2 meters. • Bottom and sides are lined with polyethylene, cement. • Oxygen released by algae, carbon dioxide generate from biodegradative • Aerobic oxidation producing carbon dioxide and water. Advantage: • Operation is simple and economical. Disadvantages: • Required disinfections • Use for wastes having low BOD. 70

Tertiary Treatment Of Waste Water • • • •  •

Meant for polishing the effluents. Bacteria are removed by keeping in maturation ponds. Chlorinated, if still contain bacteria. Methods are more expensive than biological treatment. Coagulation : Reaction take place upon addition of the coagulants. -Metal salts -Organic Polymers In water, form insoluble product with impurities. 71

 •

 • • • •

Tertiary Treatment Of Waste Water Coprecipitation : Ions in solution phase precipitate with the carrier molecule by -Adsorption Process -Inclusion Process Filtration Most common type in addition to disinfection. Practiced prior to the chlorination. Should be done after coagulation. May be made up of sand, activated charcoal. 72

Tertiary Treatment Of Waste Water  Adsorption • Involves treatment with activated carbon. • Useful for removal of pesticides

REFRENCES • Pharmaceutical Production and Management By C. V. S. Subrahmanyam • • •

• • Sewage and Industrial Effluent Treatment, 2 nd edition By John Arundel • The Theory & Practical of Industrial Pharmacy By Leon Lachman, Herbert A. Lieberman, Joseph Kiang, 3RD Edition Varghese Publishing House. • 74

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