Industrial Revolution And Nationalism

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  • Words: 696
  • Pages: 15
Chapter 2 Industrial Revolution and Nationalism

Definitions Industrial Revolution: A period in Europe when products began to be made in factories. Textile: Cloth product Imperialism: The control by one country of the political and economic life of another country or region. Nationalism: Pride in one’s country. Alliance: An agreement to protect another country

Industrial Revolution Changes Life In Europe Inventors created machines that could make goods quickly and cheaply.  Machines were housed in factories.  People left their homes to go to work in the factories.  Changes in production 

-first machines were invented to speed up the spinning of thread and the weaving of textiles. -By 1900 factories produced almost all goods made in the US and most of W. Europe.

Industrial Revolution Changes Life In Europe 

Change in Society - families moved from farms to industrial centers. - Cities grew rapidly (housing packed/cramped--disease) - Factory owners took advantage of workers (poor wages and horrible working conditions).

Change in Government - People gained more of a voice in government

(workers important to economy). - Governments became more Democratic - Became more aggressive abroad…..took over colonies -imperialism(needed buyers for goods) -colonies produced raw materials

Wednesday Riddle  What  The

always ends everything?

letter “g”

Constructive Nationalism VS Destructive Nationalism  Nationalism

allows people to take pride in their nation.

 It

can make one nation harm another in an effort to get ahead -this caused both WWI and WWII

Nationalism Leads to WWI    

1900s people were filled with nationalism. Nationalism and the Industrial Revolution fueled a European drive to build overseas empires. The scramble for colonies brought European countries into conflict. Nationalism and colonial rivalries led European nations to increase military spending. (armies and navies) As tensions grew, nations sought allies that would come to their aid in case there was a war. -Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed the Triple Alliance -France, Russia and Britain formed the Triple Entente

Nationalism Leads to WWI 

June 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Bosnian nationalist. • Austrians accused Serbia

• Germany stood by its ally Austria-Hungary • Russia defended Serbia • Germany declared war on Russia and France and Britain joined within days.

Nationalism Leads to WWI War lasted 4 years  All of the Major European powers and many regions beyond Europe got involved.  Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire (Central Powers)  Britain, France and Russia (Allied Powers) 

-Eventually, more than 20 nations, including Italy and the US, joined the Allies

Large numbers of lives lost (trench warfare)  Allies Victorious. Imposed harsh terms on the Germans in the Treaty of Versailles 

Wednesday Riddle

 How  He

does a king open a door?

uses a Monar-chy

World War II Nationalism still burned like a flame in 1939  Germany experienced much turmoil after WWI  Adolf Hitler gained control of the Nazi party in the early 1920s. 

 

Blamed Jews for Germany’s defeat in WWI and economic problems. Promoted racism by claiming that Germans belonged to a superior race destined to rule the world.

Nazi party controlled every aspect of German life and waged a violent campaign against Jews.

World War II      

Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by annexing Austria. German invasion of Poland in September 1939 triggered WWII (Axis Vs. Allies) Germany, Italy and Japan were the major Axis powers Britain, France, Soviet Union, United States, China and 45 other nations comprised the Allies. 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor brought the US into the war. Jews were taken and put into concentration camps where they were executed throughout the war. About 6 million lost their lives.

World War II  On

June 6, 1944 (D-Day) the Allies pushed into Germany. Hitler committed suicide rather than face defeat.  Most destructive war in history.  The war reduced Western Europe’s impact on world affairs. Two new superpowers appeared……US and Soviet Union

Wednesday Riddle  What

is everyone in the world doing at the same time?

 Growing


Here endeth the lesson!

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