Logistics Industrial Project Guidelines

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,465
  • Pages: 5
Guidelines for the International Logistics Industrial Project at Jacobs University At Jacobs University, practical work experience is a required and valuable element of the bachelor education of every student. Therefore, practical experience is an integral part of all bachelor programs. Industrial Projects provide students the opportunity to apply academic concepts in practice and to explore possible future fields of work. Aim of the guided industrial project within the international logistics study program is the application of theoretical knowledge in the practical context of a company and thereby broadening it. In order to develop an understanding of the organizational interrelations within a company, students have to get involved in operational tasks that have to be fulfilled day-to-day. 1. Industrial Project Preparation Phase 1.1. Application process The students are expected to arrange the Industrial Projects themselves. The university offers support via the Career Service Center (CSC) for the selection of suitable companies and to write applications. http://www.jacobs-university.de/csc/ 1.2. Companies The Industrial Project can take place in any company worldwide, as long as the position of the intern is related to a logistical task. The Industrial Project cannot take place in any university institution or companies owned or managed by the student or a family member. 1.3. Project requirements The industrial project has to deal with a logistical issue, related to the field of engineering or to the field of management, depending on the major selected by the student. The result of the project should be attractive for the company, but it should not rely on it. Thus the student can be allowed to plan and conduct the project by himself, but with support of his supervisor within the company and colleagues. 2. During the project 2.1. General requirements The Industrial Project has to be a full-time employment (approx. 35-40 hours per week) over a minimum of 16 weeks in total. It can be split into periods of 8 weeks in two different companies. In case of illness the student has to extend the Industrial Project in order to rework the times absent. 2.2. Responsibility of the intern and guidance by the university Due to the fact, that the Industrial Project is most likely the student’s first working assignment for a longer period, the student benefits from an academic sponsoring. Never the less the student is responsible for the success of the industrial project. The student will get support from the university, if needed. 2.3. Supervisor’s Reference Letter The supervisor of the student within the company has to provide a reference that includes the following issues: • name and contact information of company and supervisor • personal data of the intern, • duration of employment,

Guidelines for the International Logistics Internship • • •

detailed job description, evaluation of performance evaluation of behavior

3. Post Industrial Project Phase 3.1. Industrial Project Report At the conclusion of the Industrial Project, students are required to provide a written assessment of their work experience, indicating the type of work accomplished, the work environment and how the Industrial Project related to the educational program they are pursuing. The Industrial Project report should describe the company as well as the fields of activity during the Industrial Project. It should be made clear to the readers (academic advisors, company supervisors, fellow students) what the student has learned and experienced. The report should be understood as the basis for a personal evaluation of the Industrial Project. The Industrial Project report needs to follow these layout guidelines in order to be accepted: • font: Arial (10 points) or Times New Roman (12 points) • line spacing: 1,5 lines • top and bottom margins: 1 inch/ 2,5 cm; left and right margins: 1,25 inches/ 3 cm • page numbers (starting on the first text page): centered in the footer The first page of the Industrial Project report is a cover page stating the following information: • First and family name • Major • Class of 200x • Training post’s name, city, country • Type of organization/industry • Department • Supervisor’s name and position • Industrial Project dates (from/to) A template for the cover page can be found on www.jacobs-university.de/internshipforms. The report itself should consist of four to six pages of text. Sub-headlines should be considered in order to enable the reader to follow the thoughts easily. All pieces of information given will be for Jacobs University in-house distribution and will not be made available to outside readers. However, it must be taken into consideration that the report will be published in the IRC and made available to Jacobs University community members when stating intra-corporate data. If the student dos not wish the report to be published, the CSC has to be informed in writing (e.g. via email) when submitting it. The following questions should be answered in the report. The student is also welcome to add any other pieces of information 1. The organization: • What kind of organization did you choose (company, university, NGO, etc.)? Why? • What is the organization’s mission? • What does the organization offer? Who are the customers/clients? • How many employees are working at the organization? • What kind of organizational structure does the organization have? • What is the legal status of the organization (association, limited, public company, etc.)? • What is the competitive environment?

Guidelines for the International Logistics Internship 2. The Industrial Project position: • How did you find this Industrial Project (networking, job ad, internet, etc.)? • For which department were you working? • Did you work for one department or were you assigned to several departments? • Which other departments did you visit? • What were your daily, weekly, monthly tasks? • Tell us about the projects you were involved in. • To what extent were you involved in your colleagues’ daily routine? • Describe in more detail a logistic process you got familiar with during your Industrial Project or which represents the logistical core competence of the company.

3. Difficulties and Problems: • Did you have any problems or difficulties that you had to solve? • How did you do that? 4. Work Environment: • How did you like the working atmosphere? • What was it like to work for this company? • Did you feel welcome and well taken care of? • How were the relationships with your colleagues and your supervisor? 5. Evaluation: • How did the Industrial Project relate to your major field of study? • What did you learn during the Industrial Project (your technical and personal experiences)? • What was good or bad about your experiences? Why? • What was especially interesting? • What are your conclusions concerning your studies and/or your future career? • Was your academic knowledge sufficient for the Industrial Project? (Were you overqualified? What kind of knowledge did you lack?) It is obligate to follow the format and content guidelines and save the Industrial Project report as a .pdf document as follows: Industrial Project Report_Your Last Name_Name of Organization. It has to be sent to the CSC ([email protected]) via e-mail ONLY, by January 31st). Another copy has to be given to the academic advisor.

3.2. Presentation of the results of the Guided Industrial Project After finishing the Industrial Project the students have to design a poster illustrating the task and the result of their guided industrial project. The posters will be presented and explained to the international logistics students of the same class and the others as well, in a small exhibition. The student is encouraged to come up with his own way of structuring the content of the poster. The following bullet points are just a hint which topics should be covered: • • • • • •

presentation of the problem/ problem identification goal of the project approach of solution finding summary of the result reflection outlook

Guidelines for the International Logistics Internship The student is responsible to respect the confidentiality of the presented information. In any case of doubt the student should let the supervisor within the company confirm the harmlessness of the published information. The poster should also contain the following information, written in the headline of the poster: • • • • • • • •

First and family name Major Class of 200x Company’s name City, country Department Supervisor’s name and position Industrial Project dates (from/to)

An example of a poster layout can be found at the end of the guidelines.

3.3. Final Approval of the Industrial Project The Industrial Project will be approved based on the evaluation of the • report • certificate • poster and presentation of the industrial project

Guidelines for the International Logistics Internship

Guided Industrial Project

Students Name Major Class of

Company’s name City, Country Department Supervisor’s name and position Internship dates

Logo of Company Subtitle






Academic Advisor



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