Inductive Bible Study Method Strong’s Concordance Tutorial 7/2009
A Strong’s Concordance has three parts: Main Concordance Hebrew Dictionary Greek Dictionary Every word in the KJV Bible is recorded in the Strong’s. It is in dictionary form. If you want to find the meaning of “destroyed” in Matthew 5:17, you look up the word destroyed in the Main Concordance just like you would in a dictionary, in an alphabetical listing. The OT references for “destroyed” are listed first; from Genesis to Malachi, then the NT references are listed from Matthew to Revelation. You scan down until you find the specific scripture in Matthew. (the word “destroyed will be abbreviated and bolded as d. in the scripture.) To the right will be a number. That number is what you write over the word “destroyed.” Keep looking up all the reference numbers to the words you are interested in before you start looking up the meanings in Greek or Hebrew. It will go much faster. This is what the notebook entries should look like. You can write them out or type them out double-spaced, so there is room to write over and under the sentence. I also like to write the numbers and definitions in other colors so I can easily see it. 2647 …not that I have come to destroy the law… “disintegrate”
Then you look-up the # 2647 in the Greek dictionary, because it is a NT word. All the numbers are chronological, and that makes it easy to find. Write the simplest definition under the word. Do this with all the numbers and voila! You have exegeted the passage! It takes on a much deeper meaning.
Inductive Bible Study Method Monday Date your work each day Start with PRAYER ~Read the assigned passage in NKJV 3 times! ~Write/type it out double spaced. ~Select a sentence/ passage to memorize. Write it on an index card. Tuesday Date your work each day Start with PRAYER ~ Work on memory selection ~Read passage again in NKJV ~Underline in your notebook any words that you do not understand or want to know more about. Look them up in STRONGS concordance; write definitions out. ~Circle any important repeated words (not if, and, or, etc.) Wednesday Date your work each day Start with PRAYER ~Work on memory selection ~Read the passage 2 times; in another translation then again in NKJV ~Answer these questions if a new book or chapter: Who, what, where, when, why, how? ~Tell anything new you learned about God and/or Christianity. Thursday Date your work each day Start with PRAYER ~Work on memory selection ~Read passage in NKJV ~What does it say? Write a very short paraphrase of the passage ~Read this checklist & write in your notebook anything from the list you can answer: Is there a promise from God to claim? Is there a truth to rest in? Is there an example to follow? Is there an action to take? Is there a challenge to heed? Is there a sin to avoid or even confess? Is there forgiveness to ask or give? Is there a witness to share? Is there a bad attitude to change or a good one to strengthen? Is there a priority to change? Is there a commandment to obey? Is there a burden to bear? Is there a ministry to do? Is there a prayer to pray? Friday Date your work each day ~Read passage/ show me your weeks work so I can initial it. ~Say memory verse to me ~PRAY in a “quiet” place. 1. Tell the Lord what you fear, if anything/ or what is difficult about what you learned this week. 2. LISTEN for His voice! It may take a while to practice this, be patient.
Scripture Assignment Sheet School Year: 1st Semester Week 1
Name: 2nd Semester Week 1
Week 2
Week 2
Week 3
Week 3
Week 4
Week 4
Week 5
Week 5
Week 6
Week 6
Week 7
Week 7
Week 8
Week 8
Week 9
Week 9
Week 10
Week 10
Week 11
Week 11
Week 12
Week 12
Week 13
Week 13
Week 14
Week 14
Week 15
Week 15
Week 16
Week 16
Week 17
Week 17
Week 18
Week 18
Final Grade 1st Semester:
Final Grade 2nd Semester: