Indian Management Thoughts And Practices

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 855
  • Pages: 7
INDIAN MANAGEMENT THOUGHTS AND PRACTICES PERSONALITY AND PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT  Concepts of Personality (asked the students to work in group and choose their favorite Indian Personality and write about their ASK i.e. Attributes, Skills and Knowledge).  Personality- Combination of Heredity and Environment.  Need of Personality Development  Holistic Approach to Personality.  Techniques of Personality Development. Swadharma and Detachment.




 Importance of Character in building Personality.

INDIAN MANAGEMENT  Introduction to Management and its styles in respect to Bhagwad Gita and Vedanta.

Ways to reach Excellence in Management of self and organization


Meaning of Ethics Values and Ethos.

 Meaning of Self.  Principles of Indian Ethos.  Difference between Indian and Western culture.  Comparative study of values Systems in America, Japan, China and India.  Corruption and its impact on India.

MOTIVATION  Self motivation.  Techniques to be self motivated  Learning’s from Bhagwad Gita- Krishna Source of Motivation to Arjuna.  Control on Inner instincts and emotion- Body, Mind and Intellect (soul).  Difference between American, Japanese and Indian style of Motivation.


SKY i.e. Skills, Knowledge and You (attributes) of Leader.

Comparative study of Family managed Business and MNC’s in India.

Role of Karta.

Leadership Styles and Skills.

Managerial Grid Theory.

Difference between Transformational and Transnational Leaders.

Leadership challenges in the era of Globalisation.


Benefits of learning’s.

Learning Organisations.

Types of Learning’s.

Distinction between Ancient method and Modern method of Learning.


Meaning of being effective.

Methods to be effective.

Importance of Organisational effectiveness.

Social responsibility towards various segments of the society.

Corporate values, culture, citizenship and responsibility.


Reasons of Conflict.

Role of communication in rising as well as managing conflict.

Intrapersonal and Interpersonal conflict.

Balancing the Personal and Professional goals in order to manage conflict.


Meaning of Productivity.

Factors influencing Productivity.

Methods to improve Productivity level.

Importance of Yoga and Meditation to enhance productivity level.

Role of Leader to improve productivity.


Meaning of Creativity.

Process of Creativity.

 Methods of being creative in personal and professional life.

Quality of a creative personality.


 Natural resources in India  Contribution of nature in building human wealth.

Global warning.

Remedial measures regarding saving the nature.

QUESTION BANK • Relevance of Ethics in Business • Value System in India Visa vis USA • Organisational Productivity can be increased by value driven Indian Management • Values in Indian Ethos • Values in Indian Ethos are evolved from deepest truth of men, life and nature. • Values and Skills • Corporate Accountability • For achieving behavioural change the core values of individuals have to be addressed ---- EXPLAIN • Comparative study of Value Systems practised in USA, Japan and China • Correlation between Nature and Human Society • Professional Manager should have PACE of WEST and GRACE of EAST. --- EXPLAIN the statement with a comparative study if west and east Value System. • Concept of Learning Organisation • Traditional and Modern methods of Learning • Strengths and Weaknesses of Gurukul and Modern Systems of Learning • Concept of Motivation in Indian v/s Western Context • Different styles of Leadership • Is Leadership Situational • Leadership style of Family Managed Indian Business • Concept of Transformational Leadership in Indian perspective • Theories of Leadership • Different types of Conflicts. How do they arise? How to solve them? • Organisational Culture • Narmada Bachao Andolan

• Important to ensure Ecological Balance in Nature while setting up a new factory • Is Whistle Blowing morally permitted • Social Audit • Concept of Karma • As the King, so the People – EXPLAIN • Concept of Indian Management Thought • Concept of Indian Cultural Heritage • Indian concept of Learning • Concept of Self Control • Concept of Mind Stilling • Doctrine of Nishakama Karma • Concept of Swadharama • Concept of SRT Gunas • Concept of Meditation – Dhyana • How inner peace contributes to performance of a Indian Manager in stressful Corporate life. • Organisation, Society and Nature are living entities having consciousness, heart and mind • Mind Management by practice of Yoga • Sustainable Development through Indian Management Thoughts and Practices (IMTP) • Self – Actualisation v/s De – Personification • Concept of Detached Involvement • De – Igoisation v/s De – Personification • Indian Management Thoughts harmonise the Environment and Human Society. • Concept of Yoga • Concept of Divinity • Concept of Moksha or Bliss • Concept of Spirituality • Five critical aspects of the Indian Ethos that needs to be imbibed by an International Company, • One who cannot Manage Self cannot Manage Anything – EXPLAIN. Suggest strategies for Self – Management • Principle of Trusteeship

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Qualities of a King as a CEO Concept of Ethical Dilemma Concept of Four Varnas Concept of Self Motivation Concept of Creativity and Service Attitude Concept of Inner Conflicts.

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