India Vs Pakistan - Army And Navy Strength Comparison - Reuters

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FACTBOX - Pakistan, India troop stren…

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FACTBOX - Pakistan, India troop strength, deployments Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:37pm IST

REUTERS - Tension between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan has risen sharply after last month's militant attacks on the Indian city of Mumbai that killed 179 people. Although most analysts say war is very unlikely, international unease is growing. Following are estimates of military strength of Pakistan and India, as well as some information about where troops are believed to be deployed: PAKISTAN Defence budget: Pakistan increased defence spending by nearly 7 percent in June to 296 billion rupees ($4.4 billion) for the 2008-09 fiscal year that began on July 1. Estimated nuclear warheads: 25 to 50 Troops: about 620,000 active; about 515,000 reserves; about 290,9000 paramilitary troops. Equipment: about 2,460 tanks, about 2,000 artillery pieces; about 1,250 armoured personnel carriers. The air force has about 415 combat aircraft while the navy has 8 submarines, 7 surface combatants. Missile types and ranges: Shaheen 1 (600 km/375 miles), Shaheen 2 (up to 2,000 km/1,200 miles), Ghauri 1 (1,500/940 miles) Ghauri 2 (2,300 km/1,440 miles), Hatf 1 (100 km/63 miles), Hatf 2 (180 km/110 miles), Hatf 3 (290 km/180 miles), Babur cruise missile (500 km/310 miles). Deployment: The military does not publish information about the deployment of troops but it has said about 100,000 soldiers, from both the army and paramilitary forces, have been on the western border with Afghanistan. The remainder are stationed at bases around the country, many of them near the so-called Line of Control, that divides the Kashmir region, and near the international border with India that runs south to the Arabian Sea. Pakistani military officials have said a "limited number" of soldiers have been moved off the Western border, from snow-bound areas and areas where operations were not being conducted, "for defensive measures". Military officials have officially denied any build-up of forces on the Indian border though a security official said some troops had been moved there. Residents of areas near the border India have not reported any sign of troop movements and travellers have not reported seeing large military convoys on roads leading to the Indian border. INDIA Defence budget: India increased defence spending by 10 percent in February to $26.5 billion for the 2008-09 fiscal year. India plans to spend $30 billion over the next four years to modernise its largely Soviet-era arms. Estimated nuclear warheads: 70-100 Troops: India's military strength stands at 1.3 million, the fourth largest in the world and growing in strength with thousands recruited every year.…



FACTBOX - Pakistan, India troop stren…

Equipment: The army has around 4,000 tanks; 4,500 artillery and 300 armored personnel carriers and a combat aircraft strength of around 700. The Indian Navy has one aircraft carrier, 16 submarines, eight destroyers and 16 frigates. Missile types and ranges: Agni 1 (2,500 km/1,560 miles), Agni 2 (3,000 km/1,875 miles; upgraded, up to 3,500 km/2,190 miles), Prithvi SS-150 (150 km/94 miles), Prithvi SS-250 (250 km/156 miles) Deployment: The Indian military does not give information about deployment of troops but has said its troops are on standby and presently stationed at bases around the country. India also has a huge military presence near the Line of Control. India says it has made no new deployments since the Mumbai attacks. © Thomson Reuters 2008. All rights reserved. Users may download and print extracts of content from this website for their own personal and non-commercial use only. Republication or redistribution of Thomson Reuters content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters and its logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Thomson Reuters group of companies around the world. Thomson Reuters journalists are subject to an Editorial Handbook which requires f air presentation and disclosure of relev ant interests.…


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