India Is Changing And Changing In Leaps And Bounds After The It Revolution In Last 20 Years.docx

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,537
  • Pages: 7
India is changing and changing in leaps and bounds after the IT revolution in last 20 years. It is one of the fastest growing economy, GDP among top 10 countries in the world, largest democracy with 2nd largest population of the world is a country among largest user of cell phones in the world and have the youngest and largest workforce in the world. With the advent of globalisation, free flow of communication, computerisation and reach of internet, people needs, desires and aspirations changed a lot ; their expectation from the government and public services increased manifold with emphasis on better infrastructure, quick and better delivery system, solutions and services at the door step simultaneously improving living conditions and lifestyle. But all this is to be done within the cultural, social and traditional values the uphold very dear from many centuries. India is a very diverse country. It has diversity in its geography, cultures, society, language, religion, caste, class etc. police as a department and policemen as individuals interact and deal with such diversity i.e. diversity of perspectives and expectations. Police desires to provide solution that are modern, latest and best, but when these should be in consonance with individual society , culuture, traditions and also uphold the legal framework of the country, then only leads to satisfaction. Technology is free from such issues and neutral, it helps in facilitating your job but in itself it is no solution. Indian police is more then 150 years old and over these years it has inherited certain values that are core of its working. A policeman in absence of clear cut job definition works minimum of 12-14 hrs and also plays tthe role of psychoilogist, counselour, arbitrator, investigator, intelligence gatheror, courier etc. a policeman in india although being himself part of one of these culture, society and under extreme stress due to almost no holidays, such a low police public ratio, without enjoying single festival with his family or any important event of family, constantly criticizing environment with almost no appreciation, politicization yet able to reasonably provide the solution to such diverse public expectation and within the preview of legal framework of this country due to traditional values that this department has evolved and inculcated over last 150 years. These traditional values are eternal timeless and are the foundation and corn stone of this department which needs to be preserved under all circumstances. Any organisation works within political, physio social, economic and communal customs and values environment that is increasingly complex and dynamic environment. Change is continual process that may be due to internal or extrernal pressures, whole or

part of organisation may be affected by it and may take place at varying rate of pace and degree of significance in an organisation. An organisation is to thrive for meeting future challenges even though it may be following best practices of current times. Although in face of crisis change is inevitable to survive but to meet future challenges an organisation should develop an adaptive environment and leadership to keep pace with changing technology and the world. A public service organisation may change due to change in legislation; government policies, procedures or manuals; change in public desires, aspirations and expectations; change in top leadership; change in social condition; deficiency in organisation; last but not the least change in technology. Indian police changed its procedure and guidelines overnight in wake of juvenile justice act enactment, various judgements regarding change of procedures to affect women oriented policing based on change in people perceptions and change in social conditions. Police has also successfully meets the challenge of Naxals threat that loomed large due to deficiency of guerrilla warfare know how, social and geo-political causes. The major external force that calls for a change is technology. The rate of technological change, computerisation, automation and digitisation is greater today than any time in the past and remarkably impacted job profiles, functioning of organisation, flow of information, communication and authoritative structure of hierarchical organisation. A leader that may adopt authoritative style or cooperative style to change the organisation may be helpful in overcoming the temporary crisis of the organisation, but as soon as normalcy returns it goes back to old ways of functioning and does not adapt the organisationand work force to meet future challanges. These leadrers draws from the expertise and experience of past to solve the crisis that is necessary in current situation but not sufficient for the long run. Mostly the leadrers follow kurt lwein change model consisting three steps of unfreezing, changing and refreezing. This is linear, predictable model of incremental change. An adaptive leader in continuous changing environment foster adaptation. It is conserving that is already present and required, reinventing new processes, training and educationg employees for new competencies, closing certain obsolete practices etc. the leader will help the subordinates to embrace disequilibrium by answering to their anxieties, incompetencies,fears, expectations and tap the human potential in them in uncertain and perplexed environment and prepare them for continuous

change.while doing this organisation has to perform day to day routine jobs without affecting the delivery system. In india police being a state subject and india having federal structure every state has its own police, larger skeletal framework remains the and top executives are from Indian police service. It is expected that these top executives will provide leadership and change the organisation to meet future challenges. Some of tyhe changes are brought on its own by visionary leaders without the need being arisen. Technology in Indian police can help in performing three functions. 

Assisting the operational men in field and better delivery system to public.

Assisting by generating automated reports and performance indexes to top executives.

Intercoordination between various wings of criminal justice system and avoiding of duplicity of work. In india 92% of police is constabulary. They patrol the beats, investigate the cases,

distribute summons and warrants, verify character and passports, gather intelligence, intervene in land disputes and counsel in domestic and women related issues, prevent and intervene in law and order situations and do many other multifarious jobs simultaneously. Techonology can help them in a long way for e.g. introduction of CCTV in in urban environment, developing softwares for distribution of warrants and summons, digitisation of records of criminals and public, biometric detailing of criminals etc can be a boon to overloaded job profile. Instead of too many patrols and human manpower at every crosssection in urban area, a dedicated control room having feed fromm CCTV at every cross section, manned by few individuals will decrease the number of manpower required for patrolling and also Act as deterent for criminals. Few mobile units at critical junctures will operate as soon as unusual activity information comes from control room. Hence better coverage of area, vigilance at every corner and effective use of manpower and clear job definition of mobile unit and control room instead all functions to be performed by patrolling constable. Similarly warrant, summons character verification, passports and case diaries reach the recipients crossing at least ten hands, at each level a duplicate copy is preserved as a proof of service delivery and requires around one week of time. Use of technology in interconnecting courts, prosecution and police station will save time and

energy with one click on a computer. Executives can use predictive analytical tools on data filled on day to day basis; can see the performance, service delivery, by department or individual by drawing datas , charts etc and can plan short , medeium or long term interventions. It has been experienced that the introduction of technology is not always as smooth as it looks. Its has resistance and risk from various corners. First and foremost its human habit to maintain status quo because any change will create physical, mental and psychological disequilibrium. Fear of lack of promotion avenues in future due to automation of jobs for e.g. every government office employ people for receipt dispatch, lack of autonomy and diminished controls, anxiety about future, embarasement de to incompetency in new environment, generating new legacies and loyalities create emotional stress and social displacement. Some of them precieve futility of changing environment for e.g. during implementation of CCTNS project constables felt it a futile attempt because they have to copy everything like station diary, case diary etc on computer without elimination of single paperwork. Instead of decreasing computers increased their work load by duplicacy of work. Sometimes resource constraint , political factors or managerial postion resist change. There is a graet risks as well. Lack of police people contact during patrolling and otherwise already hit the human intelligence generation process of every police station, Detection of theft and burglary cases has alarmingly gone down due to over reliance on mobile surveillance and lack of human intelligence generation by police stations that used to be the main activity during beat patrol. Quantitative intervention can take over qualitative intervention at lower level due to lack of autonomy and over monitoring of lower level. A middle executive draws performance chart over numberof complaints attended but one person might have attended an important complaint that might lead to a riot but took all his time while the otherperson attended 8 complaints in a day of trivial nature will get higher performance rating. Human and culuture angle slowly gets diminished in working of police and statics generally took over after free flowing and excess of data. In changing india where from online shopping to hotel booking is becoimg the way of life in eve rincreasing use of apps by people, techonology itself provide a wide range of solution and application to suit the needs of Indian police. The way to implement, how to implement and creating mind niches is leaders job. Many departments are creating apps for

quick online delivery system for satisfaction of people and implementation of laws. For e.g. online challan with a photograph as evidence taken by android phone and filled in app not only helps in enforcement of trffic rule but saves time and eliminate stress of argument also. Similarly online sharing of vehicular and criminal data solves and prevent a lot of crimes. Similarly leader also has a wider choice while implementing the change. During change subordinate clamour for direction, many parts of organisation needs reshaping and redefining of work which in turn require changing the rule of the game. He can get a lot of help tactically from within the organisation provided he has political support as well as economical and technological resources to implement the change. During change analytical, problem solving and crisp decision making and clear articulation of direction by the leader develops confidence in subordinates. Leader has a always a choice; individual vs groups, a grand strategy vs small pilot projects, authoritative vs participative approach. In adaptive strategy leaders is also among charted waters whose results are to be prominent in future. He has to implement change without loosing the sense of self and clear demarcation between personal conflict and organisational conflict and not taking it too personally and become ego defensive. A vision can be articulated through letters, memos or meetings among individuals or groups. Best form of articulation is through informal meetings among informal groups after formal meetings. In police which is pan india organisation it is always beter for the officer to run a pilot project in few police stations that too with participative approach so that it gives a perception of bottom up approach rather than top down. For e.g. constables in a police station can be asked the difficulties faced while usuing type writers, difficulty in correcting mistakes. Then in discussion idea of automation and computerisation can be discussed as if it was group who has evolved the idea. Failure of too grand a stategy may shatter the confidence and lead to higher sunk cost, while running smaller pilot projects of different modus operendi but same underlying vision, are adapted well by by workforce because of participative undertone. Successful experiment can be replicated very fast. Achieving milestones and constantly correcting milestone is a part of game. Perhaps the most difficult part of change to be handled by a leader is emotional stress experienced by employees and himself. Most part of stress can be relived by distributive leadearship responsibility, where small groups are formed and they evolve

solutions by collective intelligence of the group. Providing education and training to employees in consonance with new environment, articulating need of change and their concerns being heard helps in reducing individual conflict. It should be understood that during disqulibrium stress on employees should not be too much that it will affect day to day working and it should not be too low to create a low risk envirement that employee don’t feel the need od change or disregards the consequence of not adapting to change. Hence this stress should be productive rather than destructive. In all the methods adopted by leader during adaptation he still have the choice too implement timeless principles of motivation by incentives and rewards, negotiations and even authority. Indian police service has a multifarious task of maintaining the balance of between of day to day work, introducing change, to fulfil rising expectation of public within limited resources and prepare the workforce for the future challenges within the framework of legal criminal justice system under the patronage of constitutional political system. Earlier the professional crimes require physical presence and effort but cyber crimes a require none of this and doesn’t follow national or international boundaries. Detection of Cyber crimes like financial frauds or theft, identity creation or deletion, financial transaction or activation of sleeper cells or recruitment of personals or propaganda for extremist activities, virus attacks on delicate security systems by way of phishing and spoofing etc require change in the orthodox culture of policing. An officer also need to support old age work force who has already spent more than 20 years in the department and may feel incompetent in new environment. Although future police is to be technologoy oriented yet traditional, precious and timeless principal that are central to the organisation need to be conserved. As given above in one of the example that how decrease in police public contact affect human intelligence which may have bearing on law and order situation, extremist activity or crime; while police public contact and gathering of intelligence is central to this organisation. Hence a dedicated technology oriented police with technical qualification supported by operational police for search and seizures, raids etc and yet another wing that that supports basic function of police like verification, law and order duties, bandobast duties etc is need of the hour. This will create a set of experts in various fields as far as technology is concerned and few generalist with technological adaptability. this will conserve the traditional values of system and prepare the workforce for future challanges. Indian police

always risen upto the challange faced by them in such a diverse country under many different and diverse condtions and environments from last 150 years at the cost of personal and family life. Given the resources, political support and right leadership it will and it can adapt to any future challenge be it human or technological.

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