The Patterns of English Spelling on the A Pages with their Word Families Put in Sentence Context on the B Pages Volume 3 The LONG Vowel -- CV, CVV, & CVCe Families Such as: CV CVV CVCe
a da y tape
e me ke y Pete
i fly guy bite
o go Jo e note
u flu you Luke
y fly buy ey e
& Miscellaneous Relatives By Don McCabe Contents of The Basic Patterns of English Spelling by Volumes Volume Number TYPES OF WORDS 1 2
Short Vowels: CVC Short Vowels: CVCC
EXAMPLES dad band
PAGES get went
tin itch
Long Vowels: CV & CVCe go
4 5
Long Vowels: CVVC -R & W- controls
raid tar/war
seem for/word
roam wad/ward
6 7 8 9 10
Basic Suffixes The Ending Y's Power Suffixes Advanced Patterns Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots
batter destiny precious techniques psychology
battle simplify partially chauvinist photographic
dreadful trickiest permission fiancée synthesizer
Copyright © 2008 AVKO Educational Research Foundation 3084 Willard Road Birch Run, Michigan 48415 Phone: (810) 686-9283
101A-160B 201A-282B
301A-380B 401A-442B 501A-534B 601A-691B 701A-764B 801A-880B 901A-962B 1001A-1074B
The CV & CVV Spelling Patterns INDEX By Ending Vowels Long A
The CVCe Spelling Patterns INDEX
ay day....................... 301A ey grey ..................... 302A eigh weigh ............... 302A
abe babe....................... 320A ebe plebe...................... 320A ibe tribe........................ 320A obe robe....................... 320A ube tube ....................... 320A
Long E e me.......................... 304A ea sea........................ 305A ee see........................ 305A ey key....................... 306A ay quay..................... 306A
Long I y my ......................... 307A ie die ........................ 308A ye dye....................... 308A uy buy ...................... 308A igh high .................... 308A
Long O o go .......................... 309A oe Joe ....................... 311A ow low ..................... 310A ough dough .............. 311A
Long OO o do .......................... 312A oo boo ...................... 312A oe shoe ..................... 313A ough through............ 313A u flu.......................... 314A ue blue...................... 314A ue cue....................... 315A .......................................... ew chew ................... 316A ewe ewe ................... 316A iew view................... 317A ou you ...................... 317A ..........................................
By Ending Consonants K
.......................................... aw law...................... 319A ow cow..................... 318A oy toy ....................... 303A ah bah....................... 369A a ma.......................... 369A a tuba........................ 368A
M ame name.........................332A eme scheme .....................332A ime dime ..........................333A ome home ........................333A ume costume....................334A ume fume .........................334A ome come.........................334A
N ane Jane ...........................335A ene Gene ..........................336A ine gasoline......................336A
uge huge ..................... 366A
ine fine.............................337A ine imagine ......................338A one stone..........................339A one anyone.......................340A
ege protegée ................ 366A ige prestige .................. 366A oge loge ....................... 366A
ase chase...................... 343A ase purchase ................ 343A ace face........................ 343A ace surface ................... 343A ice nice......................... 344A ice notice ..................... 344A ise promise................... 345A ose closely ................... 345A oose goose ................... 346A uce Bruce..................... 346A uce lettuce.................... 346A use child abuse ............ 346A
ile mile .............................330A ole sole.............................331A ule rule.............................331A
age page....................... 327A age cabbage ................. 327A ege college................... 366A
age garage.................... 366A
Misc. ............................
ale sale .............................330A
afe safe ........................ 324A ave save ....................... 324A ave have....................... 324A eve Steve ..................... 324A ife life .......................... 325A ive five......................... 325A ive give ........................ 325A owe owe ...................... 311A ove stove ..................... 326A ove love ....................... 326A
G /J/
ape cape ....................... 341A epe crepe...................... 341A ipe pipe ........................ 341A ope dope ...................... 342A upe dupe ...................... 342A
ade made...................... 321A ede cede....................... 321A ide hide ........................ 322A ode code ...................... 323A ude rude....................... 323A
ake lake............................328A eke eke.............................329A ike like .............................329A oke broke .........................329A uke Luke..........................329A
une tune ...........................340A
ange change .....................367A enge revenge....................367A inge hinge ........................367A onge sponge.....................367A unge lunge .......................367A ounge lounge ...................367A
T ate date......................... 347A ate private .................... 355A ete Pete ........................ 356A ite bite.......................... 357A ite favorite ................... 357A ite petite ....................... 356A ote note ........................ 358A ute flute........................ 359A ute cute ........................ 359A
V (See F) alve valve .................... 380A olve solve .................... 380A
aze maze ...................... 360A
ase phase...................... 360A ize size ......................... 361A ise wise ........................ 363A oze doze....................... 364A ose nose ............. 345A/364A ose lose ........................ 365A use fuse........................ 365A
VCV Mostly the Schwa B tuba....................... 368A K America................ 368A D Canada ................. 368A E idea ....................... 369A F sofa ....................... 369A G Aga....................... 373A J raja......................... 373A K vodka.................... 373A L gala ....................... 373A M drama................... 374A N Indiana ................. 375A P papa ...................... 376A QU aqua................... 377A R camera .................. 376A S visa........................ 376A T pita........................ 377A V Java ...................... 377A Y hoya...................... 378A Z plaza ..................... 378A
BIA Columbia .................... 369A CIA Marcia......................370A DIA media .......................... 370A FIA mafia............................ 370A PHIA Sophia....................... 370A THIA Cynthia..................... 370A
GIA Georgia....................370A
LIA Dahlia.......................... 370A MIA anemia........................ 370A NIA mania .......................... 371A PIA utopia........................... 371A RIA malaria ........................ 371A TIA poinsettia..................... 372A VIA trivia ........................... 372A XIA dyslexia....................... 372A
OIA paranoia............... 371A TUA Gargantua........... 377A SSIA Russia.....................372A SIA Asia ..........................372A TIA militia.......................372A
TI spaghetti.................. 379A
Long Vowels Following the VCe Pattern AY
abe babe....................320A ace face .....................343A ade made...................321A afe safe......................324A age page....................327A ake lake.....................328A ale sale ......................330A ame name..................332A ane Jane ....................335A
ebe plebe........... 320A eece fleece ........ 432A ede cede ............ 321A
ibe tribe ................ 320A ice nice 344A ide hide................. 322A ife life ................... 325A ige oblige.............. 366A ike like.................. 329A ile mile ................. 330A ime dime............... 333A ine fine ................. 337A
obe robe ................320A ode rode ................323A
ube tube ....................... 320A uce Bruce..................... 346A ude rude ....................... 323A
oge loge.................366A oke broke ..............329A ole sole..................331A ome home..............333A one tone.................339A
uge huge ...................... 366A uke Luke...................... 329A ule rule......................... 331A ume costume................ 334A une tune ....................... 340A
ise wise................. 363A ite bite................... 357A
ope dope................342A ose dose.................364A ose nose.................364A ote note .................358A
unge lunge ................... 367A upe dupe ...................... 342A use, What's the............. 346A use fuse........................ 365A ute cute ........................ 359A ute flute........................ 359A
ive five ................. 325A ize size.................. 361A
ove stove ...............326A oze doze ................364A
ange range................ 367A ape cape ....................341A aise raise ...................360A ase base.....................343A ase phase...................360A ate date......................347A ave save ....................324A aze maze ...................360A
ige prestige........ 366A eke eke .............. 329A ile automobile ... 330A eme scheme....... 332A ene Gene ........... 336A ine marine ......... 336A enge revenge..... 367A ese obese........... 360A ese these............ 360A ete Pete.............. 356A ite elite .............. 356A eve Steve........... 325A eeze freeze ........ 435A
inge hinge 367A ipe pipe................. 341A
Short Vowels Following the VCe Pattern A
ave have....................324A
ange flange
alve valve..................380A
enge avenge
ace surface............ 343A ice notice .............. 344A uce lettuce ............ 346A age cabbage.......... 327A ege college ........... 366A ilge bilge .............. 367A ile fragile .............. 330A
age garage .............366A ulge bulge .................... 367A ome come..................... 334A one none ...................... 340A unge lunge ................... 367A
ine imagine........... 338A inge hinge............. 367A ase purchase ......... 343A ate private............. 355A ite favorite ............ 357A ute minute............. 359A
elve shelve ........ 380A
olve solve..............380A ive give................. 325A
ove love ....................... 326A
Long Vowel Families NOT Followed by a Consonant Ending AY
é fiancé .....................939A ee fiancée..................939A ay day........................301A ey grey ......................302A
e me................... 304A ee see................. 305A ay quay.............. 306A ey key................ 306A ea sea................. 305A i ski ................... 379A
ie die..................... 308A
o go .......................309A
uy buy................... 308A y my...................... 307A ye dye ................... 308A
oe Joe ....................311A ow low ..................310A owe lowe...............311A
igh high ................ 308A
ough dough ...........311A
o do .............................. 312A oo boo .......................... 312A oe shoe......................... 313A ew chew....................... 316A ewe ewe ....................... 316A ou you .......................... 317A u flu.............................. 314A ue blue ......................... 314A ough through ............... 313A iew view ...................... 317A
eigh weigh ................302A
Miscellaneous Vowel Families NOT Followed Consonant Ending aw law.......................319A
ow cow.............. 318A
oy toy ................... 303A
ah bah....................368A a ma.......................368A
a tuba ........................... 368A
Contents of The
Patterns of English Spelling by Volumes
Volume Number
1 2
Short Vowels: CVC Short Vowels: CVCC
dad band
get went
tin itch
go toe home
me see rice
by say made
Long Vowels: CV CVV & CVCe
4 5
Long Vowels: CVVC -R & W- controls
raid tar/war
seem for/word
roam card/ward
6 7 8 9 10
Basic Suffixes The Ending Y's Power Suffixes Advanced Patterns Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots
batter destiny precious techniques psychology
battle simplify partially chauvinist photographic
dreadful trickiest permission fiancée synthesizer
101A-160A 201A-282A
301A-380A 401A-442A 501A-548A 601A-691A 701A-764A 801A-880A 901A-962A 1001A-1074A
For extra help in selecting patterns to teach we strongly suggest using: AVKO's publication #PE600 — The “Great Idea” Reprint Series (Only 14.95). Besides giving AVKO's theories this book provides: z Practical Placement Tests z An order for diagnosis and remediation The following cartoon illustrates the need for teaching students to read the "Scrunched Up" versions of English (Linguists use the terms sandhi and synaloepha). Exercises involving translating cartoons into standard English often demonstrate to students that the spice of "correct misspelling" can change something bland into something humorous.
The bland but correct spellings and syntax: "BROTHER HOLDEN, YOU WEREN'T A BLOWHARD!" PLENTY OF NOTHING LODGE "YOUR DOMICILE IS JUST LIKE ONE OF THOSE STORYBOOK CHATEAUS THAT ROBIN LEACH FELLOW SHOUTS ABOUT ON THAT 'RICH AND FAMOUS' SHOW!" Humorous word confusions deliberately chosen: ye for you, warn't for weren't, no for any (a is correct usage) dormicile for domicile, chapeau (hat) for chateau, Leech (bloodsucker) for Leach, Robbin' for Robin, Blowheart for blowhard, storybrook for storybook, and thet for that, itchin' frame us for Rich and Famous.
Index of single syllable base CV, CVV and CVCe Words Words in parentheses are homophones. Words in bold italics are homographs, i.e., entirely different words with different pronunciations but with the same spelling. The percentages quoted represent the number of 3rd graders who can correctly spell the word according to The New Iowa Spelling Scale (Greene, The University of Iowa, 1954). If no percentage is listed, the word probably doesn’t occur in any given spelling series—except AVKO’s. Abe....................... 320A ace ....................... 343A age ....................... 327A aisle (I’ll, isle) ....... 380A ale (ail) ................. 330A ape ....................... 341A ate (eight) ............. 347A babe ..................... 320A bake 50% ............. 328A bale (bail) ............. 330A bane ..................... 335A base 28% (bass) .. 343A based 10% (baste)343A bay 49% (bey) ...... 301A be 77%(bee, Bea) 304A bee 58% (be)........ 305A bey (bay) .............. 302A bide ...................... 322A bike 23% .............. 329A bile ....................... 330A bite 38% (byte) ..... 357A blade 13% ............ 321A Blake .................... 328A blame 21% ........... 332A blaze 15% ............ 360A blew 20% (blue) ... 316A Bligh ..................... 308A blow 44%.............. 310A blue 51% (blew) ... 314A Bo......................... 309A bode (bowed) ....... 323A bone 21% ............. 339A boo ....................... 312A boos (booze) ........ 312A bough 02% (bow) . 313A bow 23%.............. 310A bow (bough)......... 318A boy 91% (buoy) .... 303A brace .................... 343A braise (brays) ....... 360A brake 11% (break) 328A brave 23% ............ 324A brew ..................... 316A brewed (brood)..... 316A brews (bruise) ...... 316A bribe ..................... 320A brine ..................... 337A broke 18% ............ 329A brow ..................... 318A brows (browse)..... 318A
Bruce .................... 346A brute ..................... 359A buy 52% (by, bye, bi-)308A by 60%(buy, bye, bi-) 307A bye (buy, by) .......... 308A cage 34% ............. 327A cake 74%.............. 328A came 66% ............ 332A cane 34%(Cain).... 335A cape 18% ............. 341A case 26%.............. 343A cave 37%.............. 324A caw ....................... 319A caws (cause) ........ 319A chafe..................... 324A chase 13%............ 343A chased 07% (chaste)343A chaste (chased).... 343A chaw ..................... 319A chew (choo).......... 316A chews (choose) .... 316A chide..................... 322A chime.................... 333A choke.................... 329A chose 20%............ 364A chow (ciao) ........... 318A chrome ................ 333A cite (site, sight) ..... 357A claw ...................... 319A claws (clause)....... 319A clay 38%............... 302A Cline ..................... 337A clone..................... 339A close 27% (clothes) 364A close (closest)...... 345A clove ..................... 326A cloy ....................... 303A code 10% ............. 323A coke...................... 329A Cokes (coax) ........ 329A come 94% ............ 334A cone 30% ............. 339A coo........................ 312A cope...................... 342A cove...................... 326A cow 77%............... 318A coy........................ 303A crane .................... 335A crate ..................... 347A crave..................... 324A
craw ......................319A craze .....................360A crew 11% ..............316A crews (cruise) .......316A crime 16%.............333A crone.....................339A crow 36% ..............310A Crowe ...................311A crude.....................323A cry 52%.................307A cube ......................320A cue (Q, queue)......315A cuke ......................329A cute 13%...............359A Cy’s (size, sighs)...307A Cy (sigh) ...............307A Dale ......................330A dame 33%.............332A Dane (deign) .........335A date 45%...............347A Dave .....................324A day 95%................301A days 52% (daze)..`301A daze (days) ...........360A dice .......................344A die (dye)................308A dike (dyke) ............329A dime 56%..............333A dine 31%...............337A dive ......................325A do 88% (dew, due)312A do (dough, doe) ....311A doe (do, dough) ....311A does 26% (Duz) ...311A does (dough’s) .....311A dole .......................331A dome.....................333A dope......................342A dote.......................358A dough....................311A dove (“doh’v”).....326A dove (“duv”) ........326A doze (doe’s) ..........364A drake.....................328A drape.....................341A draw 26%..............319A drew 23%..............316A drive 42%..............325A drone.....................339A Druze (Drew’s)......365A
dry 29% ................ 307A due 19% (dew, do) .. 314A duke 17% ............. 329A dune ..................... 340A dupe ..................... 342A dye 03% (die) ....... 308A Eve ....................... 324A eye 39% (I, aye) ... 308A fa .......................... 369A face 45% .............. 343A fade 17% .............. 321A fake ...................... 328A fame 20% ............. 332A fate 24% ............... 347A Fay ....................... 302A Fay’s (faze, phase)302A faze (Fay’s, phase)360A fee 32% ................ 305A fete (feat, feet)...... 356A few 30% ............... 315A fey (Fay) ............... 302A fi (fie) .................... 308A fie (fi) .................... 308A file 35% ................ 330A fine 47% ............... 337A fined (find) ............ 337A five 70% ............... 325A flake ..................... 328A flame 16% ............ 332A flaw....................... 319A flea (flee) .............. 305A flee (flea) .............. 305A flew 30% (flue, flu) 316A flow 28%............... 310A flu 05% (flew, flue) 314A flue ....................... 314A fluke...................... 329A flute ...................... 359A fly 55% ................. 307A foe ........................ 311A frame 22%............ 332A fray ....................... 301A frays (phrase) ....... 301A free ....................... 305A freely (08%).......... 305A frees (freeze)........ 305A fro ......................... 309A froze 10% ............. 364A fry 22% ................. 307A fume ..................... 334A
fuse....................... 365A gage (gauge) ........ 327A gale (Gail) ............. 330A game 59% ............ 332A gape ..................... 341A gate 42% (gait) ..... 347A gave 58% ............. 324A gay 47%................ 301A gays (gaze)........... 301A gaze 08% (gays)... 360A gee ....................... 305A gene (Jean, Gene) 336A ghee ..................... 305A gibe (jibe).............. 320A give 61%............... 325A glade..................... 321A glee....................... 305A glide...................... 322A globe 15% ............ 320A glove 16%............. 326A glow 20% .............. 310A glue....................... 314A gnaw ..................... 319A gnome (Nome)...... 333A gnu (knew, new) ... 314A go 95% ................. 309A goes 37% ...........309AA going 83% ............ 309A gone 49% ............. 340A goo ....................... 312A goy........................ 303A grace 19% ............ 343A grade 47% (grayed) 321A grades 25% .......... 321A grape 21% ............ 341A grapes 13% .......... 341A grate (great).......... 347A grave 25% ............ 324A gray 39% (grey) .... 301A grayed (grade) ...... 301A grays (graze) ........ 301A graze (grays, greys)360A grey (gray) ............ 302A greyed (grade) ...... 302A greys (graze) ........ 302A
Index of single syllable base CV, CVV and CVCe Words Words in parentheses are homophones. Words in bold italics are homographs, i.e., entirely different words with different pronunciations but with the same spelling. The percentages quoted represent the number of 3rd graders who can correctly spell the word according to The New Iowa Spelling Scale (Greene, The University of Iowa, 1954). If no percentage is listed, the word probably doesn’t occur in any given spelling series—except ours. grime .................... 333A gripe ..................... 341A groove .................. 326A grope .................... 342A grove 24% ............ 326A grow 53% ............. 310A grows 22%............ 310A growing 27%......... 310A growth 11% .......... 310A guide 02% ............ 322A guile...................... 330A guy 16% ............... 308A guys (guise).......... 308A hale (hail) ............. 330A haste 06% ............ 343A hate 28% .............. 347A hated 23% ............ 347A hatred 03% ........... 347A have 79% ............. 324A haven’t 20% ......... 324A having 40% .......... 324A haw....................... 319A hay 71% (hey) ...... 301A haze (hay’s).......... 360A he 94% (hee)........ 304A hew (Hugh, hue)... 315A hey (hay) .............. 302A hi (high) ................ 308A hide ...................... 322A high 32% (hi) ........ 308A higher 20% (hire).. 308A highest 11% ......... 308A highly 12%............ 308A hike 32% .............. 329A hive....................... 325A hoe 26% (ho)........ 311A hoes (hose) .......... 311A hole 47% (whole).. 331A holes 34% ............ 331A home 77% ............ 333A homes 61% .......... 333A hone ..................... 339A hope 59% ............. 342A hoped 17% ........... 342A hopes 40% ........... 342A hoping 27% .......... 342A hopeful 09% ......... 342A hose 27% (hoes) .. 364A how 80%............... 318A hue (Hugh, hew)... 315A hype...................... 341A
I’ll 32% (isle, aisle) 380A I’ve 21%................ 325A I (eye, aye)............ 308A ice 65%................. 344A icy 03% ................. 344A Ike......................... 329A isle (aisle, I’ll) ........ 380A jade....................... 321A Jake ...................... 328A Jane...................... 335A jaw ........................ 319A jay ......................... 302A Jew ....................... 316A jibe (gibe).............. 320A jive ........................ 325A Joe........................ 311A joke 37%............... 329A jokes 28% ............. 329A Jove ...................... 326A joy 53% ................. 303A juice 05% .............. 346A juke ....................... 329A June 39%.............. 340A jute........................ 359A Kate ...................... 347A Kay ....................... 302A key 37% (quay)..... 306A keys 40% .............. 306A kite 33%................ 357A knave (nave)......... 324A knee 10%.............. 305A knees 06%............ 305A knew 22% (new, gnu)316A knife 11%.............. 325A know 42% (no)...... 310A knows 18% (nose) 310A knowing 18% ........ 310A la........................... 373A lace 18%............... 343A lake 48%............... 328A lakes 34% ............. 328A lame 28%.............. 332A lane 28% (lain)...... 335A late 50%................ 347A lately 12% ............. 347A later 39% .............. 347A latest 15%............. 347A law 33% ................ 319A laws 12% .............. 319A lay 58% (lei) .......... 301A laying 28% ............ 301A
lays (laze)..............301A laze (lays)..............360A Lee ........................305A lice.........................344A lie 27% (lye) ..........308A lies 21% ................308A lying 06% ..............308A life 36% .................325A like 80% ................329A liked 44% ..............329A liking 19%..............329A likes 60%...............329A likely 14%..............329A lime 41% (Lyme) ..333A line 55% ................337A lines 41% ..............337A lined 19% ..............337A lining 18% .............337A live ?% jive...........325A live 74%................325A lives ?% dives ......325A lives 60%..............325A lived 40% ..............325A living 23%..............325A lively 18%..............325A lo (low) ..................309A lobe .......................320A lode (load) .............323A lone 28% (loan).....339A lonely 12% ............339A lope .......................342A lose 18% (Lou’s, Lew’s) ........................ 365A
losing 14% ............365A Lou (Lew) ..............317A love 78% ...............326A lovely 24%.............326A loves 64% .............326A loved 52% .............326A loving 27% ............326A lovingly 08%..........326A low (Lo, Lowe).......310A Lowe (low, lo)........311A lube .......................320A Luke ......................329A lute (loot) ...............359A lye (lie) ..................308A ma 36%.................374A made 66% (maid)..321A make 69% .............328A makes 55% ...........328A
making 36%.......... 328A maker 38% ........... 328A male 13% (mail) ... 330A mane (main) ......... 335A mate 40% ............. 347A maw...................... 319A may 85% (May) .... 301A May 70% (may) .......301 maze (May’s)........ 360A me 89% (mi) ......... 304A mete (meet, meat) 356A mew...................... 315A mice 31%.............. 344A mike...................... 329A mile 46%............... 330A mime..................... 333A mine 32% ............. 337A mined (mind) ........ 337A mite (might) .......... 357A mode 12% (mowed).323A moo ...................... 312A mooed (mood) ...... 312A mope .................... 342A mote (moat) .......... 358A move 42% ............ 326A moved 31% .......... 326A moving 28%.......... 326A movement 09% .... 326A mow ..................... 310A mowed (mode) ..... 310A mule 13% ............. 331A muse..................... 365A mute ..................... 359A my 83% ................ 307A name 73% ............ 332A names 56% .......... 332A named 52% .......... 332A naming 19% ......... 332A namely 24%.......... 332A nape ..................... 341A Nate...................... 347A nave (knave)......... 324A nay (neigh) ........... 302A neigh..................... 302A .new 73% (knew, gnu)...........................316A news 54% (gnus).. 316A nice 51%............... 344A nicely 17% ............ 344A nicest 11%............ 344A nigh....................... 308A
Nile .......................330A nine 61%...............337A ninety 08% ............337A ninth 15%..............337A no 75% (know)......309A node......................323A Nome (gnome)......333A none 25% (nun) ....340A nope......................342A nose 51% (knows) 364A note 44%...............358A notes 18%.............358A noted 24%.............358A notify 01% .............712A now 73% ...............318A nude......................323A nuke ......................329A O (oh)....................309A oui (we, wee) ........377A ow .........................318A owe 09% ...............311A owed (ode)............311A owing 10% ............311A oy ..........................303A pa 26%..................376A pace 13%..............343A paced (paste)........343A page 55%..............327A pages 35%............327A pale 15% (pail)......330A pane (pain, Payne)335A paste 14% (paced)343A pave ......................324A paw 28% ...............319A paws (pause) ........319A pay 69%................301A pays 36% ..............301A paying 38% ...........301A payment 14%........301A pea 22% (pee) ......305A peas (pease).........305A pee (pea) ..............305A pees (pease).........305A Pete (peat) ............356A pew .......................315A phase (Fay’s, faze)360A phone....................339A
Index of single syllable base CV, CVV and CVCe Words Words in parentheses are homophones. Words in bold italics are homographs, i.e., entirely different words with different pronunciations but with the same spelling. The percentages quoted represent the number of 3rd graders who can correctly spell the word according to The New Iowa Spelling Scale (Greene, The University of Iowa, 1954) If no percentage is listed, the word probably doesn’t occur in any given spelling series—except AVKO’s. phrase 01% (frays)360A pie 57% (pi, ) .... 308A pies 54% .............. 308A pike ...................... 329A pile 25% ............... 330A pine 40% .............. 337A pipe 40% .............. 341A pipes 20% ............ 341A place 37% ............ 343A places 24% .......... 343A placed 15% .......... 343A placing 15% ......... 343A plane 32% (plain) . 335A plate 41% ............. 347A play 81% .............. 301A plea ...................... 305A pleas (please) ...... 305A plough (plow)........ 313A plow 29% (plough) 318A ploy....................... 303A plume ................... 334A ply......................... 307A Poe (Po) ............... 311A poke ..................... 329A pole 33% (poll) ..... 331A poles 22% ............ 331A pone ..................... 339A pope ..................... 342A pose (Poe’s)......... 364A praise 5% (prays, preys) ........................ 360A
pray 35% (prey).... 301A prays (praise) ....... 301A prayer 07%........... 301A prayers 04% ......... 301A prey (pray)............ 302A preys (praise) ....... 302A price 37% ............. 344A prices 15% ........... 344A priced 08% ........... 344A pride 20% (pried).. 322A pried (pride).......... 307A pries (prize) .......... 307A prime .................... 333A prize 14% (pries) .. 362A pro ........................ 309A probe .................... 320A prone .................... 339A pros (prose).......... 309A
prose (pros) .......... 364A prove 13% ............ 326A proved 18% .......... 326A proven 09% .......... 326A prow...................... 318A prude .................... 323A prune .................... 340A pry ........................ 307A puke...................... 329A quake.................... 328A quite 09% ............. 357A quote 04% ............ 358A quoted 05% .......... 358A quoting 02% ......... 358A quotation 01% ...... 358A race 32% .............. 343A races 17% ............ 343A racing 12% ........... 343A rage 15% .............. 327A raise 07% (ray’s, raze)...........................360A
raised 04% (razed)360A rake 33% .............. 328A rape ...................... 341A rate 31% ............... 347A rates 19% ............. 347A rating 23% ............ 347A rave ...................... 324A raw........................ 319A ray 34% ................ 302A rays (raze, raise) .. 302A raze (raise, rays) .. 360A Rhine (rine)........... 337A rhyme (rime) ......... 333A rice 32% ............... 344A ride 58% ............... 322A rides 37% ............. 322A riding 16% ............ 322A rife ........................ 325A rile......................... 330A rine (Rhine)........... 337A ripe 28% ............... 341A rise 18% ............... 363A robe 35% .............. 320A rode 31% (road, rowed)........................323A
role 32% (roll) ....... 331A Rome (roam) ........ 333A rope 40% .............. 342A
rose 41% (rows, roe’s) ......................364A roses 36%.............364A rote (wrote) ...........358A rove.......................326A row .......................318A row 33% (roe).......310A rows (rose) ...........310A rows (rouse) .........318A Rube .....................320A rude 09% (rued)....323A rue.........................314A rued (rude) ............314A rues (ruse) ............314A rule 19%................331A rules 13%..............331A ruling 09%.............331A ruler 19% ..............331A rulers 11%.............663A rune.......................340A ruse.......................365A rye 02% (wry)........308A safe 29%...............324A safely 10% ............324A safety 08% ............324A sage ......................327A sake 37%..............328A sale 25% (sail) ......330A sales 18% .............330A same 67%.............332A save 50% ..............324A saves 33% ............324A saved 35% ............324A saving 23% ...........324A savings 12% .........324A saw 79% ...............319A say 76% ................301A saying 53% ...........301A says 22% ..............301A scale 05% .............330A scene 01% (seen).336A scenes 04% ..........336A scheme 01% .........332A scope ....................342A scow......................318A scrape ...................341A screw ....................316A scribe ....................320A sea 46% (see, si) ..305A
seas (seize).......... 305A see 98% (sea, si) . 305A sees 62% (seize).. 305A seeing 68% .......... 305A seen 60% ............. 305A sew 14%............... 365A sewed 11%........... 365A sewing 13%.......... 365A shade 11% ........... 321A shake 17% ........... 328A shale..................... 330A shame 21% .......... 332A Shane................... 335A shape 19% ........... 341A shaped 13% ......... 341A shave.................... 324A Shaw .................... 319A shine 14% ............ 337A shining 13%.......... 337A shoe 33% (shoo) .. 313A shoes 27% (shoos)313A shone 15% ........... 339A shoo (shoe) .......... 312A shove.................... 326A show 58%............. 310A shows 43%........... 310A showed 31%......... 310A showing 50%........ 310A shrew.................... 316A shrine ................... 337A shrive.................... 325A Shrove.................. 326A shy........................ 307A si (see, sea).......... 377A side 68% (sighed) 322A sides 37%............. 322A sigh (Cy)............... 308A sighed (side)......... 308A sighs (Cy’s size) ... 308A sine (sign)............. 337A site (cite, sight) ..... 357A size 26% (sighs, Cy’s)362A sizes 13%............. 362A sized 09%............. 362A skate 19% ............ 347A skates 17%........... 347A skating 17%.......... 347A skew ..................... 315A ski 09%................. 377A
skiing 03% ............ 377A sky 46% ................ 307A slake ..................... 328A slate...................... 347A slave ..................... 324A slay (sleigh) .......... 301A sleigh 01%............ 302A slew (slue) ............ 316A slice 17% .............. 344A slide 22%.............. 322A sliding 23% ........... 322A slime ..................... 333A slope 14%............. 342A slow 47% .............. 310A slowly 13%............ 310A slue (slew, slough) 314A sluice .................... 346A sly ......................... 307A smile 22%............. 330A smiling 16% .......... 330A smite..................... 357A smoke 28%........... 329A smoking 21%........ 329A smote.................... 358A snake 24%............ 328A snide..................... 322A snipe..................... 341A snow 53% ............. 310A snows 24% ........... 310A snowed 29% ......... 310A snowing 39% ........ 310A so (sew, sow)........ 309A sole (sol, soul) ...... 331A some (sum) .......... 334A sou (sue, Sioux) ... 317A sow....................... 318A sow 15% (sew, so) 310A soy ........................ 303A space 20%............ 343A spade (spayed)..... 321A spate..................... 347A spew ..................... 315A spice ..................... 344A spike ..................... 329A spine..................... 337A spite 13%.............. 357A
Index of single syllable base CV, CVV and CVCe Words Words in parentheses are homophones. Words in bold italics are homographs, i.e., entirely different words with different pronunciations but with the same spelling. The percentages quoted represent the number of 3rd graders who can correctly spell the word according to The New Iowa Spelling Scale (Greene, The University of Iowa, 1954) If no percentage is listed, the word probably doesn’t occur in any given spelling series—except AVKO’s. splay..................... 302A splice.................... 344A spoke 22% ........... 329A spray .................... 301A spree .................... 305A sprite .................... 357A spruce .................. 346A spry ...................... 307A spy 17% ............... 307A stage 21% ............ 327A stake 14% (steak) 328A stale ..................... 330A state 31% ............. 347A states 16% ........... 347A stated 10% ........... 347A stating 12% .......... 347A statement 09% ..... 347A stave .................... 324A stay 58% .............. 301A stays 32%............. 301A stayed 20% .......... 301A staying 33%.......... 301A Steve.................... 324A stew (Stu) ............. 316A stile (style) ............ 330A stoke .................... 329A stole 15% ............. 331A stone .................... 339A stove 39% ............ 326A stow...................... 310A Stowe ................... 311A strafe .................... 324A straw 09% ............ 319A stray ..................... 301A stride .................... 322A strife ..................... 325A strike 11% ............ 329A strikes 7% ........... 329A striking 12% ......... 329A stripe .................... 341A strive .................... 325A strode ................... 323A stroke 10% ........... 329A strove ................... 326A sty......................... 307A style 05% (stile).... 330A sue (sou, Sioux) ... 314A swale .................... 330A
sway 25% ............. 301A swayed (suede) .... 301A swine .................... 337A swipe .................... 341A take 58% .............. 328A takes 33%............. 328A taking 35%............ 328A taken 30% ............ 328A tame 43% ............. 332A tape ...................... 341A Tate ...................... 347A tea 42% (tee, ti) .... 305A teas (tease) .......... 305A tee (tea, ti) ............ 305A tees (tease) .......... 305A thaw ..................... 319A the 95% (thee)...... 304A thee (the) .............. 305A theme 09% ........... 332A these 33% ............ 345A thew...................... 316A they 57% .............. 302A they’re 04% .......... 302A thigh...................... 308A those 30% ............ 364A though 06% .......... 311A three 57% ............. 305A threw 06% ............ 316A thrice..................... 344A thrive..................... 325A throne 06% (thrown)339A through 02% (thru) 313A throw 13% ............ 310A throwing 04%........ 310A thrown 09% .......... 421A 1 THRU (through, threw) ................... 314A tide 42% (tied) ...... 322A tie 36% ................. 308A tied 19% (tide) ...... 308A tile......................... 330A time 82% .............. 333A 1
This is the common abbreviation on HWY (highway) signs for through.
tine 57%................337A to 63% (too, two)...312A toe 49% (tow)........311A toed (toad, towed).311A toke .......................329A tome......................333A tone 08%...............339A too 45% (to, two)...312A tope.......................342A tote........................358A tow (toe)................310A towed (toad, toed).310A toy 76%.................303A toys 78% ...............303A trace 19%..............343A trade 28% .............321A tray 21% (trey) ......302A tree 81% ...............305A trees 75%..............305A trey (tray)...............302A tribe 18%...............320A tribes 12%.............320A trice .......................344A trike .......................329A tripe.......................341A trite........................357A trove......................326A Troy.......................303A truce......................346A true 19% ...............314A truly 07%...............314A try 47% (tri-) ..........307A tries 07%...............307A tried 19%...............307A tube 14%...............320A tune 29%...............340A twice......................344A twine .....................337A two 61% (too, to)...312A type 02%...............341A use ?% .................346A use 23% (yews, ewes) .....................365A used 22% .............365A used to (“usta”!”) ...365A useful 14% ............365A uses 16% .............365A uses ?...................365A
using 16% ............ 365A useless 03 ............ 365A vane (vain, vein)... 335A vague 03% ........... 922A vase...................... 343A vice 16%............... 344A vie......................... 308A view 02%.............. 317A vile........................ 330A vine 32% .............. 337A vote 25% .............. 358A votes 13% ............ 358A voted 17% ............ 358A vow 12%............... 318A wade (weighed).... 321A wage 21% ............ 327A wages 08%........... 327A wake 36%............. 328A wane (Wayne) ...... 335A waste (waist) ........ 343A wave 38% (waive) 324A way 76% (weigh).. 301A ways 40% (weighs)301A we 90% (wee) ...... 304A we’ll 23% .............. 304A we’re 09% ............ 523A we’ve 09%............ 324A wee 48% (we) ...... 305A weigh 02% (way).. 302A weighed 01% (wade)302A whale 07%............ 330A whee .................... 305A while 21%............. 330A whine.................... 337A white 39%............. 357A who 52% .............. 312A whose 05% (Who’s)365A why 49%............... 307A wide 37%.............. 322A wife 34%............... 325A wives 11% ............ 325A wine 23%.............. 337A wipe 29%.............. 341A wise 25%.............. 363A woe....................... 311A woke 33%............. 329A woo ...................... 312A wove .................... 326A
wow ...................... 318A write 32% (rite, right)357A writes 12% ............ 357A writing 11% ........... 357A wrote 16% (rote) ... 358A wry (rye)................ 307A yaw ....................... 319A yew (you, ewe) ..... 316A yews (use, ewes).. 316A yoke (yolk) ............ 329A you 87% (ewe, yoo)317A you’d 15%............. 317A you’ll 19% ............. 317A you’ve 07% ........... 317A yule ....................... 331A Zane ..................... 335A zone 19% ............. 339A zoo 64% ............... 312A
An Index of CV, CVV and CVCe Patterns Words in parentheses are homophones. Words in bold italics are homographs, i.e., entirely different words with different pronunciations but with the same spelling. The percentages quoted represent the number of 3rd graders who can correctly spell the word according to The New Iowa Spelling Scale (Greene, The University of Iowa, 1954) If no percentage is listed, the word probably doesn’t occur in any given spelling series—except AVKO’s. AY ..............301A-302A bay 49% (bey) ...... 301A day 95% ............... 301A days 52% (daze) . `301A fray ....................... 301A frays (phrase) ....... 301A gay 47% ............... 301A gays (gaze) .......... 301A gray 39% (grey).... 301A grayed (grade)...... 301A grays (graze) ........ 301A hay 71% (hey) ...... 301A lay 58% (lei) ......... 301A laying 28%............ 301A lays (laze)............. 301A May 70% (may) .... 301A may 85% (May) .... 301A pay 69% ............... 301A paying 38% .......... 301A payment 14% ....... 301A pays 36% ............. 301A play 81% .............. 301A pray 35% (prey).... 301A prayer 07%........... 301A prayers 04% ......... 301A prays (praise) ....... 301A say 76% ............... 301A saying 53%........... 301A says 22%.............. 301A slay (sleigh) .......... 301A spray .................... 301A stay 58% .............. 301A stayed 20% .......... 301A staying 33%.......... 301A stays 32%............. 301A stray ..................... 301A sway 25%............. 301A swayed (suede).... 301A way 76% (weigh).. 301A ways 40% (weighs)301A clay 38%............... 302A Fay ....................... 302A Fay’s (faze, phase)302A jay......................... 302A Kay ....................... 302A nay (neigh) ........... 302A ray 34% ................ 302A rays (raze, raise) .. 302A splay..................... 302A
tray 21% (trey) ...... 302A EY=AY ................. 302A bey (bay)............... 302A fey (Fay) ............... 302A grey (gray) ............ 302A greyed (grade) ...... 302A greys (graze) ........ 302A hey (hay)............... 302A prey (pray) ............ 302A preys (praise) ....... 302A they’re 04% .......... 302A they 57% .............. 302A trey (tray) .............. 302A EIGH=AY.............. 302A neigh..................... 302A sleigh 01%............ 302A weigh 02% (way) .. 302A weighed 01% (wade)302A OY ........................ 303A boy 91% (buoy) .... 303A cloy ....................... 303A coy........................ 303A goy........................ 303A joy 53%................. 303A oy.......................... 303A ploy....................... 303A soy........................ 303A toy 76% ................ 303A toys 78%............... 303A Troy ...................... 303A E=EE .................... 304A be 77%(bee, Bea) 304A he 94% (hee)........ 304A me 89% (mi) ......... 304A the 95% (thee)...... 304A we 90% (wee)....... 304A we’ll 23% .............. 304A we’ve 09% ............ 324A we’re 09%............. 523A EE......................... 305A bee 58% (be)........ 305A fee 32% ................ 305A flee (flea) .............. 305A free ....................... 305A freely (08%) .......... 305A frees (freeze) ........ 305A gee ....................... 305A ghee ..................... 305A glee....................... 305A
knee 10%..............305A knees 06% ............305A Lee........................305A pee (pea) ..............305A pees (pease).........305A see 98% (sea, si) ..305A seeing 68% ...........305A seen 60%..............305A sees 62% (seize) ..305A spree.....................305A tee (tea, ti).............305A tees (tease)...........305A thee (the) ..............305A three 57% .............305A tree 81% ...............305A trees 75%..............305A wee 48% (we) .......305A EA=EE ..................305A flea (flee)...............305A pea 22% (pee) ......305A peas (pease).........305A plea .......................305A pleas (please) .......305A sea 46% (see, si) ..305A seas (seize) ..........305A tea 42% (tee, ti) ....305A teas (tease)...........305A EY=EE ..................306A key 37% (quay) .....306A keys 40% ..............306A Y=YH ....................307A by 60%(buy, bye, bi-) 307A cry 52%.................307A Cy’s (size, sighs)...307A Cy (sigh) ...............307A dry 29%.................307A fly 55% ..................307A fry 22%..................307A my 83%.................307A ply .........................307A pried (pride) ..........307A pries (prize)...........307A pry.........................307A shy ........................307A sky 46% ................307A sly .........................307A spry .......................307A spy 17% ................307A sty .........................307A
tried 19% .............. 307A tries 07% .............. 307A try 47% (tri-) ......... 307A why 49%............... 307A wry (rye) ............... 307A notify 01%............ 712A IGH=YH................ 308A Bligh ..................... 308A high 32% (hi) ........ 308A higher 20% (hire).. 308A highest 11% ......... 308A highly 12%............ 308A nigh ...................... 308A sigh (Cy)............... 308A sighed (side)......... 308A sighs (Cy’s size) ... 308A thigh ..................... 308A UY=YH ................. 308A buy 52% (by, bye, bi-)308A guy 16% ............... 308A guys (guise).......... 308A YE=YH ................. 308A bye (buy, by) .......... 308A dye 03% (die) ....... 308A eye 39% (I) aye .... 308A lye (lie).................. 308A rye 02% (wry) ....... 308A IE=YH................... 308A die (dye) ............... 308A fie (fi) .................... 308A lie 27% (lye) ......... 308A lies 21%................ 308A lying 06%.............. 308A pie 57% (pi, ) .... 308A pies 54% .............. 308A tie 36% ................. 308A tied 19% (tide) ...... 308A vie......................... 308A I=YH ..................... 308A fi (fie) .................... 308A hi (high) ................ 308A I (eye, aye) ........... 308A O=OH................... 309A Bo......................... 309A fro ......................... 309A go 95% ................. 309A goes 37% ............. 309A going 83% ............ 309A lo (low).................. 309A
no 75% (know)...... 309A O (oh) ................... 309A pro ........................ 309A pros (prose) .......... 309A so (sew, sow)........ 309A OW=OH................ 310A blow 44% .............. 310A bow 23% .............. 310A crow 36%.............. 310A flow 28% ............... 310A glow 20% .............. 310A grow 53%.............. 310A growing 27%......... 310A grows 22%............ 310A growth 11%........... 310A know 42% (no)...... 310A knowing 18% ........ 310A knows 18% (nose) 310A low (Lo, Lowe) ...... 310A mow ..................... 310A mowed (mode)...... 310A row 33% (roe) ...... 310A rows (rose)........... 310A show 58% ............. 310A showed 31% ......... 310A showing 50% ........ 310A shows 43% ........... 310A slow 47% .............. 310A slowly 13%............ 310A snow 53% ............. 310A snowed 29% ......... 310A snowing 39% ........ 310A snows 24% ........... 310A sow 15% (sew, so) 310A stow ...................... 310A throw 13%............. 310A throwing 04%........ 310A thrown 09%........... 421A tow (toe)................ 310A towed (toad, toed). 310A OWE=OH ............. 311A Crowe ................... 311A owe 09%............... 311A owed (ode)............ 311A owing 10% ............ 311A Lowe (low, lo) ....... 311A Stowe.................... 311A O=OH ................... 311A do (dough, doe).... 311A
Index of CV, CVV and CVCe Patterns Words in parentheses are homophones. Words in bold italics are homographs, i.e., entirely different words with different pronunciations, but the exact same spelling. The percentages quoted represent the number of 3rd graders who can correctly spell the word according to The New Iowa Spelling Scale (Greene, The University of Iowa, 1954) If no percentage is listed, the word probably doesn’t occur in any given spelling series—except AVKO’s. OE = OH............... 311A doe (do, dough) .... 311A does (dough’s) ..... 311A foe ........................ 311A hoe 26% (ho)........ 311A hoes (hose) .......... 311A Joe ....................... 311A Poe (Po) ............... 311A toe 49% (tow) ....... 311A toed (toad, towed) 311A woe....................... 311A OUGH=OH ........... 311A dough ................... 311A though 06% .......... 311A OO........................ 312A boo ....................... 312A boos (booze) ........ 312A coo ....................... 312A goo ....................... 312A moo ...................... 312A mooed (mood) ...... 312A shoo (shoe) .......... 312A too 45% (to, two) .. 312A woo ...................... 312A zoo 64% ............... 312A O=OO................... 312A do 88% (dew, due)312A does 26% (Duz)... 312A to 63% (too, two) .. 312A two 61% (too, to) .. 312A who 52%............... 312A OUGH=OW .......... 313A bough 02% (bow) . 313A plough (plow)........ 313A OUGH=OO........... 313A through 02% (thru) 313A OE=OO ................ 313A shoe 33% (shoo) .. 313A shoes 27% (shoos)313A UE=OO................. 314A blue 51% (blew).... 314A due 19% (dew, do) .. 314A U=OO ................... 314A flu 05% (flew, flue) 314A gnu (knew, new) ... 314A 1
THRU (through,
threw)..................... 314A
UE=OO................. 314A 1
An abbreviation for through.
flue........................ 314A glue....................... 314A rue ........................ 314A rued (rude) ............ 314A rues (ruse) ............ 314A slue (slew, slough) 314A sue (sou, Sioux).... 314A true 19% ............... 314A truly 07%............... 314A cue (Q, queue)...... 315A EW=y’OO .............315A few 30% ................ 315A hew (Hugh, hue) ... 315A hue (Hugh, hew) ... 315A mew ...................... 315A pew ....................... 315A skew ..................... 315A spew ..................... 315A EW=OO ................316A blew 20% (blue) .... 316A brew...................... 316A brewed (brood) ..... 316A brews (bruise) ....... 316A chew (choo) .......... 316A chews (choose) .... 316A crew 11% .............. 316A crews (cruise) ....... 316A drew 23%.............. 316A flew 30% (flue, flu) 316A Jew ....................... 316A knew 22% (new, gnu)316A new 73% (knew, gnu)316A news 54% (gnus) .. 316A screw .................... 316A shrew .................... 316A slew (slue) ............ 316A stew (Stu) ............. 316A thew ...................... 316A threw 06%............. 316A yew (you, ewe)...... 316A yews (use, ewes) .. 316A EW=OH ................316A sew 14% ............... 316A sewed 11% ........... 316A sewing 13% .......... 316A OU=OO.................317A Lou (Lew).............. 317A sou (sue, Sioux).... 317A you’d 15% ............. 317A you’ll 19% ............. 317A you’ve 07% ........... 317A
you 87% (ewe, yoo)317A IEW=y’OO............ 317A view 02%...............317A OW....................... 318A bow (bough) .........318A brow ......................318A brows (browse) .....318A chow (ciao)............318A cow 77% ...............318A how 80% ...............318A now 73% ...............318A ow .........................318A plow 29% (plough) 318A prow ......................318A row........................318A rows (rouse) .........318A scow......................318A sow .......................318A vow 12% ...............318A wow.......................318A AW ....................... 319A caw........................319A caws (cause).........319A chaw......................319A claw.......................319A claws (clause) .......319A craw ......................319A draw 26% ..............319A flaw........................319A gnaw .....................319A haw .......................319A jaw.........................319A law 33% ................319A laws 12%...............319A maw ......................319A paw 28% ...............319A paws (pause) ........319A raw ........................319A saw 79% ...............319A Shaw .....................319A straw 09% .............319A thaw .....................319A yaw........................319A ABE=AY’b ........... 320A babe ......................320A IBE=YH’b............. 320A bribe ......................320A gibe (jibe) ..............320A jibe (gibe) ..............320A scribe ....................320A tribe 18%...............320A
tribes 12% ............ 320A OBE=OH’b ........... 320A globe 15% ............ 320A lobe....................... 320A probe .................... 320A robe 35% .............. 320A UBE=OO’b ........... 320A lube....................... 320A Rube..................... 320A tube 14% .............. 320A UBE=YOO’b ........ 320A cube...................... 320A ADE=AY’d............ 321A blade 13% ............ 321A fade 17% .............. 321A glade..................... 321A grade 47% (grayed) .321A grades 25% .......... 321A jade....................... 321A made 66% (maid) . 321A shade 11% ........... 321A spade (spayed)..... 321A trade 28% ............. 321A wade (weighed) .... 321A IDE=YH’d ............. 322A bide....................... 322A chide..................... 322A glide...................... 322A guide 02% ............ 322A hide....................... 322A pride 20% (pried).. 322A ride 58% ............... 322A rides 37% ............. 322A riding 16% ............ 322A side 68% (sighed). 322A sides 37%............. 322A slide 22%.............. 322A sliding 23% ........... 322A snide..................... 322A stride..................... 322A tide 42% (tied) ...... 322A wide 37%.............. 322A ODE=OH’d ........... 323A bode (bowed) ....... 323A code 10% ............. 323A lode (load) ............ 323A mode 12% (mowed).323A node ..................... 323A rode 31% (road, rowed) ........................323A
strode ................... 323A
UDE=OO’d ...........323A crude.....................323A nude......................323A prude.....................323A rude 09% (rued)....323A AVE=AY’v ............324A brave 23%.............324A cave 37% ..............324A crave .....................324A Dave .....................324A gave 58%..............324A grave 25%.............324A knave (nave) .........324A nave (knave) .........324A pave ......................324A rave.......................324A save 50% ..............324A saved 35% ............324A saves 33% ............324A saving 23% ...........324A savings 12% .........324A shave ....................324A slave .....................324A stave .....................324A wave 38% (waive).324A AVE=AV ...............324A have 79%..............324A haven’t 20% ..........324A having 40% ...........324A we’ve 09% ............324A AFE=AY’f .............324A chafe .....................324A safe 29%...............324A safely 10% ............324A safety 08% ............324A strafe.....................324A EVE=EE’v.............324A Eve .......................324A Steve ....................324A IVE=YH’v..............325A dive ......................325A drive 42%..............325A five 70% ................325A hive .......................325A I’ve 21% ................325A jive ........................325A
Index of CV, CVV and CVCe Patterns Words in parentheses are homophones. Words in bold italics are homographs, i.e., entirely different words with different pronunciations but with the same spelling. The percentages quoted represent the number of 3rd graders who can correctly spell the word according to The New Iowa Spelling Scale (Greene, The University of Iowa, 1954) If no percentage is listed, the word probably doesn’t occur in any given spelling series—except AVKO’s. live ?% jive.......... 325A lives ?% dives ..... 325A lively 18% ............. 325A shrive ................... 325A strive .................... 325A thrive .................... 325A wives 11% ............ 325A IVE=IV.................. 325A give 61% .............. 325A live 74% ............... 325A lives 60% ............. 325A lived 40% ............. 325A living 23%............. 325A IFE=YH’f .............. 325A knife 11% ............. 325A life 36% ................ 325A lives ?%............... 325A rife ........................ 325A strife ..................... 325A wife 34%............... 325A wives 11% ............ 325A OVE=OH’v ........... 326A clove..................... 326A cove ..................... 326A dove (“doh’v”) .... 326A grove 24% ............ 326A Jove ..................... 326A rove ...................... 326A OVE=UV .............. 326A dove (“duv”) ....... 326A glove 16% ............ 326A love 78% .............. 326A loved 52% ............ 326A lovely 24%............ 326A loves 64% ............ 326A loving 27% ........... 326A lovingly 08% ......... 326A shove ................... 326A Shrove.................. 326A stove 39% ............ 326A strove ................... 326A trove ..................... 326A wove .................... 326A OOVE=OO’v ........ 326A groove .................. 326A OVE=OO’v........... 326A move 42% ............ 326A moved 31% .......... 326A movement 09% .... 326A moving 28% ......... 326A prove 13% ............ 326A
proved 18% .......... 326A proven 09% .......... 326A AGE=AY’j............. 327A cage 34% ............. 327A gage (gauge) ........ 327A page 55% ............. 327A pages 35% ........... 327A rage 15% .............. 327A sage...................... 327A stage 21% ............ 327A wage 21%............. 327A wages 08%........... 327A GUE=g Volume 9 league <3% .......... 922A vague 03% ........... 922A fatigue................... 922A vogue.................... 922A fugue .................... 922A AKE=AY’k ............ 328A bake 50% ............. 328A Blake .................... 328A brake 11% (break) 328A cake 74%.............. 328A drake .................... 328A fake....................... 328A flake ..................... 328A Jake...................... 328A lake 48%............... 328A lakes 34%............. 328A make 69% ............ 328A maker 38% ........... 328A makes 55%........... 328A making 36%.......... 328A quake.................... 328A rake 33% .............. 328A sake 37% ............. 328A shake 17%............ 328A slake ..................... 328A snake 24%............ 328A stake 14% (steak). 328A take 58% .............. 328A taken 30% ............ 328A takes 33%............. 328A taking 35%............ 328A wake 36%............. 328A IKE=YH’k ............. 329A bike 23%............... 329A dike (dyke)............ 329A hike 32%............... 329A Ike......................... 329A like 80%................ 329A
liked 44% ..............329A likely 14%..............329A likes 60% ..............329A liking 19% .............329A mike ......................329A pike .......................329A spike .....................329A strike 11% .............329A strikes 7% ............329A striking 12% ..........329A trike .......................329A OKE=OH’k............329A broke 18%.............329A choke ....................329A coke ......................329A Cokes (coax).........329A joke 37% ...............329A jokes 28% .............329A poke ......................329A smoke 28% ...........329A smoking 21% ........329A spoke 22% ............329A stoke .....................329A stroke 10%............329A toke .......................329A woke 33% .............329A yoke (yolk) ............329A UKE=YOO’k .........329A cuke ......................329A puke ......................329A UKE=OO’k............329A duke 17%..............329A fluke ......................329A juke .......................329A Luke ......................329A nuke ......................329A ALE=AY’l..............330A bale (bail) ..............330A Dale ......................330A gale (Gail) .............330A hale (hail) ..............330A male 13% (mail)....330A pale 15% (pail)......330A sale 25% (sail) ......330A sales 18% .............330A scale 05% .............330A shale .....................330A swale.....................330A whale 07% ............330A ILE=YH’l ...............330A bile ........................330A
file 35% ................ 330A guile...................... 330A mile 46% .............. 330A Nile ....................... 330A pile 25% ............... 330A rile ........................ 330A smile 22%............. 330A smiling 16%.......... 330A stale...................... 330A stile (style) ............ 330A style 05% (stile).... 330A tile......................... 330A vile........................ 330A while 21%............. 330A OLE=OH’l ............ 331A dole ...................... 331A hole 47% (whole) . 331A holes 34% ............ 331A pole 33% (poll) ..... 331A poles 22% ............ 331A role 32% (roll)....... 331A sole (sol, soul) ...... 331A stole 15% ............. 331A ULE=YOO’l.......... 331A mule 13% ............. 331A ULE=OO’l ............ 331A rule 19% ............... 331A ruler 19%.............. 663A rulers 11% ............ 663A rules 13% ............. 331A ruling 09% ............ 331A yule....................... 331A AME=AY’m .......... 332A blame 21% ........... 332A came 66% ............ 332A dame 33% ............ 332A fame 20% ............. 332A flame 16% ............ 332A frame 22%............ 332A game 59% ............ 332A lame 28% ............. 332A name 73% ............ 332A named 52% .......... 332A namely 24% ......... 332A names 56% .......... 332A naming 19% ......... 332A same 67% ............ 332A scheme 01% ........ 332A shame 21% .......... 332A tame 43% ............. 332A EME=EE’m .......... 332A
theme 09% ........... 332A IME=YH’m............ 333A chime.................... 333A crime 16% ............ 333A dime 56% ............. 333A grime .................... 333A lime 41% (Lyme).. 333A mime..................... 333A prime .................... 333A rhyme (rime) ......... 333A slime ..................... 333A time 82% .............. 333A OME=OH’m.......... 333A chrome ................ 333A dome .................... 333A gnome (Nome)...... 333A home 77% ............ 333A homes 61% .......... 333A Nome (gnome)...... 333A Rome (roam) ........ 333A tome ..................... 333A OME=UM.............. 334A come 94% ............ 334A some (sum) .......... 334A UME=YOO’m ....... 334A fume ..................... 334A UME=OO’m.......... 334A plume.................... 334A ANE=AY’n............ 335A bane ..................... 335A cane 34%(Cain).... 335A crane .................... 335A Dane (deign)......... 335A Jane...................... 335A lane 28% (lain) ..... 335A mane (main) ......... 335A pane (pain, Payne)335A plane 32% (plain) . 335A Shane ................... 335A vane (vain, vein) ... 335A wane (Wayne) ...... 335A Zane ..................... 335A ENE=EE’n ............ 336A gene (Jean) (seen)336A scene 01% (seen) 336A scenes 04%.......... 336A
Index of single syllable base CV, CVV and CVCe Words Words in parentheses are homophones. Words in bold italics are homographs, i.e., entirely different words with different pronunciations, but the exact same spelling. The percentages quoted represent the number of 3rd graders who can correctly spell the word according to The New Iowa Spelling Scale (Greene, The University of Iowa, 1954) If no percentage is listed, the word probably doesn’t occur in any given spelling series—except AVKO’s. INE=YH’n............. 337A brine ..................... 337A Cline..................... 337A dine 31% .............. 337A fine 47% ............... 337A line 55% ............... 337A lined 19% ............. 337A lines 41% ............. 337A lining 18% ............ 337A mine 32% ............. 337A nine 61% .............. 337A ninety 08% ........... 337A ninth 15% ............. 337A pine 40% .............. 337A Rhine (rine) .......... 337A rine (Rhine) .......... 337A shine 14% ............ 337A shining 13% ......... 337A shrine ................... 337A sine (sign) ............ 337A spine .................... 337A swine .................... 337A tine 57% ............... 337A twine..................... 337A vine 32% .............. 337A whine.................... 337A wine 23%.............. 337A INE=IN (medicine)338A INE=EEN (sardine)336A ONE=OH’n........... 339A bone 21% ............. 339A clone .................... 339A cone 30% ............. 339A crone .................... 339A drone .................... 339A hone ..................... 339A lone 28% (loan) .... 339A lonely 12%............ 339A phone ................... 339A pone ..................... 339A prone .................... 339A shone 15% ........... 339A stone .................... 339A throne 06% (thrown)339A tone 08% .............. 339A zone 19% ............. 339A ONE=UN .............. 340A none 25% (nun).... 340A ONE=AW’n .......... 340A gone 49% ............. 340A
UNE=OO’n ........... 340A dune ..................... 340A June 39% ............. 340A prune .................... 340A rune ...................... 340A tune 29% .............. 340A APE=AY’p ............ 341A cape 18% ............. 341A drape .................... 341A gape ..................... 341A grape 21% ............ 341A grapes 13% .......... 341A nape ..................... 341A rape ...................... 341A scrape................... 341A shape 19% ........... 341A shaped 13% ......... 341A tape ...................... 341A IPE=YH’p ............. 341A gripe ..................... 341A hype...................... 341A pipe 40% .............. 341A pipes 20%............. 341A ripe 28% ............... 341A snipe..................... 341A stripe..................... 341A swipe .................... 341A tripe ...................... 341A type 02% .............. 341A wipe 29%.............. 341A OPE=OH’p ........... 342A cope...................... 342A dope ..................... 342A grope .................... 342A hope 59% ............. 342A hoped 17% ........... 342A hopeful 09% ......... 342A hopes 40% ........... 342A hoping 27% .......... 342A lope....................... 342A mope .................... 342A nope ..................... 342A pope ..................... 342A rope 40% .............. 342A scope.................... 342A slope 14%............. 342A tope ...................... 342A UPE=OO’p ........... 342A dupe ..................... 342A ACE=AY-ss.......... 343A
ace ........................343A brace.....................343A face 45%...............343A grace 19%.............343A lace 18% ...............343A pace 13%..............343A paced (paste)........343A place 37% .............343A placed 15% ...........343A places 24% ...........343A placing 15% ..........343A race 32%...............343A races 17%.............343A racing 12%............343A space 20% ............343A trace 19%..............343A ASE=AY-ss ..........343A base 28% (bass)...343A based 10% (baste)343A case 26% ..............343A chase 13% ............343A chased 07% (chaste)343A vase ......................343A ASTE=AY’st .........343A chaste (chased) ....343A haste 06%.............343A paste 14% (paced)343A waste (waist).........343A ICE=YH-ss ...........344A dice .......................344A ice 65% .................344A icy 03% .................344A lice ........................344A mice 31% ..............344A nice 51% ...............344A nicely 17% ............344A nicest 11% ............344A price 37%..............344A priced 08%............344A prices 15% ............344A rice 32%................344A slice 17% ..............344A spice .....................344A splice.....................344A thrice .....................344A trice .......................344A twice......................344A vice 16% ...............344A OSE=OH-ss..........345A close (closest) ......345A
ESE=EE’z ............ 345A these 33% ............ 345A UCE=OO-ss......... 346A Bruce.................... 346A spruce .................. 346A truce ..................... 346A UICE=OO-ss........ 346A juice 05%.............. 346A sluice .................... 346A USE=OO-ss......... 346A use ??% .............. 346A ATE=AY’t............. 347A crate ..................... 347A date 45% .............. 347A fate 24% ............... 347A gate 42% (gait)..... 347A grate (great) ......... 347A hate 28% .............. 347A hated 23% ............ 347A hatred 03%........... 347A Kate...................... 347A late 50% ............... 347A lately 12%............. 347A later 39% .............. 347A latest 15% ............ 347A mate 40% ............. 347A Nate...................... 347A plate 41% ............. 347A rate 31%............... 347A rates 19% ............. 347A rating 23% ............ 347A skate 19% ............ 347A skates 17%........... 347A skating 17%.......... 347A slate...................... 347A spate .................... 347A state 31% ............. 347A stated 10% ........... 347A statement 09% ..... 347A states 16% ........... 347A stating 12% .......... 347A Tate ...................... 347A ATION=AY’ shun348-355A
ETE=EE’t ............. 356A fete (feat, feet)...... 356A mete (meet, meat) 356A Pete (peat) ........... 356A ITE=YH’t .............. 357A bite 38% (byte) ..... 357A cite (site, sight) ..... 357A
kite 33%................ 357A mite (might) .......... 357A quite 09% ............. 357A site (cite, sight) ..... 357A smite..................... 357A spite 13%.............. 357A sprite..................... 357A trite ....................... 357A white 39% ............. 357A write 32% (rite, right)357A writes 12% ............ 357A writing 11% ........... 357A OTE=OH’t ............ 358A dote ...................... 358A mote (moat) .......... 358A note 44% .............. 358A noted 24% ............ 358A notes 18% ............ 358A quotation 01% ...... 358A quote 04% ............ 358A quoted 05% .......... 358A quoting 02% ......... 358A rote (wrote) ........... 358A smote.................... 358A tote ....................... 358A vote 25% .............. 358A voted 17% ............ 358A votes 13%............. 358A wrote 16% (rote) ... 358A UTE=OOT ............ 359A brute ..................... 359A cute 13% .............. 359A flute....................... 359A jute........................ 359A lute (loot) .............. 359A mute ..................... 359A AZE=AY’z............. 360A blaze 15%............. 360A braise (brays)........ 360A craze..................... 360A daze (days)........... 360A faze (Fay’s phase) 360A gaze 08% (gays)... 360A graze (grays, greys)360A haze (hay’s) .......... 360A
Index of single syllable base CV, CVV and CVCe Words Words in parentheses are homophones. Words in bold italics are homographs, i.e., entirely different words with different pronunciations but with the same spelling. The percentages quoted represent the number of 3rd graders who can correctly spell the word according to The New Iowa Spelling Scale (Greene, The University of Iowa, 1954) If no percentage is listed, the word probably doesn’t occur in any given spelling series—except AVKO’s. laze (lays)............. 360A maze (May’s)........ 360A raze (raise, rays) .. 360A AISE=AY’z ........... 360A raise 07% (ray’s, raze) .......................... 360A
raised 04% (razed)360A praise 5% (prays, preys) 360A pASE=AY’z .......... 360A
phase (Fay’s, faze)360A phrase 01% (frays)360A IZE=YH’z (criticize)361A prize 14% (pries) .. 362A size 26% (sighs, Cy’s)362A
sized 09%............. 362A sizes 13% ............. 362A ISE=YH’z.............. 363A rise 18% ............... 363A wise 25% .............. 363A OSE=OH’z............ 364A chose 20%............ 364A close 27% (clothes) 364A hose 27% (hoes) .. 364A nose 51% (knows) 364A pose (Poe’s) ......... 364A prose (pros) .......... 364A rose 41% (rows, roe’s)...................... 364A
roses 36%.............364A those 30%.............364A OZE=OH’z ............364A doze (doe’s) ..........364A froze 10%..............364A UZE=OO’z ............365A Druze (Drew’s)......365A USE=YOO’z .........365A fuse .......................365A muse .....................365A ruse.......................365A use 23% (yews, ewes) .....................365A used 22% .............365A
uses 16%............. 365A using 16% ............ 365A USE=YOO-ss ...... 365A used to (“usta”!”)... 365A useful 14% ........... 365A useless 03%......... 365A uses ? .................. 365A OSE=OO’z ........... 365A lose 18% (Lou’s, Lew’s) 365A losing 14%............ 365A whose 05% (Who’s)365A GE=ZH (mirage) .. 366A GE=J (lunge) ....... 367A A=uh (America) .369-378A
A=AH (voila) .369-378A fa .......................... 369A la........................... 373A ma 36% ................ 374A pa 26% ................. 376A I=EE...................... 379A oui (we, wee) ........ 379A si (see, sea).......... 379A ski 09%................. 379A skiing 03% ............ 379A I=YH (alibi)........... 380A I’ll 32% (isle, aisle) 380A isle (aisle, I’ll)........ 380A
Some Observations Regarding How The Lack of the Teaching of Phonics is Reflected in the New Iowa Spelling Scale There is a difference between teaching and learning. That is obvious. What isn’t particularly obvious is that if students don’t learn the material that is presented in the curriculum, then it really hasn’t been taught! If a school claims that the VCe pattern is taught in the first two grades as part of their curriculum, then it should be reasonable to expect that at least 90% of the students can spell the simplest of these patterns. So let’s take a look at them: There is only one way of spelling the “OH’b sound and that is -obe as in robe. How many 3rd graders can spell robe? Only 35%! There are only two possible ways of spelling the “OO’b” sound, -ube and -oob. So if 90% of the students knew these two patterns, surely half would pick the correct spelling for tube. Yet, only 14% instead of 45% correctly spelled tube. Assuming those in the 90th percentile are gifted, we can assume that all the gifted can learn phonics without special teaching, or can we? How about those who are bright but not gifted? Shouldn’t they be able to spell the word code? Only the top 10%, the gifted, could do it! And when we look at the word tone, we find that 20% of the gifted couldn’t spell it! 70% of the gifted couldn’t even drop the silent e in ice and add y to get icy! Something is terribly wrong if only 3% of 3rd graders can spell icy. The word icy is 100% phonically regular. It is rather revealing to check out how rapidly the fall in percentages occur when students are asked to spell words that have an -s, -es, -ed, -er, -est, -y, -ly, or -ing ending. We think it is safe to say that although the reading experts say phonics should be taught “only” in the first two grades, it isn’t—and hasn’t been taught for years. Occasional lessons on endings just don’t do the trick. There needs to be systematic and intensive teaching of the phonic and structural patterns of spelling.
The case against left-to-right single letter correspondences as being what phonics is. If all English words followed the CVC pattern of words such as cat, map, and top a case could be made for each letter having a separate sound. However, that isn’t the case. We have beginning sounds or sound-shapers followed by consistent vowels or vowels shaped by consonants. For example, we have little two sound words such as: ma, pa, la, fa, and ha. The sound of the letter a in these words are consistently “AH!” Let’s suppose we add the letter d to these words and we get mad, pad, lad, fad, and had. The vowel didn’t just change. The -ad pattern is consistent as an ending. Another example that can be used is: ma lo
mag log
magic logic music electric
magician logician musician electrician
The patterns are consistent working from the ending forward! At is always at whether it is in cat, bat, hat, mat, pat, sat, or rat. AN is always AN in little words like can, ban, tan, man, plan. But the ending letters An is always “UN” in big words like human, American, magician, electrician, Mexican, or Michigan. AGE is always “AY’j” in little words like cage, rage, page, and stage. But -age in big words can be “ij” as in passage, message, cabbage or “AH’zh as in mirage, sabotage, fusilage, garage, etc.