Independent Honors 4 12 18 Punnett Squares 1

  • May 2020
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Mendelian Genetics Independent Tasks I​NDEPENDENT STATION EXPECTATIONS: 1. Working SILENTLY AND INDEPENDENTLY( Voice level 0 ON YOUR OWN) 2. RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION 3. Title a brand new page in your notebook: ​Mendelian Genetics 4. Write today’s date on the top right:3/28/19

5. **Set a timer on Google for each section to stay on track** __________________________________________________________________________________________

Part 1:​ Science Grade Reflection

5 min.

Directions: 1. Check your science grade on ​Pinnacle​. 2. Answer the following questions IN YOUR NOTEBOOK.

1. What is your current grade in science class?

2. Have you completed X-Men project? If yes, write down one thing you learned about artificial selection. If NO, have made accommodations to come to Paredes/Castillo’s tutoring during lunch and what is one trait you have selected to incorporate on your LATE projects?


Part 2:​ Children resemble their parents

​7-10 min.

Directions: 1. Watch the ​Punnett Squares Video​ . 2. Answer the following questions IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. YOU MUST WRITE QUESTIONS AND DRAW PUNNETT SQUARES: 1. How is it possible for two ​brown haired​ parents in this video to have a ​blonde haired baby​?

2.Fill out the following punnett square for





B b

3. What does ​each square​ represent?

4. What​ percentage​ off their offspring would have ​brown hair?

5. What ​percentage​ off their offspring would have​ blonde hair​?

6. Fill out the following Punnett Square f f

7. Out of the 4, how many offspring ​will not have freckles?


Part 3:​ Genetic Inheritance Follows Rules Directions: 1. Read the Genes don’t blend ​Concept​.

​5 min.

2. Answer the following questions IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. YOU MUST WRITE QUESTIONS

AND DRAW PUNNETT SQUARES ​: 1. What is Mendel’s famous 3:1 ratio?

Follow the steps on this ​Animation​ and answer the following questions: 2. What are the offspring genotype results of a ​Yy Heterozygous cros​s?


Part 4: ​Genes are Real Things Directions:

​ 5 min.

1. Read this ​Concept​. 2. Answer the following questions IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. YOU MUST WRITE QUESTIONS AND DRAW PUNNETT SQUARES: 1. Different organisms proved to have different numbers of chromosomes. What did this suggest?

Follow the steps on this ​Animation​ and answer the following questions: 1. Robert Hooke was the first to do what? What did he see?

2. What do chromosomes carry?


Part 5: ​All Cells Arise from Pre-existing Cells Directions:

​5 min.

1. Read this ​Concept 2. Answer the following questions IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. YOU MUST WRITE QUESTIONS AND DRAW PUNNETT SQUARES:

1. During mitosis, each chromosome copies itself. What happens next?

Follow the steps on this ​Animation​ and answer the following questions: 2. What happens during the ​interphase stage​?

3. What happens during the ​metaphase stage?

4. What happens during the ​telophase stage?


Part 6: ​Gregor Mendel Video

Directions: 1. Watch the ​Gregor Mendel Video

​10-15 min.

2. Answer the following questions IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. YOU MUST WRITE QUESTIONS:

1. ​Where was Mendel born?

2. What did Mendel discover about the color of the pea flowers and texture of the peas themselves?

3. What are ​inherited traits ​a product of?

4. What was Mendel’s ​important conclusion #1?

5. What was Mendel’s​ important conclusion #2?

6. What was Mendel’s​ important conclusion #3?

7. What is the ​Law of Segregation​?

8. What is the ​Law of Independent Assortment​?


Part 7: Finished Early? IF DONE EARLY WORK ON ACHIEVE 3000 ARTICLE Directions: ● Log on to Achieve 3000. ● Read and complete a science article of your choice and complete the​ Before Poll Question, Read the Article, Activity questions and Thought Activity ● Fill out Achieve 3000 Advisory Tracker ● Answer the questions below:

1. In ​3-5 sentences, summarize​ the ​main idea ​of the article.

2. How does this article ​connect ​to what we have been learning about in Science class about ​genetics, heredity, phenotype, genotype, mutations?

3. What was your score on this Article? Did you get a 75% or above? Why or why not? If you do not get a 75% or above​, you will need to come to tutoring on Monday to make up this Achieve 3000 Article Assignment.

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