Independent 4 2 19 Punnett Squares

  • December 2019
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Mendelian Genetics Guided Notes  TUESDAY 4/2/19 TASKS 1. Label your notebook ​Mendel Genetics 4/2/19 2. Working ​SILENTLY​ AND I​ NDEPENDENTLY 3. RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION Part 1: Stickleback Evolution Lab Intro Video 1. Glue this handout in your notebook. 2. Watch the ​Ms. Paredes' Lab Directions​ and answer the following questions:

1. ​What is today’s criteria for success?​ What 3 things​ do you need to do to earn a 4 today?

● _________________________________________________________________________________ ● _________________________________________________________________________________ ● _________________________________________________________________________________ 2​. In your own words, summarize the ​4 objectives for today​: ● _________________________________________________________________________________ ● _________________________________________________________________________________ ● _________________________________________________________________________________ ● _________________________________________________________________________________

3. ​What are you going to be looking for in the ​lateral view​?_________________________________ 4. What are you going to be looking for in the ​ventral view​? ________________________________ 5. You are going to be writing in C for ____________, R for ____________ and A for ___________. 6. What do you need to do if you score ​below a 15/20? ____________________________________ 7. ​ What will you do once you score ​above a 15/20? ______________________________________ 8. Once you press the blue gloves to begin Experiment 1, what will we be skipping? What do we need to click on to skip this part? __________________________________________________________ 9. In experiment 1 Part 2, you are going to click on the jar of stained fish that is labeled ___________ _____________. 10. Once you complete the Bear Paw Lake jars, you are going to do the same thing with the jars labeled ___________________ _________________. 11. ​Do marine and sea-run stickleback fish have pelvic structures? ___________ 12. What is the claim we will be trying to find evidence for? _______________________________________________________________________________

Part 2: Punnett Squares Guinea Pigs Watch the ​Punnett Squares Guinea Pigs​ and answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. ​What are alleles?

2. Does a ​hairless​ guinea pig have​ recessive or dominant alleles?

3. What does it mean by a ​recessive allele?

4. What does it mean by a ​dominant allele?

5. What is a ​monohybrid cross?

6. What are the ​steps to fill out a Punnett Square?

7. What are the ​genotypes of the offspring? What does the 1:2:1 ratio mean?

8. What is the​ phenotype ratio?​ What does ​3:1 ratio mean?

9. What are ​probabilities?

7. Copy the chart below. After watching the video, you should be able to fill out the chart below using the information provided in the video. If you need to watch the video again, here is the link: ​Punnett Squares

Guinea Pigs


Genotype HH


Heterozygous or homozygous



2. Heterozygous


8. If a baby ​girl guinea pig looks almost identical to its mother​, does this then mean that it inherited more alleles from its mother? Explain. (​Hint: Think about the vocabulary words dominant and recessive.)

Mysterious Fred: A Guinea Pig Test Cross There is a teacher from Texas that loves hairless guinea pigs. In guinea pigs, the ​dominant allele H codes for the trait of having hair​ and the allele h codes for the trait of being hairless​. (Assume Mendelian inheritance). Let’s say that this teacher receives her wish of finding a ​hairless guinea pig at a pet store and names her Genevieve​. She finds ​another guinea pig at a store with hair that she names Fre​d. While she can be certain of Genevieve’s genotype, how could she determine what genotype Fred is? She can do a​ test cross!​ A test cross involves breeding an organism with a dominant trait (like Fred) with an organism that exhibits a recessive trait (like Genevieve). 9. What is Genevieve’s genotype? ​_________________ 10. What are Fred’s possible genotypes? ​___________________​_ or _​________________ 11. Create a punnett square cross between Genevieve’s genotype and one of Fred’s possible genotypes: __________




12. Create a punnett square cross between Genevieve’s genotype and the other possible genotype for Fred: __________




13. Explain in your own words how the offspring from the test cross could help determine Fred’s genotype.

14. What do you think could be some weaknesses with using a test cross to determine Fred’s genotype?

Part 3:​ Review Genes Video Watch the ​Genes Review ​

and answer the following questions:

1. How many cells​ is your body made up of?

2.What is inside every cell?

3. How many ​genes ​do you have in total?

4. If you lined up all the DNA, ​how long would it be​?

5. What is ​DNA​ composed of?

6. What does it mean when someone says “​You have your father’s hair?”

7. How many ​chromosomes do humans​ have? How many do​ chimpanzees h​ave?

8. What ​percentage of the DNA in your chromosomes do you share with other species?

9. What ​percentage of the DNA in your chromosomes do you share with other humans​?

Part 4: SNPs Watch the ​SNPs video​ and answer the following questions: 1. What is a ​genome?

2.How many base pairs is the human genome made up of?

3. What is an​ SNP​?

4. How many​ SNPs​ are there in the human genome?

Part 5: ​ Where genes come from

Watch the ​Where do genes come from?​

and answer the following questions:

1. Together, what do the chromosomes you inherit from your mother and father form?

2.What chromosomes does a ​female ​have? What chromosomes does a ​male​ have?

3. What determines the ​sex/gender of a baby?

4. What is ​genetic recombination?

Part 6: IF DONE EARLY WORK ON ACHIEVE 3000 ARTICLE​ (extra credit) Directions: ● Log on to Achieve 3000 and select ​PAREDES/CASTILLO PERIOD ___ INTEGRATED SCIENCE CLASS ● Read and complete a science article of your choice and complete the​ Before Poll Question, Read the Article, Activity questions and Thought Activity ● Fill out Achieve 3000 Advisory Tracker ● Answer the questions below: 1. In ​3-5 sentences, summarize​ the ​main idea ​of the article.

2. How does this article ​connect ​to what we have been learning about in Science class about ​genetics, heredity, phenotype, genotype, mutations?

3. What was your score on this Article? Did you get a 75% or above? Why or why not? If you do not get a 75% or above​, you will need to come to tutoring on Monday to make up this Achieve 3000 Article Assignment.

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