Inappropriate Intra-household Care Practices 10 Years Later

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Hands of Love GS June 2009 Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices 10 Years Later Fact Finding








The Back To the Basics Series June 2009, HOL GS




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Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices 10 Years Later Fact Finding The Back To The Basics Series Results indicate that female income more often has a greater impact than male income on infant and child survival probabilities, preschooler nutrition, and child education. Doss (1997)

The Following Three Quotes Are Taken Directly From Two Reports



Results indicate that female income more often has a greater impact than male income on infant and child survival probabilities, preschooler nutrition, and child education. Doss (1997), for example, finds a larger share of assets controlled by women correlates with improved child education outcomes in rural Ghana. Thomas (1994) shows that the effect of women's unearned income on child survival probabilities is almost 20 times higher than that of men's unearned income in urban Brazil. [1]Page 2








Many of these studies have examined the effect of women’s income on household expenditure patterns and found that women typically spend a higher proportion of their income on food and health care, for children, as well as other goods for general household consumption than do men.[1] Page3

In Zambia, mother’s income increases infant girls' weight-for-age more than it does for infant boys, while father's income increases boys’ weightand height-for-age more than girls' (Wang 1996).[1] Page 4 Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices 2000


.. .. .. .. .. Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices 2000 Reference and Resource Papers Of Discussion

[1] FCND DISCUSSION PAPER NO. 93 MOTHER-FATHER RESOURCE CONTROL, MARRIAGE PAYMENTS, AND GIRL-BOY HEALTH IN RURAL BANGLADESH, Kelly K. Hallman, Food Consumption and Nutrition Division International Food Policy Research Institute September 2000 PDF: [2] The Intra-household Disadvantages Framework: A Framework for the Analysis of Intra-household Difference and Inequality. Vincent J. Bolt and Kate Bird Overseas Development Institute CPRC Working Paper No 32 July 2003 PDF: eholdInequalityCPRC.pdf

Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices 10 Years Later Fact Finding HOL GS June 2009 Contact Hands of Love GS: Email: [email protected]


Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices 10 Years Later Fact Finding Abstract The purpose of this summary of facts based on the previous inputs that are noted in the cover is to: Develop an explanation of some of the changes that have become more wide spread in world aid and donor relations. The reasoning is in an abstract relative of some of the less known or talked about facts of on going poverty. But the provisions of how aid is managed as well as information contrived and put forth to the decision making process has now seemed to have changed and the related out come is less funding. The message as well as the final conclusion in this paper is a clear relative to the issue and can in no way be misunderstood.. The commitment to the poor as well as an earnest attempt to change must be taken at the highest level of integrity not only in the individual but in the work and explanations that are put forth so an understanding can be developed of all the facts. It is suggested that both papers be accessed to get a better understanding of what is being explained here.

Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices 10 Years Later Fact Finding HOL GS June 2009 Contact Hands of Love GS: Email: [email protected]


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Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices 10 Years Later Fact Finding The Theoretical Model Explained 10 Years Later Found on Page 5 [1] W =Welfare of house hold Formula 1 by M \ M depends on the commodity consumption of each house hold member M= Each household member U= Utility function of each member M by X= Number and action based I= G Goods and L Leisure activities of M M+U+I= X Utility is affected by a vector of home-produced goods How This Theoretical Model has Changed In 2000 when the original model was produced there were other variables with in the social ramifications of the over all condition of the third world at that time. It has to be fair to conceive that this Model as well as the Haddad inputs were at that time highly recognized facts and models that were taken in to consideration in 2000. By all accounts there can be a very unique but stringent correlation to what the out come of today is, in how the planning aspect of today’s results are recognized and delivered in working program models.


The model used in 2000 probably was highly regarded as very accurate with in what the over all social pictures was at that time. Based on the pretext of a 2009/2010 model the accurate assumption of what the final social answer was and will be is now based on a longer out come that can reasonably be reflected in a new derivative of the original model, that is now updated to reflect that continued answer to the original problem. So when we look at the original formula the pretext of ? now becomes a sure well defined answer to what ? equaled which is up to this point ?=? or ?= I don’t know?. The reasoning that defines this is based on simply what the future outcome would be based on a year 2000 social condition that in all probability would be thought to still exist at a later date. It was stated that during the year 2000 time frame there were not a lot of studies that dealt with the gender based factoring of IntraHousehold Care Practices into how this related to the morbidity of certain social groups that existed in the frame of sustainable needs of the poor. Poor being based on the per capita reporting of nations and regional access to services, personal security and prosperity overall. This could also be looked at as, “Part of the original factoring of facts that laid the ground work for what would become the Millennium Development Goals of today.” W =Welfare of house hold Formula 1 by M \ M depends on the commodity consumption of each house hold member M= Each household member U= Utility function of each member M by X= Number and action based


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I= G Goods and L Leisure activities of M M+U+I= X Utility is affected by a vector of home-produced goods So Um (X, L, θ ; µω); ω Taken directly from Page 5[1] the second to the last line on that page has now created a totally new formula expression. This is also an absolute fact based on that formula being cut and pasted directly that transferred in a vertical line that when back spaced back to it horizontal position became from: U m(X,L ; ? ; cc; ?); ? that is now Um (X, L, θ ; µω); ω So the Utility functions or actions U of each member M interplayed by the Member, their Utility functions, goods and leisure activities X could have or show un observed heterogeneity. Heterogeneity meaning the diverse nature of something The out come which was at that time still undefined as stated in that part of the formula in some ways has been revealed and needs only to be divulged to what the new formula is or a type of answer to the first formula of expressions. Because in the hand entered example of the original formula recreated in 2009, 9 years later =| *on entry(Really) U m(X,L ; ? cc ? ? | ; ; ); SO  = | U m(X,L ; ? ; cc; ?); ? = Um (X, L, θ ; µω); ω *| is only the keyboard key below the Backspace that is the left facing slash on shift that is a straight slash that made a sad face independently on this document when entered as above, automatically to this realigned formula and copy and pasted the second time.

Why ?


?= the answer or ? = I don’t know?. Because this has now become an interactive theater of sorts it would be in the best interest of the reader to not re-enter the original information and follow what ever format has been created by simply realigning that characters to their original positions once they are transferred to this document. W = W[U1(x, L, θ; µ, ω), ....., UM (x, L, θ; µ, ω)] The over all retrospect of this Intra-Household Care Practices formula presented in this particular section leads to a very different value content once the key is understood more clearly. With in the greater relation ship that has developed between computers and their users with in research modules and research it self. By the simple above expression of what today can be the answer to questions that were in theory a few years ago the above formula is much more easily understood. W = W[U1(x, L, θ; µ, ω), ....., UM (x, L, θ; µ, ω)] is also not the formula as it is a copy and paste from the top of page 7 in this 1999 HTML version this report: FCND DISCUSSION PAPER NO. 93 MOTHER-FATHER RESOURCE CONTROL, MARRIAGE PAYMENTS, AND GIRL-BOY HEALTH IN RURAL BANGLADESH. The formula is now a new meaning Θ* θ For Theta in Greek *A direct copy and paste yielded the asterisked symbol and when attempted again yielded the correct symbol that are all now highlighted in green. µ For Mu in Greek ω For Omega in Greek. This * is also on to another subject more in tune with the hope some may have had for programs like OLPC and other computers for the third world programs that had some tremendous appeal a few years ago but have faded for now. One interesting note would be that the over all theme of this paper is: Inappropriate IntraHousehold Care Practices that was mentioned in the FIVIMS As Part of UN System Reform Brochure about Food Insecurity and


.. .. .. .. .. Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems that was acquired

by Hands of Love GS as part of our UN Global Compact Women’s Day attendance. It was a brochure that was made available by another UN System Group who had this available as information but was not directly related to the event. It was also not intended to place a computer related feedback right with in this report but, to leave this out being that this section was the first section created seemed as not being forth coming or fair since this occurred. It also may seem as un believable that this happened but you may attempt this and either get the same results, believe that this was the results as stated in just for this for instance or this is contrived information that was made up for a self serving reason which would not be the fact at all. It may have meaning later but this remains to be seen. By looking at Inappropriate IntraHousehold Care Practices as a phrase or a starting point the facts grew to what ever this paper became in its completed entirety. What is the original formula saying in as far as related data that created the decisions that we are living in today?

The Topic and the Theme


Because this particular paper used as an example is only up to page 8[1] the topic theme thus far is based on the life and statistical out comes of the marital Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices that are practiced by families in Bangladesh with references made to other nations and cultures having been based on the children and using missed school days and health issues. It is also the first subject that came up in the research on Inappropriate IntraHousehold Care Practices. The formula has some very unique and ground breaking suggestions based on it being created in 1999. The fact of where we are today in issues of women, poverty and children in what has been deemed as appropriate help and direction in many nations seems to, in many ways making the ? answer exactly what is now taking place. As an NGO of course we have a direction and a hope in what it would be hoped that was to be found out as the fact finding of the subject continues. But it is suggestive that “Leisure Activity” having a type of value with in the formula created in 1999 in this paper [1]. Added to the fact that a little less then 10 years later was that, “If the world wanted to fix its problems with poverty, cessation of violence and childhood morbidity not only in missing days of school but the actual life span of the child.” The answer would be, “For women on a grand scale to take up jobs and vocations to support their families that would be funded by Billions of dollars paid by other nations and private interest and citizens to help them achieve this.” A higher interest in the fact that such a formula exists that as we now follow that Haddad lead of offerings that was referenced in this paper could be , “Is the over all social emotional structure of the third world based on hidden practices in Inappropriate IntraHousehold Care Practices of communities as well as entire nations the greater reason as to why unless addressed we may all bare witness to long term failure to change any thing as it relates to poverty and the advancement of all nations world wide?”


.. .. .. .. .. in the frame of first world nations the active generality of, how If

can we help those in need, would be to continually spend huge sums of money to pay people to teach people how to take care of themselves based on money in the form of philanthropy siphoned off every year from a nations capital structure to other nations who have far less. There are so many ways that over time this can go wrong that if what was found in this formula 10 years later, this fact now becomes almost a matter of a nations national security if it could be found as a pre planned method to take over a nation , her assets and eventually her people in a slow moving but targeted pinpointed way. The receiving nation becomes dependent on a certain style of funding that never actually pans out to fix the original intention of the funds. The supplying nation some how over looks its own needs in its own population that may bare a stark contrast to what the money could be used for in its own population in comparison to simply keeping starving babies alive. Advancements in science and technology, simple social conditions like; crime prevention and moral convictions to ones own constitution might suffer detrimental failure if over a longer period of time the problems cannot be fixed and the apron strings cannot be cut based on seeming cruel or uncaring. If the case cannot be presented and if possible, proved that this is part of the hidden Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices. In addition to every thing else that has been presented as information about different groups of people and nations that’s main vocation is learning to care for themselves, may one day comes to pass as being poor, un-prosperous and always in need to only draw attention to it self as a way to achieve the act of control based on greed, humanity as well as the ability to do just that.

If today as part of the greater facts that can be seen but not pinpointed in inter personal relationships between people of some third world cultures and their new friends in the first world.


It could be derived even in scenarios that if every family in the world found a way to make money and find a living to support their family, over time based on first hand knowledge of interpersonal relationships that first world people have developed with third world people in their own first world nations. If certain facts are not taken as possible and even serious then how can this be miscounted as not being a fact?. It is very possible based on the legal structure as well as the human rights accountability that if world sustainability was achieved hence, one group based on any reasoning including being paid off, religious indoctrination or just a new wave trend could say, “Lets not do business with certain people and not allow them to prosper by cutting off their access to customers, any one who can listen as well as a legal recourse to prove, change or have a defense that this has happened can then be taken over by this type of ideal. It is also a tactic that is so in tune with the words JUDE and Juderent with what was written down and marked as a technique and even a political platform to openly do this to others in societies that were not in any way democracies but did use the voice and will of the majority to destroy the life of others. On a grand scale and on a not so grand scale, a present day possible hidden fact that’s numbers have grown greater then any other threat to man kind it self, if it could be shown that, extended extreme poverty that is serviced as today’s poverty. Is serviced through programs and initiatives to help change the present day, excepted and explained reasons for it, has been the greatest massacre of human life then all wars known to man kind put together and ever will be. The greater challenge today is the acceptance of this fact and then creating ways to prevent this which is what social service programs of many nations have up held over the longer time of successful nations of prosperity, that if there was even just a chance by how ever means even the unimaginable that some one or any one could not find a monitory support for the simple access to shelter , clothing and food then one would be provided for you at little or no cost based on the prosperity of the land it self.


.. .. .. .. .. fact is one of the longer standing deterrents to a profile of This

democracy that every one under its blanket of security had a right to as well as access to the expectation of provisions of life resources to survive. There have been over the last 10 years various tests of such a system it is also sad to say that in some cases there can be a marked distinction made to the lessening of such a view point of the rule of peaceful prosperity that has went in tune with a lessoning of prosperity as it stands today. If it is the will of a greater or more powerful group of people to will hardships on another group by simply carrying the act out with out the safety net of what has been from the beginning known as social service programs, this can become the fact of how extreme poverty can live on for so long in so many nations based on Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices gone national. .--It can also be seen as Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices in nations who for what ever reason do not have such safety net programs as the reason why they fail. No one can look at someone or in a true accurate sense say, “Who is capable or not capable of carrying out this type of power ego bolstering censorship of the life of another by looking at them.” With out programs and the conviction on a national level to be prosperous based on making a way for all the nations citizens in times of prosperity and in times of need, then poverty will over take those who may not be strong enough to tackle the social reasons and hence just starve to death and die. The United States in more recent years has been one of the better known first world nations that had addressed the fact of social welfare reforms over the last 15 to 20 years. The fact that a good number of US recipients of these types of services were not US citizens as well as wide scale misuse of the US social service system such as millionaires receiving government poverty assistance, recipients receiving assistance multiple times in different states as a well as various other reasons that relates to what US social service programs were intended to do and what


those who took advantage of such programs implied them to do in their own situations. Became the greater part of what the US changed and many supported it. Through the up grade in finding out more about the social needs of US-SS clients many were able to find jobs who may have never had such an opportunity before. As well as those who may have had special needs and circumstances that might have needed assistance to be able to receive the help that they may have needed temporary or long term. There is no structure that prevents a citizen in the US who may have had access to such programs to be held as having less rights, less opportunity if their individual situation changed or to be discriminated against based on income or other related factors to what is also private information that is not public information made available only based on a legal need or the person making this fact known voluntary. This is also some of the greater factors that would make social service programs in some nations as the answer to poverty a greater fact to achieve based on the level of rights that the individual nation may have in place for each of its citizens. If social service programs were applied to nations whose main national standing was to keep an on going ego bolstering persecution of parts of its population what has the present-day sustainability community done to look into this fact as well as prevent this as part of what human rights represent in the over all international communities medaling in the affairs of other nations based on the want and stated need to see better human rights achieved? If these facts could be so easily seen is the international community at large, some what discriminatory of who can be a part of it and could this be based on not knowing what other people are really capable of doing in absolute asurity that this fact is not already going on for some time on a grander scale? The problems that have been under the view of HOL GS for several years now, do not show a caring community that’s only aim


.. .. .. .. .. to help others based on the time frame of how long this has been is

going on a grander scale. The fact of third world 80% unemployment rates but based not actually on who earns a living as billions of other nations money is being spent on programs that are supposed to be working at helping people find lively hoods. But figures (80%) based on legal tax paying jobs that in many nations even in the third world are jobs with a level of benefits such as old age pensions as well as disability if you are injured on the job. The fact of a nation that has allowed its people to pick and choose based on this weeks whim, who they can lock out of a right to life based on the ability for so many to starve in the streets and no one caring. Might make legal benefit bearing jobs a very scary prospect if this same tactic is used in the venues of normal registered jobs that seems to be going on for the poor of some nations. If 80% unemployment of some populations are noted along with video images of every one looking busy selling , shopping and active at something in the back round. Why has it taken so long for those who are paid to tell the story based on in nations organizations to those who could use some of the same billion dollars of interest in their own nations that their own nations are giving away to this very flimsy facade of a story about poverty and its root cause? Why is there drought in a time of hydrofluoric technology unless it has become so embedded by methods that crops are not just in drought but poisoned by simply, people who live in your nation and don’t like you, local farmers who see a profit of getting what you own for payment when your crop fails as well as governments that can use the over all social distress and hidden rumors to keep their populations in check. This is also not to be looked at as the studies incorporated reason for poverty but at each point there is very little evidence in existence to discredit these facts of scenarios of thought created out of reasoning of what has been made available just as the 1999 paper had very little facts or similar information to conclude its findings that could very well be the facts that we are all baring in the fight against poverty today.


In defense of those who in good faith have put their own nations needs and priorities on back burners to bail out the face of poverty there needs to be another recourse or look at the matter as an act of defense in why this may until up to now has not worked. Too little information provided as well as in-accurate reporting cannot be acceptable as an excuse when your own nation’s population in starving and living in the streets as you have given all your money away to the poor. The correlation to what seems to be the understated statement as well as the pressing events of the day back in 1999 may have been that, “Certain behaviors were based in part from the habits and traditions of in this case gender related principles that were probably seen as sub conscious acceptances of the local gender based traditions that could be seen in real time affects even in young school age children then.” It was stated the Mothers with more brothers reduced the rate of sickness for boys and girls. Families with greater land holdings saw only a reduction of health issues in boys. Page 6[1] On Page 9[1] it then went on to state the data model of 47 rural communities and a few had recently received modern farming technologies. From page 9 on to 24[1] their were various techniques used to continue the model formula based on how much money had transferred from Husband to Wife based on out side marriage based contributions to the bride or the groom as well as the male made up of the male to female ratio of the extended family that could show a type of pattern in illness in the children. Two striking notes were, “That at the age of 1 and 3 most of the children got sick as well as on page 24[1] a limited mention of sanitary conditions as having not to have been included in this study.” From the Wet to Dry season as the dry season producing less rice there were also some noted differences in a boys health to a girls. This was also based on the extended activity based on extra family related jobs that the children might have to participate respectively to their gender and the season.


.. .. .. .. .. over all idea based on the assets of the gender of originations The

of the assets with in the nuclear family as well as the extended family continued on to be the higher focus with in the test subject groups. It was found with in some graph models that during the 1970’s noting about 1973 to 1978 there was a very high rate of money transfers with in the families under this gender based traditional frame work that also included wife to wife money transfers. This was not deemed as a noted lead or any type of expectation made as to having a correlation to any facts. Also based on the FCND Discussion Papers on page 75 there were also noted many papers created during this 1997 to 1999 time period even though it was stated early on that there was very little information in regards to this type of study. It was stated vaguely that there was a data source that was available where the information was taken from. But in all realties the Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices as a phrase of note still remains elusive .


Finding and Understanding Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices A 2003 Study entitled, The Intra-household Disadvantages Framework: A Framework for the Analysis of Intra-household Difference and Inequality[2]. Creates a very distinct fabric that what ever was being accomplished in the 1996 to 1999 period was not significantly dubious enough to be left as mindless jabber of what could be seen as cultural facts that had a relationship via the marriage relations of the subjects to wealth, health and household care practices but there was defiantly an underlying left out data that would have made a more distinguished tie in to what the real fact was that was being taken into account. Because so much may have enveloped on this 4 or more years of contrived research findings and hypotheses, there was to the donor and the signatory aspect of this type of work seeming to be the need to build more information in order for the next step to be commenced. This also is stated with in the same frame work as the sited papers statements being made simply in the same way based on the review of reputable sources fact finding for a different type of determination and out come model. As was stated by the authors on page 2[2], “Collecting subhousehold level data has often been felt to be impractical as it could generate huge volumes of information, which then has to be analyzed, presented and used. Researchers and policy makers have therefore often preferred to investigate only down to the household level, feeling this to be ‘quite micro enough.” This direct statement was also not stated as the opinion of the authors but subjected to fact by the author but not referenced to any proof of the statement. In the authors opinion this has been their experience and would have well worked better if stated as such. This was also exactly stated again on Page 8[2] and followed by a reference link to a comment of a colleague in the first draft of the paper that goes on to note a work shop in 2002 that’s,


.. .. .. .. .. “Presentation highlighted the need to develop methods for

extending tools derived from gender analysis to enable them to analyze other forms of social difference” The next statement that directly followed the page 2 [2]opinionated statement went on to say, However, as we indicate in this paper, the household means different things to different people, in different times and places, and by using the household as a unit, researchers and policy makers make a set of implicit assumptions about what takes place within it. Individuals within a household are often assumed to be equally wealthy or poor and to have equal access to goods and services. Household models have presented the household as a sharing, altruistic and co-operative body with a unitary utility function.” This is also a contrived artistic function almost as clearly stated with in the statement. It is self based on the source of assumptions as the cross references of researchers and only the derived opinion in this paper to infer a statement and singularly confirm the validity of not just an opinion but a clearly targeted follow up to a main source that is not clearly absorbed in its message in any one document, but may be found by its trail. This occurred on page 8[2]. It will also be discovered later on if the reference that was made to the work shop held any vital clues if this was stated in any way to support the claim of what policy makers are actually looking for in research material. It did not. The inference to the UN’s definition of the pragmatic approach to household composition on page 10 [2] also holds a very direct meaning in the same pragmatic way based on the over all event based theory, of those who would be in a position to research subject matter in certain research fields, should have a better understanding of the over all event related reality of the day. Based on education, experience as well as access to the facts that the over all research community would want to present as information that was more defined to what the issues of the day were instead of presenting limited facts with limited planning


related outcomes. A pragmatic approach in a more broad based field of vision that’s realties in this case, of those who cohabitate and share food might would also point to the suggestion that a wider field of vision needs to be developed as is being done here to utilize the access to data collection as well as information already in existence in a more realistic way using more common sense then common idealisms. The intra household model that goes on to page 14[2] then goes on to do exactly that and broadens the intra household model to what seems to be many households with in a community. This is also a paper that notes itself as a type of frame work model for future research patterns. Because it[2] has still not been divulged what the relationship is to the 2009 theory of play in poverty and cultural diversity and how this relates to what could be seen as progress as well as if understood. That could be building blocks of solutions to some of the more pressing problems of certain segments of rural and urban based poverty, that may be built on the re-conditioning of what is not just a practice, but very serious social problems that are more of the underlying factors of practices that actually are the reason for certain practices in the first place. In the scope of what people of the third world and poverty, weather gender based or not, have to say as the real reasons that they(the poor) may believe are the source of their own life misery and unsure futures. May be much more realistic based on what has been demonstrated to policy makers and every one else if a way can be found to word for word state the reasoning and let those who are in the position to make the decisions decide for them selves what the correct course of action should be. By Example. This report holds as the reader now gets to the more meaty part of the paper which is limited edited versions of real time testimonies of people about their lives. The fact that now can come into play in a more experimental frame work is how can what is being said be reinforced in a more realistic way that can give insight to the next


.. .. .. .. .. person? The fact that the authors have provided their own direct

interviews changes the reality of the paper. The purpose now becomes more solidified towards the work of the author and not what their opinions are nor their expertise in how to conduct an interview which I doubt although a frame work document will go that far to an instructional type of insight with in this type of matter. In Box 1 and 2 on pages 14 and 15[2] respectively. The first interview was in regards to a woman who was abused by her husband as well as what turned in to these beatings. The family of her husband said she was not doing her work in accordance to her husband’s family’s wishes and ways, although it was satisfactory to her own family. The interview author immediately went on to opinion, “That women were often beaten in this particular culture.” Which may well be true. But because it is also the underlining job to help these people too. It could be suggested to seek out an interview from a wife that was not beaten as often to discover if there were any stark differences in the view or relationship related reasons that could be summarized from this extended view. The second box was of a woman that said, she was not married but it was directly inferred by the interviewer that she probably was, as well as her leading a life of a single woman who worked at traditional and non traditional agriculture based trades, her sister lived right across from her with her husband. People, it was noted harassed her even her own family such as her nephews throwing bottles at her house. It was told to the interviewer who made it a point to say, “That she did not seem dirty, crazy or a thief as others said she was.” The interviewer was then joined by her male relatives who stated not to listen to her. It was also noted that she called the police on occasion about people harassing her. This is also a very complicated story, but the interviewer has already stated in the very first paragraph that the woman was probably married, in the end the same interviewer called her a truthful person.


So what exactly is being said in this case? One fact I would have thought, depending on the cultural practices of this woman’s community could it be, “That she knew something that was not favorable about a member of her family or her community that could range from rape, a theft to even the murder of a child.” If this was the case and the over all view was to not prosecute she may have been under her own personal moral obligation to have spoken out, even if just to her own family that this was wrong. It may not have even been any one in her family that was guilty. But word may have spread and because she was from a family from whom may have been of good standing she was warned and maybe even harassed which in turn she called the police in fear only for her own safety. This is also a very realistic possibility. But how could this fact if totally over looked and the woman even being discredited by the interviewer for a separate issue be seen by some one who reads the interview. It is almost as if a crime if this was the case has been committed right in box two. Here is where the case builds as to what the reason is. Because there is no real need for an educated interviewer from a foreign land to make up their own versions it is a bit odd that this happens. Not just in this case but in just about every interview you read. It would make one wonder what it is these NGO types are really up to. A cult or a first world cultural trend or practice? Some what un-likely but not actually true. As you continue on their will be a pattern that may develop but the reasoning is far beyond a science fiction by line of secret cults and plots to take over the third world. Part of the realistic reasoning of why this happens is lack of planning and lack of a belief in how societies function and the importance of planning at every level. How can you regulate interviews in foreign lands that in most cases the information although public, no one really cares or needs to care about the facts or intricate details about some poor persons story in their own land.


.. .. .. .. .. have their own poor and pay little attention to them in their Most

own nations. To create a public awareness as has been the new trend as of late, to say, “Everyone there is a child starving or a poor person who has no roof over their house and it is raining out side right now.” Can create interest but if there is not a proper frame work in place or a more intricate planning mechanism then no matter what any one attempts to do this will not work. From the interviewers perspective the comments just made would not in any way be constructive. From his or her perspective, you were not there and as was stated in box 2, the male family all of a sudden showed up and the fact that the Chanka Bia has already had experience with the police. From the interviewers stand point people like me were lucky she even was able to get any information at all. There is also the fact of global connectivity that means for the interviewer or the next person that goes to that nation the report might be looked at and what was said could be used as a negative in the future towards those who do this type of international work with the poor. Every day this fact is playing out over and over again, information is gathered, decisions are made based on the information, the poor receive a service and they still remain poor. One of the facts that this type of watch dog NGO represents is a break in the normal chain of business when it comes to the poor and the critique of their issues. It is in our formula based on what was ascertained as necessary and needed in the world of poverty and international sustainability to bridge the change. In the fact that we do not need to have first hand access to the poor to function and prove effective we also see the use of virtual interfaces for in nation communication in the future by conducting interviews and fact find via virtual connections, as well as relying on in nation personal to conduct our business. This also limits the ability for Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices and other tricks of the trade to interfere with our view of what we think might be going on at any given time.


The living connection is to be severed and at the same time giving the fact finding session more time to focus on the person. Based on what we believe is a social condition that is a natural fact of all people that has been thrown out of sync for the poor based on the break down of the normal way in which these types of conditions of people have been readjusted to fit into a changing world. The importance of what exactly a rural or urban participant believes from his ort her view no matter how far fetched his or her problem may be is the fundamental starting point in how if it can be explained and understood can then be planned in or out of their condition to see change that starts to occur. A fictitious example. The water is dirty down by the river do not drink it with out treating it. People are still drinking the dirty water down by the river. What can be done? It may in fact be a historical reason that they drink the water as their grandparents did. Maybe there are stories about the river some one good was saved some one bad drowned. So hence the river is strong. If I drink from the river I am strong. But the river is now polluted. Yes I know, but I have drunk from the river and I did not get sick. Each side is expressing truth. If we say you will get sick and the person doesn’t get sick , then to next person you were wrong even if the next person gets sick. They would just believe they were not strong enough. The person who says they drink from the river could be lying and they get their water from some where else to drink and go through the motions of getting water from the river and use it only to wash their clothes. This makes them seem strong to every one else but they are lying. So if we asked them are there any stories or legends about this river and it’s water or beliefs as to why some people don’t get sick. You can find out a great deal. Now based on what ever was found out it could then be suggested maybe they could do a ceremony and bless some water pots by painting a color on them or tying some cloth around it.


.. .. .. .. .. would keep the strength and then in the now special water pot This they could treat the water.

If and interviewer for what ever reason as in Box 2 has to contradicted them selves or simply lied then in some ways the Inappropriate Intra-Household Care Practices has already taken hold and corrupted the interviewer. This is how this happens. If it was a lie that some of the people really don’t drink the water and every one else who does, gets sick. Then the policy maker and the service plan decision maker doesn’t have any of the real facts and hence what ever is done to combat the fact of health problems for some people in a community who drink dirty river water even though the overture to provided water treatment methods will never solve the problem. This type of reasoning is also not meant to change the business of international sustainability in any way. Or promote other organizations to follow suit with this type of reporting and researching method or ideal. But it is a formula that is unique that has many particulars that might make duplication by other organizations not and easy task even if they have more experience or knowledge in the nation if it is not explained and some point demonstrated and then planned into programs. The real truth of the matter becomes the solution. Why would some one lie about the water? Is the same answering to, “Why did the interviewer present the Box 2 interview with so many inconsistencies?” Because as has been of late, answers to provide less funding there is a fact that some where along the line this type of reasoning has seeped in.


The Conclusion To state to the third world nations at large that yes in many ways this fact of possibility has been seen and the answer has been to give less money. But the bottom line is also the own security of each donor nation in the fact that if this was in some small way true then it will not be long until the after affects or the full run of the hidden plan reaches the door steps of other nations. In many ways nations have made statements and complaints about those who come into their nation under the guise of organizations that are there to help. But the real facts still remain with in the people of the nation and their real truth of what they believe is going on. Another fact is if the racial divide of those who come onto a nation to fact find and the difference between them as far as race ,culture and what the individual goal and purpose is in each. If the pattern has been for so long the same pattern of what the in nation at risk person says in an interview as well as how the interviewer interprets the information. Then there are no guidelines in this intimate exchange and it can only be changed from the top. The same structure of what can be seen as corruption by both partiers; the poor person and the NGO researcher asking the question. The poor hear of great sums of money that their nation receives and see’s little change the NGO Researcher hears of the tremendous salaries that their executive bosses receives even though they do most of the work. Many NGO researchers are also young so they are still at an impressionable time in their life. If it could be driven by a goal both could be manipulated. In 2009 as we stand only part of what could be seen worked over all in the dubious nature of what could be seen as just a different


.. .. .. .. .. by a party that is out side of this ring of functional poverty. view

The over all fact that this spread to first world nations was the greatest factor in what could have happened next. If the poor want to still be poor for the power that poverty yields on the world, if the NGO researcher wants to yield its report in a targeted way to lead those who make the decision in a certain direction as these 1997 to 1999 reports seen 10 years later most certainly did. Than the fact of the higher rule of third world government, philanthropy as well as how far the average general public can actually help at any level, has been the main reason once it could be seen, as a possibility based only on the imprinted actions of all parties in what has changed. The end result has been modified and is in a continual modification in how by the removal of funds from the over all story can now force a new type of direction that over time may prove to be more effective then any thing done thus far. It is not that what has been invested in the poor in as far as time and resources has been wasted but it has been more of a fact finding mission of getting to the bottom of poverty issues and now inserting a plan of action that will effect the root cause even if this cause is discretionary and not seen by all. HOL GS hopes that by putting this thought in to action, based on a different type of explanation, the guiding force can see vision and start to understand what the new meaning of the new actions are based on and either plan or change accordingly.



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