Improper Names

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 345
  • Pages: 6
IMPROPER NAMES FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=" Bandar Harbor Tubba' King bee; Title for ancient Yaman kings Tsamud Name of an ancient Arab tribe that decline to Prophet teachings Himyar Name of Yaman population long ago Dziiban Fur at the neck and lips of a camel Dhawi Thin 'Arab Arab race 'Arabi Arab race 'Adiy Name of a tribe 'Azzaan Ancient people Kan'an Name of Prophet Noah a.s' disloyal son Maazin Ant's egg Makhzum Quraisy's ancestors Madyan Home of Prophet Syu'aib a.s

Nizaar Talks little; Gives little Banaanah One fingertip Taliidiyyah Classic; Ancient Taimaa' Forest field Tadmur Name of a women that was use to name a city in Jazirah Arab Jauzah Walnuts Khaizuron Bamboo plant Rahiifah Thin Zulaal Albumin; The white of an egg Suulaaf Name of a district west of Khujistan Sukkarah Sugar Syaqraa' Brown color Syiiriin Name of an ancient women Shabhah Sleeps in the morning Dhahikah Teeth that can be seen when laughing; Fang Dhaawiyah

Thin; Small Thaibah Prosperous state 'Abbaasah Always unhappy 'Arabiyyah Arab language 'Anuud Many clouds that bring rains; Have another intention; Disloyal 'Imaarah Building 'Unaizah Female goat 'Inaan Bridle Ghuruub Sunset Ghushuun Tree branches Ghaitsaa' Drizzle Ghazaalah Female deer Fidhdhah Silver Qumriyyah Female bird Qathiifah Carpet Qilaadah Necklace

Quut Food stuff Kaliilah Weak; Blunt Lahfah Regret Laimuun Lemon Lujmah Flat hill Marmarah Heavy rain; Marble Maa'isah Muzainah Name of a tribe in Arab Maiyaadah Shaky Maitsaa' Flat land Na'aamah Ostrich Hajiirah Hot air; Hot day Haijaa' War Harb Haudaa' Ostrich Yamaamah

Dove; Intention; Name of a city in Arab Ibaa' Neglect; Refuse Aushaaf Attributes Asyhab Lion; Something grey Banaan Fingertip Bakr Camel's baby Bulbul Woodpecker Baghdaad Iraq's capital Tsumaamah Name of a plant Juhainah Name of a tribe in Arab Jabran Force Hajalah Brides room Hisymat/ Hisymah Shy Riim Deer's baby Zaraafah Giraffe Saarii Gone out at night; Lion; Indian sari

Suhaad Cannot sleep at night Shaduuh Singer Shan'aa' Yaman's capital 'Andaliib A type of bird 'Abrah Tears; Sadness 'Ithaaf Jacket Karawaan A type of bird with long leg Malak Angel Murrah Nuhaad About; Approximately Widhooh Dark and gloomy dawn

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