Impian Yang Nyata

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 602
  • Pages: 2
march 6, 2006 impian yang nyata penetapan target keinginan kita seperti bahan bakar mengarahkan kita menuju horison baru. tanpa sesuatu yang perlu diperjuangkan, kita akan mandek dan mengalami kebuntuan dalam keputusan kita sendiri karena kita tak yakin apa yang harus dilakukan kedepan. target-target adalah impian yang ingin kita wujudkan. ketika kita menyusun target, kita bertanggungjawab untuk hidup kita dan memilih sepenuh hati apa yang akan menjadi miliki kita berdasarkan aspirasi dan keinginan yang paling dalam. meskipun itu hanyalah sebuah langkah terkecil untuk mencapai ambisi kita. sangat penting bahwa kita secara aktif menyatakan target-target kita daripada hanya memimpikannya setiap hari. memiliki target membuat kita merasa nyaman karena memberikan rasa memiliki dan arah bagi kehidupan kita. when you endeavor to achieve clear and quantifiable goals, your choices and actions take on new significance. consciously creating your goals can help ensure that the success you seek is attainable and serves you. your plan must be conceivable, tangible, and measurable. if you cannot visualize your goal in great detail or believe that you can realize them, you may find it difficult to commit to your goals and take the necessary steps to achieve them. make sure that your goals have the potential to be emotionally satisfying. you may even want to write them down. putting your goals into words can keep your intention fresh in your mind and remind you of your purpose. as you make progress toward realizing your goals, give yourself a reward each time you take a step forward so that you have the incentive to keep going. if you find yourself stuck in a rut, examine ways in which you can revise your strategy so that your plan can work.

a concrete dream goals our desires act as fuel, propelling us toward new horizons. without something to strive for, we stagnate and become stuck in ruts of our own making because we are unsure of what to do next. goals are the dreams that we are willing to work for. when we set goals, we take responsibility for our lives and choose to wholeheartedly devote ourselves to our aspirations. even if we only take the smallest steps toward achieving our ambitions, it is vital that we actively pursue our goals rather than just daydreaming about them. having goals makes us feel good because it adds a sense of purpose and direction to our lives. when you endeavor to achieve clear and quantifiable goals, your choices and actions take on new significance. consciously creating your goals can help ensure that the success you seek is attainable and serves you. your plan must be conceivable, tangible, and measurable. if you cannot visualize your goal in great detail or believe that you can realize them, you may find it difficult to commit to your goals and take the necessary steps to achieve them. make sure that your goals have the potential to be emotionally satisfying. you may even want to write them down. putting your goals into words can keep your intention fresh in your mind and remind you of your purpose. as you make progress toward realizing your goals, give yourself a reward each time you take a step forward so that you have the incentive to keep going. if you find yourself stuck in a rut, examine ways in which you can revise your strategy so that your plan can work.

in creating goals, you create your future by outlining your destiny. when you choose your goals using your head and heart, you take the first step in manifesting what you want. you grant your own wishes every time you achieve another goal.

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