Impact Of Staff Training On Customer Satisfaction.pptx

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  • Words: 1,910
  • Pages: 23
Impact of Staff Training on Customer Satisfaction An overview of Westin Hotel & Resort, Sanya


Table of content






Literature Review


Research Methodology


Data analysis


Data Presentation




I would like to thank Mr. Sahil Bajracharya sir for this wonderful opportunity to express some experience of my internship as well as some words related to my thesis topic. I am so greatful to Mr. Nimesh Ulak sir for his support and response on my thesis report This report not only help me explore myself but also help me to build the confident level on me.

It would also like to thank IST college and the whole team for their support and also my friend, relatives who help me during my thesis report.


Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Industry


It is a marketing terms that measures how products or services provided by hotel that surpass customer’s expectation.


It is the only thing that matters most in the hotel industry.


It is the making of guest happy and fully satisfied during their stay in hotel.


It is important because it provides hoteliers and hotel owners with a metric that they can use to manage and improve their business.


Anything that can make your targeted guest happy by the service or sell of goods is customer satisfaction.

Training in Hotel Industry


It can be define anything which help to increase your knowledge and skill.


It play vital role during a operation of any company.


It help to bring a confident level in staff in a company.


It help to increase the productivity of the company

Objectives of the study

To understand the satisfaction level of Customer in Westin.

To find out different training given to the staff to increase customer satisfaction.

Literature Review 

A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in the literature related to selected area of the study.

Staff Training play vital role to satisfied the customer.

It help to make a guest happy during their stay on hotel.

Those organizations which are not practicing the new training available in the market cannot be able to provide the services expected by the customer

Customer experience is a complex process of understanding the customers’ conscious and subconscious perceptions of their relationship with the organization from all their interactions.

According to a recent study in Hospitality Training (2013), hoteliers faced a big challenge: the need to meet customers' higher demands combined with lack of sufficient budgetary resources to implement new staff training.

Training Cycle Stage 1 Identification of Training needs

Stage 2 Design of training solution

Stage 3 Delivery of training solution Stage 5 Evaluation of training solution

Stage 4 Application of training in the court environment

Research Methodology

 It

is a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem that needs a solution.  Every research should be outlined in a systematic manner and for that reason research methodology is very important.  The major content of research methodology are as follows: 1. Research Design It is the set of methods and procedures used in data collecting, analyzing, evaluating and identifying what exactly researcher wants to know. The data collected for this study are both qualitative and quantitative. 2. Research Site Westin Hotel and Resort Haitang Bay, Sanya (China) as the site to conduct research. 3. Universe and Sampling Westin Hotel and Resort is considered as universe of the study and 50 hotel’s guest and 10 staff were selected for the study.

4. Nature and Source of Data Data collected are qualitative and quantitative in nature and source of data are: 

Primary Source

Secondary Source

5. Data Collection Method 

It is process of preparing and collecting data.

Enables one to answer relevant question and evaluates outcomes.

Two methods are used for data collection:

i) Qualitative Method Interview with the hotel managers with open-ended questions and close-ended questions ii) Quantitative Method In this method, relevant questions are formulated and distributed among the respondents and as per their comments, suggestion and recommendation certain decision are withdrawn.

Data Analysis

Data analysis, also known as analysis of data or data analytics.

It is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions and supporting decision-making.

The researcher have presented and analyzed data through graphical chart and have given rational interpretations to customer satisfaction in Westin Hotel and Resort.

The researcher have presented the data in tabular form and used Pie chart to represent the tabulated data to analyze the collected information and interpret the subject opinion towards it.

The aim of the research was to explore the staff training being used, analyze the level of customer satisfaction and effectiveness of technology provided by hotel. So, all the analysis were based on objective.

Age group

10.00% 15.00% 25.00%

Figure: 4.1 Respondent Age Group

18-25 26-34 35-54 55-64


Source: Field Survey,2018 The figure shows the age group of staff work in Westin Hotel. Among them 15% staff are the age between 18-25, 50% staff are the age between 26-34, 25% staff are the age between 35-54 and 10% staff are age between 55-64. High number staff who work in hotel is the age between 26-34.

Table 4.3: Respondents of Marital Status

Marital status Single




5.00% 5.00%



Source: Field Survey, 2018 Among this chart 40% of the people are single, 50% are people are married, 5% people are divorced and 5% people are widowed. This chart shows that number married people are more the other status guest in the hotel. As a result, main people come to visit a hotel with a couple due to the CDF mall nearby the hotel where they can buy duty free luxury go

1.How will you rate the staff training of Westin Hotel? Table: 4.3.1 Satisfaction Analysis (Field survey 2018) Please rate the staff training below according to Number


an importance scale from 1 to 10 HACCP



Communication Training



Personal hygiene



Safety Training



Quality Training



Skill Training



Team Training



First Aid



Language Training





Table: 4.4.1 Satisfaction with Staff Training and their impact on guest experience. (Field survey 2018) Satisfaction with Staff Training and their impact on guest experience  



Are you satisfied with the Staff behaviour that you found in your Yes



hotel stay?





Yes, but I would like to suggest some of them to learn speak English for to 3




have a better/different experience.


Yes, but I would like to add new technologies to have a better/different 6


experience.     Do you think that the service standard in your last hotel stay had a

Yes, the available source were enough to provide me with a good 9 experience. I would not change or add anything


positive impact on your experience?   No, I need new and more Uniqueness service; the available ones did not 1


have a positive impact on my experience

Not at all, the available service standard had a negative impact on my 1 experience, they were very outdated. I need new standard service.



In general, almost all respondents (85%) were satisfied with the staff behavior that they found in their last hotel stay in Westin Hotel. Although 90% of respondents reported that staff had a positive impact on their experience, 45% stated that they would like to have more standard service or change some of them for new ones to have a better/different experience. On the other hand, 45% of the sample considered enough the available staff service to have a good experience, they would not change or add anything. Finally, 5% of respondents stated that the available service did not have a positive impact on their experience; they reported the need for new and more advanced technic for satisfy the customer also 5% of respondents reported that the available service standard had a negative impact on their experience because they were old and not updated. This part of the sample also needed various different training to improve their experience.

How beneficial is staff training in the present context of Westin Hotel? Table: 4.6.1 Measuring the benefit of Staff training (Field Survey 2018) S. N

Measurement Level

No. of respondent

% of respondent


Very much















Why did you choose this hotel? others; 10.00% website reviews; 10.00%

location; 30.00%

technology amenities; 15.00%

Figure: 4.2.1 Reason for choosing the hotel recommendation; 15.00%

price/quality; 20.00%

In regards to stay in Westin hotel, the hotel choice can be explained by several factors. The majority of respondents stated that the location is one of the reasons (30%); 20% referred the price/quality ratio, and 15% referred the recommendation also 15% referred technological amenities where websites reviewers (10%) and 10% referred other sources.

As a result, researcher found that the main reason for choosing the hotel for their stay is due to suitable location as the hotel is located beside world’s second largest duty-free mall i.e. CDF mall.

N o . o f R e sp o n d e n t 8 6 4 2 0 leisure





Figure: 4.2 Purpose of travelling

When examining the purpose of the last stay, out of total respondent a vast majority of respondents (8) were leisure guests, while just 7 were traveling on business or work. A small portion of the sample (3) were traveling for more than one reason, stating that the purpose of their last trip was business but also leisure and 2 were traveling for other purpose. From the above graph, it is analyzed that most of the guest travel for leisure.

Figure: Who did you travel with ? 45%

% of respondents

40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% alone

with friend

as a couple

with family

with co-workers

Traveling Partner

Figure: 4.2 Travelers accompanying partner.

Out of total, 45% of the travelers said they traveled as a couple, 15% went with family and 10% with friends. The remaining part of the sample was traveling alone (25%) and only 5% traveled with coworkers. It means most of the guest travel as a couple and least of them travel with their co-workers for work purpose.

Conclusion 

This research studied about the impact of staff training on customer satisfaction provided by Westin Hotel.

It was found that the staff training not only help to improve the level of service to the customer but also it help to make customer happy.

It was found that some of the training is so effective during a working time to the staff to handle the guest if there is some problem during the guest stay.

It can be concluded that the Westin hotel was really focusing on maintaining high level of Customer Satisfaction and its importance to the hotels business ultimately beside some the problem which hotel must took seriously and handle in an effective way.

Thank you so much for your valuable time

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