Impact Analysis Of A Falling Object (michael De Silva)

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 935
  • Pages: 3
Preface This analysis was initially undertaken as Omega were marketing their “Mission to Mars” Speedmaster X33 with a shock-resistance rating of 10,000 g’s. I read many blog articles, reviews, and forum discussions in which many contemplated that it was impossible for an object to experience such a large number of ”Gs”. In many of these, there were references to the fact that fighter pilots tend to blackout before G-LOC at around 5 g and red out during -2 to -3 g (the negative sign denotes the upward direction). It’s all to do with the impulse of a force. An intuitive conclusion does not consider the duration and distance the object travels during it’s deceleration from impact velocity to rest. A regular floor would be pretty hard, and as you can see, about 100-times to 1,000-times more g’s are experienced than one would typically expect. Of course, this assumes that the falling object is infinitely hard, and in practice, a falling metal object will dent; this can be called the “crumpling” distance. If this dent is sufficiently large enough, which it most likely will be, all the parts of the object that did not directly impact the floor will experience a much lower deceleration, i.e., typically <1000g for a 100 g object falling through 1 m onto a granite floor. — Michael January 2010

Comments, Criticism, and Contribution If you have any suggestions or discover errors in this document, write to [email protected] to help make this document better. Thanks in advance for your contribution. List of contributors: 1. Rave ([email protected]): he suggested that accounting for the “crumpling” distance will show that other parts of the object – that are not in direct contact with the point of impact – will experience a much lower deceleration. The point of impact will crumple and thereby allow the other areas to decelerate over a longer distance.

Michael M. W. de Silva MSc (Dist) BEng (Hons) MIEEE MIET AMIMechE(UK) MASME email: [email protected] • r´esum´e: &


Impact Analysis of a Falling Object

The following assumptions are considered for the following analysis. The object weight, m, is 0.15 kg (or 150 grammes), the acceleration due to gravity, g, is 9.81 ms−2 , and finally the height from which it falls, s, is 1 m. From the equations of linear motions it can be calculated as follows, 1 s = ut + at2 2


The time taken for the object to fall from a height of 1 m, and it is only after this time has passed that the object experiences ‘impact’, is calculated as follows, r r 2s 2 t= = = 0.45 s (2) a 9.81 The impact velocity maybe obtained by equating Kinetic Energy = Potential Energy, 1 2 mv = mgh 2 p v = 2gh = 4.43 ms−1


or, since, r v = a · t = 9.81

2 9.81

! = 4.43 ms−1


Thus, the Kinetic Energy just before impact is, 1 KE = mv 2 = 1.47 Nm 2


The Work-Energy Principle states that, “The change in the kinetic energy of an object is equal to the net work done on the object.” For a straight-line collision, the net work done is equal to the average force of impact times the distance traveled during the impact, Average impact force x distance traveled = change in kinetic energy This can be mathematically described as follows, FAvg · d = ∆KE = KEF inal − KEInitial

(6) 1

Hence, FAvg =

1.47 1.47 = = 147, 000 N d 0.01 × 10−3


From this, the deceleration (denoted by the negative sign), a=−

147, 000 980, 000 F =− = −980, 000 ms−2 → = 99, 898.06 g m 0.15 9.81


From a = (v − u)/t, the duration of the deceleration is, t=

(v − u) 4.43 = = 0.04 ms a 99, 898.06


Putting this into perspective, we can consider the power generated. It is known that KE = 1 J = 1 N m and that 1 hp = 745.7 W . Since 1 W = 1 J/s = 1 N m/s, 

1.47 33, 149  = 33, 149 Nm/s → = 44.5 hp 4.43 745.7 99, 898.06


Repeating the above calculation with d = 0.001 mm, FAvg =

1.47 1.47 = = 1, 470, 000 N d 0.001 × 10−3


Thus the acceleration is a = −9, 800, 000 ms−2 with a duration of t = 452.04 ns. Thus, 3, 251, 918.74 1.47 = 3, 251, 918.74 Nm/s → = 4, 360.9 hp −9 452.04 × 10 745.7


From the above analysis it can be seen that dropping an object (with a mass of 150 grammes) from a height of 1 m (∼3 ft) will cause it to experience a shock of ∼99,900 g whilst generating ∼45 hp of power, if the distance travelled during impact is '0.01 mm. However, the above analysis does not take the ‘crumpling’ effect of the object into consideration. Upon impact, this could further increase the distance over which the object decelerates. If the metal object in question were to be dented by, a modest, 1 mm it would only experience a deceleration of 998.98 g whilst absorbing ∼0.44 hp. To put this into perspective, it is safe to assume that a 3.5” computer hard disk drive (HDD), with an approximate weight of 0.7 kg, falling through a height of 1 m onto a solid surface would experience a deceleration of 1000 g. The crumpling distance would be much smaller, in this case, for side-on collisions.

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