Impact Analysis

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 38

X=(I-A)-1 Dt Where: X= column vector of domestic output generate (I-A)-1= Leontief inverse I= identity matrix A= input-output coefficients matrix Dt= vector of tourist expenditure, and, t= sectors Total Multiplier (from inverse matrix) Items Multiplier accomodation 2.11 food and beverages 1.07 transportation 8.68 Guided Tour 1.26 Entertainment/recreation 5.05 Miscellaneous tourism services 1.09


1999 1203.2 683.96 16.11 577.81 166.51 2557.81

2.11 1.07 8.68 1.26 5.05 1.09

Tourism Expenditure on Major Item Accomodation Food and beverages Guided tour Entertainment Local transport Miscellaneous

Multiplier 2539.41 730.38 139.89 725.72 840.86 2799.82

2.11 1.07 8.68 1.26 5.05 1.09

2000 863.69 436.99 5.55 341.73 82.09 2057.39


Inc= W (I-A)-1 Dt Where: W is the labor-income coefficient (ratio of wages to gross output of each secto Items Multiplier compensationincome multiplier accomodation 2.11 0.33 0.7 food and beverages 1.07 0.13 0.14 transportation 8.68 1.55 13.47 Guided Tour 1.26 0.25 0.31 Entertainment/recreation 5.05 0.63 3.16 Miscellaneous tourism services 1.09 0.17 0.19

income multiplier 0.7

1999 1203.2

income multiplier 847.03 0.7

2000 863.69

0.14 13.47 0.31 3.16 0.19

683.96 16.11 577.81 166.51 2557.81

98.2 216.98 177.91 526.78 486.38

0.14 13.47 0.31 3.16 0.19

436.99 5.55 341.73 82.09 2057.39

Indirect Tax(less subsidies) S= St (X) Where: S= vector of net indirect taxes (less subsidies) St= diagonal matrix of net indirect tax coefficients X= matrix of total output requirements.

Items Multiplier IT-S accomodation 2.11 food and beverages 1.07 transportation 8.68 Guided Tour 1.26 Entertainment/recreation 5.05 Miscellaneous tourism services 1.09

tax multiplier 0.08 0.03 0.16 0.04 1.58 0.01

1999 1203.2 683.96 16.11 577.81 166.51 2557.81

0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.31 0.01

tax multiplier 0.08 0.03 0.16 0.04 1.58 0.01

tax multiplier 93.57 0.08 21.08 0.03 2.64 0.16 24.41 0.04 262.91 1.58 30 0.01

2000 863.69 436.99 5.55 341.73 82.09 2057.39

IMPORTS M= X t (X) Where: M= vector of sectoral import requirements Mt= diagonal matrix of sectoral imported input coefficients X= matrix of total output requirements.

Items Multiplier Imports accomodation 2.11 food and beverages 1.07

import multiplier 0 0 0.02 0.02

transportation 8.68 Guided Tour 1.26 Entertainment/recreation 5.05 Miscellaneous tourism services 1.09

import multiplier 0 0.02 0.62 0 0.02 0.01

1999 1203.2 683.96 16.11 577.81 166.51 2557.81

0.07 0 0 0.01

0.62 0 0.02 0.01

import multiplier 0.02 0 16.92 0.02 10.01 0.62 0.66 0 2.65 0.02 18.89 0.01

2000 863.69 436.99 5.55 341.73 82.09 2057.39

EXPORTS X= X t (X) Where: X= vector of sectoral export requirements Xt= diagonal matrix of sectoral exported input coefficients X= matrix of total output requirements. Items Multiplier Exports accomodation 2.11 food and beverages 1.07 transportation 8.68 Guided Tour 1.26 Entertainment/recreation 5.05 Miscellaneous tourism services 1.09

export multiplier 0.02 0.04 0.15 0 0 0.02

1999 1203.2 683.96 16.11 577.81 166.51 2557.81

export multiplier 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.15 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02

export multiplier 26.5 0.02 28.28 0.04 2.45 0.15 1.8 0 0.39 0 61.68 0.02

2000 863.69 436.99 5.55 341.73 82.09 2057.39

ctor of domestic output generated

cients matrix xpenditure, and, t= sectors

sm Expenditure on Major Items (in milion USD) 1999 2000 2001 1203.2 863.69 737.9 683.96 436.99 342.52 16.11 5.55 4.76 577.81 341.73 213.37 166.51 82.09 118.4 2557.81 2057.39 1761.93

Multiplier 1822.86 466.65 48.19 429.21 414.55 2252.05

2.11 1.07 8.68 1.26 5.05 1.09

2001 737.9 342.52 4.76 213.37 118.4 1761.93

2002 706.37 306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

2003 523.84 259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

Multiplier 1557.38 365.77 41.33 267.99 597.91 1928.64

2.11 1.07 8.68 1.26 5.05 1.09

Tourism Expenditure on Major Items (in milion USD) 1999 2000 2001 Accomodation 1203.2 863.69 737.9 Food and beverages 683.96 436.99 342.52 Guided tour 16.11 5.55 4.76 Entertainment 577.81 341.73 213.37 Local transport 166.51 82.09 118.4 Miscellaneous 2557.81 2057.39 1761.93

2002 706.37 306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

es to gross output of each sector)

income multiplier 608.02 0.7

2001 737.9

income multiplier 519.47 0.7

62.74 74.75 105.22 259.7 391.22

0.14 13.47 0.31 3.16 0.19

342.52 4.76 213.37 118.4 1761.93

49.18 64.11 65.7 374.58 335.04

0.14 13.47 0.31 3.16 0.19

Tourism Expenditure on Major Items (in milion USD) 1999 2000 2001 Accomodation 1203.2 863.69 737.9 Food and beverages 683.96 436.99 342.52 Guided tour 16.11 5.55 4.76 Entertainment 577.81 341.73 213.37 Local transport 166.51 82.09 118.4 Miscellaneous 2557.81 2057.39 1761.93

2002 706.37 306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

x coefficients

tax multiplier 67.17 0.08 13.47 0.03 0.91 0.16 14.44 0.04 129.61 1.58 0.01

2001 737.9 342.52 4.76 213.37 118.4 1761.93

tax multiplier 57.38 0.08 10.56 0.03 0.78 0.16 9.01 0.04 186.94 1.58 20.67 0.01

ted input coefficients

Tourism Expenditure on Major Items (in milion USD) 1999 2000 2001 Accomodation 1203.2 863.69 737.9

2002 706.37

Food and beverages 683.96 Guided tour 16.11 Entertainment 577.81 Local transport 166.51 Miscellaneous 2557.81

import multiplier 0.02 0 10.81 0.02 3.45 0.62 0.39 0 1.31 0.02 15.19 0.01

436.99 5.55 341.73 82.09 2057.39

2001 737.9 342.52 4.76 213.37 118.4 1761.93

342.52 4.76 213.37 118.4 1761.93

306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

import multiplier 0.01 0 8.47 0.02 2.96 0.62 0.24 0 1.89 0.02 13.01 0.01

ed input coefficients

Tourism Expenditure on Major Items (in milion USD) 1999 2000 2001 Accomodation 1203.2 863.69 737.9 Food and beverages 683.96 436.99 342.52 Guided tour 16.11 5.55 4.76 Entertainment 577.81 341.73 213.37 Local transport 166.51 82.09 118.4 Miscellaneous 2557.81 2057.39 1761.93

export multiplier 19.03 0.02 18.07 0.04 0.84 0.15 1.07 0 0.19 0 49.61 0.02

2001 737.9 342.52 4.76 213.37 118.4 1761.93

2002 706.37 306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

export multiplier 16.25 0.02 14.16 0.04 0.72 0.15 0.67 0 0.28 0 42.49 0.02

2004 448.17 346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

2005 505.17 344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

2002 706.37 306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

1490.83 327.29 15.46 212.02 542.57 1947.12

2003 523.84 259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

2004 448.17 346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

2002 706.37

2006 740.05 586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34


2007 1052.94 1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

2.11 1.07 8.68 1.26 5.05 1.09

2003 523.84 259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

1105.59 277.22 14.76 173.5 477.02 1689.46

2005 505.17 344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

2006 740.05 586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34

2007 1052.94 1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

2003 523.84


income multiplier 497.27 0.7

306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

44.01 23.97 51.98 339.9 338.25

0.14 13.47 0.31 3.16 0.19

259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

37.27 22.9 42.53 298.84 293.49

2003 523.84 259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

2004 448.17 346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

2005 505.17 344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

2006 740.05 586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34

2007 1052.94 1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

tax multiplier 54.93 0.08 9.45 0.03 0.29 0.16 7.13 0.04 169.64 1.58 20.87 0.01

2003 523.84 259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

40.74 8 0.28 5.84 149.14 18.1

2006 740.05

2007 1052.94

2002 706.37 306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

2003 523.84

2004 448.17

2005 505.17

259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

2002 706.37 306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

2003 523.84 259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

2002 706.37 306.49 1.78 168.81 107.44 1778.82

346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

import multiplier 0.01 0 7.58 0.02 1.11 0.62 0.19 0 1.71 0.02 13.14 0.01

2004 448.17 346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

2005 505.17 344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

export multiplier 15.56 0.02 12.67 0.04 0.27 0.15 0.53 0 0.25 0 42.9 0.02

586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34

1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

2003 523.84 259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

0.01 6.42 1.06 0.16 1.51 11.4

2006 740.05 586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34

2007 1052.94 1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

2003 523.84 259.6 1.7 138.14 94.46 1543.43

11.54 10.73 0.26 0.43 0.22 37.22

Multiplier 2.11 1.07 8.68 1.26 5.05 1.09

income multiplier 0.7

2004 448.17 346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

2004 448.17

Multiplier 945.89 370.06 10.77 279.56 508.73 1941.31

2.11 1.07 8.68 1.26 5.05 1.09

income multiplier 315.5 0.7

2005 505.17 344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

2005 505.17

0.14 13.47 0.31 3.16 0.19

346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

49.76 16.7 68.53 318.71 337.24

0.14 13.47 0.31 3.16 0.19

344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

tax multiplier 0.08 0.03 0.16 0.04 1.58 0.01

2004 448.17 346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

tax multiplier 34.85 0.08 10.68 0.03 0.2 0.16 9.4 0.04 159.06 1.58 20.8 0.01

2005 505.17 344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

import multiplier 0 0.02 0.62 0 0.02 0.01

2004 448.17 346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

import multiplier 0.01 0 8.57 0.02 0.77 0.62 0.25 0 1.61 0.02 13.1 0.01

2005 505.17 344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

export multiplier 0.02 0.04 0.15 0 0 0.02

2004 448.17 346.54 1.24 222.58 100.74 1773.51

export multiplier 9.87 0.02 14.33 0.04 0.19 0.15 0.69 0 0.24 0 42.77 0.02

2005 505.17 344.84 7.88 207.2 126.2 1875.15

Multiplier 1066.19 368.24 68.43 260.24 637.3 2052.57

2.11 1.07 8.68 1.26 5.05 1.09

income multiplier 355.63 0.7

2006 740.05 586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34

2006 740.05

Multiplier 1561.91 626.51 89.96 256.59 684.37 3149.58

2.11 1.07 8.68 1.26 5.05 1.09

income multiplier 520.98 0.7

49.51 106.13 63.8 399.25 356.57

0.14 13.47 0.31 3.16 0.19

586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34

84.24 139.53 62.9 428.74 547.14

0.14 13.47 0.31 3.16 0.19

tax multiplier 39.29 0.08 10.63 0.03 1.29 0.16 8.75 0.04 199.26 1.58 22 0.01

2006 740.05 586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34

tax multiplier 57.55 0.08 18.09 0.03 1.7 0.16 8.63 0.04 213.97 1.58 33.75 0.01

import multiplier 0.01 0 8.53 0.02 4.9 0.62 0.24 0 2.01 0.02 13.85 0.01

2006 740.05 586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34

import multiplier 0.01 0 14.51 0.02 6.44 0.62 0.23 0 2.16 0.02 21.25 0.01

export multiplier 11.13 0.02 14.26 0.04 1.2 0.15 0.65 0 0.3 0 45.22 0.02

2006 740.05 586.69 10.36 204.29 135.52 2877.34

export multiplier 16.3 0.02 24.26 0.04 1.58 0.15 0.64 0 0.32 0 69.39 0.02

2007 1052.94 1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

2222.28 1091.93 48.37 383.62 828.54 4689.06

2007 1052.94


1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

146.81 75.02 94.04 519.06 814.58

2007 1052.94 1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

81.88 31.52 0.91 12.9 259.05 50.25

2007 1052.94 1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

0.02 25.29 3.46 0.35 2.61 31.63

2007 1052.94 1022.53 5.57 305.43 164.07 4283.75

23.19 42.28 0.85 0.95 0.39 103.3

Items Output income tax accomodation 2.1106 0.7040 food and beverages 1.0679 0.1436 transportation 8.6836 13.4685 Guided Tour 1.2560 0.3079 Entertainment/recreation 5.0499 3.1637 Miscellaneous tourism1.0946 services 0.1902

import 0.0778 0.0308 0.1636 0.0423 1.5789 0.0117

0.0000 0.0247 0.6213 0.0011 0.0159 0.0074

OUTPUT IMPACT Items 1999 accomodation 2539.41 food and beverages 730.38 transportation 139.89 Guided Tour 725.72 Entertainment/recreation 840.86 Miscellaneous tourism 2799.82 services Total output impact 9775.10

2000 1822.86 466.65 48.19 429.21 414.55 2252.05 7433.51

2001 1557.38 365.77 41.33 267.99 597.91 1928.64 6760.02

2002 1490.83 327.29 15.46 212.02 542.57 1947.12 6537.29

INCOME IMPACT Items 1999 accomodation 847.03 food and beverages 98.20 transportation 216.98 Guided Tour 177.91 Entertainment/recreation 526.78 Miscellaneous tourism486.38 services total income impact 4352.29

2000 608.02 62.74 74.75 105.22 259.70 391.22 3501.67

2001 519.47 49.18 64.11 65.70 374.58 335.04 3409.07

2002 497.27 44.01 23.97 51.98 339.90 338.25 3297.39

TAX IMPACT Items 1999 accomodation 93.57 food and beverages 21.08 transportation 2.64 Guided Tour 24.41 Entertainment/recreation 262.91 Miscellaneous tourism 30.00 services total tax impact 2433.61

2000 67.17 13.47 0.91 14.44 129.61 24.13 2249.73

2001 57.38 10.56 0.78 9.01 186.94 20.67 2286.35

2002 54.93 9.45 0.29 7.13 169.64 20.87 2264.31

2000 0.02 10.81 3.45

2001 0.01 8.47 2.96

2002 0.01 7.58 1.11

IMPORT IMPACT Items accomodation food and beverages transportation

1999 0.02 16.92 10.01

Guided Tour 0.66 Entertainment/recreation 2.65 Miscellaneous tourism 18.89 services total import impact 2048.15 EXPORT IMPACT Items 1999 accomodation 26.50 food and beverages 28.28 transportation 2.45 Guided Tour 1.80 Entertainment/recreation 0.39 Miscellaneous tourism 61.68 services total export impact 2120.12

0.39 1.31 15.19 2031.16

0.24 1.89 13.01 2027.58

0.19 1.71 13.14 2025.74

2000 19.03 18.07 0.84 1.07 0.19 49.61 2088.81

2001 16.25 14.16 0.72 0.67 0.28 42.49 2075.58

2002 15.56 12.67 0.27 0.53 0.25 42.90 2074.18

TOTAL IMPACTS: Total output impact total income impact total tax impact total import impact total export impact

9775.10 4352.29 2433.61 2048.15 2120.12

7433.51 3501.67 2249.73 2031.16 2088.81

6760.02 3409.07 2286.35 2027.58 2075.58

6537.29 3297.39 2264.31 2025.74 2074.18

export 0.0220 0.0414 0.1522 0.0031 0.0024 0.0241

2003 1105.59 277.22 14.76 173.50 477.02 1689.46 5740.55

2004 945.89 370.06 10.77 279.56 508.73 1941.31 6060.31

2005 1066.19 368.24 68.43 260.24 637.30 2052.57 6457.97

2006 1561.91 626.51 89.96 256.59 684.37 3149.58 8374.92

2007 2222.28 1091.93 48.37 383.62 828.54 4689.06 11270.80

2003 368.78 37.27 22.90 42.53 298.84 293.49 3066.81

2004 315.50 49.76 16.70 68.53 318.71 337.24 3110.44

2005 355.63 49.51 106.13 63.80 399.25 356.57 3335.90

2006 520.98 84.24 139.53 62.90 428.74 547.14 3789.54

2007 741.25 146.81 75.02 94.04 519.06 814.58 4397.77

2003 40.74 8.00 0.28 5.84 149.14 18.10 2225.10

2004 34.85 10.68 0.20 9.40 159.06 20.80 2239.01

2005 39.29 10.63 1.29 8.75 199.26 22.00 2286.21

2006 57.55 18.09 1.70 8.63 213.97 33.75 2339.69

2007 81.88 31.52 0.91 12.90 259.05 50.25 2443.52

2003 0.01 6.42 1.06

2004 0.01 8.57 0.77

2005 0.01 8.53 4.90

2006 0.01 14.51 6.44

2007 0.02 25.29 3.46

0.16 1.51 11.40 2023.55

0.25 1.61 13.10 2028.31

0.24 2.01 13.85 2034.53

0.23 2.16 21.25 2050.60

0.35 2.61 31.63 2070.37

2003 11.54 10.73 0.26 0.43 0.22 37.22 2063.41

2004 9.87 14.33 0.19 0.69 0.24 42.77 2072.09

2005 11.13 14.26 1.20 0.65 0.30 45.22 2077.75

2006 16.30 24.26 1.58 0.64 0.32 69.39 2118.48

2007 23.19 42.28 0.85 0.95 0.39 103.30 2177.97

5740.55 3066.81 2225.10 2023.55 2063.41

6060.31 3110.44 2239.01 2028.31 2072.09

6457.97 3335.90 2286.21 2034.53 2077.75

8374.92 3789.54 2339.69 2050.60 2118.48

11270.80 4397.77 2443.52 2070.37 2177.97

OUTPUT IMPACT Items 2000 accomodation 1822.86 food and beverages 466.65 transportation 48.19 Guided Tour 429.21 Entertainment/recreation 414.55 Miscellaneous tourism 2252.05 services Total output impact 5433.51

2001 1557.38 365.77 41.33 267.99 597.91 1928.64 4759.02

2002 1490.83 327.29 15.46 212.02 542.57 1947.12 4535.29


accomodation food and beverag transportation Guided Tour Entertainment/rec ion Miscellaneous tourism services

4500.00 4000.00 3500.00 3000.00 2500.00 2000.00 1500.00 1000.00 500.00 0.00 2000








INCOME IMPACT Items 2000 accomodation 608.02 food and beverages 62.74 transportation 74.75 Guided Tour 105.22 Entertainment/recreation 259.70 Miscellaneous tourism391.22 services total income impact 1501.67


2001 519.47 49.18 64.11 65.70 374.58 335.04 1408.07

2002 497.27 44.01 23.97 51.98 339.90 338.25 1295.39



accomodation food and beverag transportation Guided Tour Entertainment/re ion Miscellaneous tourism services

800.00 700.00 600.00 500.00 400.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 0.00 2000








TAX IMPACT Items 2000 accomodation 67.17 food and beverages 13.47 transportation 0.91 Guided Tour 14.44 Entertainment/recreation 129.61 Miscellaneous tourism 24.13 services total tax impact 249.73

2001 57.38 10.56 0.78 9.01 186.94 20.67 285.35

2002 54.93 9.45 0.29 7.13 169.64 20.87 262.31


accomodation food and beverages transportation Guided Tour Entertainment/recreati on Miscellaneous tourism services

250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 2000








IMPORT IMPACT Items accomodation food and beverages transportation Guided Tour

2000 0.02 10.81 3.45 0.39

2001 0.01 8.47 2.96 0.24

2002 0.01 7.58 1.11 0.19

Entertainment/recreation 1.31 Miscellaneous tourism 15.19 services total import impact 31.16

1.89 13.01 26.58

1.71 13.14 23.74

35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 2000







EXPORT IMPACT Items 2000 accomodation 19.03 food and beverages 18.07 transportation 0.84 Guided Tour 1.07 Entertainment/recreation 0.19 Miscellaneous tourism 49.61 services total export impact 88.81

2001 16.25 14.16 0.72 0.67 0.28 42.49 74.58

2002 15.56 12.67 0.27 0.53 0.25 42.90 72.18


acc foo tran Gu Ent on Mis tou

100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 2000








20.00 0.00 2000

TOTAL IMPACTS: IMPACT Output Income Tax Import Export

2000 5433.51 1501.67 249.73 31.16 88.81



2001 4759.02 1408.07 285.35 26.58 74.58






2002 4535.29 1295.39 262.31 23.74 72.18

10000.00 9000.00 8000.00 7000.00 6000.00 5000.00 4000.00 3000.00 2000.00 1000.00 0.00 2000








2003 1105.59 277.22 14.76 173.50 477.02 1689.46 3737.55

2004 945.89 370.06 10.77 279.56 508.73 1941.31 4056.31

2005 1066.19 368.24 68.43 260.24 637.30 2052.57 4452.97


2007 2222.28 1091.93 48.37 383.62 828.54 4689.06 9263.80

Items average output impact accomodation 1471.62 food and beverages 486.71 transportation 42.16 Guided Tour 282.84 Entertainment/recreation 586.37 Miscellaneous tourism 2456.23 services Total output impact 5325.92

accomodation food and beverages transportation Guided Tour Entertainment/recreat ion Miscellaneous tourism services


2006 1561.91 626.51 89.96 256.59 684.37 3149.58 6368.92


2003 368.78 37.27 22.90 42.53 298.84 293.49 1063.81


2004 315.50 49.76 16.70 68.53 318.71 337.24 1106.44

2005 355.63 49.51 106.13 63.80 399.25 356.57 1330.90

2006 520.98 84.24 139.53 62.90 428.74 547.14 1783.54

2007 741.25 146.81 75.02 94.04 519.06 814.58 2390.77

Items average income impact accomodation 490.86 food and beverages 65.44 transportation 65.39 Guided Tour 69.34 Entertainment/recreation 367.35 Miscellaneous tourism426.69 services Total output impact 1485.07

accomodation food and beverages transportation Guided Tour Entertainment/recreat ion Miscellaneous tourism services




2003 40.74 8.00 0.28 5.84 149.14 18.10 222.10

2004 34.85 10.68 0.20 9.40 159.06 20.80 235.01

2005 39.29 10.63 1.29 8.75 199.26 22.00 281.21

2006 57.55 18.09 1.70 8.63 213.97 33.75 333.69

2007 81.88 31.52 0.91 12.90 259.05 50.25 436.52

Items average tax impact accomodation 54.22 food and beverages 14.05 transportation 0.79 Guided Tour 9.51 Entertainment/recreation 183.34 Miscellaneous tourism 26.32 services Total output impact 288.24

accomodation food and beverages transportation Guided Tour Entertainment/recreati on Miscellaneous tourism services


2003 0.01 6.42 1.06 0.16

2004 0.01 8.57 0.77 0.25

2005 0.01 8.53 4.90 0.24

2006 0.01 14.51 6.44 0.23

2007 0.02 25.29 3.46 0.35

1.51 11.40 20.55

1.61 13.10 24.31

2.01 13.85 29.53

2.16 21.25 44.60

Items accomodation food and beverages transportation Guided Tour Entertainment/recreation Miscellaneous tourism services Total output impact

accomodation food and beverages transportation Guided Tour Entertainment/recreati on Miscellaneous tourism services







2003 11.54 10.73 0.26 0.43 0.22 37.22 60.41



2004 9.87 14.33 0.19 0.69 0.24 42.77 68.09

accomodation food and beverages transportation Guided Tour Entertainment/recreati on Miscellaneous tourism services





2.61 31.63 63.37

2005 11.13 14.26 1.20 0.65 0.30 45.22 72.75

2006 16.30 24.26 1.58 0.64 0.32 69.39 112.48

2007 23.19 42.28 0.85 0.95 0.39 103.30 170.97

Items average export impact accomodation 15.36 food and beverages 18.85 transportation 0.74 Guided Tour 0.70 Entertainment/recreation 0.27 Miscellaneous tourism 54.11 services Total output impact 90.03






2003 3737.55 1063.81 222.10 20.55 60.41

2004 4056.31 1106.44 235.01 24.31 68.09

Output Income Tax Import Export






2005 4452.97 1330.90 281.21 29.53 72.75

2006 6368.92 1783.54 333.69 44.60 112.48

2007 9263.80 2390.77 436.52 63.37 170.97

IMPACT Output Income Tax Import Export

average impact 5325.92 1485.07 288.24 32.98 90.03

Output Income Tax Import Export

5326 1485 288 33 90

average output impact 1471.62 486.71 42.16 282.84 586.37 2456.23 5325.92

ge output impact

average income impact 490.86 65.44 65.39 69.34 367.35 426.69 1485.07

average tax impact 54.22 14.05 0.79 9.51 183.34 26.32 288.24

average import impact 0.01 11.27 3.02 0.26

1.85 16.57 32.98

average import impact 0.01 11.27 3.02 0.26 1.85 16.57 32.98

average export impact 15.36 18.85 0.74 0.70 0.27 54.11 90.03

ge export impact

ge impact

5325.92 1485.07 288.24 32.98 90.03

Export Import Tax Income Output 0











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