Imon Ghosh's Workshop Evaluation Results

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  • Words: 4,760
  • Pages: 16
Invitees present at the Workshop for the 1st batch of SMB Supervisors on December 1 & 2, 2003

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Andy Bristol Claurida Telemaque Maria Tirant Francois Simara Raymond Baker Mica Monnaie Samantha Bradburn Monica Rose Lyne Rasalie Jovit Montemayor Millie Pool Sheila Tripp Radhika Chasmawalla Magdalene Marengo David Francoise Jimmy Cecile Raymond Simeon Christina Bamboche Divina Sabino Christina Germain Sonny Barra Sabrina Sabino

1st workshop evaluation results are presented below:

Evaluation Questionnaire SMB Workshops for Managers and Supervisors November and December, 2003 Information and comments on this form will be used to help prepare and present future workshops. The evaluation of training workshops by participants forms an important part of the review process for training conducted at SMB, and will be used to help prepare and present future workshops. Please complete the form below by ticking the relevant boxes. There are additional spaces for you to qualify or expand upon your answers if you wish, and there are some openended questions near the end of the form. Thank you for your assistance. Name: Section / Unit:


The aims and objectives of the workshop were clear. 12 Strongly agree

10 Agree


Strongly disagree

Comments: •

“The issues addressed were clear & related with my work.” - Christina Germaine (Marketing) “Clearly listed out. Could remember them at the end of the session.” - Radhika Chasmawalla (Marketing / Sales) “The explanation was very clear so that you can understand very well.” - Millie Pool (Manufacturing – Foodpro Unit) “The course was very fruitful.” - Sheila Tripp (Marketing)

• • •


The content of the sessions was relevant to the objectives and aims of the workshop. 4 • •

Strongly agree

18 Agree


Strongly disagree

“Agree because it has helped a lot of the Supervisors.” - Christina Bamboche (Builders Depot) “Would have been more useful if reading material had been given in advance.” - Radhika Chasmawalla (Marketing)



Taken together, the sessions in the workshop formed a coherent whole. 6

Strongly agree



16 Agree


Strongly disagree

No comments were offered for this question.

The workshop as a whole was interesting. 14 Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • •

“Very interesting.” - Francois Simara (ION) “The workshop is very interesting, especially working in teams. It helps also to know ones co-workers working in other sections.” - Sheila Tripp (Marketing) “The activities done were certainly interesting but considering the depth of the topics and time allocated for each, many times the participants would manifest fatigue and as a whole it creates an atmosphere of lack of enthusiasm.” - Divina Sabino (HR & A) “I felt more time needed to be given to each topic.” - Radhika Chasmawalla (Marketing) “Quite interesting because each and every participant had the chance to participate and share their views and concerns.” - Jimmy Cecile (Agri / ION)

• • •


The workshop as a whole was relevant to my work. 7

Strongly agree

15 Agree


Strongly disagree

Comments: •

• • •


“Not all modules relate to me directly. The thing is that maybe in the long run it will come in handy. Since I am a trainee Product Manager in supply, I do not really have a team to lead, so I can use my knowledge to help my co-workers.” - Sonny Barra (Import / Supplies) “Yes, I now have more tools to work with.” - Jimmy Cecile (Agri / ION) “Most of the subjects we covered form part of my job.” - Claurida Telemaque (B Depot) “There are things that have been discussed and explained that are relevant to my work but I’ve also got many new ideas.” - Sheila Tripp (Marketing)

Sessions were well organised. 12 Strongly agree

10 Agree


Strongly disagree

Comments: • • • • •

“No wasting of time.” - Claurida Telemaque (Builders Depot, Store A) “Excellent.” - Sonny Barra (Import / Supplies) “Well coordinated and planned.” - Divina Sabino (HR & A) “But it needs more time. Time inadequate.” - Francois Simara (ION) “At least should be done once or twice a year.” - Sheila Tripp (Marketing)



Workshop training and facilitation methods were good. 7

Strongly agree

15 Agree


Strongly disagree

Comments: • • •


“The sessions were very lively and entertaining.” - Sonny Barra (Import / Supplies) “Could have used more practical exercises like the impromptu speeches.” - Radhika Chasmawalla (Marketing / Sales) “So much material, too little time. Little time to grasp & ponder over some issues discussed.” - Divina Sabino (Human Resources & Administration)

There were sufficient opportunities for group members to share their own experience and knowledge with others. 14 Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • • • •


“It was very interactive.” - Samantha Bradburn (Creative Services / Marketing) “It was also a chance for many to open up & also meet others.” - Christina Bamboche (Builders Depot) “Many were reluctant to go centre-stage & speak. Noticeably, most who went centrestage were trainees with little / no experience. Good sharing of knowledge.” - Divina Sabino (Human Resources & Administration) “I had the chance to express myself and share my experience with others.” - Claurida Telemaque (Builders Depot)

Sharing experience and knowledge with group members was helpful to me. 13 Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • • •


“It helped me to know more about different sections and their roles.” - Claurida Telemaque (Builders Depot) “Sometimes a problem surfaced among people from different departments - eg. Resources which meant u r not the only one.” - Radhika Chasmawalla (Marketing) “I have learnt a lot through the experienced ones here.” - Christina Bamboche (Builders Depot)

The Handbook issued to participants of the workshop is good. 11 Strongly agree

11 Agree


Strongly disagree

Comments: • • • •

“Very detailed with good case studies / examples. Very informative.” - Divina Sabino “The course was on a very advanced level.” - Sheila Tripp (Marketing) “Larger space needed for notes.” - Francois Simara (ION) “It gave you a lot of information and helped you understand more.” - Claurida Telemaque (Builders Depot)


(11) How do you rate the level of difficulty? Too difficult

Comments: • • • • •



13 Neither too easy nor too difficult



Too easy

2 participants left all the boxes blank.

“It was easy to understand and examples were based on our everyday situations.” - Samantha Bradburn (Creative Services / Marketing) “It makes you think a lot of things that you were not aware or take notice.” - Mica Monnaie (Finance – ISU) “Workshop should have been done in a span of 3 days at least.” - Divina Sabino (HR&A) “It was up to standard.” - Francois Simara (ION) “The bottles that represented the reservoir and how were we supposed to fix it: it was not easy because it took time to think, but in the end when you get the results you can see that it was not that difficult.” - Christina Bamboche (Builders Depot)

(12) Which aspects of the workshop did you particularly enjoy? • • • • • • • • • •

“The Sync! and when we all had to go infront and speak for a minute and improvise answers to the questions.” - Divina Sabino (HR & A) “Group discussions/group activity. This encourages team spirit and motivation. It also makes us realize how important it is to work together as a team, and the difference between working individually and working with others.” - Sabrina Sabino (Imports) “I enjoyed visioning and goal setting, and leading a team a lot. On the whole I enjoyed the whole workshop.” - Sonny Barra (Import / Supplies) “Leading team process and how to develop communication skills.” - Jimmy Cecile (ION) “Being able to share experiences and views on the different topics that were being taught.” - Samantha Bradburn (Creative Services / Marketing) “Delivering superior service. Visioning / goal setting.” - Mica Monnaie (Finance – ISU) “The experience sharing parts and where we had to rate our performances.” - Raymond Simeon (Support Services – Security Unit) “When working in groups.” - Claurida Telemaque (Builders Depot) “The part where we had to answer these questions unprepared.” - Christina Bamboche “I enjoyed the whole workshop.” - David Francoise (Refrigeration)

(13) Which aspects would you like to see improved or changed, and in what ways? • • • • •

• •

“No changes, except that the course should be done once or twice a year.” - Sheila Tripp “Too much group work.” - Francois Simara (ION) “Some group members were reluctant to participate so I think it would be better if there was more group activities to enable more participation.” - Sabrina Sabino (Imports) “I think that the 4 topics are OK. It’s just that sometimes discussion on certain topic the time was limited, for deeper debate.” - Mica Monnaie (Finance – ISU) “Communication skills: Put it in actual scenario like, one member of a team with blindfold & he has to draw a figure based on the explanation of a leader. This will test how effective is the communication whether it is clear or accurate in every details of the figure.” - Jovit T. Montemayor (Manufacturing / BDR) “Maybe a longer period of time for the workshop. Maybe a higher level workshop as well.” - Sonny Barra (Import / Supplies) “The workshop was well conducted and is very beneficial in building ones line of work.” - Samantha Bradburn (Creative Services / Marketing)


(14) Was the timetabling of the workshops convenient for you? • • • • •

“No.” - Raymond Baker (Tea & Coffee) “It was fine, but 3 days would be better to be able to participate more.” - Mica Monnaie “It would have been more convenient if the workshop was carried out only in the mornings and perhaps it should have been for 3 or 4 days instead of only two.” - Sabrina Sabino (Imports) “Yes, one should allow time for such matters.” - Samantha Bradburn (Creative Services) All the other responses were ‘yes’. Thank you for your cooperation in completing this form. Please return it to your Trainer - Mr. Imon Ghosh, or the Training Co-ordinator - Mrs. Marymonde Matatiken.


Invitees present at the Workshop for the 2 batch of SMB Supervisors on December 4 & 5, 2003 nd


Jimmy Pauline


Jose Esparon


Patrick Appoo


Maryse Port-Louis


Monica Camille


Jacqueline Domingue


Brigitte Hoareau


Beryl Adeline


Tony Moustache

10. Emmanuel Damoo 11. Rita Vadivello 12. Anastasia Maria 13. Myrna Bonnelame 14. Michel Robert 15. Cynthia Camille 16. Jacqueline Mederick 17. Dothy Horter 18. Denise Bonne


Evaluation Questionnaire SMB Workshops for Managers and Supervisors November and December, 2003 Information and comments on this form will be used to help prepare and present future workshops. The evaluation of training workshops by participants forms an important part of the review process for training conducted at SMB, and will be used to help prepare and present future workshops. Please complete the form below by ticking the relevant boxes. There are additional spaces for you to qualify or expand upon your answers if you wish, and there are some openended questions near the end of the form. Thank you for your assistance. Name: Section / Unit: * * * PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO MR. IMON GHOSH OR MRS. MARYMONDE MATATIKEN * * *


The aims and objectives of the workshop were clear. 11 Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • •

“Yes, they were very clear and to the point.” - Emmanuel Damoo (Manufacturing - BDR) “Every module in this workshop has been clearly explained.” - Maryse Port-Louis (Support Services) “He was a very clear tutor. And very helpful.” - Rita Vadivello (Builders Depot)


The content of the sessions was relevant to the objectives and aims of the workshop. 9

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • •

“Strongly agree as I was here to know what makes a good supervisor.” – Tony Moustache (CMU) “Yes it was very relevant to the objectives & aims of the workshop.” – Cynthia Camille (Finance Section)



Taken together, the sessions in the workshop formed a coherent whole. Strongly agree





Strongly disagree

Comments: 1 participant left all the boxes blank. • •


“Yes all the sessions tend to complement each other.” - Emmanuel Damoo “It has helped us more to focus on ourselves, our co-workers and our customers.” - Beryl Adeline (Builders Depot)

The workshop as a whole was interesting. 16

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: •

“Everybody had a great time. Just two days seems too short to cover all the topics in every detail.” - Tony Moustache (CMU) “It’s the first workshop which was so lively and interesting. He gave us the chance to participate and know our self-esteem.” - Jacqueline Mederick (Finance / AS400, ISU) “It was very interesting. I’ve enjoyed every bit of it.” - Brigitte Hoareau (Marketing) “Because he speak word by word for you to understand the meaning.” – Monica Camille (Corporate Security) “It was very interesting because we have learned a lot of useful things.” – Maryse PortLouise (Support Services)

• • • •


The workshop as a whole was relevant to my work. 8

Strongly agree

10 Agree


Strongly disagree

Comments: • • •


“Yes, I’ve learnt so many things that will be a tool to my work.” – Brigitte Hoareau “Yes concerning setting goals, team work and sharing leadership.” – Emmanuel Damoo “In Finance Section, we barely meet customers except at month end, at payment time and sometimes not at all.” - Dothy Horter (Finance)

Sessions were well organised. 12 Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • • • • • • •

“I was given short notice, but I’m happy in the end.” - Jose Esparon (Workshop) “Yes it was well organised & I was very pleased to attend.” - Cynthia Camille (Finance) “The letter was sent a bit late.” - Rita Vadivello (Builders Depot) “Very well organised. Mr. Imon was a good teacher.” - Emmanuel Damoo “Because the letter was a bit late.” - Monica Camille (Corporate Security) “Just hope it could have been longer.” - Tony Moustache (CMU) “Keep it up.” - Anastasia Maria (Marketing – Warehouse No. 8)



Workshop training and facilitation methods were good. 9

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • • • •


“Yes as during the workshops a lot of experience was shared.” - Jacqueline Domingue (Sales) “We all had a chance to participate individually.” - Beryl Adeline (Builders Depot) “Yes the training and facilitation was very good.” - Emmanuel Damoo “Two days were not enough.” - Jose Esparon (Workshop)

There were sufficient opportunities for group members to share their own experience and knowledge with others. 14 Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • • • •


“Yes, we were able to express our opinion & pass on our experience with other colleagues.” - Brigitte Hoareau (Marketing) “Everyone had the chance to express themselves.” - Maryse Port-Louise “Yes we all participated.” - Emmanuel Damoo (Manufacturing – BDR) “We all want to learn more from one another.” - Jacqueline Mederick (Finance/AS400)

Sharing experience and knowledge with group members was helpful to me. 15 Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • • • • •


“Helped me learn a lot.” - Michel Robert (Finance / ISU) “We shared great experiences.” - Cynthia Camille (Finance) “I didn’t have that chance before.” - Jose Esparon (Workshop) “Yes I had the opportunity to gain insight with the other supervisors.” – Emmanuel Damoo “Yes, I’ve learnt how their jobs operate, the problems they face, and working in Team Spirit to find answers.” - Brigitte Hoareau (Marketing)

The Handbook issued to participants of the workshop is good. 16 Strongly agree Comments: • • • • •




Strongly disagree

1 participant left all the boxes blank.

“It will also serve as an enhancement on our knowledge and skills gained at the workshop into our day-to-day performance.” - Myrna Bonnelame (HR & A) “Very helpful.” - Jose Esparon (Workshop) “Well organised.” - Maryse Port-Louis (Support Services) “When I’m in doubt I could refer to it.” - Michel Robert (Finance / ISU) “The handbook was great. There was a lot of information.” - Emmanuel Damoo

- 10 -

(11) How do you rate the level of difficulty? Too difficult

Comments: • • • •




Neither too easy nor too difficult



Too easy

1 participant left all the boxes blank.

“It got us thinking more about how to analyse and apply the newly learnt skills.” - Myrna Bonnelame (Human Resources & Administration) “The explanation was good.” - Jacqueline Domingue (Sales) “It was very challenging.” - Michel Robert (Finance / ISU) “He helps me to have more confidence in myself. He is really a good teacher. I have learnt a lot.” - Jacqueline Mederick (Finance / AS400, ISU)

(12) Which aspects of the workshop did you particularly enjoy? • • • • • • •

“Every bit of it. Especially the public speaking. It was fun.” - Brigitte Hoareau (Marketing) “Visioning & goal setting.” - Patrick Appoo (Support Services) “Teamwork & leadership.” - Anastasia Maria (Marketing / Warehouse No. 8) “Presentations.” - Denise Bonne (Manufacturing) “Speaking in front of the class.” - Jimmy Pauline (Corporate Security) “When we had to stand at the front to give a speech on any subject that came up. It was a great experience as we don’t often get a chance to do this.” - Dothy Horter (Finance) “Everything.” - Emmanuel Damoo (Manufacturing – BDR)

(13) Which aspects would you like to see improved or changed, and in what ways? • • • • • • •

“The public speaking should be a bit longer.” - Beryl Adeline (Builders Depot) “Tasks /questions were not always definitely clear for every team member. Though Mr. Ghosh is a great teacher and made me feel at ease through the session.” - Dothy Horter “I don’t think that there’s anything to change. Everything was clear and understandable.” - Michel Robert (Finance / ISU) “I will have liked the workshop more often as two days was not enough.” - Tony Moustache (CMU) “Public speaking was the aspect I would like to improve myself.” - Cynthia Camille (Finance) “All was very fine and helpful.” - Patrick Appoo (Support Services) “Well for myself nothing at all.” - Emmanuel Damoo (Manufacturing – BDR)

(14) Was the timetabling of the workshops convenient for you? • • • • •

“It was good.” - Monica Camille (Corporate Security) “The time was too short. Because there was a lot to learn.” - Maryse Port-Louis “I had no problem with that.” - Tony Moustache (CMU) “Yes, though I was busy being at the beginning of the month. I took time to complete my work at lunchtime.” - Dothy Horter (Finance) “Yes, because I was on my annual leave.” - Jacqueline Domingue (Sales)

Thank you for your cooperation in completing this form. Please return it to your Trainer - Mr. Imon Ghosh, or the Training Co-ordinator - Mrs. Marymonde Matatiken.

- 11 -

Invitees present at the Workshop for the 3 batch of SMB Supervisors on December 11 & 12, 2003 rd


Stella Laurence


Harry Bistoquet


Kingsley Pouponneau


Marie-Madeleine Haidee


Lorna Freminot


Lysianne Rapide


Lorna Volcy


Myriam Ferley


Juliana Esparon

10. Jossy Florentine 11. Marie-Andre Freminot 12. Maryliane Nolin 13. Marie-Claude Julie 14. Mary-Anne Bristol

- 12 -

Evaluation Questionnaire SMB Workshops for Managers and Supervisors November and December, 2003 Information and comments on this form will be used to help prepare and present future workshops. The evaluation of training workshops by participants forms an important part of the review process for training conducted at SMB, and will be used to help prepare and present future workshops. Please complete the form below by ticking the relevant boxes. There are additional spaces for you to qualify or expand upon your answers if you wish, and there are some openended questions near the end of the form. Thank you for your assistance. Name: Section / Unit: * * * PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO MR. IMON GHOSH OR MRS. MARYMONDE MATATIKEN * * * (1)

The aims and objectives of the workshop were clear. 10 Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: •

“The workshop was job related and of personal benefit, and I take it as an investment for future endeavours.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance) “It had been well explained.” - Juliana Esparon (Support Services) “He was very clear and very helpful.” - Marie-Madeleine Haidee (Marketing) “I’ve learnt a lot.” - Marie-Andre Freminot (Security) “It will help me set my goals, communicate more, and deliver superior service.” - Lorna Freminot (Marketing ITU)

• • • •


The content of the sessions was relevant to the objectives and aims of the workshop. 5 • • • • •

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

“The sessions content were full of actual examples related to communication, visioning, goal setting, etc.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance) “It will help you to improve especially when working with customers.” - Juliana Esparon “Everything was clear.” - Mary-Anne Bristol (Support Services) “I wish the workshop must continue in future.” - Harry Bistoquet (Hatchery) “It has helped me to build self-esteem.” - Marie-Madeleine Haidee (Marketing)

- 13 -


Taken together, the sessions in the workshop formed a coherent whole. 9

Strongly agree

Comments: • •



Strongly disagree

2 participants left all the boxes blank.

“The sessions were all related.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance) “Yes, we had a good time together even though we are from different units.” - MarieMadeleine Haidee (Marketing) “Helps one another to understand at the end what we are trying to make our company.” - Juliana Esparon (Support Services)



The workshop as a whole was interesting. 11 Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: • • •

“It was beyond my expectation, full of great inspiring examples.” - Marie-Claude Julie “Mr. Ghosh knows what he is talking about.” - Kingsley Pouponneau (BDR – Mfg.) “It was great to learn new ideas to implement in our duties, which we were neglecting.” - Mary-Anne Bristol “The teacher was very good. I have good ideas to share with others.” - Lorna Freminot “It gives me so many ideas that I did not know.” - Juliana Esparon (Support Services) “Interesting. Lively.” - Lysianne Rapide (Builders Depot)

• • •


The workshop as a whole was relevant to my work. 6

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: •

“Everything I learnt during these two days is needed in my everyday work.” - Mary-Anne Bristol (Support Services) “Yes, communications skills, satisfied customers.” - Marie-Madeleine Haidee (Marketing) “It will help me a lot in my work to operate and organise better services for my company, and country.” - Lorna Freminot (Marketing ITU) “It came at the right time.” - Kingsley Pouponneau (Manufacturing – BDR/Soap & TP)

• • •


Sessions were well organised. 9 • • • • • •

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

“Pli bon ki sa i a gate’ Well done !” - Kingsley Pouponneau “The organisation was good, the venue was very comfortable, the atmosphere was very relaxing and the presenter had a way to really get participants to believe in themselves.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance) “Yes, but send the memo one week before.” - Lorna Volcy (Foodpro) “The length of sessions could have been a bit longer, and we will not have to rush from one topic to another.” - Mary-Anne Bristol (Support Services) “Well organised. Everything was on time.” - Lysianne Rapide (Builders Depot) “Very well organised.” - Juliana Esparon (Support Services)

- 14 -


Workshop training and facilitation methods were good. 8

Strongly agree

Comments: • •





Strongly disagree

2 participants left all the boxes blank.

“Everything was ready & on time.” - Kingsley Pouponneau (Manufacturing – BDR) “The facilitator used examples of things that have actually happened. There was good communication between all participants.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance)

There were sufficient opportunities for group members to share their own experience and knowledge with others. 10 Strongly agree Comments: •



Strongly disagree

1 participant left all the boxes blank.

“Open microphone. In group sessions, everybody had to participate.” - Kingsley Pouponneau (Manufacturing – BDR) “Every member was given chances to share their ideas.” - Mary-Anne Bristol (Support Services) “Definitely, more than enough and no doubts about this.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance) “There was sufficient time for us to express ourselves.” - Harry Bistoquet (Hatchery) “Yes, it was very amusing.” - Marie-Madeleine Haidee (Marketing)

• • • •



Sharing experience and knowledge with group members was helpful to me. 9

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

Comments: •

“I’ve learnt about others experiences and I also shared mine, and by bringing all together I will be very efficient in my duties.” - Mary-Anne Bristol (Support Services) “It makes the whole workshop more inspiring.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance) “Sharing experience and knowledge in group is very helpful to me. Because in SMB everybody has different ideas.” - Lysianne Rapide (Builders Depot) “I learnt a lot about others in the workshop.” - Marie-Andre Freminot (Security) “Being new in the SMB family, I’ve been able to learn quite a lot.” - Kingsley Pouponneau (Manufacturing – BDR)

• • • •


The Handbook issued to participants of the workshop is good. 9 • • • •

Strongly agree



1 Disagree

Strongly disagree

“(Disagree) Because the figure is too small, and my eyes are not good.” - Lorna Volcy (Foodpro) “Well written & easy to follow. I will be able to keep it as a reference.” - Kingsley Pouponneau (Manufacturing – BDR) “Its good but may be certain wordings could be made simple for certain participants.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance) “A well organised hand book.” - Mary-Anne Bristol (Support Services)

- 15 -

(11) How do you rate the level of difficulty? Too difficult

Comments: • • •




Neither too easy nor too difficult



Too easy

2 participants left all the boxes blank.

“I did not find it difficult but rather challenging and very interesting.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance) “Quite well and good.” - Juliana Esparon (Support Services) “I was able to follow without any difficulty.” - Kingsley Pouponneau (Manufacturing – BDR)

(12) Which aspects of the workshop did you particularly enjoy? • • • • •

“Leading teams. Communication.” - Lysianne Rapide (Builders Depot) “Speaking without notes.” - Marie-Claude Julie (Finance) “I particularly enjoyed the Party Mix, because it helped me to have confidence in myself.” - Lorna Freminot (Marketing ITU) “Customer service, good communication and also how to lead.” - Juliana Esparon (Support Services) “I really enjoyed the Party Mix.” - Myriam Ferley (Import Section, Supplies Unit)

(13) Which aspects would you like to see improved or changed, and in what ways? • • • • •

“None.” - Mary-Anne Bristol (Support Services) “Public speaking. It’s not easy to stand in front of an audience.” -Lysianne Rapide (Builders Depot) “Written activity as the questions were not precise enough.” - Kingsley Pouponneau (Manufacturing – BDR) “I think that the session was well presented.” - Myriam Ferley (Import Section) “I see everything O.K. The teacher was excellent.” - Lorna Freminot (Marketing ITU)

(14) Was the timetabling of the workshops convenient for you? • • • • •

“No.” - Jossy Florentine (Corporate Security) "Yes, because I know that my junior staff have the competence to perform their job in my absence.” - Myriam Ferley (Import Section, Supplies Unit) “Yes it was good and convenient for me.” - Juliana Esparon “Yes, it has helped me a lot.” - Marie-Andre Freminot (Security) All the other responses were ‘yes’.

Thank you for your cooperation in completing this form. Please return it to your Trainer - Mr. Imon Ghosh, or the Training Co-ordinator - Mrs. Marymonde Matatiken.

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