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Link with the Chain Gang Dr Seema Gupto

86 Tanishq Stare: Jewer In the crown Mr Dwarika Prasad Uniyal, Mr Rshu Kapoor,Ms Sona/i Goenka, Mr Sunil Bose, Mr Surbhi Angros, Ms Supriya Jha, Ms Swoti Jh, and Ms Srimoti Ray '8 00

Reality Check Dr P KSinha and IWr Dwarika Prasad Uniylrl

BRAND DESIGN COMMUNICATION Design CommunicatesCdture: Marketing of Bmnd* Ms Deepri Pant


Watch that L o o k Popufar Culture and Design Business M5 Deepti Pant

7 01

Commerce of Design Ms Deepti Pant

'8 02



Dr P K Sinha and Mr Dwarika Prosad Uniyal MARKETING RESEARCH J

Children in a Kirana store: Building a case for retail rommunication Ms Anuradha Mohan Kumar, Dr RKSinha and Dr Rajneesh Krishna

7 06

Television Narratives: Creating a Cuifuraf ComplicityA Semiotic Analysis of the Balaji TelefilmrDiscourse Dr Seema Khanwuikar


Consumer Behaviour h Indian PerspectiveY* (Accepted for pub/ication by Oxford University Press India) Dr Rojneesh Krishna

7 26

'Abstracts of papers presented in Conferences.Full papers are not included. * Books in progress.


MlCA Research Review Series Vol l


(?menredat the 10thInrematlonalConferenceon kmnt Advances in Retailing and Consumer Servi~es Science, Portland,Qregon, US& August 7-1 0 20033

The present study uses observation of shopping behaviour as a method for developing shopper segments. Shoppers were observed a t different stores and based on the behavioural cues, they were classified Into six segments. The study generated some segments that were similar to earlier mdies based on attitude or psychographlcs.It also identified new segments. More importantly, the study proposes an alternate basis and methodology of segmenting shoppers.The mdy also found that the segments were found to differentiatelargely on bases of the type of products the stores dealt in and the format of the stores. The study suggests that in an evolving market sltuatlon where the 'manufacturer's brands constitute a major portion of the merchandise, a store could add value through good store format design to create difkrentiation in the market place and mouldtbe,khaviour of the shoppers $ heneft. Brand &nr& s&&& In Inlam &rkW (P~sentedattheMNationalSeminar on Bullding Brands in ~ndian'f;;la~t,~conduaeb.~b~~n-dlm ln& of Management, KdkodeDecern ber, 2003.)

The tradRional manufacturing companies are recognizingthe necessityand importance of getting closer to the customer to provide h r service. From the marketer's perspective the business organizations are extending the hitherto product-centric brands to enter the service market. A review of Indian market reveals that brands like Tata {from iron and steel, automobile, cement, salt to software, telephony, insurance), Reliance (from polymer, petroleum, textile products to telephony and fuel retailing), Wipro (from vegetable oil, lighting to software sewice) and Wills (cigarette to lifestyle retailing) am changing their product portfolios. Against this backdrop, the paper attempts to undemnd and explore how lndian consumers evaluate. braod exten,slor! M ~ Ifaced I with prodst bran& extended Into services.

(Presented atthenNationatSemlnaron Bdlding Brands In Indian M a W E d R d u W b;)r h"&n Iwrutr! d Management fbzikde, December,2003.)

Perceptions help In the process of relationships building. The concept of brand itself Is incomplete without 'relationship: Communication plays a key role in creating certaln perceptions of a b m n d . 0 ~wonders then as to how brand bullding was done at a time when communication media were relatively few. Did media help In establishing a communication link that builds relationship??Or was it the brand itself that built

relationship?This paper was based on a study done to explore the brand relationship individuals had as kids In the few media scenario and whether the relationhip continues till date ar not. If not, how long did it continue and what factors helped In strengthening or weakening that relationship.

eMBrketing and I n d i p (Presented at the International Conference on Emerging Technology (ICET), Kalinga Institute of Technology, Bhubaneshwar, Decemhr 19-21,2003.)

Technological development has redefined life and world as a whole. Internet (Net) represents optimal synergy of convergence of technologies and it Is a medlum of communication, a mechanism of collaboration, an access to information, etc. *Getting connected* has becomethe new mantmof business managementin general and marhting in particular. With this, Marketing has become more open, volatile and networked and technofogy drlwn.lhis evolution has become the turning point for new age marketers. E Space Cornmunlcation (eKj and Network Management (NM) resulted into various newer concepts such as M@rketing (@MIwith distinct features The paper deals with some of the mvenunts and cove& of EIW highlightingthe scenario in lndian contea

Go GlebalaWay ~ ~ t ~ ~ n a l - l ~ ~ n etie-Mdf&ng)-A t - M a r ~ h way ~ rHltP (Presented a t the first AIMS Internatlorsat Conferenceon Management (AIM5iCOM) held at the indian Institute of ManagementBangalore, Deem bet 2&31,2003.)

The whole world realizes a paradigm shift in the process of business practices.The LPG of the new age economics is a rwlFuelfor the growth of the Business in general and Marketing in parttculasThe business world has entered into an 'Intetuth'wlnformation Age'with the emergence of Internet and World WIde Web. The author suggests a concept of going global electronicuIbby the Markete~.Theunderlyingconcept is Intemaflana/-lntprneMfa#hting &MarhthgI.The Paper tries to design and formulate the new concept "ie-Marketing" like, the Mix (5B); the Strategy ( H w ) ; t h e Orienratfbn (EPRG Vs. Nef-centk); and the Appeul(1-2-11

hnding in the Flud k k e - A TheamticalA p m about the Paradox of Present Prartlmand a f d w Dimension* (Paper presented a t the Conference In Rural Marketing and Communfatlon, &dl 24,21003. Mew Oethl Qrganised by Federationof tndian Olmnbers d Commerce and Industry (FICU)

This paper analyses the significant dirences in the brand building processes operating in rural and urban markets. Citing examples from Indian marketing situations, it suggek the adoption of an approach different from the conventional branding model to address specific issues of brand building process in rural areas.

Indian Alcoholic Beverages I n d m A W d e g I c A ~ & & [Published in Padigm,Vol.7, No.1, January-June 2M31 It is an analytic artide on alcoholic beverages industty in India which has always remained under stria government control in terms of capacity creation,dlstrlbution and taxation. It

discusses the industry performance and grwvth along with threats of new players and government regulations. tt provides a framework which can help the companies to craft strategies for gaining acornpeteitiveedge. Family and Social Influences in Buying DecisionMaking-A Stof R&fge&or (Published In NMMS Management Review, Vol. XRI, No. ll, Jul y-December 2002)


It is an empirical paper which identifies the role played by different family members and other social influences in makingthe purchasedecisions for buylng refrigmtor.It also explores dealers understanding of these inffuences and the extent of its congruence with the actual consumer Mavlour. It provides a framework to the marketer and their intermediariesfor designing marketing communicabion which connect well wirth the target audience. Family and Sodal Influmces In Buying Dedslon Making-A Study& T d d s b n


(Publkhed In Decision,Vol. 29 No. 2, July-Decem ber, 2002)

It is an empirical paper whlch Identifiesthe role played by different family members and other social influencesin makingthe purchase decisions for buyingtelevision. li also explores dealers understanding of these influences and the extent of Tes congruence with the actual consumer behwiour. It provides a framework to the marketer and their inter-mediaries for designing marketing communication which connect well wirth the target audience.

h n t Marketing: h u e s and C h a l h g a [Published in Management Review, Vol. 1 5, No.2 June, 20033 Thls paper provides an insightFul analysis of the key issues and challenges of event rnarkethg:settingobjectives~ntselection,meas~nment of effectiveness,celebrity endorsements and integration with stmtegic planning. It condudes with future trends nad directions for research in the upcoming area of event management

Understandingthe M e e n shopper 53 (PublisMin Dainik BhaslcahJournald Best PmcdEes In Mwlla and MarketingVoJ.3,Isue Il,November,UX]2) The objectivesof the studywereto understandthe kindof productstweensdesire to purchase, the brand recall and brand association in different product categories and find the level of observation and detalllng depicted by tweens in the productsthey would like to buy It was found that tweens were more comfortable with vlsual images than words and t h y haw a Vpically different behaviourtowards shopplng than adults and [email protected] be targeted by marketers In an early sage In order to convert them into a life long loyal customer. Deciding Where to 6uy:Store Choke Bshaviour of Indian Shoppers (Publlshd In Wkalpa, Vot. 27/ Number 2, April-June 2002)


The present paper is an attempt to understand the store choice behavior ofthe shoppers, The primary motivation behind this study was to identify major drivea behind chdce of stores for various shopping needs as e x h i b i by a typical lndian consumer today. The

study was conducted on a sample of 247 lndivlduals In the city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India). The findings of the study have identified two major reasons : convenience and merchandise, followed by store ambience and service. Modern M a M n lodels: Hi-touch and#&tech '77 (Published In In Upinder Dhar, Santosh Dhar and Mala Srlvastaw (Eds)Local Champions to Global Masters: Mobirizing far Growth,New Delhi: Excel Books, 2002)


The new millenium has at least made one thing certain for businesses the uncertainty. Change, today, Is otcurring at an accelerating rate.Three major forces in the last decade vir, deregulation, globalization and rapid technologlcal advances haw totally changed the way businesses are conducted the world over. In this new environment marketers are forced to adopt new paradigmsto fight intense competition and to meet rising consumer demands. On the other hand, these developments have spelt endless opportunities in terms of large, free global markets and improved abillty to meet the challenges by using technology. bt% get this S h on the RMd [Published In the EconomlcTlmes, April 28,2003)

The article expiores the trainlng requirements of Marketing professtonals in the wake of increased role of event marketing in marketing communication. Based on estimation of a ten fold growth of event management industryfrom 30 billion (300 c r o w )in the year 2000 to 3W billton (3000 crores) by the year 2006.,it discusses the institutes offering programmes for training gmduates and opportunities available for went management professionals.

Lfslkwith the Chain 6ang (Publlshd In the EconornicTimes, December T 8,2002)

In this article the author unleashes the promising horizons of publlc relations and explores the career O professional development opportunities in the field. Tanishq Store: J d l n the UDW (Published in POP Today August-Sewmber, 2003)


This article presents and ernpitkal study of Tanlshq rerail store based on exit Interviewsof patrons, indepth interviews of store personnel and non-participative and unobtrusive observation.The paper identfies various rypes of shoppers to understand thelr purchase bshaviour and expectations from a retail shopping experience at jewellery retail outlets.

R d t t y fi=k (Published in POP Tnday, August-September, 2001)

Based on the qualitative data analysis thls artlde presents the reality of rural retail shops. It also analyses the effectiveness of sales prombtion schemes In villages and highlights the issues which need to be addressed by the companies involved In the point of purchase communication in rural India.

DmlQiammunicgW8 C J l t r r m : l # m @#&@ ( P m d ~tthe 5 m n d International conhence on "Cukuml DlversFty: Wabal Commwicatbn and Local Interectition"l5-16 h c m b , 2003 at GuWasem A u d W m , Saint Mutts UnlveAltyl


This paper explores how four elements of design: Colour, Form, Depth and Mwement can be treated as a basic tm1 of camrnunicati9n to a-ate with the consumer in a certain market of deflnlte culture parameters.These have been supported hy brand experiences of lndlan Consumem'lhe article highlights that these bagc tools not only can help to maintain culture specificity in a total bmnd experience but also the consistenty of companies global identity.

Never before the launch of titan watches in market has any watch company thought that watches could be branded as a designer Item. This paper deals with the implementation of design as an important bmndhg experience. it also discusses the scenario at which titan launched itself and how it was the much awaited need oftlme.

C s m m d Deshm


(PubllslgedinThe lndlan design,VoI 11,lanuwy March, 2 W )

This paper deals with the role of deslgn In to Product Management and produa innovation. With outsourcing and unbundling becoming the new trends in supply chain managementits only building good designs and brands that haw turned wt to be the sustainable profit enablers,To quote Christopher Loreryrhs old weapons for achieving real differentiation have become inadequate, No longer can comparative advantage be sustained for tong through lower costs, ot higher technologles... The deslgn dimension is no longer an optional part of marketing and corporate strategy, but should be at their very core." Atmorpherlcs (Published In POP Today October-Nwember, 2001)


This article discusses the impact of 'atmospherics' on unplanned purchases in high quality life-style stores on the basis of empirical data collected in exit interviews. Atmospherics Is the constious designing oF space to create specific emotional effects in shoppers that enhances their purchase probability. It raises the issue of ambience caused by'atmospheridintimidatingthe shoppers as opposedto creating a w a n and friendly envlomment for the shopper.

lbr r e Mcoinrnudca&n Chitdren ttl a Kirana sme Buiidlfiga (PubllsM In Journal of h n d Managemen&Vot.10, No. 3 aW13 This paper looks at child-retail communication Interaction at the 'Kirana' store, the lndian version of the US'rnorn and pop'retail outlet, in the capital city of New Delh1.The methodologies for data collection were the non-parficlpatory unstructured observation and e i t interview techniques. The results showed a high interadon between the chlld and retail communication.The findings also extracted same key factors that influence chlld behavlor at the1Kjrana'[email protected] factors are- influence of advertisements on the child, predisposition of the accompanying person, child's prior interaction with the brandand age of the accompanyingperson.The model developed on the basis of the study emphasizes the importance of the role ofthe accompanying person in deterrnlnlng the efficacy of retall communication targeted to the children.

This paper is an attempt to seek out and draw parallels and contrasts between the mythical nationalism, with its orchestrated closure, constructed by a successful televlsion production company producing womandominated serials IbalajiTelefilrns); and the open-ended lives of today's tndian middle-class women. The Prime Time scheduling of women-centred programming on television channels represents a dramatic cultural shift illustrating the increasing recognition of the lndian Woman's effort to straddle the two worlds of traditional and modern lndia.fhe paper also utilizes several research waluation tools from Narrative theory to Semiotics to read the discourse of Balaji Telefilms.

mnaurner Bdwiout in lndian Pewpeahe (Acceptedfor publlcatlan by Oxford U n h k y Press India)

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