Igloo Asia

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 985
  • Pages: 3


Redefine training


Concept Combining elements of ‘Maple Story’ and Social Networking Websites, creating a platform for networking and learning for students between ages of 7 and 16. A simple 3D animated game that allows players to explore different worlds and uncover secrets and stories, whilst learning, sharing and collaborating to find the answers to the challenges and quests. 5 difficulty levels will be created such that it approximates the knowledge level of students in the following age groups: 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, and 15-16 years. Points will be earned upon the completion of different challenges or conquests. These challenges are a series of fun questions that test the players’ knowledge in Maths, Science, English and Geography. The questions imposed on the player ,will differ depending of the players’ level in the specific subject. This game will also be a platform for players to network, communicate and share information about the game and themselves, as they navigate through the game.

Demand As technology becomes increasingly embedded in the education system and society, it is now pertinent to create new platforms for learning which engages the learners whilst developing other skills beyond basic cognitive and memory functions. With social networking and on-line gaming increasing prevalent amongst youths, it will thus be logical that a learning platform could and should exist in this form. The following are brief snippets of my understanding of the learning culture and environment in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore Whilst schools are keen and receive much support in the use of technology for learning, it is often used to support present pedagogical techniques without effectively transforming the learning environment and culture. Students become increasingly self centric and impatient in learning, opting for the easiest way out to end the lesson so as to be able to continue doing their ‘own thing’. As gaming and social networking culture is increasingly prevalent amongst youths, it presents an opportunity to incorporate ‘practical lessons’ in games and social networking. Indonesia In 2005, DEPDIKNAS (Departmen Pendidikan Nasional) had launched a RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) in an effort to raise the standard of education in public schools. By 2009, they projected that 119 out of 260 RSBI schools should attain SBI standard (International Standards of Education). Most RSBI schools embraced the initiative by converting the medium of instruction for Maths and Science to English, and adopting elements from Singapore-Published assessment books. Till present date, the RSBI schools are still unsure of the final desired outcome of the 1 Understanding your training needs in the following countries. Singapore | Malaysia | Indonesia



Redefine training

initiative as national examination systems have yet to change. There is a great desire to learn from ‘more-advanced’ education systems through twinning programs and study visits. However the cost will be prohibitive, to continue send sufficient students and teachers out of country for such trips. Malaysia One of the intent for Malaysia’s affair with MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor), was to support the SMART SCHOOL project that endeavors to leverage on technology to improve education systems and standards. Despite implementation setbacks in previous years, the effort for SMART SCHOOL was rejuvenated and currently driven by Telekom Malaysia (TM), through road shows that bring ICT closer to the general public. Whilst many educators resist the use of technology in education as it is perceived to encumber their present teaching methods, the general public accepts the entertainment value brought by technology through mobile phones and computer games. Gaming would thus be the most desirable platform to foster adoption of technology for education.

Partners-In-Operation Instructional Design Company with access to schools and educational institutions from throughout the region (FAHAMIR PTE LTD has engaged in developing instructional pedagogies for schools in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.) IT Solutions Company with sufficient experience to effectively and cost efficiently launch an online learning, social networking site. (COMMGATE) Game Design Company with sufficient experience in creating an exciting game (game play & graphics) that will interest players from 7 - 16 (TBC) Educational Publications SMEs must possess experience in developing assessment books / educational publications that are recognized regionally. Science

AMDON CONSULTING has experience in developing Science publications for 7 – 16 years ie Cool Science)







2 Understanding your training needs in the following countries. Singapore | Malaysia | Indonesia



Redefine training

Phases of Implementation Marketing & Research (FAHAMIR) Phase 1 Development

Phase 2 Alpha

Phase 3 Beta

Phase 4 Full Launch

Content Development (SMEs)

IT Operations Management (COMMGATE)

Game Play Graphics (Game Designers)

Identify learning needs & limitations of schools

Consolidate content based on available resources

Identify resources needed to build and sustain online platform

Design basic interface (3D) for trial with students

Solicit demand for product

Establish regional standards

Support systems in various countries

Propose game play mode that would engage and sustain players

In-House amalgamation

Incorporate questions into Alpha

Launch of Alpha

Launch of Alpha

Identify 3 schools to trial system

Assess level of understanding and propose revisions

Monitor operational problems

Assess Game Play and propose improvements

Selection of 10 schools for trial

Launch of Beta

Launch of Beta

Launch of Beta

Commence marketing for advertisements

Develop on-line learning materials for sale

Monitor operational concerns (track usage)

Assess Game Play and propose improvements

Continue with promotion to businesses and education institutions

Helpdesk to address content issues (if any)

Track Usage



Source of Revenue Advertisements

With a pool of students of specific demographics, businesses will have access to specific target markets


Commission from Sales of On-line Learning Materials by Parents and Schools (Parents’ or schools’ emails must be registered and confirmed, for adult consent – All players below 18)


Provision of consultancy to schools or organizations that want to leverage on ICT for education and learning

3 Understanding your training needs in the following countries. Singapore | Malaysia | Indonesia

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