2. Women are willing to relocate in job? People are of the view that women won’t be willing to relocate if a job demands them to. The
reason could be partially attributed to men’s perception of women tied down to one place to her husband and therefore cannot relocate. 47% men said that women are not willing to relocate in job while only 28% said that they think that women are willing to relocate. 13 % of the respondent women on the other hand also thought that they would not be willing to relocate if a job demanded of them to. 3. Women take more leaves than men at workplace?
78 % of male respondents were either agreeing or neutral to the above question indicating that they considered it true. 4. Women have same commitment levels as men at work place?
The main reason for stereotype of this kind is that men believe that after marriage, the personal life of women would take priority over her professional life. That’s why only 40 % believed that women’s commitment levels were same, while the same figure for women was 84%.
The most commonly held stereotypes of men towards women are high priority of home life over work life. Although this may be true in some sense, it doesn’t in any way imply that commitment of women towards her professional life is lesser than men. Women are also tied down to one place with their husband (due to traditional structure of Indian society, with male being the principal earner) and most men agreed to the point of view that women might not be willing to relocate. However, the perception is changing and