Iconic Freedom - Gregory Wirth

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  • Pages: 301

FOR KAREN Without your support, guidance and friendship the vital force of my life would be diminished and far less enriched ~ FOR JOHN AND DAN Without your friendship and love my life would not have been enriched ~ FOR MOM AND DAD Without your “choice” I would not experience this life I miss you both so very much

© 2009 Gregory Wirth ISBN 978-0-557-05990-4


Logo created by Marshall Designs Anthem, AZ


ICONIC FREEDOM ________________________ 1 WHAT IS HEALTH? _______________________ 21 SELF-INTEREST _________________________ 33 A FORMULA FOR LIVING LIFE? _____________ 37 MY LIFE AT NO COST TO OTHERS WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT ______________________________ 44 EXAGGERATED VULNERABILITY ____________ 54 MORALS ______________________________ 60 ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY ______ 81 OBSERVATION & INFORMATION __________ 106 SCIENCE AND OUTCOMES ________________ 116 FREEDOM ____________________________ 127 CHOICE ______________________________ 135 ABORTION ____________________________ 147 HEALTHCARE __________________________ 163 RELIGION _____________________________ 172 RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION ___________ 198 LEGISLATORS AND YOUR MONEY __________ 206 EQUALITY IS OPPORTUNITY ______________ 215 MARRIAGE ___________________________ 220 SEXUALITY – YOUR CHOICE _______________ 231



PROFILE OF A VICTIM ___________________ 238 EDUCATION __________________________ 252 TRUST _______________________________ 259 ATTACHMENT TO OUTCOMES ____________ 265 CHARITY _____________________________ 267 THE AMERICAN DREAM _________________ 274 THE LIGHTNING ROUND _________________ 277 OUT OF VICTIMIZATION _________________ 281 FINALLY______________________________ 285


ICONIC FREEDOM ~ "Some of the most significant events of the Revolution took place inside the walls of a tiny Georgian structure. It was inside the council chamber that a defiant James Otis railed against the writs of assistance in a fiery performance that ignited the colonists’ rebellion, then and there the child liberty was born” - John Adams. ~ The greatest challenge we face is the ability to become self-reliant and self-governing. It is rarely recalled or remembered these days, why our nation was founded and the importance of upholding the basic ideas of freedom and choice. Yes, there are those who “think” they know or understand, yet their own personal self-interest and agendas create a personal fog that undermines the basic tenets of these ideals. There will be those who will read this and see the challenges of change to be too big, enormous, unfathomable,





Change can happen and paradigms can shift in any given moment of life. Those that would seek the demise of change are those who seek selfdestruction and want others along for the ride.

Ignore them and their pessimistic ways for they only wish to remain victims of society and need your endorsement. Don’t give it. Initially when I started writing this book I thought it was going to be something completely different. I wasn’t sure the direction of how to write it as the concepts needed to be connected to the individual’s life and applied to real world situations; they needed to be simple and easily applicable to one’s life.

The title of this book became a subject of discovery as I truly wanted something that would bespeak of both this amazing nation, America, and its solid founding, Freedom. ICONIC FREEDOM seemed to be the most appropriate. The accepting of freedom, its basic understanding, along with the stalwart description of ICONIC seemed relevant. ICONIC became the name of a company I’ve helped form. When I inquired to a family member what he thought ICONIC meant his immediate response was, “setting of a standard” by which others can observe, learn and apply.


Thus, the title of this book took form and shape. Freedom and ICONIC are synonymous with what America is all about. There are shelves filled with books about freedom and this nation’s founding; I shall not repeat such historical information except to draw your attention to







Independence. Both of these amazing documents really did give us just about everything we needed to succeed when it comes to assimilating freedom. The formula aspect of this book had its birth of derivation from the ideas of science. What we know about science is that it is objective – it exists without emotion, observing and collecting information by which to reach conclusions, thus make choices. Are you starting to see the connections already? Here’s the problem: lack of development regarding accountability & responsibility.

Too many people

with a distorted view of reality decided it was a good idea to hijack our founding documents, place subjective and existential ownership onto them, and imply a sense of entitlement and ownership of righteousness whereby they attempt at every


opportunity to infringe on the individual rights of others. It is the disease of the mind that creates this distortion.

Let’s appreciate that infringing on the

rights of others is Anti-American – no matter how you slice it. Infringing on the civil liberties of any human being is Anti-American. Those with agendas will seek to manipulate or control by “interpreting” the objective nature of The Constitution and Declaration.

To understand

Freedom and Choice is to understand the inherent nature of the language within both documents. ~ “INTERPRETATION” OF ANYTHING IS BY NATURE A SUBJECTIVE CHOICE ~ Doing so disenfranchises all other Americans who do not agree with your “interpretation”.

And why

should it be that your interpretation is THE interpretation? The answer:

you want ownership so you can

control and manipulate, plain and simple.


Throughout history we’ve had various individuals who gather the mob and decide that certain personal and subjective choices by others are not allowed; that their mob mentality of “agreed” upon ideology forfeits the ideology of all others, thus their personal choices. The problem regarding this is that such policy making from the “mob mentality” is destructive to the society, especially when civil liberty is the ultimate goal.

Once you decide, subjectively, that your

personal choice about how to live your life forfeits all other choices by other Americans, other human beings, on how to create their own lives, you generate a target for your own back. There will come a time when others gather an alternate mob and decide that your current choices are unacceptable. You have nothing and no one to turn to having already made it apparent that such discrimination is perfectly acceptable through a “majority” vote; through shared ideology; through “tradition”;





statements of “its how it’s been since the beginning of time”.


We have seen this in our society with slavery, women’s suffrage, Nazism, name one. Recently I read a blogger’s entry that said, “We’ve put civil rights up to a vote” referring to an amendment of California’s Constitution regarding the definition of marriage. To define anything is to subjectively decide how everyone else should adhere to your personal ideology when that definition is not objective; is not without your personal emotion. Our Constitution, easily and naturally, protects the individual from such bullying and gang-like behavior. The language utilized can easily be read and understood. The problem is when “interpretation” of said document by those who have self-interest in the control of others, creates the maltreatment of an individual. Yes, we define certain objective aspects of life in order for us to function as a society; red means stop, green means go; we get that. It’s not what this is about.


This is about defining for others what their morals and values ought to be and then forcing them upon others. In doing so you’ve limited choice based on your personal tastes and utilize the Constitution as a weapon of subjugation to such. Define your own morals and values; leave everyone else to themselves to decide their morals and values. Do you think yourself elevated to such a degree of knowledge that you know better than any another individual knows for self what is best? We all have distaste in our lives for other people’s behavior, but let’s be clear: just because you have distaste for someone’s choice doesn’t endow you with a credential to usurp that person’s individual freedom to make that choice. If that choice infringes on your ability to have freedom of free choice, now there’s a conflict to resolve. If that choice in no way affects your choice, then it’s high time to mind your own business. But you don’t. You won’t.

We all keep elevating ourselves into

thinking we know how the rest of the world should


behave; how they should live; what lights they can turn on; what god they can worship; what person they can marry; what products they can purchase. Egotistical self-centered individuals came to think someone put them in charge. ~ REALITY CHECK: YOU’RE NOT IN CHARGE OF ANYONE EXCEPT YOURSELF ~ We will tackle many issues that seem to be bogging down society and getting folks stuck and unable to move





transgressions of freedom is very powerful and useful when applying these changes in your own life.

Recognizing them in others will assist in

recognizing them in you. When it comes to transgressions of freedom I encourage you to speak to reality at every opportunity where your freedom is being challenged or threatened. Conversely, don’t be upset when others challenge you for infringing on their freedoms. People get angry when they are being threatened in some capacity. People get angry most when they feel they are being controlled or manipulated. You


are manipulating or controlling when you are not offering a free choice. Too often there is a lot of blaming others without really understanding what it is you’re attempting to do by engaging in this “blame game”. Bad behavior is given credence or defense by pointing to other bad behavior, “well your candidate is doing this”, followed by, “well your candidate is doing this”.

Nothing gets accomplished.


always said, “Two wrongs don’t make a right” I agree with mom. If someone makes a charge or claim, have the fortitude to respond to it without pointing to someone else’s behavior as the excuse for your poor choices. ~ NO ONE IS ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR CHOICES BUT YOU ~ We hear these expressions ACCOUNTABLE and RESPONSIBLE thrown about all the time with little or no understanding of the terms. If you are unable to explain something then no one knows what you’re talking about.


You can say,

“That’s right”, but what does that mean? “Right” is a very subjective term unless you’re giving directions to a location. Cultures






traditions, responses to behaviors, laws that govern their nation, all with the intent to be “right”. Telling others that you are “right” is essentially telling them that they are wrong. To make such claims you’d have to prove the “wrong”. How do you prove bias?

How do you prove

subjectivity? How do you prove your opinion? You can’t.

You can only prove and point to the

“disagreement” of subjective decisions whereby two opposing opinions exist. You think broccoli is best and I think spinach is best. We disagree, that’s a fact. Opinion is a matter of taste, so is our individual opinion of taste regarding vegetables. Science and mathematics are important because they point to facts and conclusions, not opinions and emotions.


When you start telling people that you are right, you are taking away their natural instincts to voice selfidentified opinions and follow their own individual instincts for survival and self-interest.

While you

may disagree with their opinion or instincts, you are most certainly infringing on their freedom to assuage your opinion as the “right” opinion and you are forcing your views upon them, be it law, regulation or controls. Facts are not opinions. Opinions are not facts. If an opinion is proven through evidence, then it becomes a fact. That’s a fact! It’s so important to understand these two precepts to begin with for it is the foundation for which a great deal of this writing is going to challenge you. Opinions are being credentialed in society and presented as facts, when, in fact, they are not facts, they are your subjective opinion. Did you follow that?


Most recently in our history it has become apparent that individuals are deriving their values and morals from a variety of sources; more people; more choices, so what? As a society we don’t care not where such morals come from and here’s why: morals are subjective; value is subjective; both are personal to the individual. If you disagree with this statement it is only because you hold from within yourself what you claim to be knowledge of such higher authority which renders decisions on morals and values forfeit to individuals who have the audacity to define it for themselves personally. In other words, you believe morals come from your source and your source only and anyone thinking otherwise is wrong. However, it’s just your opinion and your personal derivation of such morals. That’s fine, for you. Your beliefs are not everyone’s beliefs. You are infringing on the freedoms of others when you start imposing or applying your morals and


values upon them, even to the extent of where you derive them from. Is a person free to not believe in your derivation as you are free to believe in your derivation? Are they free not to believe in any derivations? Can a person not believe in your god, your source? Can a person have their own source, their own god? Can a person have no god? If you say no to any of these, then you are attempting to control and manipulate what others can think and thereby make free choice in this life. It’s not your life to decide. Each individual living in a free society has the freedom to make decisions about what morals are important and what morals are not. What has value and what does not, and yes, where to derive his or her morals & values from in this life. In a free market system, we apply the idea that a thing is worth only what another individual is willing to pay. Why should this be true?


Value is in the eye of the beholder. I may value a particular item by which I’m drawn to purchase it. You may look at the same item and find nothing of value; thereby you have no value placed upon it. It is only within the decision of self-interest that a person places value upon something whereby now they take action toward that self-interest of obtaining it or retaining it. Competition for scarce resources is what creates value placed on goods & services.

However, no

such competition need be part of a person’s morals or values since they can change at whim and with an ever changing societal zeitgeist; values and morals hold no scarcity. Morals and values are not a zero sum game. There are plenty of them, plenty to go around and always shifting. If you don’t like that thought it is because you think you hold knowledge that everyone else should live by and want to force it upon the greater society as though your life depends on them agreeing with you.


“There will be anarchy in the streets if we allow others to just decide these things for themselves”. Newsflash: they already decide for themselves, you just don’t like that they are deciding for themselves, you don’t like their choices and want to enact laws toward such transgressions of thought and behavior that you deem “appropriate”. You attempt to deny an individual’s instinctual and inherent nature toward self-interest when you seek to impose your will upon them. Do you think you hold knowledge whereby everyone else ought to live by it?

You’ve set a personal standard and want

everyone else to live by it. As our society develops it will modify what it thought was once valuable and place value upon something else.

You paint yourself into a corner when you

make a decision from which you are unwilling to restructure, as you come to know more. Science is objective and shifting – it seeks its own falsification; to find the error and self-correct. Those with religious moral absolutes never think they are wrong; it’s everyone else who is wrong. Talk about your slippery slopes.


This all may seem very simplistic to you, perhaps you’ve heard it all before. The question, if true, is why then do so many people attempt to impose their ideologies, their subjective opinions, their subjective likes or dislikes, their personal taste or distaste, their biased morals & values upon the rest of our nation and world at large? Why do you? Why do individuals and groups seek to impose their ideologies of how economies ought to function, how decisions for self should be made? What’s wrong with free markets, free choice?

When doesn’t it

work? When legislators are in the way. ~ YOU ARE NOT LIVING IN FREEDOM AND FREE CHOICE WHEN YOU HINDER THE FREEDOMS AND FREE CHOICES OF ANOTHER PERSON ~ If your religion binds you to certain ethics, moral principles and values, then, by all means, enjoy it. However, it is not setting the standard for the rest of the world; it’s not ICONIC. All of it may be ICONIC for you, personally. Perhaps to your partner in life, your children and extended family and seen as quite valuable and useful.

Nevertheless, infringing on

another’s civil liberties to NOT think like you, doesn’t uphold individual freedom and free choice.


~ YOU CANNOT EXTEND FREEDOM TO OTHERS IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO BE FREE YOURSELF TO RENDER UNTO YOURSELF, FREE CHOICE. ESSENTIALLY, YOU CAN’T GIVE WHAT YOU HAVE NOT ASSIMILATED ~ IF YOU ARE NOT FREE TO NOT DO SOMETHING, YOU ARE NOT FREE OF IT ~ If you are not free to NOT take a drink, NOT take a drug, NOT put that food in your mouth, you are NOT free. Any behavior or thought you are NOT free to not engage in, is not freedom of choice. To engage in the discussion of free will is to negate the free will itself.

To enforce “will” is to negate the natural

instinct or action by which you would otherwise take were it not for you consciously going against your natural choice. If you were in “free will” you would just do it; you wouldn’t be thinking about it. How does this look? If you were sitting in your living room, knowing that a fire was starting in the kitchen, your natural instincts toward survival would have you move toward action. To enforce your “will” by remaining seated without action is to negate what your natural behavior would have motivated you to action of survival.


To force free will is to surrender to outside influence that seeks to control or manipulate your choices. Either you would act in self-interest and freedom or you would impose your “will” toward behavior that negates what you would otherwise do naturally for yourself. When we say a child is “willful” what we are really saying is that the child is not doing our will instead of the child’s decision predicated on free choice. If a child is free he will do as his instincts motivate; the issue arises when it goes against what you want the child to do. This isn’t to say that a child won’t attempt to run into the street with pure abandoned, for he will. However, as a parent you are charged with ownership of the child’s choices until such time the child






consequences and with freedom comes responseability. Additionally, you are endowed with the protection of the child from hurting himself within the world around him for which he has not yet assimilated. Once a child understands that his choices belong to


him, that he owns each and every choice and must be response-able to the choice and do so at no cost to another without consent, then the beginnings of independence, self-reliance, self-development, selfcorrection and finally, self-governance commence. Is this not what all parents wish for their children: the ability to manage their lives and create personal happiness? Explore as you read the ideas of what is subjective in life and what is objective. Know that “subjective” is an emotional opinion, not a fact.

Know that

“objective” is data and facts with nothing emotionally involved. Observe for yourself where you are being subjective and not objective. Understand for yourself what morals are important for you and what values you have placed in life. In doing so, start to challenge yourself toward understanding that however you decided these morals, values, subjective and objective ideas, are purely your own personal opinion.

They may be

shared by others does not endorse your stance, it merely reflects that some others happen to agree with you.


Be open to the idea that long held views may, in fact, be nothing more than your personal subjective opinions. Be open to change for yourself whereby you give yourself more freedom and free choice to live this life. Be open to change whereby having given yourself more







inadvertently, extend such to others as you seek it for yourself. Let’s get started.


WHAT IS HEALTH? ~ HEALTH IS FREEDOM: THE MORE FREEDOM YOU HAVE THE HEALTHIER YOU ARE ~ In a bold attempt to support this foundation from which to utilize a benchmark where all references forward can be compared, evaluated and decided, a definition of health is outlined. I’d be interested to hear your definition if you disagreed with this precept. In fact, we all would. Heath in simple terms means: freedom. The more freedom you have living your life without constraint the more health you are enjoying as you seek personal self-interest in knowing what is best for you. Disease in simple terms means: lack of freedom. It is true that those who are born with certain disease, which lack a full body, be it limb, mentality or other perceived “disadvantages” had the slot machine of genetics either favor or disfavor him or her. Freedom can be perceived as constrained by the slot machine of nature, genetics and the


environment by which an individual is born.


parent determines the circumstance for which he or she places the child from the start of life; from which all further choice is made. It is not to say that adaptation cannot take place, nor is it to say that such an individual is incapable of overcoming such challenges of circumstance; each life will seek personal fulfillment at whatever level of skill the individual is capable.

The question is

whether or not the parents of such offspring wish to take on such a challenge or should take on such a challenge and financial burden of obligation. Whether you like it or not, the reality is that those in any society that are born to deficiency create an undue burden and obligation on the society by the mere fact that they are not able to function fully in society toward their own independence. It’s a fact, stop being emotional about it. If parents wish to take on such challenges then society bears no burden; accepts no obligation and the parents have made a choice by which they must now be able to respond at no cost to others without their consent


However, when parents decide to take on such burden for whatever self-interest and then lay the financial and emotional burden onto society through insurance, entitlement programs and the like, they have subjected a society that is protecting its selfinterest in development, to the parents’ self-interest. In short, they have extorted the people; obligating society to a personal choice they personally and subjectively made as parents. Imposing legislation and laws to force others to pay for your choices is diseased; without freedom. Our nation and the world created and continue to indulge in at every opportunity this disease. It is through the generosity of its citizens that society helps subsidize such endeavors to parents of children who are challenged. Society’s participation is itself grace and a gift from a very generous and thoughtful population. Because of who we are, both individually and within this nation, we are, as a society,




kindness and generosity. generosity of spirit.




It is not a right, but

Legislators ought to be asking its people whether this spending is okay with us and not just forcing it upon us. Legislators ought to be asking its people whether any spending is okay with us and not just forcing it upon us. Freedom is to health as choice is to freedom, without one the other doesn’t exist fully.


individual must have freedom in order to make a choice toward his or her own self-interest thus creating a life by taking ownership and being able to respond to those free choices is an ultimate accountability. Accountability is taking ownership of your choices. The more freedom, the more ability to create health. The individual is constantly seeking his or her own self-interest toward development of the self through freedom and personal choice. Each individual must decide what the life given is to become.

The more freedom allowed for this

development, the greater the potential for the individual



governance; self-correction; independence.



~ LIFE IS FOR LIVING ~ It is important to incorporate this concept. Life is nothing more than the development of an organism, be it “virus” or human or animal or plant. Life is continuous. Making the most of that life is important for some and not important for others; that importance is a subjective decision; a subjective value. The freedom of the individual to decide that value is the ultimate free choice. To define what life is beyond the simple observation of “life is for living” is to impose your personal subjective ideas upon it, your subjective value; attempting to impose personal ideals onto others. If you impose your ideals you must then take ownership of such a choice along with the lives you have now bound to yourself as a result of this imposing. You are compelled to be response-able to such shackling of ideology onto others without their consent. If you’re going to tell people how to live then you must take ownership of those lives


since you have taken away their freedom and free choice to make their own personal decisions. Any indoctrination that tells you what life is all about is attempting to manipulate the nature of your personal choices. If a person of religion wishes to believe any number of indoctrinations by which to live his or her life, let them do so. However, do not let them impose such ideals onto you.

They are purely speculating

without evidence; it’s all a projection, foundationally subjective. All this is fine, for them. Nevertheless, they have no rights by which to impose it upon you. Don’t deny an individual’s right to religious freedom. Deny an individual the act of imposing or indoctrinating this religion without your consent. Teaching






manipulating their minds for your self-interest, thus taking away their freedom. However, no one will deny you this choice. You are free to destroy your child’s mind.


Deny the right of someone acting on the idea that religious freedom is fine as long as the religion happens to be their religion. Deny their right to impose the idea that you have no freedom of choice to NOT believe in a deity. Deny their right to bully you or others into submissive belief. Many may agree that human life is more valuable than any other life, but do not confuse this ideology with pure subjective opinion, for subjective opinion is what placing value upon a life, any life, is all about. What you value versus what another values is purely subjective; free market; free choice. Are you getting that concept yet? Keep in mind that just because groups of people agree on something does not hold that idea to be right or wrong, good or bad, moral or immoral. The only thing that is observed is that groups of people agree. Groups of people agreed that slavery was important; that Jews were inferior; that women had no rights.


There is no right or wrong in life. If you think there is, then the question to you is: where did you get such an idea? To further that exploration: by what authority do you wield such control onto others? Where did you derive such values and morals? If you choose religion or a god as your answer, once again, then you are faced with the fantastical claim that a god exists. Why your god? There have been many gods before and why does just your god get to the head of the line? Making such a choice of forced ideology by which others must comply, compels you to take ownership of that choice and now be response-able. When people start taking ownership of other people’s lives by forced ideology, they are enslaving them. If your religion and beliefs are your own, bestowed upon you by your god and you mind your own business by not imposing those choices on others, then no doubt, what American would deny you such


freedom? Our First Amendment upholds freedom of religion. Imposing those values or the method of gathering those values onto others is infringing on their freedom by which one may pursue his or her life, liberty and happiness in seeking their own values or how to gather those values. Adjectives to describe are subjective by their very nature. Every descriptive you make merely reveals your desires or distastes for any particular action, word, deed, person or experience.

You have

freedom to do so, however, once again, imposing those adjectives upon others is an infringement if doing so is controlling their behavior. The question to ask:

why do my values, interests and morals

need to be agreed upon and accepted by others? ~ YOU WANT TO CONTROL OTHERS ~ HEALTH = FREEDOM YOU’RE NOT FREE AND LIVING IN HEALTH IF YOU’RE ATTEMPTING TO CONTROL OR MANIPULATE OTHERS ~ In the absence of being able to control, you will manipulate to get your way.

If this means

indoctrinating others into fear and intimidation, you’ll


do it.

Legislating morality is not outside your

thought and action; forced indoctrination. Why not control your own life; your own choices; your own values; your own morals. Leave others to manage the individual self for they will with or without your interference. “But to not impose will create anarchy.” A canard meant to strike fear in people and to assume that each person is unable to control his or her own impulses; or that each person is incapable of deciding what has value and what does not have value by which that person would not infringe of the freedom of others without their consent. An individual does not need to look outside of the self for morals or values. The individual needs to only understand that the life he or she lives is done so at no cost to others without their consent; accountability





choices and the ability to respond to each choice. For those with the disease of the mind which does not uphold freedom and free choice, society makes laws whereby those individuals have consequences


for infringing on the freedoms of others by taking a life, stealing and such. Society in its own self-interest toward civility must create laws to deal with the disease within society which seeks otherwise. Lack of freedom in the mind is the disease; laws are created as consequence and response to this diseased thinking. Essentially, society has you covered for those who seek to impose on your freedom, why not relax then. If you are of a mental mindset that says you can only be controlled by your bible, through fear or reward from your god, then to quote the Broadway Show, Wicked, you are apt “to grovel in submission to feed your own ambition”. You are controlled only through fear or reward rather than assimilation of freedom to choose and allowing others the freedom to choose. Where is HEALTH = FREEDOM? Sociopaths have no conscience, are you claiming such for yourself?

What kind of person seeks

outside the self?


To understand health is to understand freedom. The more freedom you have the greater your level of health in all areas of life be it physical, emotional, mental or financial. To understand that disease is the lack of freedom supports you in starting to recognize those areas of life where you are held in bondage to yourself and your ideals, which may not be upholding freedom and free choice. To






derivations which create value and morals in your life belong only to you begins the understanding of freedom to others by giving freedom to yourself. If you withhold freedom to yourself you are likely going to withhold it from others.


SELF-INTEREST ~ THERE IS NO INTEREST IN LIFE THAT IS NOT OF SELF-INTEREST ~ To understand that self-interest is what drives everything is to understand a key component of life. All







specifically, self-interest of survival or death. A life, any life, will do only one of two options: move toward something or move away from it. Life will move toward living or toward death, that’s it. You move toward freedom or you move away from freedom. If your self-interest is not freedom and free choice, then you have an agenda that you are attempting to thrust upon others. Reject those that say you are a bad person because you have self-interest; the fact is that EVERYONE acts in self-interest with every choice made, to say otherwise is a lie, plain and simple.


If you are in a leadership position in life whereby freedom and choice are not inherent in every decision made, you are attempting to thrust upon others control and manipulation for personal selfinterest and gains.

Those that act without

awareness of behavior are revealing the core nature of the self: choice at a cost to others without consent. Those that act with awareness are revealing the nature of self-interest through intentional action. “How does this intentional or unintentional action reveal the nature of the individual with regard to freedom of choice at no cost to others without consent?” Any person not upholding freedom and free choice is acting in self-interest through manipulation, concealing this self-interest for personal gain. This will ultimately reveal the true nature of an AntiAmerican philosophy. If America is about nothing else, it is about Freedom.


When evaluating any individual the most objective observation is your best tool for understanding the true nature of how they are exuding the ideas of freedom and choice. What do you observe about what they do, not what they say they do? What do you observe about what they DON’T do? Take the test, for 1 hour, every action you decide upon, every opinion, and every thought, ask this question: what was my self-interest or the outcome I was seeking through that choice? If you give to charity what self-interest do you seek? If you hit your children what self-interest do you seek? If you cheat on your spouse what self-interest do you seek? If you look to your government to support you what self-interest do you seek? Your self-interest, whether you think yourself doing good or not, is about you


Self-interest isn’t good or bad, it just happens to reveal what your motivations are in life and why you make the choices you make. ~ THERE IS NO INTEREST THAT IS NOT SELF-INTEREST ~


A FORMULA FOR LIVING LIFE? Let’s understand a few things which relate to all human beings: REALITY: Your life is what it is; reality is made up of the CHOICES BEFORE YOU from which you made a selection. No one can SAVE you from your REALITY. ACCOUNT-ABILITY: Making a selection from these choices belongs to the individual, compels OWNERSHIP OF THE CHOICE.

No person can absolve you of your

choices. RESPONSE-ABILITY: The ABILITY TO RESPOND to the choice you have made, no matter how large or small. FREEDOM = HEALTH The more freedom, the more health. CHOICE: Action toward directing your life


AT NO COST TO OTHERS WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT: When your individual choice is at a cost to others you are infringing on their personal freedoms and civil liberties if they have not consented. This is not to say that this concept is new or the first time revealed, for it is not. It requires little in terms of historical knowledge, does not require or desire you having finished high school and in no way discriminates you in any way no matter who, where, what, how or why you were born. Further, it lays all ownership of your life, at your feet. You can walk away from this book, these ideas, these concepts and not put any of it into practice – you do so, however, consciously; purposefully, with complete awareness of infringing on others and their freedoms and choices; knowing your agendas, knowingly implementing methods for manipulating and controlling others without their consent. Talk about your purpose driven life?


If you purposefully and willfully infringe on another’s civil rights, what kind of a person does that make you? Now we know what kind. If you make the choice to not incorporate and act on these concepts, you willfully and intentionally infringe on the civil liberties of your fellow Americans and your fellow human beings living in this world. You can infringe on another’s personal civil liberties, but you do so as a choice; consciously; willfully; intentionally with malice, for you know your choice. You can do whatever you want, but you own that choice and consequences will be forthcoming. There’s a structure of learning in science whereby you take a foundational concept and then applying it to, not only the problem at hand, but relating it across the board. This formula for living is such a structure. Let’s discuss briefly the difference between theory and hypothesis. We all hear people bandy about


the word theory and they are misusing the term which leads people to accept something as a true statement such as 4 + 4 = 10 simply because someone said it, rather than actually researching the data; replicate the test, decipher the result, observe the facts and reach a conclusion – for yourself! Hypothesis is an idea unproven. Theory is an idea proven. Know the difference. Theory is based on the ability to replicate the data to keep reaching the same or similar conclusion.

Theory of insanity,

doing the same thing over and over again might be proved by listing your who’s who of relationships and the patterns observed of each choice. Theory has been defined objectively, but like so much of science, it seeks to falsify itself to the exchange of ideas and new discoveries. If it changes, science let’s you know. It’s free and flexible. After achieving a level of understanding in one area, people are challenged in applying that knowledge and understanding to other areas of life.


Why are they challenged, you ask? People justify their illogical conclusions and continue to assimilate incorrect information by which the mind will rationalize any attempts to disprove the illogical belief.

They like to make excuses for not taking

ownership of choice and being able to respond to the choice made. In essence, once you believe something there is very little chance of you not believing, even in the face of factual evidence. Why







conclusions? Toward your self-interest and that interest is control. You rationalize and justify continuing diseased behavior patterns that you “feel” are serving your self-interest.

If you didn’t have self-interest in a

behavior you wouldn’t pursue it. What is the selfinterest? Abuse of self? Victimize the self? Want others to save you? There are lots of reasons, pick one!


Consider the implications of irrational and illogical “belief systems” that people create for themselves. What if the belief that the earth was flat continued to this day?

What would be the far-reaching

consequences of such an illogical belief?


people actually believe it still and have created societies around such delusions. Why did you stop listening to those people or never listened to them to begin with? What information and facts lead to your conclusions? This book has no intention of infringing on anyone’s “belief systems”. You are free to ‘believe” whatever you wish. Consider, however, that advances in our society are developed from evidence, facts and data applied to hypothesis that create the theories by which the world continues to evolve and develop through advancements





technologies where we are able to live our lives in more comfort, but also the development of ideas and social understandings, which move us to lessen our rigidity of fallacious statements, rooted in bigotry, toward a more humane interaction with all of life.




MY LIFE AT NO COST TO OTHERS WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT Seems easy enough but it comes with enormous response-ability, as all freedom does. Each person needs to understand what it means to be response-able to each choice made; what it means to be held accountable, taking ownership of the choice made.

Living this concept creates an

understanding of contracted agreements. Consider, if you will, the idea that when you enter into







contractual agreement. Whether it is marriage or some other form of commitment, you and the other individual are agreeing to be part of something, in essence: consent; contract. You go to the grocery store, pick out your items and then consent with the retailer based on the items and the value they hold to you as to whether or not you want to purchase those items.

You contract

and consent, mutually. If you value the item more than the dollars in your pocket, you are willing to pay for that item. This purchase is in self-interest.


Examine the idea of your life at no cost to others without their consent; in essence, a contract of agreement. The non-productive of our society live their lives at a cost to others without consent. If charity seeks to fund such non-productivity, then freedom to make such a choice is fine as each person donates freely; they contract and consent to fund those who won’t seek self-reliance. However, when funding is through legislators and the use of pluralistic tax dollars, then without consent is exactly what is happening; we call this stealing, doesn’t matter who does the stealing, it’s still called stealing. Doesn’t matter why or what your intentions are, it’s stealing. Every choice you make in life will have a consequence. If that choice is at a cost to others without their consent, then once again, the far reaching outcome of that choice laying itself at the feet of others without their consent, burdens a society toward an obligation for something they did not agree to participate in.


How are your current choices at a cost to others without their consent? Are






entitlement? Are you forcing the cost of education upon segments of society that has no self-interest or investment in you or your child being educated? Do you lobby for your representatives to allocate money toward your state or city in order to apply for projects other than infrastructure? Do you support your fellow Americans bailing out anyone with pluralistic tax dollars for personal choices






themselves? Do you support abortions that are funded with pluralistic tax dollars? Would you support the courts enforcing ideology onto its state or nation rather than adhering to the Constitution?


Do you seek to be offended and thus create attempts to silence those in opposition to your subjective opinions? Do you support voters deciding the fate of civil liberties







disenfranchising others? Do the courts “legislate from the bench” only when the opinion is in opposition to your own self-interest? This is an exploration for you, not just of subjects, but how those subjects affect our greater society when we live our life at a cost to others without their consent, toward our own personal self-interest. Your own personal self-interest is of no one’s concern or care.

Your price tag of that personal

self-interest at a cost to others without their consent is of one’s concern and care. Evaluate your own life where this formula actually plays its part, apply it to all areas of your life and the life around you; examine where you’re dropping the ball, because…well… you are.


Whether you admit it or not you avoid your own personal accountability and ability to respond by not being able to self-evaluate your own life and then self-correct. As such you then thrust upon society your choices in the form of imposed subjective ideology – without consent. You impose your personal morals and values, derivations of those morals and values, onto others without consent. This process of evaluation isn’t just about “feelings” and “emotions”, as these charlatans would have you believe. These liars that tell you it isn’t your fault; you’re not responsible; your childhood is to blame; the nation is to blame;

the politicians

are to blame; big

corporations are to blame; greed is to blame; WalMart is to blame; there are rights you have; someone else is to blame for your plight in life. The bottom line is that you’ve been fed a load of crap for decades by people with personal agendas


and self-interests for whatever reasons, who thrust this garbage upon you and society. How do others seek to control, by taking away choice. By blaming they are removing ownership of personal choices made by you which resulted in the outcomes of your life. behavior



Others encouraging this





dependence in you, toward them, much like a parent and child, hoping for continued support of their vacuous causes; these people are frauds. Yes, there are those people who are born into unfortunate circumstance, it’s not the circumstances in which you were born; it’s how you respond in the face of those circumstances. Look around you and observe how circumstances are constantly changing; life is constantly changing, developing and evolving. Should those born in the 1960’s be considered at a disadvantage because they didn’t grow up using a PC for doing their homework like those in the


millennium? As such are they entitled to some form of compensation? ~ EQUALITY IS ABOUT OPPORTUNITY ~ Perhaps those individuals make a choice to take over managing their lives and go learn how to use a computer, thereby increase their base knowledge and skills in order to compete in the free market. In other words, get it together because no one owes you anything for the time and place you were born. You cannot choose the parents you were born to, the living station you were placed or the era in which you are born. Like genetics, you get what the slot machine gives you and you do with it what you can. Who taught you the idea that you were entitled simply because you’re alive? What was their selfinterest in this lie to you? Is a parent accountable for placing you in the circumstance to which you were born? Absolutely! Are you accountable for your choices to pull yourself out of that circumstance? Absolutely!


After reaching the age of reason, said to be around 8 years old, as this is why one stops believing in Santa Claus, (alternatively, in my case, no Santa Claus and my dad will never be Batman), you are accountable and must take ownership of your choices and you must be response-able for those choices. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.







perceptions of life in order to manipulate you for their own self-interest. What is that self-interest? Do yourself a favor from this point forward, turn around and run from these people at the soonest possible opportunity. They are frauds and have their own self-interest in keeping you victimized and believing the lie that you are not capable, response-able or accountable for your





disadvantaged; you deserve; you’re entitled. It’s a lie. Those who think themselves entitled are not.



Instead, self-evaluate your life. Figure it out – selfcorrect. Take charge and create the life you want to live from this moment forward. ~ YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER CHANGE UNTIL YOU STOP BEING A VICTIM IN YOUR LIFE AND A VICTIM OF YOUR CHOICES ~ As we explore subjects we’re going to apply these ideas and see where it takes us. Some of the things we’ll discuss will challenge your views, perhaps views that you’ve held for a very long time, perhaps a lifetime. Not willing to examine your life? Why are you reading, then? If you’re willing to jump in and take a solid look at your life’s choices, then you might just be able to drop the victim mentality and move forward, be accountable for your choices, be response-able and enjoy your life like never before. For some, you’ll stop being a pain in the ass to everyone else. If you apply these concepts to EVERY DECISION in life you will eliminate discrimination and victimization instantly in your life. Imagine if everyone did the same.


It will become apparent that every decision made is one that you then must be able to respond to and take ownership, be accountable. Any excuses, rationalizations or justifications are mere weapons by which you extort, shakedown or otherwise steal from your fellow citizens whether they are Americans or not. Step forward; step up and reveal yourself for the person you are, the person that would infringe on another’s freedom and choice to live life toward personal happiness - especially when that choice is at no cost to you without consent, save maybe your opinion, which frankly, isn’t worth much except to you. Guess what?

That’s what everyone else thinks

about everyone else’s opinions, so don’t take it personally. ~ EQUALITY IS OPPORTUNITY ~ AN ENTITLEMENT IS YOUR SHAKEDOWN ~


EXAGGERATED VULNERABILITY Exaggerating your vulnerability is to place yourself into the false reality of a childlike existence. It is the basis for you understanding that this has caused you to believe as you believe regarding your victimization. You were at one time a child who was vulnerable but you are no longer. You are an adult, a teen, a senior, a woman, a man, who must make choices based on your reality. The exaggerating of vulnerability is what drives behavior toward victimization as the individual is seeking survival at any cost, even the cost of others. This exaggeration is built on the idea you are incapable of managing yourself or your choices; it is simply untrue. Consider the person’s nature who would teach you such a thing; what is their self-interest in keeping you in such a state?

Consider the person who

would want to keep you dependent or attempt to invoke fear within you?


Let’s face a hard fact: in this life all humans are vulnerable – to everything. You are vulnerable to toxins in the air, in your food, in your water, on the ground. You are vulnerable to the elements of wind, rain, snow, hurricanes, and tornadoes.

You are

vulnerable to animals that run wild. Everyone is predator; everyone is prey. You are vulnerable to cars, boats, cycles of any kind. You are vulnerable to people, in what you reveal about yourself to them and to what they can do to you through action. Again, it’s the exaggeration of this vulnerability that plays on in your mind creating an exaggerated fear: “you






governance”. Again, it’s simply untrue. There is no such thing as vulnerability to words; it’s all in your mind.

There is a distinction of

vulnerability through action and those of perceived words. You decide if someone has power over you or the ability to “hurt” you through words. The words themselves are meaningless unless you give them meaning; you placed value on them, that’s why it’s


subjective and rendered powerless unless you choose to make it so. Action is what you are vulnerable to from others, especially when it’s without your consent. When a politician says he’s going to pass a law that says you can’t get married, it’s not his words that make you vulnerable, it’s the action of passing the law and then enforcing it rendering your freedom and choices as limited. When a preacher tells you that abortion should be outlawed, it’s not the words that you are vulnerable to it’s the action of gathering congregants to pass laws to subvert your personal freedom and choice. When legislators decide that you must turn over your hard earned dollars to Social Security rather than letting you manage finances on your own, they are taking away your personal freedom and choices to direct your own life in retirement years. When an activist group tells you that the debate is over and a consensus has been reached about our environment





demanding your money to fund their personal


agenda, then they are taking away your freedom of choice. When Obama tells you that healthcare should be universal and that pluralistic tax dollars are going to have to pay for it, they are taking away your personal freedom and choice to contribute or decide for yourself if you even want healthcare coverage. When a politician doesn’t support a Fair Tax Law they are taking away your personal freedom and choice.

The current tax law is forced payment

rather than consumption tax.

Consumption tax

allows you the freedom to choose goods and services in your personal self-interest. When anyone invokes something as moral beware that individual for they seek to indoctrinate, control and manipulate; they wish to impose their ideology onto you; their behavior is anything but moral and they are taking away your freedom to decide for yourself. The only solution to end your vulnerability is to make a choice for yourself: the choice of personal action.


By resisting the idea that you are vulnerable to others in any capacity means you are able to walk away from any given situation that is not enriching your life, based on the criteria you set for yourself. You walk away from the relationship that doesn’t support your idea of enjoyment.

You walk away

from the job that doesn’t get you the salary you want or the advancement you seek. There are no rules to life about how to live your life. Exaggerated Vulnerability is the canard of those who seek to keep you childlike and subjugated. Question those who seek such ideas and thrust such ideas upon you or the greater society. Again, it is only for self-interest and personal gain that an individual would grant him or herself such arrogance of fortitude by deciding for you how your life ought to be lived. Each area under discussion approached in this book will continue to request of you to seek that aspect of the subject matter by which you perceive yourself vulnerable, thereby a victim, leading to


absolution and subversion of responsibility and accountability for your choices. Why do people turn to astrology, the supernatural, religion, tarot cards, and fortune tellers: because they feel vulnerable and are looking for answers. In the face of this vulnerability they will seek out any form of parental succor by which to alleviate the angst from within. Someone to turn to in order to comfort and save them from the reality they now face from the choices which forged their situation. No one can save you from the reality that is you, the reality of your choices and the reality of the outcomes in your life. You will do nothing if not leave this experience of reading knowing that every move you make in life you now consciously make the choice to either victimize yourself or empower yourself. Every choice moves you either toward something or away from it. The choices are up to you. Whatever you choose, you’re not exaggerated in vulnerability.


MORALS The debate in our world over morals is one of significance when understanding the concepts placed before you in this book. Morals are derived from many places in our lives, throughout



synonymous with values.




When we speak of

valuing something we speak of the morality of it. We value life and thereby have lifted it up to the pedestal of morality, thus judging it as right or wrong. However, what if you’re wrong? (You are, by the way) What if morality, historically written in story form to get a point across to others, was nothing more than an individual’s personal view of how to live one’s life? What if morality was nothing more than the value that an individual places upon anything in life? Would this not be subjective? Would this not be personal?


Let me help you out here: it is personal. How can we agree as a society to hold one person’s value over another person’s value, and say “you’re right” and “you’re wrong” without infringing on their freedoms and choices? Each person will read the Constitution, derive many things from it and interpret it as it fits his or her personal self-interest of wanting ownership by which to impose on others. Unless you are able to narrow down any discussion to the smallest aspect that reflects objectivity, you are doing yourself and the world a disservice toward development. The challenge is to read the Constitution and break it down for yourself to understand, “what is the most objective statement that is being conveyed and how does it advance humankind”? ~ “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” ~


In order to understand and assimilate the concepts of freedom of choice within our Republic, you are compelled to reduce the amendment to nothing more than an objective statement that reflects the concept of civil liberty, freedom and an individual’s personal pursuit of happiness outlined in our Declaration, for which the Constitution upholds such governance. To do otherwise is to impose your subjective viewpoint by which all others are to subjugate themselves. When our Constitution states that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, what do you read and understand? At its most basic precept, in the most objective manner possible, the amendment is stating that under no circumstance may your civil liberty, freedom happiness


choice be



personal by





establishing a religion or preventing you from participating in a religion of your choosing.


The statement is clean. Your government, without prejudice, wants all its citizens to uphold freedom for each




themselves – that’s it.



Nothing more.


You can

attempt to read further into it if you like but you would only be dismissing the statement as it stands and as it was written. We don’t need to know the founding fathers’ ideologies, their religion, their personal views of life, their personal philosophies of life, whether they liked red meat or vegetables; it’s irrelevant.

They de-

personalized both documents to allow individual freedom of choice. The only reason an individual wants to know such things is to attempt to establish an ownership by what is being said and construe the meaning to support his or her personal subjective philosophy, self-interest and agendas. The Constitution is about more freedom to people, not restricting it. Who are the people who want to restrict freedom? Those who want to control you. Do you want to be controlled? someone to control you?


Do you need

If Madison wrote this amendment and you believed him to be religious then you will attempt to project and place upon him the intention to write this statement as one of endorsing a governmental religion or at the very least, allowing the nation to have prayer in school or teaching Creationism in science classrooms. This is your personal self-interest that reads this idea of endorsing religion into the First Amendment. It’s all a game to control. Every choice and every move you make in life is rooted in your own personal self-interest. Everything you do, say, act upon is your own personal self-interest – the car you drive, the job you choose, the relationship you’re in, the friends you have, the food you eat, the person you vote for in elections. Your personal self-interest cannot be at the cost of others without their consent.

“Who says?”

government says. Your Constitution so states.



More importantly does not your own desire for human liberty scream out to you? Or is freedom only to those you deem worthy? The nation is built upon the pillars of law and governed as such. The nation was founded upon the ideas of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

If you are free to make your own

choices in life of how to live your life then you need not infringe on the civil liberties of others who are doing the same. When your freedom to make a choice infringes on the civil liberties of another’s freedom and choice, then we create laws for such actions and call them consequences.

No law will stop a person from

doing something that he or she is hell-bent on doing, but it will provide a consequence for doing so. If morals in society are rooted in what we value, then what we value will differ from one person to the next. Since this value is subjective then how can it be that we would place our personal values above another individual’s personal values? How is it that


we elevate ourselves in the face of others who exist in this world? Typically we call that arrogance. Our Constitution seeks to allow the most freedom possible for personal choice to include everyone in our nation. How, then, can we place our desires and subjective philosophy of life upon others without infringing on their civil liberties? Do you deny the freedom to think & act in self-interest if it is in opposition to our own? This is a hard reality to face but face it nonetheless, you must. Your personal ideology of life is infringing on another’s civil liberties, freedoms of choice and pursuit of happiness every time you think yourself correct and demand that others be brought into compliance with your narrow thinking, whether that be law, vote or mob mentality. We no longer are a free nation when we espouse such rhetoric.

We are now moving toward

totalitarianism and instead – “you must think and believe like I do or your freedom is forfeit”.


Unfortunately for you there will come a day when your views are overpowered by another point of view that seeks to have its powerful ideology imposed on the greater society, then where will you be? Will you be willing to surrender your freedom of thought, freedom of choice, freedom of liberty, freedom of your pursuit of happiness based on a vote, on a law, some legislation or mob mentality? My guess is, no. We allow the ever-changing zeitgeist in our society to occur naturally. We take on new ideas when we know more.

We explore for ourselves, we self-

evaluate and self-correct as a society and as individuals. Some people do not change their minds in the face of facts before them, it doesn’t change the facts but they are free to remain in this mental holding pattern harboring their ignorance toward personal selfdestruction. Morals have changed throughout our history. These “morals” are controls. If you need to be controlled by them, no problem, why must you want others controlled by them or your personal morals chosen


to guide your life? Why must everyone agree with you? If laws prevent others from infringing on your personal choice toward deciding what morals you want in your life, then why do you care if someone chooses different morals? Again, you must reflect that you want to control others and their behavior for whatever personal selfinterest you seek. It’s why so many have conflict with religion because as our society changes and shifts to new levels of knowledge, the old ideas of how to behave become more and more meaningless.

Certainly some

people value certain behaviors over others and no one is telling you differently how to hold those values. However, your civil liberty to believe as you believe cannot infringe on the civil liberty of another to NOT believe as you believe. Nor should your beliefs be imposed onto others because a constituency of people happens to believe the same.


Again, when your group is out of the majority and another is in the majority, you will be on your knees praying for our Constitution and its rule of law to uphold freedom, choice, liberty and personal pursuit of happiness so that others will not bully you. Shared value of a moral does nothing more than show agreement of contract between the individuals who happen to agree, so what? If we value certain morals in our society but each person defines for him or herself what those values are personally, then how can we possibly think that we hold the authority on what is right or wrong for another individual, because we vote on it?

Because we

invoke “majority”? Because we bullied a minority into submissive thinking? We live in a nation where we are compelled to acknowledge civil liberties of our fellow human beings, not just in this nation, but in all nations throughout our world. We are a pluralistic society. We are obligated to the developmental idea of stepping back, allowing freedom, choice, and personal pursuit of happiness for each human being whether we agree with their personal choices,


values or morals. If the principle of choice is your greatest freedom and freedom is made law through our Constitution, then taking away choice is taking away freedom, thus infringing on the very civil liberty acknowledged for every human being, thus defying our Constitution and the very foundations of our nation. Your challenge is to allow others freedom to make their personal choices outside of your opinions or distaste, by doing so, you pave the way for yourself to make free choices outside of the opinions and distaste of others who would not otherwise agree with you. Every time you infringe on the civil liberty of free choice of someone else you are making a target for your own back for the time will come eventually when the tables are turned and someone will infringe on your civil liberty to decide for yourself a personal choice you hold sacred or desire to pursue. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all life is equal.


To understand that all life is equal across the board, that equality then is simply opportunity; then makes sense of our Declaration, “we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal…” That they are endowed by their creator is simply acknowledging that each individual will make this subjective personal choice of deciding who his or her “creator” truly is in this life. It may be your god, your parents, a test tube. Who cares? You decide. Defining “creator” for people is taking away their freedom to define it for themselves.

Let them

decide; why do you arrogantly think you know best for another human being how to define his life? There are no moral absolutes in life.

The mere

statement of absolute can be defamed by evidence to the contrary. Even if no evidence was available, it would still infringe on the freedom of others to be able to think and act differently than you. We can say preserving life is a moral absolute, but what then of war to defend and protect?. What then of defense of one’s property or life?


The absolutes of being born to freedom and death are certain to every living thing that comes into this world. To make choice does not elevate our status or







observation that we make choice. Knowing that your freedom to make a choice is supported by the nation’s Constitution only upholds this freedom which is self evident. Additionally, with freedom comes an enormous accountability to be response-able to this autonomy you acknowledge as being self-evident. Your choices in life are nothing more than your choices – when broken down to the clean objective statement of observation, your choice is simply a matter of one option over another; you chose red instead of blue. Each choice directs your life in the manner in which you have individually decided you would like to experience it. This speaks of nothing regarding value; these are merely choices you make on a moment-to-moment basis. The values you place upon those choices are what create your feelings regarding those choices.


These feelings are personal.

These are private.

They belong to no one else but you. If you decide that a choice you make creates an emotion you call “good”, you can then determine for yourself that the rest of your life should endorse such a feeling related to that choice; you may then decide that this choice and feeling is one of moral value to you. You may think to yourself, “Every time I assist an elderly person I feel good”. You may develop the moral value that helping the elderly of our world is one that everyone ought to share. However, not everyone does share this view. Because they don’t share this view, does it make the moral value you chose for yourself any less valuable? Do you believe that because you hold this as valuable that others who do not are immoral or that they just don’t hold your moral value for such action? They just don’t agree with you, so what? If you were choosing a partner, perhaps similar viewpoints are what create companionship to you. What if we were to suggest that skiing was a moral value in your life.

Would you then believe that

everyone who doesn’t hold skiing as a moral value is wrong? Do you only believe that morals, which


induce reactions within yourself toward emotional satisfaction, are ones of value when humans are involved?

Alternatively, do you extend this to

animals? Birds? Trees? Flowers? How about all living things? What about non-living things? Why do we choose humans by which to extend this moral value?

Why do some choose animals to

extend this moral value? Why don’t you extend it to flowers? Perhaps it’s because we only extend this idea to those things by which we believe share our emotional sense of the world.

The reality (the

choices before you) is that you decide to what and to whom you extend your moral values because you have chosen them personally for yourself and deem them worthy of existing and acting upon them toward






happiness. You are all the more thrilled if someone else believes as you believe and elated when a constituency believes as you believe. What happens if someone doesn’t hold your moral value of something? Is he or she wrong for such transgressions in your mind? What if it were your


parents or a loved one who didn’t share your moral value of something, does it make that individual less valuable in your life? Can you only bestow liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness to those with whom you agree? So, people are free to agree as long as they agree with you? Does your own sense of human liberty toward yourself toward desire for personal freedom of choice, lead you to allow freedom of choice to others whether you agree with them or not? When do we decide that your freedom to make a choice must end? Guess what?

It’s when it infringes on another’s

choice and is at a cost to others without that individual’s consent. We don’t like to think that our morals and values are subjective.

We don’t like thinking this is a truth

because it surrenders all ownership of choice to the individual, thus compelling you to be response-able and make your choices at no cost to others without their consent.


Further, it dissolves your authority of ownership to impose on others.

It renders you powerless to

control and manipulate others into submission of your personal desires for behavior. It eliminates an authority over others to control them. It reveals that you made choices in the face of circumstances you placed yourself. You acted on your own behalf for your own self-interest rooted in your ideology of living this subjective life. You made personal choices from ideas you considered right, wrong, good, bad, moral, immoral, valued or devalued. Your self-interest is unmasked and revealed. If it is bigoted then it is revealed as such.

If it is

discriminatory it is revealed as such. The nature of who you are from within ends up being revealed to the world without protection or shield – it’s all about you and who you are in this life. It scares you because you think others will make choices which will affect you.

Your attempt to

control choices only makes a situation worse.


If laws were rooted in the idea of action at no cost to others without their consent, upholding personal freedom and free choice of an individual, then why would you be scared or worried? You think you’re going to stop people from making a choice you have distaste for, by having a law? Deterrent, you say? For some, yes, for others, no. It doesn’t advance your argument for taking away freedoms of others. Pluralism in our society exists. Each individual must decide the life they wish to lead, the outcomes they wish to experience and all done through the power of individual choice. In order to have this choice one must be free to make the choice. Freedom must be acknowledged in order to allow the choice that acts in one’s self-interest. pursuit is all your own. ~ LIMITING CHOICE IS CONTROL AND MANIPULATION ~



Who has such knowledge in our nation to declare the limit of your choice in your personal pursuit of happiness? Who is given license to decide for another individual a choice for which they would otherwise make free of imposed ideology? Who decides the quality of life? If morals are a guide by which you decide what is good and what is bad, by stating what is right and what is wrong, then how do you decide what is right and what is wrong? Where is your derivation for such decision making? What is the source of your derivations for these morals, these rights and wrongs? So, you’ve decided to define right and wrong from your source. However, this is subjective, is it not? There are billions of sources by which others are obtaining their personal morals of what is right and what is wrong, how do you decide that their derivations are not just and right for them?


Do you then say that those who “agree” with you are the ones who are “right”? Is “agreement” all that is required? Agreement then is the criteria for taking away another’s freedom of choice which does not cost you a thing? Are you implying that your source is a bible, perhaps? To endorse your god, your bible and your version of the bible is to discredit all others, their versions, their gods, their derivations of such. This is not living your life at no cost to others without their consent if you are forcing others to believe as you believe. You can claim, “Well, they believe in a god, so it works”. But what then of those who don’t believe in a god at all, are you then admitting bigotry and discrimination of others who think differently than you? This is why morals are subjective; personal unto the individual and are in no way a gauge for living one’s life except for the individual who decided them.


If these morals happen to agree with another person’s morals, so be it, if they agree with large groups, congratulations. Keep in mind that this only speaks to the number of people who agree, so what? The civil liberties of the individual must be upheld and protected to believe or not believe in as much as that individual is not living life at a cost to others without their consent. Your comfort is not a “right” and you have no jurisdiction within law to impose your comfort. Think about the type of human being who would make such a claim and demand submission of action and thought, simply for the comfort of self.


ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY You are free to make any choice to the pursuit of your own happiness. Our world is replete with the “rags to riches” stories regarding success.


world is replete with stories of self-destruction. Both scenarios are a matter of personal choice. ~ DON'T CONFUSE A DIFFICULT CHOICE WITH NO CHOICE AT ALL ~ DON'T CONFUSE UNDESIRED CHOICES WITH NO CHOICE AT ALL ~ LIMITING CHOICE OF ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL IS AN ATTEMPT TO MANIPULATE AND CONTROL FOR SELF-INTEREST ~ THERE ARE NO INTERESTS THAT ARE NOT SELF-INTERESTS ~ YOUR LIFE IS WHAT IT IS; REALITY IS THE CHOICE OR CHOICES BEFORE YOU FROM WHICH YOU MAKE A SELECTION ~ We have defined “reality” in life in so many different ways. The next time you watch a news program or some editorial program, listen for the number of times people use the phrase, “the reality is”; it’s astounding.


What’s more astounding is how so few of them even understand what the heck it is they’re saying. Reality? Hers?

Whose reality?




Which reality are we focusing on and by

whose standards and criteria are we evaluating these observations? To start to understand reality you first have to understand that your personal reality presents choices, the ones that lay before you. There’s no value to this reality. holds no morality.

It holds no significance.


It holds nothing more than

observation of options before you by which you make a choice, whether the choice is desired or not. Your action of making a choice sets the wheels of life in motion. From the moment you awake in the morning, without thinking you immediately make a choice – to get up, sleep longer, make love to your partner or stay in bed. Every choice you make is your personal selection, no one can take it from you and no one can save you from it.


The mistake often made by others is that someone else is responsible for the choice made; someone forced you into a choice you didn’t want. No one forced you into anything for which you did not make a choice to place yourself in the situation; the circumstance you find yourself is one where you consented by the mere fact you made the choice to be there, essentially you consented. ~ WHERE YOU ARE IN LIFE AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT WAS FORGED BY A SERIES OF CHOICES YOU MADE ~ Your reasons for a choice don’t matter. If you were molested as a teen, raped as a woman, beaten up as a kid, shot by a gang member, swindled by a scam, ripped off by car salesmen, robbed by the thief – the “reality” is that you made a choice in each of those situations to have it go in a particular direction by how you responded in that moment. You made choices to place yourself in the situation. All life is trial and error. You may not have liked the direction, the outcomes, or the choices before you. However, as harsh as it


may sound, you still had the power of choice to place yourself in that moment in time and to respond or not respond as you did. Whatever motivation you had to make that choice is irrelevant – you are accountable and must be able to respond.

Seeking “motivation” is seeking an

excuse. ~ DON’T CONFUSE A DIFFICULT CHOICE WITH NO CHOICE AT ALL ~ DON’T CONFUSE UNDESIRED CHOICES WITH NO CHOICE AT ALL ~ “Desire” is simply another subjective personal value placed by you.

“Difficult” is simply another

subjective personal value placed by you. We’ve have an entire society, which seeks to undermine you being accountable and responseable for your choices.

Resist this at every

opportunity. The only way you will ever dismantle your victimization is to face the choices you’ve made and reconstruct your life as you want it to be. This is not to say that others didn’t attempt to infringe on your personal freedoms to make choices for yourself. However, what did they do without your


consent? If you were there, you made a choice to be there; you gave consent. Further, you become accountable for not holding others






response-ability. Why? Because in society’s selfinterest,








personal upholds

freedom and choice for all. This is how a society self-evaluates, self-corrects and develops over time. ~ WITH FREEDOM COMES RESPONSE-ABILITY ~ THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A CONSEQUENCE – FREE LIFESTYLE ~ A great example is someone who has an opportunity to go to college but gets married instead and has children. While this is one choice in life, the individual still needs to take ownership of the reality, which is to say, the individual made the choice to go down one road rather than another. The implications and outcomes are vast and expansive; far – reaching. Each day, one choice leads to a multitude of other choices.

It’s not to

place value judgment on the choice, as only the individual can do that, but to point out quite


candidly, that if you choose one road then you have not chosen other roads. “I chose to get married, have children and not further my education. I am now 40 years old, my husband has cheated on me, my children are grown and I have nothing to show for my life.” First, the individual must take ownership that marriage was more important than education. Second, the individual must take ownership that children were more important than education. Third, the individual must take ownership that she chose the wrong relationship or stayed with this man beyond the initial desires for one another which resulted in action away from the relationship by the husband. Let’s remind ourselves about relationships – you either move toward someone or away from someone based on behaviors and choices with one another.

Every choice to move toward someone

increases the experience; every choice to move away from someone decreases the experience. The value of the experience is yours to personally decide.


A man who “cheats” on his wife has long before made choices to move away from her and the relationship once pledged; the “affair” is simply the outcome and the outward symptom of the problem that had already developed. There are those small signs along the way that each person chooses to ignore; take ownership of your choice to ignore what you observe.

This means

having to admit to yourself, that you made the choice, for better or worse, to head down a particular path. The individual that seeks to blame another is the person not likely to be living life at no cost to others without their consent and wanting to be seen as a victim. If you rationalize or justify your observations from the beginning of your relationship, then who can you turn to for accountability except yourself?


owns the choices made every step along the way but you? ACCOUNTABILITY Taking ownership of your choices will be a challenge, mainly because too often you want to relinquish the decision - making process to


someone else or at least relegate the decision to some influence upon you. The “reality” is that you made the final choice whatever it was and whatever the outcome you must now respond. Consider the idea that mortgage rates are at their lowest levels ever and buying a home is easier than ever. You, however, are working as a waitress and barely making it on your hourly, plus tips. Some mortgage – guy encourages you to apply because you can easily qualify for a loan based on certain structures that won’t make your payment too high now, but later on, when your income is sure to go up. Payments will be similar to your rent right now with the added benefit of getting a tax write – off. Now, you’ve done the math and if you were to not increase your income you would never be able to afford this payment when the balloon starts to inflate 5 years from now. This mortgage person is very persuasive. He talks about how smart you are, how easily you will find work that will undoubtedly double your income. He smiles that crooked smile, looking like someone who just – stepped – out – of – a - magazine and you think to yourself that it might be possible for you to


sign this contract, especially with your emotions and chemical reactions running so high at this moment of rationalization and attraction. There’s a small voice from within that keeps reminding you that you are so far away from getting your degree. How would you possibly get that done, work this job and still be able to get your income levels up that would be needed in order to afford this house. The mortgage person leans into you, he whispers in a way that strikes at the heart of your fantasy of someone taking charge, knowing what to do.

He speaks to you in a way that makes you

consider that if he asked you out, you’d go. Save me from my struggle; my reality. What has this got to do with accountability? Take ownership that you allowed yourself to be influenced by whatever factors were involved, to make a decision where you are compelled to be response-able to the choice. This is only one situation whereby someone is not paying attention, is confused, distracted or acting on


“emotion”. There are plenty of other scenarios to cite as examples. Before you know it you’ve signed on the dotted line and now you have a choice for which you have to be response-able. Are you ready to be response-able to this choice if you lost your current job today?

You took

ownership when you signed – you are accountable; you own it. Are you ready to be response-able to any number of household situations that could arise after your purchase, such as water – heater issues, flooding, air-conditioning unforeseen?





You took ownership of the choice

when you signed. Are you ready to be response-able to the fact that you have a 1-bedroom apartment with barely any furniture and this is a 3-bedroom, two-story home that will require lots of furniture and accoutrements? You took ownership when you pulled out your credit card. You get the picture.


Are you response-able? Who signed on the dotted line, the mortgage representative or you? You took ownership when you signed. Were you influenced by the representative? Only as much as you chose to be. You took ownership of the choice when you made it, irrespective of influence. You could have easily made a different choice. Whatever your reasons are, no one cares, nor should they. Whatever your best intentions, the fact remains that you took ownership and now must be response-able. Your life at no cost to others without their consent. To do anything other than empowering yourself is surrendering as a victim. Rationalizing is making excuses to not take ownership and not be response-able.


While it may be easy for others to attempt to make excuses for you, consider that they are only insulting you by alleging that you are incapable of making choices for yourself that work for you. Those who make excuses for you seek to elevate themselves at the cost of your personal integrity and self-development. They desire to increase their own lack of esteem by making your situation one of charity.

They drive toward absolving you of the

accountability for your choices and rendering you helpless, moving you toward forced dependency. What could fill your mouth with disgust more quickly than another human being thinking that they hold the answer for you more than you hold it for yourself, by taking ownership of your personal choices in life; the direction of your life? Run from these people as quickly as possible. Do not look back and do not contemplate the perceived loss you think you may encounter. For the loss of such individuals in your life is the gain of selfrespect, dignity, confidence, self-reliance, selfgovernance, independence and the power of productivity toward success for your own selfinterest of survival.


“What if you didn’t know you had a choice?” Question the person who would pose it. How would people come to think they had no choice? By being taught that the individual is not in control of his own life and others are better equipped to decide, in essence, keeping the person in a state of childlike existence; forced dependence. Attempting to absolve someone from such ideology of “maybe they didn’t know they had a choice” doesn’t negate the action of decision (choice) which leads to outcome.

Even to the extent someone

doesn’t make a conscious choice, is still itself a choice, because life will continue moving forward irrespective of your intentional participation. ~ NOT MAKING A CHOICE IS STILL MAKING A CHOICE ~ If you believe within your mind you make bad choices, it doesn’t absolve you of having made those choices.

It’s not

some “erase-erase”

childhood game. Not paying attention to the outcomes of your choices so as to self-evaluate and self-correct the


next time a similar situation presents itself still belongs to you. You victimize you. No one does this to you No one forces it upon you. You victimize you. Our society has developed over the centuries to deciding for itself that which behavior is distasteful. Not because we personally don’t like it, but because it is at a cost to others without their consent; it infringes on their civil liberties. We no longer treat minorities with contempt, unless you happen to be of such nature that you cannot rise above your own ignorance, which is just another choice. We no longer accept the subjugation of women or of beating children into submission. The tolerating of infringing on the rights to one’s pursuit of happiness in life is not acceptable.


The taking of another’s life or liberty is inexcusable and absurd. Is this not why our nation was founded – so that all could seek personal freedom and choice? Have we not, through trial and error, made choices for which we now wish we had not? It is astounding to see the number of people who think that their personal distaste for any behavior ought to be outlawed, especially when that behavior is at no cost to others without their consent. Look at the many people that would have you believe that your capacity to take accountability for your choices, to empower yourself, to gain greater human liberty and generosity of spirit toward your fellow man/woman, is something to step back from. As though you should cower away from your response-ability, to look the other way while the man beats the woman, while the dictator gases his people, while the army of thugs chops off the heads of those who oppose.


Who are these people who refuse and will not be accountable to the self and force you to participate in such transgressions of humanity? These are your friends, your family, your teachers, your grocery clerk, your politicians, your leaders, and your current president.

They are the very

people you look to for guidance or community. These are the people who believe in simply ignoring the cry for freedom and that the ability to have choice in life – is not worth standing up for. ~ THE CHOICE TO DO ONE THING IS THE CHOICE NOT TO DO ANOTHER ~ The choice to sit back is a choice to not take action. The choice to stay stagnant is the choice to not move ahead.

The choice to be victimized is the

choice not to empower the self. What you own is your life.

Material items and

people will come and go throughout your life, but your life is what it is, yours and no one else’s. Do you truly want to give it over to someone or something that makes your choices for you?


RESPONSE-ABILITY Any choice you make must carry with it the ability to respond to the choice.

You have no idea what

outcomes may be forthcoming.

However, that

doesn’t absolve you of having to respond and to do so at no cost to others without their consent. If you are not able to respond to the choice that may present itself to you upon having sex without protection, then don’t make that choice. If you are unable to respond to the choice of having to raise a child at age 14, then don’t make that choice. If you are unable to respond to the choice of a mortgage balloon payment, then don’t make that choice. If you are unable to respond to the choice of divorce whereby you must make your own way in this life, then don’t make that choice. If you are unable to respond to the choice of raising a child without obligating society, then don’t make that choice.


If you are unable to respond to the choice of being elected and remaining unbiased when creating laws and legislation, then don’t make that choice. Are you able to respond to the choice of living your life with no insurance? Are you able to respond to the choice of taking drugs? Are you able to respond to the choice of getting married? Are you able to respond to the choice of overeating? Are you able to respond to the choice of your vote? Are you able to respond when a nation attacks your own? ~ ARE YOU ABLE TO RESPOND? ~ This concept is very simple: don’t make a choice for which you are not willing to take ownership, especially if you are not response-able to the choice at no cost to others without their consent. LIFE COULD NOT BE MORE UNCOMPLICATED The problem gets created with subjectivity; imposing personal viewpoints as though they are writ; ideology; thinking you hold license to infringe on the


rights of others because you think your way is the only way or the right way. Your personal reality will always be the choice or choices before you by which you will need to make a selection. Daydream all you want but what’s in front of you is what your reality is at that given moment in time. Once a choice is made, you own it; the choice belongs to you. Being response-able means being able to make further choices forged by the one you just made. If I can’t support myself independently from another person, then I have no business getting into a relationship which seeks to “take-care” of me.


your goal is independence and self-reliance, not welfare through government or marriage, then is it upholding your personal morals and values by living in servitude to another? Again, freedom is your greatest asset when it comes to choice: the more freedom you have, the more









experience of life can become. ~ HEALTH = FREEDOM ~ ALL SITUATIONS ARE OF YOUR CHOOSING BY THE MERE FACT THAT YOU ARE THERE ~ There are some situations that morph into other situations by which you had little influence, such as a plane flying into the World Trade Center. But it doesn’t leave you without choices. As difficult as it is to accept, in those final moments of your life, you can still choose what direction your life will end.

Some people chose to jump; some

chose to panic which led to their death; some chose to call loved ones and speak for the final time; some chose to save others and not themselves. But don’t confuse the situation as one not of your choosing, as each person made a choice to enter the building on that awful day. This in no way means that the maniacal, diseasedminded individuals who perpetrated this inhumane act on society are not accountable, as they are, first and foremost.


This isn’t “blame the victim”. If you are living your life by these principles, there are no victims to blame.

What self-interest do

individuals have in calling you a victim? Answer: absolving you of your choice; elevating themselves; laying the ground work for their own hopes of absolution in some future event whereby they can claim victim for not being accountable or able to respond to their choices. However, you must not confuse the facts before you. The reality before you is that all those who entered the building did so willingly that morning. They were thrust into awful circumstances for which they then had to respond. We are not blaming them because this foundation for living cannot exist with a concept of blame. negation of

The term “blame” is itself a

these foundations


it assigns

ownership to another person for your choice. This is about reality, the choices before you and the ability to respond to the choices.

It’s about the

circumstances you’ve placed yourself in by the choices you’ve made and now you must respond to the current circumstances before you.


Get your emotion out of this scenario for a few minutes and look at the reality presented to you. It is only through this non-emotional observation that you can make the leap to understand how to selfevaluate and thus make more accurate choices for yourself in the future: self-correct. ~ FACE THIS FACT: THERE WILL BE CIRCUMSTANCES IN YOUR LIFE FOR WHICH YOU ARE NOT HAPPY ABOUT HAVING PLACED YOURSELF. IT’S NOT THE CIRCUMSTANCE YOU’RE IN BUT HOW YOU RESPOND TO THE CIRCUMSTANCE ~ Consider again someone who attempts to keep you or others victimized by forgiving your involvement in making a choice. If you hold to the idea - “my life at no cost to others without their consent” - then in any given situation you can decide for yourself the direction of your choices. ~ EACH CHOICE IN LIFE MADE IS EITHER AT A COST TO OTHERS OR IT IS NOT ~ Any attempt to rationalize or justify your choice is you not being response-able; you’re looking to be saved; looking to be forgiven; looking to be absolved. You are unable to respond accordingly to


any given situation so you now seek “entitlement”, pardon or forgiveness for your choice. Don’t look to others to bail you out; don’t look to others to make up for your inability to be responseable to your choice; don’t look for others to “save” you. No one can save you from yourself; your choices are your reality; you made them; you created the “reality” you now exist within. ~ NO ONE CAN SAVE YOU FROM THE REALITY CREATED BY YOU ~ A helping hand is far different than a handout. A helping hand comes with accountability. Someone extends assistance with the understanding of your increased




independence. When you think of this concept, this is how you raise a child. Sometimes admitting these things can be harsh. It’s not easy admitting you chose to be in an abusive relationship. It’s not easy admitting you ate the entire box of chocolate chip cookies.


It’s not easy admitting that you gambled your savings away. It’s not easy admitting that religion has taken over your life. It’s not easy admitting your own racism, prejudice and bigotry. It’s not easy admitting your deceit, manipulation and control of others. It’s not easy admitting that you contributed to your child’s screwed – up view of the world by which they now must cope. It’s not easy admitting that you chose to walk into that building on that awful day. ~ NO ONE CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOUR REALITY YOU MADE THE CHOICES ~ Once again, your life will not change until you own your choices and stop hiding from yourself. One of the greatest deceptions an individual can have is the deception to the self.


Just because you make that choice to deceive yourself doesn’t give you a free pass. You’re still at the end of the day going to be accountable – to yourself and others, who no longer will tolerate such irresponse-able behavior.


OBSERVATION & INFORMATION We can’t know where we’re going unless we know what we’re doing. There is no way to evaluate the direction of our society unless we know what we are doing through observation of our choices. When you consider the interactions of life, all behavior is merely giving you information by which you can make a choice for yourself. The more information you have the better the decisions for yourself toward your own selfdevelopment and self-correction. When it was discussed earlier in the book about Observation along with Science, what both activities are doing for you is providing information. The more information the more informed you are about the reality, the choices before you, by which you take ownership of the choice and are responseable to the choice, the more freedom you give to yourself.


Let’s look at two opposing and incendiary subjects that affect the political parties of recent: gorebal warming and homosexuals. In observation of the data by which gorebal warming is being promoted, what are we observing?


observe that the data and models by which the decisions and promotion of this “problem” are not available to the public regarding gorebal warming. Michael Crichton once said on an episode of Charlie Rose, that if global warming were a corporation you couldn’t buy it because the scientific community will not let you have due diligence in reviewing its books to observe the soundness of the data collected. If you are unable to view the information by which to gather data then make observations by which to reach conclusions, how could you possibly be making decisions, far reaching decisions and conclusions, without such? Emotion, personal subjective opinion and incendiary language which seek to control and manipulate others by eliminating choice or attempting to silence the opposition, that’s how.


If those that claim gorebal warming as complete to the extent that we know the theory of gravity, then you would, in all logic given the scientific method of falsification, figure the community would bring out the models and the data input to be peer reviewed, studied, replicated and conclusions drawn.


mere fact that this is not happening is consideration for some sort of funny business going on. Now let’s look at an opposing issue for the other side regarding homosexuals and their personal freedoms. The religious in our nation, not just Republicans but Democrats, as well, like the idea of discriminating homosexuals; this is easily observed by putting the civil rights of homosexuals up to a vote. The claim that is often touted is that homosexuality is not normal. What is the criterion by which this claim is made? No one seems to know because each argument keeps changing. If we say normal by looking at the animal kingdom, then it is normal. If we say normal by looking at the human species, one would have to conclude normalcy in as much as it is occurring and under no pressure from any


citizen to engage in such acts; it is free choice to engage in homosexual sex as to the free choice to engage in heterosexual sex – choose a partner and have at it. Now if the criteria be that from the bible, then the passage by which this is claimed must be cited. Indeed, it is often cited from Leviticus. We have a start, thus far. Then such claim of the passage must be examined as to the authenticity of such a claim. Where did this data/information come from and is it objective data/fact or personal subjective opinion written by someone a very long time ago? Turns out that the passage was written by someone a very long time ago, which invariably leads to the next empirical question of where is the evidence to back up the claim from which this statement was drawn? In other words, where is the source from which the claim is drawn so that it can be examined and determined, through the scientific method of observation, data replication and conclusion or falsification?


Turns out, there is no such evidence and no data by which to replicate the source from which the statement came. This leaves you at the conclusion of the statement being subjective personal opinion and not a fact. A fact has evidence to the claim and opinion is just a particular view of life. Even if you were to give credential to your bible’s statement, you cannot live in freedom and not at no cost to others without their consent by engaging in discrimination against someone who doesn’t think or act you do. Examining both of these subjects makes obvious that emotional, along with personal subjective opinion, are what drive these two subjects, most especially. As human beings seeking freedom and choice, we can appreciate anyone’s desire to create a life based on personal subjective decision whereby civil liberties are not infringed upon and life is chosen at no cost to others without consent. Enforced ideology of both subjects and so many others is what divides people and creates extremism


to the point where ideology leads to some thinking that destroying others by strapping a bomb to themselves or destruction of property is the means by which to get their point across, demand subjugation to ideology and enslave the masses. Is this the world in which you want to continue to live? Observation can be objective and useful in providing information to you when making decisions for yourself. If you lack information then seek it out in order to be as informed as possible before making decisions






consequences in your life. The observation of one’s behavior through language used or behaviors exuded, truly give you more information. What is it that you observe about the person who would spit in the street or spit on the sidewalk?

Most view this behavior as socially


Other people have to walk in that

path, children easily seek the unknown and will touch it, animals without discernment will lick it to find out what it is; any number of scenarios.


In this observation of such an individual, what else might you know about him or her? Whenever he smokes he throws his cigarette out into the street, or the gutter, or just drops it on the sidewalk.


leaves his empty consumed goods sitting in his chair at the movie theater. He speaks disparagingly toward women.

His language is limited whereby

expletives are more often used for adjectives. His anger is easily triggered. Are you getting the picture for yourself through this observation? You need never ask a person to reveal something by which your observation can provide full and complete information and confirmation.

Again, if

you don’t have enough information, then you continue to seek it out, but all can be done by the simple interactions that occur between any two people along with being consciously aware and observing. Asking a person to reveal the self is merely triggering the potential of manipulation. If you were to say to me that you dislike it when I look at other men or other women, then I would not do so in front


of you. However, it does not solve the issue of the “looking” to begin with.

If a relationship moves

toward one another or away, do you think “checking” another person out is moving toward you or away from you? Do you need to ask this question? If you do not value this behavior and your partner sees no problem with it, then I’d say you have a conflict of interest; if it’s a deal breaker, move on. Don’t be a victim to the behavior if you choose to engage after you observe it and decided for yourself that you don’t like it. Observation can lead you to understand all you need to know. The simple glance that isn’t about admiration of beauty as it might be when looking upon the Empire State Building or Grand Central Station, or gazing at Jefferson’s Memorial or seeing a great work of art. No, this glance is about feeding off of the flesh of another for satiation of sexual desire. To rationalize the flippant statement of “everyone does that” is to simply observe the individual with whom you are engaging as having normalized a rather abnormal behavior for your tastes. If you are


fine with it, then proceed.

If you are not, then

retreat. You score no points in life for martyrdom or selfsacrifice. If observation has revealed the nature of the individual so you can make an informed decision, then move on. Observation is nothing more than you being the scientist who collects the information by which you apply to your hypothesis: is this situation one I want to continue to engage. Now, it might be said by some that this seems like a long drawn out process that is tedious. In actuality, it happens within seconds, moments, and minutes of meeting another individual or placing yourself in a situation. You do it every day when you’re driving, walking, riding a bike. You






information into your computer for verification, assessment and decision. Now become conscious of it.


You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know what you’re doing. Seek to pay attention to nuances, body language, words, gestures, energy, attitude, humor and a host of other qualities you desire or disdain.


observe it and act on it toward your own selfinterest. Observation will enable you to make decisions for yourself so as to not victimize yourself.


observed something which created a decision in you that was acted on – choice. Now accept ownership of the choice and be able to respond to the choice. Through this observation and information collecting, you can see for yourself the areas where you lack accountability and responsibility for your personal choices and where you take up the gauntlet of these principles for living. Observation





information so you can make decisions. Is the information subjective or objective?



SCIENCE AND OUTCOMES How is the scientific method applied to aspects of life? Science starts with a hypothesis. It searches out data to support the hypothesis. It seeks data to be replicated and outcomes through observations are documented. Science then creates a theory based on consistent reliability about the hypothesis and its ability to be replicated. It is peer reviewed (read: highly scrutinized, sorry gorebal warming fanatics). It is then tested; time and again for accuracy and constantly seeking its own falsification. Science is the only thing known which seeks to prove itself wrong.

When new information is found, it is

introduced, shifted and once again repeatable. Science is about facts, not opinions. Opinions are subjective and personal to an individual. Facts are evidence and observed data displaying an outcome – nothing more.


The value placed on a fact or opinion is one that is totally subjective and personal to the individual. An opinion proved by evidence to be true is no longer an opinion, but a fact. It’s important to understand these differences because it is by personal opinion that many think they hold facts, they do not. Your life is the same.

You have an idea.

search data to support your idea.


You create a

hypothesis by which you replicate your choice of behavior over and over again, testing the idea. You observe the outcome. You repeat it, sometimes for the rest of your life; sometimes for decades; or sometimes you don’t repeat it at all. Understand the concept of action = reaction. You take one action; you get a re-action. You make a choice, the choice has a reaction; a consequence. Am I satisfied with the outcome and consequence of the choice I made?


If you tell someone to shut up and they yell back at you, is this the reaction you desired? Was this the desired outcome of your choice? What about meeting someone for the first time? You find yourself emotionally and physically drawn toward this person. You’re having a reaction within yourself that you are interpreting as “attracted” to the other person. You call this person and he or she doesn’t call back….for days. STOP! Evaluate for yourself the action/reaction: you made a choice to call someone to whom you’re attracted, who in turn didn’t call you back. What is the observation before you?

He or she

never calls back, never leaves a message. Well – THAT’S THE MESSAGE. Get over it. Move on. However, let’s say the he calls and tells you that he was unable to return your call because of some lame excuse and you make a choice to accept the excuse. Reality is the choice before you, so what are those potential choices?


Do you believe the story? Does the story sound plausible? Now ask yourself if you should be even asking yourself such a question at such an early stage of a relationship! At the beginning stages of getting to know someone for a potential dating prospect, should you really be having these questions arise; should you really be questioning a new love interest? If you’re honest with yourself, this person’s behavior is the first sign of things to come. Here’s your REALITY – you have choices before you at this moment. Do you continue to pursue or do you drop this chump like a hot rock. Okay, so you’re bound to make choices along the way that you are just so-so about and you give this guy the benefit of the doubt; you want more information. No problem. Are you able to respond to the choice you’ve made to continue engaging with such a person? Can you accept the outcome from having made the choice to continue to pursue him? I don’t know if you are, let’s see.


So, the two of you make a date to meet. He doesn’t call to confirm the date, shows up late for the dinner, or maybe he doesn’t show up at all. What is your objective observation?

Are you

evaluating the choices of the other person? You better be – someone else’s choices are reflective of what’s important to him; who he is showing himself to be, don’t mistake it as anything other than that fact: “this is who I am” and “here are my priorities”. This person is behaving in a manner of revealing himself to you, are you paying attention? Keep in mind, a person making a choice has a propensity to continue making the same choice. This person is wanting to contract with you, your consent, for putting up with such behavior. Do you want to consent; do you want to contract with such behavior? Don’t fool yourself with excuses for repeating your behavior of the past. YOU HAVE A CHOICE AT EVERY JUNCTURE IN THE RELATIONSHIP – stay or go.


~ ALL RELATIONSHIPS ARE DOING ONLY ONE OF TWO THINGS THROUGH BEHAVIOR AND CHOICES: MOVING TOWARD EACH OTHER OR MOVING AWAY FROM EACH OTHER ~ Finally, during the conversation he reveals that he was away at a party the other night, the very night he was supposed to call and didn’t. Somehow, you seem to think that perhaps you didn’t hear that correctly. Maybe he meant something else. Maybe he was referring to a time before you two met. Now the excuses start pouring in because, well, let’s face it, he has a great body or he has lots of money, or he’s so funny or blah, blah, blah…let it go! No more excuses. Don’t even go there. You’re done. Walk away. In fact, enjoy your dinner, get up, leave and never look back. Why waste anymore time.


Every interaction from this point forward is only the “noise” of this pattern getting louder and louder. The questions to ask: am I listening? Can I hear it? How loud does it have to get? ~ HEALTH = FREEDOM ARE YOU FREE TO WALK AWAY? ~ People making choices rationalizing behavior, all the while adding up the pluses and minuses columns, end up losing 20 years to a set of moments that they didn’t want. Justifying the choice of staying because it’s “not so bad” or “he only beats me 3 times a week” or “he only drinks on weekends” are all choices. Are you able to respond to such choices at no cost to others without their consent? It’s almost ridiculous how often people will not selfevaluate because of some distortion of reality (choices). What choices do you have? You have the choice to leave or stay. If you’re really stupid, you’ll start to argue with this person at dinner, extort an apology or excuse and then teach that person, implicitly, how to manipulate


you from this point forward by revealing what your weaknesses are, how to recognize them and now how best to manipulate them in the future. Wow! You really are stupid. Stop being stupid! Be smart. Self-correct. Evaluate your reality as to whether or not the choice provides the outcome you desire.

If you don’t like the outcome then make

another choice in ANOTHER direction. What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If you know the result (hypothesis to data to conclusion), why are you pursuing it? What selfinterest do you have in this pursuit? Scientifically you’re on the right track. You had an idea to date someone. You obtained data.


made a choice. You then observed the outcome; you then made another choice. You then observed that outcome.

You made a final choice; more

observation and more self-correction.

It can’t get

much easier than that. If you want to place value and morality on the choices, go ahead, how does it advance your experience of life by constricting your


freedom and labeling something that you are merely experiencing life through choice and action? Every time you obtain new information, utilize the information toward self-interest of moving toward health = freedom. All choices you see as difficult are only difficult because you’re rationalizing the choice. Rationalizing a choice is attempting to not take ownership of a choice.

You’re bound to blame

someone or something else if it doesn’t go the way you desired. This is an indicator to you that you’re going down the road of being a victim.


attached to an outcome and won’t let go of how it’s “supposed” to turn out. When it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted, then what?

You can’t control

others unless you intentionally limit their choices and even then you can’t control all choices. There are times when you consciously make a choice knowing that you’re rationalizing the choice. That’s fine. Just don’t think that someone else is responsible if the outcome doesn’t go your way.


~ YOU ARE ALWAYS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE CHOICES YOU MAKE. YOU OWN THE CHOICE ~ RATIONALIZING IS AN ATTEMPT TO EXCUSE YOUR CHOICE ~ All actions have reactions. All reactions are calculated as valued or non-valued by you.


decide. Understand this about your choices: the values you place on those choices are just that – YOUR VALUES. Just because it agrees with someone else or a group of people doesn’t mean it’s anything more than your personal subjective OPINION of the outcome.

A hero of mine once said, “Don’t take

refuge in the false security of consensus”. Lots of people thought the earth was flat. Lots of people thought Blacks were inferior. Lots of people thought women had no rights and were subjugated to men. So what, it means nothing except a lot of people weren’t very developed in life. They had the ability and choice to act otherwise but chose not to; instead, they chose to limit freedom of others. Once again, science is not about opinions, it’s about facts; start looking at the facts of your life.




FREEDOM It’s surprising to me the plethora of people who do not seem to understand what it means to have freedom. Moreover, it’s disappointing living in the greatest nation in this world whose foundations, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, are the very concepts and desires to be free, live free, and die free and yet so many wish to take these freedoms from you from within this nation. Time and again people want to impose their particular view of how life should be lived onto others and infringe on these valuable freedoms and civil liberties. Let’s be clear about this – your freedoms of actions end when you infringe on the freedoms of others. You may have distaste or disgust for someone’s choices in life, we all do. However, it does not negate the fact that you are not entitled to infringe on another’s freedoms where their choices are at no cost to you without your consent. Freedom gives each individual the opportunity to decide how this life should be lived. Without the freedom to choose the direction of our lives, we are


bound to whims, desires, and restrictions of others; controls, manipulations and regulations. This is not to say that we don’t create laws in our nation by which we live in civil society in an organized fashion. Laws are created because they must enact consequences for another person infringing on our civil liberties and freedoms. Laws are an answer to the diseased mind that doesn’t assimilate health = freedom. It’s truly no more difficult to understand. Not all laws are appropriate and a simple review of the over – abundance of laws on the books will reveal this statement to be true. Do we really need a law about smoking in a public place? If the owner of an establishment wishes to invite those who smoke to purchase his goods and services, why is that our business?

Why is the

owner not free to make that choice for himself and his customer?


If the restaurant wants your business and you don’t smoke, then the owner must decide between the potential of business that it will receive by those who smoke and those that do not. If one outweighs the other, the owner should be the one to decide, not you, and not by bully votes through initiatives on election ballots. “But their smoking is at a cost to my comfort”. Well, that’s too damned bad. You don’t have an inherent “right” to infringe on another person’s civil liberties for your personal subjective comfort. “Who the hell do you think you are?”, as my mother would say. Find a restaurant or bar that supports your desire to shop or eat amongst non-smokers. We can claim all we want about second – hand smoke, etc. but it ultimately comes down to choice and why is your choice given more weight than that of the smoker? The choice of the smoker doesn’t infringe on your freedoms of choice or civil liberties. You are still free to move about the world and avoid smoke and



No one is stopping you.

Find another

place to eat or shop. If you want to be more technical about it, since smoking in a private business or building is living life at no cost to others without their consent, smoking outside on the sidewalk or street, actually is infringing on others.

Since streets and sidewalks

are a product of pluralistic tax dollars, it would figure that this behavior would be outlawed on government property established for the people and paid for by pluralistic tax dollars. It is in your self-interest to encourage as much freedom as possible without it infringing on the rights and freedoms of others.

Why is this so

important? As our world continues to develop we continue to develop as individuals.

We create new ways of

living. You may want to participate in some of those advancements





Disallowing freedoms makes you a victim to those who think they know better than you, who will decide for you whether or not you can partake of these new innovations, inventions and advancements.


The Internet is one of those ideas that has unlimited potential. However, there are factions in our society that want to regulate what you can and cannot look at, listen to, what sites you can visit and what you should think about these sites. Your life at no cost to others without their consent. You may dislike and have distaste for any number of things in life but we’re not going to create legislation for your personal taste or desire to live your life under a specific philosophical idea. Yours is just one way of viewing life and this view is bound to no one but you. In fact, you do yourself a huge disservice in life by adhering to one idea of how life should be lived and then spouting off about it all the time. You give up the opportunity for yourself to change your mind when new information becomes available. You paint yourself into a corner of revealing a selfinflicted hypocrisy of judgment by which others will most rightly point to your incongruence. Stay open to other potential ideas; surprisingly it may turn out to be something you wish to adopt in order to enrich the experience of your life.


It’s what religious people do all the time. They get involved in religion, fancy themselves with some knowledge of enlightenment and then start yakking to everyone how they aren’t living their lives according to someone’s version of history. Slowly life reveals it’s ups and downs, the person is faced with any number of challenges that fly in the face of what they have fused to their existence in terms of mandates and they have no where to turn to resolve it. Now






justifications come. Now the excuses come. Now the cherry-picking comes.

Now the entitlements

come. Now the hypocrisy comes. How about the “ex-anything”, the person who stops smoking,




Suddenly they’re the expert telling everyone how to live their lives. We all know how much we love that, don’t we! By the way, this same argument is applied to gorebal warming people, just replace religion with gorebal warming and there you are – same ideological argument with subjective personal opinion.


Do yourself a favor and stay open – minded to the many options out there for living one’s life. Believe me, you don’t corner the market on how best to live your life.

Your opinion is but one of billions and

holds no more importance or value than any other. Careful of thinking and espousing something for which you cannot possibly know or prove through observation of facts and data. Even if you could prove something does that mean you want to take away another person’s freedom to think differently than you if their choices are at no cost to you? Allow freedom to embrace your life. The freedom in your life, guided by the ownership of your choices and the ability to respond to those choices, can only lead to more freedom in your life, greater potential of enjoyment and a full sense of enrichment. After a while, your moments of sadness will simply be that of knowing we only have a limited amount of time on this earth by which to explore, experience and enjoy. Remember to ask this question when approaching the idea of freedom: is my choice attempting to manipulate and control others by limiting their choice or choices?


If the answer is yes, you better rethink your choice. You can proceed if you wish, of limiting another person’s choice, but keep in mind that this is a choice you are making, you own that choice to limit and you will have to be able to respond to the outcome of that choice. If you make the choice to control







consciously. ~ NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU FROM YOUR REALITY CREATED FROM YOUR CHOICES ~ Any time you attempt to not give a person a choice you are forcibly manipulating and controlling them. Yours is a self-inflicted liability created by choices for other priorities in your life. Are you prepared to respond to the choices you are making? Are you prepared to accept the outcomes of your choices?


CHOICE Choice, as we’ve explored, is the reality placed before you –the choices that you can observe. You are compelled to select one evidenced by what is in front of you. You may think, “I don’t have to make a choice” Realize that the choice not to choose is still a choice. Life will keep moving whether you make the choice to participate in your own self-interest or not. Action = reaction. Inaction = reaction. Life does not stand still; time stands still for no one, once said. Think of it in election terms.

You dislike the

candidates who are being presented. You make a choice not to select a candidate by an abstain vote – not making a choice. A candidate wins and your city, state, or nation is turned upside – down by the idiocy of this elected official. Your choice not to choose still helped create this outcome. Another hero of mine once said, “You are responsible for what you do and responsible for


what you don’t do” and its idea is still relevant today and always will be. Understand for yourself the importance of your own personal choices and the choices of others. You may not like or agree with other people’s choices but so what? Without the power of choice, a person is imprisoned in such a manner that future choices of distortion will surface – rooted in oppression. Think about how you feel when you discover you’ve been manipulated or controlled by another person. Anger is most often the feeling and word used to describe the revelation. I can also think of expletives that get expressed at this discovery. Now it can be said that you allowed the person to manipulate you and control you, and that would be correct because you paid little attention to the choices before you. Nevertheless, it is within this revelation that you discover that your choice was not taken away as much as you allowed someone else to limit your choices.


Don’t victimize yourself by claiming that you weren’t given a choice. ~ DON’T CONFUSE A DIFFICULT CHOICE WITH NO CHOICE AT ALL ~ Nothing raises anger quicker in some people than that of limiting choice; constricting freedom. As our choices increase in society the jockeying for our attention to those choices will increase. As our desired attention from products and services increases, so too, will jobs, wealth, and incomes. These are great things. There is nothing wrong with having more money. If you think there is something wrong with having more money, you’ve never had more money. Money is not a zero sum game; there’s lots of it just waiting for you to enjoy. Your choices decide the path or direction toward obtaining it or not. No one else causes you to be poor but you. Your ability to make a choice about how your life is directed, either by the desire for wealth, the desire for education, the desire for comfort, the desire for entertainment, the desire for enrichment among the top one million desires, is about the most important


empowerment you can possess.

Do not take it

lightly and do not squander its opportunity. Careful the choices you make, the circumstances in which you place your moments in life to be lived and experienced. Time is linear and there is no getting back the time spent frivolously on attempts to control others, manipulate others, be controlled by others, and be manipulated by others. Don’t waste this time or the choices being proffered at any given moment. Careful the moments you place from your life, be sure they are enriching to you. There are any numbers of examples to observe regarding choice, let’s pick one: Healthcare. You make choices your entire life of how to eat, sleep, exercise, and what you place in your body for fuel, for energy, for nutrition. Now you want others to pay for your personal healthcare.


You make a choice of what type of education you’re going to receive. You make a choice about which career to choose, which degree to achieve. You make a choice about where to live to seek employment. You make a choice about which company to work for and what salary to accept. You make a choice for the benefits package at your employment. Now you want others to pay for your personal healthcare. You make a choice about how much to cram into your life to the exclusion of other activities that may increase your health and well-being. You make a choice about what foods to place in your mouth.


You make a choice about where to spend your dollars. You make a choice about entertainment over savings. You make a choice for the big screen, surround – sound system to the exclusion of stashing cash away for a rainy day. Now you want others to pay for your healthcare. Just because something like healthcare exists in life doesn’t mean you’re entitled to it. Just because something is expensive in life doesn’t mean others should pay for you to own it. A Porsche exists.

A Porsche is expensive.


doesn’t mean I’m entitled to one and neither are you. “But healthcare is a necessity”. Well, then I suggest you get yourself a J – O – B and start earning the money by which to support your desired life style.


Let’s face the reality. You have to work awfully hard in this life to NOT be productive and to not direct your attention toward success and achievement. You are free to be lazy and unproductive, but no one should have to pay for your choice to do so. Live your life at no cost to others without their consent. The only “rights” you have are outlined in the Constitution and none of those rights are defined by products or services. You are free to be a contributing member of society or one who doesn’t contribute at all. Think about a baby in its development.

As you

watch that child grow and learn, it seeks further growth and learning; constantly looking, trying, testing, tasting, exploring, choosing, creating. It is our culture that seeks to stultify this exploration and production for its own self-interests. What are those interests? They can vary from culture to culture. What’s important is raising consciousness


to such stultification and voicing your opposition to it. Certainly children need guidance until they are able to make decisions for themselves.

That’s your

response-able behavior as a parent for taking ownership of the choice to become a parent.


are responsible for your child. Moreover, you thwart a child’s growth toward productivity in life when you do not allow choice which stimulates observation of trial & error. You teach your child accountability and responsibility, self-evaluation, conscious action, self-correction and self-reliance when you allow your child exploration. Don’t accept from others the lazy unproductive life that seeks to cost society. Those that want to lead the unproductive life, let them have it, but do not enable it.

Do not endorse it.

Do not support it.

Moreover, especially do not give money to it. The example of Healthcare is but one of many situations in life whereby others seek to hand you the bill. Don’t pay for it. Put away your checkbook, your credit card, your paycheck, your wallet and


say, “no”. Demand that others are accountable for and able to respond to their choices. Stop letting people off the hook. Every time you give your dollars to inaction on the part of others, you enable them to continue to extortion.

Life at no cost to others without their

consent, places the burden of productivity on the individual. How do you think this nation got started? It didn’t get started by handouts, but through productivity, innovation and a desire for a better life – a more enriched life. Understand this about letting people off the hook – the reason you or others make this decision is rooted in only one of two options. Either you think yourself superior to the individual – deciding what is best for this person or you want to be irresponsible in some future situation. Your hope is that someone will look with favor and pity on you for not being accountable for your choices and not having been response-able for those choices. You want to be saved from your choices. Or perhaps both!


Your scam is a sham and we’re onto your game. You are free to choose any direction, any action, any word, any deed, any shoe, any shirt, any hairstyle, any clothing style, in a nation that does not seek to restrict this freedom. Do not, however, do it at a cost to others without their consent. It must be said of this concept that a cost to others is





to comfort


satisfaction, for it is not. Your comfort and satisfaction is an action of your own pursuit of happiness.

One person’s comfort

may be another’s burden. Again, you may have distaste for someone’s choice of






identification, if they choose to have an abortion, eat spinach, join the military or any number of choices you can name. It means nothing that you care or don’t care for these choices only in as much as the choice does not infringe on your freedom to live your life free from the imposing of their standards upon you; their choices upon you.


~ LET EACH CARE FOR SELF AND ALL WILL BE CARED FOR ~ In other words, if you feel that homosexuality is wrong, sick, twisted or against your god’s will, then I suggest you don’t be gay, act gay, engage in gay behavior. It’s as simple as that – nothing more. Infringing on another’s civil liberties is when you decide that the choice made by another that doesn’t agree with your own, is at a cost to you without consent.

Thus, it should be outlawed and/or

punished. Killing someone is an infringement of civil liberty. Why? Because it takes the life of someone who did not consent to such a transaction.

If the person

said, “Please shoot me” and you did, she decided for herself that decision by which you consented. This is why we don’t allow children to be molested and go unpunished, it’s an infringement. We don’t allow rape to go unpunished, it’s an infringement. We don’t allow stealing to go unpunished – except when it’s your government stealing your money and calling it tax revenue, of course.


Resist this notion to demand that your personal set of values, rituals, ideals and standards are meant for everyone – they are not. Live your life in the harmony of your own creative process by which comfort and satisfaction are your personal aims throughout life and by which all choices you make represent such outcomes. Do not proceed to think you hold a moral authority on anyone other than yourself. The individual in dichotomy of thought to your own is not costing you anything that you are not willing to pay. The cost of your freedom to live your life as you see fit, is worth it to allow others to live their lives as they see fit.


ABORTION Now we are going to apply this formula to a variety of very controversial topics. (That’s funny, what have we been talking about so far?) Abortion is afforded to every woman who has the freedom to make a choice of whether her progeny should be passed on or not. Cessation is a choice as are any other number of choices placed before a woman who is pregnant.

This is reality – the

choices before you. Attributing emotional rhetoric to a blastocyst is just that: emotional rhetoric. Live your individual life at no cost to others without their consent. ~ ALL LIFE IS EQUAL ACROSS THE BOARD ~ Let’s repeat that: all life is equal in value across the board. Life begins at conception.


Any placement of value to life, however great or small, is a personal subjective opinion. Killing of life is killing of life, be it fly, bird, snake or child. Your subjective derivations of “value” from a source, whereby you utilize that definitive to place upon any life, are personal and subjective. Because it is agreed upon by another does not lend it credential. Because it is valued by another does not lend it credential. Killing jihad; good. Killing your neighbor because you disagree; not good. Killing rabbits for coats; good.

Killing your dog

because it used your rug for a toilet; not good. Killing deer for sport; good. Killing your cat for sport; not good. Killing chickens for sustenance; good. Killing your prairie dog for food; not good. You get the point; hopefully.


Those with the self-interest of said scenarios must determine subjective opinion of good and bad, thus act in self-interest for safety, comfort, sport or sustenance. We rationalize moment by moment which life to end as a result of convenience, comfort, safety, mercy or discourse. We all would like to see women and our society develop over time to the extent that more personal accountability and response–ability be exercised when it comes to the conservative nature of one's body and the understanding of choice. Until then, we will continue to support and endorse a woman's freedom to choose how to manage her own bodily functions.

Education will increase a

more accurate choice to the sustaining of life rather than the ending of life. The human race is evolving in self-discovery and developing more comprehension of this subject. Some will continue to choose abortion; some will not.


When we start obligating society to an individual’s personal choice, we have a problem.

Forcing a

woman to have an abortion or forcing a woman to abstain from an abortion is eliminating choice and infringing on the civil liberties of the individual to decide




correction. Additionally, if people would learn the stages of embryogenesis it would help remove the imaginary ideas that keep perpetuating that a "baby" is being killed. It is LIFE that is being killed. Which life, the value of that life can only be determined by the person taking the life. Recent research has uncovered that the fetus is classified as a parasite; a harsh reality for those that wish to call it a baby when, in fact, it is not. Understand the nature of a parasite is to feed off of, to inhabit, or otherwise rely upon the host for sustaining life. This is the reality, folks, irrespective of your derivations of definitions by which you place


value upon any given life that exists or potentially will exist. For an amazing description of this process and understanding, I refer you to Gil Mor’s brilliant piece in 2007, “Pregnancy Reconceived”. Much is being done in the way of furthering our understanding, comprehension and self-discovery. Education always



of knowledge.

Ignorance is usually what causes people to make inaccurate decisions – ignorance of self and choice. Abstinence – only policies decidedly keep children ignorant of their body’s natural processes along with their choices. drugs”?


Remember the 1980’s “say no to how’s





Education leads people to more accurate choices for the individual self. Shaming and admonishing people to then create deceptive behavior and hide their actions is not propagating understanding whereby an individual can make a more informed choice.

It merely

teaches the individuals how to manipulate and deceive.

If pressed further it will lead people to

enact laws for others to mind their own business.


Yes, it would be nice if people were more responseable with their bodies; yes it would be nice if more people understood the far-reaching consequences of such choices; yes it would be nice if they would find other choices for engaging in various sexual activities, but the fact is that sex feels good and we enjoy it. Teach people about their personal accountability and response-ability regarding their bodies and let them make their own choices.

Will they make

inaccurate choices? Some will. So what? Be there with wisdom about resolving those choices with options rather than dogma or your subjective ideology of life.

Support self-evaluation and self-

correction. Have you made an accurate decision out of every choice in your own life? Have you not experienced your own trial and error? We do not absolve or save someone from the choice made. You cannot save someone from their reality –that of having sex and becoming pregnant. It was a choice, now where is the ability to respond?


Furthermore, do not distort the reality by not giving full information of potential choices, for doing so once again, engages in control and manipulation whatever you think your “good” intentions might be. Again, let’s look at our concepts: Accountability – you are accountable for engaging in any physical activity, which could lead to having a child or any other outcome such as HIV, STD’s, etc. Sex is a huge undertaking for an individual.


only are you accountable to yourself and a healthy reality, you are now taking ownership of raising a child; educating a child. Are you ready for such a task? How will you respond to any number of sexually transmitted diseases or HIV?

Will you look to

yourself to resolve these issues or pick the pockets of your fellow citizens by obligating them financially to your personal choice which led to this outcome you are now living? Responsibility – once you decided to engage physically, you are now compelled to be responseable for the action and what it creates – either


pregnancy or cessation of your progeny. Why am I using that terminology? Because that’s what it is. The term abortion is utilized as some emotional Molotov cocktail to throw into an otherwise honest intellectual conversation. A person will choose more accurately when more education of the various options available is given, not withheld.

Is it your misperception that less

information gives a person more opportunity to make an educated decision? You will only withhold information or strike fear in others because you are attempting to control their behavior. Those who endorse free--market choice understand the idea that free choice creates more accurate choice for the individual. Choice – you now have the power of choice in your life to decide whether or not you want to have your offspring come into this world at this or any other time in the future. There are a myriad of reasons to have a child and just as many to not have a child. The bottom line will always be to those who oppose your choice: they are trying to manipulate and control a power that they are not entitled to as it’s


your body; your decision. And yes, it is your civil liberty to make personal choices about your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. If you think there is a soul in a blastocyst, then you’ve got a lot of explaining to do and even more troubling – how do you prove such a scientific fact? Why go down such a subjective road except for yourself? Why is it that you feel the need to control others and their choices? Let’s be clear about this subject and the killing of life – we do it all around us, everyday. We kill life to support our comfort, health and wellbeing. We kill life for pleasure, for sport, for food, for fear, for any number of reasons. All life is valuable across the board. We choose subjectively which life we will keep and which life we will end. It’s worth repeating and reminding. If you think that your religion gives you the right to tell another person what to do with her body, then you’re not following the principles here within of


Choice, Freedom, Accountability and Responsibility – your life at no cost to others without their consent. You infringe on another’s civil liberties toward selfgovernance and self-reliance.

Even the Christian

doctrine constantly states that god gave life and then free will (an oxymoron if ever there was one). If a person has such free will, then why would you attempt to step on that free will to impose your free will? If all in life is in the hands of your god, why are messing around with another’s choice? Won’t your god take care of it? Is it not between that individual and their defined god? ~ FREEDOM OF CHOICE IS ALSO FREEDOM FROM YOUR CHOICE ~ If you believe that your religion does not like abortion, if you get pregnant, by all means, don’t have an abortion.

The question to ask: who’s

minding your business while you’re so busy minding someone else’s? If it’s not your body; it’s not your business. Much of this could be eliminated if people would rally for women to purchase the Morning After pill over – the – counter and without a prescription,


along with all other forms of contraception.


would allow a woman to make the decision for herself immediately and without needing to be accountable or responsible to anyone but herself – not you, not your religion, not your version of god – no one but herself. We allow people to self-diagnose their own illnesses and then self-medicate with any number of over – the – counter drugs every single day.


when a woman finds herself pregnant from not having utilized protection, the whole world has to step in and tell her what to do. How far should we take this unsolicited advice? As with marriage, get governments out of this issue by not supporting it with pluralistic tax dollars.


someone gets pregnant she can turn to her community to pay for it. Charities are replete with various organizations that can fund and support these situations. In this way, no one’s personal ideology need be infringed upon by directing pluralistic tax dollars


toward a personal choice of another American. Live your life at no cost to others without their consent. Charities inherently give consent by the nature of their acceptance of those who seek their support and assistance. Will some children die?


Lots of children,

adults, animals, plants and anything else “living” dies everyday and for far – lesser reasons, so stop jumping on your sanctimonious soapbox.

If you

don’t get your ego out of the way, you will never fully embrace your life, your choices and freedom. If sperm is a living organism (and it is) then why don’t you take issue with people killing other organisms in their bodies? Why are you not taking up the issue of those who seek to destroy ecoli, certainly it’s living and no different in value to the sperm, unless you’ve placed personal value onto one thing over the other – then it’s subjective and not a fact. You don’t hold a “truth” as much as you like to think you do. It’s understandable that if you’ve built your life on the foundation that there is a “truth” handed


down and you’ve been attempting to manipulate, control and infringe on others your whole life with this ideology, that these concepts will be tough to overcome that ideology.

It’s a choice you either

make or don’t make. You will still be compelled to take ownership of the choice since that is a reality – the choices before you by which you choose one and act on it. One more time, while you may have distaste for someone’s choice or decision, do not infringe on the civil liberty of someone to make that choice when that choice is at no cost to you without your consent. A woman who is developing in these terms of accountability and response-ability will continue to choose more accurately whereby abortion does not become the option because she chooses other means by which to be response-able with her body, either through abstinence, condoms, birth control or the Morning After pill. These are choices that are more accurate because they are moving toward health = freedom, taking ownership of choices and then being response-able to those choices all the while not living life at a cost to others without their consent.


While we’re on this subject of accountability, a man may think himself 50% responsible for getting the woman pregnant.

Indeed, both parties acting

physically with one another it would seem this is true. However, the woman is 100% responsible if she gets pregnant. If two men engage sexually and one of them gets the HIV virus from the other, the person 100% responsible is the person who was on the receiving end of that little gift. You are 100% responsible for someone entering your body. And that is the reality – you had a choice and you made it, you let someone enter your body without protection. If you don’t know what that person’s HIV status is or you don’t use contraception to protect yourself, then you have no one to take ownership of the choice but yourself for having allowed another individual to enter your body without protecting your body; you gave consent.


You can blame others all you want but the reality before you is that you had choices when it came to the moment and you made one choice over the other. No one should be held responsible for your choice, regardless of your circumstance, influences or pressures. When you find yourself pregnant, to obligate a society to the raising your unwanted child is at a cost to others without their consent. To obligate a society to the raising of your child that is handicapped is at a cost to others without their consent. Harsh as this is, it is reality. Make a choice to have your child, whatever such condition of your child. However, do not obligate society by laying at the feet of society the cost for raising such a child.

Look to your church and

charities since they endorse all life at all costs. By all means let them pick up the bill. It is through their generosity and grace that they support you.


If you believe in a god, one that will judge others, then what business do you have judging women who choose to end their progeny now, right here? If you believe that your god will punish others, then by what Constitutional right do you invoke to punish those people now? If you think your personal subjective philosophy holds the truth to something, then you are infringing on the civil liberties of ALL AMERICANS and every human being who doesn’t agree with you. No one holds the ultimate truth to anything.


yourself to superiority by which you think yourself anointed to decide for others what actions they must live by, is your own self-destructive arrogance by which you will eventually fall to yourself. Don’t do it. Mind your business and let others mind theirs. ~ LET EACH CARE FOR SELF AND ALL WILL BE CARED FOR ~


HEALTHCARE Should we decide what you eat? If your food choices will lead to your ill-health whereby Americans are obligated to pay for your healthcare, yes, we should decide as we need to decide our liability of investment. Should we review your activity level? If your lack of activity or the “wrong” activity will lead to your ill-health whereby Americans are obligated to pay for you healthcare, yes, we should decide as we need to decide our liability of investment. By obligating your society to pay for your healthcare, you are revealing to the world that you are seeking an entitlement to misuse your own health. By paying for others’ choices through obligation of taxes, you are encouraging these people to see themselves as victims “they can’t help themselves” to keep them suffering for your self-interest. Your implicit message is “I will save you because you are too stupid to figure it out”.


By paying for others’ healthcare, you create the foundation for an individual not taking ownership of choices as the individual is unattached to the outcome and not response-able to personal choice with regard to exercise and food intake. If your family has a history of disease, do you think it’s wise then to make choices in your life which exacerbate the disease pattern? If your family has such a history, do you think it is wise to make choices to purchase a wide-screen television instead of insurance to manage your health in an emergency situation? You decide in your life on a moment –to – moment basis, how your life will be experienced and expressed. You are certainly free to eat all the Ding Dongs you want, however, when such personal choice then obligates society to pay for your healthcare as a result of your obesity, then you’re infringing on your fellow American’s freedom to live life at no cost to others. Eat the Ding Dongs, just stop asking Americans to pay for them or the result from having eaten them.


Science has created and developed through a multitude of research, how the body works best, what it needs in terms of fuel for energy, how to work out for greater results along with a plethora of other options for taking care of one’s health and well – being by making choices. Yet every year we continue to hear about the levels of obesity and how Americans are fat; how much we eat. It remains the reality that you put the food in your mouth.

You don’t exercise to expend

excessive energy within the body that seeks to lodge itself into your gut.

And who made these

choices? You did. If you smoke, drink, use drugs, engage in high – intensity activities along with any other life – threatening







Americans are obligated for your choices? If you prioritize your purchase of an iPod over having insurance of some kind to take care of yourself in any situation, aren’t you making a choice to not have insurance, instead? And you want to obligate society to pay for your basic needs of insurance?


~ YOUR LIFE AT NO COST TO OTHERS WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT ~ Our government should not be in the business of such






opportunity to take ownership of your choices, encouraging self-governance. You must be free to discover your own trial and error when it comes to your health. There is too much readily – available information for any individual to claim ignorance. As you would have no one tell you what to stuff in your face, then you would have no one tell you how to get rid of your excess weight. As you would have no one tell you which shirt to buy, no one would tell you which exercise to enjoy. As you would have no one tell you what car to purchase, no one would tell you which insurance policy to buy. You can decide these choices for yourself. Thinking only your particular view of life is relevant, right or common, such that everyone ought to live


their life by it, only imposes your “creed” on everyone. You cannot know the quality of another’s life by which to live it. You cannot know the standard of another’s life by which to experience it. There are those in our society that are busy with their lives. They are taking care of themselves and do not wish to be imposed upon to purchase insurance.

They have other priorities.


people understand their ownership of such choices and can be response-able to life’s surprises at no cost to others with their consent. Why are you compelled to engage in nanny-state like behavior instead of independence, self-reliance, and self-governance? It doesn’t matter if you get cancer or some other disease. If you are not prioritizing your finances and purchasing insurance for yourself, then when those situations present themselves, you will be out of luck. That’s the way it goes.


If your life is valuable to you, why don’t you act like it by prioritizing your choices toward freedom in health, finances, and emotions?

What are you

waiting for? ~ IF YOUR LIFE IS WORTH SOMETHING TO YOU, ACT LIKE IT ~ Are there people in our world that will not have insurance?


It is through circumstance that

they make choices to NOT have insurance; however, this does not give them credential to extort it from others. Let’s explore why a 5 year old isn’t insured by his parent, upon his starting school. His parent(s) are accountable for this choice. What personal choices are they making to obtain this insurance? Should they have had a child if they are unable to provide for








disadvantage, society or the parents? The parents. Who makes choices of where to live; what jobs to take; what expenses to take on? The parents.


Does this mean that the child might suffer? Yes. Until such time the child can take care of himself. Absolving the parents of their accountability does not advance these foundations listed here within. Are there private companies that will subsidize these children, sure and the parents can turn to those charities and organizations. It does not obligate society to take care of this child. There are millions of children and adults alike that are not being cared for, why this child? Why this situation? Do you place “value” upon this life more than someone in Africa who is without all necessities in life? Why? What criteria have you valued more by which you made such a decision? Do you get the point that you placed personal value and then you want to force others to be obligated to your choice and personal value?


For every action there is a reaction and those parents who choose inaccurately will either figure it out or their lineage will die. That’s the reality of life. Trying to save people? Which people? Who gets priority? Who gets to the head of the line? What are the criteria? What are the restrictions? Or do you declare that you are just throwing money at people in hopes it calms and silences those voices. Again, through the grace and generosity of Americans, perhaps subsidies will be given, but a legislator forcing our pluralistic tax dollars toward personal subjective agenda is not the directive charged to our leaders in Washington D.C. Theirs is a directive to uphold the Constitution and seek as much freedom and free choice for ALL Americans. Advancing personal subjective ideology of how you think others should live or what they are entitled to is to negate the foundations of our nation as we are not a nation built on entitlement but on freedom, choice, free market competition.


You voting in someone who is endorsing your socialistic model does not give credential to the choice. The choice is itself taking away the freedom of others to not be obligated to your personal ideology which believes everyone should have insurance. “It’s a right”. When it comes to your health you must take ownership for what you do and what you don’t do. When it comes to your health you need to be able to respond to what you do and what you don’t do. When it comes to your health you need to make your choices at no cost to others without their consent. Everyone can afford health insurance. Whether or not you prioritize that insurance is your choice, no one can save you from the reality of your choices which have lead you to the point where you can or cannot afford it. You would not allow others to take credit for your success in life, so too, you cannot let others pay for your mistakes in life.


RELIGION Consider this: those indoctrinated into religion or those who “find” religion, do so at the most vulnerable time of their life:

childhood or an

emotional event where they lack the ability to manage their lives. Gordon Hide once said, “Error in belief often leads to error in action”. A child indoctrinated into religion is absurd, personal freedoms and choices are taken away immediately and replaced with fear and intimidation if someone else’s will is not done. People who cannot manage their lives from choices forged in life, will turn to religion or god for comfort instead of standing on their own; self-reliance. You are free to destroy your child’s mind. You are free to be dependent on religion or a deity. You are not free to impose it on other.


If you’re a good person, it’s in spite of religion, not because of it. Do I know what the “first cause” was? No, I do not. And neither do you. All attempts by you to “know” this is pure conjecture. Ethereal claims are nothing more than conjecture, which is subjective, as it is only your personal experience, nothing more. Personal experience is not a credential for anything. As Americans, this is one of the most hotly debated subjects of our time.

Perhaps the world over, it

receives such emotional debate that you would think that someone was killing someone in the name of it. As a matter of fact, they are. You cannot believe in a deity and endorse freedom and free choice of another human being. Why?


To believe in a deity is to attribute morals and values to such. If this is for your personal subjective benefit only, then no doubt no American or human being would seek to infringe on your personal freedom to do so. However, if you are utilizing such attributions and derivations of your morals and values, then acting in any manner whatsoever as to suggest that others follow you reveals that you have lost freedom of your own self and will impose the loss of freedom onto others through shared suffering.

If my life

sucks or I have to have controls, so do you. To








government to support your personal subjective ideology






regulations and controls; a very liberal – minded ideology to be sure, rooted in the disease of the mind which does not seek health = freedom. While a bible may hold interesting stories by which an individual might derive some value or decisive moral standing for self, it is but one of many sources where such ideas are gleaned. The story of the boy who cried wolf is a fabled lesson of not telling lies; it


does not exist in the bible and yet we can uphold its purpose in telling it to children when attempting to support them in understanding such behavior.


doesn’t stop them from lying, it merely tells them that there are consequences for such choices, some of which they may not be aware. To give credential to your personal deity over all others is fine as long as you allow others to do the same. In making such a choice, you also submit the idea that yours is not the only “truth” out there. Good for you – you’re open to others having their subjective view of life as you have for your own life. If your “truth” is “the truth”, then you’re inherently telling others that you are a bigot to their personal beliefs which do not endorse your own or agree with your own. You misuse such “truth” to impose on others at a cost to them without their consent. If your “truth” is merely subjective and personal, then you submit to the fact that all religion is therefore subjective. This is of no issue at all, for it is a fact: all religion is subjective. However, are you willing to stop attempting to place your personal subjective ideology onto everyone as


a result when that ideology infringes on the freedoms of others without their consent? Freedom cannot exist where controls, limitations manipulations fear or reward does. Your behavior or choices predicated on any such ideology itself is robbing your freedom.


you make the choice to subjugate your life to such. No one will stop you from doing so. Additionally, you are free to destroy your child’s mind with such limits, controls, manipulations and fears since you believe your children as property to be owned. Are you then taking ownership of this choice to destroy your child’s mind? Are you able to respond to the damage it may cause and the by-product created from their choices and behaviors predicted on such subjective personal ideology? Typically, elevating the self through implicit bigotry toward others is often the behavior that is created among many religions.


Do you believe yourself to hold a truth that since others “agree” with you that once again you want to take refuge in the false security of consensus? So, it must follow then that gorebal warming is true since so many “agree” and consensus has been decided. No one person need have free speech to any contrarian position for they are apostates, is that it? Forget science.

Forget facts.

It’s a matter of

opinion – yours. And it happens that yours is the only one that counts in your world, apparently. You have no empowerment when you relegate to someone or something else. You create for yourself the role of victim – at the mercy of the whims of another to control you, dictate to you and impose their will upon you. The problem with not understanding that all life is equal across the board is that you then elevate human life, attribute your personal and subjective value to life from personal subjective derivations and then attempt to think you know best for others how


they ought to manage their life and pursuit of happiness. You hold in contempt the individual who does not choose your particular view of life, how to manage that life, what’s important to the individual and what is valued by the individual. Understanding that life is equal across the board leads to understanding that equality is inherent in all of life and that freedom and choice become the bedrock of opportunity where life can flourish at the self-interest of the individual, decided by the individual and pursued by the individual toward personal happiness and satisfaction. Those who wish to not be productive are free to be the burden of the parents to whom they were born; obligating to none other than those parents who fostered that child and their diseased thinking of entitlement and dependence. Instilling






accountability and responsibility out of choice – would










for and

However, children who inherit a diseased pattern of thinking from their parents are now thrust into society obligating the society to manage the child – turned – adult. This is shown through adults living their lives at a cost to others without their consent. Additionally,





understandings, the parents have destroyed the child’s mind and abilities toward self-governance, self-evaluation, self-correction and independence. It’s all in someone else’s hands. Leave it to faith. You’re bad unless someone tells you outside yourself that you are good. No need to self-correct for karma will get you in the end. The parents have rendered the child dependent and unable






personal subjective decision, not to be imposed onto others, and objective reason to uphold individual personal freedoms of others. They have made the child a slave to the parents’ self-interest, bigotry and discrimination.

As such,

the parents must now take ownership of having inflicted this onto their child and be response-able to such action.


Society’s obligation to the child – turned – adult is nothing more than offering opportunity toward productivity for self-reliance. If the adult is not productive, the accountability rests in part with the parents who helped instill such diseased mindedness – this is what I call the disease of the lineage. Parents have passed onto their children the very same diseased pattern of thinking which inhibits the child’s free reign of life and pursuit toward happiness, much like a parent passes on other genetics of any nature. It is this pattern and diseased lineage that keeps the developing society in atrophy. It is only through the conscious






themselves the power of freedom and choice – along with accountability and responsibility – that this pattern shifts the paradigm and creates health in the individual and further generations. You will not reach the precipice of “be all you can be” without making this paradigm shift, eradicating the disease of the lineage and seeking self-






correction and independence – no matter how hard you try because only freedom will create this mindset. The child turned adult is still accountable for choices made and must be response-able.

However, it

cannot be ignored that the parents helped place the child in the circumstance. If you are a parent bringing a child into this world who will not have the ability to care for itself toward self-reliance, then you are obligating society to your choice. This is not you living life at no cost to others without their consent. If your church or charity wishes to take on such a burden, no doubt, there is no American who would stop either party from contracting to such an agreement. Asking legislators to take your fellow American’s hard earned money to support your decisions is stealing from them for your own selfinterest.


Christian Nation? America is not a Christian nation. No more than we are a slave nation or women’s suffrage nation. There are lots of Christians here, so what? There are many different types of religious people here. What has that got to do with anything? It doesn’t, unless you are attempting to own the nation by making such statements.

Bullying people into a

“majority rules” mentality takes away the freedom of others. So, if there are more whites here are we a white nation? No, we’re a pluralistic nation. Making claims about the Founders and their intentions is an attempt to take ownership of the nation to impose your specific derivations of life. If you keep attaching god to government you are invalidating the government created based on freedom.

Our Founders de-personalized the

Declaration and the Constitution, because they weren’t about them, these documents were about ALL AMERICANS and those that came here seeking refuge from controls, manipulation and constraints.


If everything is in god’s hand why step in and take care of anything, just let it happen as god will take care of it. Why have laws? God’s hand will step in and take care of it. Why have trials? God’s hand is in everything and god will take care of it. You can place subjective thoughts onto anything and contemplate what the “intentions” were, but simply reading the Constitution and Declaration of Independence tell you what you need to know: Freedom. Imposing your subjective viewpoint onto either document in order to take ownership is your attempt to make the rest of the nation slave to your master beliefs. Conjecture of intention is subjective; it is not objective because it’s opinion, not fact. The Earth is round is a fact, there is evidence to prove such. The Earth is beautiful is an opinion.

To define the

intention of Freedom of Religion is merely to define it so as to take ownership of it; intention is merely your opinion.


In a free market system if we own something we get to make the rules. If you get to take ownership of the nation then you get to make the rules, you get to tell people what they can and cannot do in this life. Is that freedom? Is that living your life at no cost to others without their consent? How convenient then to “interpret” or attribute credential to the Founders for such subterfuge. No one asked anyone to “interpret” the Constitution, it’s in English and we can read what it says. While there may be millions of Americans who are Christian, the nation is not. The nation is a vast pluralism of people who espouse many personal subjective philosophies about how best to live their individual lives and derive personal values and morals. Some have no personal deity at all, what of them? Is making such a claim of the nation being Christian not disenfranchising everyone who isn’t Christian? Why do you get to decide?


Eliminating a voice to all others who do not share your personal point of view is to disenfranchise such people.

When did this become your job?


whom did you say appointed you to such a position? A majority? Shared values? Traditionally?


these your criteria for such demands of subjugation to your religion? Majorities of people thought the earth was flat but that didn’t make it true, it only pointed to the vast ignorance that can, at any time in history, overrule intelligence and FACT. Shared Values? People shared the value of Jews being inferior and we know how that turned out. “Traditionally” our nation infringed on individual rights. Should we put civil rights to a vote and see how it turns out? Women’s Suffrage: should we revisit that and put that to a vote of the mob mentality? If you think the word Creator in the Declaration only means one thing, then where is your justification for


the statement, “All men are created equal”? Should we now then deny women since they are not men, their freedom to equality? I mean if we’re going to be literalists, after all. Our Founders sought to advance freedoms and rights because people were infringing on the individual rights of others, living their lives at a cost to others who did not consent to such infringements. Is it your stance that this behavior is okay if those individuals’ personal beliefs don’t agree with your own? Is this your position in life that everyone has to agree with you, your personal beliefs of religion? Your particular religion? Are you then telling the world that living your life at the cost of their life, is acceptable? Their choices and freedoms are forfeit to your own? So, your position is that of infringing on the civil liberty of the individual in order for you to feel accomplished in your goal of witnessing as your god deems life to be lived, this is acceptable to you?


And if another religion takes over you willingly subjugate to it? Why then do you live in America – since the First Amendment espouses Freedom of Religion – if you insist on imposing your version of religion onto others? This negates their religious or non-religious views and does not uphold the statement, Freedom of Religion. Do you mean to reveal that to you the statement means Freedom of Religion as long as it is “my religion, my god, my beliefs”? If you cloak yourself in the very notion that just because others agree with your opinion that you must be right, you have a rude awakening ahead of you. At any moment you think yourself “right” you make a target for your own back whereby others will challenge your “right” and you will be held accountable







Are you taking refuge in the false security of consensus? If you insist on infringing on others by setting a criterion of majorities, shared values, traditions, then to what or whom will you turn when you are not in a majority, where a shared value or traditions of others seek to have their will imposed on you, regardless of their reasons?

Where will your

protection come from since you set the criteria for infringements? I do not debate the existence of your god because there is no debate. If god exists for you, that’s fine. However, I challenge you to be able then to live these concepts I have written directly and still believe in such ideology. If you are accountable to yourself for your choices, whereby you are response-able to those choices and living your life at no cost to others without their consent, how is it that you need anyone, even a god, to look upon you in any manner of favor or admonishment?. Would you not naturally just do


the “right thing”? Would you not naturally be living your life where generosity of spirit comes forth? Self-evaluation leads you to understand that all choices made are the sole ownership of you, the individual. As such, this accountability compels you to be able to respond to the choice. If the choice is at no cost to others without their consent, this leads to freedom for you, which means health. The more freedom, the more health; the more health and freedom the more you find yourself in the position of being able to support others in ways that bring about educating them on how to live their life in freedom and health, rendering choice.


inadvertently supports generosity as you give a hand up to the individual in need by teaching him or her how to live in self-reliance, self-governance, self-correction and independence. With freedom comes response-ability, agreed? Think of the example of children. Do you attempt to teach them how to be independent so they can take care of themselves, or do you keep them ignorant so they have to rely on you for so much you get to


keep power over them, subjugated to you? To your ideology? A hand up is not a hand out.

A hand out lacks

account-ability and absolves a person from being response-able to their situation.

Every choice

you’ve made has created the situation in which you are now living and experiencing. If you request financial assistance, what outcomes are expected as a result of that assistance? Where will you take ownership of borrowing money and showing your response-ability in utilizing those funds toward gaining health in your living and ultimately, more freedom whereby you live your life at no cost to others without their consent? Just handing someone money with no accountability is you making a choice to encourage others to keep living irresponsibly – since getting work, being productive in society and thus contributing to society does not become their goal. Their life is at a cost to others.


If this is with your consent, everyone should question your desire to keep others dependent on people like yourself. Why would you want to keep people from being productive? Why would you want to keep people doing the same thing over and over again with little efficacy? Are you now willing to take on ownership of the individual for whom this handout is bestowed since it keeps him or her unproductive in society, thus noncontributing? If someone wishes to be enslaved as a personal choice, who are we to say no?. By all means question the master and the enslaved individual’s mental health. You may say that you are accountable to your god first, which is also just dandy and fine, but if so, then are you negating the concepts placed before you in this book? If you are accountable to someone else, you are then empowering something other than yourself for your direction in life, thought in life. If true, you then


make …a choice…to turn your life over to someone or something other than yourself. You do not wish self-empowerment you wish dependency and seek constant direction from this source. If this is the case, now we see why you demand dependency of others as well, since your philosophy is one of subjugation to others – you to your god and others to you. The philosophy of shared suffering. Again, it’s your personal choice to believe in a god, turn your life over to a god, but you do so consciously and you do so knowing that this is not holding you accountable for your choices. You then depend on the word of someone else to endorse your every view of life; your every action or inaction. You







guidance. You rely upon this deity to say what is good and what is not. You rely on reward from this source as endorsement to personal choice. What happens when a choice is made and no reward is forthcoming? No endorsement of said choice?


Every human being ought to question your sanity as your behavior is similar to that of a sociopath. You are incapable of knowing not to infringe on another person’s civil liberties by not killing them, not stealing from them, not holding them hostage, imposing your will upon them – in essence, living your life at a cost of another’s life without their consent if you are not receiving word from your god or version of a bible. You are incapable of any or all social contracts of not infringing on others without consent since you are dependent on an ethereal derivation to guide you. No citizen could render you safe to unleash you on society because you cannot be trusted to draw from within you the understanding that you will not infringe on the liberties of others without their consent. You will, in essence, indulge in self-will run riot.

You cannot be controlled except by your

ethereal guidance which may or may not be available to you at any given moment. He may be busy with other tasks and not have time for you.


You are telling the world that your nature as a human being is not one that knows not to kill another person or to have any self-control. You only know not to kill and steal because your sacred book told you? You admit then that these values do not live from within? What if that deity’s view of life doesn’t agree with your own at some point? What if your bible tells you to








misbehaving? It does, look it up. What if your bible tells you to stone your bride if she’s not a virgin? It does, look it up. Look at any number of passages in the bible that seek the punishment of those who do not hold the Ten Commandments in abeyance. Why are you not stoning people left and right in our society? This debate will never be settled because if you are determined to believe in something, in spite of evidence to the contrary, you’re going to believe.


You’re going to insist that your prayers are answered, even in the face of actual data when observed, proves that every prayer has a 50% chance of being “answered” as does any desire has a chance of happening. When it doesn’t happen then its god’s will, but you have no answer for knowing why, you’re just supposed to have faith. Faith is belief without evidence. If you wish to live your life without evidence, don’t be on a jury. We prefer those who look to evidence to make such decisions. Again, you are free to make this choice. However, your life at no cost to others without their consent compels you to live this derivation for yourself only and no other. Any collective that wants to live it is free to do so, however, when the costs of your choices are at the costs of others without consent, now we have a problem. This isn’t about telling you not to believe. It is about telling you that you are not living with accountability and responsibility where your choices are at a cost to others without consent.

Especially if you are

attempting through the courts and legislation to make others follow your dogma.


Creationism, In

God We Trust, One Nation Under God, any of this sound familiar? Resistance to personal choices in your life whereby account-ability and response-ability are inherent is a self-destructive behavior by which you can then blame others for the outcomes. Not wanting to effort your own life through your choices is what subjugates you and creates the exaggerated vulnerability and victimization you now act out of on a regular basis. Control others, manipulate others by limiting choice, elevate the self into thinking you know how others ought to live, obligate and subjugate others to you – all behaviors of the victim seeking relief of the pressures self-imposed. Enjoy your religion. Enjoy your relationship to your god. If you are to uphold these guidelines from within this book, you are compelled then to stop imposing your religious views on Americans or any human being.


You are held to live your life as you see fit while allowing others the freedom to do the same. Can you? Will you?



It is you wanting to victimize

yourself. Is








organizations, television stations and other entities that seek to isolate from the ever growing mixed cultures of America? If someone were to start a television station called the White Entertainment Television, and you’re Black, you’d be outraged and decry racism. If someone were to start an organization called the NAAWP






Advancement of White People – where would your voice be then? Eric Holder says that no frank discussions are being had regarding racism, okay, let’s have one. Discussing any “issue´ is itself an issue; otherwise you wouldn’t have the need to talk about it, but, okay, let’s have one, anyway.


Talking about racism is your revelation that you are not past your own racism or the victimization you wish to keep indulging in while living in this nation. And as far as the Affirmative Action Program – it’s a joke and unnecessary. If Blacks want to be hired for their ability to do a job, then no such program is needed. Being judged on the content of character and not the color of skin – is this not a worthwhile concept any longer?

When you want special

privilege, which you do, we call it Entitlement. The program itself is racist. It’s racist against other races to give privilege to Blacks or any other minority group. If someone doesn’t want to hire you because of your skin color or gender or any other reason, why would you want to work there? Most likely because you like to be victimized or you want to allow it long enough in order to shakedown or extort from the employer? You like to decry racism. You want to pursue litigious action for your own selfinterest. Why else would you stay? Are you looking for the Litigation Lottery? Blacks were not the only slaves in this world, yet you wouldn’t know it from all the rhetoric.


Ask yourself why someone would hold onto their victimization if not to continue to extort someone out of something, be it guilt, money or power. The woman who is cheated on continues in a marriage or relationship whereby she never fully recovers and always holds in contempt her betrayer. The betrayer never gets past the transgression because reminders, subtle or not, are constantly being brought to the forefront of the relationship. It’s much like original sin, you can never get free from it; you’ll always be bound to it, you will work your whole life to resolve it and always end up on the short end of the stick. Much too, is America and the issue regarding racism and discrimination. America will never be able to resolve this because those that hold America in contempt do so in order to continue the extortion whereby entitlements are propagated. It’s a way to continue to victimize the self, to never take personal accountability and responsibility for actions taken, roads decided, words expressed – choices made.


The recent voting of Barack Obama as president has done nothing except show how racist some people really are and those people happen to be Democrats. How is that possible? Anyone voting for Obama because he was black is just as racist as not voting for him because he was black. It would be like saying that I am voting for McCain because he was white. You would think me racist for making such a choice and expressing it. Yet this is the very nature by which some have cast their ballot. If you are not a Nazi, do you need to express to people you are not a Nazi or do you just live your life as an example of observation for others to see that you are indeed, not a Nazi? How does your behavior and choices express outwardly your inward racism? Stating the election wasn’t about race and then calling it historic is a contradiction. If it wasn’t about race then why call it historic, it would be rather ordinary wouldn’t it?


Nothing of

notice to bring attention to except the issues of a pluralistic America – a candidate speaking to issues which affect all Americans and not just those enveloped by special interest groups who seek entitlements. It wasn’t.

The election was heralded as historic

around the world because it was exactly about race. It will not, however, absolve America of the transgression once thrust upon Blacks because too many in the Black community continue to profit and extort the nation and the world for this unfortunate time in life. All done in order to relieve themselves of





responsibility for choices made. Relinquishing themselves to the power of others and never seeking self-empowerment, they have known themselves as slaves and seek to keep themselves enslaved. They even choose their leaders such as Jackson, Rangle, Sharpton and Obama to continue this misuse of power and continued enslavement to ideology which seeks to stultify progress of the community.





individuals have in keeping you down? What selfinterest might these individuals have in keeping you


in thought to yourself that you are incapable of selfreliance, self-governance and independence? What self-interest might these people have in keeping you in thought that you are a victim and need their support and guidance? A victim is a victim is a victim. It’s why the abused wife continues to go back to the abusive husband – it’s what she wants. It is only through taking personal ownership of your choices will you ever be able to break free from this “bondage” you see yourselves held. Each choice where ownership is taken, seeks to empower, creates




independence. Look to those who profit from you and those they continue to extort from, by keeping you thinking that you are incapable of managing your own life. Who are those in your community who continue to badger you with ideas that others are to blame for your personal circumstances? In fact, you made those choices of education or not, marriage or not, children or not, sex without protection, welfare or not, reliance or not, dependence or not.


No one can save you from the reality you have created for yourself based on each and every choice you have made that leads you to this very moment by which you are even reading this passage of this book. You must take ownership of it, live your life in response to the choice, and enjoy your choices at no cost to others without their consent. Racism is about those who seek to elevate themselves and be a victim.

Reverse Racism is

about those who seek to elevate themselves. What is reverse racism? When Blacks vote for Obama because he’s black, which means they didn’t vote for McCain because he was white. Now apply it to all “special interest” groups and you see why our nation is a nation of those who will not take ownership of their choices and instead seek to shakedown the nation. If you choose anyone because of their skin color, their ethnicity, their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion, you are discriminating.


someone because he or she upholds personal individual freedom for ALL AMERICANS is choosing


someone who understands the pluralism in which we live. If you want to eradicate racism, stop being a racist; stop indulging those who proffer their reverse racism. You want to stop racism? You can stop racism by ignoring those who decry it for they do so only to silence others and shakedown a society that has long since apologized and given equality of opportunity for decades. This isn’t just about Blacks, it’s about all variants in our species known as humans who use their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion as a weapon to wield power and extort money from others. But who are the biggest racists? Gorebal Warmers, they hate the Human Race.


LEGISLATORS AND YOUR MONEY People don’t care when they are spending your money. They will behave in ways that are completely irresponsible, utilize services not needed and react emotionally at any type of pre-emptive action to stop such waste. The idea that we are supporting a huge population out







responsible and no one is being held accountable for personal choices made – it’s the consequence free life-style at a cost to others without their consent. If you personally want to write a check to a charity which






irresponsible people in our world, go ahead.


doubt there would be no one who would infringe on your personal choice to make such contribution. When you force Americans to pool their dollars for charity or

entitlement programs,





If something belongs to you there is a greater tendency to treat it with more respect and take care of it. There are those who are so irresponsible that even the ownership of something doesn’t affect them which is fine as long as they are paying for it at no cost to others without their consent. The majority of us – when we own something and have invested personal time, money and sacrifice into purchasing it – tend to have greater personal value placed upon the acquisitions of such and behave in ways that are more responsible in maintaining said items. The government being in charge of your money is irresponsible. We’re not going to eliminate all the waste going on immediately, but we could start by requiring fiscal responsibility from our elected leaders.

Question your legislators publicly about

what they are planning to do with our money. Voting out the “spendthrift” is your best defense. People






disguised as healthcare reform are subverting their


personal responsibility and relegating the financial costs to the rest of us. It’s so vastly irresponse-able. If people are in need of insurance, then it is in their best







employment of some sort that would offer such opportunity or purchase it on their own. Yes, this can be costly but the responsibility lies at your feet. This is not someone else’s responsibility because you chose a particular profession or because you lacked initiative to get an education or acquire skills which would have garnered you more money or opportunity by which to purchase insurance. You made the choice to be irresponsible with your body and have a child at an early age and make your life and your child’s life challenging as you were in no position, financially or emotionally, to be raising that child. So who should bear this irresponsible choice? You! That’s it, no one else. Opportunities are replete in our nation for everyone to obtain funds in order to go to school.


problem is that most people are irresponsible and want someone else to “save them” from the


hardships they now endure formed by their own choices. Additionally, these people do not want to be productive.







productivity. An individual not being productive is working hard at being lazy. Once again, this is irresponsible and you should avoid such behavior and avoid supporting someone who acts in such a manner. If you are with a friend who thinks that government should take care of him, you should be thinking about your choice of friends. Speak your truth about such irresponsible behavior and seek to distance yourself from this individual. ~ YOU CANNOT SAVE AN INDIVIDUAL FROM THEIR REALITY. YOU CANNOT ABSOLVE THEM OF THEIR CHOICES MADE AND CONSEQUENCES CREATED ~ The only person to save someone is the individual self. You can speak to the nature of accountability. The moment an individual resists such discussion is the moment to decide for you the value of engaging in such relationships.

The person who resists


ownership of choice is a person who is not response-able and is willing to live life at a cost to others without their consent; victim mentality. Education.




Bailouts. These people want a consequence-free lifestyle at the expense of others. Every time you attempt to “save” someone you are absolving them of the power of choice. encouraging accountability. individual





You’re lacks

You are helping to bankrupt this his






productivity, self-evaluation, self-correction, selfreliance and independence. Do you not insult a person by imposing your way of living as far greater than their own personal decision of how to live this life? Who are you to make the decision of how others should live, the quality of their life or the level of financial comfort? Give them freedom and let them decide.


Choice is what drives your freedom and liberty. Choice is what drives your accountability and response-able behavior. We don’t like thinking that everything is in our hands because it renders us the master of our universe and the conveyers of our discontent when we make choices that place us in difficult circumstances. We don’t like thinking that morals are subjective. It reminds us that every action we take we are held personally accountable for and must be responseable to our choices. We’d rather have someone to blame. We don’t like thinking values are subjective because we think we know best and want to control others and manipulate them into our way of living and thinking. Why do you need to control others? The victim wants someone to take care of him; relinquish ownership of personal choices.


victim believes that he is owed something from the world just for being born and breathing.


The victim has the idea that someone needs to save him; that someone will save him.

The victim

believes equality means that everyone has the same, rather than everyone having the same opportunity. The victim needs to get a clue – and you can provide it by simply answering – “NO”.


legislative waste of our money. Now, if you’re the victim, then you need to read the above sentence again and - get a clue. Why should it be that someone be obligated to you for something that you have not earned? Why should it be that someone should be responsible for your lack of action in life to create the life you want to live, the pursuit of your happiness? No one is responsible for you, except you. The reality is that some people in our society will not be able to afford healthcare – that’s the way it is folks. Some people can’t afford a car. Some people can’t afford an iPod. That’s life.


~ JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING EXISTS OUT THERE IN THE WORLD DOESN’T MEAN YOU’RE ENTITLED TO OWN IT ~ The same is true about healthcare, transportation, education, and anything else your mind can conjure up. You have opportunity for acquiring these things and with careful planning you can obtain such items, but it is your response-ability to do so, not anyone else. Asking your legislators and your fellow citizens who pay taxes which pay for this legislative spending, to pay for your basic needs so you can allocate your discretionary dollars toward entertainment, is living your life at a cost to others without their consent. Asking


to pay



healthcare is

astoundingly arrogant and irresponsible. Politically speaking, it’s why people who are Liberals are so irresponsible. They believe that the playing field should be level; every human equalized and rendered






irresponsible as it implies that everyone is supposed to “get” something simply because it exists and because the individual is breathing.

The playing

field is level to the extent that you are born free to


make choices and decide the outcome of your personal pursuit of happiness, nothing more. Equality is about opportunity not the negation of uniqueness of each individual so you can steal their money and redistribute their wealth for your own personal self-interest along with political agendas and advancements.


EQUALITY IS OPPORTUNITY To deny equality is opportunity and relegate equality to everyone having the same, is to then negate the uniqueness of life which is ever – present to you in observation of life itself. Your education – the level to which you achieve it, your choices for where you live, how you live, what you buy, what you don’t buy, how you choose a mate, how you do a million other things in life is strictly up to you – personal and subjective. No one can take it from you and no one can absolve you from it.

Everyone has the same opportunity to

achieve whatever level of success they desire forged by their own choices. Your level of health determines how much of that opportunity you will be able to utilize. Your genetics plays a part in how much of that opportunity you will be able to utilize. No two people are born the same; posses the same intelligence or physical capacity – this isn’t some conspiracy – it’s life! unbound.


Unique and

You get what you get from the wheel of fortune and you must then make choices of how best to utilize what you’ve been endowed with upon birth. That our society attempts to support those with disadvantage is, once again, through grace and generosity not through demand.

Society doesn’t

owe you anything for the genetics you were given; the place you were born; the era you were born. How you utilize your choices is up to you. Do you honestly need someone to limit your choices for you? Are you incapable of deciding for yourself how best to live your life based on what you know about yourself? Is it your contention to relieve yourself of accountability and responsibility by turning over your decisions to others – be it government, your spouse, your friends, your boss or any number of individuals who enter and exit your life on a daily basis? For what purpose would you reach such a conclusion? If you haven’t answered yet to yourself, “So that I can be a victim and blame others for my lot in life” then you haven’t been paying attention. Life if full of opportunity as each person can compete for whatever they desire.

Did some people get 3


cherries instead of 3 bells and ended up not being able to compete? Sure, but it doesn’t negate the opportunity still exists if they decide they want to at least try. Michael Phelps, gifted genetically, created success for himself. Should we start a class-action lawsuit against him for his earnings because the other 300 million of us in the U.S. were not as gifted? Did we all have equal opportunity to compete? Yes. Did we all have equal genetics to compete? No. Is this inequality? No, it’s reality! Acknowledging “EQUALITY IS OPPORTUNITY” is to understand that each person born into this world, at whatever level or skills they are able to achieve, has opportunity to make a life for him or herself without interference from government or ideology. It doesn’t mean that everyone gets the same. Imposing such ideology onto others keeps them unmotivated toward self-efficacy and development.


Why should anyone try beyond the bare minimum required if everyone is to receive the same? People by nature are competitive, it creates a sense of accomplishment when achievement is made, however small or large. Denying this natural instinct within each person is to, once again, elevate yourself into thinking you know best how everyone else needs to live, the quality of their life and the material from which to live this life. This is the time and the moment to seize your life; to take advantage of every opportunity.


experience can foster greatness within you toward a more enjoyable existence. You can choose not to take advantage of the moments of your life, but just remember it’s your choice. Theft of individual freedom through controls and regulations, as often done by government, only then seeks to obligate the government to take ownership of this choice and thus be response-able to the individual to whom they are forcing dependence.


Government enslaves its people as it keeps them in bondage when stealing their income for self-interest. If you want to keep people voting for you then you have to keep them dependent on you for their livelihood. Government creates an army. States create police departments and fire departments for protection of its citizens in order to pursue freedom. collective






pluralistic tax dollars support a pluralistic defense protecting its citizens against those who do not uphold freedom of others. Much more outside of that the government is manipulating and controlling its citizens; forced legal enslavement and stealing from its citizens their hard earned dollars for personal self-interest at a cost to others without their consent.


MARRIAGE ~ NO ONE OUGHT TO BE DEFINING ANYTHING FOR ANYONE ELSE ~ Get government out of the business of marriage. No more subsidies for someone making a personal choice. Churches can define marriage however they wish. Secular ceremonies can be conducted by whomever you wish.

Both ceremonies are symbolic.


contracts will decide issues of health, wealth, power of attorney and a myriad of other issues. Contracts between people uphold consent. The act of marriage doesn’t contain an individual who doesn’t wish to be contained. No one can save you from this reality. Yes, I can hear the rhetoric already from those who think they corner the market on values screaming about how radical a thought this is that we would move away from marriage as an “institution”. You mean the institution that creates dependence, extortion, emotional angst, unwanted children, infidelity – you mean that institution?


If you need a ceremony or a piece of paper to understand commitment between yourself and another person, you might qualify as shallow. The discrimination that goes on in our nation toward those that are unmarried is abhorrent. Government – utilizes as a weapon – the business of marriage through a subsidized platform by which to legislate morality. The government upholding the “family” is not their job as it disenfranchises other Americans who do not endorse or want to raise a family. Again, why is your personal choice at the cost of others without their consent? Why do you want to disenfranchise others who think differently than you? Your elected officials are giving your money away to people who are behaving in ways you may not agree with, are you okay with that choice? Why should it be that because you choose to be heterosexual and you choose to get married that you should be given some sort of privilege within our society and access to pluralistic tax dollars for entitlements?


What do we know of people who think they’re entitled? They’re not. On a call-in show to Michael Medved in October 2008, I spoke to this issue with Michael and his guest. Michael’s comment to me was, “so no more tax credits to married couples?” to which I replied, “Yes, and wouldn’t it be great that we stop giving pluralistic tax dollars to only one segment of our society?”. Rewarding people for their choices from tax dollars is to discriminate all those who do not fall into any “special interest”.

In a pluralistic society, policy

which supports ALL within that society is the goal to be achieved. CONTRACT If you are a woman who, in contractual agreement with your husband, decides that you are not going to work in order to be in servitude through action of laundry, dishes, meals, children and a myriad of other tasks, well then here’s a news flash: you’re not entitled to anything if you get divorced.


You exchanged freedom of having to work for earning a living and making a monetary contribution. Women don’t want to admit that they don’t want to work and it’s why they agree to such contracts and make such choices for themselves. Get your hands out of his pockets; you are not entitled to anything. You agreed to the arrangement by making the conscious choice to behave as such. Now you need to be response-able to such a choice. A man who wants to “take care” of you is essentially doing to you what society does to the homeless – keeps you dependent and enslaved. If he wants to create a pre-nup based on the understanding that he will pay out to you upon divorce for your servitude, who would not allow such consent. If you want to be dependent on someone then by all means get married to someone who wants to take care of you, but no one will save you from the reality that you made this choice and are owed nothing as you have exchanged servitude to the man instead of self-reliance and independence.


Once again, relationships do only one of two things: move toward one another or away from one another. If you want to play some mind game with yourself, you are free to do so, but it will not further your independence toward self-reliance, self-governance or the precepts in this book. All this baloney about relationships: talking it all out, letting your partner “know what your needs are” is a bunch of garbage you’ve been fed by people who want to continue to feed off of your inability to observe and act in your own self-interest. Do you need to tell your partner that a behavior they are doing is “hurting you” or “bothering you” or “frustrating you”? No, you do not. This is a perpetuated stupidology which does two things.

It creates a manipulation from that point

forward for your partner to mask behavior that is undesirable to you. And it keeps you rooted in a relationship that isn’t one worth pursuing.



because she doesn’t do the behavior in front of you doesn’t mean she’s not doing it away from you. I’ve seen couples make the lists of all the pluses and minuses. If you have to make a list in order to make a decision about a potential spouse or partner, then you’ve answered your own dilemma. Pluses and minuses only negate your natural instincts about the individual to whom you are involved. Add sex to that component and you’ve upped the risk of leaving, clouded by physical intimacy which inherently creates chemical reactions within the body that can fog logic and reason for clear decision – making. “Keeping your marriage alive and sexy” is more stupidology.

If it’s time to move onto another

experience then it’s time to move on. This attempt to want to keep people hinged to one another “forever” couldn’t be more useless. Would you keep your car beyond your desire for it? Would you keep your clothing beyond your taste for it? Would you keep reading a text book once you grasped all you desired from it? Do you keep sitting


at the restaurant table once your meal is complete and you’ve paid the bill? Oh, you say comparing a car to a relationship partner is not the same? Who places value on the car? Who places value on their partner? Get a clue, folks. Why would a person want to force you to stay with someone past the experience you wished to have? What ideology are they attempting to force on you? This doesn’t diminish the experience or the individual, it speaks to reality. What is that reality? The reality is that you and the other person have reached a point where the experience is no longer a viable option. Marriage simply makes the process of dissolving the relationship drawn – out and utilized as a weapon of extortion. ~ WE DON’T OWN PEOPLE ~ Or at least slavery was eradicated in our society some time ago. Attempting to hold someone to a relationship through marriage is nothing more than legalized slavery, servitude and extortion.


Those that say “keeping a marriage together for the sake of children” are using this as an excuse, nothing more. Attributing “good parenting” to a man and a woman is just the self-interest and agenda of those that think marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

It negates the ability for any single,

divorced or widowed individual of being capable of raising a child. Any individual that knows how to teach a child how to be self-reliant, self-governing, independent, self-evaluative and self-correcting can be a leader, as such, a “good parent”. Having children is a far-reaching consequence for everyone involved.

Without preparing for the

potential of a relationship ending at some point, you are not taking ownership and being response-able. A marriage can end by death, not just divorce. To not prepare for any reason of it ending is not being response-able to a potential future circumstance. It also keeps you in fantasy land of thinking that “this one is the one and only”.


Each person has only this moment in time with which to share with another. Spend those moments wisely. Planes fly into buildings, people strap bombs to themselves, motorists drive drunk – things happen. You cannot prepare for all circumstances in life to be thrust upon you.

However, you can prepare

yourself to the extent that you assimilate freedom, choice, self-governance and self-reliance by being accountable and response-able to your choices within a relationship. To not prepare for marriage or the dissolving of a marriage is an irresponse-able choice. Being in love? The fluidness of any relationship will inadvertently create freedom.

If freedom equals health and

health equals freedom, then those involved in the relationship will find themselves in “love”. Getting to know one another ignited by interests of a similar nature and contribution of enrichment


decided by the individuals creates attraction. If this attraction is propagated, it can create a feeling of love which endorses freedom of the individual to freely express him or herself, fully and completely. That a person “should” do this or “should” do that may be just a sign to you that you both lack the same desires or ways of living life. If you like to dance and he hates to dance – this likely is a sign of incompatibility. Can this incompatibility be so silly as to equate something as silly as dancing toward dissolving a relationship?

It can if you desire this and your

partner does not, especially if you want to share this with the one you “fall in love with”. Every time you solidify for yourself a standard, a behavior, an attribute that you wish to have in a partner and the person you’re with does not naturally behave as such, it’s a compromise for which you place the individual in bondage. Bondage? Yes, and not in a good way.


If you are staying in a relationship of any level for which you are not 100% completely satisfied, you are not only holding yourself back from future happiness with another who may create greater enrichment and joy in your life, but you are also holding the person you’re with as hostage for your own personal self-interest and your inability to end the relationship. The justifications and rationalizations for staying together are too numerous to list. It is worth noting, however, that if you are either justifying or rationalizing reasons to stay in a relationship on any level, it can be said that you are not living the precepts from within this book. You are victimizing yourself and the other person. Don’t do anyone any favors by elevating yourself or relegating yourself an expert by making such statements of, “I know how to compromise or work at a relationship”. If you have to “work at it” the ease of life is not present to the relationship. Work on the self and the relationship will take care of itself. Let each care for self and each will be cared for.


SEXUALITY – YOUR CHOICE You didn’t choose to be heterosexual, you say? It’s natural to you? You make a choice to be a heterosexual. This is not a choice, you say. This is natural and the way god wanted it. Whether or not you think it’s natural is purely your opinion and an uneducated understanding of the world in which you live. Over 500 species, of which humans are one species, engage in the act of homosexual behavior. Nature and these other 499+ species don’t moralize or give a damn about whether or not it’s subjectively right or wrong, it just feels good to them. Frankly, why do you care? The fact that so many people seem to have such an investment in what other types of sex other people are having is really sick when you think about it.


If you don’t think it’s a choice to be heterosexual then how is it that you have the arrogance to think that it’s a choice to be homosexual? To say being gay is a choice – a choice instead of what? Being straight? Then being straight is another choice. So, when did you make the choice? If a person says that it’s in his nature to be gay, so what? Why would you care about that? If your view of the world, through your personal derivations deems it bad, you might care.


that’s fine, live by your derived sources, don’t be gay, but do you think yourself superior to such a position that you have the audacity and right to impose that view onto the rest of society and the world at large? Everyone likes sex, face the facts!

Some people

like to have lots of sex and not necessarily with the same person.


In addition, why limit someone to the experience of just a man or just a woman? If a man is engaged in a loving relationship with a woman and then it ends and he chooses to engage in a relationship with a man, why does it matter to you? Why do you care so much so that you think we ought to have laws about marriage being between a man and a woman?

Oh, that’s right, you’re under the

impression that you think you know something, so you’re compelled to believe and impose it on others. “Oh, so we should allow people to have sex with animals?” Interesting leap from humans to animals. Don’t you question the logic of people who would propose such examples? I would. The person who would propose such an incendiary comment is a person with a distorted view of humans and animals. Newsflash: people have sex with animals. We don’t need it to be legal – we need to understand that our laws protect animals from such abuse if we know it is happening and the person is caught. You think you’re going to stop it? Good luck with that task –


I’m sure PETA is looking into it and would love your support. If you think that gays have chosen this form or sexuality, then how do you account for it in other species? If you think that gays have chosen this behavior, at what point in your life did you choose to be straight? Why did you choose to be straight over being gay? Oh, you say you didn’t. Well then how would you possibly know that someone who is gay chose to be gay? Where is your empirical evidence making such a claim? How is it that you have come to acquire this knowledge? If you have something of substantial evidence to give to our society on this subject I would think you would do so at your earliest opportunity.


The facts thus far: nature has many species, of which humans are one that engage in the behavior of homosexuality.

It’s observation folks, not

moralization. Because our species has developed aspects of cohabitation, we go beyond just the simple physical act of sexual intercourse with another of the same sex

We seek to engage and indulge in living

together, creating a home. It’s nothing more than those facts.

Some choose just to have sex, so

what, who cares? It’s not an abomination. It’s not unnatural. How do you define what is natural? By what you observe happens repeatedly with frequency? Okay, using those criteria your hypothesis is falsified and untrue because two women or two men can have sex. So by that basic scientific observation there are other variations of humans engaging in sex. Your distaste for it is nothing more than your distaste for it. If you claim some derivation calling it sinful, well that’s purely subjective opinion and not a credential for anything other than someone’s dislike for a behavior. The behavior itself does not infringe on your ability to make free choices in life.


You don’t like seeing two men kissing? Well, too bad. The world does not owe you or entitle you to comfort in life, merely the opportunity to pursue your own comfort but that action is at your hands and not at a cost to others without their consent. It’s not a war on marriage. It’s not anything other than what it is – two men or two women doing what one man and one woman can do. Both options can still have children. symbolic ritual.

Both options can still have

Both options can still have long

lasting loving encounters. ~ YOU MAY HAVE DISTASTE FOR BEHAVIOR SO WHAT ~ TAKE COMFORT THAT OTHERS HAVE DISTASTE FOR YOUR BEHAVIOR AS WELL. BE ASSURED OF EQUALITY IN THAT ASPECT ~ What is equality to you if not everyone having opportunity to do what everyone else is doing? To allocate dollars or government privilege is to seek entitlement where others who choose not to behave as you do are protected, thus stealing pluralistic tax dollars for self-interest.


To think that you corner the market on any of these ideas simply because you deem yourself “straight” is the height of your arrogance. It’s by chance that you are straight and not gay. You could have easily been gay if the slot machine of genetics had landed on three bells instead of three cherries. If you are going to live your life at no cost to others without their consent, then you are compelled to leave people alone who do not endorse your personal subjective view of life, the derivations by which you live your life and the freedom to choose how best – toward personal self-interest – you create your life.


PROFILE OF A VICTIM So what does it mean and what does it look like to be a “victim”? Quite often people will not see the subtle aspects of their personality that engage in this behavior.

Let’s start with the easy stuff and

move onto the more intricate stuff that isn’t so easily vetted out of one’s personality. A person who sees the world through a filter as though things are done to them or to others rather than the person having made choices that led to the outcome and circumstance is a victim. Quite often though, people will not see themselves from this perspective, so consequently what occurs is the notion that someone else made a choice and thereby rendered me as a victim of the situation. This is never true. You have a choice at any given moment whether you perceive the situation is of your own creation or someone else’s. If your boss doesn’t give you a sufficient raise, you have a choice – you can quit work to be fired, seek other employment – these are all choices.


Ben Franklin once made the comment that referred to the “pursuit of happiness” as an action; you take responsibility for the choices to be happy and whatever those choices are for you. Another subterfuge of victims are the ones who are the “high and mighty” types who think they have the 411 from some narrow view of the world and that we all should live by it. These are the very types who will be very conservative and dogmatic in their view. They will be responsible about their position regarding the Iraq war and then indulge in areas of a salacious nature. Yet they still have a high and mighty attitude toward other people’s behavior as contemptuous and wrong, offensive and downright disgusting.

Victims to their own pathology and

ideology. Careful the elevation you set yourself up for in any future situation. As an example, a television editorialist, back in September/October 2004 was accused





remarks/comments to a professional colleague. We don’t know the details, save for a few remarks here and there, but why not? Because he came on his show, made a comment about referring to some sort


of “victimization” of his being under attack and said he won’t speak about it again on his program. Whoa! Shouldn’t we hear the woman’s side of the story?

Maybe the rules only apply when it’s

someone else’s behavior he’s sitting in judgment on. Who cares? He can live his life as he pleases, raise his children as he pleases, look at other women, make remarks about their looks – who cares?


would think his wife does, but then that’s their business; she made a choice and signed up for it. Why should we tolerate someone acting like they hold the moral compass for the world when they are behaving in ways that, by their standards, are not considered appropriate or professional for others? Yet they indulge in it. We call that hypocrisy. He and the rest of you who think that you hold morality as writ, by which we all should be guided, are making a target for yourselves when you start this behavior because you are just asking for others to rummage out your inappropriate behavior and prove your hypocrisy. Why do it at all?


The minute you start deciding how another person should live this life you are no longer giving them a choice – you are assisting in creating a victim. Others throughout my life pointed to my behavior and attempted to moralize it, to express disapproval. For what self-interest did they do this? I carried no disdain for their choices. There is no power held by another individual in such arguments because I do not moralize their behavior or choices.

I do,

however, object to those choices when they are at a cost to me without my consent.

That’s not

moralizing, that’s demanding my freedom from having to bear the costs of your choices. The actual choice or behavior is totally irrelevant; I couldn’t care less. Further,

a person may attempt

to be very

responsible in areas of his life but then very irresponsible in others – this often is exampled in the extreme of his behavior through judging and moralizing others. Perhaps you are responsible with your money and investments, but you can’t seem to control your


sexuality and you are irresponsible with your body by having lots of unprotected sex. Perhaps you indulge in alcohol or drugs; perhaps you don’t take care of your hygiene. How does this set us up for victimization? Well, if a person has these contradictions within the self, then in order to counteract it, the person may indulge in telling other people how to live their lives or what their experiences in life should be – deflecting from the self those aspects of personal transgression from which they fall short of their imposed standards on others. This creates people who have a high-minded sense of importance and superiority.

They love telling

others they can’t have an abortion, they can’t have gay marriage, they can’t have private social security accounts, they can’t have school vouchers – and on it goes. Further, the profile of a victim is subtle in that the nuances of language used in everyday life can give you a clue. Those that say things like: abuse, not


fair, black and white thinking, right and wrong, good and bad. These are all words that let you know this person is rooted in the idea of victimization. How so? A person making the comment, “That’s abusive” is aptly deciding that abuse is any particular subjective behavior in his own world. Is any behavior abusive? Only if you think you have no choice. Perhaps you enjoy the abuse. If I thought someone was being abusive, I would realize that I was making a choice for myself to not walk away or take some other exit strategy. If a person says that something is not fair, not fair to whom?


Again, not thinking you have a

choice is what creates “unfair” and is truly a fiveyear-old’s response on a playground that has no capacity for making the case about personal choice, accountability and responsibility of choice. “The world is black and white or you have black and white thinking”, another invocation of victimized thinking. Because someone sets criteria for self and you don’t fit into those criteria, you think this person


is seeing the world in black and white terms; the same goes with good/bad and right/wrong.


bottom line is that you don’t fit into this person’s view by the nature of who you are. You want to victimize yourself as a result. Perhaps you feel slighted because maybe you like this person and this takes you out of the running, so you victimize yourself by thinking your options are limited. Maybe you’re competing for a job and now realize that you’re out of the running. Get over it. At any given moment a person can choose not to like you for whatever reason.

Don’t take it

personally. Taking it personally makes you a victim. Every time you let others decide your life’s choices you are victimizing yourself. My favorite – “that’s offensive” – as if that is an argument for anything. It’s not. It’s not even worth acknowledging. Individuals invoking “offensive” or “offended” or “insulted” in their language merely wishes to silence others and thereby create a world of denial. They desire to restrict others from saying, feeling, thinking or behaving as they would normally, as if they have a right to not be offended in this


world; that they have a “right” to comfort. cares if you’re offended?


Who put that in your

head? Get over it. Restricting others of their freedom of expression is not your place in life.

You desire to victimize

yourself and indulge further into your own disease pattern of not seeking health = freedom.


reasons of why you wish to do such are your own – guided by your personal self-interest. If a person makes a comment you find offensive, then you’re choosing to be a victim because the comment is about the “offending” person’s point of view, not about YOU. I know we’re all egocentric and think the world is about us, but it’s really not. The observation of the remark is simply the revelation about the quality and nature of the individual who just made it. So what? Get over it. This is not to say that you can’t be working on certain issues while you are moving towards greater and greater levels of Health = Freedom. You can be working through certain issues and become very


aware by engaging in observation of the impact in your own life. How is this possible? You







accountability and responsibility and still observe for yourself that you are perhaps not being responsible with your finances, for example.

That’s a great

epiphany to have in one’s life. You’ve become stronger in saying “no” to poor relationships, poor job choices, poor sexual choices, but you’re still having an issue with money.


byproduct of your responsible choices is that you aren’t being irresponsible by demeaning others on their own journey of understanding.

You aren’t

sitting in judgment on others; you aren’t telling others that they have to live life your way. You’re simply living your life; making responsible decisions for yourself, observing the choices you’re making and then realizing that those choices are not the “best” choices for you. As such, you will then start making other choices for yourself toward other outcomes. No good. No bad. No right. No wrong. Just observed outcomes. All life is trial and error.


I know this concept concerns people when it comes to “relativism”. However, observe that words and their






invented by humans to describe something for which humans subjectively concluded is good/bad or right/wrong in order to control another’s behavior or choice. Nature did not impose these thoughts – humans did – you do. If you have a predisposed opportunity or propensity toward being a victim to another’s demand of subjugation in one form or another, this will create a hard-wire within you and continue to be reinforced each time a similar event occurs for which you made a choice to participate.

The more it occurs the

greater the solidification. Where is your freedom of choice? Does it exist? With this fear invoked – which creates a sense and feeling





vulnerability – one will then turn to someone or something to save him or her from other potential threats, abuse or subjugation. Who do you seek as your “savoir” today? When an individual comes to identify the power that the “abusive” person holds, they come to desire this


power to alleviate the suffering they are now personally experiencing. If this perception is not identified, resolved and integrated regarding another person having had power over you, your desire for the same power by which to inflict the same type of domination, pain and suffering will drive you toward seeking relief. The abused now becomes the abuser. In other words, if one were subjected to a parent, teacher, bully, sibling, or any other number of people in life – who under the guise of authority and power mistreated you with a dominative manner – then your feelings of helplessness start to become hard-wired in the brain and the message starts to develop, “ I have no choice”.

With this message

and its repetitive inducements over time going unresolved, you will then start filtering, viewing, and acting out of this message, which creates the following characteristics listed. Which ones are you and what can you add? Offended, entitled, authoritarian, punitive, deserving, egotistical, angry, depressed, emotional, bossy, bully,











romanticizing, superiority, disadvantaged, blaming, obsessing,





dominating, triangulating,

dependency, co-dependency, reacting emotionally and projecting feelings, feeling guilty, assuming the negative,




inappropriately, engaging inappropriately, loving too quickly, eating,

promiscuous, pain seeking, abusing, consuming drugs,

unhealthy consuming

excessively and obsessively, masochism, sadism, rudeness, emotional decision-making, rationalizing, excuses, elitist, religious, misogyny. There are many reasons a person can fall victim to the self and let this victimization and exaggerated vulnerability rule his or her life. The important point to make is that only you can dig yourself out of it. Not by therapy, while therapy may work for some people I suggest it’s not your best alternative. You can save yourself that money by helping to drive home these points repeated often in this book. You accepting your choices for the life you’ve created, taking ownership of your reality (the choices before you) being accountable for those


choices, being able to respond to those choices and living your life at a cost to no one other than yourself and with those who consent, will seek to dismantle this victimization. There is no other way out of this story. We don’t like thinking we are completely responsible and accountable because it scares us. Suddenly we’re being expected to take ownership, to admit that each choice we’ve made has led to this outcome we now experience and exist within.


compels us to realize the pain we’ve caused others. But meet this challenge you must if you are to develop in this world to be all you can possibly be. You can choose to ignore every precept in this book.

You can choose to do nothing.

You can

choose to keep indulging in the same behaviors getting the same results. However, after reading this book, you make these choices consciously. You do it knowingly. You do it willingly. You do it to the destruction of self and of others.


You will continue to make choice. Your ability to take ownership and be response-able will determine if you are to remain a victim or develop into an adult.


EDUCATION There is a greater good that is extrapolated from education of our society.

Increasing knowledge

does give way to decreasing discrimination and bigotry while creating self-reliance, productivity and achievement.

It becomes the self-interest of the

nation to educate its children.

Tax dollars being

given to those who choose to be married and have children is not a benefit to everyone, only to those who engage in the act. Choose it just don’t expect others to pay for it. Certainly no one can doubt that the role of education in our evolution and development as a global community has itself been one of the most profound






intellectual achievement and civility. However, not everyone during the stages of development, not just as a nation but as a world, was able to participate in such achievement of pouring through books, learning the mechanics of mathematics, exploring the cosmos or peering through the looking glass of biology. Somewhere along the way some people decided that education was an entitlement. It is not. It’s a choice.


How do you know it’s a choice?


observing your own life and what choices you’ve made. Which university to attend, what classes to take, what level of education you wished to achieve, how many years you desired to work toward a degree or no degree at all, along with a myriad of other






development. As such, it is extortion, once again, to insist that others pay for your choices. If you choose to not become educated then, it should be your free choice which creates such decisions. We know the value of education, be it university, tech or trade school.

The freedoms available to

those who make such a choice are unlimited. The opportunity







Americans are afforded such. This is not to say that you cannot become successful not having gone to school, you can and many have done so as our history is brimming with such devotion to dreams that create successful outcomes.

However, to

educate or not, the choice is yours and the outcomes belong to no one but you.


The American public should not, however, be obligated for your choice to pursue or not pursue education.

Financial aid in the form of loans by

which you must pay them back, seeks to support but not endorse a handout.

Grants based on

achievement or scholarships based on achievement are beautiful ideas that – funded by individuals and corporations not government programs – uphold freedom and choice for such philanthropic work. With any entitlement, the government is directing money subjectively from those who do not wish to fund such endeavors to those that see themselves entitled to the hard – earned dollars of other working Americans to squander or benefit at a cost to those Americans without their consent. There are a plethora of companies and individuals who contribute to such opportunities, they are many and continue to grow.

This choice allows for

sanction by both parties to engage in a contract of consent,





accountable to one another for the outcomes. This level of consent is objective and endorses free choice, liberty and personal pursuit of happiness at no cost to others.


An individual that makes the choice to educate him or her self must then find the ways to finance such endeavors. Like any other endeavor in life that one may choose to invest, it does not come free in a capitalistic society whereby goods and services are bought and sold at market prices for the sole purpose of generating greater levels of money, freedom and opportunity. The individual must pay for the privilege of entering a school, a university or any other institute of learning. You making such an investment will likely lead you to taking such challenges more seriously and have greater dedication toward an outcome of success for yourself. Those who receive entitlements are less likely to have commitment and will squander the opportunity because it is known that, if wasted, there is plenty more where that came from. Such is not the case with those who have to pay out of their own pocket. If you don’t believe this concept just think of renting a hotel room, renting a car, being given product or services for free.

You tend

to have less conservative behaviors when you think that resources are not scarce or limited and not coming out of your own wallet.


Dedicating one’s self to education and increased development creates future investment by which the person is generating nothing more than further opportunity. It is a mistake to presume that simply because a person has committed to such a path, he or she is entitled or guaranteed a job or employment with all the benefits desired. These choices simply make you more viable as a candidate by which you can compete in a global market to sell your services to the highest bidder for which you can then create, through individual choice, a greater level of existence and experience based on your personal pursuit of happiness. Equality is only the opportunity, not the guarantee. The more skill and education, the greater the chances.

Just as the more weight you lift, the

greater the potential to compete in a bodybuilding competition.




strengthen your chances. You can’t compete if you don’t train.




Parents, who ask the American people to pay for their child’s education, are stealing from you. They are in essence, extorting from you the hard – earned resources you achieved for yourself, for their own personal self-interest and subjective pursuit of happiness. Entitlements are nothing more than that – taking other people’s money for your self-interests. You made each choice along the way and must now be response-able to those choices regardless of your circumstances, rationalizations or excuses. Parents can fund their child’s education and Corporations can support these endeavors through sponsorships. At any education level, schools can borrow pluralistic tax dollars to fund the beginnings of schools, and then be given time frames by which profitability is to be reached in order to cease such subsidies.

Beyond that, children should be

responsible for contributing to their education costs. As such, they rightly ought to have a voice where the direction of their personal education is going with regard to location, teachers and subjects. It’s what colleges do right now, just get government out of it.


Corporations and parents will fund these schools in various ways and each caring for self will insure all are cared for.


TRUST Too often people decide to utilize this word and action to do the very thing that this book speaks against: not taking ownership of individual choice and be response-able to the choice. For one to understand the power of observation then one must be able to stop engaging in the blackmail and extortion of the word trust, for there is no such thing. Trust is utilized as an emotion whereby an individual will relinquish the ownership of having to observe behavior, make decisions and take action. When you consider the idea of trust: “I trust that you won’t cheat on me”, only reveals the exaggerated vulnerability of the individual speaking and the potential manipulation of the person receiving this message. The husband is blackmailing the wife into behavior, not of being faithful but of teaching how to manipulate him. It may not be in the nature of the wife to be faithful. Observation will reveal this; trust will not.


Instead of carefully observing behavior over time and making sound decisions, the husband will enact extortion by placing the responsibility and ownership onto the wife thus absolving the husband of accountability, setting up the husband to be victimized.

The joke then is being shocked and

surprised when things don’t go as planned. You don’t need trust. There is no such thing. Trust is like faith; it’s based on nothing, no evidence, nada, zilch, zip. If you had evidence, you wouldn’t need faith.

If you were observing, you wouldn’t

need trust. Engaging in this behavior is you playing a game with yourself for the sole purpose of creating more victimization. When you relinquish trust to another individual, you set yourself up to be victimized by another person’s actions.

Even to the extent of “trusting yourself”

becomes a game.


You don’t need to trust yourself – you either know or don’t know your ability to manage a situation or an outcome that you are now experiencing. If you lose your job, do you trust that you’re going to get another job or do you just know that with your skills, abilities and talent that you will be able to find another job? All you need to observe for yourself is your past behavior in searching for work, participating within the interview process and obtaining a position. How often have you had to do this process? What are the outcomes you have observed? Do you need to trust that you’re going to be able to get up out of bed and walk every morning or do you just know you have the ability? ~ TRUST IS JUST ANOTHER EMOTIONAL EXTORTION TO FOOL YOURSELF AND RELINQUISH YOUR ACCOUNTABILITY OF OBSERVATION ~


When you say you “trust”, what is it that you are really saying? “I think I know something about you or the situation”. If you know it then you don’t need to trust it because you know it. We return to the difference between facts and opinions. When you have an opinion it is purely subjective, based on your likes or dislikes for something. Perhaps to this opinion you may also attribute a feeling, “that guy is really handsome and I feel great whenever I see him” – handsome is an opinion in the eye of the beholder and you feeling great is experiential only to you. He actually may repulse his ex. When you have a fact at your disposal, it is corroborated by evidence: the earth revolves around the sun. The need to trust is just another way of extorting from others to caretake you and your feelings. If they are willing to participate, they are just as distorted as you are in this game. Either you know it or you don’t. More information will only reveal what you don’t know.


There is no such thing as trust. Trust is a platitude spouted off by those that lack the ownership of observation. By invoking a statement of “I trust you” to another individual, is merely to set yourself up to be disappointed by some later transgression. Your mere observation of the individual over time will provide information to you about the reliability and propensity toward certain behaviors of the person you are observing.

If you don’t want to

invest the time in observing someone to know for yourself, then you’ve just answered your own dilemma. This in no way means that the individual with whom you interact will not choose one day to act outside of his or her past patterns of choices. The reality is the choice before you. Each person can make a choice at any given time to walk away from a relationship at whatever level it exists. This subject leads to the all-important question of love.


What is love in the world of health = freedom? If you’ve been following along in this writing then you should realize that Health = Freedom.


more freedom you have the healthier you are, the more natural and easy life exists for you. To be “in love” is nothing more than the simple understanding of freedom in your relationship. Every choice made is determining which direction one is heading; more freedom or less. The freedom to make each choice inadvertently will create greater levels of love. Knowing and being fully aware that you are part of a relationship because you choose to be, is empowering. What person would deny others such pleasure and freedom of finding and being in love?



An aspect of resistance for people when making change in their lives is the attachment to outcomes. This doesn’t mean that you stop creating desires and goals for yourself. It does mean that you let go of the final outcome of how it should look or how you pursue it. Perhaps you desire a job where you have freedom and financial comfort. You can desire security, but there is no such thing, right? The only security there is happens to be the “knowing” of your own ability to earn money and take care of yourself. You set a goal for yourself and then consciously understand that each choice you make will either move toward or away from that desired goal. Each choice made to move away from that goal only conveys a message to yourself that the importance of the goal is not your priority. Fortunately for you, your life is your own and you can decide at any given moment where to focus


your energy, your resources and your desire for success. Having an attachment to the outcome by making a specific plan without flexibility, whereby any option that life brings to you in order to help you achieve your desired goal is then missed. Why pigeonhole yourself?

Knowing your abilities

creates confidence that you can respond to the outcomes from the choices you’ve made.


CHARITY I love this quote: “to provide for their leisure at the expense of those who work.” If someone else is willing to pay the bill (the American people) why should I work to pay my bills? Where accountability of choices made is pardoned of the individual, it renders that person into forced dependency; thus a total lack of response-ability to life. Persons looking at their charitable contributions as “investment dollars”, would be more likely to seek a “return on investment” rather than just blindly throwing money out a window in hopes of it doing good for someone, somewhere. Investment dollars seek accountability rooted in observation of an increase or decrease of investment outcomes, to do otherwise is simply squandering good money after bad investment. So too, goes charity. Would any investor, removing his emotional rhetoric out of the equation, look at “charity”, its ways and


means, and conclude it was a good use of dollars if the return on investment were so bleak and meager as history is observed. It may well be the new paradigm when approaching the subject of charity, welfare, handouts and the like: “what is the return on investment for dollars provided in such potential instruments known as people?” Feeling good at someone else’s expense. A woman at a film shoot once said to me, “You had a better upbringing and know how to manage things where some of us have not”.

I agree with her

statement, not about all things in my life, but about some. Irrespective of that brief understanding, should our society not hold accountable and ask for responseable behavior when it comes to charity? Did we not just bail out people where we restricted salaries? Is her lack of something, absolution to her seeking possession of it, when acknowledged, by its absence from her life?


Should it be that before we hand someone a check for $500 of welfare monies, for instance, that we would’ve offered private one-on-one or classroom economics on managing one’s finances? Should we not ask the recipient what he or she intends to do with said resources? Do we not have an inherent right to know where this money is being spent and that it is spent responsibly? After all, it is your money, don’t you have a right to know how, where, why and what is being spent? If, as this woman stated to me, so many are inept at understanding their finances, how to manage them and a host of other topics of importance toward an independent and self-governed life, should we just be tossing their way an intravenous drug, known as money, in hopes that they will know how to administer it and remove it when no longer needed? Charity, especially seasonal charity, does nothing to support those who actually have need. Their need may be of financial; however, they have greater need of education on how one manages one’s life and finances.


Giving charity at the holidays merely defers the reality but for a brief moment in time; like administering a pharmaceutical which will need readministering in a few short hours. All in the selfinterest of the “givers” to feel better about themselves’ and relieve their self-imposed guilt propagated through a society which seeks to advance the “virtue” of altruism.

There are no

interests that are not self-interests – as such, altruism itself is hypocrisy. Altruism seeks to control others and disallows freedom. Altruism is self-interest of seeking reward or recognition, either from others or from your derivation in life. If you believe in a god, would your god not be happy with your decision to uphold freedom and free choice where a person can stand on his or her own? What happen to teach a man to fish rather than giving him the fish? Is it your stance in life that people should not be held








If so, why would you hold such a view if not to attempt to victimize the individual? To attribute the idea of the individual being incapable of managing his or her life?

Of being incapable of education

toward self-correction? Why would you desire to make excuses for why someone created the life they live through their own personal choices? Charity is about you, not the other person. Charity is about you in your personal self-interest feeling good about yourself in thinking you’ve done something for some poor soul who is less fortunate, when in fact, that very thought is one of elevating yourself in life; thinking you’re better than others. Charity is nothing more than your attempt to elevate yourself to superiority. You think you hold the truth to how another individual should live his or her life, the quality of that life, the direction of that life, the ideology of that life. You are free to think such diseased thoughts. However, putting such thoughts into action, whether that cost is their health and freedom to be a productive human being or the dollars by which you demand from government be utilized for such


“giving”, is living at the cost of others without their consent. If you want to be responsible for the homeless or poor, go ahead.

Know for yourself that you are

keeping this person in bondage. It’s not freedom. If you are happy giving away your money without a return on investment, fine. No one would stop you. However, it’s destructive behavior for you and the other person. If you both want to engage in such destructive behavior, feel free, no one will stop you or care.

But stop using pluralistic government

dollars to do this work. I’ve observed for over 4 years New Yorkers pass bums on the street looking for a handout because why? Because they know inherently these people are not making choices to increase self-reliance. Yet these are the same people who will scream bloody murder at the government not giving handouts








Investing, instead, in human liberty, not handing out entitlement checks to be squandered, can be the revised goal of generosity of spirit for those who seek health = freedom. Giving a hand and holding a person accountable for this hand, supports the individual in self-evaluation, self-correction, self-reliance, self-governance and independence. Educating an individual who has made choices to be homeless and now desires guidance to become a contributing member of society, creates freedom for the individual.


THE AMERICAN DREAM Is not the American dream one of freedom and choice? Is that not available to every human being? Why must it be allocated and owned by Americans? Perhaps the “American Dream” is nothing more than a marketing ploy to sell houses and cars, to encourage marriage. Apparently it worked because when you ask people, “What is the American Dream?” you do receive such answers; politicians and special interest groups seek to drive the idea deeper into the psyche of society so as to manipulate






emotionally. The reality is that the American Dream is one of freedom



choice. so



Declaration made


of bold

statements of holding truths to be self-evident that all are created equal and that pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is afforded every human being born unto this world. (And consequently these actions are


not at a cost to others and driven by your personal desires). Everything else is marketing. Live your life at no cost to others without their consent. Your American Dream is freedom and choice, nothing more. Everyone who purchases a house runs the same risk that everyone else does who makes a purchase of any kind.

You are not entitled to something

simply because you make one choice over another. No one is responsible or cares if you are successful in this venture. And as it is relevant to the latest issue regarding the home mortgage meltdown, let’s be clear: you signed a contract, you are accountable and responsible – for the rates, for the agreement of payments, for the price, for the balloon payment, for all of it – you signed it, you own it.


All claims of someone having snookered you is just attempts to allocate and relegate ownership of your choice to others so you can be a victim. If you decided consent by signing a contract – you made it, you eat it. This is your life that you created from your choices. Laying the bill at the feet of your fellow Americans

extorts them

abandoning your response-ability.


and you are

THE LIGHTNING ROUND ~ GREED: can you define greed? By what criteria? Do you realize that to declare greed means you are deciding how much another person is allowed to accumulate? Your level of greed is another’s level of comfort.

Another’s level of discomfort is to

attribute your level of accumulation as greed. It’s subjective, why use the terminology except to impose? ~ SELFISHNESS: every person is selfish by nature toward his or her own existence, need, desire and comfort.

If you are utilizing this as some sort of

virtue, that’s subjective. Great for you but are you unable to mind your own business with others? ~ TRUTH: the truth of anything in life is that upon which the individual is perceiving life through personal filter. Fact which is empirical to evidence is the only “truth” that exists. To say an individual is “free” is a fact. Remove all government imposing, all other human beings in this world, if a person is born are they not born free? Yes, free, ignorant and vulnerable.


Truth is a derivation of trust and is predicated on a person subjugating and relinquishing observation, accountability and response-ability.

There is no

truth, there is only fact. REASONABLE: exception of reasonable

~ there is no such thing with the

the individual deciding based






Reasonable is a subjective term. Society doesn’t need to decide what is reasonable it needs to decide what choice of another infringes on the civil liberty of another at a cost without consent. ~ FAIR: unless this is a place you’re going to where there

are merry-go-rounds,



balloons and cotton candy, there is no such thing as fair as it applies to life, there is only subjective opinion about what someone thinks is fair. To place the value word “fair” upon anything is to attribute to it your personal acceptance or tolerance. To have others agree with you is nothing more than shared value; to impose it on others is nothing more than Nazism. ~ VIRTUE: another connotation from society by which to manipulate your behavior into submission of another person’s ideal of the world.


There is no

virtue in life; no such thing. There are only choices people make in their own self-interest to further their experience of this life. Virtue is a subjective term; ignore those who attempt to heap it upon you in order to get you to adopt their ideology. VALUE OF LIFE: another attempt to impose upon you some ideology by which others want to feel superior, impose ideals and punish those who don’t agree. Just like the free market where each person decides the value of something, so too does each person decide the value of human life over any other life. I hate to break this to you, but no other species knows that you are “human”.

No other species

cares what you are capable of, how much money you make, what moralizing you profess.


emotion, thought or feeling you attribute to an animal is you projecting your own internal emotions, thoughts or feelings. That dog does not know what species you are, what kind of sex you have, what your dreams are and it doesn’t know to care. You develop a “relationship” based on your interactions with an animal, which observes your


choices either toward or away from behaviors which the animal either “likes” or “dislikes”. It doesn’t know you’re human; it doesn’t know you’re anything except that another species interacts with it in ways that it either “likes” or dislikes”. Again, raising the value of the animal is a subjective choice which means nothing and valued by no one other than you. That some others share that value means nothing except to observe that others happen to agree with you, so what?


OUT OF VICTIMIZATION How is it then that a person gets out of this lineage of diseased thinking and toward more personal freedom? Observation Action = Reaction Subjective Objective Accountability Responsibility Freedom Choice Making choices at no cost to others without their consent Self-evaluation Self-governance Self-reliance OBSERVATION: by observing your behavior and the willingness to look at your behavior from perspective by stepping back from emotion. Look at it from a scientific perspective where you observe the behavior or words chosen used to express yourself. Then start applying the idea of how does


your behavior infringe on another or uphold freedom of another. ACTION = REACTION: understand that every action or word spoken is considered an action whereby a reaction is going to be forthcoming and observable.

If you observe your action and the

reaction as one that you did not count on or hoped would reveal itself, reconsider in the future a different action. SUBJECTIVE: understand that subjective opinion is not a fact but an emotional decision based on your personal taste, that it is not evidenced by anything other than your like or dislike for something, for anything in this life. OBJECTIVE:






something to be as objective as possible, by which to insure freedom of an individual, then it must be data, facts and remiss of emotion or moral invocations. ACCOUNTABILITY: you must be willing to take ownership of every choice you make in your life. You can no longer relegate your personal choice for anything onto another person or situation.



you must be willing to be

response-able, the ability to respond to any choice you make no matter how great or small. FREEDOM: you must be able to be totally free in thought and action. In making a choice toward any thought or action that is not free, is understood by you, the individual, to be that of self-imposed ideology which prevents you from making free thought choice and taking free choice action. CHOICE:

you must be able to understand for

yourself that being able to make a personal choice for every direction of your life is held to no one other than you. MAKING A CHOICE AT NO COST TO OTHERS WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT: you must be able to observe that any choice you make cannot be at a cost to others without their consent.

Every time

choice is not available, it is an attempt to manipulate and control, thus at a cost to others without their consent. SELF-EVALUATION: you must be able to observe your behavior and look for patterns which create discourse in your goals that you set forth at any time during your life’s existence.


SELF-GOVERNANCE: is the ability to govern your own life to your own self-interest without a cost to others who do not consent or contract with you. To manage all aspects of life toward job, salary, expenditures,

income, use of

body & mind,

behaviors of self; decisions to engage with another entity be it corporation, government or individual. SELF-RELIANCE:

you must be able to fend for

yourself in this life with no dependence on others. To understand for yourself that should all other human beings become extinct you would know or have the confidence to figure out how to manage your life toward further longevity. Can I manage my life or can I figure it out in order to take care of myself or manage my basic needs of food, clothing and shelter? Others telling you that it is a virtue to love and rely on others do so for self-interest – typically their own desire to extort dependence from others. Don’t buy into it.


FINALLY We have reached the end of this journey. Your life is up to you. There is no one who can absolve you of your choices. Whether you choose to assimilate these concepts is completely up to you; it’s another choice. Disagree with what I have written, but have the fortitude to do so to the extent that you apply the formula to each and every disagreement. Find out for yourself, through honest evaluation, if what I have written is, indeed, not solid toward encouraging freedom and choice to every human being. Remember this: from this point forward your resistance to taking ownership of your choices is done consciously.

You will not be able to walk

through the rest of your life without the haunting sense of knowing that you are attempting to extort


others for your own benefit and self-interest when they have not consented. From this point forward you will walk through life understanding at some level that you are being irresponsible in your behavior when you are not able to respond to a choice you personally made. In each juncture in life for which a difficult choice is presented, you will not be able to live without knowing that you placed yourself in the very position you are now experiencing. Every attempt to deny this reality will only deepen your own disease of the mind, which does not live with freedom. We call it denial – it’s powerful and destructive. Every attempt to deny others the freedom of their choices will only deepen your own disease of the mind as you attempt to control and manipulate. You are free to make these choices but you will do so with consciousness. You will live with the outcome.


You will live with reality You will live with the pain that accumulates over time. You will not be able to surprise yourself if your choices lead to your own ill-health whereby the organism that is you, metastasizes the disease and takes away the very life you hold onto so dearly. The desire of this book is to free your mind; to free your choices to be your own. You don’t need anything but you Step up Take control As you explore and examine your life, by those that are part of your life and by the behavior you have engaged in thus far in your personal journey, you will uncover and unmask the frauds, the shams, the controllers, the manipulators and the charlatans who think they know best how you should live this one life. That they know best what choices you should make.

They know best what experiences you’re

allowed to have. They know the standard by which


everyone ought to live and exist in this world. They hold the standard by which all life is defined. Resist this with every fiber of your being; with all the intelligence you can muster, with every moment you have left.

Do not let others dictate your life.






understanding of freedom, choice, ownership and responsibility for choices made while not extorting a consequence free life-style paid for by others in this world. It must be stated that if you are still relegating to sources outside yourself (and there are many in our world by which to relegate to), unfortunately, you are still living the life of a victim, unable to mature to ownership of your choices, subjugating your life hoping for something better one day, perhaps beyond this life or suffering for the reward. Ask yourself basic questions: why would something or someone, anyone, want me to suffer for reward? What must be the mind of person who would make such a demand? Who actually taught me that suffering is a virtue?


Like many of you, I believed in seeking outside myself at one time, approval from other sources. If you relinquish accountability for choices then success for you is attributed to others and not yourself. You cannot relinquish your personal choices and ownership of such choices for something which belongs to you – your life. This is a challenge for a paradigm shift if you’ve been living under the illusion that something else is looking out for you; paying attention to you; bringing you good things and laying crap at your feet to deal with time and again, no matter who it may be – a parent, a friend, a colleague, even a deity.


facts are that each choice you’ve made in life you are personally accountable and thus, needed to be response-able to those choices. Your inability to be able to respond to a choice does not erase accountability. Thinking that you are not accountable and not having to be able to respond to your choices, is living the consequence – free lifestyle at a cost to others without their consent.


You are free to do such behavior and the other individual you are involved with is free to play in your psychodrama. The resistance you feel is your inability to want to take ownership of reality. The stronger this resistance is within you, the greater the level of disease within your mind. Remember we defined disease as heath without freedom. Life is for living and Health = Freedom. The more freedom the more health you have in this life you are now living. Let each care for self and all will be cared for! Enjoy!



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