Dated: 05th Sept. 2012 To The Editor,“The Management Accountant”, ICWAI, 12 Sudder Street, Kolkata 700 016.
Sub: Request for publication of the article titled “Shadow Price from the perspective of Management Accountant” in the Management Accountant Journal. Dear Sir, I am forwarding herewith two copies of the article titled “Shadow Price from the perspective of Management Accountant” for publication in “The Management Accountant” Journal of our institute. I certify that the article is original and has not been published or submitted for publication anywhere else and, it has not been presented or submitted for presentation at any Seminar/Conference/Workshop etc. Expecting your needful action and thanking you,
Yours truly,
(SUBIR CHAKRABARTY) FCMA M/5756. Address for Communication: Subir Chakrabarty P-116, C I T Scheme-VI M; Kankurgachi; Kolkata-700 054. (Mb: 9836123005)
Enclosed: Two copies of the article.