Ibm Total Storage San Switch F16

  • April 2020
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Intelligent fabric switch with enterprise performance for midrange and large storage networks

IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch F16

IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch F16 The IBM® TotalStorage® SAN Switch F16 provides 2 Gbps Fibre Channel performance and advanced functions to support demands for improved security, performance and manageability as the SAN fabric grows to include thousands of devices. It is based on next-generation switch

High port density packaging helps save rack space

technology that is designed to be fully interoperable with IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch S08 and


S16 and next generation F08, F32 ■

Can be used as a departmental

Provides broad range of IBM

and M12 Switches. You can configure

switch, a core fabric switch or

open server and storage

scalable solutions that help address

an edge switch with large

support including fabric, loop

your needs for high performance and

enterprise SANs

and private loop attachments

reliability for environments ranging from small workgroups to very large,

Designed to provide high

Offers 16-port Fibre Channel

integrated enterprise SANs.

performance with up to 2

switch with rack space saving

Gigabit/sec. (Gbps) throughput

Small Form-Factor Pluggable

Industry-standard Fibre Channel

per port and Inter-Switch Link

(SFP) transceivers

The IBM SAN Switch F16 is designed

(ISL) Trunking with aggregate speed up to 8 Gbps

to provide Fibre Channel connectivity ■

Offers advanced fabric


services such as end-to-end ■

Offers Advanced Security with

performance monitoring and

comprehensive, policy-based

advanced zoning

security capabilities

IBM ^® pSeries® and selected RS/6000® servers IBM ^ xSeries® and selected Netfinity® servers IBM ^ iSeries™

IBM TotalStorage Network Attached Storage 300G Other Intel®-based servers with Microsoft™ Windows NT® and Windows 2000®, NetWare and Linux Selected Sun and HP servers IBM TotalStorage® Enterprise Storage Server® (ESS) IBM TotalStorage FAStT Storage Servers IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Tape System 3590 and IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Tape Library 3494 IBM 3583 Ultrium Tape Library and IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Libraries IBM SAN Switches M12, F16, F08, S16, S08 and SAN Managed Hub1

e-business applications and enter-

F16 Switch fabrics can provide up to

prise storage management applica-

twice the performance of S16 Switch

tions—such as storage consolidation,

fabrics. Customers can now deploy

data protection, disaster tolerance

F16 Switches that are ready to exploit

and data sharing.

the performance potential of newer servers and storage devices with

IBM TotalStorage SAN Switches

2 Gbps capabilities.

IBM SAN Switch S08 and S16 support ANSI-standard Fibre Channel

The F16 Switch provides a complete

protocol at 1 Gbps. The F16 Switch is

solution for an entry or departmental

built upon a next-generation switch

SAN fabric, a small core connecting

technology that supports link speeds

multiple fabrics, or as an edge switch

of 1 and 2 Gbps. Each port supports

extending the each of an enterprise

either 100 MB/sec or 200 MB/sec,

core-to-edge SAN built around the

full-duplex data transfers. Auto-

M12 Core Fabric Switch. F16

sensing ports automatically negotiate

Switches can be used to expand an

to the highest speed supported by

existing core-to-edge SAN fabric

the attached server, storage or

infrastructure. As F16 Switches are


added to the core installed, SAN Switches can be migrated to the

The F16 Switch is suited for disaster

edge. This approach supports scal-

tolerance solutions such as remote

able network growth in a modular,

The F16 Switch supports the intercon-

tape vaulting and remote disk mir-

cost-effective and non-disruptive

nection of multiple IBM TotalStorage

roring. F16 Switches can provide up

manner with investment protection for

SAN Switch M12s, F32s, F16s, S16s

to twice the throughput of S16

installed switches.

and S08s. The interconnection of

Switches. This performance capa-

IBM and compatible (Brocade®

bility can be used to either reduce

Common SAN Switch functions and

SilkWorm® 2400, 2800, 3800, 3900

the number of expensive “between


and 12000) switches can help create

site” ISL connections or to improve

IBM TotalStorage SAN Switches

a scalable core-to-edge SAN fabric

the performance with the same

include universal ports that can auto-

that can provide high performance,

number of connections.

matically determine the port type

scalability, and fault tolerance

when connected to a fabric port

required by the most demanding

(F_port), fabric loop port (FL_port) or

expansion port (E_port). Fabric serv-

Zones may be dynamically created

QuickLoop enables servers with Fibre

ices include automatic self-discovery

and changed from any switch in the

Channel A bit rated Loop (FC-AL) pri-

of new devices and dynamic path

fabric. Advanced security functions

vate loop Host Bus Adapters (HBAs)

selection based upon Fabric Shortest

such as WWN hardware-enforced

to communicate with FC-AL storage

Path First (FSPF), which is designed

zoning are standard.

devices through IBM SAN Switches.

to select the most efficient routing in

Individual switch ports may be desig-

a SAN fabric. A mixture of shortwave

Extended Fabrics Activation extends

nated as FL_Ports, allowing a private

and longwave ports can be config-

SAN fabrics beyond the Fibre

host initiator to communicate with

ured. Rack-mounted installation is

Channel standard 10 km. This

FC-AL storage devices as though

standard, and desktop installation is

enables high-performance applica-

they were all contained in one logical

available. High availability is sup-

tions over extended distances for


ported by hot pluggable cooling fans

storage consolidation, data protec-

and optics. An additional power

tion, disaster tolerance and data

Switch configuration options

supply provides redundant power

sharing. ISLs using extended long-

Eight shortwave (500 M at 1 Gbps,

and dual line cords.

wave transceivers, Fibre Channel

300 M at 2 Gbps) universal ports are

repeaters and Dense Wave Division

standard. In addition, a mixture of

Common firmware functions and features

Multiplexing (DWDM) devices can

shortwave and longwave (10 km)

The common IBM SAN Switch

provide Metropolitan Area Network

ports can be configured by adding

firmware simplifies SAN fabric expan-

(MAN) connectivity distances.

up to eight SFP optical transceivers.

sion. Standards-based Management

Extended Fabrics Activation helps

SFP LC connectors provide higher

Server and Simple Name Server sup-

optimize switch buffering to provide

port density and cut rack space

port in-band discovery of SAN fabric

high performance by configuring

height requirements in half.

changes. Management access of

gateway switch ISLs with additional

SNMP information is provided via an

buffer credits.

external Ethernet interface or in-band

Inter-Switch Link (ISL) Trunking enables as many as four Fibre

over a Fibre Channel link through a

Remote Switch Activation extends the

Channel links between F08, F16, F32

single fabric connection.

distance of SAN fabrics by enabling

and M12 Switches to be combined to

two Fibre Channel switches to inter-

form a single logical ISL with an

Device-level zoning of the SAN fabric

connect over an ATM Wide Area

aggregate speed of up to 8 Gbps.

enables an administrator to create

Network (WAN). With this feature, one

These high-speed trunks help opti-

separate segments or zones within

can stage and manage data transfers

mize bandwidth utilization and

the SAN fabric to separate different

across a pair of Fibre Channel

enhance availability.

application servers and devices in

switches connected to a pair of Fibre

heterogeneous SAN environments.

Channel to WAN Gateways.

Load balancing can help balance the

device port. This enhanced perform-

provided by Advanced Zoning hard-

load across all of the ISLs through

ance monitor can enable more

ware-enforced WWN zoning. It pro-

trunking. This enables administrators

detailed Service Level Agreement

vides a comprehensive, policy-based

to focus on overall network perform-

(SLA) monitoring and billing.

security system for IBM SAN Switch fabrics with Fabric OS versions 3.1

ance rather than individual link congestion from multiple higher per-

Performance Bundle Activation pro-

and 4.1. Prior generation switch

formance devices sharing a single

vides support for ISL Trunking- and

investment protection is provided with

link. Administrators need only to mon-

Frame Filtering-based Performance

support for Fabric OS version 2.6.1.

itor the trunk performance rather than

Monitoring tools for enhanced

All switches in an Advanced Security

specific devices being routed across

end-to-end performance monitoring.

fabric must be upgraded before

it. Increased network reliability and

As core-to-edge SAN fabrics scale

Advanced Security can be deployed.

performance is supported because

up to thousands of devices, ISL

failed links do not require rerouting of

Trunking and Frame Filtering can help

Open fabric management


to greatly simplify storage manage-

IBM SAN Switch management frame-

ment and reduce the overall cost of

work is designed to support the

the storage infrastructure.

widest range of solutions—from the

End-to-end performance monitoring

very small workgroup SANs up to

Next-generation switching technology enables Frame Filtering, which is

Advanced security

very large enterprise SAN fabrics with

based upon additional information in

As entry level and departmental SAN

thousands of devices. Small SANs

several fields in the packet header.

islands evolve into large enterprise

require rapid deployment and

Frame Filtering enables new intelli-

SANs, which may be interconnected

plug-and-play simplicity. Very large

gent fabric services such as

over Wide Area Networks (WANs),

SAN fabrics require centralized man-

end-to-end performance analysis.

advanced security is required to con-

agement and automated administra-

trol and manage fabric access.

tion. IBM SAN Switch management

IBM S08 and S16 Switches provide

External threats and internal opera-

options include a browser-based

performance information at the switch

tional events can compromise valu-

SAN Switch Web Tool and open

or port level. IBM F16 Switches with

able enterprise data assets and

standards-based interfaces to

Frame Filtering provide detailed infor-

create data integrity exposures.

enterprise SAN managers. With an

mation at the frame level. This infor-

Advanced Security Activation feature

industry-standard SNMP interface,

mation can be used to monitor

can help create a secure storage net-

customers know that IBM

performance end-to-end across the

working infrastructure required for

TotalStorage SAN Switches can gain

entire core-to-edge SAN fabric—from

multiple protocol operation and SAN

the benefits of being centrally man-

a specific server to a specific storage

island consolidation. Advanced

aged with Tivoli® SAN management

Security extends basic fabric security


SAN Switch Web Tools are designed

an easy-to-use interface to intelligent

Fabric Manager provides a

to provide a comprehensive set of

fabric features such as end-to-end

Java-based application that can help

management tools that supports a

performance monitoring and ISL

simplify management of complex,

Web browser interface for flexible,


multiple switch fabric. SAN Switch Web Tools and Fabric Manager work

easy-to-use integration into existing enterprise storage management

Fabric Manager

together on the same management

structures. WEBTOOLS supports

Fabric Manager 4.1 can help simplify

server which can be attached to any

security and data integrity by limiting

management, reduce cost of adminis-

switch in the core/edge fabric. It can

(zoning) host system attachment to

tration and accelerate deployment

also manage up to eight separate

specific storage systems and

and provisioning. It builds upon

fabrics. Fabric Manager requires a


Fabric Manager 3 by offering new

Windows NT/2000 or Sun Solaris 7


server with Netscape or Internet Explore Web browser.

Fabric Watch is a standard function on M12, F32, F16, S16* and S08*

Switches. Fabric Watch threshold monitoring tracks the health of

switches and SAN fabric. Fabric Watch monitors fabric resources, port traffic, switch environmental values

and operational values for GigaBit Interface Converters (GBIC) and optical transceivers. This information is accessible from WEBTOOLS and

Configuration change management with fabric snapshot and compare Secure Fabric OS management including security policy control, audit and reporting SAN topology visualization and at-a-glance views Call home facility sends email notification to support personnel as events occur

Enterprise SAN fabric management Fabric Watch can send alerts to enterprise SAN fabric management software from vendors such as Computer Associates, Hewlett Packard, Tivoli, and VERITAS. Brocade Fabric Access Layer API server agents are available on IBM SAN Switches. Only a single connec-

Fabric Manager. When used with IBM

tion to the fabric is required to access

SAN Switches, WEBTOOLS provides

any switch or fabric-wide resource.

IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch F16 at a glance Physical characteristics Height (rack-mount) Height (table-top) Width Depth Weight (single power) (dual power supply)

4.33 cm/1.72 in (1U) 4.72 cm/1.86 in (1U) 42.9 cm/16.9 in 62.2 cm/24.5 in 10.65 kg/23.5 lb 12.7 kg/28.0 lb

Operating environment Temperature

0° to 40° C/32° to 104° F

Relative humidity

5% to 80% at 40° C/104° F

Power requirements Power range

85 to 264 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz

© International Business Machines Corporation 2004 IBM Corporation 5600 Cottle Road San Jose, CA 95193 Produced in the United States of America April 2004 All Rights Reserved IBM and the IBM logo, Enterprise Storage Server, ^, iSeries, Magstar, Netfinity, pSeries, RS/6000, S/390, TotalStorage, xSeries, and zSeries are registered or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Windows 2000 and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries or both.

Product numbers 2109 F16—IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch with eight shortwave transceivers. One to eight additional shortwave or longwave transceivers are optional.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.

FC 2210 (PN 19K1271)—Shortwave Transceiver

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

FC 2214 (PN 22R0483)—Shortwave SFP Transceiver Four Pack

References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates.

FC 2220 (PN 19K1272)—Longwave Transceiver FC 2224 (PN 22R0484)—Longwave Transceiver Four Pack

IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and used parts. In some cases, the hardware product may not be new and may have been previously installed. Regardless, IBM warranty terms apply.

FC 2235 (PN 17P7405)—35 Km Longwave SFP Transceiver FC 2280 (PN 17P7407)—80 Km Longwave SFP Transceiver FC 9205—Non-rack mount install FC 5605 (PN 19K1248)—Fibre Channel cable, LC/LC, multimode optical, 50.0u, 5 meters FC 5625 (PN 19K1249)—Fibre Channel cable, LC/LC, multimode optical, 50.0u, 25 meters


For specific availability dates, configuration options, server models, operating system levels and attachment capabilities, please consult the Web at:

FC 5701—Fibre Channel SC male/LC female coupling cable, multimode optical, 50.0u, 2 meters FC 5702 (PN 19K1250)—Fibre Channel LC male/SC female coupling cable, multimode optical, 50.0u, 2 meters FC 6203 (PN 18P3576)—Additional power supply FC 7202 (PN 18P6019)—Fabric manager 3 FC 7203—Fabric manager 4 FC 7204 (PN 17P7183)—Fabric manager 3 to 4.1 Upgrade FC 7302 (PN 18P3579)—Remote Switch Activation FC 7303 (PN 18P3580)—Extended Fabric Activation FC 7421 (PN 18P3590)—Performance Bundle FC 7423 (PN 18P3596)—F16 Advanced Security Activation RPQ 8S0521—QuickLoop

For more information For more information, contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner. Or visit

TSD00016-USEN-07 G225-6929-07

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