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IBM Software Group

Essentials of Rational ClearCase Module 6: Configuring Workspaces


Objectives Upon completing this module, you should be able to: 

Explain how configuration specifications select versions of elements

Explain the configuration specification syntax

Edit configuration specification rules to select specific versions of elements

Automate configuration specifications using include files and the setcs command


Using Views: Review  You can create multiple views to manage tasks, typically with one view per task  New development work  Bug fixes  Experimental work/research

 Each view has a config spec, a set of rules evaluated in order, to select versions of elements  A snapshot view config spec also contains load rules to download selected versions  You can use config specs to implement branching strategies 3

Config Spec Matching  Config spec is evaluated for each element  Config spec rules are evaluated in order  The first rule that matches, that version appears in view  For current rule:  If a version matches, select this version  If no version matches, go to next rule


Config Spec Matching: Example 1 element element element

* * *

CHECKEDOUT /main/r2_int/LATEST R1 -mkbranch r2_int


Config Spec Matching: Example 2 Rule 1: Rule 2: Rule 3: Rule 4:

element element element element

Rule 1:

If the element is checked out, select that version. If there is no checkout, go to next rule.

Rule 2:

Select the latest version on the r2_int branch. If there is no r2_int branch, go to next rule.

Rule 3:

Select the version labeled R1. Instead of checking out the selected version, create the r2_int branch and go through the process again starting with rule 1.

Rule 4:

Rule to select new elements when adding them to source control.

* * * *

CHECKEDOUT /main/r2_int/LATEST R1 –mkbranch r2_int /main/0 –mkbranch r2_int


Config Spec Syntax Consists of four parts:


Scope element * MYLABEL -mkbranch br2

Specifies types of elements to which the rule applies.  element Applies to all elements  element -dir Applies to directory elements only  element -file Applies to file elements only 8


Specifies locations in the VOB where a rule applies.  Allows selecting from general to specific: * src/…

=> all element pathnames => entire directory tree of src

 Pathname pattern with ClearCase wildcards: Valid characters: ? * ~ [xyz] [x-y] ...

 Restrictions  No view extended pathnames or VOB symbolic links  All pathnames must start at or below a VOB tag 9

Pattern: Examples  element *.c /main/LATEST For all files ending in .c, work on the main line  element /hardware/src/util.c /main/LATEST Apply this rule to only the util.c file in the src directory  element



Select /main/LATEST only from from the /hardware/src directory, or any of its subdirectories


Version Selector

Specifies where a rule applies in a version tree.  The version selected if the scope and pattern match  Can be dynamic: CHECKEDOUT, /main/LATEST  Can be static: /main/4  Can use a subset of the query language to select versions 11

Version Selector: Examples  /main/LATEST Select the latest version on the main branch  R2 Select the version labeled R2 no matter where it is  .../bugfix/R2 Select the version labeled R2 on branch bugfix, at any depth in the version tree  “/main/{created_since(30-Apr)&&! created_since(31-May)}” Select versions created between April 30th and May 31st 12

Optional Clause

Adds an action or modifies the meaning of a rule.  -mkbranch Checkout of version selected by rule => implements auto-make-branch routine => an instance of is created at that version. Example: element * R2 -mkbranch bugfix

 -time When used, the last version created BEFORE is selected on a branch instead of the version marked by LATEST. Example: element * /main/branch/LATEST -time 5-Dec.13:00


Standard Configuration Rules  The rules of the default config spec: element * CHECKEDOUT element * /main/LATEST

 Typically include these rules in views you use to modify data  You can omit these rules in views you use to see historical data Example: element * R1 -nocheckout


Write Config Spec Rules for the Following 1. For all elements, select the latest version on the nt_port branch. 2. For all .c file elements, select the version labeled R1 on the r2_int branch. 3. For all elements below any src directory, select the latest version on the r1_bugfix branch. 4. For all elements, create a alex_dev branch off of versions labeled R2.2 on the r2_int branch. 5. For all elements, select all versions labeled PATCH2, but do not allow check out. 15

Write Config Specs for the Following 1. Create a new branch for your own development off the latest version of branch r2_int. 2. Create a bugfix branch called r1_bugfix off of element versions labeled R1.0. 3. Set up a config spec to build the product, taking all JPEG files (.jpg) from the main line, but all others from the r2_int branch. 4. Work on the main line of the directory, but set up a shared bugfix branch off main for files.


Managing Config Specs with Include Files  Ensures that team members are using the same config spec  Allows users to share the same set of rules, while still maintaining the “privacy” of their own view  These config specs can reside on a server and be maintained by the project lead Example: include \\server\views\config_spec\rel3


Managing Config Specs with setcs  Makes a specified file (user-specified or systemdefault) a view’s config spec  Can be used to set a user’s config spec to a configuration designed and maintained by the project lead  If the project lead changes the configuration, the user performs another setcs Example: cleartool setcs \\server\views\config_spec\rel3


Displaying and Editing Config Specs: Review

To view a config spec, click Properties of View.

To edit the config spec, click Edit.


Error Checking ClearCase checks for config spec syntax errors.


Viewing Rule Selection


Module Review  How does a config spec select versions?  What are the parts of the config spec syntax? What does each do?  Which parts of the config spec syntax are required? What happens if one is omitted?  What are the default config spec rules? When might you choose not to use them?  What does an include rule in a config spec do?  What does the setcs command do?  How do you change a view config spec?


Module Lab  In this lab, you will perform the following tasks:  Use the ClearCase GUI to create a view  Edit the config spec to automatically create branches  Edit the config spec from the command line



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